#reid garwin imagines
ipswitch-ink · 3 months
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Romantic Pogue Thoughts.
Pogue issuch an old fashioned romantic. Always picks you up before a date and he doesn't just drive you home, he walks you right up to the door and opens it for you; gives you his jacket when it's chilly out; pulls out a chair for you; just a total gentleman at heart. Honestly, Pogue makes other guys look like losers compared to him, he's just that good and barely has to try to do it.
He takes things slow, even before you’re dating, but that’s just his way. Pogue wants to be careful with the partner he chooses, knowing how important this is., and at first, he just thought you were cute. Flirted a little bit, stole lingering glances when you weren’t looking, thought about you a lot, it takes a while to finally make a move. But when it got to the point he was having dreams about you and getting pissed when some other guy hit on you, Pogue figured this was more than a crush and asked you out. And he was so smooth about it too, driving up on his bike while you were walking home one day and telling you that you really should go out with him sometime.
"Like a date?"
"Yeah, like a date," he replied. "Dinner, dancing, all the classics."
And it's sort of the best date ever, Pogue walking you home that night, holding your hand all the way. He didn't kiss you at first, even though he wanted to, leaving you at the door and wishing you a goodnight. But halfway down the drive, he thought, fuck it. So he turned around, pulled you into his arms, and kissed you the way he'd been dreaming of for weeks. Now he gets to kiss you every day and he takes full advantage of that
Pogue is SO supportive. Giving a presentation in class? He'll purposely ask a perfect question that allows you to expand on a certain topic (and if he can't be there, he'll get one of his friends to do it). Got a game or event of some kind? He's right there, giving you a kiss for good luck. Pogue has read your favorite books, listened to the bands you like, knows everything about you and loves it all.
Very touchy, very affectionate, he always has to be touching you to some degree. Playing with your hair, stealing a kiss, holding your hand, an arm around your shoulders or waist, pulling you onto his lap. The coven teases him for it, especially Caleb, but he couldn't care less.
"Dude, how about you two get a room?"
"Hey, how about you get a life?"
He wears thick silver rings, some plain and some with designs and at some point, he accidentally leaves one with you. When you try to give it back, he tells you to keep it and calls it a "promise ring." It's too big for you to wear it on your hand, so you keep it on a chain around your neck and he loves that. The way the silver shines against your skin, the ring falling just between your breasts...always kissing your neck, playing with the chain, tugging you closer, the man is OBSESSED.
Some idiot hits on you right in front of him, to the point of trying to touch you, only for you to slap his hand away as he calls you a cunt. Pogue isn't even going to waste magic on this bitch, no, he handles this the old fashioned way: takes him outside, beats the hell out of him, and makes it clear what's going to happen if the guy ever looks at you funny. Then Pogue turns around and returns to you, promising that the bastard won't dare do it again.
He keeps a few pictures of you around at all times. One in his wallet, some on his bedroom mirror and in the garage, where he keeps his tools, a few more in a box where he keeps mementos of your relationship.
Pogue likes to write. Horror stories, mysteries, and historical fiction mostly. It's something not a lot of people know about him (he's pretty private) but he's actually a really talented writer and lets you read his stuff later in the relationship. And when you tell him how much you like it and how certain you are that he'll be published one day, he can't stop himself from smiling like an idiot. He will be published one of these days and his first book is dedicated to you, of course.
Very overprotective of you, to the point where you have to call him on it. Pogue cannot help it, the feeling comes naturally to him, but he does recognize that he can be overbearing at the worst of times and works on that.
Pogue struggles to open up, he's the kind of man who keeps his cards close. But by doing so, he pushes you away and calls it protection, his actions nearly costing him your relationship. Once he sees this and realizes how much he loves you, Pogue will finally tell you everything.
Loves seeing you in his clothes, especially his jacket around others (it's like he's claiming you with a silent mine) and his oversized t-shirts in private, when you stay the night with him. You used to bring your own clothes when you stayed over but they always seemed to vanish (hmmm, I wonder why) so you just gave up.
If you have a job, he WILL show up and very sweetly bother you. Waitress at a local place? He and the coven are there at least a couple times a week, Pogue flirting the whole time and leaving a massive tip (he also punishes any and all patrons who are rude to you and the rest of the staff because fuck that noise). Helping out at the school library? Well, he just so happens to be studying and could you help him find this particular book in a dark, quiet, perfect for making out the corner of the library? He'll be certain to reward you for it.
Calls you every night before bed just to hear your voice. Pogue loves your voice, the way you say his name, whispering as to not wake anybody up, smothering laughter when he says something sweet. It's his favorite ritual and he honestly can't sleep without it. The day you move in together and he gets to hold you and talk to you every night, my god, he's just in heaven.
Loves to take you on long bike rides out to some pretty place, quiet and peaceful. It's just the two of you, hiding from the whole damn world and being so, so in love and that's how he likes it.
Pogue is the first guy you brought home that your dad actually liked (mostly because he grew up with Mr. Perry and thinks well of him) and he's so smug about that. Wins over the whole family in a single night and comes over a couple times a month for dinner, always clears the table and helps with the dishes. Reid calls him a dork for this, but Pogue just points out that NONE of Reid's "meet the parents" moments have ever gone well and maybe there's a reason for that.
He shows you his magic through something beautiful: snow in the summer. You love snow and, wanting to ease you into the strangeness, he makes something he knows you'd like. At first, Pogue is so afraid that you'll still be scared, that you'll reject him. But all you do is kiss him, snow melting between your lips and making everything okay...maybe that's your sort of magic.
"I love you, Pogue..."
Pogue stresses a lot and you see that. You're always there for him, always comforting him and listening to him vent, taking up for him when others talk trash behind his back. And he loves that about you, loyalty is something he deeply values.
Pogue knows he wants to marry you about a year and a half into the relationship. Something went down and, instead of being afraid, you had remained by his side the whole time, his rock in the tempest of everything. And in that moment, he knew he wanted to marry you, buying a ring in secret and holding onto it until the time was right and he knew it was what you wanted to. And after that…
Happily ever after.
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rosescarlett · 1 month
Tyler: Is there a word that's a mix between angry and sad?
Caleb: Disappoinment, disgruntled, malcontented...
Reid: Smad!
Pogue: there are two types of people.
*Chase coming back to Ipswich after his exhile*
Chase: Hey! Okay, I know you all have mixed feelings for me, but I swear.... I've seen a therapist! Ok, and now I'm a new person and I will behave, I promise, I will be good. So, with that in mind, I was wondering if you could ever consider making me part of....
Caleb: NO, you threatened to kill my friends and family!, you cursed Sarah and Kate!, you sent Pogue to the hospital!, we won't forgive you!, we're still... still... we're still SMAD at you!
Chase: you…? you're still…? what?
Reid: we are still disappointed, disgruntled and malcontented at you.
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allxthingsxglxtter · 1 year
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erik was not familiar with bar fights, but he was familiar with pissing people off. “this hobble will offer solitude, i suppose. no one has found me here yet either, apart from you.” and even that was entirely by accident. he didn’t feel the need to threaten the other over giving away this very convenient hiding spot. the composer neatly stacked his music on the desk he had shifted into the abandoned drug store. “i can lock the doors. i had an acquaintance acquire me a key. i imagine you got in through the broken window in the back.” he deduced as he moved to lock the doors. “well, since we are to keep each other company for a bit, i should ask your name.” erik asked expectantly.
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"I'll avoid ducking in here in the future. I know it's a precious thing, having your own place to be alone. Thank you for letting me stick around." Reid gave the man another smile before glancing around the space, curious but also trying not to pry. "You would be correct. Took some maneuvering, but I didn't break anything new or bleed anywhere. And the name's Reid. Reid Garwin. And you?"
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Reid dating Tylers older sister; the mom of the group, would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(D- Reid dating Tyler’s older sister; the mom friend, who is also a witch herself)
- Tyler is the youngest of the group by a year; you’re older than him by two so you and Reid have a one year age gap.
- Because you’re the oldest you’re used to taking care of people and having more responsibilities which translated into you becoming “the mom friend”.
- Reid has nearly always thought of you as Tylers gorgeous older sister. He’s had a crush on you since forever yet just as he was about to make a move the school year ended and you had to go off to Spenser Academy leaving him in the dust. When the boys finally made it to the academy you realized that... well, Reid had gotten hot...like really hot.
- Reid kind of sucks at flirting so it’s nice that you know each other prior to him asking you out for the first time. If he had to introduce himself while trying to charm you things could have gotten messy.
- Before the two of you get together Reid would try to subtly ask about you and get Tyler to invite you out to where they were going or were currently. Tyler isn’t stupid so he realizes what Reid attempting to do.
- Tyler threatened Reid not to go for you when they were younger so when he hears that the two of you are going on a date he’s kinda pissed. It legitimately caused a rift between them for a few days. It still makes him annoyed when he thinks about it.
- Tyler makes faces everytime you kiss or do some couples thing in front of him. You can’t help but laugh in response.
- If you have that witchy look™️ then just know that he is incredibly turned on by you. Alternative girls are kind of his kryptonite because he’s a baby alternative himself.
- You have a love dislike relationship with him. Even though he’s the love of your life sometimes he just exasperates you.
- Your relationship amuses everyone because you seem like such polar opposites personality wise. A lot of people can’t figure out why you’re together.
- There’s two distinct groups out of the boys: Reid and Tyler, and Pogue and Caleb. Of course you choose to spend most of your time with your boyfriend and brother.
- Reid calls Tyler “little brother” just to piss him off.
- You always try to keep him and everyone else in the group out of trouble although he definitely makes it hard.
- Sometimes you just gotta say boys will be boys when he does or says some dumb shit. You accepted that he was just a boy at the start of your relationship, you knew some boyish shenanigans were gonna happen.
- He’s really impulsive at times so you have to be the rational thinker in your relationship.
- He tries to push his luck, flashing his yellow eyes at you just to get you to give him that signature mom look™️. You know the one, the look that exudes “don’t even think about it” energy.
- You sometimes use your powers on him to get him to cut the shit. He gets heated from it in more ways than one.
- You’re incredibly gentle with him at other times and honestly? He really likes being babied.
- Cradling his pretty little face as he stares at you with love.
- Reid is slightly clumsy which correlates with him getting hurt. You make sure to take care of him whenever he gets all banged up.
- Reid seems like he’d be kind of awkward in his youth like he reads a lot and that probably came from his shy goofy teen years. I can imagine a lot of his literary choices came from books or authors you’ve told him you liked.
- Making sure the other guys trust him when its important and you know he isn’t in the wrong.
- Going after him when he and the others fight. You try your best to calm him down and make him feel better.
- Reid exudes sexual energy which I don’t think would be lost on you. He’d definitely try to use it to his advantage and worm his way out of your wrath by making himself appear as attractive as he can.
- Either that or he acts all innocent and puppy dog like until you just sigh in defeat and let him pull you into a hug or something.
- Pogue jokes with both him and Tyler by saying that him dating an older woman is “hot”. Reid calls you a cougar or jokes that he should call the cops on you for dating him; a mInOr.
- In return you call him “your little man” in a baby voice and pinch his cheeks. Jokes on you, he likes it.
- Your roomate jokingly calls him cute like he’s a baby/puppy.
- An older girlfriend means no girlfriend in class and his girlfriend all alone with other guys...ogling her, boys who have never met him. He doesn’t like it.
- You’re the mom friend so your kindness and need to help people kind of trumps your ability to recognize other guys shenanigans. He makes sure to keep guys who want to take advantage of your sweetness away from you.
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dustofbrokenheart · 3 years
The Covenant: Holiday Gift Giving
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Caleb Danvers
This boy takes the methodical approach and has been planning the gift for months, perusing different sales, comparing promotions, and pouring over product reviews.
Normally buys it during bright and early Black Friday (emphasis on Friday because he’s not a believer on going out Thanksgiving Day.
However, has bought things earlier in the year when a deal was too good to pass up.
Gift always comes immaculately wrapped. Caleb himself isn’t all that good at wrapping but he makes sure to get it done by a professional (which ends up being his mom most times.)
