#redbridge school reviews
fanficshiddles · 6 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 15
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It had been two weeks since Loki and Claire had their first date and things were going really well between them. Both of them were infatuated with one another. Of course, when at the school working, they behaved professionally on front of the students and the other teachers, but the teachers weren’t stupid, they knew that their relationship was something more now.
Loki struggled to contain himself around her, but he kept telling himself that he wouldn’t hurt her, she was his soulmate and it was his duty to protect her.
He knew that she was ready to go further, he could smell her arousal quite often when they got heavy into kissing and touching… He just couldn’t bring himself to go further yet, he knew even if he could restrain from biting her that his other urges would go completely feral.
Though she seemed to understand whenever he eased off, explaining he just didn’t want to rush into it.
It was a Saturday afternoon and Loki received a text from Claire.
C: There’s an 80’s club night on tonight at the Rave club. Wondered if you fancied going? If you don’t have anything else on, that is. x
L: That sounds great. You’re not expecting me to dress up like the 80’s though, are you? X
C: Hah! Not at all… unless you have clothes from the 80’s and want to, but I certainly won’t be. Will I meet you there at opening? Or do you fancy grabbing a bite to eat before?
L: A bite to eat first sounds good. I’ll come pick you up in a taxi, there’s been two murders in the city in the last week, I don’t want you out at night alone. Be ready for six. X
C: My prince charming. See you then. x
Loki was glad when she didn’t argue about meeting him somewhere. Two more vampires had been killed lately, thankfully not students, but it was still bad enough. He knew that hunters must be on the rise again, it was always worrying, but they’d been through this before. Hopefully it would calm down as they went through the year, and people would begin to forget about the yearly hunt.
At least Loki hoped so, anyway.
Claire was super excited for her night out with Loki. She picked out a black dress that had long sleeves and a nice dip at her neck, but not too revealing. The dress went down to her calves, as it was still cold out, she didn’t want to wear one that was too short, though she knew it would end up being quite hot in the club.
She waited downstairs just inside the building, when she saw a taxi turn up, she waited for Loki to emerge before heading out. Her heart started racing straight away as she approached him, he was wearing leather trousers with a nice green shirt and a black suit jacket… Though it was the leather gloves he wore that got her attention mostly.
‘Darling, as always, you look stunning.’ He purred and cupped her cheek with his hand as he dipped down to kiss her on the lips.
Loki couldn’t stop a smirk spreading across his face when she blushed hard, he noticed her glancing at his hands a few times though she tried not to make it so obvious.
‘My lady?’ He took her hand and opened the taxi door for her.
‘Thank you.’ Claire said giddily as she climbed in.
Loki closed the door carefully after her and made his way round the car to get in the other side. She slid across to the middle seat so she could snuggle in against him, he wrapped his arm around her straight away.
‘Where are we going for food?’ Claire asked.
‘There’s a nice Italian restaurant just opened up down the road from the club, I thought would be good to try, has good reviews so far.’
‘Ohh yeah, I heard about that. I've been wanting to try it, good idea.’ Claire smiled at him.
‘I always have good ideas.’ Loki said cockily.
‘Oh I don’t know about that. Your ideas can be a bit questionable, I'm the one with the good ideas in class.’ Claire teased.
Loki mocked a gasp. ‘How dare you!’
‘I’m the brains of the outfit, I thought you knew that by now?’ She smirked.
‘I think you’re forgetting I am the boss, the one in charge of our class.’ Loki growled and dug his fingers into her side, making her squeak out a laugh and she jumped.
‘Yeah, that’s what I want you to think.’ Claire laughed.
Loki dug his fingers into her side again, making her laugh some more and she tried grabbing his hand to stop.
‘What’s the matter, ticklish?’ Loki cooed and continued his attack on her side, with his free hand he reached round to tickle her neck.
‘Aaaaah, Loki!’ Claire burst out laughing and squirmed around next to him, trying to get away but at the same time she could only squirm closer.
‘I have found your weakness, you’re in trouble now.’ Loki let out a wicked laugh as he eased off, though she was still wary about his hand at her side as she glared at him.
‘I’ll find out yours, I’m sure.’ Claire grumbled.
