#redemption is an active choice you make through your actions
thebisexualwreckoning · 4 months
Listen guys I know this fandom like to make fun of harry for only ever using one spell but like the last time the poor boy tried to use a different spell during a duel Malfoy almost ended up bleeding out to death so like, can ya really blame him?
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Do you think that Voldemort/Tom Riddle could be redeemed or find redemption “through” anyone else but Harry? Obviously we are going with a very broad & loose canon divergence scenario here, but, assuming we try to follow canon as closely as possible, do you think that anyone else aside Harry might lend any amount of support for redemption? (I’m referring to the last scene of them with that remorse part)
Omph, okay, so, first of all, I don't think redemption is something that could be found "through" anyone. Redemption and remorse are processes Tom should go through. It's not Harry (or anyone) that leads him through it but Tom actively looking in and choosing to examine himself and his actions — something I don't really see him doing.
Like remorse requires a combination of two things:
A sense of guilt over your actions
Regret of said actions due to the aforementioned guilt.
Now, Tom, I think, does have his regrets. I think he regrets going after Harry, he regrets killing Myrtle to a degree as well, but not because of the effects on others, but because of how these events effected himself. He regrets going to kill Harry on Halloween 1981 because it killed him. He regretted killing Myrtle (at one point) because it ruined his chances to stay at Hogwarts during the summer, but he did not regret her death, or creating a Horcrux. So, Tom does experience regret, so that's no problem.
The guilt is a more interesting aspect. Guilt is defined as a feeling of blame, the sense that you are to blame. Now, I think Tom is definitely aware he is to blame for each and every death he caused, I think he just doesn't particularly care about most people. Not enough to feel anything about it. But, I think he does feel guilt for some things. I think him killing his father and grandparents was in a moment of passion and I think he does feel some remorse over it. Over killing them, not over making their deaths into a Horcrux or making the Horcrux.
The reason I keep mentioning the Horcruxes is because in the quote you brought up, Harry mentioned "remorse" as a means of destroying Horcruxes. I mentioned here and here how remorse could destroy a Horcrux: by regretting the creation of said Horcrux you'll break the oath that binds the Horcrux's magic. So, this specific brand of remorse would only happen if Tom decides he wishes to die (either now or eventually) but the moment he accepts his own death, he breaks the Horcruxes.
Now, I think that the final one is something Tom could eventually do. I mentioned here how Tom's behavior indicates he suspects he would wish to die, eventually, or that he at least wants that option open to him. Another person could help point the journey out to him, but it would still be a decision Tom would have to make. Otherwise, it won't really mean anything.
As for who, well, I mean, there is a reason Harry is the person we see asking Tom to try for some remorse. Harry isn't offering to lead Tom in his redemption, but he offers that path to him. He tells him he could try it, that he has another choice, which Tom, as we know, declines. But I think Harry is the only character in canon (definitely around book 7) who could or would offer Tom this alternative.
Ron mentioned in DH it's scary how well Harry understands Tom:
When Harry had finished speaking, Ron shook his head. “You really understand him.” “Bits of him,” said Harry. “Bits . . . I just wish I’d understood Dumbledore as much. But we’ll see. Come on—Ollivander now.”
(DH, 420)
Now, I don't think Harry understands Tom as well as I do, but he definitely understands Tom better than Dumbledore. I think it's striking how Harry feels he knows Voldemort better than he does Dumbledore, but I digress.
the point is, that Harry always showed sympathy towards Tom Riddle. When Dumbledore showed him Tom Riddle's memories, Harry didn't see a psychopath who was born evil, but a child, an orphan, not so dissimilar to himself, who ended up evil. Harry and Tom both remark on how similar their circumstances were:
Because there are strange likenesses between us, Harry Potter. Even you must have noticed. Both half-bloods, orphans, raised by Muggles. Probably the only two Parselmouths to come to Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself. We even look something alike. . . .
(CoS, 292)
On how, if Harry's gone on a slightly different path, they could've been even more similar, with how he was almost in Slytherin.
When we see Harry calling Voldemort Tom in the final book, it's in a different tune than when Dumbledore called Voldemort Tom.
Dumbledore called Voldemort "Tom" as a statement of power. To diminish Tom back to the student he was, to diminish his achievements, to remind Tom he is still the same boy and no lord. That he isn't as special as he thinks he is. When Harry calls Tom by his name, Tom is convinced he is doing the same, but I don't think he is.
I think Harry calls him "Tom" because it's his name. Because he's human like everyone else. For Harry, it's from a place of understanding and sympathy and not a taunt. Not really. The taunt is Harry knowing something Voldemort doesn't, Harry is taunting him over magic and information, not about his name.
Harry is the only character in book 7 that can claim to have a resemblance of understanding of Tom Riddle and who he is. More importantly, Harry is the only character we see who feels sympathy towards Tom Riddle. That's why I said Harry is the only one who would offer Tom another option, a chance at redemption because no one else would. The entire wizarding world in the final book, even Death Eaters, Ron and Hermione see Voldemort as a kind of bogyman, a figure of fear more akin to death than a mortal man. Harry calls him Tom Riddle because he sees him as a human being, something which is necessary to be able to offer sympathy and to tell him he could choose remorse — redemption.
I think Harry, who determines how he feels about people not necessarily according to their actions, but according to how much he cares about them (he doesn't mind when Hermione kidnaps Rita Skeeter but is willing to strangle, maybe kill, Mundungus for stealing from Grimmauld Place) and understands Tom too much to not care about him enough to make him this offer at the final moment. And I think Harry is one of the only people, if not the only person, who would look at Lord Voldemort and what he did, and decide that knowing Tom Riddle is enough to offer him a chance at forgiveness. Like, this decision is insane and shows Harry's insane compassion. Yes, his compassion is somewhat selective, but once he decides he cares about you, even the most minuscule amount (like Stan Shunpike) he'll go very far for you. Up to and including giving Voldemort the option to choose redemption. But this isn't something I think anyone else would've offered.
I mean, the Order lost too much to Voldemort in the first war (and the second one). They see him as a monster more than a man. The same goes for Ron and Hermione and everyone else, really. Even Snape doesn't really know Voldemort enough to consider himself his equal, to see Voldemort as just another human. But Harry does: "Mark him as his equal" and all that.
So, basically, I think it could've only been Harry to make that offer because no one else would. But, unless we drastically change the books, no way would Tom have ever said "Yes, I want to try remorse".
(As an aside, I think it could've been hilarious if Voldemort did say: "yeah, sure" and Harry had to explain to everyone Voldemort is alright now, because he's feeling remorse and Harry decided he can forgive him. I can see how well that's going to go)
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coffeecatcraze · 7 months
Hello. I like your Chaggie analysis posts and wanted to ask you if you could another analysis on the couple. In this case, a tumblr user, angeltheninth, said they saw an interview of the couple's VAs and one of the highlights include saying that "Chaggie is at the core of the show". I was wondering ig you could do an analysis on what that could mean in the future and how it applies even in season 1. Again, only if you want to, and if not, I totally understand.
Ohhh this was fun!! I took a while to think about it and get it written out for a few reasons (such as working on fanfics and tragically having to do adulting things), and I'm sure I didn't pin down all the little ideas circling my brain about this, but here are my current thoughts on the matter!
To kick off with the obvious, they're the ones who started this. Charlie had a dream, and Vaggie was the only one who believed in her; and even with how hard it's been, they've still been fighting to make the hotel work. And it DOES. They're the first people since Lucifer and Lilith to look at things and say "hm, that doesn't seem right, let's try this" instead of just going along with it. Lucifer and Lilith led everyone into a new era with their dream of freedom, and with the Sir Pentious being redeemed and ascending to Heaven even after Sera said it as impossible, a new era looks to be exactly where Charlie and Vaggie are heading with their dream of protection. Yes, protection, because Charlie's goal to redeem demons comes from a desire to save their lives, not for the sake of making them better people. Protection has been a MASSIVE theme this season, expressed in song, dialogue, and action; and Charlie and Vaggie are the ones who kickstarted it in the first place.
And as far as "redemption" goes, using "redemption" as a term to encompass personal growth, Vaggie was the first person Charlie ever redeemed. She found her badly injured and took her in, helping a complete stranger out of the goodness of her heart; and Vaggie, a former participant in annual genocide, threw her whole self into Charlie's dream of redeeming Sinners to save Hell. Vaggie's redemption didn't come in the form of active encouagement towards it as a goal, but just as a result of being around Charlie. Charlie redeemed her without even trying. Vaggie was her first redemption story and she didn't even realize it until Rosie pointed it out. In other words, Vaggie was always walking proof that Charlie could redeem people who did horrible things. She never wanted to get back to Heaven; she was after redemption for her own sake, and for Charlie.
