#recommendations are always welcomed 👍
taissaswifelowkey · 1 month
Yellowjackets calling/texting you pt.ii!
a/n: DAMNN okay so i really need to figure out how to insert hyperlinks without it showing the whole thing 💀💀 also in pt i, i mistakenly added jackie TWICE instead of including lottie :(( my bad. ig it’ll be up to us to interpret who’s who 😭
i also decided to do a modern timeline for once!! proofread and as usual feedback is always welcome and enjoy 🥶💯💯
italics = texts, dialogues will be known with quotation marks
warnings: mentions of canon elements! they’re light spoilers but i’d rather be safe than sorry about ruining the show for someone. self-indulgent but you already know it yellowjackets gay propaganda 😎‼️‼️
modern timeline
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📚 with meetings, galas and interviews and both of your conflicted schedules taissa doesn’t always have time to be with you (even though you’re often her plus one!) you’re not that much at the house at the same time but she’ll always text you to check up on you, making sure you and sammy are okay. ive said this once and ill say it again, ms turner is an avid ellipses and ok user. also uses the 👍 emoji
I made pasta!!
👍 Nice.
I might come home late…
Whose body do I need to bury??
i think she’ll also send you motivational quotes, or something related to philosophy. or anything that reminds her of your relationship. she can be simultaneously romantic and so nerdy, you love it
You know what this reminds me of? A certain quote of Socrates.
You talk about that guy more than you do about me 😒😒😒
🛹 if im thinking idealistically, it would be random texting with van. anything from memes, to weird statements, to memes again. but if you want my solid truthful opinion? i think she’s not really that big on technology. will mostly call you for hours using her vintage landline. you two however do keep contact with each other in any way when you’re apart, or when she’s on yj business
This TikTok has me rolling and sobbing
TikTok as in…the clock? Why would it make you cry? Are you okay?
phone calls when you are away! she loves hearing your voice :(( and you love hearing her laugh. she swears it’s awful but you like it in a “i like that laugh, hahaha” way. but back to idealist thinking, she would honestly use a list of emojis to communicate like
What’s happening?
I’m saying yes for the groceries get with the times 🙄😒🫤
🕷️ nat will forget to answer your text messages but she’ll still answer you as soon as she remembers? or she’ll just reply to you in person. otherwise than that she’ll take pictures of anything that reminds her of you. idk why but i think she texts in all caps unintentionally. would also have a few typos
Omg are you okay?
would use all sorts of emojis in any context but according to her interpretation. it leaves you confused most of the time like what does 🦵 mean???
🎀 hear me out…same as van i feel that adult lottie doesn’t use her phone that much??? i mean sure a few texts here and there but it’s not allll the time. HOWEVERRRR if, let’s say you’re on some trip or something, she will call/text/facetime you every now and then. would also text you right after calling
Heyyy how are you 🥰🥰🥰
Good :)) and you?
Great but I just miss you
It’s only been 30 secs since we hanged up lot 😭😭
is the type of person to send you recommendations on outdoors or indoor activities like “we should do this 🥰🥰🥰”
🦉 misty is a serial texter (when she has time, being a nurse and a secondhand dexter takes up a lot of time) so, sporadically, you’ll have messages. pictures of her coffee, or to gossip with you and minion memes. im telling you your inbox are spammed with facebook memes to the point of it being slightly concerning? also uses acronyms and 😂🤣
LOL check THIS out I am ROFLING 😂😂😂
This is the 10th minion meme in a day 😭😭
will also correct you. is literally ☝️🤓 but it’s something about those asterisks and corrections that brings a smile to your face
🪵 shauna is basically your virtual reminder. you hardly even use the notes app. sends you voice messages and expects you to reply with the same format. sends you pictures of what she did throughout the day
Look at what I found in our garden today!!
Aww that’s a cute bunny can we name it Mayfield
WILL and WILL expect you to answer directly, or at least answer 10 minutes after. of course that not apply when you’re busy but if she’s doing the groceries and you’re at home you can answer, right? right???
🧸 voice messages with jackie taylor. like, podcasts. lots of tiktok memes, insta reels, just like lottie she will send you couple activities and be like we should do this omggg 😍😍😍 uses emojis, sometimes will spam you and WILL expect you to answer her too.
Hey beautifullll 🥰
Hi :)
Can you pls listen to my voice memo
Jax it’s three minutes long 😭😭
So??? It’s a signed masterpiece LISTEN TO IT
i think she’s also the type to send you playlists but also random recommendations, not just couple stuff. like clothing, jewellery, or makeup if that’s your thing. if you two are apart expect lots of 1 hour facetimes and thirty minutes of texting right after
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MAC HI don't mind me i just finished the genloss founders cut and im putting my ful lreview in ur inbox bc u said u weren't gonna watch it i think but i want 2 share my thoughts with someone who will not rip me to shreds for criticizing it even slightly <3
OK. I'M NOT GONNA LIE. IT KINDA SLAPPED. maybe i just think it was really good in comparison to the original four hours of streams that dragged on. i honestly thought the original streams of genloss were longer but NO all three streams add up to about four hours???? it just felt so much longer when i originally watched it i guess!!! u can understand why i am sure. but the founders cut was like two and a half and oh my goddddd cutting out a lot of it made such a huge difference. holy shit. like i definitely did get bored and skip through a little bit but honestly i didn't skip through much!! every time i got to a part where i was like "oh fuck not THIS bit that goes on for 30-45 minutes god dammit" it ended up being like maybe ten minutes at most which was SUCH A GODSEND. i am delighted to report that they cut the half hour cooking bit in the first episode down to like 7-8 minutes <3 the best surprise ranboo could have given me tbh. like with the way things were cut down and framed differently i actually laughed at a couple points????? WILD. did not think i would find any genuine comedy here. lowkey there were points that were funny. insane
honestly with the unfunny bits being cut down, it actually let the slightly more serious lore bits shine more, and the payoff for when it got to the third episode felt SO much more deserved. like. the original streams i'd probably give a 3/10 collectively and that's being generous but i would unironically say the founder's cut deserves like a 7/10. maybe a 7.5 if i found it in myself to ignore the bad special effects. (there was still plenty of bad comedy ngl i still don't know why charlie slimecicle's face was superimposed on a towel. that scene was nothing. it was literally nothing. they could have removed it and it would change nothing but they kept it in idk why)
ANYWAY. if they had released genloss like this first maybe i would unironically be a fan of it now. tbh. i would still be making fun of the bad comedy and the horror that was barely horror but i think i would actually be like participating in the fandom a lil and i would probably find it in me to find some charm in the bad special effects. all in all Not Bad!! not good, but not like actively bad. ofc im still running on the adrenaline of the ending because episode 3 was objectively the best out of them all so maybe my perception is skewed but. kinda decent. 7/10 👍 anyway i hope ur havin a good day i hope to finish pd season one soon over the next couple days!!!!!