Pogue Parry
Pogue is pretty terrible at giving gifts. That’s not to mean that he doesn’t care, he just shows it in other ways like taking you out for lunch once a week or fixing up the leaky shower head at your place.
The only times he bothers with giving gifts are your birthday, your anniversary, and the winter holidays.
Still, it’s at the back of his mind so he usually ends up doing something last minute, much to Caleb’s appall. But once he puts it on his mental list of things to do, he’s very decisive and able to pick something, and buy it, all within the same day.  
Foregoes a wrapped gift and will either just give you the thing outright, or, if he’s feeling particularly motivated, will stick it in a gift bag with a piece or two of extra crinkled tissue paper.
Reid Garwin
He may come off as being self-centered, especially at the start of the relationship, but actually enjoys gift giving and is really good at it.
Doesn’t quite go to Caleb’s level of organization (spreadsheets and Reid don’t get along) but he’s more observative than people give him credit for, which is a product of him trying to out do Caleb for so many years.
That cute thing on Etsy that you had pulled up as a tab for two weeks straight on your laptop? Or that time you turned up the radio full blast when a tour promo for your favorite band came on? Whenever you gushed to him about your latest fixation? Yeah, he tucked that information away for later.
Will spoil you with gifts no matter what time of the year it is, no matter if there’s a big occasion for it. Competent enough with wrapping paper (don’t expect something super fancy but his lines are straight and everything is smoothed down) and will wrap presents himself.
Tyler Simms
Actually the worst gift giver of the bunch, even if it’s not intentional. It’s just that you’re his whole world, and he doesn’t want to mess up and give you the wrong thing.
As the youngest of the boys, he’s used to them giving him advice/ideas in all areas of his romantic relationships, so when left to his own devices, he’s super indecisive about deciding what to get you. Combine that indecisiveness with his anxious tendency to procrastinate, and he has been known to not get you anything at all.
Is trying to get better with this as he gets older but giving presents still stresses him out. It’d be so much easier if he could just take you out for a walk and shower you with compliments, or something. And if you have your heart set on something, it’s better to just tell him upfront rather than giving him hints.
Still, you’ve loved each gift that he’s managed to give you and he wears a big smile for the rest of the day after you told him so.
Chase Collins
The level of gift depends on the stage of the relationship.
If it’s the getting to know each other/honeymoon stage, expect presents of the classic romantic variety. (The boy is talented at winning people over.) 
But if it’s a long-term, established thing, you can expect the exact opposite, which is him giving borderline prank presents. You like cars? Have fun with your new crocs that have custom Hot Wheels flames printed on the sides. Are you dying for new things to decorate your desk with? Congratulations, you are the proud, new owner of a set of horribly painted, bootlegged Lord of The Rings figures. 
Is one of those people who will put the present in multiple layers of box, only to have a roll of toilet paper inside of it all because he noticed you were running low. 
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The Boys as Hogwarts Houses
acvrosstheuniverse said: The sons of Ipswich as Hogwarts houses plz ❤️🤘🏻
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Let’s start with the youngest.
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“Hufflepuffs value hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play.”
Sweet Baby Boy would be Hufflepuff. Just look at his friendship with Reid. He's got the patience of a saint and is loyal as heck.
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“Slytherin...turns out leaders who are proud, ambitious and cunning.”
Ok but listen, Slytherin doesn't pop out bad wizards. Look at Snape. SNAPE'S THE REAL MVP. He's got all the makings of a good-natured Slytherin.
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“... Gryffindor is the house which most values the virtues of courage, bravery and determination.”
Homie went after Chase. You gone tell me he didn't have any idea he'd lose. NO. He knew and he did it anyway.
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“Ravenclaws prize wit, learning, and wisdom.”
This one's kinda self explanatory. It's Caleb. He looks before he leaps. He's wise beyond his years. Not saying he's a genius but pretty sure he's got a 4.0 GPA.
A/N: This is just my humble opinion, it could be off. But remember, their primary house's could be closely followed by others.
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fanficimagery · 6 years
Imagine being the twin to Tyler Simms who was sent away to live with an aunt when the Sons of Ipswich first came into their Powers. But after many tears and hours of begging your parents to be able to attend your last year of school with your twin, it's time to go home and reunite with everyone you had left behind.
Author's Note: I'm pretty sure the whole fight with Chase happened their Senior year, but for the sake of this Imagine we'll say it happened at the end of their Junior Year. Sarah left because she couldn't quite handle everything that happened or deal with the weight of their secret, so she packed up and left.
This Imagine will take place a month before the start of their Senior Year at the Academy.
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Caleb X Reader
Sitting in the rather dim lounge area of what used to be your childhood home, your right knee bounces in a restless manner while you scroll through tumblr on your phone. Your brother should be on his way home from Spencer Academy since your parents had left him a message to briefly return home since he chose to live in the Academy dorms, and you're looking forward to the look of surprise on his face.
You hear the distinct sound of the front door opening, followed by voices. Grinning, you toss aside your phone and push up to your feet.
"So what was the urgent matter that had your parents calling you home?" Someone asks. "They're not even here themselves."
"Shutup, Reid. They probably left a note somewhere."
Two individuals come to a sudden stop in the doorway of the lounge, one dark haired and the other blonde. Both, even though they've aged, are very familiar.
"Reid fuckin' Garwin. Oh how you've grown up."
"Hiya, twin," you then grin at Tyler. "Long time no see."
"Baby girl? Oh shit!" Reid laughs, both he and Tyler then rushing into the room. Tyler reaches you first, pulling you into a hug before Reid drags you into his own arms. You laugh as he picks you up, whirling you around. "When did you get here?"
"Yesterday," you tell them once you're settled on your own two feet. "Got settled in first before I let mom and dad call in Ty."
"You're back?" Your twin asks, surprised. "For good?"
"Yep. I couldn't exactly graduate from a school without my twin. Could I?"
"Yes!" Reid laughs. "You know what this calls for. Right?"
Tyler groans. "No. No party."
"Yes party!" You whoop. "Come on, Garwin, please let there be a party?"
"Oh, there's a party." You whoop again and Reid grins at you before looking to your twin. "See... this is why I always liked your sister, man. Even as kids she was the more adventurous one."
"Yeah? Well you're not the one who got weekly emails about her adventures in Salem. If we're partying, then you're babysitting."
Reid laughs. "Babysitting? How bad can Y/N be?" His gaze darts between you and Tyler, and both you and your twin simultaneously smirk. "You know what? Maybe we outta call in Pogue and Caleb. They like to party too."
You snort. "You just want more hands on deck in case you can't handle me. Aw, how cute."
"Jesus fuck. You really are the complete opposite of Baby boy."
"Oh... you have no idea."
For some reason Reid seemed to have the main driving privileges on Tyler's hummer, but you didn't even bother to question it as the two boys appeared to have some sort of system worked out where Tyler would complain about Reid demanding his keys before actually handing them over. You happily rode in the back seat to the beach and were looking forward to the party.
Stars litter the night sky and the beach is lit up with a couple of bonfires and tiki torches. The air is just crisp enough so it's not uncomfortable and the DJ stationed somewhere along the beach is playing the beats that's most popular with the crowd.
"I'm going to go find some drinks? Want one, Y/N?" Reid asks.
"Yes, please!"
Tyler refuses a drink and you smile at his innocence as Reid teases him. Three then turns into two.
"So when are Caleb and Pogue getting here?" You ask.
Tyler shrugs. "Caleb's running a little late and Pogue should be around here... somewhere," he says while glancing around.
You glance around, studying the party-goers to make sure you're not overlooking a grown-up Pogue. But soon enough, a voice coming from your left has you grinning from ear to ear. "Do my eyes deceive me or am I seeing little miss Y/N all grown up?"
Turning towards the voice, your eyes narrow as you study the guy's features. Tyler chuckles from beside you and when you realize just who it is that's spoken, you squeal and jump on him. As he catches you, your legs wrap around the his waist and you grasp his smiling face in your hands. "Pogue!" Your eyes dart all over his handsome face, your hands then grasping at his hair. "Look at your hair! You actually grew it out."
"What can I say, the ladies dig it." Someone clears their throat from your side. Pogue glances at her and sheepishly laughs. "Well... lady, at least."
Looking to the girl Pogue had glanced at, your smile widens. "Girlfriend?"
"Girlfriend," the mocha skinned girl confirms, lips pursed and expression completely annoyed at the fact you're wrapped around her boyfriend.
You punch Pogue's shoulder before dropping your legs and stepping away. "Way to go, Parry. She's a cutie." The girl's expression falters, her shoulders slightly slumping. "Y/N," you then introduce yourself to her. "Tyler's twin and long time friend of Pogue's. I'm totally not trying to encroach on him."
She finally chuckles. "Kate. And I didn't know Tyler had a twin."
"Yeah. I, uh, I moved away when I was thirteen. Now I'm back to finish out school with my brother and his idiot best friends."
"Oh... so you know the Sons?"
Her question is rather innocent, but the way her gaze darts to Pogue and the way she gulps give away her real meaning. "Yes. I know of the Sons. I was born into the Simms bloodline, after all. But the real question here, I think, is how you know?"
Pogue groans and drapes an arm around her shoulders, but before he can answer there's a red solo cup being thrust into your face and Reid smirking behind it. "Pogue and Caleb's girlfriends were kidnapped and cursed. They were brought in on our dirty little secret and then Caleb's girl split because she couldn't handle it."
You sigh and then laugh as you take your drink. "The Covenant of Silence means nothing to you boys, does it?"
Reid grins. "Don't look at me. It was all Boy Wonder and his Right Hand's fault."
"Shut up, Reid," Kate mutters, slapping Reid's bicep with the back of her hand.
You sidle up to Kate as the boys start bickering back and forth, you sharing your drink with her as you watch on in amusement. The both of you then end up perched on a piece of driftwood, side by side, chatting back and forth.
Three cups in and glancing across the fire you see a boy walking towards your group- dark hair cropped short, a small smile making a dimple appear, and a black peacoat hugging his form. Whistling lowly, you lean further into Kate. "So if I can't climb your boyfriend like a tree, can I climb him?" You mutter, gesturing towards the boy with your cup.
Kate snorts into her drink and Reid drops down on your other side. "Did you just ask if you could climb Caleb like a tree?"
"What?!" Your eyes widen and Kate cackles. "That's Caleb? Caleb Danvers?!" You whisper shout. Reid can only laugh hard in response, you then elbowing him. "Shut up, Garwin!"
"Oh man, I can't believe you want to jump Caleb."
"If you say anything, I will show everyone very unflattering pics of you when you were going through puberty! We're going to the same school now, Reid. Choose wisely."
"Fine... fine. I won't say anything."
"Y/N?" Glancing up, you find Caleb smiling down at you in awe. "Tyler didn't tell me you were gonna be here."
"Surprise..." you nervously cheer. Kate and Reid both snort, but it's Reid you push off the driftwood. Then quickly standing up you embrace Caleb in a more than cozy, welcoming hug. "It's so good to see you. I almost didn't recognize you."
"Apparently milk really does do the body good." The statement is muttered by Kate which then sends Reid into more peals of laughter.
"Alright, lightweight, I'm cutting you off." Pogue plucks the cup from his girlfriend's hand, he then passing it to Tyler who gets rid of it. Then pulling Kate to her feet, he gestures for Tyler to follow them while casting you a more than obvious wink.
Reid smirks at the both of you and you realize a little too late that you and Caleb are still wrapped around each other. Clearing your throat, you awkwardly untangle yourself from him and step back. The blonde then takes his leave with a muttered excuse which leaves you and Caleb shyly glancing at each other.
Tucking his hands into his jean pockets, Caleb makes a quick gesture with his head to follow. You do. "So how long are you in for?" He wonders.
"For good," you grin.
Caleb's eyes crinkle as he smiles. "How'd you manage that?"
"There may or may not have been some wonderfully fake tears. And some pouting with a whole lot of guilt tripping dad about distancing me from my twin."
"You always were the devious one," he chuckles.
"And don't you forget it." Hip checking Caleb only makes his smile all the more genuine.
"So what exactly have you been up to? Break many hearts in Salem?" He then teases.
Your nose wrinkles and you take a moment to answer as you sidestep some rowdy teens. "Believe it or not, I only dated once."
