#red and yellow barbet
starskynder · 8 months
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Red and Yellow Barbet
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mind-if-i-scream · 4 months
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Bird Stickers by Cosmic Kristen Designs
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colorsoutofearth · 1 year
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Red and yellow barbet 'doing the splits' (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus)
Photo by Hermann Brehm
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andramariestudio · 8 months
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Birbfest 2024 #28. Red and Yellow Barbet.
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pamwmsn · 9 months
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Red and yellow Barbet found mostly in East Africa
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
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Black-collared Barbets (Lybius torquatus), red phase and yellow phase (rare), family Lybiidae, order Piciformes, South Africa
photograph by Ray Coombes
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charleyharperid · 1 year
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Bullock's oriole (updated 20 Jul '23)
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Little auk? (updated 20 Jul '23)
Red-headed barbet?
Scarlet-rumped Tanager
Green broadbill
Violet-backed starling
Great Hornbill
Blue-and-yellow Macaw
Southern Carmine Bee-eater
Atlantic Puffin
Barn Owl
Grey-crowned Crane
Flying Fox (bat)
Epaulet oriole?
Red admiral (butterfly)
Gouldian Finch
Humboldt Penguin
Rufous treepie?
Scarlet Ibis
Woodland kingfisher
Roseate Spoonbill
Green magpie
Buff-bellied hummingbird
Green parrot finch
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mutant-distraction · 2 years
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Red-and-yellow Barbet (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus) in Tanzania by Antero Topp.
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na-bird-of-the-day · 1 year
BOTD: Red-headed Barbet
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Photo: Doug Greenberg
"Male is unmistakable with bright red head, green back, yellow belly, and stout yellow bill. Also notice the oval-shaped body with large head and short tail. Female is similar to some South American barbet species , but note head pattern: blue cheek, orange side of neck, and black forehead. Usually found in pairs, often accompanying a mixed-species flock in the forest canopy. Sometimes visits fruit feeders."
- eBird
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witchstone · 1 year
okay, birds seen at home in june round up! comes to a total of 62 species, which is oddly high for the middle of winter. the highlight was the green twinspot, which i’d only got my first ever sighting of two weeks earlier. presumably it had only found its way to our garden because of the heavy rains and flash floods (and the tornado what the fuck) a few days prior - they’re forest birds, whereas our area is more broad-leaf woodland.
full list and photos under the cut!
bar-throated apalis, black-collared + crested + white-eared barbet, cape batis, dark-capped bulbul, green-backed camaroptera*, yellow-fronted canary, fork-tailed drongo, crowned eagle*, southern black flycatcher, african dusky flycatcher, african paradise flycatcher (odd for this time of year), egyptian goose, gymnogene, southern hadeda, purple-crested loerie. speckled mousebird, black-headed oriole, rose-ringed parakeet*, black-backed puffback, red-capped robin-chat, cape glossy + black-bellied + red-winged starling, collared + greater double-collared + olive + amethyst + white-bellied sunbird, olive + kurrichane thrush, golden-rumped tinkerbarbet, southern black tit, spectacled + village weaver, cape white-eye, cardinal + golden-tailed woodpecker, red-eyed + tambourine* dove, brown-hooded kingfisher, red-backed + bronze mannikin, klaas’s cuckoo*, lesser honeyguide, grey-headed bushshrike*, familiar chat, southern grey-headed sparrow, woolly-necked stork, sombre greenbul*, green woodhoopoe, cape wagtail, southern boubou, black sparrowhawk, african palm swift, green twinspot, black cuckooshrike?, black-headed heron, little sparrowhawk?, pied crow, african goshawk
* = call heard, no visuals, ? = i’m reasonably sure it was that, but not 100%
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dark-capped bulbul, taken at a nature reserve up the hill
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eurytela dryope
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not sure yet. maybe a mocker swallowtail judging by the body?