‘Never.’ Loki chuckled.
‘I like a challenge.’ Claire grinned.
They arrived at the Italian restaurant and thankfully the reviews weren’t wrong. It was a great little place, run by an Italian family so the food was exquisite.
‘I think I’ve found my new favourite place.’ Claire said as Loki helped her with her jacket upon leaving.
‘Mine too. Now I’m more than ready to dance all the calories off.’ Loki laughed as he patted his stomach.
Hand in hand, they made their way along the road to the club. It had been open for an hour now, so when they got in there was already plenty of people there enjoying the 80’s music. Claire was already moving her hips from the moment they stepped inside, she just loved that era of music.
‘Come on, let’s dance!’ She tried dragging Loki straight to the dancefloor, but he had other ideas and dragged her to the bar first.
‘We need to at least get a drink in hand.’ He laughed at her enthusiasm.
He ordered them both a cocktail and a shot of tequila to start them off. Claire pulled a face as she downed her shot.
‘Not like tequila?’ Loki asked in amusement.
‘Nope, tastes awful.’ Claire said as she pulled a face again.
‘Why did you take it then? You should’ve said.’ Loki said as he downed his own one.
‘Waste not want not.’ Claire shrugged, then she dragged him onto the dancefloor properly this time.
They both had fun dancing amongst the sea of bodies, they stuck close to one another, practically grinding against each other at one point. With the flow of drinks as well, Claire was well on her way to being drunk.
It took a lot more for Loki to become drunk, his vampire metabolism made him able to handle his drink better.
Though he was struggling to handle his arousal with the way Claire began grinding her ass against his crotch during one particular song. He couldn’t hold back a moan at the feeling as he gripped her hips tightly.
‘Darling, you’re pushing your luck.’ He growled into her ear as he turned her around to face him.
‘Maybe that’s my aim.’ She fluttered her eyelashes at him innocently.
‘Oh, don’t try to look innocent, you’re far from it.’ He rumbled as he gripped her chin and couldn’t refrain from kissing her deeply, their tongues moved together as they wrapped each other up in their arms and pulled as tight as possible.
Claire could feel a very distinct bulge pressing against her stomach, knowing she’d gotten him this riled up made her almost cream her knickers. And of course, Loki could smell her.
‘Maybe, uhm… if we go out back, I could perhaps help you out with your little situation?’ Claire spoke right into his ear.
Loki was so close to tossing her over his shoulder and taking her out back to take her up on that delightful offer… Though he just couldn’t bring himself to do it, knowing that one thing would definitely lead to another.
He cupped her face in both hands and pecked her on the lips again. ‘Let’s go outside… but to talk.’ He said firmly, it was too loud inside to speak properly so he took her hand and they weaved through the crowd together.
There was a hold up by the door, as it was right next to the bar so they had to wait a second for people to move so they could continue out. Someone bumped right in against Claire’s behind, she whipped her head around to look, but her eyes widened as she saw it was Chris.
He smirked and winked at her, but she was tugged forward by Loki as he found a gap to get through. She turned to look where she was going but quickly looked back, though Chris was gone.
‘Darling, are you ok?’ Loki asked when they reached the door, he noticed she was looking around.
‘I just thought I saw… never mind.’ She shook her head.
Maybe it was someone that just looked like Chris. Though even if it had actually been him, there was no point telling Loki he was here, it would only annoy him anyway.
Loki took her round the side of the club, where it was quiet and no one else was around.
‘Claire, I am going to be completely honest with you. I adore you, so damn much. I want nothing more than to have you on your knees right now and have your pretty little lips wrapped around my cock.’ His voice deepened as he brushed his thumb along her lower lip, both of them swallowed hard at the thought.
Loki cleared his throat to continue. ‘I am worried that I will hurt you, I have quite strong… urges. I’m scared that I can’t control myself with you and I'll go too far, that I’ll scare or hurt you.’
Claire frowned and put her hands around his neck. ‘What do you mean? I know you’d never hurt me, and you could never scare me, what are you talking about?’
He smiled and felt so warmed at her words. If only she knew the truth though… she would probably run a mile.
