#reddie x daughter!reader
stxn-the-mxn · 5 years
I Love You, Too || 2019!Reddie X Daughter!Reader
A/N: I combined two requests, cause I wanted to put them together :))) Hope you don’t mind
Request: hi! i absolutely LOVE your writings! especially the daughter!reader ones. i was wondering if i could request something? like where the reader is eddie and richie are married and they adopted a daughter. she’s has a stutter and is picked on for it at school. she comes home one day crying and her dad’s comfort her when she says she hates her stutter and they tell her that it’s not a bad thing and she should embrace it and not be ashamed? just soft family fluff! thank you -Anon
Could you do a semi sweet but angst fic? Richie and Eddie get out of Derry together and get married, adopt a little girl (the reader) and they return to derry with her. She’s around 7/8 years old and penny wise gets her, they go to save her with the rest of the losers but Eddie still dies 🥺 (my baby) but sweet moments of the reader meeting the gang and everything and sweet moments with her papa’s. Sorry if it sounds kind of dumb ❤️❤️❤️ - @spidey-starky
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You were pushed up against your locker, Jacob holding you by your shirt collar. Most people in this situation would maybe yell out for help, try to get someone’s attention. But you were used to it, plus school had ended and barely anyone was still here.
This was a regular occurrence. The name-calling, the mockery, everything that a middle school bully could do, she had seen and heard before. It didn’t affect her anymore.
Jacob would always do this, maybe steal something of yours, typical bullying business. But today, he went too far.
After the school play, Jacob had seen your dads picking you up. He had found that perfect bullying material. A stutter and the daughter of two gays? Perfect victim, he thought.
“Come on, Stuttering Y-Y/N!” He mocked your stutter, as you rolled your eyes. “Aww, is the stuttering joke getting old? Well, how bout we talk about your fag fathers?”
Your eyes widened. Shit. 
“You’re probably just like them.” Tears welled in your eyes. “And, hey, that means you’re adopted! Not even your real parents wanted you so they had to hand you over to some fucking gays! So, not only do you have a dumbass fucking stutter, your parents are fucking gay!”
Jacob smirked as he saw the tears dripping down your face. It had taken a while, but finally, he’d found what broke you. You couldn’t speak, too overwhelmed by everything happening so quickly. A part of you wished you were just getting bullied for the stutter.
“I don’t know if you noticed, Stutter Fag, but your kind isn’t appreciated around here.”
He threw you to the ground, as you landed on your nose, causing it to bleed. Jacob walked away, leaving school. You waited till you knew he was gone before grabbing your bag, picking up all the papers that had slipped out.
How long had your dad been waiting out in the parking lot? Checking your watch, you discovered he’d probably been there for at least ten minutes. Shit, he wasn’t gonna be happy… 
Running out to the car, you forgot about the blood dripping down your face. You threw your bag into the back of the car, before hopping into the front seat, being met with the concerned face of your father.
“Y/N? What the hell happened to you? Jeez, wait til Eds sees you.” He handed you a few tissues, not noticing as you used them for your eyes and not your nose. He started the car, driving back to your rather large home.
“Y/N?” Your dad placed a hand softly on your knee. “What happened after school today?”
“N-N-Nothing. Just got t-too excited and r-r-ran into a w-wall.”
You could see on his face that he didn’t believe you. Lying to your father wasn’t something you were good at. He raised an eyebrow, which meant that he expected you to keep talking.
“It w-was just J-J-Jacob. H-He stayed a-a-after class a-and, uh, he m-m-m-might have, uh, b-b-bullied me.” You whispered, mentally cursing yourself for stuttering so much.
That stupid fucking stutter was the cause of all your problems. 
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry… Look, right now, we’ll push it aside and talk about it later when Papa Bear is home.” Your dad laughed as your face contorted into disgust. He knew you hated when he called Eddie that.
“All jokes aside, we’ll discuss this later. Just relax, and maybe clean up your nose a bit more.”
You sat at the dinner table, eyes glued to the plate in front of you. Eddie’s eyes remained on you, concern etched on his face. Richie, however, simply smiled warmly at you. 
“Y/N, baby, you’re awfully quiet,” Eddie spoke, his head tilted slightly in confusion.
“Honey, it’s time to talk.” Richie reminded you of the conversation in the car, and with a sigh, you thought of how to explain the situation.
“Uh, d-dads, after s-s-school today, t-this kid was, u-uh, teasing m-me about m-m-m-my stutter.” You couldn’t tell the whole truth. You couldn’t tell them that. Just the thought of what Jacob said brought tears to your eyes.
The tears began streaming down your face.
Eddie left his seat, pulling you into his arms. You cried into his shoulder, and Richie piled on top. Eddie’s arms were wrapped protectively around you, and Richie rubbed calming circles on your back.
“Your stutter is so perfectly you, baby. You shouldn’t feel ashamed of it. Embrace it.” 
Your tears slowed as you heard Richie’s phone ring, his ringtone being that stupid Pina Colada song. At first, he ignored it, staying with you, but by the sixth consecutive ring, you told him to answer it.
“I’m hungry, anyway.” You smiled, wiping the final tears from your face. With a forehead kiss from Eddie and a final hug from Richie, they moved away, Richie answering his phone.
“Yello? Huh? Oh. Right, yeah. Yeah, cool. See you soon, I guess?” His face went white as he hung up the phone, and he ran out of the room. Seconds later you heard him in the bathroom, the sound making you cover your ears. Eddie ran to the bathroom, and you could hear him checking over Richie.
Eddie’s phone rang suddenly, and you picked it off the table, bringing it to the bathroom, where Eddie was helping Richie off the floor, moving him away from the toilet bowl.
“Dad? Your phone is ringing.” You handed the phone to the shorter male, before scurrying back to the table. What the fuck was going on?
They stayed in the bathroom for another ten minutes and when they came back, you knew something was wrong.
“Baby, we need to talk.”
Last night at the Chinese restaurant had been an interesting event, to say the least. It had been a long trip to Derry, so you had been half asleep when entering the restaurant. An hour into the dinner, you were on the verge of sleep.
Richie and Eddie were trying so hard to keep you awake, but you were twelve and had been on a plane for five hours, which didn’t seem like much but it was a very rocky flight. Eventually, Richie and Eddie caved and allowed you to fall asleep, leaning against Eddie’s arm.
“She’s adorable,” Beverly said, smiling at the passed out girl. The other Losers hummed in agreement, Richie and Eddie sharing a proud smile.
“H-How long h-h-have you ha-had her?” Bill asked, realising afterwards that maybe he could’ve phrased that differently.
“Since she was only two, actually. So we’ve had her for ten years, now.” Richie pushed the hair out of your eyes, a soft smile on his face.
“Tell us about her.” Stan smiled, his usual demeanour shattered by the precious girl at the table. Everyone at the table was simply enamoured with this little girl.
“Uh, we adopted her a year after we got married.” Eddie grew flustered, as the Losers smirked at him and Richie.
“She’s literally the perfect kid!” Richie chimed in, “She’s got good grades, she doesn’t get involved with anything bad or stupid, and she’s just amazing. We love her so much.”
The other Losers felt like they would burst from the amount of adoration they had for this girl. The night continued on, everyone getting quite drunk, except Stan, who felt the need to be the one sober person.
He was rolling his eyes at Richie and Eddie drunkenly flirting in the corner when he noticed you stirring from your spot on the table. You sat up, blinking a few times, growing accustomed to the fluorescent glow of the lights above.
Stan was the only one to notice you wake up and decided to separate you from the drunken activities.
“Hey, Y/N, how was your sleep?” He asked, loudly, as to maybe alert the others that you were awake. 
“Yeah, i-i-it was pretty g-good. I’m no-not as t-tired now.” Stan’s eyes widened in surprise. You had a stutter?
“Oh, honey, you’re awake!’ Richie announced loudly, everyone looking at you and Stan.
“She has a stutter?” Stan asked, and you immediately felt tears brim in your eyes.
Richie and Eddie looked worried, while the others looked intrigued. You felt everyone’s eyes on you, and it was far too much. You ran from the room, your dads calling after you.
“Did I say the wrong thing?” Stan asked worriedly.
“She’s very sensitive about the stutter. She gets bullied a lot. So, we don’t talk about it.” Eddie explained, before running out to find you, Richie not too far behind.
The other Losers turned to Bill, their stuttering friend.
He had an understanding look on his face, having lived with a stutter for so many years of his life. But he had overcome it for so many years, so surely he could help you.
The Losers returned to the table, waiting patiently for Richie and Eddie to return, you by their side. Minutes passed, and no one walked through the door, except for the waitress who placed a bowl of fortune cookies on the table.
Just as she was leaving, a panicked Eddie and Richie came through the door.
But you weren’t with them.
Their faces held panic, fear, and everything in between. 
“Guys? Where’s Y/N?” Ben asked, his voice shaky.
“W-we don’t know. We looked everywhere, but we can’t find her.” Eddie started crying, Richie holding him close to his chest.
Mike stepped forward, grabbing Richie by the shoulders. “We’ll find her. She can’t have gone too far. She’s probably in the bathroom.” 
“O-oh, yeah. The bathroom.” He only sounded half-convinced, but Richie and Eddie would take anything to put their minds at ease.
“W-we were gi-given fortune c-c-cookies,” Bill suggested quietly.
Everyone sat back at the table, avoiding looking at the empty chair between Eddie and Richie. They all picked up a cookie, one still sitting in the bowl.
They all cracked theirs open, each finding a single piece of paper. 
“The hell? Mine just says ‘Time” Richie murmured, the cookies really not distracting him from the disappearance of his daughter.
The others all looked at their fortunes, not noticing Eddie’s shaking hands and terrified expressions.
“W-wait. Give me y-y-your paper.” Bill said as the Losers put their papers down. All except Eddie.
They scuffled about, finding that their words formed a sentence. 
“Oh shit. Oh, fuck!” Richie yelled, seeing the sentence forming. He looked over at his husband, begging him for the paper. Eddie held it tighter, but upon seeing the desperate look on his love's face, he placed the paper down.
Tears streamed down his face, as the other saw what was on his paper.
Bye Bye Stuttering Y/N! Time To Float!
“No. No. This isn’t fucking happening. We have to go get her.” Richie stood from his seat, Eddie following.
“No!” Mike yelled. “There’s something we have to do first.” 
You were floating, but they couldn’t do anything, not yet. First, they had to kill that fucking clown. It hurt Richie and Eddie to just leave you there, floating above the ground, almost dead.
“Hey, fuckface! You wanna play truth or dare? Here’s a truth; You’re a sloppy bitch! Yeah, that’s right. Let’s dance! Yippee-kay-yay motherfuc-” Everyone watched as Richie got caught in the deadlights.
Eddie screamed, but not a frightful scream, it was more of a “back off my husband you bitch” scream. He ran forward, throwing the pole Bev had gave him as hard as possible. It struck Pennywise in the mouth, sending IT backwards, ending up impaled on one of the spikes.
Richie fell to the ground, breathing heavily. What the fuck had he just seen?
Eddie came crashing down on top of him, straddling Richie’s waist. Not an uncommon position for them, but that wasn’t relevant right now. Eddie leaned down, grabbing Richie’s face and slamming their lips together.
Richie closed his eyes, melting as he always did when Eddie kissed him. His eyes opened, however, when the salty taste of Eddie’s lips became metallic. Richie froze, not even flinching when Eddie splurted blood onto his face.
“R-Richie?” Eddie spoke softly, blood trickling down his chin. The pain in his eyes matched that of Richie’s heart. Richie couldn’t look down, because he knew what he would see if he let his eyes travel.
And then he remembered, the first time he had entered this fucking house. The first time he lost Eddie. That fucking demonic version of his love. The fucking black shit that had flowed from his mouth. That image that was identical to this. That motherfucking clown who had planned everything to be like this.
“Eddie? Eddie, love?” His pleas were useless, as Eddie was pulled away from him, and flung about by the clown who ruined every fucking good thing he’d ever had.
IT threw Eddie from its claw, sending him towards the ground, right beneath where you were floating. Fuck, he couldn’t do this.
But he had to.
For Eddie.
And for you.
Richie got up from beside Eddie, who was barely alive at this point, but Richie could always see the life in his eyes. Eddie watched him leave through the dancing black spots in his vision. 
He could feel the familiar fabric of Richie’s jacket in his hands and found one of his hands in the pocket. His hand brushed against what felt like paper, and with as much strength as he had, slid it out of the jacket.
Unfolding it slowly, he saw a pencil drawing, one that you had done as a very young child. It was of the three of you, smiling, and for a toddler’s drawing, it was extremely good. You had labelled each person, though it was obvious who was who.
Up the top, in messy crayon handwriting, were the words “I love my daddies.” with two pink hearts sloppily drawn at both ends of the sentence.
“I love you too, baby”
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anxiouslymalicious · 5 years
Write Christmas Day 6:
“Have Yourself a Merry (Reddie) Little Christmas”
Request: Can I request a Reddie x daughter reader where it’s their first Christmas together after the avents of IT and Eddie is super anxious and worried that he’ll ruin Richie and readers Christmas? Maybe reader notices this and hugs him, assuring him that he’s only making it better and Eddie just gets so emotional about it? Then Richie joins the hug and it’s one big happy family. Also, one Reddie kiss please. I just need fluff. Lots of fluff. 🥰
A/N: I loved this request so much and I hope I somehow did it justice! If you don’t like it, don’t be afraid to hit me up to redo it! And keep the requests coming!
Eddie felt wrong. It wasn’t that his new family made him feel unloved during this time of the year, but he just didn’t feel like he should be there. It was their time, father-daughter time for the pair that had fought the world-eater together, the pair that had always fought as a duo, but never as a trio. And Eddie felt like his presence might bother them.
He hadn’t closed an eye the night before and was now nervously bouncing his leg, sipping away at his coffee as he sat at the empty kitchen table. It was far too early for anyone to be up just yet, leaving Eddie to enjoy the peace and quiet, hoping to give his anxious little heart some rest.
But the time flew by and soon, Eddie was sipping on his second coffee of the morning and he heard familiar cursing echoing through the hall up until his boyfriend stumbled into the kitchen.
“There you are. Did you throw some last-minute christmas presents under the tree or why are you up so early?” Richie yawned, placing a kiss on Eddie’s cheek.
Eddie shook his head. “Couldn’t sleep.” he finally mumbled back, along with a ‘Merry Christmas’. Richie was fumbling around with pans and pots, pulling the strangest ingredients from the fridge and pantries.
“You alright?” Richie asked, a little confused at Eddie’s rather gloomy reply.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Eddie replied, kissed the back of Richie’s neck as he placed his now empty cup in the sink and left the room. The smaller man hid away in the living room, trying to focus on the news, but he didn’t find any relief. Not as he heard Y/N yell ‘Merry Christmas, bitches!’ through the house, not as the smell of an amazing breakfast wafted back there, not as he heard the sound of the father-daughter duo bickering away in the kitchen, a sound that usually calmed Eddie a lot. Because it sounded like home, like there wasn’t a single worry in their lives. At least for a moment. But this was different.
“Come on, Eddie Spaghetti. Time for breakfast.” Y/N told the man she already considered a father from the doorway. He nodded absent-mindedly and followed her into the kitchen, where a huge breakfast, courtesy of Richie, was waiting to be devoured. The Toziers dug in whereas Eddie felt as though he had lost all appetite.
And his anxiety carried him through the day. The Toziers made sure to include him in every tradition they had, from watching shity christmas movies to battling each other on who can eat the most chocolate. But his behaviour didn’t go unnoticed. Richie kept on making dirty jokes, calling Eddie the weirdest nicknames and teasing the living hell out of him, but nothing seemed to really get the man out of his stupor.
In the late afternoon, Eddie found himself in the kitchen yet again, keeping his distance from the Toziers, hoping not to interfere with any of the traditions the duo had built over the years. He was busying himself with some papers for work when Y/N found him as her father passed out on the couch, sleeping soundly.
With furrowed eyebrows, the girl stepped up to the older man and embraced him. Not a word was spoken, but she felt as Eddie hugged her back tightly, silent tears falling from his eyes onto her shirt.
