#recom fike smut
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avatarrecom · 2 years ago
My masterlist
A/N: Hi! I write for the Recoms: Miles Quaritch, Lyle Wainfleet, Z-dog, Walker, Mansk, Prager, Ja, Brown, Lopez, Fike and Poly!Recoms with any of these characters.
You can always request a part 2 and I'll see what I can do. Happy reading! :) Requests are selectively open
Taken emojis for anons: 🪽
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Key: Smut: 🔥 Suggestive: ❤️‍🔥 Fluff: 💗 Angst: ☔️ Humor: 💩
Kinktober 2023 🔥
Kidnapped without a home ☔️ 💩 💗
🫧 AU'S
Custody AU: Bad jokes are how eye roll 💩
Custody AU: Take another little pizza my heart, baby 💩 ☔️
Custody AU: Who left the bag of idiots open? 💩
Custody AU: Expecto Patronum 💩
Top gun: What would their callsigns be 💩
🏳️‍🌈 Poly!Recoms
A part of me has departed with you ☔️ Recom!reader
Cake doesn't ask silly questions, cake understands 💗 Human!reader
Freaks drink ❤️‍🔥 💗 💩 Recom!reader
Who did this to you ☔️ 💗 Recom!reader
Beware of sarcasm 💩 ❤️‍🔥 Human!reader
Sorry that I hit you, I actually love you ☔️ 💗 Avatar!reader
The only limit is your mind ☔️ 💗 Recom!reader
Say that to my face, you limp noodle 💩 Recom!reader
Waking up blue slight ☔️, 💩 💗 Recom!reader
Petnames HC's 💗
Sleeping positions HC's 💗 Recom!reader
Sickness HC's 💗 Recom!reader
Nightmare HC's ☔️ 💗 Recom!reader
They accidentally hurt you HC's ☔️ 💗 Human!reader
Email sign-offs HC's 💩
Sweetheart reader 💗 Human!reader
Cutesie little things they do for you 💗 Recom!reader
What they give you for Valentine's day 💗 ❤️‍🔥 Recom!reader
Sleepy reader 💗 Race not specified reader
Hajra Chapter 1
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch
Nothing yet!
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet
Nothing yet!
🍬 Recom Z-dog
Nothing yet!
🥽 Recom Walker
Nothing yet!
😎 Recom Mansk
Nothing yet!
🧯 Recom Prager
Nothing yet!
⚕️ Recom Ja
Love is strong, love lives on ☔️ Human!reader
🧢 Recom Brown
Nothing yet!
📿 Recom Lopez
Nothing yet!
⛓️ Recom Fike
Nothing yet!
71 notes · View notes
whxre-bxby · 2 years ago
mommy i really need your writes, I'm so impatient, I worship your talent, I need them so much, your stories really turn me on, I become such a stupid whore 😭😭
Oh my god, PLZ- ig I'm feeding this addiction I LOVE YOU
Recom Lopez x Recom Y/N x Recom Brown
"Cursed By Blue" 3.0
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Cursed By Blue 1 Cursed By Blue 2
Summary: The recom team is out on another mission, exploring the woods in search of Sully. However, the ladies become inconvenienced by a certain seasonal feeling they didn’t expect. It hits Y/N the hardest and it’s not long before the others understand what’s happening. While everyone fights their instincts, the only option Y/N sees available is to run. 
Warnings: SMUT, heat fucking, heat cycles, penetration, unprotected sex, breeding kink, anal sex, double penetration, cursing
Word Count: 7461
A/N: Sorry, I gave up on the first-person view in the end.
We were nearing the weekend. Not that that affected us. Lyle told me it was Friday today and I was surprised because I had completely lost track of time. But it didn’t really matter what day it was because we didn’t get time off anyway. Finding Jake was our number one priority and no breaks other than sleep were allowed. 
So here we were again, walking deeper into the forest of Pandora. It had just passed lunch time and we were here since early morning. 
No one was tired though, not yet. We weren’t allowed to be either. 
Today also happened to be warmer than usual so I wasn't wearing my usual long-sleeved attire and pants. I dressed like Walker usually did, in a sports bra and shorts. She and Z-Dog decided to wear tank tops like most of the others. 
