#regardless don't do that for scaley friends
dragonofthestone · 11 months
I think the problem with a lot of medications/ drugs and things is besides his hybrid body being unpredictable on how it'll react as it is, because of the stone it likely it get quickly either nullified / does nothing will be absorbed and quickly used up
Anesthetic would be especially tricky, add in what ever is going on with heart and lungs there's definitely risk. He / his body would also have to kept warm / need supplemental heating during such.
As he is (mostly) ectothermic, unlike actual reptiles his body does have slight capabilities to adjust and if temporarily maintain his body temp from any heat retained in their body from outside - which is why he can manage a little better in colder whether then a normal reptile would (helps while sleeping)
But in a fully sedated state ehhhh, he might be okay but always better to play it safe. At the very least it would be recommended if not mandatory to keep something on the ready to avoid his temperature dropping / keep him at a normal level- gotta keep that room warm.
Assuming it actually takes effect (he quite possibly may require more then what would normally be required for someone his size and weight)
If he wanted to be frustrating he could/ can also choose to try and hold his breath which he can for a decent amount of time.
Not to say he would but like I mean he could
Reptiles are complicated creatures with specialized needs which unfortunately makes for a complicated Chimera.
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writerman · 5 years
Adam, Anathema, Madame Tracy and the others have to take a moment, to actually process and get over the fact that they know, and are friends, with an actual angel and a demon. And it doesn't help that Ezra and Crowley don't hide the fack that they are celestial beings anymore. Sometimes they can't help being in awe of them (bonus points if they show off their wings ahaha)
Thank you for this prompt. First ever GO prompt and the first ever thing I’ve written for the fandom. No wing mention but they do have a little display of their power in a rather odd and adorable way!
Everyone was crammed into the bookshop.
The weather outside was dismal, rain fell in unrelenting sheets from a slate grey sky, and it seemed as though the whole of London heaved a weary sigh at the sight of the dreary overcast horizon.
Aziraphale was busying himself with making tea for the gaggle that had invaded, taking extra care as he did so. Human hands were delicate and he'd rather avoid further injury due to overconfidence by rushing through the ritual. 
For the most part, the chatter was a soft lull behind him putting the angel at ease. Adam whispered feverishly about conspiracies with Anathema and Newton- though the latter seemed wholly astonished and a little lost at the rate the topic changed from one moment to the next. All the while young Adam leaned on his elbows which rested on a worn, yet much loved, table eyes alight with interest as Anathema spun stories that had his imagination spiralling out of control as a young boy was wont to do. 
The older of the visitors, Shadwell and Madame Tracy, sat in comfortable silence by the fire, they had arrived later than the rest and we're making use of the warmth to dry off. Both sat close to one another legs touching as their eyes gravitated to the dancing flames in the fireplace. 
The room was so full of love and happiness that Aziraphale could scarcely contain his joy and it fairly showed as he brought tea in for the gang, his entire countenance glowing as though the sun resided within the bookshop. 
The conversation stopped when the tea tray was set down on the table and many quiet thank-yous greater the angel and he handed over mugs of hot tea. 
Only one person was missing from the group, a particularly important person and it had not gone unnoticed by the visitors… Crowley was nowhere to be seen. 
To the human eye anyway. 
Or rather, to human eyes looking for a demon with flaming locks and somewhat obsessive love for round lens sunglasses. 
The demon was currently in snake form curled up on a deep purple cushion by the fire unbeknownst to everyone there, aside from Aziraphale. 
Shadwell and Madame Tracy hadn't noticed him and we're now sipping hot tea mumbling unhappily about the weather and how 'June is summer, isn't it?' 
All the while a snake lay nestled on the soft fibres of the cushion in a loose coil, his little forked tongue flicking out occasionally. 
If observed by any of the guests he maybe have been found to be 'simply adorable'... Well not by all guests but a fair few of them. A demon snake all soft, warm and sleepy by a crackling fire, his shining black scales given an orange glow reminiscent of his hair by the dancing flames. 