His crying didn’t remain silent for long though, painful sobs wrecked through him as he let his emotions run free for a bit. Y/N did her best to provide comfort to the man she considered her family, rubbing his back, telling him that everything was alright until his cries ceased.
“Sorry. I’m sorry it’s just a lot. I don’t wanna ruin your Christmas.” Eddie finally said, violently wiping his tears away.
“You’re not ruining anything. You’re making it better by just being here. Why would you think you’re ruining anything?” Y/N was utterly confused.
“I don’t know, I just feel like you two might want to celebrate Christmas as a family. Like you did before we went back to Derry and… things happened.” Eddie subtly touched his cheek where a scar remained from where Bowers had stabbed him.
“You are a part of this family. I have never seen dad this happy with anyone else before. And I feel like I can trust you with anything. You’re a second father to me. I just haven’t called you dad yet because I wasn’t sure if you’re comfortable with that.” Y/n told him honestly, pulling Eddie into another hug.
“Thanks Y/n. I-I’d like that. A lot.”
It wasn’t until later that night, when dinner had passed and none of them could keep their eyes open for long, that Eddie felt left out again. Left out of a joke that he didn’t understand. He noticed the looks Richie and Y/n were casting at each other, smirking and secretive.
Richie was curled up against Eddie, fingers toying with Eddie’s left hand.
“You know, I think a ring would look quite good on this finger.” Richie mumbled, a smirk on his lips. Eddie’s face twisted in confusion.
“You know we can’t afford that right now. Not with the vacation and-“
“Honestly, Eddie, you can be really daft at times.” Y/n giggled as her father slid a ring on Eddie’s finger.”
“Do you want to be the dumb to my dumber? Forever? And maybe be the mother to my daughter?” Richie said in an uncharacteristically soft voice, staring into Eddie’s eyes who was shocked to say the least.
“Did you just call yourself dumber?” Eddie asked before spotting the brightest smile on his lips. “Yes, you dumbass.”
Richie shook his head, a relived chuckle escaped his lips shortly before he pressed his lips into Eddie’s, pouring all his love into it. Eddie kissed back, hands running through Richie’s mop of hair as Richie’s hands cupped his cheeks.
After a for the teen awfully long time, she got up.
“Alright, I’m gonna head out so you guys can continue. Just keep the volume down.” Y/n said, leaving the happy couple alone in the cozy living room.
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Unspoken love 
how could such sweet and wholesome hours be reckoned, but in herbs
Reddie celebrating Christmas with the losers hc
married at first sight part one
married at first sight part two 
married at first sight part three
married at first sight part four 
It’s not scary when it’s you
meeting the parents 
just scared and confused
lost letters
never thought twice
Nightmares keep me up at night
babysit side effects
a little jealous 
too much said
I will search the world, I will face it’s harms
walk in the woods
okay when I’m with you
night coughs
I’m gonna love you like I’ve never been hurt before 
goodbye for now 
sleep my darling 
and he said, I hope you know how to swim 
You pulled me on and said I was your favorite
The proclivity for danger 
you messed with my heart too long 
I can’t keep my eyes of off you 
sleep short 
Reddie x daughter
It’s been a long long time
grieve together 
hauntings part one
hauntings part two
shadows in the dark
insecure butterfly
broken arm
I don’t care
This is awkward 
family meeting
I know him
Halloween scares 
cheating hc’s 
family baking time 
Richie x daughter
first show
I’ll never let you down 
Richie being a single dad 
Reddie x son
secret son part one
secret son part two
secret son part three
superhero part one 
superhero part two 
superhero part three 
No more 
Richie x son 
arcade part two 
Richie x reader 
ready for the truth 
don’t stop turn it up 
Reddie x reader 
nothing like her part one 
nothing like her part two
Loved forever 
lucky charm 
park troubles hc
not complete until there’s three
not your fault part one 
not your fault part two
skateboard kid hc
fall hc
pool date hc 
Bill Denbrough x reader 
Bill denbrough daughter hc
deja vu 
Stanley Uris 
routine (depicts a suicide, not graphic)
Stanley Uris x daughter 
meet me in the past part one
meet me in the past part two
meet me in the past part three
meet me in the past part four
meet me in the past part five
meet me in the past part six
meet me in the past part seven
I’m not brave
Stenbrough x reader
color explosion
spending Christmas and Hanukkah with Bill and Stan
New Years kiss
Ben Hanscom x reader
we fell in love in October 
Mike Hanlon x daughter 
The losers club x reader
in the afterlife
in the afterlife part two 
water rippling 
depressive hc’s  
losers x hurt kid hc’s 
152 notes · View notes
strangestdrabbles · 2 years
Chaotic Dads
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A/N: so i had this all written last night and then lost half of it so i had to rewrite it but that’s okay because it was so fun to write. i had an amazing time with this imagine and i hope that it is as much fun to read as it was for me to write :-) also also this is the longest imagine i’ve written so i’m proud of that :-)
Pairing: Reddie (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak) x Daughter!Reader
If there was only one word that Y/N had to describe living with her dad’s Richie and Eddie, it would be chaotic. 
Only on the night Y/N got back from her study group, walking through the doors of her home, there was no chaotic shouting and laughing, no Eddie admonishing Richie for another poor attempt at a British accent. It was silence and hushed whispers, more stressed on Eddie’s side while there was more silence on Richie’s.
“I can’t believe MIke called us. What does he think we’re going to do? Go back to Derry?” 
Richie ran a hand through his hair, both men not noticing Y/N walk into the room and stand in the doorway. 
“God I feel fucking nauseous.” 
“Dad, are you okay?” 
Eddie turned his head first, looking at Y/N like a deer caught in headlights, Richie slowly turning his head after; looking a little gray faced. 
“O-Oh yeah I’m good kid.” 
Y/N nodded slowly, looking skeptical but deciding against saying anything. 
“Well is everything okay?” 
Eddie started to ring his hands before running his hands over his face. 
“U-Um yeah it’s good.” 
 Y/N nodded before looking around.
Both men looked at her confused because of the coy way she had her hands behind her back, rocking back and forth on her heels. 
“Where is Derry and why does it have you both stressed?”
The couple looked at each other, fear slowly seeping through their bloodstream.
Y/N sat in the back seat as Richie drove, Eddie sitting in the passenger seat, the spectacle clad man gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles were white while passing the sign that read ‘Welcome To Derry’. 
The sound of the radio created a soft hum as the wind whipped through the ajar windows, providing a soft sliver of fresh air to combat the suffocating interior of the car. 
“So where are we going?” Y/N asked, taking her headphones out and pausing her music, taking in how Eddie and Richie looked at each other. 
“T-To um meet up with some old friends.” Eddie whispered, feeling a ball well up in his throat that was about to bring on hyperventilation but then he felt fingers intertwine with his; Richie smiling while he kept his eyes on the road. 
“I didn’t know you two had friends.” 
Richie laughed properly for the first time since he got the call from Mike, feeling some of the fear alleviating from his chest. 
“Ha ha that’s very funny Y/N.” Eddie spoke, his voice deadpan but the humor was evident. 
“Also why are we in Derry? I didn’t even know this place existed.” 
Richie cleared his throat, uncomfortable memories coming back of Henry calling his homophobic slurs and the sadness of pushing down who he truly was washed over his in staggers. 
“Well you see mah dear, Derry is the bees knees.” 
Richie’s accent couldn’t be placed and it made Y/N roll her eyes but a smile couldn’t be held back.
“Beep beep Richie.” 
Richie pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and after turning off the car just sat there with Eddie, both looking at each other with a fear that was palpable, Y/N feeling it fill the car and wash over her. 
“Dads? Are we all good to go in?” 
The sound of their daughter’s voice brought them out of their shared terrified memories, turning in unison to face Y/N before Richie smiled and nodded. 
“Let’s get in there.” 
“Your New York accent is terrible dad.” 
Eddie laughed as Richie rolled his eyes playfully. 
“I thought I was getting better.”
Y/N laughed while getting out of the car, Richie and Eddie following shortly after and there was a moment of calm before Eddie grabbed Richie’s hand for stability; Y/N pulling her jumper closer around her as the night air seemed colder. 
“Are we sure this is a good idea?” Eddie asked, his hand coming to grip Richie’s shirt to ground himself. 
Before Richie could push down the fear to be able to answer, Y/N spoke up from across the parking lot in a tone of faux annoyance.
“Are you two coming or what?” 
The pair look at each other, sharing a look and a still moment before turning to look at Y/N, both of them nodding and starting to walk over. 
“I don’t know why we agreed to do this?” 
Eddie’s rhetorical question came out as a whisper as the trio walked through the door, Y/N going first and heading straight to a small fish tank. The sound of excited conversation and constantly moving cutlery eased the older men’s minds for a moment, focusing hard to not fall into the fear that was clinging at their peripherals; Eddie was shocked that Richie hadn’t tried to fill the silence between the two with unfunny quips and awkward humor. 
Eddie stepped forward then and wrapped his arms around Richie’s waist, wanting to hold him and do his best to ground the spectacle clad man. It seems to work as Richie pressed a soft and loving kiss to the crown of the shorter man’s head. 
“Whatcha lookin at ova there?” 
Y/N turned around and put her hands in her pockets, tilting her head and one of her dads and smiled.
“I was just checkin’ out dem fishes pops.” 
Richie laughed at the attempted New York accent, the low rumble in his chest comforting Eddie immensely.
“You really have to work on that accent darling.” 
Y/N laughed while rolling her eyes.
“I would’ve said it’s better than yours if I’m honest.”
Before Richie could retort, a hostess came over to them and asked how she could help.
“We’re here to see Mike Hanlon.” 
Eddie followed beside the hostess, Richie and Y/N walking a little ways behind so he could list off what he couldn’t eat to the hostess; the other two tuning out what they had heard countless times before.
“- gluten and if I eat cashews I could realistically die…” 
Eddie’s voice trailed off as he made eye contact with Mike first and then Bill, a rush of memories hitting him like a train; not noticing that Richie and Y/N were right behind him.
“Holy shit.” 
Mike was the first one to one to step forward and greet the trio, first Eddie and then Richie, giving the men a hug each and lingering with his hands on their biceps, one after the other, and just taking in the fact that they were in front of him. Shortly after Bill followed suite and gave each man a handshake. 
“I’m so glad you both came.” 
The men nodded and were about the speak but then Y/N’s voice cut through. 
“Oh my god.” 
All the attention was on her as she stepped forward towards Bill, her eyes wide and starstruck. The man in question looked confused for a moment, taken aback by the reaction of the young girl and how excited she was to even be in the same room as him. 
“You’re Bill Denbrough.” 
“I am and who are you?” 
Y/N forgot how to speak for a moment, not believing that her favourite author was speaking to her. 
“I’m Y/N, the kid of those losers.” 
Y/N motioned to Eddie and Richie lazily with her thumb, smiling when Bill laughed and nodded, both not noticing the mock offended look on the taller man. 
“Oi you take that back.” 
Y/N turned to look at him and stuck out her tongue before turning back to Bill. 
“It’s amazing to meet you. Your books are some of my favourites. I especially love the endings because you have a way of making them feel so real and raw, even if they might not always be what is expected.” 
Bill felt a swell of happiness in his chest at hearing that his endings had been enjoyed, only hearing that they weren’t good by so many people, even if they felt like the best direction to him. 
“What’s one of your favourites?” 
It took a moment for Y/N to think but then it came to her. 
“The book about the man with a hook for a hand. It was insane. It took me three days to read the last chapter because I didn’t want it to end.” 
“That was one of my favourites to write. The ending of that book was my favourites.” 
“It was my favourite too. I felt like I was there with the main character. It was so good.” 
Bill smiled and thanked Y/N, watching as they got the copy of the book out of their bag along with a pen and shyly asked if he could sign it. 
“It would mean the world if you could.” 
Bill took the items from Y/N carefully, opening the book to the title page on the table before writing a sweet message and then signing underneath; handing it back and watching as Y/N read the note. 
The pair continued to talk a little ways away as Mike, Richie and Eddie spoke quietly. 
“Thank you both for coming. I knew you both would.” 
Eddie didn’t want to say anything about the fact that he had really considered not going and it was thanks to Richie that he hadn’t balantently refused or jumped out of the car while it was on the road. He didn’t think Mike would want to hear about that. “Oh yeah, of course Mike. We wouldn’t miss coming back to kill the clown that made our lives hell as kids for anything.”
Mike didn’t react to the sarcasm or the uncomfortable looks on the pair’s faces, instead starting to ramble about how grateful he was and how excited he was to see the others; no one mentioning Stan. Before anything else could be said however, Beverley’s voice was heard. 
“Is that you Trashmouth?” 
Everyone turned at the sound, Bev standing there looking as beautiful as always while Ben stook behind, looking bashful and flustered, his crush on Bev hitting him full force after all these years. 
“That’s Mr Trashmouth to you mah dear.” 
Bev laughed at the accent, memories of Richie’s nonsense filling her mind. 
“You know you haven’t gotten any better at the accents Tozier. I would have thought time would help.” 
Richie laughed and the soft rumble of his chest comforted Eddie, grounding him and filling his chest and heart with a feeling of overwhelming love and adoration. 
“So drinks?” 
“After the drive I just had, yes please.” 
The group got situated around the table then, Y/N sitting between Bill and Richie, laughing as her dads began to bicker and the waitress come in the take orders. THe atmosphere was like coming home, friends reuniting and picking up right where they left off, even if the elephant in the room was waiting for them to talk about it. 
“Oh Bev, Ben, this is our daughter Y/N.” 
Beverley was the first to introduce herself, Ben after, the red head making conversation and helping the girl to feel comfortable and welcome. It didn’t take long for the group to share stories with her about what her dads were like as kids, Y/N laughing harder than she had in a while at Richie and Eddie’s antics and how similar they were then to how they were now. 
It was then that the drinks came, alcohol for everyone else and a coke for Y/N. 
“To the Losers Club and to memories.” 
Mike said, raising his glass, the rest of the group, including Y/N (even if she had really no clue). 
Everyone repeated the sentiment before clinking their glasses together.
“To the Losers Club and to memories.”
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
The Missing Piece
Fred Weasley x Reader
George Weasley x Reader(Platonic)
All I Wanna Do Continuation
Warnings: Swearing. Angsty.
A/N: I know this was only meant to be a two part series...but I'm hopeless. So I present to you; Part II of (?)
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It had been a couple days since y/n ran into George in Diagon Alley, revealing the hardest of truths to her long time friend. That being of her secret child to one Fred Weasley, conceived only the day before his death. The one whom she kept secret from her whole old life in London, after running from it. Marcos was the Weasley no one knew existed.
It had been more than difficult when George discovered the truth, seeing a young Fred with peircing y/e/c eyes barrell towards the two adults during a casual conversation between old friends. It'd hurt George more than he thought it were possible to hurt, no injuries sting ever coming close to the one he felt that day. However, after a night spent bonding with his newly discovered nephew and multiple nights of y/n explaining everything to him. From the night before the battle; which involved a little too much information in Georges opinion, to the day they accidentally crossed paths, he'd found a way to forgive her.
He'd been so angry in the beginning but now that they'd spoke and he saw her side none of that mattered. He couldn't stay mad. Not really.
It turns out though that y/n and Marcos had been staying in a small Muggle Inn as y/n searched for a place to relocate whilst Marcos reddied to begin his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Something which George refused to stand for, and so that's how for the past 4 days the two had been living happily above the store of Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, number 93 Diagon Alley.
George hadn't been happier in so long, to have someone else living within the flat with him. To have someone to come home to. A family no less. Y/n felt the same way. But that didn't mean the dread of letting the rest of the Weasley family in on her dirty little secret were any less prominent in her life. Even George had to admit he was nervous as to how they'd react.
Of course since Marcos had learned of the additional family members, he were yet to meet, he'd been pestering the pair as to when he'd finally get to see them. So, often y/n and George found themselves up late planning the right way to go about it.
