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#Redallert #callifornia #westcoast #westcoastusa #warning #urgent #now #newsallert #news #Allert #sos #maydaymayday https://www.instagram.com/p/CpRN0KZKUb3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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🌱Have you ever tried Hemp Blunts from @juicypapers #blunts #hempblunts #hempcones #juicy #juicyblunt #original #redallert #tropical #blue #manic #purple #Hempointlecce #edovesennò (at Southend Sea Front) https://www.instagram.com/p/BycO8bPHWDf/?igshid=1nreq0nt8c7wj
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🌴📢📢📢 ATTENZIONE 📢📢📢 📝 La causa è una circolazione di bassa pressione alimentata da aria molto umida dai quadranti meridionali. ☔⚠⚡ • • • #visitmesagne #visitmesagnecuordisalento #mesagne #designme #traveldesignme #lacittadelcuore #lacittadellamore #ilovemesagne #mesagneinlove #12novembre #allertameteo #suditalia #maltempo #allertaarancione #redallert #protezionecivile #iononrischio #pioggia #vento #ventoforte #travelaway #travel #travellife #walkingaround #wheretravel #rainy #alsudètuttaunaltrastoria (presso Mesagne) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xGzm4i52p/?igshid=1eqw6057gmcp0
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"Ватикан запретил исповедоваться через iPhone. Хотя что удивляться, у христиан с яблоками давние счеты!" <|> И ещё немного про церковь. Жителям Канонерского острова удалось отстоять сквер, храм в нем строить не будут. Представители Русской православной церкви согласились переместить собор на другую площадку. Канонерский остров страдает от нехватки зелени. И строительство храма в благоустроенном сквере вызвало недовольство местных жителей. Строительства храма в сквере на Канонерском острове рядом с домом номер 8, против чего протестовали местные жители, не будет. Представители общественности и РПЦ, при участии депутатов ЗакСа и местных чиновников договорились переместить будущий храм в другое место. Стоит заметить, что в 2018 году комитет по градостроительству передал часть территории сквера на Канонерском острове РПЦ. Здесь должны были возвести храм площадью в 6 тысяч квадратных метров. Но местные жители возмутились, тем более, что только год назад сквер благоустроили, потратив на это 17 миллионов бюджетных рублей. Теперь решено передвинуть стройку чуть юго-западнее, что устраивает всех. #iphoneRed #iphone #яблоко #яблочко #цветнастроениякрасный #redallert #red #красныйтелефончик #хорошегоДня #goodday #apple #mskpit #этопитердетка #spb_online #spbgram #piteronline #st_pgram #leningrad #motherrussia #типичныйпитер #СанктПетербург #впитерепить #followme #motherrussia #петербургналадони #петербург #po_strane #loves_united_europe #loves_united_russia #loves_united_team (at Saint Petersburg, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvWtu_pj2wc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tjwdxbnh61ka
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Follow your heart. Alway. ❤️ @hartstichting #donnadicuori #HartenVrouw #HartEnVaatziektenBijVrouwen #DressRedDay #cuore #PrevenzioneCardiovascolarePerLeDonne #DressRedDay2018 #Hartstichting #QueenOfHearts #GoRedForWomen #RedAllert #TheHeartTruth #HeartDeseaseByWomen (at Enkhuizen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoUi_LUiw_2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m0tr4e5kgveh
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#positiveliving in #Malaysia paints the town red #redcampaign in conjunction with #worldaidsday to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS as we wear something red take a picture post it on social media and remember to #hashtag #zeroHIV #zeroAIDS #zerostigma #zerodiscrimination #myrainbowcolor #mycommunity #MalaysiaBoleh hugs #mylovelies #loverevolution2018 #reddaredevil #redchallenge #redpassion #redfullstop #redallert
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When having a red tide at home. #Dhysmenorrhea #redallert🚨🚨 #sakitpusonpamore (at Cielito Homes, Caloocan City)
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La forza della natura!!!😱 #storm #rain # defythelawsofnature #tempesta #wind #flood #genoa #italy #fear #instanature #nature #insticazzi #ottobre #life #redallert #speremmuben