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olive sunbird my beloved
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the green twinspot!! absolutely not a great photo, but i was surprised to get a pic at all tbh. either a female or juvenile
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bosduival’s tree nymph
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souther hadeda. chicken sized rats and the worst dawn chorus you’ve ever heard
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golden-tailed woodpecker
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gold-spotted sylph. have never seen one before in my life, but it was hanging around the laundry
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southern black tit!
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stranger-nature · 2 years
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Birdtober 2022
Day 9: Yellow
Species: Red-and-yellow Barbet (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus)
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lyonfamilyinafrica · 3 months
Wildlife we’ve seen part 5
Birds - Great White Pelican, Blacksmith Lapwing, Great Egret, Yellow-billed Stork, African Spoonbill, African Fish Eagle, Goliath Heron (largest Heron in world), African Grey Hornbill, Common Ringed Plover, Crested Barbet;
Reptiles - Water monitor;
Insects - Scorpion;
Mammals - Vervet Monkey, Leopard, Egyptian Free-tailed Bat, Hyaenas, African Buffalo, Antelope - Red Lechwe, Waterbuck.
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tanzaniasafarisonline · 11 months
Exclusive 7-Day Tanzania Safari: Wildlife Adventure Extraordinaire
Tanzania is one of the most amazing destinations for wildlife safaris in Africa. From towering mountains overlooking wildlife-rich savannahs to cultural tours showcasing vibrant traditions, Tanzania offers much more than you might think.
It is home to some of the most diverse, and plentiful wildlife in East Africa. Tanzania has a variety of landscapes and habitats that support this huge array of species. Whether you’re a keen birdwatcher, a wildlife photographer, or just looking for an immersive African safari experience, Tanzania has some incredible destinations.
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It can be hard to choose the best places to visit on safari in Tanzania. From the Serengeti Plains to the verdant forests of Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania has something to offer every traveler, but where should you go? A 7-day Tanzania safari will take you on an epic adventure through some of northern Tanzania’s best-known wildlife areas. Here are some of the bucket list items you can explore on your 7 days Tanzania safari!
Spot The Big Five
Are you traveling for a safari and doubt whether you can spot Africa’s Big Five? This highly coveted group includes the African elephant, leopard, lion, buffalo, and the ever so elusive rhino.
Witness The Wildebeest Migration
The wonderful wildebeest migration is the thing that no one wants to escape. It is the natural game where herds of animals move from Serengeti National Park to the fresher grasslands of the Maasai Mara National Reserve. This is one of the main attractions for many travelers who join the 7 days Tanzania safari.
Go Birdwatching
One of the most amazing things on safari was seeing the incredible bird life. Among the more than a thousand species are migratory birds like the Nubian Woodpecker, Red-and-Yellow Barbet, Malachite Kingfisher, Grey Crowned Crane, and others that you might be able to spot.
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Go To The Sky On A Hot Air Balloon
Can you imagine seeing the vastness of Serengeti from a hot air balloon? You can have it by joining the Balloon Safaris. It will let you soar high in the sky where you can witness wildlife from a different angle.
Participate In Tribal Activities
The 7 days Tanzania safari will take you to the oldest tribes of Africa. It will let you learn about them, their culture, and traditions and join in their lively dance.
See A Hippo Pool
You will likely encounter a hippopotamus or two on your Tanzania safari game drive. What is more unique here is to see a group of active hippos splashing about in the water.
Camping In the wild
A 7-day Tanzania safari will be an opportunity to stay in the luxury camps. It will give you a luxury camping experience in the wilderness where the wildlife runs.
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The Ngorongoro Crater
The UNESCO-designated Ngorongoro Conservation Area is located in northern Tanzania, right next door to the Serengeti National Park. Explore this safari treasure its impressive biodiversity, and other-worldly beauty on your 7 days Tanzania safari. Visiting Serengeti National Park, Tarangire National Park, Arusha National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation, Empakaai Crater, Lake Eyasi, Mount Kilimanjaro, and much more are part of 7-day Tanzania safari. You can add one or all places to your safari itinerary. Are you a travel junkie, passionate about wildlife and adventure, and on the hunt for your next unforgettable safari in Tanzania? Contact Chalema Tanzania Safaris today. They can work with you to plan the safari holiday of a lifetime. For more information on how their safari experts can help you, call them today at +255 678 854 300.