"And it wasn't what I thought it'd be," you shrug. "I knew the guy for a couple of months, we started dating, but it wasn't... I just wasn't feeling it. I felt uncomfortable and weird when things got a little.."
Caleb laughs, cutting you off as he steps in front of you and places his hands on your shoulders. Glancing down, his amused gaze meets yours. "I get it." You huff an embarrassed laugh, but he continues on. "Some people feel more comfortable dating someone they've known for years and trust completely before taking that next step. When it's right, you'll know."
"I guess. It's not really a priority. If it happens, it happens. If not, then I'm more than content to watch all the eye candy on Spencer's swim team."
"You know I'm on the swim team. Right?"
You waggle your eyebrows, laughing when you see Caleb blush thanks to the nearby fire lighting up his features. As the two of you fall silent, you watch as his expression slowly falls. His brow furrows and when he straightens up you see his eyes bleed black as a ring of fire erupts within. Gulping, you glance around to make sure no one is staring at the two of you.
"Caleb? What's going on?"
He breathes in deeply before his eyes return back to normal. "Someone's Used."
"Come on." His hand grasps yours and he tugs you along beside him as he stalks off in a certain direction.
You're well aware when his fingers tangle with yours, but you don't say anything. Not even when the warmth and roughness of his hand makes your heart beat wildly for someone you should not even be thinking of in a romantic way.
You glance up at him, but his attention is solely focused on finding out whoever is using their power. Others, however, have taken notice of Caleb Danvers holding hands with the new girl. The boys are almost discreet with their stares, but the girls are openly glaring and sizing you up.
"Reid!" Your attention snaps to the crowd gathering in front of you, Pogue struggling to hold back both Tyler and Reid- Reid being the most aggressive. "What the hell is going on here?" Caleb demands.
"Aaron heard about the new girl in town," Pogue shouts over the argument going on, his gaze briefly darting to you. "Said something about it not being long until... until he has her on her back underneath him."
Caleb tenses and your eyes narrow. "Which douchebag is Aaron?"
"Y/N, don't." Caleb says.
But you're not hearing him and you walk forward, you tugging your hand free of his. Pogue grins at you before muttering something to the other two Sons, they then backing off. "So who's the cocky asshole that's so sure he's going to get me on my back?"
"Oh, shit," Reid laughs. "You guys have done it now."
"If they hit her back, all bets are off," you hear your twin mutter.
Keeping your gaze forward, you seek out the one curly haired individual who's sporting a busted lip and grinning. "Who's asking, sweetheart?"
"I ain't your sweetheart, dick." You rear your right arm back, fisting your hand and swinging forward. Aaron curses as your fist connects with his nose, his buddies pushing you back as you shriek and shake out your now throbbing hand.
Pogue, Tyler and Reid all rage in your defense and you grunt as someone catches you. Hearing a chuckle, you crane your head up and find Caleb. "You done, baby girl? You're gonna start a riot, you know."
"Don't turn this on me, Danvers. I had to show these idiots that I won't take their shit lying down. Besides, I'm not the one who Used. Remember? Get after my idiot brother or Reid. We all know it was either one of them since Pogue follows in your footsteps and won't Use unless necessary."
"Mhm. Don't go far," Caleb muses, his gaze darting to the escalating drama unfolding just a few feet away. "As soon as I squash this fight, I'm taking you home to ice that hand."
You quirk an eyebrow at him, lips curling in a teasing smile. "Taking me home already, Danvers? You move fast."
He chuckles and steadies you on your own two feet, ready to go intervene. "You're gonna be trouble. Aren't you?"
"As if you’d have me any other way."
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lovemurphythe100 · 8 years
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Imagine you at the party and saw Reid/Toby there. He see you , while you walk up to him. "Nice to see you here " You spoke "Well hello Y/N, I thought party not your thing?" He replied "Well maybe I come here to see you" You answer "That sweet Y/N" He replied with a smile trying to hide his blushing from you. "Awe you're blushing how cute" You replied "Shut up" He replied and with that he kiss you
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her-world-on-fire · 5 years
Basic Instinct {Reid Garwin x Reader}
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Word Count: 3,196
I walked into the pool area, I was supposed to meet Sarah. She wanted to go shopping for a party with Caleb. So I decided to leave her dorm and take a break from my studying. I made my way to the group of boys. Something was off about them, Tyler, Pogue, Caleb, and Sarah were all gathered around the pool cheering someone on. I recognized the blonde boy in the water, Reid. Of course, it was him, It’s always him. "Hey, |Y/N|." Sarah greeted, Caleb's arm snaked around her waist, he was getting ready race off against someone I hadn't seen before. I nodded in acknowledgment. The way the boys looked, it seemed important. "What's all this?" I asked and Caleb spoke, his eyes never leaving the water, "Reid made a bet with the Captain. If he wins this he's captain." I raised my eyebrow but continued to watch. It would be fast anyway, I couldn’t help myself. Reid looked over at me and winked before diving in. 
Despite his constant flirting with me, I tried to ignore him. I didn’t want to risk falling for him. I was warned multiple times he was no good. I didn't need games so I never really acted on anything. I watched the race and listened to boys cheering him on. "Dude no way he's going to win. I don't know what he was thinking." Pogue scoffed, but it was Reid he never backed down from a challenge. I mean who would want to race a captain? But he was actually doing good. He was ahead. In what felt like a blink it was over. Reid won. The boys all huddled up and cheered. "This is our cue." Sarah joked and Caleb pulled away from the group and gave her a kiss. Reid stepped forward and took off his cap and goggles. Still out of breath, "Where are you going?" He asked and I used every bone in my body to keep from looking at his sculpted body like some vulture. I tugged my lip before replying, "We're going shopping for the party." His eyes lit up
"Oh, so I'll see you there?" I nodded and gave him a smile. "Definitely."
Sarah and I got in my car and she smiled. I tilted my head to the side, "You like Reid." I laughed and shook my head turning on my car and backing out of the parking lot. It was getting really hard to avoid him. I was so close to finally giving in. "I think he's cute but I've been warned more times than I can count." I turned my eyes from the road and read her reaction, she shrugged. She knew I had a point, but still insisted. "He's a flirt, but he's toned it down."
"I saw him lift a girls skirt once." I gripped the steering wheel, trying to think of a way to change the subject. Nothing really came to mind. I sighed defeated. "He's not really a gentleman."
"Well, you never know. He's full of surprises. Caleb is sick of him always asking about you." I rolled my eyes and sped up trying to avoid this conversation. Boys aren't great, they're really good liars. I've been through enough “gentleman”, I couldn't imagine my heart not being ripped apart by a ladies man like him. I'm sure if he was drunk enough he would flirt with anything. "You'll see him at the party later. You could talk to him then, there's no harm in that. If you don't like how to goes then..." She shrugged, "Just try it out." 
"Maybe if I have enough alcohol." I joked, "With your tolerance? Not sure how much of a difference it would make."
We arrived at the mall and looked for cute outfits. Sarah immediately fell in love with a long flowy dress. I went with a two-piece dress with an open lace back. Satisfied we went back to the dorms and got ready. I didn't have a room with Sarah so I walked the hall alone after we parted. I looked down at my phone checking my text messages. Lucky me, I ran into Reid, it wasn't unusual, my room was closer to the end and the boy's rooms. "Hey, Reid." I put my phone away and he took the bags from my hands. I took the bag with my dress, "No peeking there."
He laughed and brought his free hand to the back of his neck. His beanie shifting slightly. "Where can I find you tonight?" He asked and I looked up and thought for a moment. Sarah would be with Caleb, and Pogue would be with Kate. I had other friends and my roommate of course, but it was different. "By the drinks probably." His eyes held a mischievous glint. "I like you already." I winked, and we arrived at my door. I opened my door and took my bags, "You want to come in?" I asked and he nodded and walked in. My room was filled with books, makeup, and polaroids. He looked around as I put my keys down on my nightstand and put my bags down. I patted a spot on the bed and he sat. "So swim captain?" 
He smirked, "Going to the meets now?" He asked and I hummed in response, looking into his deep blue orbs. They were beautiful, so troubled. "Give me a reason to." His eyes drifted to my lips, and then his phone rang. He groaned and got up and answered. "Yeah?" His eyes darted and I furrowed my brows in confusion, I stood up with him and faced him. Trying to get a read, he pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded. "I'll be there. Give me 10." He pulled his phone away and shut it. "I've got to go, but I'll see you later." He lingered his eyes still looking at my lips. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. 
Some impulse took over me and I kissed him. He smirked and tugged on my bottom lip, it was a rough, hungry kiss. He pulled away and pushed my hair back. "How about?" He kissed me again, "I pick you up at 7?" He asked and I nodded, he grabbed his jacket and put his phone away pulling out his keys. "I'd like that."
He walked out, a smile plastered on his face. Fuck. 
I've screwed anyway, I thought, as I was getting ready might as well have some fun. I pulled out my heels and began doing my makeup. "Wow, |Y/N|. I love it." I finished the touches, on my makeup-nothing too crazy. Concealer mascara eyeliner lipstick. A little went a long way. "Anything I should know?" She winked, referring to me bringing someone home. "Well, I'll be out anyways." She said, realizing I wasn't going to let up. I looked at the time, it was getting close. I finished up and made my way to Sarah's room after saying bye to my roommate. "Be safe!" She called after me making me shake my head. 
I knocked on her door as she was putting on her earrings. "You look amazing." She smiled as she stepped aside for me to go in. "What's up?" 
"I'm going with Reid any chance you can get a ride with Caleb?" I asked and she nodded, glad I was taking the chance. She pulled out her phone and sent him a text. Judging by her response all was good. "On his way." She confirmed as my phone went off, she wiggled her eyebrows. I gave her a hug, "The dress looks great, I'll see you later." I texted a quick response to Reid and I left her room. I made my way outside making sure I had everything I needed. My heels clicked as I reached the car. Reid was leaning against his car, he smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist. "You look beautiful," He murmured in my ear and then opened my door. I thanked him and in record time he was beside me. "Ready?" He looked for confirmation and then zoomed off. Rock music played over the speakers of the car. We arrived and he opened the door for me, linking our arms. The real fun didn't happen until later. 
Reid pulled me to dance, I put my drink on a nearby table. Reid's hands moved across my back, we swayed to the music. After the song ended he pulled away, "I'll be back." He whispered and I nodded, grabbing a stray hair and pushing it back. I made my way back to the drinks and poured myself another one. I drank it and sighed, and poured another. I felt a hot breath by my neck and then kissing. I turned around and saw it wasn't Reid. A drunken idiot. I pushed him away and he held on to my arms. I pulled as hard as I could. "Let go!" My voice over the loud music was lost and my heart rate sped up. I stomped on his foot he let go and then turned pulled me against him. His hands moved to my face to cover my mouth, "Reid!" Within seconds he arrived, he growled and punched the guy in the face making him hit the ground with a thud. I put a hand on his chest and made him walk away.
I knew he could do so much more damage. I dragged him away. He was wearing a t-shirt. His muscles were prominent. His fists were clenched. With a huff, he nodded and draped his arm over me. "How about a game?" I gestured to the beer pong and he shook his head, "After what just happened?" I was trying to distract him from that. I needed to let him know it didn’t affect me.
"I'm not letting one drunk asshole ruin my night." A smile tugged the corner of his lips, "I guess I'm driving." I had handed my drinks well until the 2nd game of beer pong. It wasn't exactly beer in those cups. It tasted stronger, that's the last thing I remember.
I woke up to sheets draped over me I was in my bra and underwear, sleeping next to me was Reid. My head was pounding, and my mouth felt dry. I groaned and the bed shifted, suddenly I felt all the alcohol. I went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut while my body detoxed. Reid pulled my hair back, "Again?" He rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his free hand. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean again?" I asked wiping my mouth and flushing the toilet. He sat on the counter while I brushed my teeth. "Oh, you don't remember? Of course not." There was a hint of mischief in his tone, making me worry.