They'd decided on a meal at the Burrow with the entire clan present. No exceptions - meaning Dragon Boy himself, as well as the Workaholic. They'd worked out all the kinks through countless Owls flown tirelessly back and forth and it was settled.
Tomorrow at 5pm, the three (two as the family expected) were to arrive via the Floo network, in accordance with the fact Marcos had never travelled by Floo before and was eager to experience it. Though if you asked Mr and Mrs Weasley the reasoning, they'd say the pair simply preferred that way.
At 4:52pm, the day of, Marcos could be found waiting eagerly and very impatient by the fireplace of the Twins flat. "Come ooooon, Mum!" He whined staring to his uncle and mother fussing over whatever he-knows-not, whispering seriously to one another by the kitchen counter. "In a moment, bud." George answered, receiving a huff in response.
George had his hands placed firmly on y/ns arms to steady her as he spoke sternly, eyes fixed directly onto hers. "Everything is going to be okay. I'll be with you the whole time. They're going to love him." "It's not him I'm worried about." Y/n croaked, voice thickly laced with emotion, "I know this is what's right and he'll fit in perfectly, that they'll love him unconditionally. But what of me George, I kept him from all of you. How could they ever look at me again. Let me in that house again. I know it sounds selfish but I'm not worried for him at all. Because it's what's right. But just because it's the right thing to do doesn't mean it makes this whole mess any easier. There wouldn't even be a mess if it weren't for me." Y/ns head dropped, picking at her nails in attempt to distract herself from the burning that set in behind her eyes and in her throat.
"Hey." Lifting a delicate finger to the underside of her chin, George pulled y/n's attention back to him, "You did what you thought was best for you at the time. What you did wasn't easy and I understand it now, just like they will. Once you explain and they meet him...there's no way they can stand against you. Okay? It's going to be okay." The whites of y/n's eyes burned red as she held back the tears which were ready to spill. All it took was a nudge, in the form of a tight comforting George Weasley style hug, to knock them over the edge.
"Can't you hug when we get there?" Marcos groaned, rolling his eyes in frustration this causing his Uncle chuckle. Y/n pulled back and looked to the clock on the wall, 4:59pm. Wiping the few stray tears still running down her cheeks she stepped toward her son. "Sorry sweety." She smiled sadly, fixing his hair. "Why are you crying?" her son asked simply. "It's just...it's just been a very long time since I've seen any of these people. It's got me a tad emotional. Don't worry, we can go now." "ALRIGHT!" The boy yelled excitedly, jumping into the large fireplace. George placed a hand to y/ns back, guiding her in next to Marcos as he grabbed a handful of powder and stood to the boys other side.
"Everyone ready?" George spoke with a wide-eyed, unnerved expression to y/n, "ready!" Marcos bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly while his mother, unknownst to him, offered back a grimace and shrug. "Yeah that seems about right" George spoke more to himself. Looking back out over his living room tight-lipped he grasped the boys shoulder, "The Burrow." He dropped the glittering dust in a swift motion and the three were quickly engulfed in vivid green flame. Here goes nothing.
This dinner would be the first time everyone had been together in years. Since the war if you were to include y/n in the family head count, which Molly did. So as you can imagine she had been fussing over every nanodetail to ensure the whole night went perfectly.
"Molly dear, you must try to relax. You've out done yourself, everything looks splendid and they'll love it." Arthur assured his wife, with a light kiss to her cheek. "I just haven't seen her in so long, not since...well-"
Y/n and Molly had shared such a close bond as she grew up alongside the Twins. The sort of connection Mothers dream of having with their daughters. Y/n came to her about absolutely everything; classes, grades, bullies, boys. There was nothing the two couldn't talk about. So when y/n disappeared after the War, well to Molly it were as if she'd lost another part of her family: the pain she felt neared that of losing another child. That day Molly Weasley very well lost a piece of herself.
It was no wonder her emotions were currently running ragged at the thought of finally seeing her again.
"I have so missed her." "As I'm sure she has you but that is no need to overwork yourself dear, come sit in the lounge." Arthur directed his Wife back from the kitchen to where the rest of their family were gathered.
"Jeez mum, wish you loved us that much." Charlie joked over his mother's flustered form. "It's just y/n" Ron groaned. "The house looks lovely, Molly. But Arthur is right. You must relax." Fluer spoke from her place beside Bill. Though she appreciated the sentiment, their words did little to soothe her excitement and nervousness over tonight. "I know, I'm sorry everyone I'm just so excited to have her back. It's been so long after all." Arthur had his arm placed over her shoulders, stoking her arm contently as she stared to the clock on the wall. 4:52pm.
The group fell into comfortable conversation as they awaited the final two guests, all far more excited to see y/n than they'd care to admit aloud. This would be the first time any of them had seen her in over a decade.
A loud crash and a flash of green from the kitchen alerted the family huddled within the lounge just as the clock struck 5:00pm.
"Oh! They're here!" Molly spoke excitedly. George was the first to step out of the fireplace, ruffling his hair to rid the ash which coated it's ends: appearing like smoke from a flame as it hung from the ginger locks. The family moved quickly from the room, essentially jumping from their seats, to come greet them, however they were suddenly halted.
"Before you all swarm us!" George declared with palms raised towards the group, "there's a little uh-...announcement to be shared first. Or rather an introduction. You see we've brought someone with us." He looked back over his shoulder to y/n who was staring up at him with scared eyes as she trembled slightly in fear of what was to come. She glanced back to her son, hidden by the corner of the large stone wall of the fireplace before looking back up to George as if to say 'it's now or never'. "Just...try to have an open mind." His eyes were pleading for his family to understand even if they hadn't the foggiest what was going on. All their faces contorted as they looked between one another in confused anticipation.
George lowered his hands with a nod satisfied no one was going to tackle them in a crushing embrace or otherwise hectic greeting typical to that of the Wealsey family. Turning to the side so he no longer stood infront of y/n and the wall of the fireplace he encouraged his friend to continue. Y/ns eyes barely left George, aside from a quick nervous flick back over the gathered audience.
Turning back determinedly she reached her arms out for Marcos to hold, helping support him as he stepped down from the slightly elevated floor. There's a kind smile on his face as he moves toward the sitting room where the family is waiting. George places an arm on the back of Marcos nudging him forward slightly, with a nod to y/n, who is staring teary-eyed at him, breath hitching as she starts to panic. "Everyone..." he turns back to his family, "this is y/ns Son, Marcos." "Hello" he says simply with a warm smile.
Everyone looks like they've seen a ghost. Staring silently with mouths agape.
Though covered head to toe in soot his firey red hair sticks out like a Dragon in a flower patch. The Weasley hair. Not just that, it's his face. His entire body. His voice. It's everything but his eyes.
Marcos is quickly becoming uncomfortable as everyone just stares at him, this wasn't what he'd expected. He looks back over his shoulder to his mother. She steps forward and grabs his hand, placing her other on his shoulder, looking to George for strength as she speaks quietly, "I know I have a lot of explaining to do" she swallows hard looking back to the pale faced Weasleys, "but this has been too long coming and it couldn't wait any longer. If George's reaction is anything to go by I know you all have quite a few words to say to me. And I'll hear them all. I deserve it for what I've done."
Marcos looks up to his mother confused, what had she done? For all he knew they hadn't met simply because they lived in different countries. That's no reason why she'd be in trouble is it? He looks back around the room then to George who smiles warmly to him in reassurance. "Sorry isn't enough I know, but I am. Truly. It's time though, Marcos needs you. He needs his family."
No one says anything. Though all silent there's a mixture of strained emotions held within the room. Many teary eyes. Some white knuckles and poorly hidden anger. But mostly it's shock.
Bill's looking around his family, worried, someone needs to say something. They can't just stand there any longer gawping. Dropping Fluers hold he walks forward, heads turn at his sudden movement. He squats infront of Marcos smiling as he shakes his nephews hand with both of his "It's nice to meet you Marcos. I'm Bill," he turns slightly on the spot to point towards his partner, "that's Fluer, my wife." She offers a small smile and wave, then Bill turns back to face him "I'm the eldest of your uncles." He states proudly, "And the coolest" he winks speaking the final line in a whisper. Marcos smiles, whispering back "But Uncle George said that he's the coolest" "yeah don't listen to him, or any of the others - there'll be a lot of that going around." Bill chuckles.
Marcos starts to relax at his uncles attempt in conversation. Y/n and George smile sweetly to one another but with nerves still evident in their expressions. "How did you get your scars?" Marcos asks abruptly. "Marc-" y/n warns, "ah, now THAT is a pretty awesome story" Bill grabs both his hands in his once more, bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet etching ever closer to his nephew as he readies to tell the story, "you see there was this fight, at Hogwarts, before the War where I was up against this Werewolf-"
"Alright, alright, Bill, don't hog the boy with your boring old Greyback story." Another redhead interrupted, walking forward from the group to push his brother to the side, Marcs face contorted in confusion, brows furrowing and head falling to the side. Did he just say his story, with a werewolf, was boring!?
"I'm Charlie" the man knelt before the boy smiling widely "and I am by far cooler than these ones don't listen to them." "How are you cooler?" Marc asked "I work with Dragons." He widened his eyes in mock surprise before smiling again. "REALLY!? DRAGONS!?" Marc lit up like a Christmas tree. Charlie turned his head over his shoulder with a smug shit-eating grin on his face as he taunted his siblings for the reaction he'd elicited from such a simple statement. "Yep. Dragons." "Do you have one!? Can I see it!? Are they really as dangerous as everyone says?" Marc was firing questions at him quicker than his breath could carry, his enthusiasm endearing and contagious as the rest of the family made their way to make their introductions.
"Move it Charlie" stated a firey haired young girl "Merlins bollock!" "Marcos, Language!" Y/n warned but her son paid no mind to the woman too engrossed in the individual before him. "I know you! You play for the Hollyhead Harpies!" It was Ginnys turn to grin smugly to her brothers as they were pushed to the side. "It's lovely to meet you Marcos." She hugged him warmly. George and y/n stepped back a couple paces to allow the family more room for introductions.
Y/n was quietly crying as George had his arm placed securely around her back listening along to the excited conversation of everyone present, her son in particular, each time he was met with a new face. Until it seemed to reach a peak.
"YOU'RE HARRY POTTER!" "There it is." George whispered amusedly in y/ns ear. "The one and only." Harry smiled, "I must say, you look so much like your father. Except the eyes of course you've got-" "-my mothers eyes. Yes. So people keep telling me." Marc nodded with thin lips, this being maybe the hundredth time he'd been told so. "Sorry, trust me, I know that line gets a bit old." Harry smiled to himself.
Y/n was wrapped up in the various pieces of conversation that met her ears as more introductions were made. She always felt something had been missing from her life, she assumed it were simply Fred. She was wrong. This is what she was missing. They were missing from her.
They were her missing piece.
"Hello, my boy, I'm Arthur - your grandfather it'd appear" he stated warmly very much liking the sound of that. "What do you do?" His grandson asked curiously. "I work with the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts in the Ministry. Tell me..." Arthur began in a firm murmur, "do you know how exactly a 'microwave' works? I've been told it is a box which produces heat a-" "Daaaad not now!" Ron had grumbled. "I'm Ron. I'm an Auror with the Ministry" "like Mr Potter?" "Exactly." "Wicked".
"Greetings, Marcos. I'm Percy" came the next, posh, voice. "Hello, what do you do?" "I work within the Ministry-" Percy began before being interrupted by a sarcastic voice, "yeah don't worry about that one, Mate. Percy is in no running for the favourite uncle." George had spoke loudly causing a wave of chuckles to issue through the room.
Everyone was so warm and inviting and excited, it made y/ns heart swell. Hand placed to her chest as the other muffled her quiet gasps as joyful tears fell from her eyes. It was perfect, until she noticed something.
Where was Molly? Her eyes scanned the room, she was here not a moment ago where had she...
George noticed her shifting gaze and tensed posture. "Something the matter?" He whispered before his own eyes scanned the crowd of people. She needn't say a word as realisation struck swiftly, causing him to straighten himself. Dread flooded his body. "Don't fret, love" he whispered once again, gently rubbing her shoulder blades before taking a step towards Charlie - the closest member of his family - tugging on his shirt sleeve. Charlie leaned himself back towards his brother, eyes not leaving Marcos, nor the smile leaving his face. "Where's mum?" George asked. Charlie shrugged in response with a slight shake of his head "no idea".
Worry set in across Georges face, caught by Ginny across the room, whose head fell to the side as she silently asked the question, mouthing a simple "what?" To this George mouthed back "Mum?"
Her gaze quickly fixed to the room, brows furrowing as she noticed her mother's absence. Ginny looked back to George, shrugging she mouthed "up stairs?" George grimaced. It wasn't like his Mother simply to disappear. He certainly hadn't expected such a reaction. Given the circumstances, she should have been the first greeting him. With a suffocating hug and some offer of food.
"One sec" Ginny mouthed, holding up a finger while she quietly ascended the Burrows staircase in search of Molly.
George placed a firm hold around y/n again as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Ginny returned a few minutes later, arms wide with a shake of her head to let him know her search came up empty. George nodded a thank you, turning his head over his shoulder toward the kitchen. Empty. But the door...the door wasn't latched.
With a final squeeze to y/ns shoulder and a light comforting kiss to the top of her hair line he left her side for the first time since they'd arrived.
Y/ns arms wrapped around her body feeling far too vulnerable in the moment without George by her side. But she knew he had to be the one to find her.
Charlie's attention had been turned to the pair as he noticed Ginnys shrug in their direction. Looking just in time to see George walk towards the door as y/n tensed, insecurities and anxiety setting in.
He was unsure how to react. On the one hand he was ecstatic to discover he had a Nephew, one which oozed confidence and joy. One exactly like the Brother he'd lost. He fit like a puzzle piece into their lives, filling a hole they thought would never be filled. Though the cracks were still there, and he could never truly replace Fred - not that they'd want or expect him to, Marcos was the missing piece they needed in their lives. More than any of them probably realised.
On the other hand, however, Charlie was angry. Worse than angry. He was full-fledged fucking furious. Not an emotion usually acquainted with Charlie Weasley, the most carefree and open minded Weasley in the clan. To think someone he considered a friend, no. family. For years could just up and disappear from their lives, hiding this boy from them, this part of their family from them for more than a decade...it was a thought that made him sick. Feeling his throat close over and stomach turn at the disgusting lie he'd been unknowingly living. Talk about hard pills to swallow. Could he look past this?
Staring at the girl infront of him he did what he's always done. He began to reason. As painful as this is he knows there's two sides to every story and lashing out in anger is not going to solve anything. So he looks at it from her perspective; she'd just lost the man she loved. Perhaps she didn't know at the time she was pregnant? After that she ran, he remembered the last time he saw her. She'd broke down saying she can't stay in England any more, he'd thought it was just the emotions talking but she was gone days later, once everyone who'd died were buried. So she ran, and found out she was pregnant. She was alone and grieving and terrified. Still he couldn't see why she didn't think she could come to them. That was beyond even his reasoning, he assumed she'd explain all of this in due time. Until then what she really needed was for them to be there for her.
So, swallowing all those festering venomous thoughts he stepped toward her. Placing a tentative hand to her shoulder with a brief half smile. She looked to him defeated, his name falling from her lips in a sigh the beginning of an apology followed as she trembled before him. He silenced her with a shake of his head, wrapping her within his arms in a hug to let her know everything would be okay. "We're here for you" he whispered simply.
As George stepped out of the house in search of his Mother, eyes squinting as they adjusted to the bright unfiltered sunlight beating down overhead, he scanned the hills and the veggie patch - where she wasn't. Walking slowly he headed for the back garden - where she was.
Sitting with her back to him on their concret garden bench, her posture was stiffly straight but her head hung low. The light sniffle of her nose told him everything he needed to know about her current emotional state. He had been fully prepared to find her seething with anger, afterall she had never been afraid to cry infront of the family before but anger was something she rarely liked to broadcast. Unless of course a scolding was in order for her children's bad behaviour. But here she was crying.