Eventually, his whereabouts became the topic of conversation when young Adam raised his gaze to the still glowing angel.
"Mr Aziraphale, where is Mr Crowley?" The question promoter the rest of the guests to look ok about the room hoping to capture a glimpse of the demon lurking in the shadows. 
The chatter rose louder than the earlier gentle buzz, someone exclaimed that they'd noticed a lack of snark in the conversation since they had first arrived. 
At the mentioned of Crowley, the angel beamed and hurried over to the fireside. Leaning down he gently lifted a snake from a cushion and held it all up for all to see. 
"Now, Crowley, I believe you've had quite enough sleep by now. Time to play host with me, it only seems fair after I've let you rest here for so long undisturbed." The snake hissed in response to Aziraphale’s words and the angel brushed it off with ease. A hiss was nothing, and who wouldn’t be in an awful mood when woken abruptly from sleep?! 
There was another hiss but it lacked any sort of malice, it was tame in comparison to the earlier one though it was still directed at Aziraphael hoping to convey annoyance. 
The angel merely smiled down at the moody serpent completely unaffected by Crowley’s grumpy demeanour and pressed a light kiss to the top of the scaley head- this prompted Crowley out of his animal form with such violence that he crashed into the table knocking the cups and saucers to the floor. 
It took mere seconds for the demon to right himself and the table with the click of his fingers, as he did so he vanished and order was restored just with less demon in the room than before. 
Most of the guests were on their feet now on the lookout for a sour face demon.
Shadwell was shushed as he muttered about witches, the request for quiet came as a dig in the ribs from someone’s (Madame Tracey’s) elbow. The witch hunter did quieten down but he looked about the room with, almost, eagle eyes for any further tricks. 
“Did he go home?” Adam asks, he’s stuffing biscuits into his mouth, though most of his attention is on the angel and not on the biscuits that left copious amounts of crumbs on his t-shirt and the table he was sat at. He could see that the incident had left the angel fretting that he’d upset the demon quite seriously, but Adam believed he was just showing off in case anyone had forgotten he had magic powers. 
Aziraphale worried his bottom lip between his teeth. Crowley’s behaviour had been quite out of character, but then again… so had his. Kissing the little snake head had been an impulsive move sway by the feeling of overflowing affection he could no longer ignore within himself. 
It didn’t help that he had always found Crowley’s snake form adorable, well aside from the larger form that had slithered around Eden causing havoc. The sheer size of that form had unnerved the angel to no end. 
Silence had fallen over the little book shop now as all eyes now fell upon the angel who stood with his back to them. They were waiting for him to say something, anything… 
Pushing aside the feeling of panic rising up the angel turned to face the gang with a smile. 
“That was most dramatic of him…” 
“Well, yeah…” Adam began, still pushing the limits of his stomach by cramming more biscuits into his mouth, “But it was pretty cool. I forget you two can do stuff like that. Can you turn into animals, Mr Aziraphale?” The boy’s query was a perfect distraction and the angel offered the brightest smile he could muster, with a flourish of his hands the angel vanished and in his place stood a little white cat, it blinked up at the gang with big blue eyes. 
He was gifted with various ‘oohs’ and ‘aaahs’ from the majority and Anathema even went as far as to reverently whisper that the angel’s power was great but he was just too adorable to be afraid of in this form. 
Newton had agreed without actually speaking, he just nodded while keeping his wide-eyed gaze on the fluffy creature. 
Again, Shadwell mumbled something about witchcraft and again he was silenced with a light jab to his ribs. Though, when kitty Aziraphale trotted over to the older man he did get a scratch behind the ear before being shooed off. 
While the gang were being entertained, Aziraphale’s thoughts returned to Crowley. For the most part, he knew that, logically, the demon would return to him, perhaps not that evening or even that week but he would return. 
A darker part of his mind spoke of something that left an ache in his chest, a thought bloomed in his mind that he had completely blown it with Crowley and their friendship had come to an end.
Regardless of the outcome, the angel would seek him out and they would talk.
Even if it was an apology. 
Even if it was the last conversation he had with his dear, dear demon.
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