"After our game, I decided to bring you back here. It was a good call because as soon as you got in the car you crashed." I stopped brushing and looked at him intently, he looked smug. I told you so his eyes screamed. "After that, I carried you here and put you in bed. You woke up a little while later and threw up. We went through this." He gestured to the toothbrush and toilet, he trailed off. He chuckled, “And then you tried to take advantage of me."
"I did what?!" I blinked and wiped my mouth with a towel. In utter disbelief, none of this was ringing any bells. I couldn’t remember anything. He was wearing only his boxers. And I was in my undergarments, I began to panic. Did I unknowingly have sex with him? "Did we-" He interrupted me and jumped down from the counter. He held out his hands in defense, "I would never. I told you when you sobered up, and then you got all pouty." He mimicked my face and I walked out of the bathroom. I threw myself on the bed and groaned in embarrassment, I didn’t believe what I was hearing. "Just like that." I looked up at shot him daggers, he leaned against the door frame and I got a chance to really look at his body. He smirked, he recognized this look. 
"Like what you see princess?" I walked over to him and pressed my lips against his. His hands moved lower to under my thighs and he pulled me up. He carried me and placed me on the bed so I was sitting on his lap. His lips separated from mine and trailed down my neck leaving bruises, "I'm sober now." I moaned, and he smirked, "You want to finish last night's events?" 
"I thought you'd never ask," Reid whispered.
I woke up to Reid’s phone ringing. He was still fast asleep his arm around my waist. My head was on his chest. I reached over and took his phone and began shaking his arm. He woke up and took his phone. “What?” He answered closing his eyes again, I traced my fingers on his tattoos, then along his chest. With his free hand ran his hand through my hair. I couldn’t hear fully what was going on, just bits. “Meet us...immediately.” Reid got up, “Yeah, yeah I’m getting dressed, I’ll be there in 5.” He hung up and pulled on his underwear and pants. Then he grabbed a shirt and jacket. “I’ll call you later. Be careful please.” 
He kissed me and then walked out in a rush. I sat up clutching the covers to my chest. I picked up my clothes off the floor and threw them in my bin. I grabbed Reid’s sweater off the ground, I put it on. I grabbed shorts and underwear. My phone began vibrating. Confused I searched for it. I looked at the caller ID, Sarah. “Hey what’s up?” Her panicked voice responded, “Kate!” She struggled to form words. “Hang on I’m on my way.” I stayed on the line and rushed to Sarah’s dorm. “Kate’s been attacked, I need to go to the hospital.” I nodded, “I can drive.” 
She had a fever and they said she was having an allergic reaction. They wanted to transfer her. I pulled Sarah aside, “What makes you think she been attacked?” Sarah sighed and brushed her hair out of her space. “Spiders! They're some kind of spell.” She pulled out her phone, “I need to tell Caleb.” 
She talked to Caleb for a little bit and then hung up, “He said to stay in the dorms, he’s on his way.” She sighed, “I can’t leave Katie.” 
“She’ll be fine. If you don’t go back then Caleb will worry.” We grabbed Katie’s things and rushed back. “They’ll find a way to fix this, okay?” I sped up, all this going back and forth was making her uneasy. We arrived at the dorms and waited for Caleb. He arrived first and I decided to give them privacy. But then I saw Caleb down the hall. I pulled the door open, “Get away from her!” 
Caleb rushed down the hall and into the room, everything went black.
I opened my eyes, I was in a car. I looked around, Reid was driving. He breathed a sigh of relief, “I’m not letting you out of my sight again.” I turned to him, “What’s going on Reid?” He put his free hand on top of mine. The other clutched the steering wheel tightly, “It’s Chase. He’s the 5th son of Ipswich.” Everything began to make sense, he was the one in the room, not Caleb. “What does he want?” Reid stayed quiet, “ I shouldn't be telling you this. I’m only dragging you in more.” 
“I can handle it please, what does he want?” Finally, he decided to speak up. “He wants Caleb’s power, if he doesn't get it he kills us all.” He looked at me, “I won’t let that happen.”
“But look what he did Katie-”
“Trust me, he’s not going to hurt you. He won’t ever touch you again.” 
We arrived at the hospital, “Pouge got into an accident. Come on,” I followed him into the waiting room. He told me to stay there. I sat down, with Sarah. He met with Caleb and Tyler. The three of them argued in hushed voices. After a while, Caleb came down to get Sarah and Reid followed. He sat down next to me, “I’m going to tell you everything later I promise. We’ve got to go back.” 
We went to his room and he began getting undressed. He pulled his suit out of his closet. “God, where to begin. The eldest of the 5 families hands down powers. At 13 is when they begin, not fully manifested until we are 18. That’s when we ascend and we receive the full powers. All of this comes at a cost, each time we use them, we age.” Now he was fully dressed, “We’re going to the dance. He won’t try anything in the open. I don’t want to risk us being alone, you’re a target that way. I recalled a dress I got on the day I went shopping with Sarah. “I’ve got something,” Reid followed me out and to my dorm. I changed into the dress, he helped zip me up. He sighed and kissed my neck, “I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.” I turned around and brought my hands to his face, “Reid, I’d rather be with you. You didn’t drag me, I want this.” 
He sighed and pressed his lips against mine, “Please just stay in my sight at all times.” He grabbed my hand and we went to Caleb’s. He kept his arm around me, Caleb met with Sarah. Me, Rei, Tyler and Sarah got into the car. We drove to the dance. Reid stuck close to me, his hand holding mine. Tyler stayed close to Sarah. We all kept an eye out for Chase. Reid got a phone call and immediately I knew it was from Caleb. “Yeah, I’ll pass you to her,” He looked around, Sarah was nowhere to be seen. “Something’s happened. Caleb’s not answering.” 
Tyler and Reid split up and began looking for her. “I’ll look too. 3 of us looking will be faster.” I split before Reid could protest. I called out her name and asked around, there was no sign of her. “12 minutes past 11. Happy birthday Caleb.” Tyler signed looking to us. Caleb called and told us it was over. Reid sighed, a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “Now let's enjoy the rest of the dance.” He pulled me to the dance floor, a slow song was playing. “I’m so glad this is all over.” He looked down and brushed the hair from my face. “Me too.” 
“Now that this is over I’m taking you on a real date. Just me and you.” He smirked and kissed me. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. “I would love that.” 
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thorne93 · 6 years
The Newcomer (Part 10)
Prompt: You’re Y/N Beauchamp, daughter to Wendy Beauchamp. When you’re sent away to Spenser Academy, you have no idea what waits for you there…
Word Count: 2845
Warnings: language, violence, anger…
Notes: This is for @xx-multi-fandom-imagines challenge! Crossover of The Covenant, and the show Witches of East End. Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and @carryonmyswansong​. Wouldn’t be possible without brainstorming with @carryonmyswansong​, so thank you for that, darlin!
The movie was rather mundane to you, you were more focused on your boyfriend, holding his hand, caressing his arm mindlessly. He refilled your coke with his powers so that you two didn’t have to get up to get concessions, making you grin like a school-girl. Turned out, Pogue couldn’t make it to the movie because he had to fix his bike -- of course this was a lie, he had to do something with his family. The two of you shared a quick, knowing look.
Afterward, the three of you made your way over to Nicky’s place to join the others. The five Sons, and the three of you girls had all agreed to meet there around seven. When you got there, you walked hand in hand with Chase, seeing the other guys. You nodded to Pogue and smiled before Kate and him hugged and kissed.
“Wanna go play pool with Tyler and Reid?” you asked Chase with a head nod toward them.
“Nah, but you go if you want,” he said with an encouraging smile.
“Okay, I’ll be back in a bit!” You skipped over to your best friends with a giant grin on your face. “Hey, boys!” you greeted. “What’s the bet?” you asked, grabbing a pool cue stick.
“Man, you show up less than five seconds ago and you’re already asking how you’re gonna kick our asses,” Tyler commented.
“Oh, she cant kick our ass without magic” Reid teased playfully.
“How about you shove it, Garwin?” you shot back with a raised eyebrow and coy look. “You gonna play or what?”
“Fine. Fifty.”
“Easy as pie,” you said, leaning over as Tyler got the balls in order.
“No magic,” Reid insisted.
“I don’t need it,” you said in a low voice before hitting the cue ball.
Just as the game ended, Pogue showed up and they started betting on what underwear a girl had. You couldn’t resist but play too.
You placed a five down on the table with your bet. “Black, thong.”
“You’re dreaming. That girl hasn’t worn panties since she was twelve,” Pogue informed confidently just before using magic to blow her skirt up.
“Dammit,” you muttered, seeing her bare rear end.
“Thank you. This will pay for my dinner tonight,” Pogue stated as he grabbed the cash off the table, making you, Reid, and Tyler sigh in defeat.
“Good game, fellas,” you stated, getting the fifty that Reid owed you, making him groan once more. “Maybe you two should practice a bit, and I’ll be back to kick your ass again. Sound good?” You stuck your tongue out at them and walked away, back to Chase and the others. Pogue, Chase, and Caleb were playing foosball. This seemed like a good moment alone with Sarah, one you had been wanting since the night she flirted with Caleb.
“Hey,” you greeted as you sat down.
“Hi,’ she sweetly greeted back. “What’s up?”
“Not much,” you noted. “Hey, I wanted to talk to you about Caleb,” you started, unsure how to do this and without sounding like a bitch.
“Yeah, Kate tells me you live with him? Are you like cousins or..?”
You shook your head and laughed lightly. “Uh, no, our families just… go back a long time. Family friends. I’m staying with him through the school year because my family is out of the country.”
“Oh wow, that’s nice,” she commented with a smile. “So what about him?”
“Well… just… be careful… I mean, like be nice to him, okay? He’s a really good guy, and just a really sweet guy. I would hate to see him get hurt. So if you’re serious about him, just… you know… don’t hurt him.”
“Wow, you sound really protective,” she noted with an awkward laugh before taking a sip of coke.
“He’s like a brother to me,” you said with a shrug. “He means a lot to me, and I just don’t wanna see him get hurt.”
“I get that.”
“Do you?” you challenged with a dark look. “Because if you hurt him, just know I have the power to make you regret it.” You gave her a dark, fierce look before it melted away to a sweet smile. “Okay! Have fun!”
She swallowed and nodded before turning to Kate, who just returned from the restroom. At that, you got up and stood next to Chase and the others as they played.
“What’s going on?” you inquired lightly.
“We were just measuring up your boyfriend, trying to see if he really has what it takes to join the swim team,” Pogue informed.
“Oh yeah, tryouts are tomorrow,’ you suddenly remembered. “You got what it takes, babe?” you asked, nudging Chase with an elbow and wiggling your eyebrows at him.
“I sure hope so,” he said before throwing his arm around you and kissing your head.
A few seconds later, I Love Rock and Roll came on over the speakers and you noticed Sarah making her way back over to Caleb.
“Hey, dude,” you said, gesturing with your chin towards her. Caleb grinned as Sarah took his hand and lead him out ot open space to dance. Chase quickly took your hand and pulled you out right beside them to dance. The four of you and other strangers at the bar were dancing up a storm when suddenly you heard a commotion over by the pool tables, making you stop.
“Blow me!” Aaron shouted, apparently Reid and Tyler had taken up to playing him and Bordy.
“Shit,” you muttered, stopping the dance with Chase, letting him go
“Let’s take it outside!” Reid challenged, shoving Aaron hard.
“Guys!” you called over your shoulder. “It’s Reid and Tyler!” You nodded toward them with your head, signaling you three needed to intervene.
Caleb relayed the message to Pogue, asking him to grab his jacket.
“You need help?” Chase asked as you started to head away.
“Nah, man, stay with the girls,” Caleb instructed.
The three of you followed the fight outside when you heard, “We ain't paying you shit, so if you don't like it…” Apparently it was Aaron, and you already could piece what had happened.
As the three of you came outside, Caleb demanded, “What’s the problem?”
Reid answered, “He bet me I couldn't make a combo shot, and I did.”
“Reid,” you said with an exasperated, chastising tone.
“Everyone just forget it, alright?” Caleb tried just before Nicky came around the corner with a baseball bat, standing in the doorway of the back.
“Hey! Take it somewhere else, ladies,” he ordered with authority.
No one moved for a moment.
“Now!” Nicky barked.