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#positiveliving in #Malaysia paints the town red #redcampaign in conjunction with #worldaidsday to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS as we wear something red take a picture post it on social media and remember to #hashtag #zeroHIV #zeroAIDS #zerostigma #zerodiscrimination #myrainbowcolor #mycommunity #MalaysiaBoleh hugs #mylovelies #loverevolution2018 calls out to all my @facebook friends as this is the season for giving, let's safe up our #redChristmas gift money and donate RM10 to a perspective NGO with the causes we believe in as a way to tell our world we do care about social justice and it's causes. This is indeed a season of giving to count down to #redChristmas celebration and #rednewyear2018. Let's make it our #rednewyear2018 resolution to cultivate the habits of giving and saving #reddaredevil #redchallenge #redpassion #redfullstop #redallert
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#positiveliving in #Malaysia paints the town red #redcampaign in conjunction with #worldaidsday to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS as we wear something red take a picture post it on social media and remember to #hashtag #zeroHIV #zeroAIDS #zerostigma #zerodiscrimination #myrainbowcolor #mycommunity #MalaysiaBoleh hugs #mylovelies #loverevolution2018 hunts for my #redchallenge picture of the day to express my #redpassion as no #redfullstop but full #redallert ahead as I count down to #redChristmas and #rednewyear2018
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#positiveliving in #Malaysia paints the town red #redcampaign in conjunction with #worldaidsday to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS as we wear something red take a picture post it on social media and remember to #hashtag #zeroHIV #zeroAIDS #zerostigma #zerodiscrimination #myrainbowcolor #mycommunity #MalaysiaBoleh hugs #mylovelies #loverevolution2018 daily #redchallenge move my #redpassion another exciting day ahead as no #redfullstop but with full #redallert
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#positiveliving in #Malaysia paints the town red #redcampaign in conjunction with #worldaidsday to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS as we wear something red take a picture post it on social media and remember to #hashtag #zeroHIV #zeroAIDS #zerostigma #zerodiscrimination #myrainbowcolor #mycommunity #MalaysiaBoleh hugs #mylovelies #loverevolution2018 #redchallenge #redpassion #redfullstop #redallert
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#positiveliving in #Malaysia paints the town red #redcampaign in conjunction with #worldaidsday to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS as we wear something red take a picture post it on social media and remember to #hashtag #zeroHIV #zeroAIDS #zerostigma #zerodiscrimination #myrainbowcolor #mycommunity #MalaysiaBoleh hugs #mylovelies #loverevolution2018 rolls up my #redtshirt as a #redshawl around my neck for my daily #redchallenge as my #redpassion moves on ahead full swing with no #redfullstop to raise awareness on #redallert.
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#positiveliving in #Malaysia paints the town red #redcampaign in conjunction with #worldaidsday to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS as we wear something red take a picture post it on social media and remember to #hashtag #zeroHIV #zeroAIDS #zerostigma #zerodiscrimination #myrainbowcolor #mycommunity #MalaysiaBoleh hugs #mylovelies #loverevolution2018 no matter whether my body is under the weather this week with a long week dry cough, daily #redchallenge needs to move on to show #redpassion is possible and no #redfullstop, but #redallert goes on stronger than ever as counting down #rednewyear2018
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#positiveliving in #Malaysia paints the town red #redcampaign in conjunction with #worldaidsday to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS as we wear something red take a picture post it on social media and remember to #hashtag #zeroHIV #zeroAIDS #zerostigma #zerodiscrimination #myrainbowcolor #mycommunity #MalaysiaBoleh hugs #mylovelies #loverevolution2018 prays my week long dry cough will be gone by this weekend as it's challenging to focus on work and a good night sleep with rest #redchallenge #redpassion #redfullstop #redallert
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