Choosing redemption for redemption's sake is the core of it all. Pentious wasn't trying to get into Heaven when he sacrificed himself; Angel had no way of knowing Charlie could see what he was doing at that club, so he very easily could have fallen back into old habits and called it a cheat day. But because they were genuinely becoming redeemed thanks to Charlie and Vaggie's efforts, they made selfless choices. Vaggie's redemption was real, and now these other souls Charlie took in are following in her footsteps. In other words, Vaggie was the original redemption story, and if she could become a better person even with all that blood on her hands, she knew other people could too; she supported Charlie's dream because she knew it worked, and she stayed by her side no matter how hard things got for them. Their relationship is what set the first ever real redemption into motion; they're at the core of redemption itself.
Themes of protection and love are also INCREDIBLY important in this show, and I'm not gonna cite my assorted Chaggie posts like a bibliography, but I feel like I've talked quite a bit about them being loving and protective. Their relationship is steady and stable, and there's an implicit understanding between them that comes from years of being together. They have rough spots but they get through them. They love and protect each other fiercely. Angel, Husk, Pentious, and Niffty have been learning to love and protect as well. How could they not, when they have such a great example to follow? If not for Charlie and Vaggie being such a united front, things would have turned out much less favorably for everyone.
Working together is what gets them through the hard times; they can't do this on their own. Look at what happened when they were off on their own missions in 1x07! Charlie was struggling until Rosie helped her sort through her conflicted feelings and realize that even though she was hurt, she still loved Vaggie and knew Vaggie believed in her; Vaggie was absolutely getting her ass kicked until Carmilla reminded her what (or more specifically who) her reason for fighting was, at which point she held her own, regrew her fucking wings, and impressed one of Hell's top Overlords. They succeeded because even with things so tense, they knew they had each other and they weren't alone. And isn't everyone supporting each other what that hotel is ultimtely all about? It's basically rehab, and for that, a strong support system really pays off. Their relationship essentially embodies the concepts that guide the hotel.
I know that's a lot more overall analysis than specifics about the future or season 1, but I feel like there are some implications in there, and it's hard to lay them out more explicitly in a frame of temporal reference. (Thanks for running out on me with no refills, ADHD meds, that's sooo helpful for getting coherent thoughts together...) They are indeed, in so many ways, the core of both the Hazbin Hotel and the show itself. I'm flattered you like my analysis posts enough to ask me about this, and I hope it was a satisfactory answer!!!
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girl4music · 11 months
I think what gets me most is the “I am a demon” and “there’s a demon inside me” contradiction. Spike owns up to his own evil behaviour. Angel doesn’t. Spike always owns up to his own actions and choices but yet he is not the vampire seeking a redemption.
Spike takes accountability.
Angel says it’s someone else.
Sure Angel feels guilty for the things that Angelus has done but the problem is it’s not HIM that did them. So how can it be a redemption story? It isn’t. It’s an absolution story. So long as the man and the monster are separated, it cannot be a mission of redemption.
If Angelus was the one who was making amends for the things he has done… then it would be a redemption. But that never happens. Angelus doesn’t give a shit. He revels in the damage and pain he causes. He loves it. There’s no morality in the man. He is just a monster through and through. Nothing else.
I do not understand how a guy who is a whole ass other fucking person has to pay the consequences for some other guy’s actions and choices. It’s not his problem so it’s not his fault. He just makes it that way.
The only reason ‘AtS’ works is because Angel feels responsible for Angelus’ 500+ years of carnage but he shouldn’t because Angel is not Angelus and vice versa.
Spike on the other hand chooses to be ensouled even when soulless. It should be impossible for him to feel any remorse whatsoever. He shouldn’t be capable of empathy or free will if he isn’t capable of selfless love.
But that’s just not how it works with him at all. Does the chip train him to be this way? No, I don’t think so because even before that he still can go against his own demonic nature. Yes, for selfish reasons but nevertheless… he shouldn’t be able to choose at all. His evil demon should control and rule him just the same as it does with Angelus. There should be no difference. No leeway whatsoever. No morality.
That’s if the lack of soul is the factor.
It’s clearly not.
He just acts like a selfish and warped person with a screw loose every now and again. He doesn’t act like the devil incarnate has taken over his entire identity.
Redemption truly only works when you’re the same entity when evil as you are when good. If you are literally a different entity… then it doesn’t and it can’t because “I don’t understand why I did this” and “I didn’t do this but I feel responsible” are not the same.
You can feel responsible for something someone else has done but that doesn’t mean that you should. If you did literally do them and have actively stopped doing those things out of your own volition - different story.
It has to be your choice. You can’t be compelled. Redemption doesn’t and cannot work that way.
This is the fundamental flaw of ‘Angel the Series’.
Separating and differentiating the man from the monster by way of “he has a conscience now”.
HE doesn’t have a conscience. HE just has his identity back. He’ll lose it again when his “conscience” goes bye bye. How can THAT work as a redemption story?
You can say you’re not that person anymore. But that’s not a literal statement. You are still that person but you’ve chosen not to be. You’ve chosen to change. If you can’t choose. If you’re forced into changing … then it’s not on you because you’re not that person.
When the soul is a factor - it’s not choice. It’s compelling. It’s forcing the person to change. This would be a problem for both Angel and Spike if Spike did not choose to change while he was soulless. The very reason he gets and now has a soul is the very same reason why he doesn’t actually need one. He fought for his soul so he could be a better person.
He already was simply because chose to fight for it. Angelus never ever makes that same distinction. Ever. Angel does. But Angel shouldn’t have ever had to because Angel is literally an entirely different entity. He shares his body with a demon. He isn’t that demon.
His hands drove the car but “he” was not the driver.
So it’s not a redemption because “he” doesn’t need to be redeemed. “He” is not the one that needs redemption because “he” is not the one that is evil.
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misscammiedawn · 11 months
Penlight Spoiler Reviews (Sayori Part 1)
Alright... Welcome to the Sayori segment of my spoiler reviews for Penlight. Sayori route was originally going to be one post but I had to split it in half due to Tumblr limitations.
Download Penlight (Pay what you like) from Itch.io here
My other Penlight reviews: Quick Review - Nozomi Routes - Sayori (Part 2 - Alter)
Turq's reviews: Hiroko Robot - Hiroko Tickling - Nozomi Zombie
So if I've learned anything about these posts it's that you gotta lead with a hook, so... Doll Route and "Alter" Route or Personality Play if you prefer.
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I make no secret of the fact that these are my favorite paths in the game.
@spiralturquoise and I are still going back and forth on the route reviews and at present he has done reviews for Hiroko Tickle - Hiroko Robot and Nozomi Zombie and I know Sayori Doll is on his shortlist, so I'll yield a bit more space for him and be brief in my thoughts so I may devote more words to Alter path.
Because of course I have opinions on Alter path. They're glowing opinions, by the way. I mean playing through that route inspired me to write my recent blog entry on ethical personality play.
So-- let's begin.
The first choice in the game, as noted by my original short review, is essentially "are you going to be an ethical hypnotist" will you speak to the girl or just try to brainwash her. Villain and redemption paths are there for if you try to brainwash. Ethical hypnosis paths open if you try to speak.
From there you can either engage Nozomi in her hypnosis obsession or be a coward and miss your opportunity. With a missed opportunity you are given the option to go to other parts of the school.
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In other words "go bug Sayori" or "go bug Hiroko"
We'll visit the pink haired gremlin on the next review.
Let's go see why my Penlight tag is "Sayori is best girl" instead...
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Sayori is the smartest girl in school. She runs the study club and she gets about 3-5 hours of sleep per night.
In many of the routes she will appear as an observer of the shenanigans that are going on. She knows everyone's characters remarkably well (with one observation I find she is completely blind to, which I may mention during my Hiroko review) and her resentment for Kyou comes from the fact that she sees a focused and attentive person inside of Kyou but he is so self-pitying and uninterested in his future that he does not tap into his ability to succeed at things with focused effort.
For someone who is under pressure from two successful parents to get into medical school, she resents that someone close to her has the makings of brilliance and no drive to attain it.
But she also admires Kyou's potential for brilliance. She wants to coax it out of him. She just cannot reconcile the man she knows he can be with the person he actively chooses to be.