“Whatever you say, Nicky,” Aaron responded, eyeing all of you as he walked by, slamming into Caleb before heading back inside.
“What were you thinking?” Caleb demanded once the guys were inside and the door closed.
“We were just playing them,” Reid tried, shrugging off the severity.
“Reid, you can’t do that,” you said. “I know Aaron’s a dick but that’s risky and you know it.”
“Oh fuck off, Y/N, you’re not my mom.”
“No, I’m your friend and I don’t want anything to happen to you because you wanted to impress a dickhead,” you shot back.
“They were suckers for it,” Tyler added.
“Tyler, I expect better of you too,” you insisted.
“Why don’t you quit being such a pussy?” Reid hissed as he passed by, but Caleb caught his shoulder and gripped him hard.
“I’m not finished with you yet.”
Reid retaliated quickly, snatching Caleb's hand away by his wrist, his eyes turning as he glared at Caleb.
“Reid, stop,” Caleb calmly instructed.
“Reid,” you lowly pleaded, taking a step toward him.
But when he didn’t stop using against Caleb, he was forced to counter attack. His eyes flashed and within a second, a loud gust pushed away from him, carrying Reid with him, throwing him into a stack of empty kegs, then against the wall.
A small gasp escaped you before you covered your mouth. Caleb began advancing on the wounded Reid. “What will it take for you to get it? It's addictive, you moron! You've seen what it can do if you abuse it. You want that? That's your business. But if you use in the open, like you did tonight, you risk exposing us all. And that I won't let happen.”
Without a word, Reid began raising a keg with his powers.
“My power’s greater than yours,” Caleb reminded, almost like a warning.
“Not until you ascend,” Reid countered.
“Reid! Don’t!” you pleaded, hating to see them fight.
“No, Y/N, go ahead, let tough guy take a shot,” Caleb said.
You huffed out a frustrated sigh as you watched Reid project the keg at him, to which Caleb easily deflected it, hard, making you jump back. In another second, he blasted Reid back, his body launching into empty bottles. You heard glass shatter and Reid land against the wooden crates and glass. The noise made you wince.
Caleb began marching toward him before Pogue and you moved swiftly in front of him.
“Stop it! This is crazy!” Pogue stated.
“It’s for his own good!” Caleb shouted over your heads, his eyes set on Reid.
“No, Caleb, don’t. He’s not gonna learn this way,” you remarked.
“If you keep using like you did tonight and the night at the beach, you’ll be as good as dead!” Caleb yelled as you pushed him back, putting both hands on his chest as Pogue gave up trying to intervene.
Just as Reid began climbing out of the mess, you gave Caleb a soft, sad look before walking over to Reid to help out.
“So I fixed her car, big deal!” Reid yelled back. He was leaning on you for support as he got around the debris. You wanted to heal him but you couldn’t heal on the fly. It took you a few moments of concentration, and in the midst of this fight, you didn’t have that.
“Don’t play me, Reid. I’m talking later that night and you know it!”
“The hell I do!” Reid shot back as he pulled away from you to get in Caleb’s face, but you were right there to stop them in case they went back to physically fighting. “I didn’t use later.”
You grabbed Reid’s arm, your touch instantly calming him as you escorted him inside with a sympathetic look to Caleb as Tyler followed. Chase immediately walked up to you with a concerned frown, seeing the broken glass all over Reid’s sweater. You shook your head and waved him off, signaling to give you some space. Chase nodded, giving you one more look before turning back
Reid and you sat down at a table, Tyler joining you.
“Let me heal you,” you requested, resting your arm on top of the table, palm side up.
Reid sighed and laid his hand on yours. It only took a few seconds, but he was healed, his cuts gone, and forming bruises prevented.
“He’s just doing it because he cares,” you quietly said as you let go of him.
“He’s got a funny fuckin’ way of showin’ it,” he remarked with disdain.
“You know what happened to his father… He just doesn’t want the same fate for you.”
“Yeah, well I’m not a kid. I don’t need him telling me what to do. I’m sick of him busting my balls.”
“He doesn’t think you do. He thinks he should be the guiding voice of reason that he never got,” you softly tried.
“Yeah but I’ve got my dad,” he reminded. “He didn’t let it take him over.”
“Right, and Caleb’s dad did, but out of the four of you, he’s the last one we’d suspect to succumb to the powers. So your parents don’t decide how well or badly you’ll handle it.”
“Doesn’t give him the right to boss me around like I’m a kid. I mean we’re all almost eighteen.”
“Doesn’t mean you know everything, Reid. Trust me. I live with immortal witches. My mom has lived for over a century, so has my aunt. Even they don’t know everything and they would admit that here and now,” you informed him, making him soften a little. “I know it sucks. I know he seems to coddle you but his heart is in the right place.”
“Yeah well tell him to back off,” Reid said.
“I will,” you gently said. “But it has to be some give and take. You can’t keep using recklessly, either. If you were a little more responsible, and he was a little less stringent, maybe you two could meet in the middle.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, looking around the bar, brushing you off.
“I’m serious, Reid,” you said, dipping your head down to look at him, trying to draw his attention to you. “You have to be less reckless, please? For me? It’s only because I care about you too.”
“Alright. Alright! I will. Damn, you’re starting to sound like him,” he noted with a sideways smile he tried to hide.
“Thank you,” you said as you reached over and squeezed his hand.
After that you patted Tyler’s leg and got up to greet Chase.
“Hey, babe.”
“Hey,” he said. “Everything okay?”
You shrugged and nodded your head side to side. “It will be. The guys are just...working through some stuff. I wanted to be there to help them.”
“That’s my girl,” he said with a smile.
“Hey, will you take me home? I’m sort of… tired of this place,” you said. He told you sure and the two of you hailed a cab back to Caleb’s. Chase said goodnight at the door and you went inside, greeting Mrs. Danvers. She greeted you just as she was heading to bed, giving you a gentle smile on her way up.
You went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before heading to bed, your mind swimming with the events of tonight. Part of you knew what Caleb was trying to do, but the other part was so frustrated that he kept pushing the guys.
After another hour, Caleb finally came home and you emerged from your bedroom.
‘Hey,” you greeted.
“Hey,” he said back.
“Hey, I wanna talk,” you tried.
“Ugh, can it wait till tomorrow?” he asked. “I’m beat. After the fight and everything and getting Sarah back to the dorms…”
“No, don’t think it can,” you said, standing in the hall.
Caleb ran a hand down his face before tossing his jacket in his bedroom. “Okay, shoot, what is it?” he asked as he put his hands on his hips.
“You’ve got to lay off Reid,” you started, figuring you might as well jump into it.
“Oh not this,” he said, frustration and pleading in his voice.
“Yes, this again. Caleb, you have to stop--”
“Tell that to Reid! He’s using. You know if he exposes us, he could expose you too.”
“I know that,” you calmly responded. “I’m not unaware of that. I’m not agreeing he should be an idiot about his magic. I’m saying you can’t keep riding his ass and expect him to get any better. If you keep at it, it’s gonna blow up in your face and I don’t want to see that. I don’t want to see either of you get hurt. I don’t want a repeat of tonight.”
“He needs to pay attention and be more cautious,” Caleb countered. “He uses his powers so much I’m worried he’ll end up like my father.”
You took a step closer to him, closing the large gap between you two in the hall a little bit.
“I know that. We all know that, but pushing him to stop just makes him want to use them more. You need to get ahold of yourself, not just of him, and the others.”
“You don’t get it,” he responded, his tone getting harder. “I watched my father ruin his life, his health for this magic because he became addicted. I won’t want to have to go through that with Reid, or any of them.”
You nodded. “I can’t imagine what it was like to watch your father sink into addiction. I’m sure it was very hard, and I’m sure it hurt very much… But you can’t project that onto Reid. It’s his life, and his choice. He is very much aware what will happen if he keeps pushing his luck.”
“And I need to be there to stop him,” he noted.
You walked up and took his hand, peering into his eyes that were swimming with pain. “No, you need to be his friend. You need to be there for him if he ever falls. Don’t damn him before he commits the sin.”
Caleb nodded. “Yeah. Alright. You’re right.”
“Thank you. I really do know you’re doing it because you care, but sometimes tough love is too tough, alright?”
He gave you that signature half smile before stating, “Are you sure you haven’t lived 100 years like your mom?”
You just laughed and gently pushed him.
Forever Tag:
Sebastian Stan:
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ipswitch-ink · 4 months
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a thought: you are Y/N, a stranger in Salem. Having moved here with your father from a tiny little town on the otherside of the country, you're hoping that the shadows of your past will not find you here.
It's supposed to be fresh start, right?
No more nightmares (that always seem to come true), no more monsters (they can't find you here), no more horror stories besides the ones on your bookshelf.
You get a scholarship to a local private school and reclaim your spot as the quiet girl (that's who you were back home so why not keep a good thing going?), always seen in the back of the class with your nose in a book or headphones on, drawing away...until you meet Sara. She's sweet and intelligent, you like the same books and music. With her friend Kate having transferred out of school after moving away, she's looking for a roomie and you're looking for a friend.
It's almost perfect, for a little while.
Sleepovers at your house, studying in the dorm, hanging out in the library on weekdays and going home on the weekends...it's all so perfect until the night your future and dark past comd colliding together.
Because the monsters have followed your here and the only ones that can save you are the strangers from your visions...the Sons of Ipswich.
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Who I Write For:
Theo James
Aaron Johnson
Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans
Tom Holland
Tom Hiddleston
Greyston Holt
Rami Malek 
Jason Momoa 
Ben Barnes
Jake Gyllenhaal
Idris Elba 
Pierce Brosnan
Dev Patel
Avan Jogia 
Priyanka Chopra
Shah Rukh Khan
Hrithik Roshan
Chad Michael Murray 
Tony Stark 
Bucky Barnes//Winter Soldier 
Captain America//Steve Rogers
Pietro Maximoff 
Wanda Maximoff
Clint Barton
Erik Killmonger
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester 
John Winchester
One Tree Hill: 
Lucas Scott 
Gossip Girl: 
Chuck Bass 
Serena van der Woodsen 
Nate Archibald 
Dan Humphrey 
The Covenant: 
Chase Collins 
Caleb Danvers
Pogue Parry
Tyler Simms
Reid Garwin 
Aaron Abbott
The Fallen:
Cam Briel 
Daniel Grigori 
Twilight Series:
Jasper Hale
Edward Cullen 
Jacob Black 
Dr. Carlisle Cullen 
Alice Cullen 
Billy Black 
Embry Call 
Clayton Danvers 
Nick Sorrentino
Paige Winterbourne 
Ruth Winterbourne
The Vampire Diaries: 
Damon Salvatore 
Stefan Salvatore
Bonnie Bennett
Alaric Saltzman 
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Kai Parker
Pierce The Veil
Kellin Quinn
Austin Carlisle
Charlie Puth
Justin Beiber
Harry Styles
Ed Sheeran 
Chris Motionless 
Alex Gaskarth
Jack Barakat
Ben Bruce 
Black Veil Brides 
Bruno Mars 
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multifandomfanfiction · 10 years
Not Your Typical Trip to the Grocery Store
TITLE: Not Your Typical Trip to the Grocery Store PAIRING: [Reid Garwin/OC, Tyler Simms/OC] RATING: T CHAPTER: One-shot SUMMARY: Reid and the boys go to the grocery shopping. Reid's girlfriend just so happens to work there.
“There’s nothing to eat here!” Pouge complained.
“Time to go to the store!” Reid exclaimed.
The boys groaned.
Annabelle, Tyler’s fiancée, asked, “What’s so bad about the store?”
Reid was bouncing up and down in his seat all the way to the store.
This was a long time, considering that you had to drive an hour to Salem to reach the nearest super-center.
While the other guys and Annabelle went food shopping, Reid went straight for the clothing department. He searched the floor for his fiery red-head. He walked up behind her and lightly kissed her neck. “Hey beautiful”, Reid said.
“Reid!” Dakota shrieked pushing him away, “What if my boss sees you?”
“How about this…you go clock out and we’ll have lunch with the boys”, Reid said.
Dakota sighed and said, “Okay”.