taking the cowards route and putting my thoughts under the cut bc a lot of my mutuals these days really enjoy genloss and i don't want them to be mad at me
(genloss crit/neg/whatever under the cut)
dude this makes me so unironically sad . why the FUCK was genloss what it was the first time around when this was obviously the better route to go from the very beginning. I am still staunchly in my "I don't like genloss" position but. I DID WATCH IT. i sat through ALL of the original streams and it was so miserable for me. im not going 2 watxh the directors cut or whatever bc i dont hate myself enough to sit through all of that again but i trust your opinion!! if only it would've been planned out thought out prerecorded videos from the start I also probably would not hate it as much as I do!!! maybe I even would've liked it !!! (<< not likely bc i do have Other Issues with it than just the fact that it was too long too unfunny too unfocused etc whatever im getting into hater territory sorry. always welcome 2 genloss fans to try to explain to my why its Good Actually so i can recommend them actual horror media)
like . the streams added absolutely NOTHING to it other than that final choice scene or whatever. and even if they wanted to do that still u know what would've been an awesome smart choice??? prerecord and edit the whole thing and then premiere THAT video on twitch- then when it comes time for the final choice you can still have people vote!! then you can have two separate endings prepared based on which way the vote was swaying. like. its that easy. it would've made the whole experience so much more enjoyable . ughhghghg the fucking wasted potential on HOURS of unfunny badly improvved bits is so devastating
personally I still cant excuse the bad effects considering the amount of times ranboo bragged about the genloss budget like. maybe you should've used your resources better and also if it would've just been prerecorded from the start things wouldn't look as rushed as they did but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what do I know !!
anyway I'm so glad this version was better but for me it will always ALWAYS be tainted by the . misery I felt while watching the streams lmaoooo . I wanted to like genloss so bad. I tried so hard. head in hands !!!!!!!!!!!
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akiranzee · 1 year
-> PAIRINGS: Mammon x f!MC -> SUMMARY: It has been 6 months since you've arrived in the Devildom. You have always believed devils are evil, and now that you're here, in their world, you've gotten far too close to this certain devil, and start to doubt yourself. -> WORD COUNT: 4.3k+ -> CONTAINS: Only fluff, Mammon is being soft, slight Mammon & reader angst, mean brothers, this story may not follow the og story's plot well, reader is a roman catholic, talks of traumas, & Mammon is 5,000 while reader is 23. -> A/N: helloo!! i’m gonna change the storyline a little, like belphie not hating on humans, not getting locked up in the attic, and certainly NOT killing you. this was kinda rushed btw sry lxmao. if any of you are wondering who mammon is, he is a character from the game called "Obey Me!" i recommend that game sm👍.
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You woke up, feeling numb pain on your back, and seeing a quite confusing sight in front of you.
A black-haired man and red-haired man with weirdly greyish skin smiled at you, while the black haired man held out his right hand to you, realizing that you're now currently laying down on a rough floor.
You hesitantly take his hand, assuming that they kidnapped you, but who would ever dare kidnap someone and bring them to this fancy looking place?
You looked around frantically, looking for your friends as they were the last people you were with before you got into this weird looking place.
You heard a man laugh behind you, so you twist your head directly behind you, seeing the red-haired man laugh, while the black-haired one just plainly smiled.
You gave him a confused look, or more of a look that says ‘I need an explanation’ and he easily catched up on it, clearing his throat and started to explain.
“Welcome to the Devildom, Y/N L/N. It is a pleasure to meet you, and before anything else, I'd like to introduce myself. I am Diavolo, ruler of all demons, and I will be crowned as the future king of the Devildom.” Your eyes were full of emotions, mainly, confusion, doubt, and anger.
“This here, is my right hand man, Lucifer. The eldest of the seven demon brothers. He will also be the one to take care of you in your 1-year stay here in the Devildom, and you'll be living with him and his brothers in the House of Lamentation.” Your eyes still wide, as you looked at the black haired man who was still smiling and who was introduced as Lucifer.
“Lucifer, what if you tell her about everything for a change, yes?” Diavolo looked at Lucifer, while this Lucifer man stalked his way towards you, and greeted you with a sort of heartwarming smile.
“Hello. As Diavolo said, I am Lucifer, the one who will take care of you in your whole stay here in the Devildom, and you will be living with me and my brothers in the House of Lamentation. They might cause you a bit of a ruckus and problem, but I'll try my best to handle the situation. Speaking of which, you are chosen to be one of the participants in this exchange student program. You have not need to worry though, as we chose 2 human participants from your world, which means a human will be joining and keeping you company during your stay.” Lucifer explained to you, and you actually were left dumbfounded, understanding literally nothing of what he said and of what was going on. You were about to say something, but someone barged into the door, making you look at them.
“I'm hereeee!” A cheery voice yelled out as soon as they stepped in the room, exposing a white-haired man with tan skin, and in a uniform just the same as what Lucifer is wearing.
“Mammon.” Lucifer, who was smiling so oh nicely to you, turned his sight to this guy who he called Mammon, sending the poor guy death glares.
“Eek. Did I come in the wrong time?” Mammon asked Lucifer, perhaps you could see him tremble, ready to step out the door and maybe run away.
“No. I'm assigning you to take good care of Y/N L/N here,” he stalked towards Mammon, “and if I ever hear a complaint coming from her, I will lock you up in the dungeons. Is that clear?” Lucifer said, threatening Mammon that's still managing to aggressively nod.
