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clownmoontoon · 2 years ago
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idk about aliens but 'ufo' as in i sure could NOT identify this flying object
i didnt have my phone on me but heres my artist rendering
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it was a BIG diagonal row of lights in the sky that wasnt moving in any way i could tell (like there were a lot of airplanes in the sky before that were obviously moving but this thing was big and still?)
it eventually faded away like that meme of the guy doing the peace sign
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for some context i live in a pretty rural area, i dont see much in the sky besides stars, airplanes (both airport kinds and the personal smaller kind), the odd helicopter and once a very loud low flying army jet??
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kujiua-kun · 9 months ago
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[ RoTG || La Catrina ]
So...a while ago some peeps in a server were talking about Rise of the Guardians, and @redcookies-bestcookies joked about La Catrina becoming a guardian, and I took that as a challenge >:V They also helped me a lot with the design, so thank ya bud!
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goldenpunk-week · 1 year ago
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Mod Info | Rules | Archive
Next event:: "Golden-Punk Week 2024" . Jan 1st - 7th
"Man-like Pav, Big stepper!"
Welcome to the officially unofficial Golden-Punk Week blog! This blog will serve as a sort of main hub for "Golden-Punk Week", a week-long fan content event for the shipping of Hobie Brown and Pavitr Prabhakar!
Please read the rules and ask any questions you may have!
And if the links here or in our bio aren't working for whatever reason there are mini versions of each section under the cut!
-Mod Info::
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- Mod Gwen (They/Them | @/avi17)
- Mod Pav (Any Pronouns | @/redcookies-bestcookies)
- Mod Hobie (He/She | @/jeane-doe)
Any type of media content is allowed! This includes fanfic, fanart, crafts, edits or photomanips, cosplay photos or any other kind of content you can think of! But... any art, fic, or other media you post must be made by you! This means no AI art or writing (including AI “assisted” fic), and no art theft or edits made with others’ art without their permission. However, collaborative works made with other creators are welcome! You can use the movie or comic versions of Hobie and Pavitr, in canon-verse or any AU you want! Poly ships such as goldenpunksong are allowed! As long as goldenpunk is included.
NSFW submissions must be correctly tagged and cut! NSFW works are allowed for this event, as long as they depict the characters at least 18 years of age and do not depict explicit noncon. However, they must be tagged appropriately both on tumblr and AO3, both as general #nsfw and with any more specific content warnings. This includes not only sexual content, but also gore, alcohol/drug use, and any other adult themes. If NSFW fics or art are posted directly on tumblr, please put them under a readmore cut!
Use the #goldenpunkweek tag! Please tag all works for the ship week with #goldenpunkweek! All works with the ship week tag will be reblogged, provided that they abide by the rules! If we miss yours, please message the blog and let us know. We understand that life happens, so this blog will still reblog content for prompts posted early or late, and will continue to reblog anything with the #goldenpunkweek tag even after the event is over. We also have an AO3 collection set up for the week, found here- [add this later.] Instructions for how to add your works created for this event to the collection can be found here.
No discourse or harassment!This event is about sharing love and creating for a ship that we enjoy, and we want to keep it positive! Please do not use any of your submissions to bash other characters or ships, engage in discourse about the characters’ ages or what content the event should allow, or harass other creators about content they make for the event. We will not reblog submissions containing these things, and if harassment is reported to us, the person doing it will be banned from participating.
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naoko-world · 1 year ago
10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
Thanks for the tag @butterfly-lies-chase-them-away! I appreciate so much!
So 10 characters I adore from 10 fandoms... That'll be hard!
1. Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Like of course... I love him so much it's not like I try to hide it!
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2. Luigi (Super Mario Bros series)
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3. Leo Valdez (Heroes of Olympus/The trials of Apollo)
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(credits to @viria for this art of the character)
4. Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
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5. Pretty (Kaeloo)
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6. Amity (The owl house)
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7. Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
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8. Perceval (Kaamelott)
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9. Wonder Woman (DC)
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10. Iroh (Avatar The last Airbender)
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I tried to avoid adding too many characters from Characters from Disney since it's a fandom in itself so I added characters from things that is considered as a fandom by themselves.
As for the tags...
@omgcheez @immabethehero @rosellacwrites @bitsy83 @thecrazyashley-blog @hectic-hector @tiredlvna @redcookies-bestcookies @thisismisogynoir
(of course you're not obligated to do it)
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geat-26 · 11 months ago
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@redcookies-bestcookies interactuando :D
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bestbouy · 1 year ago
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Hunt redesign because i love herrr
a few fun facts under the cut!!