He placed a gentle hand to her shoulder unable to think of the words to make his presence known. She jumped at the touch before placing a hand atop his own. "Mum?" He asked hesitantly, she didn't speak, only wiped the fresh tears which had fallen from her eyes with the corner of her appron. George moved to sit next to her, hand not leaving her shoulder. He patiently waited for her to speak knowing it best not to force any conversation.
His eyes travelled over her face; eyes puffy and red, lip trembling slightly. Then down to her hands which both now played tensely with her frayed appron ending. He always hated to see his mother so upset, usually he had a joke to crack making her smile but since Fred he had trouble 'picking up the slack', as it were. Never able to break an awkward silence the way Fred had. He needed that first line from another to prompt any sort of sarcastic or witty remark. Hate to admit it but he were a tad envious of his twin in that respect.
After several long minutes Molly spoke. "Oh, George..." she sobbed defeatedly. His attention was immediately back on her face, waiting for her next strangled set of words. "He-he...he's..." "he's not mine." George nudged playfully in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere but it comes out a tad sad in his opinion.
"He's so much like him. Exactly like him if not for the..." "eyes." George spoke, smiling fondly at the thought, "he has his mother's eyes." Molly faced him finally, "Why'd you leave?" He questioned. Gingerly running a hand through the hair above her sons scar she replied sadly "It was just too hard." And more tears fell.
"It's hard for all of us Mum, I know it's a lot and this would be the last thing you'd ever expect to come from the fireplace but it's what came. And through all the bad and confusing you need to see the good. You have a Grandchild. Your first. What you've always wanted." "But George, it's not-he..." "he looks exactly like Fred, sounds exactly like Fred and acts exactly like Fred. But he's not, I know. He's not Fred. But he's a piece of him. More than what we had." Molly was shaking with tears now as George spoke with her. A similar burning taking root behind his eyes, but he had to hold strong. The family needed that right now. "I know it's hard, believe me when I found out I-well...let's just say some bystanders were scared they were about to witness a murder" he chuckled. "I'd never been so angry. But y/n explained everything. She talked me through it and she'll do that with you. With everyone. You just have to give her the chance."
Molly scoffed slightly as she let out a long breath. Looking up to her son her heart swelled to think she was able to raise such a strong, passionate and caring young man. She'd never been prouder of him. Seeing how, through everything; the war, losing Fred, finding out the truth about Marcos. How he managed to stay that compassionate and loving young man she always knew...it was beyond her how he could do that.
She'd lost so much during the wars. In the first she lost her brothers, and countless friends, then she lost a son to the second. When had she lost herself along the way? It was then she knew she needed to be the mother he deserved. That they all deserved, stronger than she had been before. She had to be with her family now. The family which just grew by a member. "What do you say, Ma, Ready to meet your Grandson? Cause you know I've been telling him all about how his Grandmother is the world's best cook. Don't know how much longer he's going to be able to wait for one of your homemade apple pies I've been telling him so much about."
Molly began to smile through her light tears before her face dropped completely. "Oh no!" She'd near shouted placing hands to her mouth, jumping from her place on the bench and startling George in the process. "I didn't cook any apple pies! I didn't think to! Usually we only eat those on very special occasions and- well, yes of course this is the most special occasion...but I had no idea!" Molly paced back and forth fussing over the fact she had no pies prepared "oh, George, you don't suppose he'll be too disappointed do you? I'm sure I can whip up a batch before dinner. Oohh but I haven't any apples! I'll have to run to the store".
George sat smiling fondly as his mother twidled her fingers together stressfully. It was endearing he thought, how quickly her priorities change. It wasn't till she started running her hands through her hair and down her appron he knew she needed to be calmed down.
He stood, placing both hands to her elbows to stop her pacing, looking down to her with a grin "Mum...relax." "oh George but the pies!" "MUM! How bout, first things first...you meet the boy." Silent laughter radiated through his chest as her eyes flew open "oh of course! How could I be so selfish! Do I look okay? I don't want to come across as some nutter" "doesn't matter how you look, you'll ways be a nutter." Molly smacked her son's arm as he laughed.
Slowly the two made their way back inside, his arm tight around her shoulder. He found it concerning at how slow she were walking but knew this was a difficult situation.
As the kitchen door swung open all eyes fell to the pair. Marcos was sitting on the small coffee table of the sitting area as everyone was gathered around, filling him in on anything and everything he wanted to know. Y/n was tucked closely under Charlie's arm on the sofa. Everyone went quiet once again as the two rejoined. Y/ns eyes flew to George who nodded at her, letting her know everything was okay.
Y/n was the only one to move as George and Molly approached the group. She stood, grabbing Marcos by his hands and moving him towards his Grandmother.
He stood straightly, smiling before her as y/n knelt beside him. "Marcos, this is Molly. Your Grandmother" y/n smiled sweetly but nervous up to Molly who only had eyes for the boy infront of her. She had a hand placed to her mouth as she held back glistening tears. "It's nice to meet you" he held out his hand for her to shake, but she didn't move to take it.
"Wait for it" George smirked knowingly. Marcos dropped his hand slightly, head falling to the side in confusion. Wait for wha-
Molly instantly swooped down, engulfing the young boy in a bone crushing hug as a heavy breath left her throat. "We're so glad to have you here, my boy." She let him go, leaning back to place his face between her palms smiling brightly through joyful, unfallen tears. "Bit peaky, what's say we begin dinner" she asked warmly. "That sounds nice" Marcos mumbled through squished cheeks.
"Come, this way Dear," Molly placed a hand to his back directing him to where they'd be eating, fussing over the boy more with each step.
George and Y/n watched on as her son happily seated himself at the table and Molly began piling various foods onto his plate as the rest of the family did the same from the lounge, basking in the small moment shared between Grandmother and Grandson.
'This is how it should always have been' Y/n thought with a heavy heart. There was a calmness in her mind as she watched on, replaying the way the family had greeted the pair as they entered. Things might just work out better than she had feared. Might.
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Not Perfect (JJ Maybank x reader) pt. 4
Summary: JJ Maybank is the one who makes sure your kook lawn is immaculate. Your family may look perfect just like the lawn from someone looking from the outside in, but it turns out you and JJ have more in common than you thought.
!!warning: This story talks about abuse through out, so if that’s triggering please don’t read. This is strictly fiction.
A/N: finally, part 4! I have had the worse case of writer’s block with this. I’m sorry it’s took me so long to get this out. This will be a 5 part series, so the next part will be the end! 
However, I have a new OBX fic in the works!!! Hopefully will have a preview out soon. I’m still deciding if I should write it with JJ, Rafe, John B or Pope. 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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As soon as JJ’s arms wrapped around you, you let go of everything you had bottled inside. You began to sob uncontrollably. No one knew about your abuse or the pain you went through. Even if they did, they didn’t care enough to help. But JJ, he’d suspected something. He knew your pain.
“Shhh..” He wraps his arms protectively around you, his hand going to your head as you sob into his chest.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry about everything.” You sob.
He shakes his head, “No don’t be sorry. Not like I haven’t been arrested before. Plus, they let me go as soon as I got there.” He pulls away to look at you, gently wiping a stray tear, careful of your bruise, “Let’s sit down, yeah?”
You nod and JJ leads you to the couch, taking a seat next to you, his arm still wrapped protectively around you. He had to admit, he was scared. Scared if he let go something else bad would happen to you. To see you broken like this, reminded him of himself. He wanted to be there for you like he’s always wanted someone else to be there for him; to hold him, to protect him and tell him it’ll be okay.
He looks up at Kie, “Go get some ice?”
Kie nods, “I’ll go get some ice..” She steps around Pope and heads inside.
“Your dad did this?” Pope asks, surprised and slowly sits down in the chair, “But…”
“He’s good at hiding it.” You glance around at the concerned eyes looking down at you, suddenly feeling small and helpless.
Kie steps back on the porch, an ice pack in hand, “Here..”
You take it and wince as you put it to your eye, “Thank you.”
She nods, taking a seat next to Pope.
JJ can sense you’re uncomfortable with all the eyes staring at you like you were in a cage. “How about we go out on the dock? Just me and you.”
You were thankful of JJ pulling you away from the pogues. It was awkward with all of their eyes on you.
JJ leads you to the bench on the dock, “I didn’t think you wanted them to all be staring at you like that.. They’re kind of in shock.”
You nod, sitting next to him, adjusting the icepack on your cheek, “Yeah I would be too. Finding out someone isn’t as perfect as they seem.”
“I don’t want to pressure you to talk or tell me anything. Just know I’m here for you.”
You give a sad smile, “Thank you, JJ.. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course.” He takes a deep breath, turning his attention to the sun setting over the marsh.
“I’m sorry, my daughter isn’t here. I’m not sure where she could have gotten off too.” Your dad apologizes to the Cameron’s, “She had a run in with that Maybank kid.” He shakes his head, “He beat her up pretty bad. Took advantage of her.”
“That pogue is trouble.” Rafe says, “If you’d like, Topper, Kelce and I will go out looking for her? I think I may have an idea of where she could have run off to.” Rafe offers.
“That’d be great, son. Thank you for that.” Your dad shakes his hand, “Maybe you can knock some sense into her and keep her from getting around those kids.” Your dad jokes, chuckling.
“…and then he walked out.” You explain. You’d finally spilled about everything with your dad. What had happened after the police left. What you two were arguing about yesterday, which was about Rafe Cameron. When your dad began the abuse, how you guys moved away because your dad lost money and couldn’t pay off everyone to mind their business, like how he’s doing it now.
He shakes his head in disbelief, “I just…” He gently pulls you into a hug, “I’m so sorry.. I really am. Me and the pogues, we’re here for you.”
You relax in his arms, “I’m sorry I brought all this on you guys.”
He pulls away to make eye contact with you, lifting your chin to look up at him, “Don’t ever be sorry for that. You need help and we’re going to help you get out of this. Okay?” He carefully runs his thumb against your cheek.
You nod, leaning into his touch, “I guess we aren’t so different, huh?”
He chuckles softly, “No, I guess not.”
You move so you can lay your head on his shoulder.
He reaches over, interlocking his fingers with yours and kisses your head. It’s peaceful for a few minutes before a loud booming voice is heard in the distance.  
The two of you jump and turn to see Rafe, Topper and Kelce storming through John B’s yard, heading your way. Pogues following behind. You can hear Kie yelling at them for being on private property.
Your grip tightens on JJ’s hand. He gives you a comforting look, “It’s okay.” He stands and faces Rafe and the gang, “What the hell you want, Cameron?”
“I’m here to kick your ass for touching MY girl.” Rafe storms down the dock, pushing JJ’s chest. JJ stumbles back a few feet, breaking the grip you had on his hand.
“What the fuck you think you’re doing with my girl, Maybank?!”
You stand, “Rafe, stop, I’m not your girl!”
Rafe looks down at you, “He do this to you?” He points to your face. “I’m going to kill him,”
“No, he didn’t touch me!” You grab Rafe’s arm as he lunges at JJ again. “Stop it!”
JJ moves to step between you and Rafe, “You guys need to leave, now.” He motions between Rafe, Topper and Kelce.
Rafe chuckles, “Yeah okay. Let’s go, y/n. We’re leaving. Your dad wants you back home.” The mention of your dad makes you freeze. Rafe reaches around JJ to grab your arm.
JJ steps back in front of you, “She’s not going anywhere. She’s staying here.” JJ defends.
You can feel your heart beating out of your chest. The dinner with the Cameron’s. If you didn’t show up like your dad wanted you to do then he would visit your room again tonight. The next time worse than the last.
“y/n.” Rafe warns, going to grab your arm.
JJ shoves him back, “I said she’s not going anywhere.”
“Pogue, you are just asking to be punched.” Rafe steps up chest to chest with JJ, towering over him. You didn’t want to see JJ get hurt. Rafe would find some way to put the blame on JJ and JJ would go to jail. You knew you would have to face your father no matter what. No need to wait any longer and make it even worse.
You step around JJ, putting your hand on Rafe’s arm, “Take me home, Rafe.”
“Y/n, you don’t have to go with him.” JJ grabs your hand, “You can stay here.”
You bring your lip between your teeth, biting back tears. You force a smile, “It’s okay JJ.”
Rafe takes your other hand, “Let’s go. Your dad is waiting.” He begins to walk away, pulling you with him, but JJ still has a grip on your hand.
His eyes are pleading as he begs, “Y/n, please don’t go back.” He can see the tears in your eyes.
“JJ, you gotta let me go.” You try to pull your hand from his. Now your eyes are pleading with his, “Please.” You whisper, “let me go, I’ll be okay.”
JJ reluctantly lets go of your hand, watching as Rafe leads you to his truck. Topper and Kelce following. Rafe opens the door and as you climb in your eyes meet with his again. He sees you mouth something before Rafe closes the door. He thinks it was thank you, but he can’t be for sure. His mind was on the fact he knew exactly what would be waiting for you when you arrived home. He leans over the dock and vomits the contents of his stomach at the thought. After he vomits up everything, he begins to plot how he was going to get you and him the hell off this island, if you were willing to go with him.
Obx taglist:  @tregua-oca , @weirdbiwitch , @losers-club6 , @treestarrrrrrrr , @omgwhattheeven , @normatural , @lreincarnationl , @laurenron , @junkiemuppettxx , @beth-winchester21 , @divcrdown , @timotaychalabae , @moose-squirrel-asstiel , @tangledinsparkles , @prejudic3 ,@lanarichards5  @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch , @fratboystark , @nas-marie-loves-u , @sunwardsss , @annedub , @jellyfishbeansontoast , @turtlee-says-rawr, @fanficscuziranout , @wellthathappened2 , @write-from-the-heart , @louisolos , @outrbank , @sunset-d-rive , @family-buisnes , @traumaflavouredjuulpod , @http-cherries , @k-k0129 , @mileven-reddie , @eclecticpuppyhollywoodhumanoid , @cinnamon-roll-seth , @teamnick , @rockyyc77 , @ellojustafangirlhere , @sataninsatin , @lordsagittarius , @helplessquotess , @katerosexx , @kiarasgold , @thee-sex , @sunshinemadds , @ceruleanjj , @colie-babi​ , @ilovejjmaybank , @laubluered , @lcil123 , @notmcchkn , @ceruleanjj , @fangirlvoice , @maybebanks , @lolitstiana , @danicarosaline​ , @obx-beach , @katiaw2 , @hardyxlove , @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @obxmxybxnk , @lasnaro , @thedarkqueenofavalon , @you-got-me-starry-eyed , @poguestyleskye , @poguesnobx , @godspeedlover , @coni-martina , @kaylinfayezink , @loveylangdon , @blossombxby13 , @thelovelydreamer17 , @chasefreakinstokes , @daddydobrockk , @you-got-me-starry-eyed , @kkmikayla  , @thatweirdblonde , @bananasfromtarget , @popcrone818 , @fanficsrmylife ,
*if your name is crossed out tumblr is being stupid and won’t let me tag you :( 
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​​
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mayhembunnywrites · 4 years
Eskimo Kisses and Starsent Wishes
Pairing: Nafla x Reader
Summary: Falling into your future.
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Nicholas Choi typically doesn’t get angry, but in this moment he can’t help but be a little pissed off. He had been in a public park after finishing up the photoshoot for unu, just trying to relax a little bit, when some woman had knocked into him. Oh, she had apologized, but it was half assed and he could tell! So he chased after her, and now he has finally caught up to her.
“Excuse me,” he says somewhat impatiently, noticing the toddler in front of you but not really paying attention to the little girl. Distantly, he does know that what happened next was very, very creepy by normal standards but, in his own defense, he couldn’t help himself. 
The moment you turned around to face him, clearly suspicious of this random man who you had never met, his world had stopped in its tracks. You were drop-dead gorgeous in his opinion, and he was dumbfounded as he stared at you.
“Uhh, dude,” you say hesitantly, nervous as this stranger, no matter how handsome, stares at you without words. “Sorry for running into you earlier, are you alright?” The minutes drag on as he stares at you, jaw dropped open. You hide your daughter behind your back as warning bells ring preemptively in your head, worried about this man who creeps you out to no end.