‘You’re such a delicate flower, I will not allow myself to get too carried away and hurt you. I just need to go slowly, so I can maintain myself better with you.’
‘I won’t break, I can handle a little rough, if that’s what you mean? Though I understand if you want to go slow, I won’t rush you at all. I’m sorry if I’ve been a bit pushy.’ She said sheepishly.
Loki grinned and stroked her hair. ‘You have nothing to be sorry for, believe me when I say I want the same as you do… I dream every night of having you writhing around in pleasure beneath me, being able to hear your moans as I make you cum…’
Loki realised he was saying the wrong words entirely if he was trying to keep their urges calm.
‘Not helping, Loki.’ Claire groaned and pressed her head against his chest.
He laughed and kissed the top of her head. ‘Sorry, darling.’
‘I blame you for my frustration.’ She said, muffled against him.
‘Delayed gratification, will make it all the better when we do get down and dirty.’ He purred and slid his hands down her arms.
‘If you say so.’ Claire looked up at him and giggled.
Chris had indeed been at the club, he didn’t stay for long though, he had just been looking for any unsuspecting drunken humans he could feed from.
And he found one.
A young woman foolishly left her friends at the club and decided to walk home, all alone. When she was making her way through the park, along the dark tree-line, that’s when Chris pounced.
He approached her from the front with a kind smile on his face. ‘Why hello there, what’s a pretty little thing like you doing out here, all alone, hmm?’
The woman was clearly uneasy as she eyed him up and down. While she was drunk, she wasn’t completely out of it, and alarm bells of stranger danger ran through her mind.
‘I’m fine. Away to meet my boyfriend.’ She said and quickened her pace away from him, cutting across the grass.
Chris sensed her heartbeat quicken in fear, he could smell it in the air too, making him lick his lips as he stalked after her, hot on her heels.
‘Now, now. No need to run off so’ He was cut off as a bolt came flying down and pierced into the grass right between him and the woman.
His head snapped round to find the source, he spotted a cloaked figure on the bridge lowering a crossbow. As he turned back to look at his prey, she had taken that opportunity of distraction to run as fast as she possibly could across the park, away from him.
Chris hissed as he grabbed the bolt out of the ground, he stormed over to the bridge to confront the cloaked figure. He assumed it was some puny wannabe hunter, that was clearly rubbish at their job for missing him.
‘You missed.’ Chris snarled as he stepped onto the bridge.
A low chuckle came from under the cloak. ‘Did I? My task was to save the human, I’d say that’s exactly what I did.’
Chris’ eyes widened, it was a female hunter.
‘I believe this is yours.’ He growled and snapped the bolt in two before tossing it to the feet of the hunter.
She turned towards him and flipped her hood down, revealing her face. Chris took a moment as he stared at her and his nostrils flared, gathering her scent, then his eyes widened and he laughed.
‘My my, if it isn’t the famous vampire hunter, Toshi Vernier.’ He crossed his arms over his chest. ‘I should’ve recognised that stench of yours a mile away.’ He spat. ‘Where have you been hiding for all of these years, I thought you died a brutal death?’
‘I’ve come back from the dead.’ Toshi smirked. ‘I know what you’re up to, Chris. Trying to erase the humans, to let vampires take over, but it won’t work.’
‘And what makes you so sure of that?’ Chris asked as he began to take slow, menacing steps towards her. Though her heartbeat remained steady, it never changed. She wasn’t scared of him. Or if she was, she was able to control her fear, unlike others.
‘Because I won’t let you, neither will your brother and his friends. You underestimate their strength.’
‘You know nothing.’ Chris snapped as he started circling her, but her heartbeat still remained the same.
‘I know that you’re really trying his patience over his soulmate. You have no idea what strength can be gained from a vampire being with their soulmate, they would do anything to protect them... I’m not going to do nothing while you get innocent people killed, that includes vampires. Your actions are attracting more hunters, which means more deaths of your kind. I know Loki won’t just sit back and watch either.’ Toshi said calmly as she waited for him to walk back round into her line of view.
‘What do you know of a vampire’s soulmate?’ He hissed, getting agitated. ‘How do you know so much about my brother? What do you care about vampires? You’re a hunter.’