She remembers the thing that bit her VERY WELL because she was fucking terrified when she saw it (spider top left, it's called a camel spider and apparently it's? not a spider? redcookies ((discord server)) said it was a soliphuges which is kind of scarier)
Lost her arm from a workplace accident :( wasn't really anything special somebody just didn't tell her a machine was turning on and she barely had enough time to get out (thanks spidey sense) but uhhh super healing will not fix an entirely crushed arm ;-;
she has SO many freckles like literally everywhere. On her hands, arms, chest, face, shoulders and along her back :]
she has really sensitive skin and is really really prone to sunburn, so she wears layers (part of the spider-bite gave her temperature immunity!)
Lives in a desert-like version of New York, pretty much the same but it's just hotter
she's really really scared of spiders because most of them look like camel spiders and they practically have TEETH.
she likes rice krispies and regularly eats them. you know how some of the mini packages of rice krispies have space to write messages on them? that's how she labels the criminals she catches but doesn't have time to drop off at the police station XD
leaves an empty package with the words "TRIED TO STEAL A BIKE" on it with a little mask drawn on it and that's how ppl recognize them
Her webs are not organic, as camel spiders don't spin webs. She can still stick though!
She grew a lot more than most spider-people do, due to the SIZE of these things like seriously look it up they can be HUGE.
Teeth aren't any sharper, but she does have quite the jaw strength lol
her mask can unhinge and allow her to bite. she's a little feral guys
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fireopals · 2 years ago
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@waitingonavision @metaphoricaltigers
✨when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favorite followers✨ (non-obligatory)
Idk what that means entirel but here's spme stuff ig
1. My Jinji- Sunset Rollercoaster
2 Girls& Boys Blur
3 Déjate Llevar-the Marías(idk could put a few songs from the Marías. I haven't listened *as much* as I did before, but her voice is so pretty live)
4. Buttercup- Shonen Knife (Fun fact: I found out about this song because the PPG CD. I also got introduced to Cornelius, who I also enjoy.)
5. Gal Costa's rendition of Aquarela do Brazil
Bonus: This Entire Playlist while I shower:
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I think last time I listed LIAR·SADIST·COWARD, so I am rwfraining but I do very much enjoy Cymbals. Some other bands I kinda wanted to put in are Pitcher56, Cuco, Saint Motel, Los Retros,Gorillaz, The Strokes,and Ituana
Seriously, why are you making me choose music?
I'm gonna leave you 2 out because you tagged me, but uh... here's some people I think are really neat
@naoko-world @madrigaljail @muqre @redcookies-bestcookies @clownmoontoon @pogona @emberkyrlee @immabethehero @empty-cryptid @ro-bun
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rinnysega · 2 years ago
Three Gifts - A Gustavo Drabble (UtS AU)
Gustavo hummed slightly in his quarters, sitting in front of a mirror that Oksana had delivered to their lair months before. Her most recent trip to the world above resulted in a lot of unique and interesting things, and Diego allowed Gustavo to keep three of them. He sat there one day admiring his treasures.
Oksana said she knew what humans called the trinkets she brought, but if he wanted that information he’d have to start changing up the potion’s recipe to give her more lung capacity as she ran upon legs from those who chased her.
He agreed of course, and would spend the rest of the week trying to figure out how to do that. But in the meantime, he sat there, looking at his gifts, and he tried to memorize their names and uses.
Hairbrush - for brushing hair. Simple enough.
Teacup - a cup for drinking something called tea. Simple enough.
Bowl - you put things in it, usually food, but as Oksana put it - “I’m not a cop, I don’t care what you do with it.”
Gustavo picked up the bowl and set it on his head. He looked at himself in the mirror with a smile and his fingers rubbed the cross around his neck - his beloved Langoloodle that Oksana said she’d never tell him what it was.
It made no difference to him. It was his first human treasure and he loved it.
Oksana - @cheetour
Diego - @redcookies-bestcookies
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nebraskahoneybee · 11 months ago
Tag Game! Tag Nine People You Would Like to Know Better
Tagged by @hondo-ohnakas-spice-cabinet
Last Song: Dilemna by Green Day
Favorite Color: Purple Especially Royal Purple
Currently Watching: Mean Girl Murders on Max
Sweet Savory or Spicy: I really love spicy food which my stomach hates but I also do have a bit of a sweet tooth
Relationship Status: Single not actively looking but not opposed to mingling
Last Thing I Googled: What time the new docuseries The Synanon Fix aired so I knew when it would be on Max
Current Obsession: I've been on a documentary binge recently on streaming services and watching some history videos on Youtube
No obligation tag: @wookieeoftheyear @lovehate-love @hockeychick10 @elen-alambil @redcookies-bestcookies @swprequels @bohemian--tea @coapt @hershuargames
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lactucat-art · 11 months ago
People who has been booping me, I can only boop you from my main blog @redcookies-bestcookies and I'll be annoying from there
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naoko-world · 2 years ago
Thank you for the tag my dear @immabethehero! I love you 💚
✨when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen  to, then tag 10 of your favorite followers✨ (non-obligatory)
1. C'est le jour, from the french musical Romeo and Juliet.
2. Belle from the french musical Notre dame de Paris
OMG I found a version with the Disney movie versions of the characters!
