#refugees and asylum seekers are not the reason the countries been destroyed by austerity
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#its so horrifying whats happening in england and northern ireland#mosques are cornerstones of all communities#refugees and asylum seekers are not the reason the countries been destroyed by austerity#people can not be illegal#uk riots#england riots
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11th November every year is a prominent time across the globe, especially in the United Kingdom (UK).
2017 is no different to any other time everyone pledges their gratitude by obtaining a “Poppy” by donating money to the “The British Legion” and everyone stops for a period of time “Before & After” and reflects on the persons who have given their lives for their Country (Members of Parliment).
Today, classified as a “Veteran”, I signed to serve my Queen & Country, was willing to give my life to serve and protect humanity and freedom. Proud to say that, I served my country and crown in conflicts in foreign lands.
However, over the last few years having had time to reflect on life past and present, especially in the United Kingdom, my view has changed slightly.
After attending various remembrance services over the weekend of remembrance. It is saddening to say that one feels let down, the charity that operates the poppy appeal have become a commercial enterprise. As a veteran, I refused to wear a poppy or give a donation to the British Legion, I have my reason which are revealed later on.
While attending the Royal Albert Hall Remembrance evening it became evident that the Poppy Appeal is just a PR Gimmick and money earner. The organiser and charity actually put on a great event with stories and reminders to promote the Poppy Appeal, the PR is absolutely outstanding and very affective visually.
What is the real cost of this and is this money better spent to help our services personnel past and present. While sitting amongst my brothers / sisters proud to be in their presence of so many great people listening to the stories of past and present. This started to generate overwhelming feelings for me and I wanted to stand up, interrupt the live televised broadcast and speak out.
Actually struggled to fight off the urge that was building inside and speak my mind. This is the first-time that I have ever had this urge and it actually scared me, had no choice but to leave before the end of the show.
Reason for the urge to stand-up and taking this action was the poppy appeal has lost its appeal. It is a PR stunt, we reflect on our brothers / sisters / mothers / fathers / grandfathers / grandmothers and friends who have sacrificed their lives in conflicts or luckily still here today, but are combating with other pains from their times in service. For a very short period of time there is reflection on their lives and a reminder of the reason these sacrifices were taken to protect humanity and the freedom of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth people in World War I & II.
We reflect on the losses in the most recent conflicts in the Middle East. However, we seem to forget a majority of sacrifices in the Middle East were because the Politicians of the time were influenced by America Government to send us to war that was structured and prefabricated by America. This war was on so-called terror and WMD’s, which is far from the truth. Men and women lost their lives, while others returned with serious life changing injuries that they continue to battle with today. Unfortunately no persons or politicians have been held accountable for putting us to war without clarification of the facts. They actually have either become wealthy individuals in the top-tier of society or still in government in influential positions of power, slowly destroying the UK.
Today 2017, a majority of the people who have sacrificed their lives one way or another would not be happy with how the United Kingdom has turned out. Veterans and active service personnel are not priority or looked after by our government, worse still the people of United Kingdom are divided and while the Elected Government Members protect the wealthy and enhance their revenue the majority of people are continually suffering through the austerity measures that are taken, the world economy suffered a recession in 2008 and have still not recovered. The country is slipping further in to recession but is being flowered up or polished to look as if we are pulling out. Majority of the people of the United Kingdom are treated as 3rd Class Citizens in their own country, as the wealthy are priority, followed by the refugees and asylum seekers.
Refuges, asylum seekers and others from outside the United Kingdom take priority. Our national service systems are at breaking point and the systems are near failure. Majority of the United Kingdom people live in poverty or below the line of poverty.
We have veterans, who are fighting their own battles / war after leaving the services. There is an increase of veterans living on the streets, in prison, suffering mental health issues and unfortunately taking their own lives because they cannot continue the fight any longer, without support.
Since 2007 there is 187 Registered Charities that state they are raising funds to support service personnel, families and veterans such as the Royal British Legion that generate large sums of funds through charity, their tag line is
“We help members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families all year round. We also campaign to improve their lives, organise the Poppy Appeal and remember the fallen”.

However, the UK Charity Commission has openly stated that a majority of the Charities hold back up to 80% of the funds.
British Legion itself has sat on funds and has on numerous occasions been contacted by veterans or charities looking for assistance, as they are suffering hard times and need little help. But were turned away as they were not seen as their preferred case study.
People close to a veteran suffering will tell you that they will not ask for help due to pride or until they are pushed. When a veteran ask for help nine of ten times it will be serious, majority of them will not ask due to their level of pride or feel that they will be seen as weak.
Main reason a vast amount of charities (187) have formed since 2007 is they felt that the existing charities were not providing the necessary support.
Having been homeless and reaching out for help by contacting various Military Charities, I was let down by many including the RBL. However, was lucky to be captured and assisted by one great organisation. During my time spent under the support system of the charity, it become evident that there were other veterans that had approached other charities and RBL, but refused support or assistance. Saddening part is that genuine Charities even struggle to secure support from RBL, who is the UK Government elected Charity.
During my time under the support structure of the Charity is that monies is raised from different sources and the Regiment that you served actually provides a portion of the funding as well as the charity.
Have actually witnessed many commonwealth brothers and sisters, who have undertaken active service in conflict zones, return home to the country they defended and were willing to give their life. Refused UK Citizenship unless they undertook the citizenship test and paid the relevant fee.
