#refresh my memory on my verses and tags lamps
drcgonhide · 2 years
Hey so… it’s been a while since I’ve been genuinely active on this blog! Finding out I’ve got adhd has explained a LOT when it comes to my sporadic attention span towards my blogs over the years, but I really do miss it here and I’ve been reading some old threads and it made me really miss writing my grumpy lizard man ❤️
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So - I can’t promise I’m not gonna be spotty with my attention span (since my hyperfixations still do tend to cycle even with my medication lmao) but I’ve decided I want to officially return! In that same train of thought, I’m older now, and I’ve had this blog for almost 9 years now; so I’d like to think my writing skills have improved at least a little, so I’m gonna steer clear of the one-line replies I used to do far too much of 😅
But anyways hello again! I really hope the OUAT community is still active at least somewhat lol
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