The forest grew quieter the more we distanced ourselves from the RDA base and the city. Soon, we could only hear the wind blowing between the leaves and the distant calls of animals. That and our heavy footsteps. 
The Colonel and Lyle started the day off by leading us into the woods. As the hours passed by, the line mixed since everyone had a different walking pace and now it was Z-Dog and me leading at the front. Walker was close behind. 
I had been excessively drinking for the last 30-45 minutes and I wasn’t sure why. Z-Dog glanced over at me when she saw me reach for another water bottle. 
“That’s your third one already. Are you okay”? She asks, watching me gulp it down. I swallow most of the water and inhale sharply, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. 
“I don’t know.” I say, gasping for air. “Maybe I’m dehydrated?” 
“Don’t think so, we always drink the same amount and I’m fine.” Z-Dog says. We continue walking for a while longer in silence, thinking. Then Z reaches for her water and starts drinking it like she’s been running. 
I laugh a little but seeing her drink made me feel thirsty again. 
I reach for my water only to notice I have a few drops left. I down the remaining liquid and hold the bottle to my head. It seemed to be getting really warm. 
Turning around, I open my mouth and want to say something to Walker only to see her finishing her own bottle of water. I look behind me fully and no one else is drinking. 
“What. The. Fuck.” I say, feeling genuinely confused. Walker looks up at me with water drizzling down her chin and Z turns around. 
I wheeze and Z laughs and we wait for Walker to catch up so we can walk together. 
“Do you have any water left?” I ask her, knowing we at the front drank ours. 
“No, that was my last bottle.” she says and I notice how heavy my breathing is becoming. 
“Wait, you ran out too?” she asks and Z-Dog scoffs. 
“Yeah, been drinkin’ like we ran a marathon.” she says and I nod.
“I’ll ask the others.” I say before turning around and seeing Lopez behind me.
“Can I have some of your water?” I ask, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead. Compared to us, Lopez is not sweating at all. He’s wearing his usual attire, as is Brown behind him. But their breathing is normal and not a bead of sweat is to be seen on them. 
Lopez glances up at me and his eyebrows furrow for a split second before he nods and hands one of his bottles over. 
“You ran out already?” he asks while I open it and drink about half. 
Brown and Lopez both watch me, studying my movements. 
I wipe my mouth again, closing my eyes for a second and nodding. “Yeah.” I breathe out. “Thanks.” I say, handing it back to him. 
“Y’ alright?” he asks again taking the bottle back and I nod, not thinking much of it. Lopez doesn’t seem convinced. 
Ja overheard our conversation and sped up his walk to catch up to us. When Lopez noticed his presence he seemed a little relieved. 
“Is she okay?” he asks his colleague. Ja was the medic of the group so he would know. He took a glance at me and also thought of what I suggested. 
“Did you drink enough?” he asks me and I nod. 
“Yeah, I drank all my water and some of his.” I scoff, pointing to Lopez and wiping sweat from my forehead again. 
Ja presses the back of his hand against my cheek and then my forehead. 
“Shit, you’re burning up.” he said, scanning over me. 
I was feeling extremely warm. My skin felt like it was burning and my clothes suddenly felt tight and restrictive.
In front of us, Z-Dog and Walker are discussing something. 
Ja felt up my arm and checked my pulse while we were walking and Lopez stayed on my other side in case I was in fact not okay.
“Yeah, somethin’s definitely not right.” Ja announces to us, not quite sure how to help me. Mansk has his eyebrows furrowed, examining my behaviour. Brown is walking behind us and his ears are perked as he listens to the conversation. It seems to interest and worry him. 
“They have it too.” I say, pointing at Z-Dog and Walker who now turn around. Walker is grimacing a little and Z looks worried. 
Lopez’s and Ja’s heads look up at them and they notice that they are breathing heavily and sweating just like me. Ja also takes note of the empty bottles in their hands. 
“Everthin’ okay up there?” the Colonel calls. It seems as though the others have noticed the small commotion and the medical check-up. 