Lucifer turned his head towards you, smiling heartwarmingly yet again as if nothing just happened.
“H-Hey, human! C'mere and I'll give ya a tour!” The white haired guy managed to call you out, trying to maintain his posture.
Without any questions asked or words said, you started walking towards him not knowing why your body just moved on its own.
And with that, the both of you left the room. Both of you were quiet at first, but then you started to ask him questions.
“...What's your name?” You asked, breaking the silence.
“I'm the great Mammon!” Mammon answered cheerfully, smiling so brightly at you. You looked at him with visible confusion, thinking that he must be one of those overconfident men that you really hate. You tried to put no thought into it though, and continued asking your questions.
“...Why do you have a name of a demon...?” You question, looking deeply into his eyes.
“...Because I am...?” He answered, looking back at you confusedly.
“W-What do you mean you are?” You stuttered out, starting to feel scared over the fact that this man just called himself a demon.
Mammon was about to reply back, when you heard a voice calling his name.
“Oi Mammon! Give me back my money now will you!? Just die!” The voice yelled out at Mammon, spurting harsh words to him.
You always hated it when people say these kinds of things to other people, as if telling them they shouldn't have been born. Because that's what you were told to. To just die.
“Hey! That's kinda rude don't you think!?” You stepped in front of Mammon while yelling at the indigo-haired guy right in front of you.
You felt rage flow in your veins as you remembered just how horribly your so called parents treated you.
“What the heck!? Get out of my way you human normie!” The indigo-haired guy yelled back at you, also feeling rage flow in his veins.
“H-Hey! Why don’t we just calm down everyone, huh? A-And Levi! I’m givin' them back to you next week!” Mammon stuttered out, trying to break the tension that was going on between you two.
“Next week!? You always say that! And it has been 200 years for your information! I can’t even buy the new limited Ruri-chan figurine because of you! Ugh!” The Levi guy walked off, stomping away and probably going back to his room.
“Well that’s just rude. And 200 years? He put in too much exaggeration when it was probably just 2 months or something. Right?” You turn your head to Mammon, crossing your arms.
“Exaggeration? I admit that I didn’t pay him for literally 200 years plus, but ‘ey, it ain’t my fault I’m too busy.” Mammon replied, but his tone a little bit sad. He still continued to walk off anyway so you followed.
“I don’t get anything at all. I’m in a dream, aren’t I?” You asked, trying to break out from this cursed dream you're in, as this man you're talking to right now is certainly not evil.
“You're kidding, right? I know us demons have more IQ than you humans, but I didn't expect ya to be this dumb.” He says, turning his head slowly towards you.
Ok now that's insulting.
“What? Why do you keep calling yourself a demon? Demons are literally evil creatures. Stop that.” You say to him, feeling uncomfortable.
“Wha- oh my god you dumb human! Din't Lucifer tell ya about all of this exchange student thing!?” Now his head is facing you, face looking visibly annoyed.
“That black-haired man? Like hell I'd believe him. Demons don't even exist, they are just evil myths to us.” You say, facepalming with one hand.
You didn't give this white-haired man any choice, so he did what he could think of doing.
“See? Now I'm a demon!” He says cheerfully, all the while spinning slowly for you to see a better view.
The white haired man that was once in front of you was now gone, replaced by another one that looks just like him, but with wings and horns, like a demon.
“W-What-” You couldn't speak. And if you could, what would you even say? That it's just a prank? A dream? A dream can't feel this real, no. Your knees are even trembling that they have given up and now you're on the floor, looking like a terrified baby.
“W-Wai- Hey! Just chill out!” Mammon said, all while your vision getting blurry, last thing remembering is your head falling into tan skin colored arms.
It was hazy, but you soon adjust to the lighting and open your eyes. And yet, the first thing you see is the white-haired man, or should I say, the great Mammon.
“Phew! You're awake! I swear to diavolo never to do that again or Lucifer's gonna c'mere and kill me!” Mammon said dramatically, while you were still in shock.
"Hey, look. I know this ain't good to hear, but yeah you are in the devildom, world of demons." He said, trying to ease you up a bit. But that definitely did not work.
"Stop telling me all about this demon thing demon thing would you!? Stop making me believe false lies and informations about them! Don't even think that you'd be one of those devilish creatures! Do you even know what you're saying!? I seriously don't know where I am, how I got here, who brought me here, and you just keep telling me all these fake stories of you, and everyone else here being a demon!" You rage out, head whipping, tears threatening to escape your eyes.
Mammon was shocked, he didn't expect that from you, after all, you’re just the curious little thing who's supposed to follow everything by order.
"Ugh.. You just can't understand, can you? Well, whatever. Not my problem anymore, Mammon's headin' out for the casino, make sure ya don't touch anythin’ here in my room. And oh, just stay here would ya? My brothers might see ya and eat ya. Can't have Lucifer feed me to his three headed dog monster or somethin'." And with that, Mammon is now out of the door.
You couldn’t believe it, you never could. How can you even believe it? They’re just myths, evil myths on top of that. And yet this man right in front of you claims that he is? This nice, loud, and kind man?
It was 15 years ago, lightning continuously spreading around your home, the room so dark.
“Dad...?” You called out, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you went down the stairs.
“Run... Y/N run...” Someone cried out, voice so familiar to you, but it’s tone so unfamiliar to you.
You peeked on your living room, horror start to consume you.
Blood. So many blood. It stinks. All red, everything is so red. And then there comes a man lying down on the floor, helpless, looking so dead.
“D-Dad...?” Your eyes widen, realizing, that the man you were looking at, was your dad, the man that raised you, cared you, and loved you.
Run he says. But you never did. You don’t know what to do, what to reply, what to say.
All you could ever think of is, your father is about to die.
The other man, or should I say killer, was about to stab your father with the knife he held on.
Instead of doing something, you just stared there, as blood splashed through your house walls, your father’s breath was cut off.
“Live.” Was his last word, not I love you or any other things a father in his dying breath would say.
But you know damn well that he said that word because he cared for you, loved you, wanted you to live, to survive within the grasp of this killer right in front of you.
Luckily though, the killer didn’t mind you and left the house, but you saw him. He was no close to a human, but a demon.