“Well then,” you say as you begin backing up, “I’d say it was nice to meet you but I would be lying, and I don’t want to do that in front of my daughter...Bye.” You turn around and pick up your three year old with a practiced ease, diaper bag hanging across your body as you nearly run away from him.
Nicholas shakes out of his stupor, reaching a hand out as if to stop you in your tracks as he watches you walk away. “No, stop,” he says quietly, the words feeling as if they were spoken through a megaphone to him, and he watches in horror as you leave his sight. He shuffles his feet sheepishly, turning around and moving to leave the park.
He ends up back at his apartment, staring up at his ceiling as he laments over his actions, redoing the scenario and imagining how it could have ended differently.
One month has passed before Nicholas next sees you at a party being thrown by Kid Milli, the small and friendly event being thrown for Giriboy’s birthday. He was shocked to see you there, interacting with these normally rough men and melting them to the core as you simply talk, not even noticing what you were doing to your good friends. 
As it was the first time he had met you, Nicholas was dumbfounded as he looked at you, the black and white t-shirt dress hanging off your form in a way that wasn’t sloppy in the least, and he can’t help but be amazed by the way you had dressed, even your shoes are black and white, and it appears as if you match the birthday boy in color scheme.
You flush as you notice the familiar man staring at you, and the smile falls from your face as you shift, moving yourself behind Giriboy and seeming to become part of his shadow. Your gaze drops to the floor, your hand lifting and gently hanging onto the back of Giriboy’s oversized and yet fashionable t-shirt. You accidentally tug on it as you casually attempt to move to a more secure position, only to freeze under Siyoung’s questioning gaze. Your eyes dart nervously from Siyoung to Nicholas, and Siyoung follows your gaze to notice Nicholas staring at you from across the room. 
Siyoung raises an eyebrow at the other man, drawing Wonjae’s attention to the situation and causing him to scowl slightly. 
Siyoung gently loosens your grip, a smile brushing his lips as he listens to your whispered protests. He squeezes your hands before approaching Nicholas, finally causing him to break from his stupor as he realizes that he appears to be in a lotoftroubleohshit. Nicholas feels as if the world is in slow motion as he watches the normally calm man approach him, noticing as Siyoung’s fists clench. Nicholas swallows air in his nervous state, unable to rip his gaze from Siyoung as he finally stops in front of Nicholas.
“Hey Nafla,” Giriboy says with an easy-going smile on his face, contradicting his tense body language, “How’s it going?”
Nafla feels as if he is under the gaze of a wolf on the hunt, and he can feel himself growing smaller under the other man’s assessing gaze. “It’s going well,” Nicholas manages to force the words out before he feels Siyoung wrap an arm around his shoulder.
“That’s good,” Siyoung says cheerfully as he starts leading Nicholas to the guest room in his home, knowing that Kid Milli is distracting you easily after so many years of friendship. Your little trio of friends was truly as tight-knit as could be, having been through so much shit together. The most prominent event that you had all been through together was definitely your little miracle, the result of a one-night-stand. 
You had contacted the man, but he had no interest in being a father, and you felt no need to push him into the position. Siyoung and Wonjae had been unsure whether to be happy or upset on your behalf at the news of your pregnancy, but they settled for holding you while you cried as you told them. They had only hugged you more tightly, and sometimes it feels like they never let you out of their embrace.
You had moved into Siyoung’s home for the duration of your pregnancy, staying in the guest bedroom as he gladly renovated the basement. The once large and unfinished basement had been turned into a series of sizable rooms, two bedrooms and one bathroom being added and customized to your liking as the months fly by, your stomach growing more heavy and your due date rapidly approaching. 
Siyoung or Wonjae accompany you pretty much everywhere when it gets close to your delivery date, assigning their friends or colleagues to the task if they can’t be there. From Reddy to Yun B, your friends had assigned suspiciously single rappers to guard you in their stead. Much to Wonjae and Siyoung’s mutual disappointment, you had befriended everyone you met, but that was as far as you all ended up getting. 
Wonjae and Siyoung had been on stand-by in the last month of your pregnancy, and you had never been more grateful for their presence than when they were by your side in the delivery room. They had both been glued to you during labor, planting kisses on your forehead and comforting you better than a parent ever could. It had been a long 20 hours of labor before your baby girl was delivered, So Min’s angelic features captivated both men and caused all three of you to coo over her.
The past year of her life had flown by in a flurry of smiles and giggles, crying and restless nights for both of you. Siyoung and Wonjae had begun to take So Min to the studio whenever you needed a break, both men taking to their roles as uncles with glee. Most of the time you were fine with it, but occasionally you would find bags upon bags of designer baby clothes and toys, accessories galore. Everything from a diamond-encrusted hair-clip to a Gucci diaper bag, if they felt you needed it then they would buy it for her.
You had been absolutely shocked to come home to your closet stocked with designer maternity clothes, the small amount of maternity clothing being replaced with soft dresses and shirts, maternity jeans and soft pajamas, even soft pairs of slippers to wear around the house. Yourself and Siyoung had gone furniture shopping when your rooms had been completed, and you had been shocked at the prices of the furniture. 
Siyoung had ended up with your permission to buy whatever he wanted for you so long as you didn’t see a receipt, and he happily agreed to your conditions. You had come home only a day later to find your room and the nursery full of the necessary furniture, all of it truly the best quality money could buy.
As the year had passed, more and more baby clothing had seemed to appear out of thin air, all of it beautiful and fully intact. All in all, living with Siyoung had been great since the beginning, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Setting up parties for any of you was now a whole lot easier than before, the location automatically settled to Siyoung’s house. You had dropped So Min off at Siyoung’s parents house earlier, the older couple gladly acting as grandparents for a night.
Nicholas was currently walking with Siyoung towards the nearby balcony, Siyoung’s arm slung casually around Nicholas’ shoulder, the empty balcony a welcome reprieve from the noise of the party. 
“You know,” Siyoung begins as he lowers himself into the comfortable armchair, “she’s single. I’ve been trying to get her to date for ages now, but she might scare you away.”
Nicholas blinks in shock, having expected to be told off for staring at Siyoung’s girlfriend but instead being encouraged to ask you out. “Y-you mean, you’re not dating her?” he says in disbelief, having thought that you were after you had hid from his gaze.
Siyoung lets out a laugh, smiling brightly as he thinks of you. "No, I could never date Y/N, we have too much history. Besides, she's too much of a sister to me. Let me introduce you to her." Nicholas gets a friendly pat on the back as he trails behind Siyoung in a dazed state. He is shaken out of his daze as he stops in front of you, noticing your questioning glance at Siyoung as he stops with a wide smile on his face.
“Hey Y/N,” Siyoung says without a hint of the nervous feelings that Nicholas is hiding fairly well, “I would like you to meet Choi Nicholas, otherwise known as Nafla. Nafla, meet Y/N. She’s one of my favorite people, so take care of her. Now then,” he nods at Wonjae with a smirk, “we’ve gotta go check on the rest of the guests, you two have fun!” Suddenly you’re both standing together, and you fidget in place and flush as you notice Nicholas’ handsome features.
The two of you stand together, taking in each other's features with shy glances and both of you shifting nervously before you clear your throat, taking a deep breath. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Y/N, I think we ran into each other in the park that one time.”
“Ah, yeah,” Nicholas says with a slight blush, “Sorry about that, I must have looked like such a creep.” You move to protest before a shake of his head stops you in your tracks, “I just--you were so beautiful and I couldn’t do anything.” Nicholas stops talking, feeling as humiliation at his word-vomiting washes over him. His gaze falls to the floor and he doesn’t notice as your jaw relaxes into a smile, his words cute and making you flush.
“It’s okay,” you laugh, smiling fondly as his head snaps up and a relieved smile settles onto his handsome face, “I think I quite like you, as well, if that’s what you were getting at.” Nicholas gulps nervously, a smile still on his face as he mentally prepares for the next move.
“Well then, would you be interested in going out for a coffee with me?” he asks you, and your eyes widen as you bounce in place, the unexpected words taking you by surprise. Normally the men that try to flirt with you are much less blunt, but his straightforwardness is refreshing to you.
“I’d like that a lot,” you say, giggling nervously, “we can do it tomorrow for lunch, if you want.” You twirl your hair casually around your fingers, gently tugging on it as an outlet for your nervous state.
You let out a breath that you had been holding without your knowledge as Nafla, Choi Nicholas, nods. “That sounds amazing, should we go ahead and exchange numbers as well?” As both of you pull out your phones, you both feel giddy with delight. You don’t notice the eyes of your friends, your brothers, on you as you allow yourself to enjoy the night with Nicholas. 
The night passes as if it was a dream, and later that night you strip down and lay in your bed, reminiscing over your bold actions earlier. You are torn between joy and agony, the day running through your mind as you’re dragged into unconsciousness. The last thing you see as you fall asleep is Nicholas’ smiling face, and he is in your dreams that night.
A/N: This is part one of two parts, with maybe some drabbles later! I worked hard to get this much out and will probably revise it in the future, but it’s at five pages in the Google Doc with no sign of stopping so far. 
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fangirl-imagines · 5 years
IT Master List
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Richie Tozier:
Reunions//2019!Richie Tozier
You’ll Float Too//2019!Richie Tozier
Too Dark//2019!Richie Tozier x Kaspbrak!Reader
Stay//2019!Richie Tozier Drabble
Richie Tozier Goes to Pride Headcanons
Dating Richie Tozier Would Include...
Imagine Skyping Bill Hader While He’s Away Filming IT Chapter 2
Eddie Kaspbrak: 
Eddie Kaspbrak Fluffy Relationship Headcanons 
Being Married To and Having Kids With 2019!Eddie Kaspbrak Would Include...
Miss. America and the Heartbreak Prince //Teen!Eddie x Teen!Reader
Home Again//2019!Eddie Kaspbrak x Daughter!Reader
Home Again P2//2019!Eddie Kaspbrak x Daughter!Reader
Better//2019!Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader 
Beverly Marsh:
Being Beverly Marsh’s Big Sister HC
Staring//2019!Beverly Marsh x Fem!Reader
Bill Denbrough: 
Being Bill Denbrough’s Big Sister Would Include...
Being in a Relationship With 2019!Bill Denbrough Headcanons
Taking Your Kids Trick-or-Treating with 2019!Bill Denbrough Would Include...
Endings Are the Worst Part//2019!Bill Denbrough x Pregnant!Reader (Series)
Mike Hanlon: 
Remembering//2019!Mike Hanlon
Ben Hanscom: 
January Embers//2019!Ben Hanscom
They Can’t Hurt You Anymore//2019!Ben Hanscom
Too Much to Lose//2019!Ben Hanscom x Hanlon!Reader
Is It Bad?//2019!Ben Hanscom x Hurt!Reader
Stan Uris: 
Fears//2019!Stan Uris x Reader (***TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide Attempt***)
Fears P2//2019!Stan Uris x Reader
Why is There Mistletoe Everywhere?//2019!Stan Uris x Reader
Platonic Losers Club: - Coming Soon
You’re The Best Christmas Gift I Ever Got//A Reddie Christmas Fic
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stxn-the-mxn · 5 years
Family || 2019!Richie Tozier X Daughter!Reader
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Being in the town of Derry felt more surreal than anything. It didn’t seem real, actually being in the town your father grew up in. Richie didn’t talk about Derry, in fact, he never once mentioned his childhood. In the fifteen years you’d been alive, not once was Derry mentioned. The first time it had ever been mentioned had been the night he came home and started packing.
It hadn’t been that long since you’d gone to bed, 1:30 am most likely. Usually, you went to bed earlier, maybe 10 pm or 11 pm, but on nights when Richie had a show, it would be hours till you went to bed.
It was a tradition for you to watch every one of your dad’s stand up shows, and hope that some of the jokes you had written made it in. Richie made it his mission to have at least one of your own jokes in his set.
Tonight, he had included three of yours, which all went down well after his hiccup at the start. One of yours got the biggest laugh, and you could see Richie’s proud face through the screen.
You switched off the TV after the show ended, and as usual, crashed on the couch. When Richie got home, he usually carried you back to your room, but that night, he made no move to pick you up, pacing around their rather large home instead.
“Dad? What’s going on?” You wiped the sleep from your eyes, as Richie thundered around the house. It was around 2 am, a regular time for Richie to come home after a show, but usually, he tried to be quiet to let you sleep. Tonight was not one of those nights.
“Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry, I tried to be quiet, I did. I jus-”
The empty suitcase in his hand rang some quiet alarms.
“Dad? Where are you going?”
“Home. I have to go home.”
“Take me with you.”
Richie thought it over. He couldn’t in good faith leave you home alone for as long as he would be gone. Surely you’d be fine if you did what he said. After all, he promised you all those years ago, when one of his late-night flings left a baby girl on his doorstep, that he would be the best damn father around.
“Only if you promise to not leave my sight.”
You held up your crossed fingers and crossed those fingers over your heart. 
“Right well, get packing, sweetie. We leave as soon as we’re done.”
The drive to Derry was a combination of obnoxiously singing along to the radio and you catching up on some sleep. The sign welcoming you to Derry sent a shiver down your spine, not going unnoticed by Richie.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
“W-what? Oh! Yeah, yeah I’m good.”
He didn’t believe you but didn’t bring it up again. 
The car pulled into the parking lot of the Jade of the Orient, a Chinese restaurant. Your dad seemed almost shocked by its presence. Clearly, this wasn’t in Derry when he was a kid. Richie spotted two other people off to the side and seemed to recognize them.
“Big Ben? Bev?” You trailed behind him, a few meters behind, somewhat out of sight.
“Richie?” The woman asked, not noticing you as you peered at the two adults. The taller male made direct eye contact with you, a confused expression forming. You stepped closer, not caring if they saw you at this point.
“Uh, Richie, you seem to have a fan.” ‘Big Ben’ said, gesturing behind him. Richie whipped around, only to be met with you smiling awkwardly at him.
“Oh, no, actually this is my daughter, Y/N.”
The pair had extremely shocked faces. You felt a bit more offended than you should have at that comment. The pair seemed to notice but didn’t backtrack on their comments.
“I’m Beverly, it’s lovely to meet you.” Beverly held out a hand for you to shake, which you took happily. Ben simply greeted you with a smile.
“Well, let’s go meet everyone else. I wanna see how they react to Y/N.”
The whole vibe of the restaurant felt normal until you stepped into the reserved room for what you had heard was called “The Losers Club”. Your dad, being your dad, hit the gong on his way in, causing three heads to snap towards where the four of you were standing.
The three pairs of eyes stared at Richie, Ben and Beverly, before instantly snapping to you. Their expressions were similar to Ben and Beverly’s.
“Richie, Ben, Beverly.” One of the men at the table stated, trailing off as he looked at you again.
“Right, I’m starving. Let’s eat.” Richie cheered, and everyone else just accepted that Richie was not doing what they expected. And for some reason, they felt like that was what they expected.
“Hey, Rich, would you mind explaining who that is?” Another man asked, nodding in your direction.
“Oh! Right, this is my daughter.” The three men who weren’t Ben and Bev all dropped their jaws.
“It’s lovely to meet you all, I’m Y/N.” You smiled, feeling less nervous as they smiled back. Going around the table, they all introduced themselves as Mike Hanlon, Bill Denbrough and Eddie Kaspbrak.
You immediately noticed a strong bond between all of them, even if they had only reconnected less than an hour ago. It was a similar bond that you and your father had; family.
You also noticed a different bond between Richie and Eddie. It wasn’t news to you that your father wasn’t straight. And this Eddie man, no offence to anyone, did not give off straight vibes.
It was strange, how well you felt you fit in with the group of forty-year-olds. You and Eddie found many a common interest, including joking around and teasing Richie. The more Richie remembered, the more he realised that you were basically a baby Eddie, save for the hypochondriac-ness.
It brought a smile to his face as he watched the two of you mucking about like toddlers from beside him. 
Dinner continued on, and eventually, one of the waitresses brought out a bowl of fortune cookies. Everyone eagerly took one, cracking them open.
“Huh, mine just says ‘Could’. These cookies are bullshit.”
