#regulating quirks with everyone is prohibited to public flaunting quirks is way easier
lookotherway · 2 years
Only heroes have the license to use their quirks in public like that’s a big reason why the MLA were still kicking.
not sure you mean it good or bad, but like there is a reason for the prohibition of public using quirk. how do i even start to explain this without making a mess 😵
in mha, there is no limitation for 'quirk', for what and how quirk can be and will be. there's no barrier, no system, no textbook power. you can imagine something, stupid or magnificent, and there definitely will be someone in the world has or had that. and even your imagination will be limited of how quirks could turn out. that's the first thing, because there's no solid scale to reckon how great a quirk will be, there is no way to reckon how terrible a quirk will be.
the second thing is, mha world isn't a world that started with superpowers. it is a world that started out as a normal world and evolved into phenomenon world. it means the base of civilization was built up for a normal civilization, not for a paranormal civilization. i will take example so it could be easier to understand:
take it as the gigantic quirk. the roads and map of buildings were set since the quirkless era for normal people, even though it has been improving again and again for the existence of mutant, it still kept the main design for average human size. do you think it should be rebuild to fit someone as big as the gigantic in PLA, or someone like mt. lady, just because they are free to use their quirks aka become too big for the city? how will they hold the responsibility? if they destroyed some buildings is it their fault for using their quirks wrong or is it the society's fault for not building some bigger roads?
what about quirk like overhaul's? when he disassembles then reassembles a person, are we going to count it as a killing action or a treating action? is he going to hold the responsibility of assaulting people, or is the government going to hold the responsibility because they let him use it freely? are the people who voted for free use of quirk going to hold the responsibility, or they will just push it to the government?
or toga. her quirk requires drinking blood to active. so if she attacks people and drinks their blood, how are we gonna handle this case? yeah sure, there is law that prohibit you to attack people with your quirk. but her quirk requires drinking blood to active. if we prohibit her to drink people's blood isn't that just we taking away her human right? her free quirk using right?
it will be a horrible legal nightmare to regulate quirks if everyone's free to do whatever fuck they want. it will be a century pain if you want to... pull the entire based civilization down and rebuild it so everyone can be free.
and another thing is, leading a whole nation isn't a game. stabilizing a nation and society isn't a game that one can simply put on a bet that sure people will behave and comply with the law if we allow them to use quirks freely. no. human's heart is ugly no matter what kind of evolution they've gone through. the government simply cannot bet the entire peace and order of the society on... the society itself.
it's not about 'they prohibit me from using my own quirk freely'. it is about you have yet to prove them that they can have faith on you. that's literally how heroes start out. the society isn't just you. it is everyone, so it can't be 'everyone can be whatever fuck they want', it has to be 'everyone are equal therefore everyone are treated the same unless they prove their ability'. a clock can't work if each of its cog wants to wheel its own direction.
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