This is what makes the route work in my opinion. Sayori likes Kyou in theory but is so aggravated by him. Their connection is the most organic of any in the game because it would work without hypnosis. They actually have innate chemistry before the events of the game and this is highlighted by some of her actions in routes such as Redemption where she is one of only two people in the entire school (neither of whom had seen the penlight) who remain friends with Kyou after a significant incident.
But in the Doll/Alter pre-routes, Kyou goes to Study Club and meets with Sayori there. There he sees her knowledge and passion at play and recognizes that she is there purely to tutor other students.
She also falls asleep midway through the study session. She's that exhausted. After everyone else in the club has left Kyou sticks around and Sayori...
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...sees right through him.
But he notes that he's worried about her lack of sleep (she admits she cannot get on a good sleep schedule because she will just sit up in bed stressing out and has trained herself to "make use" of time she'd be awake anyway) and, after hearing she intends to spend an hour before cram school napping in the study room, offers to help.
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He mentions his hypnosis interest and Sayori does a number of things which amp her to the top of my Best Girl list.
1: She identifies why Kyou learned it instantly but decides that giving him shit about it would dissuade him.
2: She notes that helping her with sleep is not hobby hypnosis but therapy and should be performed by qualified professionals.
3: She refuses to engage with this until she has done some research on the topic and can provide informed consent that doesn't rely on being educated by someone who has an unknown motive.
The main three girls of the game come from different levels of trust and knowledge and I find it remarkable how the routes explore that. Nozomi knows the most about hypnosis and is wary enough of Kyou that she calls the shots for most of her routes. Sayori is learning about hypnosis as we go but is inclined to trust Kyou when his statements match her research. Hiroko knows nothing about hypnosis and all her information comes from Kyou, a person she actively hates.
I had described it to Turq as this "Sayori is the only route where it feels like two people on even footing explore hypnosis together". The foundation feels more stable in this scenario.
The next day after school Sayori has lost a couple further hours of sleep in study for hypnosis and agrees that it is safe and can be a good aid for her and so she is willing to give it a try.
Kyou pulls out his trusty penlight and...
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Sayori reacts instantly to it.
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Kyou gives her a suggestion that the moment her head hits the pillow at night she would fall into a deep and restful sleep.
And it works.
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So well that Sayori doesn't wake up in the morning and is several hours late for school. Her perfect attendance record ruined forever.
She explains to Kyou that the moment she hit the pillow she just fell asleep. She didn't even think to set an alarm. It just happened and there was nothing that she could do to prevent it.
Kyou brushes her concerns aside. It was clear that her sleep schedule had been ruinous to her mental health and so her body was just taking the toll. But Sayori is freaked out because she is an over-controlled individual who is striving for medical school and with a single hypnosis session Kyou has invoked a change within her that undid years of self-conditioning.
And with that note we are left to choose between Doll route and Alter route.
I'll start with Doll for two reasons. One, Turquoise is going to say things a lot more eloquently than I could.
Two... this is the route map for Doll
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THIS is the route map for Alter:
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Even if personality play wasn't a huge topic of personal interest for me, there's just so much more to talk about with Alter.
With that having been said, here's my "I promise I'm trying to be swift" analysis of Doll.
This route leans heavily on Sayori's self-advocacy. Kyou wants to start training for the culture festival and Sayori is coming at a base of mistrust from having been freaked out by the sleep suggestion. When Kyou asks to do the doll suggestion Sayori is very firm about what levels of touch she is willing to engage in (she also notes that the concept of "doll" is a malleable term and shouldn't be treated as a universal, something Zombie Route Kyou could have stood to consider).
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Not that her mind going straight here could be foreshadowing or anything...
I have resisted labeling routes by their aesop. I think there's so much more to every route than the focus topic. But if NozoZombie is the Abreaction story then Doll is Boundaries and Alter is Lingering Programming.
With boundaries as a theme this route begins with Sayori refusing to let Kyou hypnotize her until she has enough information to consent and her being firm about what Kyou is and isn't able to do. Kyou says that hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don't agree to, but Sayori knows herself and knows her body and...
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...she is terrified of the level of control she is surrendering to Kyou. So she refuses to allow him to have any more, even to deprogram her, until she has had time to think things through entirely. Her boundaries are firm and unlike the Nozomi Trance route where Kyou is being shut out by someone who treats him like a trance dispenser, Sayori and Kyou have an open conversation about consent and respect and Kyou has to live with the fact that this is Sayori's mind and he cannot subvert her will without breaking her clearly defined boundaries.
Which is why I like that this route boils down to "pick a good ending or a bad ending". We aren't given options to break Sayori's boundaries or consent because to do so would subvert the story being told. Even the bad/good ending choice is a matter of whether Kyou believes Sayori is being honest or projecting her insecurities. He never betrays her. Not in this route.
Note this isn't a case of "more story has not been written yet" there are many paths on the route tree which are grayed out as a manner of "wait until future updates" but there is only one option in this route and it is fully written.
Though Sayori is skeptical about the penlight and Kyou's hypnosis she is remarkably friendly towards him in this route in a way which she never appears to be with her friends. Sure she is snarky and has a dry wit but consider this CG from early in the doll route.
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There is nothing hypnotic happening here. Sayori is just having fun. She enjoys being with Kyou. She's making fun of him for staying up too late in this scene, joking that Kyou is grumpy when he lacks sleep and that maybe he should consider turning in early.
See... as we will learn in the Alter route... Sayori actually does have a light and soft personality. She just doesn't have time for being frivolous and wasting time on friendship nor fun and games.
I'll talk about it in more depth in the Alter half but Sayori's personality shift in that route is treated so well because all the attributes that would make up her alter persona do exist within her, she just has different priorities and perspectives in her unaltered headspace.
I am spending a lot of this Doll route write-up talking about the other path, aren't I?
In parallel to the Nozo-Trance route, Kyou complains about how he is not getting what he wants from this deal (practice for the culture festival) and he accuses Sayori of being unfair in her boundaries. Unlike the Nozo-Trance route, however, Kyou is being unreasonable here. Sayori notes that she wishes to know more about the penlight and firmly refuses to commit to anything until she has reached a level of comfort.
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I love her.
Kyou, falling into his worst habits of only caring about a thing while he can maintain his temporary fascination, starts to think of quitting hypnosis and focusing on tech but his (im)patience is rewarded when Sayori calls him after Hiroko's Sunday Tennis Tournament and tells him that she has no wish to go to karaoke and instead summons him to her home.
In which we get a little more on the level of boundaries, power difference and control that this route has to talk about.
Kyou offers to have Sayori at her home but she summons him to her house. She says she will help with the culture festival and put in the application but on her terms. She wants to create the script and she wants to ensure the application is prepared in accordance to her comfort.
...see, Nozomi is the class rep and must handle all applications for the culture festival and thus would learn there is a hypnosis event that will happen.
And Sayori knows Nozomi has a hypnosis fetish. And Sayori knows Kyou is interested in Nozomi.
So she manipulates the situation to lock Nozomi out of the proceedings because she does not trust either of them enough to do otherwise.
A lot of the trust and boundaries of this route isn't just Kyou having to earn Sayori's, it's about Sayori being able to trust herself and her situation enough to lower her guard. She is a rigid woman who believes she can control all the variables. She does not trust herself and that is explored in both routes.
Kyou and Sayori's time together is not so much about Sayori learning to trust Kyou but about Sayori trusting herself to let go and fall into another's hands.
At this point of the story she is not able to do that and she hurts people because of it.
What's worse is... well. I have to stop talking about the Alter route... but suffice to say it serves her purposes to exclude Nozomi in this path.
I wonder how much she will treat Nozomi in another timeline...
And so, at Sayori's house, she agrees to amp up the doll play from just being a arm catalepsy suggestion to feet and invites Kyou to touch her body to test it.
This isn't important but I should note this is one of the only Penlight induction sequences without a dedicated CG.
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Turq once said he enjoyed how Angela DeMille treated sitting down as rising action within the context of a hypnosis scene and I feel the absence of a CG is notable, albeit I cannot quite say why.
The leg catalepsy suggestion, brought about by the trigger "booksmart"
As with all penlight suggestions the trigger is so binding that she cannot stand up after Kyou activates it.
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They have such fun rapport.
But this route is not a straight line. It's rising and falling in terms of the pairs exploration into hypnosis and with mock exams coming up Sayori wants to get back to study and is frustrated she's allowing herself to be distracted.
Another reason to highlight the choice not to give the player choices here. Kyou's frustration with waiting is never met with an option to force Sayori into further play. He will always yield to her requests.
