#rei & kaoru both may not have joined rhythm link prior to es together
wildwoof · 6 months
I can just spend a while thinking about just the amount of pent up emotions Koga possessed during his second year. Due in part to his short fuse, it always came out as anger more than any other emotion, but it also always quickly diffused itself. He's not so insensitive that he won't amend his ways. He can pick up on when what he's doing poses a negative effect, but he's also not one to baby anyone. He knows the meaning of tough love.
It's just so much was sucked away from him in the span of not EVEN a single year. He was easily influenced prior & then he pretty much hardened himself up when he felt like he lost so much he opened up to. Everything just stayed so pent up inside of him that slowly needed its release. Koga never exploded. It never boiled over to the point of a complete breakdown. It has fluctuating levels.
He calls himself a lone wolf, but he is not. He tries to take on stuff himself, but he ultimately cannot. It comes out aggressively when his pent up levels get too high. Someone realizes he's in that situation & then they attempt to close that gap to get his levels down. His second year was the worst because he wasn't constantly having other ways to relieve that pent up emotions. He'd keep it in until it came out in an aggressive spat.
But, everyone knew he was a good guy. Or at least they'd come to realize it after believing he was scary just from the way he acted on the surface. His speech pattern of course did not help his case. Delinquent speech patters in Japanese are very sharp & harsh sounding, rather rude is a way to think of it. When it comes to English, we don't have too many ways to express this due to our more limited noun/pronoun usages.
This was the way Koga generally spoke to everyone. He has gotten better since the end of the second year into the third, still a bit rude to those of similar standing or below him, but he is more polite with those older than him than before. He still tries to play off spending time with others, but he ultimately hangs with them. Koga's still not honest outwardly with his emotions, but it's certainly remnants of hardening himself up to others. Though he easily let's people in now, he doesn't want to appear as if he's truly attached to them.
It took him less than a year to interact with the one person he looked up to only for it to be ripped away from him. He needed time to adjust and amend to it, which is ultimately why he was the way he was during his second year. Did he come to terms with it? Eventually. Is still a sore spot to him? Kind of is. Has he moved on from it? Basically, but he has brought it up on the small occasion.
I have a feeling though that Koga has always kept his emotions generally bottled up. He was a spoiled kid. His parents gave him whatever he wanted, even if his dad was a normal businessman and his mom stayed at home, a typical Japanese family. But, he said he never felt a connection. Surface level love, but not a deep rooted bond. So, it only made things worse when he made a connection to someone he was fine only looking at from afar only for them to be taken away -- or ultimately "die". Koga's stubborn and self-confident, so he never gave up on any possibilities. Still doesn't change the fact of such a swift loss. Thus, causing his pent up emotions once more.
It shows itself in the way Koga acts. He's very headstrong in what he knows he likes and believes in. Anyone attempts to change that and Koga's quick to turn it down or voice his clear as day displeasure. He is easy to read in these instances, an open book. This is why others can read into how he might potentially react to something. It's just when it comes to matters of the heart that he can bottle himself up.
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