‘You’re not the only one that can creep about unnoticed. The legends may say that you’re all mighty and powerful, but you’re nothing more than an unruly vampire that’s lost his way, letting his feral urges take over. Alienating everyone, family and friends… if you had any friends in the first place, that is. Since you keep getting fellow vampires killed.’
Chris lunged for her, but Toshi managed to dodge him, just. She leapt over the side of the bridge and landed on her feet at the riverside below. She flipped her hood back up just as Chris jumped down after her, his eyes a deep dark red.
‘And for the record. I am a hunter. But not a vampire hunter anymore… well, not the good ones, anyway.’ Toshi shrugged.
Chris made a move for her again, but Toshi threw down two garlic bombs that exploded instantly. Chris began coughing as he was shrouded in strong garlic powder. He yelled in anger as the park started to spin, he couldn’t focus properly.
It took him a minute to shake off the effects, though he could still feel it in the back of his throat, making him cough harshly. He looked around the park, but there was no sign of Toshi anymore. Like she had just vanished into thin air.
He cried out angrily and turned into his bat form to fly away, hungry and incredibly annoyed.
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reddbridgeblogs · 1 year
Strategies for Managing and Reducing Test Anxiety
Test anxiety is a phenomenon that is common among students. It affects students of all different ages. It can impede academic performance, hinder concentration, and increase stress levels. Stress and anxiety can be reduced easily using some effective strategies and techniques. It helps students to perform well in exams. In this blog, Redbridge International Academy, rated among the best boarding schools in Bangalore tells about various strategies that can help students to overcome test anxiety and approach exams with confidence
Preparation is Key 
Prevention is better than cure. You must have heard it thousands of times. Preparing well for the exam is the most effective way to fight against test anxiety. Start studying well in advance to avoid last-minute cramming, which can exacerbate anxiety. First You need to Break down the study material into manageable chunks and create a study schedule that allows for regular and consistent review.  Practising previous exams or sample questions also helps. It helps you to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions that may be asked. The more prepared you are, the more confident and less anxious you will feel on the day of the test.
Adopt Relaxation Techniques 
Incorporating relaxation techniques into your study routine can help reduce anxiety. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation are effective techniques for calming the mind and body. Take short breaks during study sessions to engage in relaxation exercises, allowing yourself to unwind and refocus. These techniques can be particularly beneficial in the moments leading up to the test, as they help alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of calmness.
Positive Self-Talk and Visualization 
The power of positive self-talk and visualization should not be underestimated. Replace negative thoughts and self-doubt with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your capabilities and previous successes. Visualize yourself performing well during the exam, feeling confident and in control. Creating a positive mental image can help alleviate anxiety and build self-confidence.
Time Management and Organization
Feeling overwhelmed and rushed during an exam can intensify test anxiety. Effective time management and organization can alleviate these pressures. Familiarize yourself with the exam format and allocate time to each section or question based on their weightage. Set realistic goals for completing each section, ensuring that you have enough time to review your answers. Prioritize difficult questions, but don’t get stuck on them for too long. Being organized and managing your time effectively will provide a sense of control and reduce anxiety. We at Redbridge International Academy, top IGCSE schools in Bangalore guide students on Time Management and organization. With different activities and tasks, we keep instilling time management and organisation skills in students.
Healthy Lifestyle Habits 
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for managing test anxiety. Get regular exercise, eat nutritious meals, and ensure you’re getting enough sleep. Physical activity helps reduce stress and improves cognitive function. A well-balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients for optimal brain function. Adequate sleep ensures mental alertness and focus. Taking care of your physical well-being sets a strong foundation for managing anxiety and performing well during exams. Redbridge International Academy, one of the best IB schools in Bangalore talks about maintaining Healthy Lifestyle with students. We encourage students to eat healthy food and get regular exercise.
Seek Support and Utilize Resources 
Don’t hesitate to seek support from teachers, mentors, or counsellors if you’re struggling with test anxiety. They can provide guidance, strategies, and resources specific to your needs. Consider joining study groups or forming study partnerships to share knowledge and support each other. Online resources, such as practice exams, study guides, and tutorials, can also be valuable tools for managing test anxiety and improving your understanding of the subject matter.