It was a traumatizing experience for you after all, a child like you could never do anything at that moment, and you regretted not doing anything at that moment. What can you even do at that moment? Because the memories from that night still haunt you, blaming you for your father's death, blaming you for not doing anything at all.
You just wished you'd go back in time and at least try to do something, not just stare at the dying man right in front of you.
One of the reasons for your undying wish to go back in that night was to escape from your mother's harsh grasp.
Sure, she is your mother. But can you even call someone that if they told you, 'you never should have been born'?
The trauma welcomes itself again to you, the feeling you always felt when it welcomes itself to you, hatred, fear, anger, and sadness.
Your hands were shaking, whole body trembling, and you feel your vision getting blurry. Then out of nowhere, Mammon comes back, barging into his very own room, expecting you ran away already, but instead, you were weeping on his shiny floor, hands covering your face.
This was the expression he expected you to show the least, since the very first time he saw you, he already knew you were this strong and brave type of woman, but just like he sees in every movie, they shed tears when they're alone, with nobody to stand on by their side.
So here he goes, trying to rewrite the original story, sitting beside you now.
"Hey... What's wrong? 'M sorry if I was too harsh on ya, it's just that I'm offended 'cause ya don't think 'm telling the truth or somethin' sorry." Mammon tried to ease your crying, his tone slowly comforting you.
Minutes later, your weeping finally stopped, and you looked up at him, saying,
"You don't look like a devil." With that confused eyes of yours.
"Eh? Seriously? I literally have horns and wings. What are ya, blind?" He answers back confusedly too, causing a laughter come out of you.
You never thought a conversation with a demon like this could be... fun.
And then a small 'meow' interrupts the fun session you guys had.
You looked under the bed and found a white furred kitty, and picked it up.
"Wait... is that Satan's pet?" Mammon looked at the kitty, pointing it.
"Who's Satan?" You asked, and just then, Mammon's bedroom door bursted open, revealing a blond haired man with green eyes.
You, of course, got shocked, which accidentally made you loosen your grip on the kitty, making it fall.
"Hey! Mammon! Why did you hide sir cat in your bedroom!?" He said as he picked up the white furred cat who was running towards him after it fell.
"Wha- Hey! I didn't hide it, Y/N here literally found it under my bed! Also, who the hell names their cat 'sir cat'!?" Mammon yelled back, strolling towards the blond haired man.
"I do! And you have a problem!?" Now they're on the verge of starting a fight. You were about to step in, until someone did the job.
"Hey! Why are you guys so noisy!? Ugh! I can't get my beauty sleep because of you guys!" Someone yelled, with both their hands on their hips.
“Ugh! What are y’all doing here!? Get outta my room now!” Mammon yelled pointing his index finger literally to the two people.
“Then stop being so noisy! I can hear your ugly voices from my room!” The person with a sleeping mask answer back, yelling.
It was so noisy, that the bickering already annoyed you, forcing you to yell back,
"Stop it!" And everyone turned their heads to you.
"Oh? What is this, Mammon? Why do you have a pretty looking woman in your room? Hmm, who is she?" The champagne haired man asked, slowly going near you, while also slowly putting his right hand under your chin.
You smacked his hand away though, earning a shocked expression from the three.
"Well well well, you're a feisty one, aren't you? I'm Asmodeus, the avatar of lust, 5th of the 7 brothers." He said smiling, slowly backing away from you.
Asmodeus then elbowed the blonde haired man, who later introduced himself as Satan, avatar of wrath.
All ended well anyway, leaving you and Mammon alone again in his room.
"So..." Mammon spoke up, but was cut off by you.
"I'm hungry." You said, holding your stomach.
"You remind me of Beel, but anyway, let's take you to the kitchen." Mammon said, opening his bedroom door, and you followed him.
"We can dine with my other brothers in the dining hall, if you want." Mammon said, taking a cola from the fridge.
"No thanks, I don't wanna be around people right now." You said, taking a muffin, and chewing on it.
"Well ok then, so what'dya wanna do after this?" He asked, sitting on the kitchen counter.
"Well, I don't know. Maybe hang out in your room again?" You took a huge bite from your muffin.
You never knew you'd enjoy a demon's company this much, let alone know that one of Mammon's kind was the one that killed your father. But you know damn well this guy can't bring himself to kill someone.
Just then, you guys heard munching too, but it sounded crispy, so of course it isn't a muffin or a cola. You looked to your right to see an orange-haired man, chomping down some lays chips.
"Eh? Beel?" Mammon called out, raising his right brow at the man.
The man didn't even bother to look at Mammon and just continued to chomp his food down.
"Seriously, what are ya doing here? Aren't y'all eating dinner right now?"
"The plates were empty already." The man said with his mouth full of food.
"Well, that's 100% possible.."
"Hey Beel! There you are! I've been looking all over for you." A new voice intervenes, coming from a man with dark indigo-grey colored hair.
"Oh, Belphie. I was getting some food." Beel answered calmly, now swallowing the food he was gobbling up a while ago.
"Let's go then Beel, I'm feeling sleepy." Belphie said, his 3 last words was said with a yawn.
The orange-haired man nodded, taking a whole lot ton of foods, and then both of them went upstairs.
Leaving you and Mammon to stare weirdly and awkwardly at each other.
“The orange-haired one was Beelzebub, and the other one is Belphegor, his twin.”
And then you don’t have anything to say.
A month has passed, and everything went well. Although, you still can’t get used to the noisy quarrels the 7 brothers have. And it was almost everyday.
2 months has passed, and well, you just found yourself a rival. You didn’t even do anything, but she just keeps picking on you.
And yeah, that pissed you off. So, when she blabbered mean things about you, you had no choice but to knock out her tooth to keep her to shut up.
So, for atleast maybe a week, she stopped going near you.
Although, Lucifer isn't happy to hear the news and lectured you for like 3 hours straight.
3 months has passed, and yeah, you and Mammon have gotten close that the both of you would even hangout in each other's bedrooms. Of course, without getting caught with Lucifer's nightly curfew.
4 months has passed, and guess what, it's Mammon's birthday the next day so you decided to get him something. Although, you don't even know what to get him. So you went to his brothers and asked what he likes, and all their answers were "grimms".