This is ridiculous and should have more entitlement than many others arriving in the UK, as they were willing to give their life for Queen & Country. These individuals should be given exemption from the citizenship test and given a British Passport if they served minimum set time of service or in a conflict zone.

Actually a former Prime Minister, who has never done anything courageous for the United Kingdom apart from lined his pockets as do many other politicians in the UK failed the Citizenship Test.
It is saddening to watch people who have become homeless and actually turned to drugs and alcohol to take away the pain of the cold and embarrassment. It is saddening to see ex-veterans being treated from time to time as a 3rd & 4th class citizen in their own country that they were happy to give their life to defend.
As a veteran we are willing to give our lives to protect the Queen & Country and ensure the freedom and humanity of life or follow orders.
Everyone overtime stated Adolf Hitler was a tyrant, which he was at the end. However, what a lot of people do not know was, that he was employed by the government to infiltrate the German Workers Party and gain intelligence during a time of great depression. He received a copy of his pamphlet My Political Awakening, which contained anti-Semitic, nationalist, anti-capitalist, and anti-Marxist ideas. This become a moment that would change the world forever and turn the once solider into a Political Leader. In 2017, a lot of people could say we are in a similar predicament in the UK and western worlds, due to the actions of our western leaders over the last two decades. The only difference is the Anti-semitic is replaced with Anti-islam.
While serving in a conflict zone in Europe, during a board game of chest with a Yugoslavian gentleman was told the next world war would occur in the Western World (United Kingdom). This was his opinion, his reasoning for this statement was due to people uprising against the governmental way. He openly stated the immigration and policies will lead to the UK Population becoming unhappy and being undervalued, which in turn will cause an uprising.
It is saddening to think that this Old Man’s words may come true in the near future, if the Government continue as there has been discontent shown in the past 12 – 24 months.
People of the United Kingdom and other western countries have come together and raised their concerns regards the decisions and direction their Elected Governments have taken over the last few years. Everyone seems to raise their voices from time to time. It seems it is only a matter of time before an individual or party with the support of the people will throw the UK Politics in to turmoil.
More concerning and saddening part here is the next Tyrant could be bred and born in the United Kingdom. People will clash and the next uprising could lead to a war….
Our Queen and her family need to take a stand for the people of the United Kingdom, as our government seems to be out of touch with the majority of the people suffering day in, day out. Poverty is around the corner for a majority of people, debt continues to grow out of control with bills continuing to grow. Today, the UK People cannot get value for money, with food packaging shrinking and pricing increasing on a weekly and monthly basis.
The one thing with the people of Britain is we will take a lot of crap. But there will be a point when the people will say, enough is enough. Remember, the British people are strong, full of pride and when they bite back it will hurt everyone in position of power or on the other side of the divide. The longer this government and corporate powers continue to treat us as third class citizens the more respect is lost and deeper the bite will be.
We were once known as “Great Britain and United Kingdom” today we are neither as we are not United or Great. Individual’s who we actually remember on the 11th November, who give their lives in past wars and conflict did not fight or give their lives for the citizens of the UK to become a third class citizen. REMEMBER, they fought for freedom, humanity and to bring an end to suffering.
People in power need to stand up and start repairing our country and bring back our values that were the foundation that made us “Great & United”. Our services from emergency, education, housing, health, immigration, border control and armed services are at breaking point with continued influx of people into the country, austerity cuts and giving of relief to the wealthy, corporate organisations and other nations.
Today our active service personnel actually do not know if they have a secure future with the continued cuts.
In all the time the people have suffered the austerity cuts, we have never seen a Member of Parliament, Lords or Banking Industry suffer any financial cuts they have enhanced their levels of wealth, while everyone else suffers cuts.
If you read this blog, thank you. Please understand this is my opinion and everyone has one, some may not like it or agree, but there it is and thnk you again…….
Been away for a while no back 11th November every year is a prominent time across the globe, especially in the United Kingdom (UK).
#British Legion#Conservatives#conservatives party#homeless#house of commons#House of Parliment#Labour Party#Politics#Poppy Appeal#Remembrance#UK Government#UK Politics#wordpress
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what on earth is going on in england and Northern Ireland, THE IRISH OUT OF EVERYONE, yet Scotland and wales are STILL getting blamed typical. If you have been involved with any of these riots I really hope you get what’s coming to you. You are all disgusting, racist twats who are just showing there true colours now absolutely disgusting.
You say you are protecting your country and the women of your country YET YOU ARE THROWING ACID ON BRITISH ASIAN WOMEN, BEATING THEM UP THEY ARE YOUR WOMEN!!! IMAGINE HOW TERRIFIED THEY ARE RN YOU ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH, i am white and im terrified imagine the POC of our country
im sorry for this little rant but i am absolutely disgusted and angry at what is going on right now please to all of the Muslims, immigrants and POC, please stay safe and i know you shouldn’t have to but stay indoors if that means you’re safe! Wishing everyone the safety they deserve in their own country 🤍🙏
#its so horrifying whats happening in england and northern ireland#mosques are cornerstones of all communities#refugees and asylum seekers are not the reason the countries been destroyed by austerity#people can not be illegal#uk riots#england riots#English riots#english#england#this has nothing to do with Scotland and wales please start calling it the English and NI riots not the British
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