He is once again rewarded for his patience by Sayori dragging him to the student council office where Student Council President Akiko, a former friend of Sayori's, takes the application for the cultural festival herself.
Akiko is an oddity within the game. I look forward to discussing her route.
Sayori bombs the mock exams and freaks out, returning to Kyou's house and explaining that she was so distracted by how wonderful hypnosis feels and how she wants to stop what they are doing, deprogram. She wants to stop falling asleep the moment she hits a pillow, she wants to stop exploring this frivolity.
The pair fight. Leaving nothing held back. Kyou accusing Sayori of being terrified that she may have fun for once in her life and Sayori stripping down Kyou's character from years of watching him.
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My headcanon is that Sayori has a crush on Kyou and I treat this headcanon as fact.
It is at the height of the argument with Sayori and Kyou both having said things that they regret that you can select your ending:
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So my praise to the endings of Doll Route is that they inform one another.
Kyou's hypnotic patter has been programming anyone who he aims the penlight at. Including innate suggestions that hypnosis feels wonderful.
She has become addicted to that wonderful feeling and Kyou can realize that if they have a conversation or he could say "Book smart" and remove her ability to argue with him. Because no matter how careful and well planned Sayori was, her lack of trust in having Kyou go in and remove programming such as the sleep and "book smart" suggestions did leave her vulnerable to lingering programming.
Lingering programming... we should talk more about that later...
In the bad ending if Kyou bullies her into admitting how much she desires hypnosis she will cry and talk about how much she enjoys the wonderful feeling. Kyou is the only one who can make her feel wonderful.
Where in the good ending he realizes that the penlight is actually reprogramming her and maybe they should remove the programming and start again.
And so... they make a trade.
Sayori offers to perform Kyou's original doll suggestion, no caveats, no limitations beyond what is appropriate for the pair. She is willing to trust him to be a good man... and in exchange, Kyou can perform the hypnosis with her full trust.
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Kyou even tailors the session, knowing how her mind works.
In the NozoDom "Reversal" route, I had mentioned how the deprogramming scene was the longest in the game and how it treated the trust and intimacy of Nozomi (arguably a better hypnotist than Kyou) taking her time and really earning the scene that we the audience got to experience from a first person perspective.
This is the most emotionally intimate scene because it's the payoff to an entire route of rapport building. This is the initial suggestion. This is what Kyou wanted at the start... and it's being given now and it's SO much more valuable for the journey between the request and the honoring of it.
Sayori's trust in Kyou is desperately intimate.
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This is just romantic.
One of my girlfriends is not just into doll play. She's famous for doll play.
Treating someone as a treasured toy, brushing their hair, putting them in poses, treating them as pretty and letting them lean all their trust into the intimacy of your touch, letting themselves be posed and used and cared for...
Sayori is a being who needs to feel in control of her life. Even in matters such as the culture festival (we'll get there) she couldn't bare the flexible variable of Nozomi's involvement.
Her trusting Kyou like this is such a big deal and Kyou respecting her and treating her trust as a gift?
I don't have to imagine that as a romantic action. I feel it every single day with one of the humans on this planet I love the most. THIS is what hypnokink is. Power exchange, scene play, shenanigans. It's all fun and games but at the end of it hypnosis is built on a foundation of trust and a big part of that trust is learning to turn off and let someone else lead.
There's a difference between putting your body in the hands of someone else and putting your mind in them. Your identity. It's a malleable thing after all and not everyone on the planet is willing to be vulnerable, open or allow themselves to be altered by the effects of it.
So to find a person you can give and take that trust? It's romantic beyond my ability to define.
The culture festival is a one woman display of full body catalepsy spreading Sayori between two chairs. Nozomi and Akiko are invited to help run the show and it goes remarkably well.
Unfortunately after the event Nozomi is hurt that Sayori locked her out. Hurt and confused because she cannot even explain why it hurts without revealing her fetish and when explaining she cuts Sayori off and excuses herself.
This ending reveals a side to Sayori's behavior. She tries to control variables and is rigid in how she treats people. She refuses to be involved in any social engagement out of school hours (though she shows up to help Hiroko at her tennis tournament and any route that requires her assistance such as NozoZombie. She shows up for her friends but she does not hang out with anyone) and views all connections as temporary. She knows she'll move on from school and never see these people again, she considers her time valuable.
In talking to Akiko, a person she abandoned when student council became more time than reward, and Nozomi in the ending it is revealed how much this cost her in the end.
Sayori's kind of a bad friend.
The doll ending concludes in the study room with some mundane hypnosis.
The bad ending is where Kyou takes responsibility for a toy and makes all decisions for her. Both students crash and burn and Kyou finds himself burned out taking care of another human being, but she is just too reliant upon him and his penlight hypnosis and so he'll just have to do the thinking for both of them.
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Another interesting thing about the bad ending is besides the "wonderful" note that you need context for the good ending for, the hypnosis show is stiff and not quite as successful in the bad ending route. Kyou's display of Sayori as a toy is met with more confusion and mild hostility than the display in the good ending.
...and so... let's switch rails and go back to that original choice.
What if Kyou said Make You Think You're Someone Else.
To be continued in Alter Route... (click for the second half)
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hvwks · 8 months
and listen i get it i understand a hefty sizable chunk (honestly, the vast majority) of the fandom wants endeavor dead, rendered useless, written off, etc, for his actions and thats fair and completely valid bc like. its a fictional dude. actions were reprehensible, you may have those opinions.
but... i just... the potential for those kids to finally heal and move forward. and begin a life for themselves free of the shackles that their family's fucked up dynamics created... so much of that can come from seeing what brought you pain and misery and choosing to move forward, anyway. i'm not saying you need to forgive your abuser or anything of that nature. absolutely not. but i can tell you. if... my mother, who spent so much of my childhood and adolescence telling me how useless i was, how i can't do anything right, won't achieve anything with my life, and fostered these severely debilitating neurodivergencies that i know have to be in full-time therapy for the forseeable future with no real "cure" for it (woohoo lets go bpd!) .... so much as apologized to me even once. for the things that i went through. i think i could heal so much of my inner. i wouldn't be fixed compeltely. hell, i will still need to do my dbt worksheets and my grounding techniques. but at least i won't have to spend the rest of my life dealing with a "would she ever say sorry? would she ever recognize what she did to me?"
and the thing is, at least for shoto, fuyumi, even natsuo to some extent.... they are choosing to be there, choosing to listen to the man that made their life a living hell in his apologies. enji didn't force any of his kids to listen to his apologies. much less accept them. and that's said time and time again. shown multiple times, too. the way those kids choose to step up and move forward is completely of their own volition--and whether YOU, the viewer, an outsider's perspective, decide hes worthy of "redemption" (which!! he explicitly said he didn't want! he specifically said he wants to atone for his actions!! not be seen as a completely different person, but the same man who recognizes his evils and is actively making the choice to see where he can make things better, even by a small fraction if he can!!) doesn't change the fact that there are people out there who would give up their pinky toe to have a parent that hurt them so badly acknowledge their actions and apologize for them.
not because it makes them a btter person all of a sudden. but because it gives the people affected by them the chance to find closure and move forward to grow into something new and transformed.
and THAT is why endeavor's survival, ESPECIALLY after the climax of the todorokis vs dabi, would be important to the narrative as well as the overall growth of the todoroki family. dabi felt what it was like, for the first time, to be seen. he's a boy that never got to grow or learn how to handle his very big emotions. he was a victim in all things. whether that was with endeavor or with afo. but the potential for him to see what could be, see where things can, maybe, just maybe, one day become what the little touya that died at sekoto peak always wanted is too good for me to ignore.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
So, any theories on what Sasha's parents are like? Like I doubt they were perfect considering Sasha's behavior (remember when she outright stated in True Colors that she was okay never going back home and having zero problem with smashing the box, plus the fact she never shows signs of missing them even after her redemption in season 3). And considering how other redemptions are with their flawed relationship with family like Pacifica on Gravity Falls, Amity and Hunter on Owl House, Andrea on Ghost & Molly McGee, Zuko on Avatar the Last Airbender, Eddy on Ed Edd n Eddy, Catra on She Ra 2018, Lena on DuckTales 2017, Ludo on Star vs the Forces of Evil, and Helga on Hey Arnold, it's hard to believe Sasha had the best relationship with her parents. Granted Sunset Shimmer from the MLP FiM spin off Equestria Girls is a redemption character who also never had her family brought up or ever had an onscreen reason for why she was an evil and mean bully in the first movie (aside from probably just being an arrogant power hungry spoiled brat) so maybe Sasha's kinda like her in a sense too.