3. La chanson des jumelles, from the french movie Les demoiselles de Rochefort (link with english subtitles, I'm so happy I found one, even if the subtitles aren't exact)
4. Tous les hommes from the french musical adapting Gone with the wind
5. Crossing the line, from the Tangled series (a duet with Caleb Hyles' cover)
It'll be hard to choose my favorite 10 followers though like I love most of you 😭 So I'm sorry if you were not tagged, I only have to choose 10 people... Honestly on another timeline I would have chosen some other people
@thisismisogynoir @princesa-pens-and-pizza @aetherdecember @overly-dramatic-artist @panbelle @thecrazyashley-blog @redcookies-bestcookies @chronic85doodler @neon-green-eyes @omgcheez
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geat-26 · 2 years ago
15 Questions Game
Thanks for the tag @redcookies-bestcookies
1. Were you named after anybody?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Today, I forgot to wash my hands when I put in my contact lenses.
3. Do you have kids?
My only child is my beautiful kitten Misky
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not much
5. What sports do you play/have played?
Not many, I'm not a big sports fan.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
Color of the clothes
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
9. Any special talents?
No idea actually
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
I like drawing, reading and listening to music
12. Do you have any pets?
My beautyfull cat Misky, and two dogs called Racna and Yeico
13. How tall are you?
160 cm
14. Favorite subject in school?
Science and communication
15. Dream job?
Work in a recognized digital animation company
Anyone else who would also like to participate is welcome :D
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nebraskahoneybee · 11 months ago
I was tagged by @hondo-ohnakas-spice-cabinet
Rules: pick a song for every letter of your URL and tag that many people
N - Name by Goo Goo Dolls
E - Easy on Me by Adele
B - Baba O Riley by The Who
R - Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
A - About Damn Time by Lizzo
S - Sabotage by Beastie Boys
K - Karma by Taylor Swift
A - Another Day by The Bunny The Bear
H - Had Enough By Breaking Benjamin
O - One Last Breath by Creed
N - Natural by Imagine Dragons
E - Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga
Y - You Oughta Know by Alanis Morisette
B - Baby Got Back by Sir Mix A Lot
E - Eating Disorder by The Bunny The Bear
E - Edging by Blink 182
No Pressure Tags : @wookieeoftheyear @lovehate-love @hockeychick10 @elen-alambil @redcookies-bestcookies
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naoko-world · 2 years ago
15 questions
Tagged by @aeshnalacrymosa, thanks girl!
1. Were you named after anybody?
Nope, but my parents mistakenly named me with the female equivalent of one of my oncle's first name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Not sure. Yesterday I wanted to cry because of some intrusives thoughts but I didn't actually cried.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes. Not a lot because it can be mean.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
Well, when I was a kid at some point I was learning to dance. And at another point I was doing Judo. I also did Jiujitsu at some point in my life. But I'm not really into sports.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
The eyes.
7. Eye color?
Deep brown. I even had people telling me "wow! your eyes are very dark".
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I actually prefer happy endings. But I like scary movies too.
9. Any special talents?
I like to think I'm good at writing lol.
10. Where were you born?
Lagny-sur-Marne, France.
11. What are your hobbies?
I like to read, write, draw, play video games, watch movies, trying new things, etc...
12. Do you have any pets?
13. How tall are you?
Soooo in meters I'm about 1m69. In general I tend to say 1m68 or 1m70. In the American metric system it's 5'5.
14. Favorite subject in school?
French XD (French equivalent of English but if I say english I'll feel I'm talking about the subject English to learn to speak english and honestly I HATED it)
15. Dream job?
Novelist (I'm actually writing a novel too)
Tagging (no pressure): @omgcheez @breannasfluff @thisismisogynoir @panicand @redcookies-bestcookies @thecrazyashley-blog
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naoko-world · 1 month ago
No I'm not Bruno Madrigal xD
Tagging no pressure @fireopals @redcookies-bestcookies @panbelle @immabethehero
If you have a real life person as your pfp, I don't care if it's Taylor Swift or something, my subconscious will assume you look like that irl. Sometimes my subconscious even assumes that I look like my pfp irl. And if your pfp is not a real life person... Tbh my subconscious still assumes you look like that irl.
You know what, tag yourself... How close in appearance do you think you are to your pfp? Interpret how you will
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immabethehero · 2 years ago
4 and 13 of the specific ask!
Sorry this took so long
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
Dragons. They're just really, really hidden. Also ghosts, they're just really really shy.
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
Stealing food and a nintendo switch
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