Ja turns around, rubbing the back of his head. 
“Uh- no sir not really.” he calls back, stopping in his tracks to wait for Quaritch so that he can explain. Lopez and I keep walking and he watches me intently as I break out into a type of pant. My ears are pinned back and my tail is wildly flicking around behind me. My eyelids also happen to suddenly grow heavy and I keep them half-lidded. Brown has caught up and is now walking on my other side, watching me before exchanging looks with his friend next to me. 
What snaps me out of my haze is Z calling my name. 
“Hey, Y/N come over here for a sec.” she says, turning around. Walker is running her hand down her face in what looks like frustration. 
I nod, jogging over and leaving both men behind. They’re still watching me, trying to make sense of what’s happening.
Neither Z nor Walker looks like they feel like joking around anymore.
“Have you read the manual?” she asks and it takes me a few seconds to realise she means the Na’vi body data. 
“Yeah, of course, we had to.” I say, trying to play it cool. She raises an eyebrow and I sigh. 
“I stopped once I reached the shit about plants. It got boring.” I say and she nods, knowing damn well she didn’t read further than that either. 
“Walker read it, and it said somethin’ ‘bout a heat cycle.” Z says and I glance at Walker. 
“Yeah… we’re not dehydrated. I remember the symptoms. It’s happening right now.” Walker says, scanning my reddened face. 
“Does it burn?” Z asks and my ears perk forward for once, being relieved from the tense strain I kept them in the past half hour. 
“Everything burns.” I say. 
“You know what I mean.” she adds and I groan in frustration too. 
“Yeah.” I mumble. I can’t deny the heat that’s been forming between my legs. I tried ignoring it but it grew worse. 
“Do you feel, like-” Z says, gasping for air herself. “...uncontrollably horny?” she asks with a light laugh and Walker smirks. 
I have no shame admitting anything in front of them so I chuckle and answer. “More like painfully horny.” 
They laugh a little, struggling to even out their breathing. 
“We need to distance ourselves from them.” Walker says, glancing over her shoulder. “Especially you Y/N you seem to have it bad.” she chuckles, motioning to my panting self. “Otherwise we’re done for and this squad will no longer be as professional.” 
“Seems like they have it bad for her too.” Zdinarsk jokes, hinting at the way Brown and Lopez stuck to my side just moments before. 
My eyes widen. “Wait- you’re joking right? It’ll go away like tomorrow. How would they know about this if we don’t tell them?” I ask and Walker opens her mouth to answer but before she can, my answer is handed to me differently. 
“You smell that?” someone says behind us. My heart stops pounding for a second. Right our new senses have us picking up more. 
“These cursed blue bitches.” I swear and Z breathily laughs, seeming to know how screwed we are. She’s passed the stage of denial and is now accepting our fate. 
We turn around and notice that Lyle was talking to Prager. Prager nodded and they stopped walking. Lopez and Brown have also stopped in their tracks, turning to them. Behind them, Ja, Quaritch, Mansk and the remaining team catch up and everyone comes to a halt. 
Quaritch walks between them and deeply inhales. He looks around, noticing how his soldiers are smelling what he is too. 
I feel my heart slowly drop and I hold on to Z-Dog for some comfort. All three of us are watching them, dreading their reaction. 
“What is it?” Lopez asks. 
“No idea, but it’s fuckin’ great.” Lyle chuckles and my breath catches in my throat.
 It seems to affect them too. As Lyle inhales, his own tail is swishing around behind him and his muscles flex. He’s growing restless and the recoms are looking at their Colonel for an answer or instructions. 
My heart seems to stop beating when I see Lopez turn to me. Brown’s gaze meets mine as well and it’s so intimidating. They’re watching my every movement and I take a step back, my grip on Z’s arm tightening.
“Oh fuck.” I whisper while barely moving my lips. I feel a little hazy again and start leaning against Z-Dog. She sighs looking more pissed than worried and catches me, trying to keep me upright. 
The soldiers follow their and the Colonel’s eyes, noticing us standing a bit further away. 
“It ain’t dehydration, I can tell ya that.” Quaritch says, referring to Ja’s hypothesis of what might be happening. Seems like he read the manual too. 