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ramonaocathree · 2 years
Red and Yellow Barbet
The Red and Yellow Barbet has a beautiful blend of of red and yellow feathers that are a stark contrast to the black and white speckled tail feathers. I felt this would be a fun subject to explore. 
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I feel although I’m really starting to find my work flow and illustrations are coming together much faster than before.
Beautiful Red-and-yellow Barbet, African bird (2015) YouTube. nikosnature. Available at: https://youtu.be/XLZa1btVXzs (Accessed: February 18, 2023).
Carlo, J.-L. (2019) Red-and-yellow Barbet Trachyphonus erythrocephalus, ebird.org. Available at: https://ebird.org/species/raybar1.
FROM THE BUSH - 11 - The red-and-yellow Barbet (2020) YouTube. Community Wildlife Fund. Available at: https://youtu.be/clP8Dg1RlCc (Accessed: February 18, 2023).
Hirsch, S. (no date) eBird s62735083, ebird.org. Available at: https://ebird.org/species/raybar1.
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boyahia · 2 years
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الباربيت الملتحي (الاسم العلمي: Lybius dubius) (بالإنجليزية: Bearded Barbet)‏ هو نوع من الطيور يتبع جنس البربيت الأفريقي من الفصيلة البربيتية. الباربيت الملتحي (Lybius dubius) هو باربيت أفريقي. وهو شبيه من طيور الجاسرين ذات التوزيع الاستوائي العالمي ، على الرغم من وضع باربيتس العالم الجديد والعالم القديم في عائلات مختلفة. تحصل الباربيتات على أسمائها من الشعيرات التي تزين مناقيرها الثقيلة. الباربيت الملتحي هو طائر مقيم شائع في غرب إفريقيا الاستوائية. وهو طائر شجري يعيش بالحدائق والمزارع ذات الاشجار الكثيره وهو من الطيور التي تأكل الفاكهة ، على الرغم من أن صغارها تتغذى على الحشرات. وهو يعشش في حفرة داخل شجرة ، ويضع بيضتين. وهذا الطائر كبير يبلغ 26 سم (10 بوصات). وهو ممتلئ الجسم إلى حد ما ، مع رقبة قصيرة ورأس كبير وذيل قصير. للبالغين تاج أسود وظهر وذيل وشريط صدر. احمرار الحلق والبطن وهناك بقعة صفراء للعين. الردف أبيض. المنقار الضخم سميك جدًا وأصفر ، وتجمع الشعيرات المتطورة جيدًا في قاعدتها تعطي النوع اسمها. الجنسان متشابهان. النداء هو خربشة هدير. تم العثور على الباربيت الملتحي في المناطق المشجرة جيدًا بأشجار التين الوفيرة. سيدخل الحدائق من أجل الفاكهة. إنها تشكل مجموعات اجتماعية من 4-5 طيور وتعيش أزواج أو مجموعات معًا في تجويف شجرة. =========== @boyahia =========== The bearded barbet (Lybius dubius) is an African barbet. Barbets are near passerine birds with a worldwide tropical distribution, although New World and Old World barbets are placed in different families. The barbets get their name from the bristles which fringe their heavy bills. The bearded barbet is a common resident breeder in tropical west Africa. It is an arboreal species of gardens and wooded country which eats fruit, although the young are fed on insects. It nests in a tree hole, laying 2 white eggs. This is a conspicuous, large barbet at 26 centimetres (10 in). It is fairly plump, with a short neck, large head and a shortish tail. The adult has a black crown, back, tail and breast band. The throat and belly are red and there is a yellow eye patch. The rump is white. The massive bill is very thick and yellow, and the well developed clump of bristles at its base give the species its name. Sexes are similar. The call is a growling scrawk. (at مزارع الوفره) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkTWtfWKwFy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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birdblues · 2 years
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Red-and-yellow Barbet
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