#red faction guerilla
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jediknightjason · 9 days ago
Parody Song Title Goes Here
In 2022, I was at Chicago to see the stars. Unaware it was a battlefield between corporate schmucks and rodents from Mars. And then one day, I was taking a transit to the Galloping Ghost, and there they were. Space assholes! On their bikes! Driving off the street! Space assholes! Beating up mooks wherever they meet! One of them jumped off their rides, and tail whipped a goon right in the face! Space assholes! Cheap rigs exploding left and right! Space assholes! They just love to annihilate and fight! I didn't sign up for this. I just wanted to get away far from home. Just a place to catch some sights and sounds like a certain garden gnome. But every time I think it's safe, every time I think it's calm, I'm wrong. Space assholes! Blasters firing! Buildings falling down! Space assholes! Inadvertently wasting this town! Now all the hired hands are smoked. The three stooges have prevailed. Only I am left conscious to tell the tale of the Space assholes! Comes out of nowhere to destroy! Space assholes! Anarchy is all they now enjoy! Space assholes! On their bikes! Driving off the street! Space assholes! Beating up mooks wherever they meet! Space assholes! Space assholes! Space assholes! They're the space assholes! If you haven't listened to the original song, then I'd suggest not doing it in your office space.
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enbycatboygf · 1 year ago
Playing some Red Faction Guerilla
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leftistfeminista · 10 months ago
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In an interview with filmmaker Helma Sanders in 1970, months before she went underground, she voiced some of her criticism of the separation of public and private that renders women apolitical in the traditional sense. In this interview, she speaks to the particular dilemma in which women—mothers—find themselves.
She acknowledges that children need a stable family, and that men have their wives to see to that, whereas a politically active woman does not have a wife to take care of her children, and thus is faced with a problem: From the point of view of the children’s needs, the family is necessary, indispensable as a stable place with stable human relationships. Of course, many things are easier if you’re a man, and you have a wife to look after the children. If you’re a woman, so that you don’t have a wife to do all that for you, then you have to do everything yourself—it’s terribly difficult.
She continues, “Thus the problem of all politically active women is— including my own—that they on the one hand do socially necessary work. But on the other hand they helplessly sit around with their children just as much as all the other women.” In addition to criticizing the oppressive effect that the separation of public and private exerts on women through their motherhood (you either have a private or a public life), she also points to the limitations of politics that discount the private realm, and she counters that view with the claim that political work detached from “private life” is in fact not sustainable: “One could say the central oppression of woman is that her private life as private life is contrasted to any political life. Whereas one could turn this around and say that where political work is unrelated to private life, it is not right, it cannot be seen through.”
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werkboileddown · 2 years ago
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The Uban Guerilla Concept
“We are not saying that the organization of armed resistance groups can replace the legal proletarian organizations, that isolated actions can replace the class struggle, or that armed struggle can replace political work in the factories or neighborhoods.  [...] armed struggle is a necessary precondition for the latter to succeed and progress, that armed struggle is “the highest form of MarxismLeninism” (Mao), and that it can and must begin now, as without it there can be no anti-imperialist struggle in the metropole. 
We are not Blanquists nor are we anarchists, though we think Blanqui was a great revolutionary and the personal heroism of many anarchists is certainly above reproach.”
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wojciech-kac · 3 months ago
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vault81 · 5 months ago
fewer than I thought there was going to be!
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mysteamgrids · 2 years ago
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Red Faction: Guerilla
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opencommunion · 23 days ago
"If it is true that American imperialism is a paper tiger, this means it can, in the final analysis, be defeated. And if the thesis of the Chinese communists is correct, then victory over American imperialism is possible, because struggles against it have erupted all over the world, and as a result imperialism’s power is divided. It is this division that renders its defeat possible. If this is true, then there is no reason to exclude or leave out any country or any region from the anti-imperialist struggle simply because the forces of revolution are especially weak, and the forces of reaction are especially strong.
... The concept of the urban guerilla comes from Latin America. There, like here, it is the method of revolutionary intervention by generally weak revolutionary forces. The urban guerilla struggle is based on an understanding that there will be no Prussian-style marching orders, which so many so-called revolutionaries are waiting for to lead the people into revolutionary struggle. It is based on the analysis that by the time the conditions are right for armed struggle, it will be too late to prepare for it. It is based on the recognition that without revolutionary initiatives in a country with as much potential for violence as the Federal Republic, there will be no revolutionary orientation when the conditions for revolutionary struggle are more favorable, as they soon will be given the political and economic developments of late capitalism. The urban guerilla is the consequence of the long since complete negation of parliamentary democracy by the elected representatives themselves. It is the inevitable response to the Emergency Laws and the Hand Grenade Law. It is the willingness to struggle with the very means that the system appropriates for itself to neutralize its enemies. The urban guerilla is based on facing facts, not making excuses for them. ... The urban guerilla struggle is armed struggle in a situation in which the police use their weapons recklessly and in which class justice finds [killer cop Karl-Heinz] Kurras not guilty and buries comrades alive. The urban guerilla struggle means not being demoralized by the violence of the system. The urban guerilla aims to destroy certain aspects of the state structure, and to destroy the myth of state omnipotence and invulnerability.
... Some say that the political possibilities of organization, agitation, and propaganda are far from being exhausted, and only when they have been exhausted should one consider armed struggle. We say that the political possibilities will not be fully utilized until armed struggle is recognized as the political goal, as long as the strategic conclusion that all reactionaries are paper tigers is not grasped despite the tactical conclusion that they are criminals, murderers, and exploiters."