You flopped down to your bed thinking what else to give him aside from grimms, but your mind was occupied by something else.
You never thought a day would come where you would miss your annoying friends and boring family, but I guess this is the day.
It has been 4 months, you know? And you miss the nostalgic feeling where you guys would play video games, drink milkteas, play truth or dare, and many more.
Sure, the seven brothers are fun, especially Mammon, but of course you'd miss the people who were with you the longest.
Thinking about the times of you and your friends, you eventually drifted off to sleep.
The next day, you wake up to realize how dumb you were. It's Mammon's birthday and you got him NOTHING.
Oh well, better prepare some grimms there then.
You knocked on Mammon's door, thinking he is still asleep, and guess what, you're right.
He's currently asleep in his bed, and he looks tired as hell.
"Guess Lucifer made you do a lot of things again huh." You thought, slowly sitting on the edge of the bed as to not wake him up.
But as soon as you sat down, Mammon groaned and opened his eyes. Oh well, guess that plan of slowly sitting down failed.
"Hey.. happy birthday!" You said, raising both your arms up in the air, smiling widely.
He just chuckled and sat up while rubbing his eyes, letting out a low raspy "thank you".
You can't help but smile at his sleepy form, as this kind of quiet side of him is something you don't see everyday.
"So, what do you want for your birthday?" You asked, cursing yourself inside that he'd answer grimms, obviously.
"Hmm... I was planning to go to the casino today, but I guess spending time with you won't be so bad either." He smiles at you, but you’re completely shocked and flustered.
So in the end, for the whole day, you guys went to places where you’ve never been, and you gotta say, it felt more like a date than a birthday.
“Today was awesome!” You said while entering his room, flopping down on his bed.
“Of course it is! The great Mammon came with you, after all!” He replied, and oh well, there goes his usual reply.
You say nothing, but just chuckled. And with that, the night continued on.
5 months passed and hell, things got busier and busier. You and Mammon barely even spend time together. But you can only blame Lucifer the culprit here, making the both of you do a lot more errands.
You seriously want to lay down on your bed and talk nonsense with Mammon, but you can’t, just by obviously looking at the stack of books right in front of you.
“Um... can’t I get an assistance with this or something?” You asked Lucifer, looking at him with a ‘fuck you’ look.
“No. Don’t be lazy, Y/n. Now go put them back.” He answered, not even looking at your miserable way.
You sighed and start putting those books back to the bookshelves.
Seriously, how dare he call you ‘lazy’ when looking at him, he’s seriously just relaxing and reading a book while drinking a fucking juice.
You really hate Lucifer. Especially that big ass pride of his. But you can’t really do anything about it, can you?
6 months finally passed and it’s time to celebrate.
This was actually the chillest month of all, and you had a lot of free time. So you and Mammon get to go back with hanging out almost everyday.
But within those months, you’ve come to realize how the other 6 brothers poorly treated Mammon. It’s as if he was not their brother at all.
Saturday night, and you come home to hear yet another quarrel from the brothers.
“Ugh, just die Mammon!”
“The next time you do this, I will hang you upside down for a day.”
“Seriously!? You’re annoying!”
“You’re very greedy.”
You heard those, and those were the last straw.
“Hey! What the hell!?” You barged and interrupted on their quarrel.
“Don’t involve yourself in this, Y/n.” Lucifer sighed, holding his forehead in his palm.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do, Lucifer, and Mammon’s my friend, and he’s your brother, so why are you treating him this way!?” You yelled at Lucifer, everyone shocked to see your outburst for the 1st time.
“Brother? Ha! I hope he isn’t!” Leviathan said, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
“What the fuck? I know all for you are demons, but seriously, you treat your brother this way? He may not be the best of all, he may not be the smartest, but that doesn’t mean you can treat him like this. It’s as if you’re talking more to a wall than to a brother. I heard all of you were once angels, but guess what, to me, all of you are evil, and Mammon is the only one who isn’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was an angel in disguise and all of you were the real demons from the start. So what if he’s greedy? He’s called avatar of greed for a reason! And yes, he is greedy! All he ever cares about is grimms, grimms, grimms, grimms, grimms, all grimms! But he’s the only one that’s been kind to me ever since I got here. And what about all of you? You’ve been using your stupid ass demon forms to scare the shit out of me, while Mammon here only used it to protect me. I’d understand it more if all of you became demons from angels. It’s Mammon who deserves better than all of you. Let's go Mammon.” You finished your rant, and pulled Mammon towards his room, leaving the brothers stunned.
Once the both of you entered Mammon’s room, you locked the door and turned to Mammon.
“Hey, are you oka-” You were cut off by the sight in front of you.
Mammon was looking down to you, tears coming out of his eyes. You can’t help but hug him, knowing for 5,000 years, he’s probably went through this a lot of times that he’s used to it, but with someone comforting and standing up for him, he’s not used to it.
Yes, Mammon’s a demon, but he too, has feelings.
“This guy is what they call a demon?” You questioned your thoughts, when all you could see was that this guy was no demon at all. It was as if he was just an angel in disguise.
For the rest of the night, you guys stayed there, enjoying each other’s comfort in each other’s arms.
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exo-wvrse-bbl · 6 months
29/03/24 - chen
Tomorrow is the weekend!!!
The week is already coming to an end!
Let's spend the weekend excitedly😎
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From the beginning, sweetly 💛
Right! Next Monday!!!
Make sure you come ❤️
Beautiful Goodbye 5th anniversary Oh my God!!!
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Let's listen to songs and talk together today!
I think Friday is just exciting 🎵
I drank iced americano again today 👻
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This is exciting too 🎵
Oh, that's right, I was walking down the street today and there were a lot of forsythia trees in bloom
I felt spring once again
I couldn't take a picture ㅜ what a bummer…
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Next time I will take a picture and send it to you🫡
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Maybe next time we can do something with flowers👍
What would be fun to do~ It's fun to think about what to do ㅋㅋ
I'll do some research 😎
Okay okay ㅋㅋ let's try anything 🌻
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Another sweet song~🩷
Do you feel good because it's Friday
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It's all because of you guys 🫶
I feel like I'm contacting an old friend
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If I knock~~ on bubble
It seems Soondaengies are always welcoming me
I feel good
There's a saying like this
The saying that the late night wind is scary
How is this translated? I don't know..