So this is a question I actually LOVE. There's a LOT you can glean off of a parent by their kid in general, let alone with any references to them. However... Them being redeemed doesn't always say anything about their relationship. Hell, for Amity since you listed her and I can comment, the speed of her redemption versus how much of a mustache twirling villain Odalia is ACTIVELY CONTRADICT EACH OTHER. It's REALLY bad.
Sasha's redemption says literally fuck all about her parents. Mostly because they don't mean anything to Sasha. Very little means anything to Sasha besides herself and her two best friends. Arguably not even Marcy.
The rest of her context to being willing to see the box destroyed and not return is critical here because she does actually explain herself. "Why rule a school when I can rule a world?" Her priority is self aggrandizing. It's not about freedom and it's not about safety. In fact, Sasha has cared very little for other's freedoms or her own safety. What matters is that Sasha is winning. Even Battle of the Bands made it clear that she is used to doing whatever it takes to be on top and getting her way.
Which to me doesn't mean abusive parents like you want to imply just through saying a lot of other shows did the trope of blaming abusive parents for bad behavior... It just means parents who thought the best way to make their daughter happy was to never tell her no. They let her live a life that had no consequences and where she didn't have to worry because if she skipped school or needed fifty bucks for gal pal time, they'd give it to her. This fits a lot more with Sasha's arc too because her arc has nothing to do with rebelling against her parents. She CHOSE to be a bad person. To not care about others. It's only by realizing that what she does hurt people with her actions and deciding they matter that she becomes a better person.
And to me, that's MUCH more compelling than trying to scapegoat what someone does onto their parent. It's not like everyone is evil just because their parents are shit. It devalues their choices as a character and is honestly a trope I'd like to see LESS. Or, bare minimum, not have standing up to their parent be like flipping a switch and making them automatically a good person because those scars last and their parents couldn't have made them do EVERY bad thing they did. Just look at Amity who decided "I'm going to make my ex-friend's life hell for YEARS despite only having to tell her we're not friends anymore to make my parents happy." That's not her parent's fault, that's her decision to be a monster.
At some point, the blame is on you for what you do. Narratively, for me, that's also more compelling and satisfying because it means you are the only one to blame for your gains too. People always have the choice to do good. It's their decision if it's too much work or relies on caring about others too much.
That to me is what makes Sasha so compelling and why anyone who wanted to see her parents I think are just asking for a categorically weaker story.
I didn't mean for the two blogs to be on a theme today but I decided on this anyways since I had both typed up. For anyone curious why I thought the previous one was dumb but this one was fun, it's simple: One asked if it belonged in the narrative. This one is just nice old character analysis.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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acacia-may · 1 year
Could I ask for two?
Jellal x Erza, then Gajeel x Levy for the bingo game? 👀🙏💖
Of course, Erika! Thank you so much for the ask! I like the enemies-to-lovers theme going on here. 😁 To tell you the absolute truth, these are definitely my top ships in Fairy Tail (A/N: with Elfman x Evergreen rounding out the top 3--I'm not sure the exact order), so it's a little funny to me that they came in on the same ask. I love that it worked out that way! 💖 This post got so long that I'm actually going to split your ask (if that's okay?) and will tag you in the second one as soon as it's finished. The Bingo card for Jerza is below, and my thoughts, songs, and a few headcanons are below the cut!
Part of the Relationship Bingo Ask Game!
Jellal Fernandes x Erza Scarlet
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A Bingo!! Yay!! They deserve it! 🥰
Gosh I'm not sure I even know where to begin with this one. This ship had everything in the absolute best possible way: childhood friends to enemies to friends to lovers. Childhood friends to lovers is one of my favorite ship tropes so I appreciated that part of their backstory--those flashbacks made it so abundantly clear why Tiny Erza was so fond of Tiny Jellal and wanted to believe that there was still good in him despite the fact that he was a villain when we first meet him in the canon. [A/N: Jella's overall culpability for his inexcusable actions is another discussion that I'm not going to go into here but seeing as he (1) was brainwashed, abused, and manipulated, (2) feels genuine remorse and guilt for what he did, and (3) is actively trying to atone, make amends, and heal the hurts and wrongs he caused, I'm much more inclined to forgive him]. Even though it was clear early on that they did have this history and there was definitely some chemistry there, I liked that their relationship actually got the chance to be the slow burn that was warranted by their situation. They didn't rush into a relationship or jump into a confession immediately after Jellal started his redemption arc journey, and, in fact, because he is so ashamed of and remorseful for the way he treated her, Jellal actually refuses to pursue a relationship. He has so much respect for Erza and truly believes she deserves better than him. His redemption arc isn't cheapened by questions like 'oh, is he only bettering himself so he can be with her?' She is inspiring him to be better, but he is taking these steps to better himself because he wants to not because he wants something from her (i.e. her love or a relationship). Jellal truly wants to be the best version of himself, the man that Erza believes he can be, regardless of whether or not he ever gets to be with her, and I think there is something very beautiful and selfless about that.
On Erza's side, when Jellal has this redemption and the time comes that she wants that relationship with him, there is something so admirable about her love for him and her loyalty because she doesn't idealize Jellal. She sees that he is flawed, recognizes his mistakes, and doesn't make excuses for what he has done. She doesn't dismiss it or forget, but she chooses to forgive and chooses to love him anyway. There really is such a freedom in that because this love is her choice. She is freely choosing to love Jellal, not an idealized, fantasy version of him. She knows, possibly better than anyone, that Jellal is a broken and flawed man, but she also chooses to see the good in him and chooses to love him for who he really is. If the crux of Jellal's argument for why they can't be together is that he isn't good enough for her, the crux of Erza's argument for why they should pursue this relationship is essentially "I know you've made mistakes, but you are not the sum of your mistakes, so I choose to love you anyway."
They're both been through so much and deserve the world. If they really love each other (which I believe they do) and want to be together, then I support them in that 100%.
[And don't even get me started about Edo!Jerza... My goodness! I love them so much that I'm not even sure I have the words to express it. My very first Fairy Tail fanfiction ever was actually about Mystwalker even though I don't usually write romance, but gosh...yeah...I just I love them! However, I kind of consider that a separate thing so I won't go into that here.]
Some Headcanons:
Erza and Jellal both prefer lowkey dates their favourite being having picnics. They'll pack a picnic lunch or dinner and sit and talk for hours at the beach or in a woodland clearing. In the far future when they marry and have children, it becomes a regular family activity.
Jellal says the words "I love you" first, but Erza says them more often.
They take things very slowly in their relationship and date for a long time before getting engaged even though they both know very early on in their relationship that they want to spend the rest of their lives together.
Their wedding was small and not very extravagant, but it was a very joyful occasion shared with their friends/found family which is exactly how they wanted it. Jellal tears up when he sees Erza walking down the aisle.
Jellal has a lot of fears and reservations about becoming parents, and Erza is a little nervous about the idea herself but reassures Jellal that the most important thing is that they will love their children. In the end they make a wonderful mother and father to four children: two of whom are their biological kids and two of whom are adopted but they never make that distinction. Their kids are their kids, and they love them very much.
A Song That Reminds Me of Them:
There are several songs that remind me of Jerza, but one of my favourites is "Find My Way Back" by Eric Arjes for them. I think it really speaks to their journey and how after everything they've been through they ultimately find their way back to each other again. While I think this definitely works in a literal sense, it is also fitting in the more figurative sense of Jellal kind of losing his way and losing himself. Erza never gave up hope that Jellal would eventually find himself and find his way back to her, and, in turn, as part of his redemption arc, Jellal really vowed to once again become the good man that Erza believed he could be. The lines "Even if you slip away, I'll be there to fall into the dark to chase your heart" really remind me of Erza, and a lot of the second verse (i.e. "On my way now, don't give up on me" and "These weary eyes will never rest until they look in yours again") remind me of Jellal. Ultimately, I think the end of the chorus is really fitting for both of them:
No distance could ever tear us apart There's nothing that I wouldn't do I'll find my way back to you
Find My Way Back - YouTube
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natasha-in-space · 8 months
Okay i have this scenario for you
Jumin bad ending 2 but jumin suddenly becomes a black tom cat and now mc has to take care of him cuz he is a fucking cat now. How would she cope with it. Would it be her redemption arc (cuz jumin be2 mc is not a good person to say the least) how would ELLY react to it, how would rfa react to it. Would they help mc in taking care of kitty jumin. Will jumin scratch Seven and then get his nails trimmed off as a punishment for scratching seven
I'll be completely honest and say that I am not all that knowledgeable on the full nuance of Jumin's 2 bad ending. And there is a lot of nuance to it. So, I don't think I can write up a full scenario with this promt and give it justice, but I am interested to talk about it!