You looked at your slip of paper, and something about the words written caused that shiver to once again run down your spine.
Welcome to Derry, Y/N! Why don’t you stay forever?
Your hands were shaking, quite violently. Richie glanced over at you and immediately rushed to your side. He took the paper, reading it quickly before ripping it up. He hugged you tightly, comforting you like he would when you would get nightmares.
“You’re alright, sweetheart, you’re gonna be alright.”
You felt guilty, honestly. Richie had made you promise to stay in the hotel, not to set foot outside, but you didn’t listen. After finding yourself in a brand new town, so much different from your hometown, writing new material for your dad seemed bland. 
Exploring the place your dad grew up in seemed way more fun. Plus, it was a small town, what could really go wrong? 
In your journey to the centre of town, the only thing that went wrong was the kid who almost ran you over with his skateboard. Aside from that, you were yet to run into the other adults or anyone for that matter. The Canal Days fair was drawing in quite the crowd.
Turning the corner, you froze.
Something about the abandoned cinema in the middle of the town drew you in. It ran in Tozier blood to love the movies. Finding a hole through the newspaper, you pushed the door open. It was incredibly dusty, and you felt your throat constricting. Eddie had warned you earlier about how gross this town could be.
The hallway that led to the cinema was lit up, and the smell of popcorn was on the verge of overpowering all your senses. Something told you to run, walk, do anything in the opposite direction. But your body wasn’t listening, and you found yourself in the screening room in no time.
The screening room seemed harmless, but nothing in this town really was. You turned to leave when the sound of a projector turning on echoed through the empty room. Turning around slowly, every bone in your body trembling, you were met with the blinding white glow of the screen.
Your eyes locked with the harmless, yet frightening screen, panic settling in. 
The white screen wrinkled, and two beady yellow eyes opened. A scream latched itself in your throat, unable to escape through your dust infected lungs.
“Well, well, welcome to Derry, little Miss Tozier.” The face shrunk, smaller and smaller, and became a clown. At this moment, you wished your feet would just move, but alas, you remained glued to the spot.
The clown’s glowing eyes pierced your soul and reached out a gloved hand, grabbing the screen. The screen began to tear. The scream you were holding in escaped, causing the clown to laugh. Once the screen was entirely gone, the clown made his way towards you, leaping over the seats. 
Your feet, much to your dismay, remained glued to the ground. This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t real. You would pinch yourself, open your eyes, and be back at home, watching some crappy movie and bullying it to death with your dad.
It wasn’t working. No matter how hard you pinched, no matter how many times you whispered that “it wasn’t real”, you kept opening your eyes to see that fucking clown.
Your entire body was shaking, all senses except sight seemed to disappear. The clown was only two rows away. One row away. Here. 
A gloved hand clamped around your neck, your already constricted throat growing tighter. The clown smiled, never breaking eye contact. Drool dripped from his mouth, as he growled lowly. His face contorted, turning into Richie.
“You’re useless. A burden. I should’ve left you on that fucking doorstep. You’ve done nothing but hold me back. I never even wanted a child. Your mother was a drunk mistake, and so are you. I might as well leave you here to die.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks. No, your dad would never… Is that really what he thought? Had he spent fifteen years blaming you in secret? No, no, he promised that he loved you. He swore on his life that you were his everything.
Maybe it was true… after all, would any gay man want to live with and raise a reflection of someone who he never wanted to be with?  No. You had to push the thundering thoughts aside. No.
“N-no.” Your voice was weak, only just loud enough to hear. “Richie” tilted his head, a sad expression on his face. His skin was reverting to the pasty white of the clown. 
“No? Poor Y/N doesn’t want to accept that no one truly loves or wants her. Not even her own father.”
“Y-you’re not r-r-real. You c-c-c-can’t be real.” Words struggled to form, and those that did struggled to escape. The clown dropped his Richie facade and in a terrifying turn of events, smiled at you.
His grip continued to tighten, and you could see black dots forming in your vision. The sensation of trickling blood set your mind ablaze. You didn’t know where it was coming from, but it was there, and the clown was the cause.
In your last seconds of consciousness, you heard the thundering sets of footsteps coming down the hall, but the clown had sensed them first. You felt like the world was spinning before everything faded to black, your father’s panicked, fearful face the last thing you saw.
“Fuck, shit, shit, fuck!” The five other losers sat, heads hanging as Richie stormed around the building. They didn’t know what to do. Who would, in this situation? Bill was the only one who was close to understanding what Richie was experiencing.
“I’m a terrible father.” His pacing stopped as his knees gave out, collapsing onto Eddie, who caught him with ease. He held Richie tightly, letting him sob into his shoulder. 
In the minutes since Richie had been too late, he was already struggling to come to terms with the gap of silence where you used to stand. It wasn’t right. It was unnatural, unheard of,  unorthodox. 
He couldn’t speak, the wave of guilt and despair pulling him out to sea.
“Richie, I wholeheartedly promise you that you are the best damn father ever. We are all going to get Y/N back, and we will stop at nothing until we do.”
Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie, and one by one the losers joined in. Y/N Tozier was a loser now. And losers never left a loser behind.
The sewers were cold, wet and extremely uncomfortable. It was impossible to tell how long you’d been stuck here, but you did know that you’d walked through what felt like thousands of tunnels. You just wanted your dad back.
You couldn’t shake the tiredness that weighed you down. Closing your eyes wasn’t an option. You couldn’t let your guard down, not for a second, unless dying at the hands of a killer clown was on your bucket list.
The clown hadn’t shown his face since he took you. Part of you felt relieved, you didn’t have to fear for your life yet. But God knows what he was doing on the surface. You could only hope and pray that your father and his friends were okay.
Tears cascaded down your cheeks as thoughts of your dad filled your mind. All you wanted was to be held in his arms again. Your dad was your everything, and you were his. This was most likely the longest you’d been away from each other. 
You threw a small pebble up and down, catching it over and over again. Your trajectory was off on one throw, and it bounced and rolled its way over to the wall. Building up some courage, you scampered over to where the rock was, but your mad dash back to the “safety hole” was cut short by an echo.
“Come one, we gotta squeeze through that hole. We can all make it through if we try hard enough.”
That was Mike’s voice. They had come to save you. Somehow, no matter how far below Derry you were, they found you. You ran to where Mike’s voice was coming from, tripping over the smaller spikes on the ground.
Said man’s jaw dropped and he ran towards you, and you grasped onto his jacket. Having a physical being to cling onto was calming. As you stood there, clinging to Mike for dear life, more people came through the small gap, the first being Beverly. She ran to you too, her hug even tighter than Mikes. She was the only loser who knew exactly what you had just experienced.
As Bill and Ben appeared, you could barely see them from between Mike and Bev’s arms. But they were there, and they were real and they were everything you needed right now.
“Y-you found m-m-me!” Bill looked at you surprised as you stuttered over your words. Your stutter wasn’t simply a stutter of fear, it was like his. He knew the causes of a stutter very well. And looking at the causes, he could cross out genetics and prayed he could cross out a brain disorder. Which left emotional trauma. Psychogenic stuttering.
As you remained surrounded by the four losers, quiet bickering drifted into the cavern. 
The four stepped aside as Eddie and Richie came through the hole. Eddie froze, his dropped jaw widening to a smile while Richie remained frozen. There you were, alive, seemingly unharmed, surrounded by all his closest friends.
“Y/N. Holy fucking shit, Y/N!” Eddie exclaimed, hugging the girl close to him. They had only known each other for a few days, but they were already extremely close.
Richie still hadn’t moved, so Y/N and Eddie took the first step, sending Richie into a crazed sprint as he ran to hold his daughter again. Tears blurred everyone’s vision as father and daughter reunited. 
If Richie had an option, he would have chosen to never let his precious baby go.
“Richie. We have to perform the ritual. It's now or never.” 
The Ritual of Chüd didn’t work. Mike hadn’t been telling the whole truth. And also, a spider-legged demon clown was chasing and tormenting the Losers Club. 
Each loser had run off in different directions, Richie and Eddie both pulling you with them as your eyes lay transfixed on the evil entity. The sewer’s tunnels were long, windy and tight at some areas. They seemed never-ending.
Until you came to a sudden stop.
Standing in front of the three doors, Richie, Eddie and yourself contemplated what to do. In this sort of situation, nothing was to be trusted. Flinging open the ‘Very Scary’ door, you all found an empty closet.
“O-oh. Well, this s-s-s-seems harmless eno- oh what the f-f-fuck?” You screamed as a pair of disembodied legs ran towards you. Richie pulled you behind him as he slammed the door shut. 
The next door they opened read ‘Not Scary At All’ and at this point you were highly doubting that. From behind your barrier of Eddie and Richie, you could see a small dog staring at you all. It also seemed harmless at first, so you waited for it to fuck around and scare the shit out of you.
“Aww, it’s actually kinda cute.” Eddie cooed, leaving you a tad confused. Richie seemed to agree, telling the dog to sit, which it did.
“Aw, that’s precious.”
The dog twisted into a beastly creature, which was truly inevitable, wasn’t it? Your father and Eddie screamed as if they hadn’t been expecting any of this. The door slammed shut, and you quickly found yourself running out of the cave, back to where this whole mess started.
As you stepped foot into the cavern, bright lights drew you in, and you couldn’t feel anything. You were numb to the world around you. The screams of your father were nothing but faint echoes.
You could feel yourself succumbing to the lights. You let them decide your fate. This was how it all ended.
Until the lights disappeared, and you came crashing into Richie. You blinked slowly, adjusting to the darkness once more. Richie cradled you to his chest as Eddie stood off to the side, amazed at what he had just done.
IT lunged a clawed limb at the Eddie, but he ducked in time for IT to get trapped in the rock walls. It was a chance to escape.
On your feet once more, you ran to meet all the losers. Clambering through the hole once more, you used the time to think of a plan.
“We n-n-need to bring IT d-down to size. If w-w-we can lure IT in, IT’ll h-h-h-have to shrink to f-fit through that h-h-h-hole.” You muttered, mainly to yourself, as you contemplated your options.
“That just might work,” Bill announced, bringing you out of your daze. “But I don’t think we have to lure IT out here…”
Bill had a plan.
Crawling through another entrance, you mentally cursed yourself for coming back to this hellhole. Bill stood before the clown, who loomed over you all. 
“You’re just a clown.”
Physical pain flashed across IT’s face. 
“A clown!”
“You’re a sloppy bitch!”
“You’re nothing!”
The clown’s spider legs weakened, collapsing slightly. The insults continued being thrown, and IT continuously grew weaker. As IT staggered backwards into the centre spikes, IT grabbed the smallest loser, pulling her towards itself.
You fought against IT’s arm, yet somehow still found yourself powerless. Even now, IT was too strong for you.
“Put me d-down. You’re just a clown. Just a motherf-f-fucking clown!” 
With a final punch to the clown’s stupid red nose, IT let you go, deflating into an ugly baby-looking creature. You ran to Richie and Eddie, the pair making another protective barrier around you.
You all moved towards IT, and Beverly kneeled down beside IT. IT’s expression was pure fear. 
The beautiful irony of it all.
She reached into IT, yanking out a rotten, yet beating heart. Each loser placed a hand on the heart, and IT seemed to be begging for mercy. For forgiveness.
You all squeezed the heart, crushing it and watching the life drain from the monster that had tormented Derry for millions of years.
IT had been defeated for good.
Driving away from Derry was therapeutic. It was a breath of fresh air. For the first time in far too long, you felt safe.
On your way out, Richie pulled over on the bridge and got out. Walking over to the wooden rails, you followed behind him, not noticing the other car pulling up too. Richie traced a pair of letters on the wood.
“R + E.” You murmured, much louder than intended. Your dad spun around, catching you just in time to make the connection. His eyes drifted behind you, to the man standing beside his car.
“It was a-a-always you and E-Eddie, huh?” 
You kneeled beside him, hugging him tightly. You knew how long it took your dad to accept who he was, so seeing him recarving the faded ‘E’ into the wood, with ‘E’ standing not so far behind meant the world to you.
“Can you just go kiss h-him, for god’s s-s-sake?” You whispered into his side, making him laugh.
“I just might, so you better close your eyes.” He covered your eyes with his hands, making you laugh loudly.
“And miss s-s-seeing my dad happier than e-ever? I could never.” 
His smile held so much love and appreciation for the beautiful girl he had raised that people all across the USA could feel it.
“Dad! These are our s-seats.”
Your dad followed behind, making sure you were reading the right part of the tickets.
“Yep, these are them.”
You sat down first, leg bouncing in anticipation. You had wanted to see this live for years and finally, you could get into the show, with adult supervision.
“It s-starts in three m-minutes!”
If it weren’t for the sheer fanciness of this building, you’d be bouncing off the walls in excitement.
Three minutes passed quickly, and the announcement was made that the show was starting. You stared at the stage, a huge smile on your face.
He walked out on stage, and the applause was thunderous, but you knew you were the loudest.
“Yknow, my husband is a bitch and I love him so much.”
Looking at Eddie’s jokingly hurt expression, you burst out laughing, harder than you ever had in your life.
It was around 2 am when you all paraded back home. It had been a long, carefree night, only made better by the pure joy radiating off everyone in your family. Eddie fumbled for the house keys, eventually unlocking the door, only to be knocked down by their surprisingly strong Pomeranian, Stanley.
A minute after you walked inside and kicked off your shoes, you passed out on the couch. Stanley curled up beside you, licking your face.
Eddie and Richie shared similar expressions as they gazed at the adorable sight. Not once had either of them believed their lives would come to this.
Richie Tozier never believed he’d be a world-famous comedian, married to his best friend that he’d been in love with since childhood, with the most amazing daughter anyone could ask for.
Eddie Kaspbrak never thought he’d escape his never-ending cycle of letting an emotionally abusive woman control his life, marry the man of his dreams and have a daughter.
Y/N Tozier-Kaspbrak truly believed that no other kid was as lucky as her. No other kid had a perfect, unbreakable pair of parents like she did.
No other family was as beautifully perfect as the Tozier-Kaspbrak family.
Not even close.
@peteporkers @unamused-fangirl
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anxiouslymalicious · 5 years
Write Christmas Day 5:
Request:Can there be a richie x daughter x the loser club where she feels insecure? Stan and eddie are both alive and reddie is happening and stan is being the cool sarcastic uncle. Just where everyone is trying to cheer her up :))) i love your work
A/N: woah, am I tired. This was kind of tough and is totally not based on actual events that traumatised the author for all eternity. Ah yes, fuck, I need me some losers to tell me that I‘m fucking amazing, thanks. I hope you like this, if not, hit me up and I‘ll redo it! Enjoy!
Anxious eyes travelled over her own figure in the mirror, covered in clothing spotting the most hideous, vibrant colours. Her teeth bit down on her lip on their own accord, trying hard to fight back the tears.
Rolls stood out where they shouldn’t be, bumps, just overall nothing that might look remotely like anyone could like it. Including her. And her crush who had laughed at her when one of their friends caught the two standing under a mistletoe, claiming that she wasn’t even close to their standards. Luckily, it was the last day of school before christmas and Y/N looked forward to spending the longest time in her bed, hiding away under the covers, avoiding all sorts of human contact.
She looked at her face and all she could see were imperfections. Pimples, scars, pores standing out, blackheads, something about her nose seemed off, now that she looked at it, and her teeth didn’t look the prettiest-
“Y/N, honey, are you almost ready? The Losers will be here soon.” one of her fathers told her through the door. Eddie. She smiled a little, before shouting back that she would be ready in a few. Followed by that, she threw off the hideous christmas sweater that was way too tight, as people in school had told her, and instead put on the baggiest sweatshirt she could find. It was one of Richie’s, merchandise from one of his first shows, and in a simple black colour. But most importantly, it hid the most part of her body comfortably. Red-white and blue leggings with a christmas print were exchanged for simple black ones, and even the christmas socks were exchanged into the simplest pair she could find in her closet.
Y/N was just heading out of her room, downstairs to snatch a snack from the kitchen when she heard a gasp from behind her.
“How dare you?” Richie asked, mockingly shocked. “How dare you walk around in something that is not screaming Christmas today of all days?!”