Bubble is fun these days💛
That's all I wanted to say🦖
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I think it's perfect for how I feel right now?🩶
It came out the day before the next song
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We must break it apart and clash against it*
We must wake up again*
Kokobop There were a lot of good songs in the album too👍
I'll recommend another song from the past
It's a great song ㅋ during the concert Remember
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My body is shaking😎
Soondaengies, please recommend a song!
Let's share some playlist ㅋㅋ
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It's fresh…💛
I'll take a look somewhere later
It would be fun to talk about it ㅋㅋ
Like each other Recommend some songs
Good natured, good natured
That sounds fun too, a picnic ㅋㅋㅋ
Where~ did you go in a valley ㅋㅋ
We also do barbecue
I eat cup noodles too🫠
I had a bonfire and showed off my talent ㅋㅋ
Just imagining is fun right?!?!!! That must have been so much fun!!!!!
I love you💛
Yes hehe🌻
I wanted to do this
I've been waiting for you 😺
Today's chat is fun, right?! 🥳
At 9.21 it feels like my birthday because Soondaengies always take care of me ㅋㅋ
I'm happy 👍
It's worth living every day 🦾
My endorphin
Let's use vitamins ㅋㅋ
I haven't been taking nutritional supplements lately
I'm eating again ㅋㅋ
Let's take care of our health
That way, we can meet for a long time🦾
You saw me eat, right?
Every day is cheating day for meㅋ
Be healthy and eat well, Soondaengies!
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Let's listen to this together
Let's play again next time💛
It was fun to laugh and talk today too 🫶
*The Eve's lyrics
source in desc
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falst · 6 months
Whats your favorite mcr song and what song would recommend to someone you wanted to introduce to mcr?
oh I'm so glad you asked. My favorite song varies wildly depending on which album I've been listening to overall, but Mama is pretty much always up there. I'm horrendous at describing music but uhhhh it fucks 👍 hope this helps. I'd say it works as a pretty good starter song if you want something that psychic blasts your brain instantly, but something Welcome To The Black Parade or Helena works if you're looking for something slightly more mellow. Hope you have fun with MCR!
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strawberry-crocs · 1 month
Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am Strawberry_Crocs, an aspiring artist. I'm currently being self taught, as I cannot afford classes. 😅 But! I am practicing...
I don't understand anatomy or perspective very well, or shading and clothes, but tips/recommendations are always helpful. I'll take any advice to heart and improve as best I can! For now, I'm only a little good at shoulder and head drawings. Hands are also a struggle for me, so I apologize if they are horrendous and kill your eyes. 🙏🙏🙏
Asks are always open as long as it's appropriate!👍
(Edit!): I'm still very much developing a style, so there may be inconsistency in my drawings. I haven't figured out yet what drawing style I'm more comfortable with yet!
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jcm-b3atz-zboi · 9 months
Welcome to my page 🎶
I figured I'd make a more accessable bio, and plus, I just don't really like the bio layout here, so here I am, haha
Introduction 🎉
Ey, the name is Beatz, formally known as "Just-Call-Me Beatz." I'm 15 years old and an artist/animator. I'm currently in the fandom JSaB, I'm in high school and have a part-time job, so my activity is very inconsistent bowomp womp, I usually try to post art around every 1-3 months and post animations every month. I use emojis to not sound so serious, 👍
My content is for a 13+ audience. I will not take responsibility for those who do not heed the warning,
I'm always down to make new friends so my DMs are always open, feel free to contact me in any of the social media's below 🤙
Special thanks 🫶
I just wanted to say thank you to all the support my followers/subscribers and friends have given me over the past few years. I'll always appreciate all the little comments I get on my posts and videos because It all motivates me to keep going, and I couldn't have made it here without you guys. You all are a very important part of why I do what I do, and I couldn't thank you guys enough.
Have a wonderful day/night🌙☀️
⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ Extra Info / Socials ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
More Info :
Commission Info :
I like to have many socials, so if when people only have access to certain platforms, they can still see my content 🎉 (I will not use Twitter and Instagram as much due to AI)
Tumblr : Well, you're here, lol
X/Twitter : https://x.com/B3atZzOfficial1?t=coULsV077mKbAz5CbKhCOw&s=09
(Where my askblog is held) Instagram :
DeviantArt :
YouTube :
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dreamlanddeluxe · 2 years
i've never played lbp but your art makes me want to check it out, do you recommend any games to start with/avoid or should i just do it in chronological order?
So happy my constant lbp posting has convinced you to try it out you have no idea… a new lbp fan is always welcome
I will preface this by saying that lbp is a playstation exclusive franchise (with the exception of sackboy a big adventure, that is playable on pc) however emulators are a wonderful tool if you can find a way to play using other means then have fun 👍 there isn’t a specific order you have to play the games in, all of them are self contained stories with the only continuity being a reference to the other games here and there. You can start wherever!
As for my personal recommendations, well if you want to experience the world of lbp online levels then your only option would be the ps4 version of lbp3, all of the other games unfortunately had their online servers shut down. Lbp3 is the most buggy out of the three and it’s story was evidently rushed but I still recommend it, you can tell what they were trying to go for and certain aspects of the game despite its state are still really fun and engaging. If it was given it’s time to fully develop in production I truly feel it could have been the objective best out of the main games. If you don’t care about online mode and just want to play through the story then the 2nd to me (and agreed on by majority of the lbp community) objectively has the best story mode. Lots of fun characters and levels! I don’t necessarily NOT recommend the first game but compared to the other games it is lacking. Great for its time but is a bit dated, still holds good memories though so if you ever want to just feel the original definitely give it a go. Also I do recommend sackboy a big adventure as well, I enjoy it moreso on visual and gameplay terms rather than for it’s story and characters but I still found it to be a fun time
Have fun :-) if you do end up playing a lbp game tell me what you think! I’d love to hear
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☄️ Inland, fictive, persecutor. she/they/no pronouns, it/its aux. ☄️
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☄️ i like galaxies and stars, and astronomy and starmaps! Anything of that nature! I enjoy purples and sparkles too! I. Enjoy songs also! Music recommendations are always welcome,,! The Unicorns are. my favourite band! ☄️
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@you-exhale-thoughts! Is! One of many! Of my sourcemates & fellow sysmates!