I'd say Jumin's 2 bad ending is one of the most complex we have in the game. There's a reason why we have an entire dlc dedicated to exploring it in more depth (aside from the obvious profit Cheritz saw in it, since it's definitely one of, if not the most popular bad ending in the whole game). I never actually got it for myself 'cause it personally makes me uncomfortable, but I did play through the dlc for it, as there is some very interesting content related to Jumin's childhood in there that caught my eye.
That said, I'd honestly feel very bad for Jumin in this sort of situation. His 2 bad ending is about control, but not in a way that seems to be widely accepted by the fandom. It is a common portrayal and misconception that Jumin is the one in control of MC in that ending. Telling them what to wear, how to walk, where to be, placing tracking gadgets on them, etc. But, a lot of folks seem to forget that it is, in fact, MC who has actively encouraged and nudged Jumin into that direction. (Ignore my sloppy highlighting lol)
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In fact, I'd say it's the MC who has all the control and power in this situation. Jumin is simply following what they desire of him to please them. He won't do anything that they actually don't want him to do. We don't see any hints of him actively wanting or doing anything of the sort. So, no, Jumin won't lock you up Toma style (Amnesia: Memories players all shuddered at this mention for sure lmao). It's actually a very common mischaracterization of Jumin up until this day. MC of the 2 bad ending wants to be treated in such a way, and Jumin is in no way forcing anything on them. It's entirely consensual between the two. Now, does it take away the absolute nuclear toxicity of this kind of relationship? Certainly not. But, it's a bad ending for a reason, as I already stated.
In fact, we actually see that power dynamic between them at full play during the dlc. I think it's neat that they directly show you that, no, Jumin is actually very respectful of your choices, and you are the bad guy here. Which is exactly the case. It could be argued that, with the dlc, there is room for improvement in this relationship, and it might turn out good for them, but... well, as I repeat, it's a bad ending for a reason.
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So, keeping all of that in mind, if Jumin suddenly found himself turned into a cat without any warning? I'd say it'll be all about control. Yet again. Now that he's a small helpless animal, MC holds his entire life in their hands. Literally. Now, it's definitely not as macabre as I made it sound, as I do not believe that this MC would ever actively harm Jumin. It's a bit more complicated than that. But, these shared feelings of possessiveness and a desire for control manifest themselves in some very unhealthy habits between the two.
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Maybe MC will keep him for themselves. Maybe they won't let anyone else touch him. Maybe they'll play a little game of cat and mouse, where Jumin will have to chase them around in order to get some of their attention. Sure, it's consensual, but it is still rather dubious and definitely not healthy in any way. I don't think him turning into a cat would push MC to reevaluate their actions, unfortunately. I think it will only encourage them to straighten their invisible hold on Jumin even further. It is far too exhilarating to have that much control over someone, and that's exactly what 2 bad ending is about.
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anders-hawke · 2 years
Oh, 100%. And young starry-eyed Scully in love with her professor, while adorable, is EXTRA creepy when you realize she didn't even know he was still married (at least that was GA's intention) and left after she found out. YIKES. And yes about Maggie. And I totally get your point about 30+. I differ slightly (25+ is my range, because the brain is fully formed at 25, etc.); but I don't think all the precautions in the world would have helped the disaster that was the Waterston situation.
I think GA was going for redemption arc and closing up old wounds and insecurities, but needed a two-parter to resolve it all. Or, hot take, I think it would be better to cut out the tea shop lady-- she really only exists to give Scully the moral. I love it more when Scully comes upon the answers in her own agency: her decision for Emily in the Emily arc, letting Emily go in All Souls, not killing Ruiz Cardinale in revenge for her sister, etc. There is usually no handholding for Scully, and it shows her moral strength and practical wisdom in sorting out the threads of her life in ways that she can live with. That's another thing-- Orison ended too soon, not showing Scully's important growth through that episode's conclusion. Or maybe she didn't resolve it yet, and carried that pain through En Ami and into All Things; in which case maybe mention it a little.
BUT, for a first time script? It's really good. So props to GA-- she's got more guts than I would for a first time writer on a highly successful show. AND DIRECTING?? The girl was left w/ all the blame if it plopped or succeeded, and she took that all on her shoulders willingly. You gotta admire that she takes on challenges that could daunt a lesser man.
Oh, yes, for a first time script it’s super good! And, honestly, it’s really rare to have the first draft of any script be all that great, either, haha. It takes a lot of revision and critiques to get it right. I think it would’ve been better to tackle this issue + Mulder and Scully finally getting together in a two-parter just so everything could have the time it needed to really work right. Gillian (and David) writes Mulder and Scully in such a unique and beautiful way and you can definitely see that. I absolutely love the last scene (except for that outdated music). After all those years of pretending that she’s fine in front of him, Scully finally opens up with no qualms and feels so comfortable that she can fall asleep next to him on the couch. That trust and security.
I can’t take “Orison” seriously, honestly, but I think that’s just my personal bias talking. (Damn, I hate Catholicism.) I just don’t think it makes sense for Scully to fall back on her religion and assume that it had to have been the devil because she’s never before shown any indication that she would feel that much guilt for shooting such a terrible person. And it’s like, if he was able to escape once, the prospect of locking him up again doesn’t very well make you feel safe and secure??? Like, if she’d been like, “I think the devil was influencing my actions,” I could’ve accepted that, but the impression I got was that she was saying he fully took control of her in that moment. Idk, I generally just leave it as “blegh, Catholic bs” lol.
Anyways, yes, I think the fact that after all that, we didn’t really see Scully make an active choice between Daniel and Mulder was a disservice. (I also passionately despise the teaser for the episode but I’ll let that sit lol.) Like choosing to trust Mulder and be by his side is a big difference between the choice to have sex with him for the first time. Those are different intimacies. They’re not dependent on each other, you know? I think the teaser would work if we saw them snuggled in bed together. That implies the deliberate and continuous choice to be together—to be intimate in that way.
And, yeah, Gillian Anderson steps up to bat a lot. Very much a role model in that respect.
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sharri-byfaith · 8 months
Standing Firm in Faith: Trusting God for the Restoration of Relationships
In the tapestry of our lives, relationships are the intricate threads that weave a story of love, growth, and shared experiences. However, there are seasons when the fabric of these relationships is tested, frayed, or even torn. In those moments, standing firm in our faith becomes a beacon of hope, guiding us toward the promise of restoration that God has whispered to our hearts. This post explores the profound journey of standing on faith for the restoration of relationships, anchored in the belief that God's promises are steadfast.
1. The Divine Blueprint of Relationships:
As believers, our relationships are not random occurrences but part of God's intricate design for our lives. In times of discord or separation, remembering that God is the ultimate architect of our connections gives us the assurance that He holds the master plan for our restoration.
2. Anchored in God's Word:
The Bible is replete with promises of restoration and reconciliation. Turning to the Scriptures becomes our source of strength and encouragement. Verses like Jeremiah 29:11 which states:
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
remind us that God has plans for our welfare, including the restoration of what may seem broken or lost.
3. Prayer as a Powerful Tool:
Prayer is our direct line of communication with the Almighty. In the quiet moments of communion with God, we pour out our hearts, laying bare the brokenness and longing for restoration. As we pray for the healing of relationships, we align our desires with God's will, trusting that His timing is perfect.
4. Patience in the Process:
Restoration is often a journey, not an instantaneous event. As we stand on our faith, patience becomes our companion. Waiting on the Lord requires trust in His divine timing. During this waiting period, we grow, learn, and develop the resilience needed for the fully manifested promise.
5. Walking in Forgiveness:
Forgiveness is the linchpin of restoration. In imitating God's boundless forgiveness, we create space for healing. Letting go of resentment and extending grace, even when it seems challenging, mirrors the transformative power of God's love working within us. 
Choosing forgiveness is a decision rooted in obedience that stems from your will, not merely your emotions. opt to seek forgiveness, decide to pardon others, and make the choice to forgive yourself. The act of forgiveness is a deliberate and obedient choice.