Test anxiety can be overwhelming, but with the right strategies, it can be effectively managed and reduced. By adopting techniques such as thorough preparation, relaxation exercises, positive self-talk, time management, healthy lifestyle habits, and seeking support, students can alleviate anxiety and approach exams with confidence. Remember, everyone experiences some level of anxiety before tests, but it’s important to develop a personalized toolkit of strategies that work best for you. Embrace these strategies, practice them consistently, and watch your test anxiety. Students at  Redbridge International Academy ranked among the best IGCSE schools near Bannerghatta road manage anxiety very well. Teachers take proper care of the students in preparing for exams and tests.
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ryderlee893 · 4 years
As one of the top international schools in Bangalore, Redbridge School reviews Bangalore values promises to live one’s own truth—To academic excellence and deeply liberal values, understanding education is the foundation of a person. As parents, you want to give the best education to your children and send them to top international schools. It is education that makes a person ready to face the challenges of the world by providing them with important life skills and training. Traits and beliefs carried forward through university and into a bright future, leaving an indelible mark on the world.
RBIA is one of the Best International School in Bangalore near Electronic City with ICSE,IGCSE Curriculum along with International Standard Boarding Facility. RBIA provides friendly ambiance, spacious classrooms with natural light and ample open areas for children to learn as they play.
More information visit our website http://www.rbia.in/
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pranyagupta2020 · 4 years
Redbridge Academy Reviews - Best International School in Bangalore
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Redbridge International School Bangalore Focus on Co-curricular Activities
Why there ought to be co-curricular activities in redbridge international school Bangalore? Are these activities extremely significant? Let us find answers to these questions in the following sections.
Significance of Co-curricular Activities
As per Redbridge International Academy Bangalore there are a few advantages of having co-curricular activities in school educational plan. Maybe a couple of the principle advantages are:
Improvement in Social Skills: Most regularly during co-curricular activities at ICSE schools in Bangalore, students need to take an interest with different students who are concentrating in different evaluations or are in different areas of a similar evaluation.
Such interest assists with improvement of relationship and social skills for youngsters and step by step it changes into a lasting friendship...
Better Time Management: When students take part in co-curricular activities, it encourages them figure out how to successfully deal with their time. This winds up conceivable since they need to organize between various errands they are participating in and work proactively.
Nature Different Interests: IGCSE schools in Bangalore put more accentuation on co-curricular activities since it gives kids an incredible breadth of using various potential outcomes and sustain various interests they have.
Build Self Esteem: Redbridge international school advance co-curricular activities and need them to be a piece of the educational plan in light of the fact that such activities can assume an essential job being developed of confidence in students. It is a reality that few out of every odd understudy in ready to perform well scholastically.
Be that as it may, when they make progress in co-curricular activities or when their commitment is remembered, it helps in structure their confidence. According to redbridge academy, frequently this confidence additionally helps in improving their performance in studies.
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rbiaschool · 4 years
Redbridge International Academy Reviews tells, nearly 97% of our parents praise the helpfulness of their child’s teacher. Our parents appreciate the dedication and professionalism of our teaching staff and report a high level of satisfaction with their work.
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Students enjoy a rich online learning experience because teachers in Redbridge International Academy school have intensive training in online instruction and education. They know how to motivate and engage students online, are highly skilled at using our technology, and know how to get the most out of our powerful online tools.
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imsolutionsseo · 4 years
Redbridge International Academy Reviews Bangalore the teacher says “ I have been working at Redbridge International Academy full-time for more than a year. This is my first teacher experience in this RBIA academy. Everything is professional here and official . salary and other benefits are very good compared to other International Schools in Bangalore. Mainly I like management making teachers interact more with students which makes students perform better. Good working atmosphere, faculty and staff is friendly. The management in Redbridge International School Bangalore is very professional and makes sure that no issues are raised to staff and even students. The management allows the teachers to apply their new ideas and strategies in teaching and improving the students skills. No forcing from the management side to the teachers. I am more satisfied with Redbridge International academy Bangalore.”