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↑ I like this song lots 👍
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[banner credit] [userbox credit]
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
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NAME: please call me Winnie ! 😊
PRONOUNS: she / her 🌷
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr im’s are just fine; however, my discord is always available upon request ! 😊
NAME OF MUSE(S): Ariana; prefers to go by ‘ Ari ’
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I … think I’m going on my 8th year of roleplaying ? 👀
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: tumblr, skype ( when it was popular—does anyone else remember those days ? 😭 ), & discord !
BEST EXPERIENCE: oh, I’ve had so many wonderful experiences on here ! but I’d say the best above them all are any of the meaningful relationships that I’ve made with a few writers 🌷 some people I’ve met on tumblr mean quite a lot to me, & they definitely feel like family ! 🌿
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: hmm … 🤔 I’m not the biggest fan of impatience, since I tend to be quite slow with my replies ( though I am grateful to say that I couldn’t tell you about a time where I’ve experienced this, so … if I ever have, it thankfully wasn’t bad enough for me to remember it 🙏 ). I guess another one is when it’s obvious that someone hasn’t read Ari’s about / my rules, but again, that’s an extremely rare occurrence 😭 you see, you all are so wonderful, so I have very few complaints 🥺 as for dealbreakers, any kind of inappropriate behavior towards Ari will earn you an instant hardblock. problematic behavior, as well, & blogs that run solely off drama—it’s just not something I appreciate seeing. lastly, an inability to respect boundaries—either mine or others—is not the sort of behavior I’m interested in keeping around. only friendly & kind company here in grandma Winnie’s house, & I promise to try my very best to be just the same ! 🍯
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: never the last, so we will keep it between the first two; I much prefer the former over the latter, since I’m most comfortable writing sweet things 🌻 however, I do want to practice more with angst & am not against adding / exploring similar elements to / in threads ... 🤔 no guarantees that I’ll be any good at it, though; I struggle to tug at that particular part of the heart, I feel 😭
PLOTS OR MEMES: any & all kinds of interaction are warmly welcome here ! 😊 I just appreciate the interest, really 🥺🍄
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: … long 😭 I’m very sorry about it, but you will almost always probably receive a long response from me—& by no means should you feel obligated to match that length ! I have no preference for what I receive. all I ask is that you give me a little something to work with ! 👍
BEST TIME TO WRITE: early morning, before the rest of the world is awake so it’s nice & quiet & when the coffee is fresh ☕
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): we have our similarities, certainly ! I think everyone has at least a few things in common with their muses 🌷 however ...  catch me dead before you catch me befriending a bug or picking up a snail 👀 dlfkjgkljgjk or frolicking outside, in general. I live in Florida, okay ? everything ' wild ‘ is built to kill, & the state bird is a mosquito 😔 I also have a terrible potty mouth, so ... lkjdlgljkg 
tagged by: I stole this from the wonderful @more-than-a-princess, who is such an inspiration & admirable writer ! my dash would not be the same without Rae on it, & her Sonia is amazing ! highly recommend 🌷 tagging: @theircurse / @spiinsparks / @weasleyandweasley​ / @xamassed / @madamhatter / @lionfated / @galaxofmuses / @champiionic / @aevisong / @scholarlyblade / @detectiveheizou / @balladccr / @librarywent / @lightcreators / @sourentropy ( whichever blog you like ! ) // @pompedia & anyone else who’d like to do this ! 😊
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eatsbop · 1 year
Last time I was here, there were fun roleplay accounts for viral hit characters. I accidentally deleted my account and fell behind on the updates so could u pls help w it?
Welcome back, hiiiiii.
The truth is I'm probably more clueless about the htf fandom than you are hahah. Sorry. I was constantly on and off tumblr during that time. One day I got online and there were rpers but I missed like half of them?? I've only interacted and know like two of them. Anyway irl stuff came up and they're all inactive now. Let's hope they are well uwu
I'm not sure what I can do for you, dear anon. Would you like a quick summary of spoilers? Well one notable character is dead. Hobin is no longer a twig. We've hardly referred to 244 as 244 and he never shows off his make up skills unlike back then. He owns a new boyband. Mangi grew hair magically. And has a girlfriend. Ah, right. Hobin is dating, Mangi is dating, Rumi is dating, I'm still single and PTJ would like all of us to know that he's going to save Munsung's reputation by making him date an american noona. That's the gist of it.
Fandom wise....... I know nothing about the fandom actually. I'm sure if you search how to fight there would be plenty of characterxreader fics 👍. Tumblr always recommends me the tag so I suppose that's the leading content rn. I only ever come here to fight Tulio I mean complain I mean...... yes, complain.
If you have more questions feel free to ask. I'm sorry if this all I can do lmao. Also what was your url if you don't mind sharing?
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only-lonely-www · 2 years
Oh you're welcome~! 😁👍🏾
And yeah, I definitely feel your pain. I can only wish that Toukoha and Akian can be loved just as much by English speaking fans (there are some, but so very few, and overshadowed)
While I'm still here I want to recommend you something.
If you haven't yet look up @sasugaafee on Twitter, an artist who creates, posts and retweets content for both of my favourite VBS ships: TouKoha & AkiAn~♡ ^_^
(Idk whether you like the second one but hopefully you won't mind it)
She has an account on AO3 as well, so I definitely recommend reading some of her fics!😁
Here's two of my favourites:
Cake Shop
Girls Talk
And here are two other ones, not from the same author but still just as nice:
A Good Day
Little Town, Little Sunflowers, Little Lovebirds (I know you'll love this one)
Hope you enjoy them!
Wow, thank you for the recommendations! I’ll have to check them out ^^ (I’m personally not a fan of AkiAn, but I don’t mind it either 👍)
I’ll be sure to check those fics out, thank you!! Feel free to send more fan arts/fics if you find more worth recommending in the future- I am always starved for TouKoha content 🐹💗☕️
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wizardodog · 4 days
🛸 About Me ⭐️
Get to know a bit about me, this account & find a few post masterlist below the cut!