As she faced her old man, Y/N shrugged, not up for a homely therapy session. Richie and Eddie had a habit of sitting her down and telling her how pretty or how amazing she was when she was feeling down, but she had to talk about her own feelings first and that usually involved crying and exhaustion and she was really not feeling ready for that when the Losers could literally arrive at any moment.
“Just not in the mood, sorry dad.” she replied, continuing her way downstairs, making a sharp turn short before the kitchen. Maybe a snack wasn’t the best idea. Not when she felt that way about herself.
Richie watched her go, concerned with the sudden change he saw in her. That morning, Y/N had been so incredibly excited to walk out with her christmas clothing and the knowledge that the Losers were visiting to celebrate christmas with the Tozier-Kaspbraks had her giddy for weeks.
With a heavy heart, Richie went to look for his husband, placing a gentle kiss on the smaller man’s cheek as he was busy fixing snacks before Richie went to rest his head on Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie sighed, a small smile on his lips as he didn’t let his husband distract him.
“What’s wrong, Rich?” Eddie asked teasingly.
“Why would you think something’s wrong?”
“You’re my husband and I know you better than you think, dumbass.”
A breathy chuckle escaped Richie’s lips. With a swift movement, he stole a cookie from the jar, then fled the kitchen, knowing that Eddie was very likely to throw a fit as soon as he saw Richie with the christmas cookie stuffed in his mouth.
Just as he was about to join his pouting daughter in the living room, the doorbell rang for the first time that evening. And over the course of the next hour, all the Losers had arrived, ready to spend the rest of the day with all sorts of snacks and movies. Y/N, meanwhile, had sneaked back into her room, determined not to face any of the people she dreaded at the moment.
She didn’t think she would be able to look at Bev, looking effortlessly flawless. Or Ben who was undeniably attractive. Not just to Bev. And the overall happiness was just too much for her. Everything was too much.
But she couldn’t stay in her room forever. Eddie, being the mother hen he was, made her leave her room for dinner.
“Y/N, w-we missed y-you d-d-during the m-movie.” Bill smiled at the girl.
“Sorry, I’m not feeling too hot.” Y/N mumbled in return, gaze fixed on the food on her plate.
“Really? Because this morning you were up before Eddie. And I don’t think that shit has ever happened before.” Richie suddenly commented, voice altered to sound like the Irish Cop.
“I ate something wrong in school.”
“Are you alright, honey? Give me a second, I’ll-” Eddie started, immediately jumping up but he was pulled to sit back down by his husband.
“Cut the shit, Y/N.” Stan said. “I haven’t come all the way here to see you moping around. I want to see my fake-niece.”
Y/N threw her fork back down on the table, pushing her chair back and quickly getting up. She stormed towards the door, dodging Bev’s attempts at getting a hold of her and left the room. But not before throwing a ‘Fuck this shit.’ at the group.
The Losers looked at one another, frozen in shock, none of them really knowing what had just happened.
Meanwhile, Y/N darkened the room, let her exhausted body fall to her bed and pulled the covers up to her face. Everything was just too much. And so, she cried. Sobbing and sniffling and coughing. Her pillow was wet with tears when she heard a clicking sound coming from the door and just a second later, the bright light from the hallway entered the room. One after another, the Losers entered the room, all moving to either sit or stand by her side.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Ben asked, worry very much present.
“If this is because of what I said-” Stan started, but was rudely interrupted.
“It’s not because of you, uncle Stan.” Y/N mumbled, sitting up slowly. Her hands landed in her lap as her dad’s sat down on either side of her, grabbing a hand each.
“Then what is it?”
“I just had a rough day. People were making fun of my clothes, my best friend ditched our promise to dress up in our ugliest christmas sweaters, and- and… My crush refused to kiss me under the mistletoe because I’m not pretty enough.” Y/N finally admitted.
“Oh honey…” Eddie said, immediately embracing his daughter, pulling her close to his chest as she let go.
“Y/n, you are amazing just the way you are. You are absolutely stunning. I even refused to believe that Richie’s your father because you’re so pretty.” Bev told the girl, knowing the insecurities that gnawed on her inside.
“Hey!” Richie threw in, ending up ignored.
“It doesn’t matter what other people think of your clothes as long as you’re happy. When I was your age, all I had were old shirts from other family members. Other kids also made fun of me. But I had my Losers who stuck with me.” Mike argued.
“Your looks don’t define you. Even after I lost weight, I was still the same Loser as before.” Ben threw in.
“A-a-and l-love takes t-time. L-look a-at R-R-Richie and Eddie.I-It took them t-twenty-s-seven years and a k-killer clown to f-f-find love.”
And so, it went on. Each of the Losers argued against the negative things the young girl would utter. Until her tears were finally dried and a smile was etched on her face.
“Hey, Richie, you don’t happen to still have that bat you beat the clown with when we were kids, do you?” Stan suddenly asked, filling the room with laughter.
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family meeting
A/N: this was requested by anon, I hope you enjoy! Sorry it took so long, I’ve been sporting a pretty bad migraine for the past couple of days. Let me know what you think! 
Summary: Can you do one where Richie has a daughter and Eddie meets her for the first time and she put up a fight to make Eddie think she’s doesn’t like him
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Richie’s sudden departure flabbergasted you, more so because he didn’t give you any warning or explanation why, only that it was a friend emergency and that the only option was for him to go. The way his voice cracked down the line when you called him in a panic solidified the fact that something bad occurred. With a promise that you would take care of yourself and a final I love you, he disconnected the call, leaving you in disarray.
After two days he contacted you again, this time to inform you that he was on his way back home, and that he had a certain type of friend with him that he wanted you to meet.
You’ve been aware for a long time that your father is gay, not thanks to Richie himself, but thanks to the fact that you’re not an idiot, the context clues painting a clear enough picture that it’s obvious without him having to utter the actual words. Richie remained quiet at all times about this fact, and so you did as well. Richie refrained from bringing any girlfriend home with him, though you heard about his conquest from gossip tabloids anyway. The overabundance of ‘my girlfriend’ and ‘your mom’ jokes obviously an effort to hide his true self, even from his daughter.
A sneaked glance every once in a while led you to believe that Richie knows you know his secret, but any conversation you attempt to begin about it gets shut down faster than a blink, and so despite hating it, you started to accept that your father may never be ready to reveal every single thing of his being, always locking away that part he feels is most revolting.
That’s why it’s such a surprise that Richie reveals he’s bringing a friend along, for you perceived that the empathizes on the word friend means that said ‘friend’, is perhaps more than Richie would prefer you to understand.
A hushed conversation draws your attention, peering outside your bedroom window to spy on the first person your dad allowed you to meet. You don’t dare to draw up the curtain, to avoid getting spotted, so your view is limited, but you watch as Richie opens the door of the passengers seat, like a real gentleman he never bothered being to previous lovers.
He pauses for two seconds, then bends down to presumably say something, his hand egging the person out like a cat that gets shuffled away, until his hand is slapped and Richie retracts it with a laugh.
Richie’s laugh is loud enough to be picked up on from the second floor, holding his hands up in surrender and making way so that his friend has room to get up himself. The first thing that is noticeable, even with your obstructed vision, is that the man is sporting a scowl, so terribly annoyed and done with Richie’s shit that he is at the point that he apparently doesn’t energize enough to cover up. You can relate, since you are no exception to your dad’s ability to drive people crazy.
Luckily or unlucky depending on your point of view, such a feature is inheritable, and by god do you use it to your advantage.  
Richie slides his arm across the lower back of the man, pulling him close enough that they’re taunt against each other. The man pretends to wriggle away, but as soon as Richie loosens his grip he grabs his arm and places it neatly back where it belongs.
The angry frown lines vanish, replaced by a thoughtful look that captivates Richie, and the emotion behind the stare tells you exactly one thing, your dad and the man are absolutely smitten with one another.
Your feet tick loudly on the wooden boards on the floor as you bolster down the stairs in anticipation of your dad coming home.  
The door opens and before Richie has the opportunity to greet you, you tug him into an embrace, your hands fisting the fabric of his shirt in an iron grip.
‘Hello pancake, I missed you.’ Richie says, hugging you back equally as fierce.
‘I missed you too’, you admit softly, not yet stepping out of the way and making room for his friend to come in, simply because your sole focus is on your father.
‘Don’t you ever do something like that again old man’, you threaten with a steel voice, ‘or I will shorten your curfew, don’t you try me.’
Richie chuckles, shaking his head solemnly, and lifting one hand in an oath motion, ‘I wholeheartedly swear I will never commit such a hanus crime ever again.’  He promises, a British accent coating his words in his intended way.
‘Holy shit your voices have gotten better.’
‘Told you Eds.’ Richie declares proudly as he turns to face his friend, the both of you stepping aside so his friend can walk in.
The man standing in the hallway beside your father had to be the most uncomfortable person you had ever seen. He shuffles from one leg to the other, filled with a nervous energy and no way to get rid of it.  
‘Hey, my name’s Eddie’, he says lumbersome, one of his hand tucked stiffly in his back pocket, the other doing a vague motion of a halfway wave.
You cock an eyebrow up, tilting your head slightly sideways to absorb the smaller man, watching as he looks to Richie for guidance. He’s a lot smaller than your dad is, with him barely reaching his shoulders, but from their interaction outside, you determine that he’s a fire cracker who has no problem pointing out things as they are. You like him already. You must be somehow intimidating though, he’s barely able to hold eye contact with you for over two seconds, and the figure of speech of someone shaking in their boots is no longer only figuratively.
You try hard to keep your smirk hidden at the prank that is forming in your mind, a little messing with someone has never seemed so appealing. Besides, if this man plans to date Richie, he needs to know what he’s getting himself into.
‘Hi’, you draw out, imitating the movement from the man to taunt him a little.
‘Look at you, you look just like your dad’, Eddie tries to strike up a normal conversation, pulling out all the cliches. You vaguely wonder if he spend his time reading through a parenting book on the way here.
‘I resemble a forty year old, single comedian guy? Thanks for the flattery.’ Eddie fake smile slides of his face, producing a gawky chuckle to hide the unease that’s very clearly present.
‘Okay now that’s just cruel Y/N, I am so much more than that. Try handsome, successful and courageous.’
‘Courageous? Dad, eating a rotting hot dog is not courageous but plain stupid.’
The two of you stare off, provoking the other to add another comment, but then Richie knacks the tension by lolling his tongue out, a laughable face resulting in you laughing.
‘Now that I’ve reestablished my roll as funniest in this family, this is Eddie. Eddie Spaghetti is an old friend from Derry.’
He points to Eddie, then slangs his arm around his shoulders, tapping a melody into his shoulder blade and throwing a grand smile his way.
Eddie swirls around to face him, his eyebrows drawing in close and his mouth opening in protest. ‘Don’t fucking call me that dickwad.’
A dark red color spreads across his entire face, peeking a glimpse of you from the corner of his eyes, gauging your reaction. You summon all the willpower you posses to stave off the hearty laugh bubbling up right beneath the surface, maintaining an perfectly poker face.
‘Nice’, you eventually say as it becomes clear that Eddie is flabbergasted at the way he said that right in front of you.
Richie eyes twinkle in amusement, catching up to what your intentions are. ‘I’m craving food, you want some too Eds?’
‘I-I guess I could eat’, Eddie stammers nervously, shutting his mouth with an audible click to stop the anxious word stream threatening to let loose.
‘I’ll get some food, Y/N can show you around okay?’
Richie begins his journey to the kitchen, and Eddie, only now realizing that would mean he’s left alone with you, attempts to grab Richie’s sleeve. He misses by an inch, and he dejectedly drops It back down and whips his clammy hands on his jeans.  
You smile slightly devious, the fact that Eddie throws his all in getting you to like him is pretty entertaining.
‘So childhood friends huh?’ You inquire, leaving the task of getting to know the house up to Richie. You doubt Eddie would appreciate you showing him around the house while interrogation him, at least if Richie leads him around they have an opportunity to create new memories.  
‘Yeah’, Eddie response, not elaborating further on the topic.
‘You guys weren’t very close then, he never once mentioned you, and you guys didn’t keep in touch in either?’
‘No we were best friends as kids’, Eddie defends tempestuous, though he bites his tongue and urges to hit himself over the head because of his stupid admission. He comes up blank with explanations why they forgot about each other, and there was no way in hell that he elucidates the Pennywise situation.
Thinking back to old days during which Richie and him rode their bikes in a race, or running to the edge of town to locate the beginning or end of a rainbow in hopes of finding a pot of gold triggers a protective side in him, and Eddie sets his heart out to convince you how much he appreciates all those short moments that meant nothing to them back then.
‘Richie bought me a slushie once, than after we finished it he proceeded to turn us around on a UFO ‘till we both threw up. Before we left that day he got another one anyway. The heaten deprived of self-preservation even then.’
You give him a pass and decide to forgo the subject, smiling with crinkled eyes, the first genuine one you grant him since he arrived, because that does remind you a lot of your dad.
Eddie perks up, his back straightening and allowing his hands that cramped up by his side to relax in retaliation.
‘On to the real though questions, what do you do for a living? Are you planning to sleepover a lot? Are you accepting of all his quirks.’ You fire off rapidly, acting like a parent interrogating the first partner they bring home, which may or may not be payback to the time where Richie humiliated you in front of your classmates at prom.
Eddie blanches, reforming his scattered brain and considering what questions to answer first. You add one more for the hell of it; ‘How did my dad and you reconnect?’
It’s confusing, the duality between angst and pensiveness that strikes Eddie’s face, making you wonder what the story behind all of this is.
‘Y/N, get your ass over here and help me please’, Richie calls out from the kitchen, so out of nowhere it spooks you.
You sneak a peek at Eddie, then the door frame, and wondering if you said something wrong and if you should leave Eddie alone in this state. Another yell of your name decides for you, darting out of the room and hurrying beside Richie, halfway done with peeling an orange.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ You snort, unimpressed with the obvious attempt to appear healthier than he really is.
Richie gazes up in surprise as if he didn’t call to you, but then he shrugs. ‘Eds obsessed with these, so I’m giving it a go.
‘An orange? It’s a fruit dad and not even an exotic one. Lying isn’t a good feature, I know you zeal for it as well.‘
‘Okay little miss, hid the attitude and help your old man. I aided you in changing diapers and stuff, now it’s your turn to step up.’ A squirt of orange juice trickles from the side of the tabletop, staining your dad’s shirt and leaving a spot you’re sure is not going to wash out.
Refusing to acknowledge his stupid claims, you were a baby for god sakes, you snatch another orange and strip it from it’s shell, demonstrating to your dad how it’s done without massacring the fruit.
‘Thanks, I knew there was a reason I had you. Also lay of Eds a bit, the lasted for ages and you’re scary if you set your mind to it.’, Richie expresses his gratitude by planting a kiss on your your temple leaving residue of the orange he apparently wielded with his mouth behind.
You wipe at it with the bottom of your sleeve excessively, removing as much as you can.
‘Like you don’t find it funny to mess with him.’
‘Fair,’ Richie admits’, you coming?’ He asks right before he leaves the room, holding the door open and clutching the orange and a few napkins in the remaining hand.
‘I’m going to grab my own fruit and I’ll be right there. Oh and dad?’ Richie nods, listening intently to you.
‘I love you no mater what. There’s nothing you can say, do,’ you pause to let the words really sink in, ‘or be that change that. My love for you in unwavering.’
His eyes turn wet, and he stares far off-ish taking in your words, sniffling and then swallowing past the lump in his throat.
‘Thank you’, he remarks, letting the door pound shut as he shuffles Eddie’s way.
Smiling to yourself, you pause and count to five in your head, persuading yourself that you should not snoop on your dad and his potential boyfriend, but the curiosity wins over. You stagger to the door, unlatching it from the lock, and generating a peep whole that allows you to eavesdrop.
‘Really Richie? What about a plate or something to eat this on? All the juice is going to spill on the floor and it will be disgusting and dirty and you’ll have to clean it up.
‘Relax Eds, it’s no big deal. Just be careful and I’m sure you can avoid sloshing.’