More information visit our website 
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rbiabangalore · 5 years
Redbridge international academy  in Bangalore | RBIA
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Redbridge International Academy in Bangalore is an International School offers both ICSE and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education,Cambridge UK) Curriculum. Redbridge  international academy is also accredited as an IB School and it offers International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP).it has open spaces, spacious classrooms, and ample room for children to learn and play; Redbridge fosters creativity and holistic development through personalized attention. This is located in Bengaluru: India’s Garden City, near Electronic City. Both a day and boarding school, it is spread over a sprawling 18 acre environmentally-friendly campus. Our academic fraternity has a cross-spectrum of students and expert faculty from across India and abroad.It has qualified and trained teachers,rooted with values ,haven for creativity, award winning institution,green campus and technologically equipped.
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Redbridge International academy Review – Benefits of IGCSE Curriculum
What are the benefits of studying in anIGCSE curriculum based school? Let us go through the details in this Redbridge International Academy Bangalore review.
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Why study in an IGCSE school?
Varied Choices
As per Redbridge Academy reviews Bangalore, the good thing about IGCSE is that it offers more than seventy electives in over twenty languages. Moreover, all the affiliated schools provide students with a distinct combination of subjects, helping students make a better selection of subjects based upon their preferences.
Better Grasp of English
As per Redbridge international academy Review Bangalore, in IGCSE curriculum, English is the first language that helps students develops their communication skills as well as confidence. This is the very reason that many of the Australian and UK universities let students who have followed IGCSE curriculum to skip the usually mandatory TOEFL and IELTS test.
Global Connect
Redbridge International School reviews show that if you pursue IGCSE course, you are able to nurture a global outlook and in addition, it also helps students develop a understand more about global issues that have a local significance.
Analysis conducted by Redbridge International Academy highlights the fact that this curriculum is recognized by universities and organizations in every part of the world and such qualification is considered a sign of excellence and competence.
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rbiaacademyreview · 5 years
Redbridge International academy Review – Benefits of IGCSE Curriculum
What are the benefits of studying in anIGCSE curriculum based school? Let us go through the details in this Redbridge International Academy Bangalore review.
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Why study in an IGCSE school?
Varied Choices
As per Redbridge Academy reviews Bangalore, the good thing about IGCSE is that it offers more than seventy electives in over twenty languages. Moreover, all the affiliated schools provide students with a distinct combination of subjects, helping students make a better selection of subjects based upon their preferences.
Better Grasp of English
As per Redbridge international academy Review Bangalore, in IGCSE curriculum, English is the first language that helps students develops their communication skills as well as confidence. This is the very reason that many of the Australian and UK universities let students who have followed IGCSE curriculum to skip the usually mandatory TOEFL and IELTS test.
Global Connect
Redbridge International School reviews show that if you pursue IGCSE course, you are able to nurture a global outlook and in addition, it also helps students develop a understand more about global issues that have a local significance.
Analysis conducted by Redbridge International Academy highlights the fact that this curriculum is recognized by universities and organizations in every part of the world and such qualification is considered a sign of excellence and competence.
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rbiaacademy · 5 years
Redbridge international School Reviews Benefits of IGCSE Curriculum
If you are planning to select IGCSE curriculum for your kid then first thing to do will be to know how this curriculum will be beneficial for your child. We will review all the features of IGCSE curriculum in this RBIA.in school review.
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Features of IGCSE Curriculum
Developed 25 years back, it is a trusted curriculum for schools around the world. The good thing about this curriculum is that it focuses on developing communication skills, problem solving and investigative skills as well as cognitive ability in kids.
Another important aspect of IGCSE curriculum is that it offers more than seventy subjects that students can choose from. As per Redbridge International school reviews, students should pursue IGCSE curriculum since it works as a foundation for courses at the higher level such as IB diploma, A and AS levels and the qualification is also recognized by well-known institutions like Universities and Colleges Admission Service – UK.
Benefits of IGCSE Curriculum
It has gained recognition from colleges and universities all around the world.
According to Redbridge Academy reviews, it offers greater study options and career choices.
Cambridge Check Point is a type of diagnostic service that students can opt for when they are studying IGCSE course. As per Redbridge International Academy Bangalore, the benefit of this service is that students can utilize the service to select the right subjects as well as level of study. In addition, students can also sit for the examination as per discretion instead of the pre-decided examination schedule.