6. Community Support:
God often uses our faith community as a source of strength during challenging times. Seeking counsel, prayer support, and encouragement from fellow believers fosters a sense of unity and reinforces the belief that we are not alone in our journey toward restoration.
7. Faith in Action:
Faith is not passive; it's an active trust in God's promises as stated in James 2:17:
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” 
Engaging in acts of love, kindness, and humility, even when faced with relational challenges, demonstrates our unwavering faith. It's a tangible expression of our belief that God is actively at work in our lives.
Standing on our faith for the restoration of relationships is an embodiment of our trust in a God who specializes in redemption. As we navigate the complexities of strained connections, let us remember that God's promises are yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20):
"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God."
Our faith becomes the anchor that steadies us in the storm, guiding us toward the promised restoration. May this journey be a testament to the transformative power of God's love, mending what is broken and ushering in a season of renewed connections and joyous reconciliation.
Sharri Van Zyl
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liquidnahas · 2 years
Ant tweak bar.dll gta sa mp
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Ant tweak bar.dll gta sa mp mods#
Ant tweak bar.dll gta sa mp series#
Ant tweak bar.dll gta sa mp simulator#
This is essential to the story at points but also bolsters the lore through emails, random web-sites and provides romantic dates, yet another chance to interact with more characters, each with their own personality and perks. Other than cell phones, the contemporary setting allows for the existence of the internet. I felt like I inhabited Liberty City instead of arbitrarily going from mission with the cherry on top being receiving calls that propel the story forward or forcing you in missions at a given moment.
Ant tweak bar.dll gta sa mp simulator#
Your friends calling you during missions, creates a model of the real life simulator that was perfected in RDR 2. The one you’ll mostly use is the gun van which can save your trips to the gun shops by bringing guns near you at lower prices. Being liked by each one will unlock services such as taxis or a helicopter on call. While the activities themselves leave a lot to be desired, hanging out with friends offers a lot of character development dialogue much like being around them in camp did in RDR 2. GTA IV is infamous for the activities, side-characters calling you and asking you to hang out. The similarities with Red Dead Redemption 2 don't stop there. The first shades of morality in a Rockstar game which would come to be the main theme of Red Dead Redemption 2. It also marks the first time were you get to kill major characters right from the first hours of the game while also having the choice to spare characters and be faced with binary choices that will have lasting consequences on the story. While IV is a story of betrayal and revenge much like the 3D GTAs, never before has a protagonist struggled with their actions in such a way. When he realizes that his cousin sold him a lie, he's back in the perpetual cycle of violence exchanging the war for organized crime. Niko Bellic, our protagonist, has faced the horrors of war and arrives in the US with the promise of the American Dream by his cousin Roman. While many gameplay features such as extended character customization, hunger and stamina meters were stripped back from San Andreas, IV had the most detailed world in a GTA and also the most adult and tragic story with three-dimensional well developed characters.
Ant tweak bar.dll gta sa mp series#
GTA IV was an anomaly for the series at the time. Two months later and almost 77 hours of playtime, making it my most played single-player game in my decade on Steam, I do not regret this a bit. For just 5.50 euros in the Holiday sales I was ready to dive in nostalgia, replaying the one GTA from my childhood I never replayed.
Ant tweak bar.dll gta sa mp mods#
When it was reported that Rockstar was taking down mods for IV, much like it did for San Andreas and Vice City prior to the new release, I knew it was finally time to buy it again. To add injury to insult, Rockstar pulled the original versions of the games from Steam. The sheer scale of that botch is well documented by now, all three games were a lazy bug-ridden excuse for a remaster. In November 11, 2021, Rockstar released a "Definitive" edition of the GTA 3D Trilogy. THE AMERICAN DREAM IS THRIVING ON WHAT YOU’RE BEST AT
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mainsium · 2 years
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eloise175 · 2 years
{Mild rant moment}
I need to get this out of my system, after a talk I had with some mutuals of mine (happy to say we all agree on this), and it contains novel spoilers, I warned you. No this post does not contain humor or jokes like my usual posts, it is just me giving a take on what exactly is going on in the Vadd fandom because some people seem to be reading a completely different novel/manhwa than most, like @seirclys mentioned, and I couldn’t agree more.
I often see people defending Ecklies, (or whatever the hell you wanna call him), saying ‘but he’s innocent/ poor baby🥺👉🏻👈🏻’ sis- this man is anything but innocent/innocuous/oblivious , this man is SMART.
I’m not saying this as a compliment, he is smart because you see how well he hides his real intentions and twisted nature, from when he literally betrayed his fellow people; brought Yvonne (aka Leila) back to the duchy after everything Penelope did for him, effectively backstabbing her, because he wanted to make her solely depend on him, (obsessive nature).
He tried to kidnap Penelope when she turned down his offer to ‘run away together’ and decided to ‘follow Leila’ (kinda?) so he could have Penelope by his side
Still like @seirclys mentioned in a similar post to this, do you really think that Leila would’ve let Penelope live when she is the only one that can actively stop her schemes and defeat her? Not a chance, keep dreaming.
Also- another thing I see, that makes me want to violently bang my head against the nearest solid surface for the sheer stupidity of it, is ‘he has wasted potential/the author did him dirty/ the author made a mistake-bad choice when they made Callisto the male lead’
1. What wasted potential are we exactly talking about?? Where? Please enlighten me.
•Every story plot is thought through before being published or written. Every character has their role, and in his case, Ecklies was designed to be the ‘twisted/ dark/ obsessive character’ (kinda like an antagonist) from the very start. Otherwise we would’ve seen a very different outcome, don’t you think?
2. Stop saying that the author did a mistake or a bad choice! That’s disrespectful.
•The author has put in much work in the novel, and then someone random comes and takes a shit on that. Literally one of the most disrespectful things I’ve seen people comment. The author made that choice, respect it. You don’t like it? Don’t comment and move on, or write your own original story- Wattpad and Ao3 are free, who knows maybe a lot of people will like your story.
3. Callisto was created to be the male lead. Every character fills their purpose and role.
•I know I jest around a lot when it comes to Callisto, but jokes aside, he really did do some fucked-up shit and his ways weren’t really ‘it’ the first time he interacted with Penelope, but we see him have a growth (humanly speaking), and we learn why he did what he did, can’t say that I approve of some of his ways, but he actually had a motive. He also has something called character development, what some like to ignore completely.
Another good example of character development we see in the story is Reynold, who might not be the best, but he has a nice redemption and growth throughout the arc of the story. That is how you make a character redeemable. (Can’t say I forgive his actions, but at least he tried to make amends for the shit he has done).
What makes me really laugh is seeing ‘Ecklies is innocuous baby and Callisto is the bad guy’. Again- are we even reading the same story anymore?? Ma’am- Ecklies makes Callisto’s crazy moment look innocent. What are you talking about?? At least Callisto didn’t try to kidnap Penelope, nor did he backstab her. Need I remind you that Callisto was literally on the verge of death but he still put Penelope first and was willing to let her go because that’s what she wanted?? Now THIS is real love.
-And reminder that Ecklies followed/stalked Penelope around for three years (in the side stories) because he wanted to kill her:
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How can you really say that he’s the good guy after this??
And for the ones who keep on insisting that it was Penelope’s/ Syieon’s fault because ‘she used him’ you selectively decide to remember that. Ecklies also used and tried to manipulate her.
They used each other. With Syieon choosing to raise his favorability because he was the apparently ‘easiest target’ out of the five morons that are the male leads, to Ecklies that hated everything that Penelope/Siyeon was and wanted to make her rely on him only so his twisted tendencies could thrive. You see how toxic all this trash-fire is? Would you honestly like that?
I say that Penelope did a good choice when she rejected him, I would too. Ecklies scares me shitless and in her place, I would be terrified of him. He literally can kill her at anytime even without meaning to. He just needs to lash out ONCE, even unintentionally, and it’s game over for Penelope.
I know that people like it because it’s fiction, but there is something that attracts/appeals you for you to like it, and this brings me to the question- would you really like to have a relationship like that? Please stop romanticizing toxic/abusive relationships, be it fiction or not.
I also noticed that there are a ton of other different manhwas that have the male lead do similar things to Callisto, however people seem to fly over that completely. Why is that you may ask? I’ll tell you- it’s because Ecklies is good looking, and appeals aesthetically to the reader. His good looks can’t compensate for what he did.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t care what you ship, just stay out of my little bubble and keep your hate and spite to yourself. The real problem manifests when:
-people romanticize toxic/abusive/obsessive relationships and push it onto others, sometimes actively being rude to other people for the ships they like.
