#regis ayhan
twsted-tales · 10 months
Twisted Wonderland OC
Name: Regis Ayhan
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Birthday: December 31rst "This is actually true! Thank goodness they made it a holiday."
"Everyone wants Immortality til they get their wish, and when they get it...well, it's pretty boring."
Other Names: King Ayhan(Malleus), Regi(Lilia), Sea Jelly(Floyd)
Age: 18
Real Age: ??? "Oh, that's not good. Seems I forgot...hm, let's say 500 to be safe."
Zodiac: Capricorn ♑
Height: 5'8"(173cm)
Dominant Hand: Left
Homeland: Republic of the Waning Moon(Formerly Kingdom)
School BIO:
Grade: Junior(Third Year)
Least Favorite Food: Lilia's cooking
Class: Class E (No. 31)
Club: Pop Music Club
Best Subject: Ancient Curses
Hobbies: Traveling, Cooking, playing music
Pet Peeves: Given responsibilities he doesn't want.
Favorite Food: Lamb Chops
Talents: ordering people around
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Regis is a young man with dark brown skin and old tired looking golden eyes framed with green eye-liner on the bottom. Without the make up Regis appears to sport a pair of dark circles under his eyes. But even so, those who meet his gaze say his eyes are old. Feeling as of they're staring deep into a sea of work down gold.
Wrapped around his heart shaped face is a mop of white dreadlocks that poke out from Regis' headscarf.
Speaking of which, said scarf is silky to the touch and has been painstakingly embroidered with golden lining all across it's fabric. If you were to ask the student why he wears it, his answer is, "It's a family heirloom, don't worry about it." But no matter how nonchalant he tries to be, or flippant he tries to make his tone, Regis' voice turns brittle and heavy. Sounding as if he's one word from breaking as he speaks. Whatever the history of this scarf is, it holds a special place in Regis' heart
Beyond that, Regis' clothes are the same as any other Diasomnia student. Blazer, and neon green vest and all.
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Regis is a very calm, kind, and wise person to all the students he meets. Often giving advice or helping people he sees needing help if the mood suits him. On a few occasions Regis can be playful and teasing to the other students. Playfully calling them youngins, or convincing them that as punishment for messing something up they have to eat Lilia's cooking.
Overall, Regis is an easy going man who makes the best of a situation. But when he is annoyed or angered, he becomes sharp with his words, and blunt with his actions. Often seeming like a king off to give a verdict whenever his ire is aimed at someone. As if the student before him has mere seconds to give him a reason for their foolishness before the execution comes.
Regis is not his true name, if not for his kingdom he would've forgotten it a long time ago. No, instead of being just a simple student, Regis is an ancient immortal king who fought in the Fae Human war. Going out for revenge for what Melleanor had done to his family. Killing his parents when he was a child and in turn, at 10 years old, King Ayhan was born.
So after years and years of fighting with the fae and gaining a rivalry with a certain general, Regis finally gained his goal. He finally slayed the dragon that took everything from him so long ago. Finally, he could have peace, finally he could rest, and just rule his kingdom until his dying days with his best friend at his side as queen.
But then again, how can ashes be a queen? During the battle, or maybe before, he can't remember now. But as some oint during the last days of the war, Regis lost his one and only best friend. And with them, he also lost his mortality. He didn't age, no damage could kill him, no magic could strike him dead or remove this curse. Essentially, he was immortal. And in his mind, no longer human. Instead, he's just a relic of a bygone age that should've been put in the dirt a long, long time ago.
Some song lyrics that fits Regis
"And now I'm so far gone, can you change my name, can you replace my pain?"
- This fits how he is as a student. In NRC he can pretend to be another person. He can pretend to be a regular kid again, he can be human again. In a way replacing his pain. But in the end it's still a part of him. Yes he's accepted it now, but that doesn't mean it's easier.
"There's nothing left to say, just let me fade away!"
-This gives me an idea for Regis' dream world. Like maybe instead of a fleshed out dream world they just see an almost endless abyss as they fall for what seems like forever until they meet a tired and. Decrepit Regis that looks so done with everything. He's caked in blot from the monster that lulls them all into a deeper sleep cause to him it's the closest thing he'll have to a rest. But even with this he can't fade away fully.
"I know this won't be my last time, I'm losing sight. Why can't I get out? Why am I still here? Why can't I move on? Why am I still here?"
-This fits Regis during his first few decades of being immortal because he's just seeing everyone he knew amd loved die one after another and he's still there. Just living.
Lilia is his Queen actually. He married the old bat and he is his Queen. Though since the kingdom is a constitutional monarchy now, they really don't have many royal duties.
He loves writing music for the pop music club and him and Lilia compete for who's gonna be be the lead singer for each song. In a way reliving their youth in a much lighter way.
Regis means king
Ayhan means king of the moon, it's his actual family name. And it's one part of himself he never forgets.
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