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Redbridge international School Reviews Benefits of IGCSE Curriculum
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If you are planning to select IGCSE curriculum for your kid then first thing to do will be to know how this curriculum will be beneficial for your child. We will review all the features of IGCSE curriculum in this RBIA.in school review.
Features of IGCSE Curriculum
Developed 25 years back, it is a trusted curriculum for schools around the world. The good thing about this curriculum is that it focuses on developing communication skills, problem solving and investigative skills as well as cognitive ability in kids.
Another important aspect of IGCSE curriculum is that it offers more than seventy subjects that students can choose from. As per Redbridge International school reviews, students should pursue IGCSE curriculum since it works as a foundation for courses at the higher level such as IB diploma, A and AS levels and the qualification is also recognized by well-known institutions like Universities and Colleges Admission Service – UK.
Benefits of IGCSE Curriculum
It has gained recognition from colleges and universities all around the world.
According to Redbridge Academy reviews, it offers greater study options and career choices.
Cambridge Check Point is a type of diagnostic service that students can opt for when they are studying IGCSE course. As per Redbridge International Academy Bangalore, the benefit of this service is that students can utilize the service to select the right subjects as well as level of study. In addition, students can also sit for the examination as per discretion instead of the pre-decided examination schedule.
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ryderlee893 · 4 years
Redbridge International Academy Reviews focus on teachers that they spend their time in planning, teaching, learning or doing a combination of all three. It really is a full time job in every sense.There are also lots of opportunities for career progression, job security is good.
Redbridge International academy Reviews advice to teachers to get organised, set high standards and expectations and aim to be a reflective passion in teaching.
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pranyagupta2020 · 4 years
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Redbridge international School Reviews Benefits of IGCSE Curriculum
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If you are planning to select IGCSE curriculum for your kid then first thing to do will be to know how this curriculum will be beneficial for your child. We will review all the features of IGCSE curriculum in this RBIA.in school review.
Features of IGCSE Curriculum
Developed 25 years back, it is a trusted curriculum for schools around the world. The good thing about this curriculum is that it focuses on developing communication skills, problem solving and investigative skills as well as cognitive ability in kids.
Another important aspect of IGCSE curriculum is that it offers more than seventy subjects that students can choose from. As per Redbridge International school reviews, students should pursue IGCSE curriculum since it works as a foundation for courses at the higher level such as IB diploma, A and AS levels and the qualification is also recognized by well-known institutions like Universities and Colleges Admission Service – UK.
Benefits of IGCSE Curriculum
It has gained recognition from colleges and universities all around the world.
According to Redbridge Academy reviews, it offers greater study options and career choices.
Cambridge Check Point is a type of diagnostic service that students can opt for when they are studying IGCSE course. As per Redbridge International Academy Bangalore, the benefit of this service is that students can utilize the service to select the right subjects as well as level of study. In addition, students can also sit for the examination as per discretion instead of the pre-decided examination schedule.
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Boarding facilities available at Redbridge International Academy?
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What are the boarding facilities available at Redbridge International Academy? Let us look at the details in the following sections.
Facilities at Boarding Schools in Bangalore
Hostel Facilities
The good thing about Redbridge International Academy Review Bangalore is that here all the hostel facilities are ingeniously designed, well lit, and spacious. The rooms are such that they can accommodate 3 students in each of the rooms. High level of security is maintained in hostels on a round the clock basis. Security personnel make sure that without required permission no one leaves or enters the hostel premise.
RBIA school Review Bangalore strives to offer healthy and fresh food to its students. The well equipped kitchen and experienced staff ensure that the food prepared is hygienic and at the same time wholesome. The cafeteria is also the place where we help students learn social etiquette and mannerism.
Weekend Activities
Redbridge International school reviews the schedule that boarders should have during weekends and actively implements it. As such, boarders get the opportunity to enjoy different sporting activities and can also take part in co-curricular activities like dance, music, pottery, arts, etc. that are supervised by resident faculty of Redbridge International Academy Bangalore. Additionally, the boarders are free to go for cinema, or visit malls or amusement parks.
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