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Happy Birthday, Erasmus!
Erasmus, from page 32 of The Century of Sir Thomas More by Benjamin Orange Flower, 1896, public domain via the British Library
Desiderius Erasmus(October 27, 1469 – July 12, 1536) was, by his own account, born in Rotterdam, Holland. He was the son of a priest and the daughter of a physician, who, of course, were not married. As a child of that illicit union, he had no apparent prospects for a…
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#Catholicism#Classicism#Classics#Desiderius Erasmus#Diarmaid MacCulloch#Eamon Duffy#Erasmus#Eric MacPhail#Erika Rummel#Free Will#Humanism#Humanist#In Praise of Folly#James D. Tracy#Jill Kraye#Martin Luther#Melvin Bragg#Protestant Reformation#Reformation500#Satire#Thomas More
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Venice/ Venedig Chiesa Luterana di Venezia „500“ 2017 Fine Art (signed + Frame) https://videogeist.shop/products/venice_500_chiesaluterana #venice #venedig #chiesaluterana #philippgeist #videogeist #500 #reformation #luther #martinluther #projectionmapping #videomapping #zukunft #future #Reformation500 (hier: Venice, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKlm-uoFyH4/?igshid=iocnqg5s7vcc
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New Exhibit Installed! - Reformation: Dialogue and Identity
Last week we opened our new exhibit commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. We’ll be posting about some of the individual items on display, but for now here’s a peek into some of our cases. The exhibit will be up until December 15th, 2017, so if you’re in the area, please stop in.
Rather than attempt a chronological history of the Reformation, we decided to focus the exhibit on the ways people engaged in dialogue through texts and images within and between faith communities. It includes some truly interesting stuff, if we do say so ourselves!
#reformation#reformation500#exhibit#rare books#martin luther#special collections#harvard library#reformation500hds#harvard divinity school
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Luther In Hell by Egbert van Heemskerck II
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A reformáció könyvespolca labdával. Hétfőn konferencia! #oldbook
Az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár 2017. október 16-án A reformáció könyvespolca. Reprezentatív kiadványok Magyarországon a reformáció korából címmel konferenciát rendez a reformáció 500. évfordulója tiszteletére. Ezen könyvtárunk és más nagy történeti könyvtárak állományából mutatnak be az előadók kiadás-, könyv-, kötéstörténeti vagy tartalmi szempontból olyan nyomtatványokat, nyomtatványsorozatokat és kéziratokat, amelyeknek szimbolikus vagy reprezentatív szerepük volt a magyarországi és európai reformáció történetében. Ilyenek pl. az egyes főúri családok (Rákócziak, Thurzók, Ráday Pál stb.) mecénási szerepével készült reprezentatív kiadványok, a legjelentősebb zsoltáros- és énekeskönyvek, prédikációs kötetek, elmélkedő és imádságos könyvek, katekizmusok, hitvallások. Előadóink legnagyobbrészt az OSZK és a protestáns nagykönyvtárak kora újkorral foglalkozó kutatói közül kerülnek ki, de emellett Szlovákiából két, Romániából egy régi könyvekkel és possessor-kutatással foglalkozó kutató kollégát is meghívtunk. http://www.oszk.hu/rendezvenyek/reformacio-konyvespolca-konferencia
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#repost from @reftoons - "God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination." ~Augustine of Hippo #christian #quotes #christianity #quote #calvinism #calvinist #reformed #reformation #reformation500 #faith #quoteoftheday #art #comics #illustration #bible #God #repentance #Augustine #hippo - #regrann
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Pretty sure I “nailed” my outfit for our church’s Beer, Brauts & Movie Bash tonight! 😂 #lutherhumor #reformation500 #nailedit
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REFORMATION CONFERENCE PART 7; Luther’s Theology of the Cross – Dr Alan Cairns Few sermons in recent times have blessed and comforted my heart as this message has done. Profound, Pastoral, Christ Centred.
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| REFORMED TRUTH. . . "Luther now entered boldly upon his work as a champion of the truth. His voice was heard from the pulpit in earnest, solemn warning. He set before the people the offensive character of sin, and taught them that it is impossible for man, by his own works, to lessen its guilt or evade its punishment. Nothing but repentance toward God and faith in Christ can save the sinner. The grace of Christ cannot be purchased; it is a free gift ... One of the most important of these occasions, the festival of All Saints, was approaching. On the preceding day, Luther, joining the crowds that were already making their way to the church, posted on its door a paper containing ninety-five propositions against the doctrine of indulgences ... By these theses it was shown that the power to grant the pardon of sin, and to remit its penalty, had never been committed to the pope or to any other man ... The eyes of the people, so long directed to human rites and earthly mediators, were now turning in penitence and faith to Christ and Him crucified." {The Great Controversy, pp. 128-133}. . © Joseph Fiennes as Martin Luther in the movie, "Luther" (2003). . . . #remnantgospeler #truthinfaith #god #jesuschrist #holyspirit #christian #christianity #protestant #martinluther #reformation #solascriptura #solafide #solagratia #soluschristus #solideogloria #reformedthought #reformedtheology #lawandgrace #faith #presenttruth #reformation500 #95theses (at The Remnant Gospeler Institute)
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Started #reading Wu Ming Presents: Sermon to the Princes, by Thomas Müntzer.
#wu ming#luther blissett#thomas müntzer#sermon to the princes#reformation500#radical reformation#reading
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Something for Everyone?
This tract (currently on display) provides a top twenty list of perceived Christian heresies of the 17th century. We collect works like this one because they provide a glimpse into historical discourse around religious dissent and toleration, and they provide an opportunity to learn from that sometimes contentious dialogue.
At the exhibit opening a faculty member was heard to remark with a smile that the list kind of sums up Harvard Divinity School. (Meant in the very best way, of course.)
A Relation of severall heresies ... For the preventing of the growing and spreading of Heresie. Published according to Order, by a wellwisher of Truth & Peace. London : Printed by J.M. and are to be sold in Popeshead Alley, 1646.
#heresy#dissenters#17th century#pamphlets#rare books#harvard divinity school#reformation500#exhibits#religion
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1517. október 31-én függesztette ki Luther Márton (Martin Luther, 1483–1546) német Ágoston-rendi szerzetes, a szász választófejedelemség teológiai doktora a wittenbergi vártemplom kapujára 95 pontba foglalt téziseit, amelyeket a katolikus egyház megreformálása érdekében tett közzé. Nézetei hosszas harcok árán utat törtek, és az általa vezetett új irányzat lett az evangélikus, míg a nála is radikálisabb, Kálvin János (Jean Calvin, 1509–1564), genfi reformátor vezette irányzat a református vallás alapja.
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Martin Luther Reformation bulletin board
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#Art Installation for the 500 Anniversary of the #Reformation . #Switzerland was epicentre for spread of the Reformation #Reformation500 #SaintFrancois #Cathedral #Lausanne #InLovewithSwitzerland #church (at Saint-François)
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