The stupid excitement in my stomach has grown so big it’s making me feel sick. And all their eyes on us have me more nervous. 
"Do we kill them or ourselves?" Walker asks, not liking any of this.
“Can we leave?” I whisper to Z and she nods, staring down the others as if they would move when she looks away. 
“Yeah, come on.” she says, guiding me forwards. I take a wobbly step, almost stumbling. 
Walking won’t do it. I have so much adrenaline coursing through my veins I want to run away. 
I glance back, noticing everyone’s tense poses. Their eyes follow our every move, making them seem almost predatory. My only instinct now is to run. 
Z gives me a push and my legs take off. I start running and hear Walker and Z-Dog do the same behind me. There’s a commotion happening behind them and the next time I glance behind me, everyone is chasing after us. 
It was a miserable escape attempt, to be honest. We were already so out of breath compared to them, we really didn’t make it far. 
I can hear my heartbeat thumping inside my chest as I run. Apparently, I’m fast because the chaos behind me is growing quieter. I can hear Zdinarsk and Walker shouting and when I look over my shoulder they’re firing their guns near the other recoms feet. But at the same time, I’m able to see two other figures sprinting after me. I don’t have time to look again to see who they are. They’re catching up too quickly for me to think. 
The wind whizzes past me, flowing through my hair and over my ears. I’m leaving countless trees behind as I run through the forest, jumping over roots and branches. But running straight ahead isn’t looking good for me. The two soldiers are faster so I stop abruptly, testing the strength of my ankles as I take a sharp left turn behind one of the trees.
I can hear the thumping of footsteps behind me but there is nothing I can do but keep running. 
Within seconds, a hand grabs my tail making me gasp. That slows me down and suddenly, an arm is slung around my waist, pulling me back and lifting my feet off the ground. Someone pulls me against their chest, coming to a sliding stop before pushing me down onto my knees. The arms stay around me, holding me in place while my heart seems to beat out of my chest. 
The feeling and the effects of the scent the recoms picked up had everyone acting on their primal instincts. Most common sense was gone as their new bodies seemed to be overpowered by the will of nature. The scent had the soldiers feel just as worked up as the heat cycle did. Instinctively, they ran after the ‘potential mate’ they felt most attracted to because that was Eywa’s will. 
“Shh. Stop moving.” A voice growls right next to my ear. The recom’s hot breath hits the skin of my neck. The way the words are spoken makes my stomach clench in excitement and I instinctively submit to the soldier, listening by stilling my movements. 
“Good girl.” the voice purrs. A hand comes up and grips my jaw, moving it to the side and making me crane my neck against my left shoulder. I catch a glimpse of the hand, noticing the identifying tattoos on the knuckles. 
Lopez is the one holding me against him.
My eyes widen but suddenly, I feel my body relaxing against him. 
I had always found Lopez very attractive. He and Brown spent their time teasing and joking around with me. 
The fact that it’s him with me, holding me so close to his own body makes me calm down and get even more excited all at once.
Lopez seems to notice my reaction and I can hear his smirk when he shortly exhales through his nostrils. He lowers his head, still standing behind me while keeping me on my knees and presses his lips against my neck. 
I shiver in anticipation and a gasp leaves my lips. That was very unexpected. We’ve never done anything more than briefly hug. 
“Lopez…” I mutter under my breath, thriving in the feeling. 
Suddenly, my attention is ripped from our moment as I hear heavy footsteps behind us. My ears tilt backwards to listen to them as they slow from a run to a walk. Lopez’s breath stops for a moment before he removes his lips from my skin and turns around. 
I hear the other soldier scoff. 
“What? Thought I was gonna let you have ‘er all to yourself?” he chuckles almost evilly. 
My body stiffens and I try to move my head to the side. Brown?
Lopez snarls at him and his arms around me tighten. Brown continues circling us until soon enough, he’s basically in front of me. He’s peering down at me, taking note of the way my reddened knees were shuffling against the forest floor and the flush clouding my cheeks. 
“Wait your turn.”  Lopez hisses, leaning his head down again but having to abruptly straighten his posture again once Brown starts getting closer. 