Dakota met the guys outside. “Who’s this?” Dakota asked looking at Annabelle.
“This is Annabelle, Baby Boy’s fiancée”, Reid said.
“Awwww! Ty’s finally found someone!” Dakota cooed hugging Tyler.
“Thanks Koty”, Tyler said.
All 6 of them got into Tyler’s Hummer and drove to a pizza place.
“So, how long have you known the boys?” Annabelle asked.
“Since we were small children. I lived next to Tyler, but then my parents died and I moved in with Caleb’s family, since they were my godparents”, Dakota said.
“So, how’d you get your name? Excuse me for seeming rude, but isn’t Dakota a guy’s name?”
“My parents were sure I was a boy. When I was born, my mother loved the name so much, that they didn’t change it”.
“Why does Tyler call you Koty?”
“Every guy has their own nickname for me. Caleb calls me Flames, Pouge calls me Baby Girl, and Tyler calls me Koty or Kota. Just wait; you’ll have a nickname soon”.
When Dakota’s lunch was over, she and Reid parted ways. “Bye Reid”, Dakota said.
“Bye beautiful”, Reid said. He took her face in his hands and kissed her.
“See you at home”, she said.
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dustofbrokenheart · 3 years
The Covenant: Presents and Kisses
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Reid Garwin x Reader
Word Count: 1,858
Summary: It’s reader’s birthday and Reid has some surprises up his sleeve. Dedicated to the lovely @saviorsong​. Happy Birthday! 
The café was a small, single room operation so sound from both the dining area and the kitchen traveled throughout. And everyone heard when your boyfriend came out of the bathroom, throwing the door open with such force that a bang rang out from where it hit the wall.
The poor barista almost dropped a drink they were making out of surprise.
“Babe, that was the biggest shit I’ve taken this month,” Reid practically shouted as he made his way back to the table.
You didn’t bother to acknowledge that particular comment and kept your attention on Tyler who had also tagged along with you guys. It was better to not entertain poop talk seeing as how you were in public.
“Babe! Did you hear what I said?”
“I think everyone did,” you replied pointedly. He dropped into his chair, hands clutching at his stomach.
You continued chatting with Tyler about a class you were taking and Reid still kept fidgeting and groaning. He was normally dramatic but he was really hamming it up.
You turned to him with a raised brow. That was all it took for him to increase his complaining.
“I think it was the food. It’s gotta be food poisoning, I feel so sick.”
“But we ate from the same plate.”
A glance at the table showed a shared plate that had long been eaten with not a drop of sauce left on the it after you both had all but cleaned the dish. If he actually had food poisoning, shouldn’t you be feeling it too? Your stomach felt perfectly fine, if not satisfied.
“Everyone reacts differently to these things, you know.”
Tyler nodded seriously, corroborating Reid’s claim. Those two were thicker than thieves, always ready to back each other up.
“No telling how bad this could get. I’m gonna head home but you should stay, Ty can hang out with you,” he said.
“Really?” Your tone was colored with incredulously. “Today of all days?”
He completely ignored that and bent down for a kiss. You were extremely tempted to turn away but ended up giving in. Reid may be an idiot, but he was your idiot. Keeping up with the sick-as-a-dog routine, he gingerly hobbled out of the café.
And since he was your idiot, you knew something was definitely up. You didn’t claim to be the smartest person around but Reid wasn’t exactly subtle.
Immediately, your attention turned towards Tyler. If one was plotting, then the other would know.
The brunette raised his hands as if to keep things peaceful. “Okay, okay. Don’t be upset.”
“It’s my birthday and my man just ran out under suspicious circumstances. I have every right to be annoyed.”
“Exactly! You’re the reason why he left!” He paused for an awkward second. “Wow. That came out totally wrong. What I mean is that he’s setting up something nice for you.”
“He is?” you asked suddenly touched.
Reid was a romantic sort. Maybe not always so smooth about it, but a romantic nonetheless. And he did do things for you often, even if a good number of things were in an attempt to apologize for something stupid he did, but he had never done a birthday surprise.
Well, not one where he had kept it a surprise for this long. Normally he couldn’t keep quiet about his plans so you were a bit impressed that you hadn’t noticed until his terrible acting just then.
Tyler nodded again, this time in excitement. “Yep. He needs a few hours to get it ready though…we can either stay here or walk around. Your birthday, your choice.”
His methods may be, well, unconventional, but your heart beat a little faster knowing he was planning something. Your mind wandered, thinking up various possibilities. Two hours couldn’t go by fast enough.
It ended up being close to six o’clock before you returned home.
You closed the door gently and toed your shoes off. The quietness seemed that much thicker with anticipation weighing heavily.
A trail of rose petals wound around the living room and trailed down the hallway, presumably to the bedroom, but you got distracted by a tantalizing aroma. 
You followed that into the kitchen instead and found a skillet filled with something delicious. Other bowls with other fantastic side dishes were arranged randomly around it on the countertops.  
And then you noticed the cake. Unlike the others, the cake was displayed on the table, a package of candles lying next to it. You walked closer to get a better view and couldn’t the grin hat spread across your face.
Clearly, he had made the cake himself. Not that that was off-putting to you in any way. It was really quite cute.
He had made a small two-layer cake which in of itself didn’t look too bad. The sides were not traditionally frosted so, the parts that were visible, you could see that the shape and the softness looked about right. Kind of. 
In lieu of normal frosting, he had attempted to coat them with a crumb frosting of some sort. Despite his best effort, the crumbs didn’t hadn’t spread evenly with some parts having barely any and others having too much.
It looked like he also had issues with the frosting on top. You guessed that he had tried to apply it while the cake was still warm because it was thinner than it should have been, almost glaze-like. Some had even started to leak over the sides before it was cool enough to harden up again.
Even with flaws, it was still the sweetest, frumpiest birthday cake you could ever remember someone making for you.
You stuck out a finger trying to taste the crumb coat when you felt a sharp smack to your ass.
“Oww!” Rubbing it, you saw Reid standing behind you with a towel in his hand. “Did you really just spank me with a towel?”
“It’s not time for cake yet,” he said. He was shirtless, tattoos on display, baggy cargo pants riding low on his hips. There was a hint of tiredness in his eyes but it was mostly irritation. “This part was for last. You were supposed to follow the roses first.”
Ah. He was irritated that you messed up the plan. But you were so excited to see what else he had in store that you didn’t answer back with a sharp quip of your own. “Then lead the way.”
With a sigh, he put his hands on your shoulders and walked you out of the kitchen. His grip was gentle though so you knew he wasn’t seriously frustrated with you.
The path of rose petals came back into view and you realized they were from a real flower and not plastic. A warm feeling spread through you and it only grew the closer the closer the path drew you to the bedroom. Reid stayed just behind you the whole way, your gentle guide.
“The flowers are beautiful, Reid.”
“I know. And a normal person would’ve followed them from the start.”
“Sorry,” you giggled. “The food all looked really good though. Three Michelin stars across the board.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just open the door, would ya?”
You pushed the door with your fingers, thoughts racing. What were you going to find? That fancy stationary set you’d been eyeing online? A fluffy, tail-wagging puppy? A chest of kinky toys?
With Reid it could any one of the three. Maybe even all three.
Tons of balloons were inflated and rolling around the floor, so much so that you had to kick a few out of the way to be able to step in. Even a birthday banner hung over the bed when he had thumbtacked it into the wall.
But the gift was unmistakable.
The large woven basket was sitting on the dresser, fibers dyed your favorite color was hard to miss.
Then came the stuff that was practically overflowing from said basket. You rummaged through it like a old woman at a yard sale, pulling out something new with every handful.
Jewelry. A soft blanket. Cans of your favorite type of drink. Hand painted ceramics. Some hard cover additions you’d been meaning to add to your personal library. New head phones. Dozens of origami creatures. A tee from your favorite team. Coffee mugs and several blends of beans. Hand-held tools  to replace your old ones with. And not only a stationary set but a wax letter stamp seal as well.
And everything from the basket to the last gift followed the same theme: it was all in your favorite color.
You jumped into his arms and he caught you. “I’m—this is…this is…”
“What?” he said, his breath tickling your ear and fingers gripping your thighs tightly. “Impressive? Inspiring? The best goddamn gift you’ve ever seen?”
“Touching,” you whispered.
You couldn’t see it, but you could sense the soft expression on his face.
“How did you even manage to find some of this stuff in this color?”
“It wasn’t easy, let me tell you…”
He went on explaining how he started with the just the stationary (you were right and he had noticed you looking at it) in your favorite color.
Then he added the headphones, also in your favorite color.
Then he’d painted the ceramic pieces himself.  
Eventually thinking up even more potential presents to get, he’d come up with the idea to do everything in that color. The tools were the hardest but he was very proud that he’d been able to pull it off with the help of a custom order from a local business.
“This is super touching. Thanks for putting in this much thought and effort,” you said finally lifting your head up to give him a kiss.
It was meant to be a quick peck but Reid’s lips followed yours when you tried to pull back, turning it into something more passionate. He even managed to lick his way into your mouth before you finally parted, panting for air.
“Mmm,” he breathed, lips back on yours. “You’re eager to get to the next event.”
You made a confused sound in your throat which he swallowed. One of his hands traveled up your leg and over your hip to come to a rest on your lower back. He turned you and that’s when you noticed the bed.
The comforter was already pulled slightly down and more rose petals were scattered all around. He laid you down on the mattress and prowled up your body. The petals were even more fragrant now that you were closer to them.
“What’s the next event?” you asked coyly although it wasn’t hard to guess.
“One kiss for every year you’ve been alive,” he said with a cocked smile. “It was either that many kisses or that many orgasms—I figured all those orgasms might be too much for you though.”
You bit his bottom lip and snuck your fingers under the waistband of his cargo pants suggestively. “How about both?”
He watched in rapture as you removed your shirt, eyes glued to your chest.  
“Anything for you, babe. Happy Birthday.”
Yay! Thanks for reading. I hope this was alright. 
In my mind, Reid is the type of romantic to make you things, hence the food, origami, and ceramics. But sensual time will also be included just because. 
Honestly, he probably heard what Caleb did for his s/o and, in typical competitive fashion, decided he could do better. He roped in Tyler to keep reader distracted and spent a few hours cooking, decorating, and assembling the massive personalized gift basket. 
They likely did reach fulfill the birthday kiss count but how many orgasms they managed to achieve is up to your imagination. 
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dustofbrokenheart · 3 years
The Covenant: A Little Jealousy
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Reid Garwin x Female Reader
Word Count: 1,886
Summary: Reid accompanies you to a grad student social and gets a little jealous. Inspired by @saviorsong​s headcannon! 
The night air was crisp and the moon shone brightly overhead. It was well into spring so you were able to go out in a thin coat and a dress without feeling the icy prick of freezing temperatures on your skin.
The two of you were on the way to a dinner social your department put together for its grad students. A chance to get to get to know one another outside of the stresses of school life. With midterms over with, you were more than ready to have some fun.
Almost immediately after getting the email, you sent in your RSVP and put Reid down for your plus one. He grumped a little when you told him but you didn’t take him too seriously. He’d be contrary even if it was something he was actually interested in, just to get a rise out of you.
Reid and you lived only a few blocks away from the restaurant district, and opted to walk instead of circling around forever trying to nab a parking spot. Streetlights lined other side of the road. There was ample lighting. Still, you somehow managed to lose your footing.
Another couple was coming the opposite direction on the sidewalk and you scooted over to make more room for them. But when you moved to the side, your foot got caught in a crack at just the right angle. Next thing you knew, your leg gave out and you were stumbling forward, arms swinging wildly in a failed attempt to regain your balance.
You thought that you were going to hit the cement, and hit it hard, but strong arms were suddenly wrapped around your waist. It was a little jarring to come to a complete stop and all the air in your lungs was pushed out.
“Whoa!” Reid exclaimed in your ear. “That was a close one.”
You craned your neck to neck at him with large eyes. He slowly lowered you back to your feet but didn’t remove his arms from you.
“Y-yeah,” you stammered, adrenaline still coursing through you. There was ringing in your ears and your muscles were like jello. “Sorry, I—I’m still a little shaken.”
