marianomxdrigal · 2 years
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       he’s finishing      his paper     when the knock         on the door disrupts him, walking     over to the door,      he sees the brunette.       his usual smug         smirk     , tainting his       rough features. ❝      don’t     you      look nice —— ❞       dark orbs scan      her from head to      toe. ❝      how rude of me,      please come in .  ❞       he says as he looks      at the femme     before him,      closing the door  ❝      to what    , do    I owe      this glorious     visit ?  ❞ 
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rosaxlieslvtre · 2 years
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          lips pursed together       as she leans on her      hands,     letting the sun bronze up      her skin      (     as much as it would     allow her     , without her looking       like she has      been burnt   ).       turning her gaze       to the brunette on     the side,      the same smile coating      crimson petals ❝       I didn’t see you around      ——      how was the beach     ,     I showed up late        &. had a few      drinks.      nothing over      the top    ❞ she muses        as she flips       strawberry blonde      hair behind     her shoulder. 
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“ i need to take a lap. i’ve been staring at this book for so long the words are all starting to jumble together. ” resting the still open pages on her stomach glancing over at reese through squinted eyes, “ i think i’m going to get a smoothie or something, do you want anything ? ” @reesepce​
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bearydes · 3 years
“I need you to talk me out of going on a 48 hour bender the moment we get out of here,” Beatrice stated, inviting herself into the seat next to Reese. If anyone could be Bea’s voice of reason, it would definitely be her. “Because, like, honestly, passing out on a cold ass floor sounds like Heaven right now.”
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tcmmyyo · 3 years
♧  ⤷  𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 @reesepce
the party wasn’t technically starting for a few hours but tommy was already dressed and ready to go. normally he wouldn’t have been but reese had told him she had a plan so now they were walking through the university halls towards something that tommy could not even begin to guess. “alright, i’m gonna be honest, i’m a little nervous. should i be worried?”
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mancn · 3 years
☆  ⤷  𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 @reesepce
it had been a whirlwind the past day, being locked down and released and then this play on top of it. she wasn’t sure what exactly was going on anymore and was on the way to grab something to eat when she passed a familiar face. “hey,” she said with a wave and a smile. “i was planning on finding some coffee, do you want to come?”
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emersonwinterss · 3 years
pulling her hat from her head as she looked down emerson looked over the drinks that reese had already ordered for them, hands rubbing together. “you know, we were all crying about being locked in that house but at least it was warm in there.” right now starbucks was proving to be her saving grace as she reached for her mocha. “anyway, how is life as a new hot shot director? is the power going to your head yet?” - @reesepce 
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everandrews · 2 years
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no , he wasn’t invited in but that had never stopped him before . it was a free country , right ? in his opinion that meant he could do whatever he wanted and boundaries were not high on the agenda . he’d barely given a knock at the door before he stumbled in covering his eyes , “ you’re not naked , are you ? it’d be weird if you were naked . usually i have to ask someone ten to twelve times before they take their clothes off , “ he joked , a crudeness that was always present before he peeped between his fingers . 
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cearslan · 2 years
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she  could  admit  that  she  was  a  little  over  emotional  about  a  lot  of  things  but  at  least  she  felt  like  she  had  good  reason  this  time  .  in  the  bathroom  washing  her  hands  ,  tears  rolled  down  her  cheeks  and  seeing  reese  ,  “  reese  ,  “  their  encounters  varying  but  probably  a  little  over  personal  ,  not  that  cecilya  noticed  as  she  looked  over  .  “  can  you  do  me  a  favour  ?  “  no  real  room  for  pause  ,  “  you’re  bodhis  friend  .  like  a  real  friend  .  can  you  make  sure  he’s  okay  until  we  can  get  back  to  being  ...  friends  or  something  for  real  again  .  “  
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kimberleyharris · 3 years
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walking around the resort at night was probably a bit odd but kim could be odd at times. she didn’t expect to bump into anyone, her headphones in her ears and a copy of one of her art history books under her shoulder as she circled the pathway between their little cabins for the third time, pyjama shorts and crop top cladding her body with trainers. only when she saw someone else did she lower her headphones, “oh, hi reese,” a delayed smile.
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marianomxdrigal · 2 years
out of the people you haven't really gotten to know yet who would you co-lead a movie with as your romantic interest?
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𝕄𝔾 ─── ❝ maybe emerson or silver, depending on the vibe, it all depends on the vibe. ❞
@emersonwinterss / @silverhqs
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its-dakota-atlas · 3 years
𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝑜𝓇: @reesepce​
“ you wanna dance with me?” dakota asked , he knew a lot of people had turned up to the dance in duos and as couples , but as dakota had came alone , it was awkward dancing with no-one. he had no expectation’s to come out of the dance. he simply didn’t want to move about on the dance floor on his own. “ i came here on my own , and feeling a little left out , not going lie ,” he teased. “ you aren’t obliged to say yes , but i’d appreciate it .. you look one of the most friendly around here, ” he chuckled.
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“ c’mon get in the water with me. ” she was already waist deep as she yelled back at the sand, “ i won’t even get distracted by the fish i promise. ” @reesepce
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zzekii · 3 years
the idea of a room that you could win money from staying in was intriguing to zeki, but deep down he knew he was too much of a baby to go through with it. there had to be something terribly wrong with it. “would you stay the night in room 333 for the money?” zeki pondered, eyes flashing to the girl beside him. “i mean, what do you think the deal with it is, anyways?”
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tcmmyyo · 3 years
♧  ⤷  𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 @reesepce
spotting his favorite roomie, reese, tommy sidled up to her, leaning against the wall and giving her a smirk. “alright, ms. director. give me the inside scoop, how insane is this going to be? should i be worried? brush off my tap shoes?” he asked with a laugh. the very idea of him trying to tap was a fools dream. he wasn’t the most coordinated when it came to...practically anything. other than skateboarding.
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rrivcr · 3 years
〄  ⤷  𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 @reesepce
“the idea of being in this place,” river could only shake her head at the reality she currently found herself in. she’d lived most of her life either in foster homes, on the street, or a tiny flat. this kind of thing was something she’d never been close to ever having. “can’t quite wrap my head ‘round it and there’s ghosts? you gonna head to room 333 any time?”
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