“No. You know damn well I’ve been wantin’ this longer than you.” Brown snarls back at him, staring him dead in the eye. 
Lopez is standing tall, trying to protect his territory. His hand tightened around my queue, keeping me in place against him while the other held my left wrist up. 
He scoffs in disbelief before spitting his words at Brown. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to have her like this.” 
Brown walks all up on Lopez now and they glare each other down while I’m on my knees, stuck in between them. My body still feels too warm for my liking and I’m starting to feel touch starved. Their presence thrills my body and their scents fuel my desire for them. I’m no longer myself. 
“Look at her.” Brown coos, breaking eye contact with Lopez to stare down at you. He feels so drawn to you. The way you smell and the way you look so deliciously submissive cuts his patience with Lopez very short. Your big watery eyes staring into his own remind him of how much he longs for you.
“She needs me.” he adds, smiling down at your restless self. 
“Don’t think so.” Lopez replies, gently placing his hand against your cheek and pushing your head to the side. You were forced to look away from Brown which annoyed him.
Both soldiers were slowly going feral, wanting to fend off the other to finally claim you for themselves. Since you were all even humans, they were around you. Now they have a chance to do what they have been dreaming of but the competition doesn’t make it easy. 
“Y/N? Baby. You want me?” Brown leans down and asks me softly but the words still sound teasing. I glance at him from the corner of my eye, making him grin. 
“Want me to help you feel good?”
That offer sounds so good to my lust-filled mind, all I can do is nod my head even though Lopez tries to keep it still. Both of them watch me struggle against Lopez’s grip but a faint nod is still recognised. 
Brown’s smirk is more visible than ever when he looks back at his teammate. “Seems like she does.” 
Lopez strains his ears back in irritation as he continues to glare daggers at his friend. 
“Doesn’t count. She can’t think straight.” he argues. His hand leaves my jaw and he rests it on my head, almost petting me for a split second like I’m some kind of pet. 
“Which is why you shouldn’t be near ‘er.” Brown hisses, snatching my left hand from Lopez’s. 
“Back off right now. I’m not joking.” Lopez snarls, no longer wanting to deal with Brown. 
“Stop touchin’ her like she’s yours.” Brown fires back, clearly not liking the way Lopez is being possessive. 
“I got to her first. And I can make her feel better than you ever will.” 
“Yeah right. She was practically begging me to touch-” 
“She was saying my name before you got here and ruined it.” 
My head is spinning at this point and I feel drunk. But there is no alcohol in my system. It’s just pure lust which is becoming overwhelming. Their arguing is now making me lose my patience. The burning between my legs is becoming unbearable because not even I can touch myself. And to keep me from drifting into mindless desperation, I need some type of relief. 
Both men are still fighting, paying each other more attention than you. They would much rather be focused on you but they are standing in each other’s way. You start feeling extremely desperate and all you can do is let out a whine, in hopes of having them finally help you. But they are shouting over each other so talking is useless. In conclusion, you must take matters into your own hands. 
Lopez and Brown are in the middle of their heated argument when both men feel you shuffle on the ground. Lopez gives you a short glance and see’s you rearrange your seating on the ground but he’s pulled back into the fight by the taunting insult Brown throws his way. 
Minutes later, both men feel you start to move again. It’s ignored at first but it doesn’t stop. Lopez is holding your head and queue while Brown is still gripping your wrist. Out of the corner of their eye, they see you slowly rocking back and forth. There’s a second of silence and Brown is about to insult Lopez again when their ears perk up and they hear you moan. 
Instantly, their full attention is directed at you and the sight beneath them finally shuts them up. In fact, both marines are speechless. Their eyes are wide and lips parted in surprise and desire. 
You’re slowly rocking back and forth on the ground, softly rolling your hips down against your heel which you placed beneath you. Erotic mewls and whimpers fall from your lips when you manage to grind your clit against your heel. Finally feeling some type of satisfaction has you not care about your behaviour anymore. This is beyond unprofessional but quite frankly, so was their yammering. Jolts of pleasure shoot through your body when you nudge your clit against your foot and your head lolls back while your eyes flutter closed. 