‘Oh yeah?’ Eddie challenges, ‘so you didn’t obtain that speck be peeling it?’
Richie must be debating if it’s worth it to lie or not, and concludes that lying to Eddie is never a good idea. He sighs exaggerated and stomps his feet like a petulant child.
‘Fine your majesty Spagheds, you’re lucky I love you.’
‘Don’t fucking call me that Rich.’
Instead of moving away from the door, you freeze, the words your dad uttered repeating themselves in your head. Never in a million years did you think the day was going to go like this, with your dad proclaiming adoration to a guy he forgot to hint at to you, but you’re weirdly okay with it.
Richie laughed more now then ever with someone other than you, and if Eddie pitched in Richie’s happiness, you accept him already.
The entryway unrolls, you jumping away in the nick of time before hitting you full in the face. You stare up at Richie sheepishly, twinkling at him with innocent eyes.
‘Snooping much, buttercup?’
‘I learned from the best.’
You walk back with him to the living room Eddie sits in and watch as your father hands over the plate. He’s leaning against the backrest and showing sings of tranquility, but when he notices you his posture goes rigid, nervously balling his hands up by his sights.
You snicker, deciding to put the poor man out of his misery and finally welcome him into your home.
‘Do you hate his stupid nicknames as much as I do?’ You ask him, finding common ground to strike up a conversation.
‘Yeah they’re the worst.’ Eddie admits, decomposing at the turn of events.
‘Eum I’m seated right here. Is this how it’s always gonna be? You two ganging up on me?’ Richie whines.
Peering Eddie’s way, the both of you nod excitedly.
‘Yeah it is.’
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
IT Masterlist
Tumblr media
Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Wedding Imagine
Bill Denbrough x Reader Crush Fluff
One Of Us/ Bill Denbrough x Hurt!Reader Fluff
Worth Being Scared For / Eddie Kaspbrak Fluff
Beep Beep Richie / 2019 Richie Tozier Fluff
Run Towards Something / Bev Marsh Imagine
Worth Being Scared For / 2019 Richie Tozier Light Smut
I Loved You So Much / 2019 Bill Denbrough Fluff
Can You Move Your Foot? / 2019 Richie Tozier Fluff
Comfort / 2019 Richie Tozier Fluff
James Mcavoy Interview Oneshot
Lazy Sunday / 2019 Richie Tozier Fluff
Palpable Bond / Platonic Losers’ Club Imagine
Bill Hader Soft Boyfriend Headcanons
Not This Time / Richie Tozier Imagine
Too Late / 2017+2019!Bill Denbrough Angst
Drowning / 2019! Bill Denbrough Imagine
2019 Eddie Kaspbrak Relationship Headcanons
Perfect Match / 2017! Richie Tozier Fluff
I’ve Always Loved You / Denbrough!Daughter Angst
I’ve Always Loved You Part 2
Reunion / 2019! Richie Tozier Headcanons
Not Coming Back / Uris!Reader Angst
When You Need Me / 2019! Eddie Kaspbrak Imagine
Being Married to 2019! Eddie Kaspbrak Headcanons
R +E / Reddie Oneshot
Lose You / 2019! Richie Tozier Fluff
While They Were Thinking It Over / Bill Denbrough Angst
Calm After the Storm / 2019! Bill Denbrough Imagine
Fulfilled Live / Ben Hanscom x Beverly Marsh x Daughter!Reader
Heart Eyes Tozier / Reddie Imagine
Real Monsters / 2019! Eddie Kaspbrak x Pregnant!Reader Imagine
Monsters See Us as Weaker / 2019! Stanley Uris Imagine
Reddie Fatherhood Headcanons
Falling For You / 2019! Ben Hanscom Imagine
Adult Reddie Relationship Headcanons
Stanley Uris as a Husband
Dating Ben Hanscom Headcanons
If You Believe / Beverly Marsh Imagine
Meaningless Crush / Bill Denbrough Imagine
Lose This Time / Ben Hanscom Imagine
He Knew Well Enough / Reddie Imagine
Freaking Out / Father!Eddie Kaspbrak Imagine
Fussing / 2019! Stanley Uris Drabble
He Knew / Reddie Angst
Ben Hanscom Daughter Headcanons
Not Your Fault / Bill Denbrough Imagine
Who Are You Again?! / 2019! Richie Tozier Imagine
Stanley Uris Childheart Sweethearts Headcanons
You Lied / Losers Club Angst 
Carved / 2019! Ben Hanscom Angst Imagine
Neatly / Stan Uris Fluff
Underwater / Ben Hanscom Imagine
New Mom / Hanscom!Daughter and Bev Marsh Headcanons
Bravest Of Us All / Richie Tozier Angst
Inconvenience / Bill Denbrough Imagine
It Was Your Fault / Stanley Uris Angst
His Babies / Eddie Kaspbrak Fluff
Sweet Dreams / Benverly Daughter Imagine
New Baby / Reddie Headcanons
True Love’s Kiss / Reddie Imagine
Stubborn / Reddie Fluff
Toddler Troubles / Stan Uris Headcanons
All Was Right / Bev Marsh Fluff
Sleep Deprived / Reddie Fluff
Not True / Ben Hanscom Imagine
Trick or Treat / Bill Denbrough Short Fluff
Get Off Her! / Reddie Imagine
Got Him To Stay / Ben Hanscom Imagine
Scared and Alone / Ben Hanscom Fluff
Sunlight Dreams / Mike Hanlon Imagine
Left Behind / Richie Tozier Imagine
Stupid / Eddie Kaspbrak Fluff
Token / Richie Tozier Imagine
Richie Tozier Proposal Headcanons (Male!Reader / Reddie)
Derry Sunset / Richie Tozier Imagine
Twin Flames / Ben Hanscom Imagine
Positive? / Eddie Kaspbrak x Tozier!Reader Imagine
Abyss / Losers Club Angst
Noelle / Bill Hader Christmas Headcanons
Christmas Cookies / Bill Denbrough Fluff
Form Fitting / Stan Uris Imagine
Sleuth Brothers / Tozier!Reader Imagine
Treehouse / Ben Hanscom Imagine
Rambling Fool / Eddie Kaspbrak Imagine
Brownie Blunder / Bill Hader Fluff
Knocking Them Dead / Reddie Imagine
Feed on your Fear / Bill Denbrough Imagine
I Swear / Bill Denbrough Angst
Cared For / Stan Uris Fluff
Split in Two / Richie Tozier/Reddie Angst
Happiest I’ve Ever Been / 1990! Eddie Kaspbrak Imagine
Fortune Cookie / Ben Hanscom Imagine
Being Bill Denbrough’s Daughter Would Include...
Ignored/ Ben Hanscom Imagine
Overdue Stamp / Mike Hanlon Imagine
Bully / Stan Uris Imagine
Richie Tozier x Plus Size Reader Headcanons
Marrying Beverly Marsh Headcanons
Until It’s Too Late / Uris!Reader x Losers Angst
Bev Marsh x Female!Reader Pregnancy Headcanons
Benverly!Daughter and Losers Club Graduation Headcanons
I’m An Idiot / Richie Tozier Fluff and Part 2: You’re An Idiot
Bewitched / Mike Hanlon x Plus!Sized Male Reader Imagine
Quarantine / Stanley Uris Headcanons
Losers Club Halloween Headcanons
864 notes · View notes
dontshootmespence · 7 years
Fulfilling Wishes
A/N: Day 14 of the 25 Days of BAU Christmas is a Spencer x Reader. In this piece, Spencer and the Reader go out to do “Santa” shopping for their two kids. It’s close to the holidays and they have to search everywhere! After a long day, they come home to see the kids in bed (babysat by reader’s parents) and once they are alone in the living room, they start dancing in front of the tree and it starts to snow.
“What are we going to do?” Spencer asked, turning towards his wife in a wide-eyed panic. “It’s not here. It’s not anywhere!”
At home were 6-year-old Spencer Jr. and 3-year-old Scarlett, currently being babysat by Y/N’s parents. While their little girl had wanted basic simple things like a ride-on toy horse, a Barbie doll playing soccer (she was very specific that Santa should bring the one with the black and white ball), puzzles, books, and a fire truck, their little boy was growing up fast.
The veteran parents had tempered their son’s expectations by saying that Santa had a lot of people to take care of so he probably wouldn’t get every single thing he wanted, but that didn’t make them feel less panicked. There were two things he’d written down on his Christmas list that he wanted more than the others: a hot wheels criss cross toy set, and a trampoline.
“Well, we already have the hot wheels set, so that’s good. Right?” She asked, her hair flipping into her face as she turned to face Spencer.
Spencer dipped his head and got into the car, leaning back with a heaving, disappointed sigh as Y/N got in and buckled her seatbelt. “He’s been talking about a trampoline since last Christmas.”
“I know,” she said dejectedly. “But we also can’t buy those super duper expensive ones and apparently neither can anyone else because the only one we can afford is sold out fucking everywhere!” 
They’d already been to two stores right by their home and were now headed to the third. “Okay,” Spencer breathed, as he pulled out of the parking lot. “What are we willing to spend as a top price for a trampoline?”
“If the kids are going to get use out of it for a few years and it has to grow with them as they age, then I would say between $150 and $175? Does that sound okay? They have the super duper ones for like $200-$300, but we can’t pull that right now unless they are getting nothing else.”
Spencer drove down the road toward the third super store in less than five miles. “I think I’m comfortable with that.” When he pulled into the parking lot, he took a deep breath, praying to anyone that might listen to please let an affordable trampoline come their way. “Now,” he said as he got out of the car, “to find one in our price range.”
Between the next two stores, Spencer and Y/N had found everything else they’d wanted to buy for the kids. Each of them got a healthy supply of books, because in the Reid household that was the one thing they never said no to. On top of their books, they’d found everything on Scarlett’s list and almost everything on Junior’s, except for the fucking trampoline. 
“We’re never going to be able to find this damn thing,” Spencer said as his head fell into Y/N’s shoulder. There were three more stores within a 20 minute ride and the next two had nothing either.
This was their last stop. The trampolines they’d found so far had been either sold out of way too expensive. Y/N grabbed Spencer’s hand and screamed at the sky, making her husband laugh. “Please God let this store have a trampoline for our son! PLEASE!” 
Neither of them bothered to look at anything else in the store. Spencer asked one of the employees where the trampolines were and then bolted with Y/N following closely behind. “Too expensive, too expensive, sold out, too expensive, sold out, wait-” She stopped in place and pointed to Spencer, moving her finger toward the corner of the store. “There.”
In the corner were two trampolines - 10 feet across with a netted enclosure. “It’s $160.”
Spencer put his one hand on the box and then pulled his phone out with the other. “Let me check the reviews on it.” She gave him an impatient look. “What? It needs to be safe enough for Junior or I’d rather him not have one.”
“I know,” she whined. “But we’re so close.”
As he searched the web, Y/N had to fend off two other pairs of parents. “Just waiting for an employee to help. This one is ours.”
“Not yet,” Spencer whispered.
Y/N snapped softly. “Yes it is, until we decide we don’t want it. Just roll with me for fuck’s sake.”
Spencer giggled and put the phone back in his pocket. “It has great reviews and I even found a coupon for $10 off.”
“Sweet! I’ll stay here and fend off everyone,” she said, smiling at her husband. “Go get an employee.” Y/N snorted as Spencer sped off quicker than she’d ever seen him run before. He returned two minutes later and the trampoline was theirs. 
“I’m so glad that’s over.”
“Me too,” he laughed, as they closed the trunk to their SUV. “I’m tired now.”
Running around looking for the perfect gifts all day was exhausting. Plus, it was time to relieve her parents of babysitting duty. 
Spencer and Y/N had been shopping for hours. After grabbing a quick bite to eat, they headed home. Traffic was heavy so they didn’t make it home until about 9 PM. “Hey mom,” Y/N greeted. “Hey dad. How were the kids?”
“Just got Junior into bed,” her father replied. 
“And Scarlett’s already asleep,” her mother laughed. “You find everything?” She added, making sure to whisper just in case either of the kids could hear them. 
“After hours and hours, yes,” Y/N sighed. 
Her mother chuckled and gave Spencer a hug before walking over and embracing her daughter as well. “Now you know how we felt every year. We’ll see you in a couple of days for dinner, right?”
Spencer nodded, saying that he was very excited for his mother in law’s meatballs and brown gravy. 
Once the in laws were gone for the night, Spencer turned towards the tree, lights shining bright and casting mystical orbs across the back walls. Today had been tiring, but it was all worth it. He wanted to postpone the end of the day. “Dance with me?”
“Can you hold me up?” She laughed.
Smiling softly, Y/N walked into Spencer’s arms and they started to sway back and forth in front of the tree, talking idly about needing to wrap presents, and get some cooking done. They were both ecstatic about watching the kids during Christmas this year. At 3 and 6, they were both finally at fun ages for presents and festivities. 
Outside, neighbors’ lights were turning on and casting sparkles in the newly falling snow. “Look, Spence,” Y/N yawned. “It’s snowing out.” 
“I’m so glad that the snow waited until we got home,” he whispered into her hair. “Maybe tomorrow we’ll wake up to a blizzard and we can have fun with the kids. Build some snowmen and have a snowball fight.”
“Only if you don’t get so competitive with them,” Y/N laughed. “Last year, Junior almost got a snowball to the face.”
Spencer grimaced, closing his eyes and laughing into his wife’s hair. “Yea, I didn’t mean that. I’ll try.”
“Let’s go to bed then,” she said, leaning up to give him a kiss. “We have a lot to do before Christmas Day.”
@unstoppableangel8 @coveofmemories @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @jamiemelyn @sexualemobitch @rmmalta @lukeassmanalvez @reddie-for-mileven @hogwarts-konoha @original-criminal-fanfics @lookwhatyoumademequeue @rt8815 @amarislestrange @sarahkay-19 @bagelsofdoom @xxfeelmylovexx @psychoticantisepticeye @matthwgraygublr @dsgirl4987 @captainreid @teatimewithtiya @queenanneslace4 @the-awesome-one-with-pigtails @tippy06 @ultrarebelheart @static-001 @remember-me-forever-silent-angel
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fangirl-imagines · 4 years
Hey! I love your stuff, especially the Eddie x Daughter! Reader story! Can I get something where Richie or Eddie talks the reader to sleep?
Hi, love! I'm sorry but I as much as I love them, I just haven't had a lot of inspiration for writing for Reddie lately. I would recommend checking out @thoughtfullyyoungduck though! She has some really amazing Reddie fics with them as parents and if I'm not mistaken she wrote sonething similar to this before. I hope that helps!💕
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losvcr · 7 years
LIFE IS KICKING MY ASS OMG. okay so i just want to let you guys know what shit you’ll be getting over the next few days as i get my shit together
rain chapter three
rest of the blog rates
do you? part 2
how to lose a guy in ten days au
pastel!eddie and punk!richie hcs
stenbrough son falling for reddie daughter hcs (this one is gonna be good)
the losers club next gen hcs (we made a whole new gen so yay)
bill x reader (x2)
that’s no particular order (except rain which will come today for sure). so if you see your request on the list then yay!
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anxiouslymalicious · 4 years
I’m the squirrel anon! I’m doing fine, I guess. I’m overthinking everything and coming up with about a million ‘what if’ scenarios, so that’s screwing with my head. I’m trying to remember that none of them will happen, and I don’t want them to happen. I’m writing a Richie x Daughter (my oc) series, and I keep on rewriting, cause everything sounds weird, so that’s frustrating. I think Reddie’s a good name for a squirrel, or maybe Georgie, but then you would just be sad when you fed him.
Hi lovie, I’m so sorry I never replied :(
Ah yes, the Great days of overthinking. I wish I had a coping strategy for that one so I could help but I really don’t. All I ever do is swallow down my fear and try to live with it.
If you need help/ a beta reader, hit me up. I’be been told several times now that I do give quite good constructive criticism. But I do know that feeling. I’ve been trying to perfect LCPO for the longest time now and it doesn’t get better :/
At least my Georgie would live a happy and long life so that would be nice for a change lmao
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