He rested his chin on the top of your head. “You’re alright, babe,” he assured you, his presence a big comfort. “Now, let’s get moving. If they eat all the appetizers before we get there, I’m gonna be pissed.”
The adrenaline drained out of you instantly and there was no stopping the snort that came out of your mouth. “Gee. Thanks for the motivation.”
“I know, I know: I should really do motivational speaking for a living.”
He let you go but kept your hand in his. You started walking again and it took him by surprise that you were going faster than him. So much faster that he had to stretch his arm straight out if he wanted to keep holding your hand.
Reid squeezed your hand to get your attention. You saw his brow raised in question and you returned the squeeze to his hand. “What? I’m going to be mad, too, if we don’t get any appetizers.”
You arrived at the restaurant in no time, half speed-walking, half running the rest of the way there.
Inside the restaurant, the hostess led you upstairs to the room reserved for the department. There were a lot of familiar faces, classmates and professors alike. There were even some kids running around which added more energy to the affair.
Guided by his nose, Reid quickly found the appetizer spread on a table that lined the far wall. The choices were top notch. Egg rolls, hors d’oeuvres, and meat filled phyllo cups all made his mouth water.
And even better than the finger foods were the drinks.
“Am I dreaming? Or are they really serving alcohol here?” He pointed to some people who walked by with bottles of craft beer in hand.
“I guess,” you answered less enthused. You’d been to several conferences by that point and alcohol had been served at all of them. But you didn’t want to bring him down. “You should go see if they have your favorite.”
“I think I will… What do you want me to get you?”
You thought for a second. “I’m feeling like white wine tonight. See if they have any good selections?”
He brought your hand up to his lips to place a gentle peck to your knuckles and promised he’d be back. You shooed him away equal parts thrilled and flustered. Despite most people’s first impression of him, Reid was quite the romantic, and normally you loved him for it, but you could already feel the stares from his display.
Holding your head high, you smiled politely at the onlookers and quickly made your way to a table in the corner with familiar faces. You said hi to your friends and in turn they introduced you to their plus ones. The conversation flowed effortlessly and your table was almost obnoxiously loud in your laughter.
“So where’s the boyfriend? Or did you come by yourself?”
You turned to the body besides you. Ben and you had a friendship that went back to your first semester in the program. The two of you had been in the same orientation session and found that your personalities meshed together well.
You knew that he was genuinely interested in meeting the boy you constantly talked about. Reid, however, walked in at precisely the wrong moment and took the question as a challenge.
“The boyfriend is definitely here.”
Setting down a plate of food and your serving of wine, Reid draped his arm across your shoulders and planted a kiss on you. The use of tongue would’ve been obvious to anyone who watched, including poor Ben.
Breathless, you pulled back and Reid allowed it. He kept his arm where it was and turned to Ben with a hard grin. “Who’s this?”
You cleared your throat as if to wipe the slate clean, like swipe of an eraser on a chalk board. “Reid, this my friend and classmate Benedict. He goes by Ben for short. Ben, this is Reid, my boyfriend.”
“Yeah, we’re basically married,” Reid joked.
You elbowed him under the table and gave him a look. This was nothing for him to be jealous over.
Ben stuck his hand out but rather than shake it, Reid picked up something off of the plate and pushed a small piece into your mouth. His fingers linger on your lips as you chewed the unexpected bite. Your friend slowly lowered his hand, realizing that a hand shake would not be happening.
Unbothered, Reid chatted away. “Do you like it? I knew you would. When I saw they had some, I made sure to get a lot.”
You were put in an awkward position.
On one hand, if you paid too much attention to Ben, Reid was likely to get more territorial. On the other, if you gave into Reid’s posturing, he may feed into it and put on an even bigger air. Not to mention that Ben wasn’t stupid. He probably already figured out that Reid wasn’t a fan.
Yes. You would have to play this very delicately.
“It is really good. Thanks, baby.” He practically preened and continued to feed you. “Hey, Ben? Have you started thinking about your final project for Bird’s class yet?”
The two of you shared your respective plans for a class you were both in, Reid observing with sharp eyes.
“I feel stupid now that I know what you’re doing,” Ben confessed. “You’re so smart. Probably the smartest in our year.”
“Yeah. She is,” Reid answered before you had a chance to speak up. His jaw clenched and he pulled you slightly closer into his chest. The boys stared each other down until Ben abruptly glanced down at his stomach.  
A loud, angry gurgle rang out. Ben looked horrified as he excused himself in a panic, presumably to rush to the nearest bathroom.
“Nice to meet you, Benedict.”
You figured out what was going on when you saw Reid trying to hold his laughter in. You glared at the blonde and he couldn’t control himself any longer. He wiped a tear from his eye he was giggling so hard.
“Are you crazy?” you hissed, trying to keep the volume down despite your anger. “That was totally uncalled for!”
He tried waving it off. “He’ll be fine. The spell wasn’t even a strong one.”
“First, he’s a good friend and only a friend. He didn’t deserve to crap his pants because you got jealous. Second, you promised to stop using so much.”
Still, he insisted, “It’s not a big deal,” as he reached to pick at the food plate.
Not backing down, you took a grape from him and flung it at his face. He rubbed his forehead in frustration.
“Seriously? He’ll be fine in ten, fifteen minutes max. Until then, he can think about how douchey it is to flirt with other people’s girlfriends.”
Flirting? At what point was any of that considered flirting? “Just because someone gives me a compliment, doesn’t mean they’re interested in that way.”
At last he deflated a little. Scratched the back of his neck where skin met blonde locks. “Okay, maaaybe I overreacted…but can you blame me? You’re amazing and I’m just a guy that manages to screw up all the time.”
Reid was a great guy, no question about it, but his self-doubt got the best of him sometimes. Being the “black sheep” of the family and the Sons left him with insecurities that he still worked through. Getting him to admit he was wrong was always half of the battle. Once he did, it was a simple matter of reassuring him.
“Hey,” you said as you stroked the back of his hand. “How many times have we had this talk? I’m not going anywhere.”
“Not even for Benedict?” he pouted.
“Not even for Ben,” you answered, pulling him into a hug. “And why are you so hung up on calling him by his full name?”
Reid scoffed. “It’s so pretentious. He definitely comes from old money.”
“Umm, baby, you come from old money. Is that the pot calling the kettle black?”
He muttered so you couldn’t make out what he said.
“Okay, how about we make a deal,” you offered. He lifted his head, seemingly interested. “You apologize for your behavior when Ben comes back—and you’d better call him Ben. You do that and I’ll give you a reward when we get home.”
To show him the kind of reward you meant, you kissed the corner of his mouth, your finger trailing up his thigh. His eyes widened, the black of his pupil dilated in normal, non-magical way. Oh, he was undeniably down to agree to the deal.
You gave hi one last peck. “Now remember: Ben. Not Benedict.”
“I don’t know. Benedict has more of a ring to it—” He stopped mid-sentence when you glared. “Fine. I’ll be nice to Ben.”
He may be a dramatic goof, but he was your dramatic goof. And if he needed a reminder every now and then, along with some tough love, then you were happy to do it.
“Good boy,” you said with a big smile.
Hopefully I did jealous Reid justice! I haven’t written him in a while so I hope he’s not too off the mark. Older Reid still has childish impulses when he gets jealous but he is mature enough to admit when he’s in the wrong now. And even though Pogue is the head foodie, I think all the boys are big eaters with the magic use and working out. 
Thanks for reading :) 
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dustofbrokenheart · 4 years
The Covenant: Tech Guy
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Reid Garwin x Reader
Word Count: 3,826
Summary: After renting a laptop from your campus library, you run into a download problem. A call to Library Tech Services for help introduces you to Tech Guy. Good at his job, but with questionable people skills, you learn to work with him. It certainly helps that he has an attractive voice.   
This was not good, not good at all. It was less than an hour to midnight, the sun long since having set, and time seemed to pas faster, not slower, the later it got.
Now, you considered yourself to be pretty good with technology, perhaps not a computer genius but good enough to be able to troubleshoot most of your problems. It was pure bad luck that the night your capabilities failed was the night before you had an assignment due in Graphic Design.
Your own laptop had been ruined after an accident in the library had left the screen nothing more than a web of shattered fragments, but thankfully the library also carried laptops for checkout which saved you from having to fork out money that you didn’t have to buy a new one. You thought that checking out a laptop would be a quick fix to your problem, but you underestimated how high their demand was.
The librarian you spoke with at the circulation desk put you on a waiting list much to your disappointment and you left the building empty handed, unsure when one would become available.
The answer was six days later, the night before you had something due.
When they left a voicemail on your cell phone around seven o’clock to tell you that it was ready for pick-up, you immediately hopped on a bus bound for the library. The anxiety should have been somewhat alleviated because you could actually start to work on it now but when you got back to your dorm room and opened it up, another problem presented itself: the program you needed wasn’t installed.
Bad luck 1 – You 0.
Every time you tried to install it a message would pop up prompting you to enter an admin username and password in order to start the process. You had never seen that message before and innocently tried your own username and password. When that didn’t work, you tried three more times just to be sure.
Next stop was the internet, everyone’s favorite place to ask questions. You ran a quick search describing the problem and read through a couple of chat room threads. Disappointingly, nothing really applied to the situation at hand.
In hindsight, you shouldn’t have spent so much time trying to fix it because all that came of it was a lot of wasted time and you still hadn’t installed the program. You really didn’t want to take another trip to the library tonight if you could help it.
Frustrated and stuck you opened up the library’s webpage to see if there were any answers to be found. They didn’t but you did find the phone number for Library Tech Services, which was miraculously open even this late in the night.
Punching in the numbers you dialed and waited for someone to answer and when they did, it was short and to the point. “Library Tech.”
“Umm, hi… my name is y/n and I’m having an issue installing a program on my laptop rental.”
“Hmm. What’s the problem?” Again, not much to go on but the you could admit that tech guy’s voice sounded attractive.  
“Well. I clicked on the install button, but as soon as I did a message telling me that I needed admin permission to continue flashed on my screen.”
“Did you try your university username and password?”
“Did you double check that you typed everything correctly?”
“Did you try Google?”
“Of course, I did,” you answered with exasperation. He snickered and you felt your hackles rise. You called the number to get helped, not to get laughed at. Attractive voice be damned.
“I promise I exhausted every trick I know, I’m not stupid. But I do have something to finish tonight so if you can help me out here, that’d be great.”
For a split second you felt bad for being short with him but the aggravation was quick to return. He was the one providing terrible customer service… why should you feel bad calling him out on it?
He must’ve gotten the hint because he cleared his throat and started being serious. “The library puts restrictions on its laptops because they don’t want people downloading stuff willy nilly. What do you need to install?”
“Just Adobe Illustrator.”
You heard him typing on a keyboard in the background. “Sounds okay to me. I’ll just give you the admin credentials so you don’t have to make a trip over here tonight.”
You started to say thanks until you processed the end of that sentence. “Wait, what do you mean by that?”
“Normally we require people to come in person to fill out a form. Once the request is approved, a person is supposed to enter in the admin stuff, but I’m going to give it out over the phone to save you some time.”
His words left you speechless. You had no idea there was a whole process to do something so simple as install a program; you should’ve asked more questions before you walked out with it. It was a good thing to remember for next time. And the earlier guilt returned, too. He was being so nice now, bending the rules so you didn’t have to make another trek on the bus, which was quite frankly a gamble after dark.
You thanked him profusely, the tension draining from your shoulders. Once you told him the laptops id number and he was able to confirm that it was rented out to your account, he shared the username and password with you.  
With baited breath, you typed in exactly what he told you to and couldn’t help the happy noise that escaped you when it worked. It was impossible that tech guy saw your chair dance through the phone but he laughed again, making you question if he somehow knew anyway.
“Thanks, you’re a life saver!”  
He cleared his throat and said “Glad to be of service.” Then he hung up without another word.
You pulled the phone away from your ear and looked at it blankly. What the heck was that about? Thinking back on the conversation left you feeling very confused but you threw yourself into getting your images drawn up on Illustrator and soon lost yourself in the work.
You ended up staying up late well past your normal bedtime but the deadline was enough motivation for you to push through the drowsiness and yawns. Around 3:30 you finally finished and emailed it to the professor so you wouldn’t have to worry about it in the morning.