Lopez groans in arousal, not believing what he is watching while Brown just stares with lust-blown eyes. This is the most beautiful sight they have ever seen and you looked even more beautiful than you did before. And that already seemed impossible to them. To them, this feels like something straight from a dream. They have dreamed of you in many ways before. But seeing you so shamelessly pleasure yourself in front of both of them had them rock hard now. Their erection had been stiffening since the chase because your scent was so deliciously intoxicating but now, their tips were leaking with pre-cum. 
Brown had to adjust his pants because his dick was now painfully hard and everything was becoming too much to bare for all three of you. 
“Fuck, baby.” Lopez growled, letting go of your queue and kneeling down next to you. He couldn’t wait any longer.
Seeing you so desperate made him feel bad for neglecting you for so long. He muffled your moan by pressing his lips against yours, firmly holding your head in place so that he wouldn’t have to worry about the kiss ending quicker than required. 
Brown is still speechless and he’s watching Lopez devour your lips. Suddenly, his friend doesn’t seem like such a threat anymore. Perhaps this can work. 
Lopez has become so aroused by your scent, he is unable to hold back anymore. His hands grip your hips and he helps you guide your movements, grinding you down harder than before. 
The pleasure is clouding your mind and fogging up your common sense. Within seconds of his help, you’re slowly turning into a ragdoll, unable to sit upright anymore. 
You close your eyes for a second to enjoy the feeling even more and when you open them, Brown is on his knees in front of you. With his ears pinned back, tail wildly swinging, veins popping, and muscles flexing, he looks feral as he tears your tank top open through the middle. The fabric gives in easily and is carelessly discarded somewhere behind him. 
Behind you, Lopez is licking and biting your shoulder and nibbling on the back of your neck while Brown leans forward and sucks a dark hickey into your sweet spot.
Your back arches and your right-hand grabs Brown’s left shoulder while your other one reaches behind you to cradle the back of Lopez’s head. Their attention on you makes you feel slightly more overwhelmed than before but you wouldn’t want either one of them leaving. 
“Can’t wait any- …longer.” Brown groans, grabbing your face and pulling your lips to his. The sudden action makes you lose balance and you land pressed up right against his chest. He’s holding your lips against his while leaning back until he’s laying on the ground. 
You’re hovering over him, unsure about your hand placement and position. But those worries are shot away when Lopez presses his clothed hard-on right against your ass, the tip nudging your cheek.
You want nothing more than to be as close as possible to both of them. You want to feel them inside you and at this point, you would even cry and beg. Luckily, neither of them are cruel enough to make you do that. 
The kiss is broken so that Brown can strip you both of your preventing clothes. He’s lost his patience and has to take matters into his own hands because Lopez is losing himself by grinding and dry-humping you from behind. 
“Fuck, mami. Need you so bad-” Lopez growls under his breath, clenching his jaw. Your heat has soaked through the pathetically thin fabric of your panties and a small spot was visible to Lopez on your pants. The said pants which have been stained by your slick are being tugged down your legs by the soldier under you. The one behind you marked the cloth of his pants with his pre-cum already. Seeing you like this had them both whipped for you. 
All your clothes except for your drenched panties have been either torn or pulled off your body, letting the two marines finally free themselves. Lopez is unbuckling his belt while Brown is already pulling his cammies down his thighs. However, your curiosity is still present. You three had been friends for a while and you can’t deny their attractiveness. So you wanted to see as much of them as they saw of you. Brown pulled you closer again, lifting his right hand to cup and massage your breast. 
“God, you look so fuckin’ amazing.” he breathes out. His pupils are blown wide with lust as he mutters the words. “Better than anythin’ I’ve imagined.” 
Your heartbeat starts racing at his words. He’s imagined you in this way before. Being so intimate with him. 
Your curious hands wander up his torso, softly tugging at the hem of this tank top before slowly pushing it up and over his chest muscles. Brown seems a little stunned by your action. Perhaps he is surprised that you care enough about him to want to see him. Maybe there is more to this than just heat-fucking. 