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💫 Basic Stuff 🌙
I’m Wizardo, AKA Theo (He/They/It) & this is my sideblog for silly alterhuman stuff!
I’m an autistic, 22 y/o, queer artist trying to learn more about myself and embrace my more wild & inhuman nature. I enjoy making user boxes and hope to make Otherkin/Therian art merch in the future.
If you’d like to request any userboxes feel free to drop requests in my inbox; if you’d like to see my pre-existing user boxes please visit the masterlist link provided below :]!
🍄‍🟫 About @wizardodog 🌱
This account is focused on alterhumanity, things closely adjacent, and other creature/nature based interests or topics; a lot of content here will be focused on that! However, mental health, various forms of pride, and neurodivergency are welcomed topics of request/content :]
Additionally because the owner of this account is 18+, minors will not be often interacted with; though they are free to reblog/request without issue
📝 Masterlists ✏️
Inbox Rules
Request Guide
Userbox Masterlist
Mood Board Masterlist (coming soon)
Kin List (coming soon)
Interests List (coming soon)
⚠️ Account DNI ⚠️
You do not have to abide by this, but this account will happily block the following: Queerphobes/TERFS, Racists, Ableists, P*doph!les, Z*oph!les, NSFW/Kink pages, Radqueers, TransIDs, Endogenic Systems, and just generally any account i dont like- I will block 👍
🐶 Tagging Guide 🦊
Tags are pretty simple & straightforward here. I dont always tag everything but I TRY to at least categorize my content so other users can easily search/find my stuff
#Wizardo Art: all of my art
#Wizardo Rambling: tag for when i ramble or rant about something
#Wizardo Reviews & #Wizardo Recommends: tags for when I review a piece of media and/or recommend a piece of media to users
#Kin Shit: tag for my various kins & types :]!! I just labeled it all as kinning
#[critter of choice] Art: art tag id use for any specific animal or creature so you can know if I’ve drawn it
#This User is: a tag for “this user is a [blank]” userboxes
#[critter/color of choice] Userbox: Userbox tag id use for anything so you can know if I’ve made it
#[critter/color of choice] Moodboard: moodboard tag, same as above
Additionally: Gore, Violence, Death, Dark Themes, and Fungi are all tagged as they are depicted
Userboxes by myself for myself :]
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mothwingedmyths · 5 days
Pinned post yippeeeeeeeee
I'm Atlas and i use he/him it's already in my blog description thingy but this feels weird without saying it 💥 also i'm a minor so nsfw blogs Do Not follow me. Also please be gentle and patient with me and use tonetags if you think something might come across wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't tend to post stuff as often as id like but i am getting better about that!!! i draw with firealpaca and if you ask me about my ocs i will love you forever and if you DRAW my ocs i will love you for even longer than that. especially b i love her so much (asks are welcome in general i like silly questions)
I also love murder drones a lot my favorite character is lizzy.................................... there's a bunch of other stuff i really love but im kinda incapable of whimsy right now due to some irl stuff Dies. im always open to video game recommendations though
Also i pretty much never reblog stuff because i always feel really weird doing it for some reason
#art - exactly what it says on the tin 👍 I also tag stuff with the art program i made it in so firealpaca will generally work too
#oc - what it says on the tin as well. Also just searching oc will generally bring up all my fandom guys (since i tag those as "(fandom) oc" and not "oc") but we all know how Functional this site is, and toyhouse is probably better if that's all youre here for anyway
that's literally it
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metalhead-brainrot · 18 days
About the blog
Welcome! My goal here is to promote underground music. If you are an artist, feel free to send me a link to your work and I promise I'll listen to it, regardless of genre. If I like it I'll promote it here, just understand that I do this for free.
Other passions are: linguistics, translation, mycology, cooking (often with mushrooms). I often frame thoughts with philosophy; my foundations include: Taoism, Buddhism, Stoicism, and Gnosticism.
Oh and a word to the wise: if I'm here I'm probably high on cannabis (it's a numbers game, really).
o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::>
👍: English (native, U.S.), castellano
🤏: 普通话, deutsch, français, italiano, اللغة العربية
Por favor llámame si necesite una traducción de mis posteos. Quiero promover artistas independientes y no intento excluir los hispanohablantes, la música pertenece a todo.
o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::>
signals heard throughout space: Text posts, not always my own. Content I think people should see.
album of the day: Music, full albums that I would recommend to you.
art post: Visual art, usually not mine.*
shitpost: Not important. CW for nakedly vain expressions of the human ego.
from the paintstation: For when I inevitably get around to posting my own art, painted miniatures. Most will be for wargames; I play Kings of War, Firefight, Deadzone, and am excited for Epic Warpath and Mantic's incipient Halo game.
dust off your tomes: Book recommendations, probably vintage sff (although I'll read anything).
o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::>
* I have no intent to reblog any AI artwork (unless it's specifically labelled). Please let me know if you think I've promoted an AI creation and I'll take it down or something.
o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::>
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boss323michalmiskovic · 3 months
Hello guys welcome all here is another great post !
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Code how can find this parts easily on GPM website : MGG039S-BK
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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/gpmracinghk/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gpmracing1st
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTp6BDlWb-NTihB50djeC8w
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If you are satisfied with product please leave your review on official Facebook site GPM Racing which is mentioned UP 👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please still have on mind this is official website !!!! : www.gpmracing.com.hk/en
Never use any other way otherwise you will be the victim of fraud and parts will not be delivered to you !!! This is the only functional official website. Please don't forget! Avoid unnecessary problems ‼️‼️‼️‼️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Some parts can be installed on multiple car models, so I recommend always looking at the description and making sure before buying parts that the parts you ordered can be installed on your RC car
#medium #carbon #steel #front #rear #diffoutdrive #byGPMracing #GPMracing #GPMteam #arrmagranitegroommega380 #typhongrom #mojavegroommega380 #durability #strong #dogboneshaft #smoothdrivingperformance #RCworld #RCcars #arrma #ara2102 #ara2106 #ara2104 #differentialtuningbyGPM
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