#red vamirio
tennara-art · 1 year
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Jul 5, 2022
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tenvert · 9 months
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Vermilio from Helck! 🔥💖
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superpatch24 · 7 years
Helck´s most commented chapters in the app
There isn´t really a fandom to make a ranking, but in the japanese app where the series is published (MangaOne)Helck is one of the most commented and voted series, so this ranks will mostly show the japanese readers tastes.
1º) Chapter 68.2 (10920 comments) - What needs to be said
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2º) Chapter 53.2 (2240 comments) - Vamirio of the Four Heavinly Kings
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3º) Chapter 89.2 (2050 comments) - Helck´s decision
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4º) Chapter 52.2 (1840 comments) - Helck´s past XVII
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5º) Chapter 69 (1790 comments) - To a hopeful future
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6º) Chapter 82.2 (1740 comments) - Prototype
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7º) Chapter 91.1 (1300 comments) - Those in contact with the Will of The World
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8º) Chapter 70.2 (1250 comments) - Humans and Demons
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9º) Chapter 81 (1240 comments) - Torture
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10º) Chapter 80.2 (1230) - The New World
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Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Average Rating: 8.20
While humanity celebrates the defeat of the demon king, by the hands of a lone hero, the denizens of the demon world prepare for the contest of a lifetime - a tournament to decide who would inherit the title of Demon King.
Now three months later the tournament has been proceeding smoothly - well other than the fact that the favorite to come out on top is the human hero Helck! With a smile and a wave he easily bests this demonic competition, all while loudly proclaiming his hatred for humans. Though he calls for the destruction of humanity, the truth about what lies behind his smiling facade is a mystery.
Doubtful of Helck's intentions, Red Vamirio - one of the "Four Heavenly Kings", who oversee the realm of the demons together - seeks to uncover what the hero us truely after. With the title of "Demon King" at stake, the fate of the demon world rests on her shoulders.
My Rating: 6
My Opinion:
The first third was pretty fun and I liked Helck but when it got into deeper exposition I got more and more bored. Again I liked Helck but not to the extend of getting to know his entire life story. The humor was fun but not fun enough to keep my interest throughout the parts I thought of as boring. In the end I just wasn't invested enough in the characters to really care about the second half of the story, to the point I skimmed through the last 20 chapters or so.
Recommended to:
People that get easily attached to characters and like a new spin on typical RPG hero defeats the demon king concept.
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newsintheshell · 3 years
Helck: anime in arrivo per il manga fantasy di Nanaki Nanao
Il fumetto si è concluso nel 2017 con il 12° volume.
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Annunciato a sorpresa l’adattamento animato di “Helck”, il manga fantasy firmato da Nanaki Nanao, che ha ringraziato i fan e festeggiato la notizia su Twitter, con l’illustrazione che vedete qui sotto.
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La notizia non ha specificato il format della trasposizione, quindi al momento non sappiamo ancora se l’opera sbarcherà in tv con una serie animata.
Mentre l'umanità celebra la sconfitta del Re dei Demoni per mano di un eroe solitario, gli abitanti del mondo dei demoni si preparano ad un evento epocale: il grande torneo che deciderà chi erediterà il titolo di Re dei Demoni.
Dopo tre mesi, la competizione procede senza intoppi, a parte per il fatto che il concorrente favorito è l'eroe umano Helck! Sempre sorridente e garbato, batte facilmente la concorrenza demoniaca, mentre proclama a gran voce il suo odio per gli umani.
Sebbene invochi la distruzione dell'umanità, non è affatto chiaro cosa si nasconda dietro l’allegra figura di Helck. Red Vamirio, una dei quattro sovrintendenti del regno dei demoni, decide di indagare e scoprire il vero fine dell'eroe. Con il titolo di Re in gioco, il destino del mondo dei demoni poggia sulle sue spalle!
Il manga è stato pubblicato in Giappone su Manga ONE e Ura Sunday, dal 2014 al 2017, concludendosi con il capitolo numero 111. Shogakukan ha raccolto l’intera opera in 12 volumetti.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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a-naf · 7 years
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9/4 - 9/10/17
RIP L.A.S, hope that Lava is doing alright.
I was supposed to release the Dracula comic this week but school got me by the balls. It’s basically done though, so next week hopefully.
I’m gonna submit to the Jump’s Universal Manga Contest so it has to read from right to left ‘cause weeb’s rule: https://medibang.com/contest/jumpuniversal/?locale=en .
Beware: the medibang’s comic reader is quite ass.
Last drawing is of Red Vamirio from Helck. Really interesting manga, would recommend.
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ochako · 6 years
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aekashics-blog · 8 years
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Helck is gonna be huge someday. Screencap this. Also read Helck.
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neonnikaido · 9 years
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Red Vamirio - Transparent & Transparent nightgown 
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midorionmk2-blog · 9 years
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By Nanao Nokia
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superpatch24 · 8 years
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Helck´s volume covers
Author: Nanao Nanaki
Published in Ura-Sunday since 2014 (Ongoing)
Genres: Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy, Tragedy, Action
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ochako · 8 years
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