Sleep came easy that night and you vaguely remembered dreaming about tech guy’s voice which was utterly ridiculous. He hadn’t even mentioned his name, for goodness sakes! Plus, he was so hard to read, bouncing between jerk and nice on a whim. Nope. You were not going to stoop to finding out who he was. Not a chance.
After yesterday’s incident, your first course of the new day was to go grab a cup of coffee. You weren’t an easy riser on a good day, even less so after being up until the wee hours of the morning and caffeine was going to be essential for powering you through your classes.
Your go-to place was a campus coffee shop two blocks down from your dorm. It was still winter but you found that as long as you bundled up, the walk over went quickly and the cold air worked wonders for organizing your thoughts. But the real reason it was your favorite was not its closeness, it wasn’t even for the coffee; it was because of the heavenly pastries they made daily. The croissants, the eclairs, the danishes… they were all excellent. None was above their banana chocolate chip muffins.
A little bell chimed as you opened the door and the blast of heat from inside the shop felt nice against your chilled cheeks. The familiar worker at the register looked up and smiled when they saw you. “Hey, y/n! Should I start working on your cappuccino order?”
“Yes, please!” You approached the counter, removing your gloves to make it easier to take out your card from your wallet. A gleaming dessert case also caught your eye and you tried to glance over discreetly. As subtle as you tried to be, the cashier knew you too well after serving you for the past couple of years.
“Oh, sorry. We’re out those again.”
“Again?” you questioned sorrowfully.
He gave you a sympathetic shrug. “They’re very popular, they always go fast.”
It used to be that you could get your hands on a banana chocolate chip muffin whenever you wanted one but the secret must’ve gotten out to the rest of campus because you’d struck out for the past weeks. With a dramatic sigh, you settled for a chocolate croissant. It was no muffin but it was something to tide over your stomach until lunch.
“You know,” you started conspiratorially, “How can someone be so talented yet stupid simultaneously? If that no-good-baker bothered to make more of them knowing how fast they sell, this wouldn’t happen.”
You had never actually met the baker that was the source of the yummy pastries. In fact, you’d never even seen him and only knew that he was good at what he did and that he never came out to the front of the shop. There was really no reason why you ragged on him that morning other than you had major plans for that muffin that now had to be put on hold.
The cashier chuckled as he rang you up and looked back at the door to the kitchen for a moment. “I’ll pass along the message.” He slipped the croissant in a brown paper bag and handed it, along with the travel coffee cup, over to you.  “Have a good day. See you next time.”
You accepted it with a “You, too,” and were out the door to catch the next bus to your class.
Later that week, you ran into a familiar problem with the laptop. This time you needed to add Photoshop but figured that it shouldn’t be an issue now that you knew the password. So when you typed in the exact same thing as last time and the computer told you it was incorrect, you dragged a hand down your face and groaned. Well, you weren’t going to make the same mistake twice.
Swiveling around in your chair you grabbed your phone and called the Tech Services line again. The only thing that would make this even better would be if tech guy answered again, that’s how your luck was going that week. And sure enough, “Library Tech Services.”
You refrained from groaning again. Out loud anyway. “Hi, it’s y/n again. I was the one who called about the admin credentials Monday night?”  
“What’s up?”
“I’m trying to install Photoshop right now and it’s telling me the username/password is incorrect, which is impossible because it’s what I used the last time.”
“Right. We had to change the password for our monthly maintenance, it’s a security thing.”
“You’re kidding,” you said surprise coloring your voice. “Any chance you can share the new one with me?”
“Technically, I wasn’t supposed to give that to you last time.”
It was time to turn on the charm and convince him like you managed to previously. As you pleaded with him to do you this favor he interrupted you.
“How bad do you need it?”
What was wrong with you that hearing him say that put your mind in the gutter? He definitely hadn’t meant it that way when he said it! He was much chattier this time around so you were able to appreciate his voice better and his voice just did it for you.
You cleared your throat. “It’s not an emergency this time, no impending next-day deadlines, but I do want to get working on this new assignment…”
“Okay, okay. You’re lucky I like you.” That was news to you because you didn’t get that vibe based on the last call. It was nice to hear though. Some clicks sounded from the other end of the line and you waited silently for a few moments before he was ready to say the new password.
“Whew, we’re good to go,” you updated him as the Photoshop installation started. Another moment of silence passed.
Finally, he said a quick, “Good.”
You weren’t caught off guard when you heard the click that signaled he had hung up. Unlike the last call, he hadn’t seemed rude and he did mention that he liked you. Maybe he was just an awkward sort of guy, despite his killer voice. That might explain why he worked an IT job, weren’t those kinds of guys supposed to have terrible people skills?
You worked with Photoshop for a bit and when you reached a good stopping point, you got ready for bed. That night you laid awake for a while, unable to drift off to sleep. Instead, you replayed the conversation with tech guy over and over in your mind.
He was very helpful when he wasn’t giving an attitude and he this was the second time he had bent the rules for you. That pesky word ‘like’ kept rattling in your brain and you started to wonder if that nice voice belonged to a nice face. Furthermore, was there a chance that he found your voice attractive as well?
Sunday morning on a college campus seemed like a smart time to visit the coffee given that most of campus wasn’t up yet, which increased the chances of you getting your hands on a banana chocolate chip muffin. Maybe even two or three if you were honest, to make up for the past several failed attempts.
The sun hadn’t been up long when you opened the door, the little jingling bell announcing your presence. A barrage of delicious aromas caressed your nose and to your extreme delight, one of the scents you detected was a banana-chocolate combination.
You walked up to the counter and the cashier smiled as he told you good morning.
“So… can I get three banana chocolate chip muffins?”
He merely smiled and started working on your cappuccino. “Of course. Reid just finished them so they still in the kitchen, piping hot.”
Reid must be the baker that was responsible for the muffins as well as responsible for never making enough. “Finally! This is a long time coming for me.”
“I passed him your message, I think he took it to heart.” He handed over the drink and turned to go to the kitchen. “I’ll be back with the muffins.”
He pushed the door open and for a split second you caught a glimpse of a side profile belonging to a blonde guy. He was too far away to distinctly make out any facial features but he had nice shoulders framed by his black tee and obvious blonde hair that was hard to miss. He looked cute to you, at least from a distance.
Those two details were the only things you took note of before the door closed, effectively blocking you from more staring. Too bad. It was totally ridiculous to think about but tech guy’s voice would be a good combination with baker guy’s looks.
You picked at the lid of the coffee cup while you waited for the rest of your order already anticipating how they would taste. Your plan was to only eat one this morning and to ration the rest, but you were honest enough with yourself to know that you might enter a feeding frenzy and have all three finished by lunch.
When the door opened up again your eyes searched for the seemingly cute baker but there was no sign of him. There wasn’t a chance to get down about it, however, because a smile lit up your face as soon as you saw the medium sized brown paper bag that held the muffins.
“Reid says these are especially for you,” the cashier said as he lifted the bag over the register.
You were quick to raise your hands to take it from him and made sure to thank him as you left, not questioning why Reid, a person you’d never met, would make a comment like that, figuring that he was referring to how you complained that the muffins were always sold out.
The morning air was especially cold as you trekked back to your dorm, your breath condensing into a fleeting, frozen cloud around your face and the only thing keeping your hands warm was the cappuccino you held between gloved hands. Still, the trip to the coffee shop was definitely worth it and you were hoping that it was a good omen to start the day off with.
Perhaps you were still experiencing the high of the morning victory at the coffee shop, but later on that night while you were working on homework once again, you started thinking about tech guy again. There wasn’t any need to call him; you now had both Illustrator and Photoshop on the laptop and there wasn’t anything else that you needed to install.
Still, you debated calling him. Not because you needed to but because you wanted to. Which was weird, even to you, but you had missed him the past couple of days, bad people skills and all. After the second call, you felt even more confident that he wasn’t as condescending a guy as you had first thought him to be. And you wouldn’t mind getting to know that awkward version of him better.
The hard part was you literally knew nothing about him other than he worked the night shift at the library. You didn’t have a name, a face, not even a work schedule to confirm whether he was working tonight or not. Reid must’ve been serious when he told the cashier those muffins were made especially for you because there had to have been a secret dose of recklessness mixed in there. How else would you explain this strange, and potentially creepy, call you were about to make?
The dial tone rang and you took a deep breath, not sure how this would turn out. On the fifth ring, someone finally picked up. “Library Tech Services.”
You laughed in relief. Tech guy was the on the other end of the phone. “Hey.”
“Hey, y/n. Having another crisis?” On one hand you felt a little embarrassed that you no longer had to say your name for him to recognize your voice but on the other, the possibility that he enjoyed talking with you, too.
“It may come as a surprise but I can get through a day without having a tech issue that needs solving.”
“Oh, really?”
“I swear.” You crossed your heart even though he couldn’t see you.
“Well, what do you want then?”
Time to be brave. “Actually, I called for you.”
“I would hope so, I’m the only who works this shift meaning I’m your only option.”
“No, um, I meant I wanted to tell you thanks for helping me out with installing that stuff on the laptop. You were a lifesaver.”
“I try.”
“Seriously! I definitely would’ve missed one graphic design deadline, potentially two if you hadn’t come to the rescue.”
That seemed to get his attention. “Is that your major? Graphic Design?”
“Yep. Don’t I give off bumbling artist vibes?”
“Hmm you seem pretty confident to me but there’s nothing wrong with that. My grandma was—” He started that sentence but abruptly cut off and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Are you saying I remind you of your grandma?”
“Shit,” he grumbled. “My friends told me to stop bringing her up when talking to hot people.”
“Don’t sweat it, she sounds like she was awesome so I’m honored. But back to the part where I’m hot… do you really think so?”
“Obviously. Do you think I hand out library secrets to every person who calls? Your voice is strong and you sound super smart so I tried my best to be cool with you.”
“Okay but future tip: hanging up on people and not telling them your name is rude, not cool.”
His embarrassment was tangible through the phone and you let him sweat momentarily before speaking. “Luckily for you, I like dorks such as yourself and am willing to look past it as long as I get your name.”
“It’s Reid. Reid Garwin,” he rushed to say.
Now that was interesting. You fell back on your bed, your brain trying to make connections. The name while not super common, wasn’t rare either and what were the chances that you met two of them on the same day. If Reid with the nice body and tech guy, er, Reid with the nice voice were one in the same, you wouldn’t be upset. Quite the contrary.
“Reid as in Reid who bakes my favorite sugar fixes on campus?”
“One in the same. You seen me there before?”
“Only once,” you reveal. “When I went to pick up some muffins this today.”
It was his turn to laugh. “Wait. Are you saying that you’re that customer who called me stupid the other day?”
“They don’t let me out front cause I’m ‘too much’ for people but rest assured that the door isn’t that thick. I feel like an idiot for not recognizing that it was you though.”
The revelation that Reid was baking a tech hero, a winning mix by the way, thrilled you all the way from your head to your toes. At the moment you didn’t even care that he heard you calling him names at the coffee shop although you were sure the mortification would set in later.
“Would you like to go out sometime—”
“You do want to go out with me sometime—”
The two of you spoke at the same time and when you realized that the other had read your mind, you both giggled.
“After you,” you assured him.
“Shit, would you like to go out sometime? There’s a restaurant downtown that’s really good and I promise not to bring up grandma Garwin again.”
The plan was to pretend to think about it but your excitement overrode your brain and you said, “Deal as long as you promise to tell me more about her, not less.”
He started to answer you but stopped suddenly and you could vaguely hear him getting scolded by someone, reminding you that technically he was still on the clock.
“Sorry,” he grumbled, “The librarian on duty told me to stop flirting and get back to work. Stop by the coffee shop tomorrow though and we can talk more.”
You said your good-byes and rolled around your bed, the comforter thoroughly rumpled by the time you stopped. It seemed that your luck may be turning around for the better.
Thanks for reading my most self-indulgent piece to date. Also my longest! Reid may consider himself to be mister cool, but he is also an awkward bean who would make a great tech guy. It's also my first time experimenting with moodboards, let me know what you think :)
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