Red Army Faction, The Urban Guerilla Concept (1971)
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barfok · 1 year ago
This is your reminder to talk about the Morag Tong!
omg thank you.
some notes on the history of the morag tong in the nordic occupation:
by tradition, the night mother is a ra'athim woman, often the eldest daughter of the reigning patriarch. at the time of the nordic invasion of morrowind this role was occupied kronin ra'athims second-eldest sister, krora
the nordic invasion of ebonheart was devastating to clan ra'athim, and many of them died in a failed resistance attempt (thanks, nerevar!). while the morag tong survived the invasion, the nords cracked down on them especially hard. krora was rooted out and killed soon after the initial invasion
the morag tong responded to this crisis by dissolving itself. small cells dispersed across morrowind and carried on the sacred traditions in extreme secrecy. the ra'athim, now a cell of guerilla warriors based on south vvardenfell, fund their ongoing skeleton existence.
through the occupiation, yoriss ra'athim, the older sister of kronin, remains in ebonheart. as the nords become complacent in morrowind, she begins to build a framework for re-establishing the morag tong. she does this by establishing a loose network of brothels, gambling dens and speakeasies through ebonheart and its neighboring territories. exiled morag tong are slowly recalled to ebonheart and assimilate into these businesses of ill repute. yoriss pays the reigning nords a heavy 'cut' of the profits, and in return, they let yoriss curate this criminal empire
the nordic occupiers obviously took issue with assassins, and the morag tong was heavily persecuted. but the nords are anything but centralised, and the actual extent of persecution, as well as the form it took, depended largely on what jarl was in charge and how aggressive they were willing to be. nonetheless, the morag tong could not operate easily in this environment-- at this point they were far more of a religious cult than an assassin's guild. so assassination fell by the wayside, they oriented towards their covert mephala worship, towards their brothels and dens of vice, towards preserving their traditions in expectation of the day the nords would be thrown out and the chimer would once more be free
a little more history (tw child abuse/kidnapping):
kronin's son, cruethys, had a daughter in secret. when kronin discovered this he was furious; nonetheless, seeing the opportunity, kronin seized the girl and sent her to yoriss, to be groomed as a new night mother
yoriss raised the girl, alongside (later) kronin's first daughter. she grew up closely enmeshed with the morag tong, and, just as her family had expected, took up the role of the new night mother. her assuming control as a young woman, combined with the slackening of the nordic influence over ebonheart as the civil war broke out, marked the 'official' revival of the morag tong. they're an entity from here on out
the revived morag tong quickly exceeded its diminished role as a branch of ra'athim influence-- the night mother never forgot what kronin had done to her, nor did she forgive. the morag tong went on to play a subtle but influential role in morrowind's politics leading up to the invasion. most notably, they had a dubious alliance with mordrin hanin's dagon faction, and the "red wives of noormoc" vivec mentions were tong agents in hanin's service
after nerevar's successful rebellion, the morag tong sunk back into comfortable anonymity, where they were quite comfortable until vivec killed the night mother under unclear circumstances several decades later
vivec accidentally and unofficially became the tong's new patron after killing the night mother. he had history with her and history with them, and maybe he felt a soft spot for them. nonetheless, he shared an understanding with the tong that persisted well into his godhood :)
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aux1 · 1 year ago
Well, I see Volition has finally been shut down.
Can't say it surprises me. Volition is a company that has a weird history of sometimes making good games...and sometimes making very average/below average games.
They fumbled the Red Faction series when they put out the best game in the series, Red Faction: Guerilla (An open-world game with destructible structures) and then put out Red Faction: Armageddon (A linear, level based game that was just a third person shooter.) They completely ignored what made the previous game great and just decided to do something else.
Then you have Agents of Mayhem. A game that had some personality, but it had very bland and VERY repetitive gameplay with no co-op multiplayer of any kind.
And then there is the Saint's Row reboot that no one asked for. People wanted a continuation of the previous games...not some weird new version of the Saints. I mean...college kids...who start a street gang? What? You don't go and build an audience with your previous games and then just throw all that away and expect your new game to be a success.
Let's also not ignore how Saint's Row 4 seemed like a very low effort sequel to part 3. I mean, it's literally the same map as 3 with some modifications. Sure, it was still fun...but you can't ignore how samey it was in atmosphere to the previous game.
Volition clearly had some really bad decision makers at their company. And now it's cost many people their jobs.
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ghoularchive · 1 year ago
the corner of tumblr i will never understand is those blogs that just post military pics from like any army or faction throughout history. Like seeing photos of Red Army soldiers, the Third Reich, British imperialist forces, Maoist guerillas and Islamist insurgent groups presented side by side as some sort of unified "war aesthetic" is never not gonna be off the wall bizarre to me. Pick an ideology guys
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enbycatboygf · 2 years ago
Time to crash vehicles into things on Mars
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sparrowsabre7 · 1 month ago
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the-binding-of-gekko · 4 months ago
a sort of slept-on/niche video game that I really enjoyed was Red Faction 1 and 2. so much so that i made it tie into my Saints Row fic lmao.
i haven't finished guerilla and i probably won't. I don't hate it I just prefer the jankiness of older games because while it can be frustrating it's very interesting to see game devs get creative with the limitations they had back then (it's why I am suffering through Tomb Raider: Legend rn and have a shit ton of hours on Saints Row 2) and also sometimes the bugs are part of the charm.
also the physics system in Red Faction 1 is awesome i had a lot of fun just blowing apart walls.
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rotenotes · 4 months ago
Red Army Faction (pdf)
The first in a two-volume series, this is by far the most in-depth history of the Red Army Faction ever made available in English. Volume 1 presents the manifestos and communiques issued by the RAF between 1970 and 1977. The three main manifestos – The Urban Guerilla Concept, Serve the People and Black September – are all included as are inportant interviews with Der Spiegel and Le Monde…
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vault81 · 6 months ago
there i finished it
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