-go out of your way to make a good character look bad only to make your favorite pass as ‘baby/cute/innocent’ (who is considerably worse). And politely, stop looking for excuses to make a character look terrible just because you dislike them.
-take a shit on the author’s hard work; again, go write your own story if you don’t like it.
-spread misinformation and false spoilers that mislead others.
Yes, this is absolutely a *side-eye* to someone. Idc.
With this I conclude my rant for the moment- might update later.
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writing-with-olive · 3 years
Hi! Mind helping me with a writing question? I'm trying to do a redemption arc, but this guy is really bad. I've yet to find something/someone he's not willing to sacrifice to get what he wants. The main problem is that he knows he's evil and LIKES it because its fun and gets him what he wants-- freedom and power. How do I make him WANT to be better and to get the audience to believe he deserves redemption? I've already taken him out of his position of power-- which he wants back. What next?
Hey anon!
So really quick, I wanna address a possible misconception:
Redemption is about realizing something was wrong and making the active decision to become better, and then following through. There is no such thing as deserving redemption, because that implies that if you screw up badly enough, you're not allowed to feel remorse or take steps to fix what you can. This may sound super nitpicky, but it changes a lot of the framing. It's not that suddenly the good guys like the redemption arc character - in fact you can have a redeemed character that the good guys Don't Trust, it's that the redemption character starts to realize they've messed up.
(more details below the cut including what makes a redemption arc, an example, and addressing specifics from your ask)
Alrighty, so what makes a redemption arc?
Although it manifests externally, it's nearly all internal conflict. This is because redemption is a conscious choice. You can put the character through all kinds of hell, but if their mindset doesn't change, they won't be able to redeem themself. (it looks like you know this, but I figured I'd say it anyway)
So we gotta figure out how to change their mindset. As I see it, there's two phases to this - the part where they refuse to acknowledge that they're changing, and will dismiss any notion of it, and the part where they consider that maybe changing won't be so bad. Also, another important element of mindset to consider is that there's often two layers of wants for a character; what they think they want, and the real driving factor underneath. It's that surface level thing that's gonna change, not the underlying one. That's how you make the change natural.
Let's look at Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender as an example (um... spoilers). For the bulk of the show, he's hell-bent on capturing the avatar because that's his ticket home, which is important to him because while he's in exile, he has no honor. He's considered a villain because he's in direct hostile opposition to the main characters. His arc is realizing that his honor is not predicated on returning home. He starts out in full villain mode for season one (though it's important to note that his misconceptions about the world are laid out - the audience can understand both the surface-level and driving force behind his actions), but by season two he seems to slowly be moving towards the "hey maybe I don't need to go home to the Fire Nation to be honorable - I can be happy here" camp. But when he has a clear opportunity to complete his mission and go to the Fire Nation with honor, he slams back to villainy at Mach 4 during the season 2 finale. This is important because if characters go smoothly from villain to hero it often doesn't feel really earned. It's only once he's back that he realizes that while he's regained his father's favor and is in the Fire Nation, and he's being told how honorable it is, it doesn't feel honorable to him. The surface level was satisfied but not the driving force. It's only after this realization that he's able to join the side of the heroes - and he's got to work for it. He has to undo as much of the damage he's caused as he can, all with the very real possibility that he will never be accepted by any of the good guys.
So.... to answer some of your points more directly:
1) he's evil and he knows it.
This, if you play it well, can actually help you. He's already got an understanding of morality, and even if he doesn't care right now about whether or not he's hurting anyone, he understands that it is technically bad. That means once he cares, he's got a framework to go off of.
2) it's fun and gets him freedom and power.
So when I look at this, here's my thought process. First, I feel like the aspect of "it's fun" is more of the byproduct - he enjoys the freedom and power he feels while being evil, which overrides any kind of moral squeamishness nonsense. The need to do evil is the surface level want of your character.
The driving force is the need to feel powerful and free. A big part of his redemption arc is going to be his definitions of what it means to be these things changing. Maybe power at the beginning means that people fear him, but it changes to mean people trust him. Maybe freedom at the beginning means no one tells him what to do, whereas at the end it means not having to look over his shoulder in case someone's coming to backstab him. I don't know if this is the direction you want to take your character, but the key idea here is that he doesn't have to change what he thinks he wants, it's what he means by those things that shifts. That's why it makes such a difference when they finally get what they thought they were after, only to realize that it doesn't satisfy their desire the way they thought it would.
3) how to make him want to get better?
At first, he won't. You can dangle that bait of his powerful position in front of him, and that's all he's going to see. That's good.
While he's unable to reach that position, however, maybe his normal way of doing things don't work. Maybe he tries to hurt someone and they get away with no problem and look down on this character (that lack of power would probably sting). Maybe he has to make a temporary ally to get out of a near-death situation, even if he fully intends to backstab the ally the first chance he gets.
Basically, you're throwing challenges at him where he has to try out different ways of doing things - this is what's going to sloooowwwly start to change his outlook on the world. Of course, he's probably not going to admit it, but the solutions he's forced to take show him the merits of whatever world outlook he's going to have in the end after he's committed to redemption.
Then, when it looks like he might be starting to turn good.... give him what he thinks he wants. And let it go horribly wrong.
He'll probably start off all triumphant, but quickly realize that it's not the end goal he thought he wanted. What he thinks of as power or freedom have shifted, and this position he's just regained doesn't really accommodate those new wants.
This is when he does a little bit of introspection and decides to fight like hell to redeem himself - what will get him to the new definitions of power and freedom? That's what his new goal is.
so hopefully this is useful. if you haven't seen avatar i highly recommend watching it - it's amazing :D
happy writing!
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altaruwusmolboiz · 3 years
Unpopular Harry Potter Opinions because I'm feeling nostalgic.
I don't like Snape and I'm nuetral for Dumbledore, but some of you are a little too hard on them.
I do like the Maurauders era, but that is because the boys are flawed. They're intersting characters.
I also don't really ship that much in Harry Potter as a while. Just Perciver and occasionally Plantseeker (And Ronks is cute).
I used to like Wolfstar, but the fandom ruined it.
Saying that the Maurauder fans are better than the Golden Trio fans is just "I'm Not Like Other Girls" energy.
I get that you're frustrated Hermionie is the main character but you need to let her live. She is a teenager, she isn't going to be perfect.
I don't care that much for Ginny. In the first three (four?) books, her character truly had potential, and then I just didn't care enough about her. Hinny isn't a bad relationship, it's a boring one.
I cannot believe I have to write this, but Harry and Hermionie are not incest. Not only do those words mean two different things, in the context of what anti Harmionies are describing, but people being like siblings is not the same as actually being siblings.
Peter Pettigrew was smart. He was one of the best villains of the series, and he shouldn't be ignored.
It's not that big of a deal to say Bellatrix is your favorite character. No one is excusing her actions.
I don't like Molly Weasley, but I think it was a good choice to make her kill Bellatrix, leaning into the motherhood love theme that JK R*wling was going for.
Harry, Ron, and Hermionie saved the school, Neville got the courage to do something he wasn't ready to do, and the Slytherins won the house cup for six years. The Gryffindors deserved the house cup this year.
If anything, Peter Pettigrew should be a Ravenclaw.
Chamber of Secrets book > Sorcerers Stone book
Sorcerer's Stone movie > Chamber of Secrets movie
(Not really an unpopular opinion, just one that isn't talked about often) The first three movies were amazing, fourth and sixth movies were a 4 through 6 out of ten, and the rest are solid 7/10 movies.
There definitely needs to be more diversity in Harry Potter, and JKR is a terf and I hate her, but I don't think every single ship would have been together if she weren't one. Also keep in mind that these books take place in the 90s. I don't think she'd make any of them gay in the books itself if it wasn't, but this particular situation was not just her being a coward.
That being said, I will never defend JK Rowling.
The worst DADA teacher, as a teacher, was Lockhart. As a human, it was obviously Umbridge.
The Starkid Harry Potter musicals aren't that good. Potter Puppet Pals, on the other hand? I love them.
The Cursed Child is fine on its own.
Let people call themselves Potterheads if they want. It doesn't effect you in any way.
None of the deaths struk me as that sad, besides Cedric's and Colin's.
I don't like Draco, I think Draco's home life should be explored. Not a redemption arc, but to understand why he turned out this way. If his parents didn't actively abuse him, they definitely taught him their values.
Shipping Hedric is wrong, but saying Harry had a crush on Cedric is fine.
Ron isn't a character that I ever cared about.
I'm done for now.
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