Meanwhile, Lopez has already pulled your panties to the side, revealing everything to him. Even though he hated admitting it, he was jealous that you were just interacting with Brown. He knew a great way to win your attention back. That’s what he told himself at least. The second he set eyes on your beautiful dripping pussy, he wanted nothing more but to have a mouthful of it. He enjoyed using his tongue, especially because he knew it worked well. 
The body warmth of Lopez’s hips disappears from your rear end. Brown is staring up at you in something close to adoration, letting you explore his body. You’re focused on his torso, outlining his toned muscles with your warm lips when suddenly you feel a hot breath fan against your pussy. Instantly, your body tenses up and your movements halt. Brown tilts his head to the side, looking behind you to see what Lopez is doing. His ears perk up when he sees and you want to turn too but before you can move another muscle, you feel Lopez swiftly swipe his tongue up and between your dripping folds. 
The erotic move makes you gasp before you almost instantly give in and melt against his movements. Your upper body rests on top of Brown’s bare chest while you push your hips back against Lopez’s face. He has one hand wrapped around the base of your curled tail, holding it up so that it stays out of the way while he starts to eat you out. His tongue is licking the moist skin, gathering the dripping wetness before it reaches your thighs. A small moan is released by Lopez against your pulsating pussy, making you whimper and whine in pleasure. 
Brown is grinning from ear to ear as he watches you slowly fall apart in front of them. 
“We’ve been tryin’ to get your attention for a while now.” he says. His deep voice rumbles through his chest. 
You’re too caught up in what Lopez is doing, there is no chance of your responding and Brown knows that. 
“Been waitin’ for you to give yourself te’ us.” he growls, nibbling at the shell of your ear. “To spread ‘em pretty legs and let us take care ‘f you.” 
I gasp, staring at him with wide eyes. His grin reappears. 
“You’ve been wantin’ this too?” he asks, ears perked forwards again. 
I gulp nervously, having to take deep breaths to respond because Lopez has already almost had me cum. 
“Yes…” you whisper, gasping again when Lopez presses his tongue against your entrance, applying pressure and threatening to penetrate it. 
“Shit-” Brown chuckles, getting extremely restless after hearing your confirmation. 
“Lopez, cut it short. Can’t wait any longer.” He almost barks, pressing his fingertips into the flesh of your hip. 
Lopez pulls away, straightening his posture on his knees once again and licking his lips with a devilish grin.
“You taste amazing, baby.” he growls. His lips are glossed and coated with your slick and it’s drizzling down his chin in the corner of his mouth. “Not done with you yet, I need that pussy again.” 
“Like I’m going to let that happen.” Brown chuckles. “You just had her. It’s my turn.” 
Their ears are pinned back and Lopez looks pissed off but he doesn’t argue.
Brown grabs your hips and instantly starts pulling them down against him. You steady yourself on the ground while he presses the side of his aching hard dick against your partly cleaned-up pussy. At this point, your body is in need of it. 
“What do you want, mami? Huh?” Lopez teases which makes Brown growl. He’s had enough of his antics and just needs to feel your warm walls around him. 
You whine, closing your eyes in frustration. “Please- both of you. I need-”
Lopez is grinning again. He loves hearing your desperate voice. 
“I need you inside me.” You almost cry out. Brown would be lying if he said he didn’t love the way you said those words. The neediness really did things for them. 
“Want us to breed you?” Lopez asks, now pressing his bare abdomen against your ass, once again slowly grinding his hips against you. “Want to be full of our cum?”
You frantically nod your head, wanting nothing more in the world but to be filled and thoroughly fucked by them. 
Brown was just angry at Lopez for once again slowing things down but now, he is glad he didn’t shut him up. Watching you admit and beg for such a dirty proposal had him almost cumming all over his stomach. 
“Don’t worry baby, we won’t stop until you’re bred properly.” Brown growls. He never thought he would be saying that. Neither of us wanted or want kids but god, these Avatars make it really difficult to fend off their natural needs. 
With that said Brown refuses to wait any longer. He lines his dick up with your needy core, wanting to finally relieve you from clenching around nothing. His tip presses against your entrance and suddenly, he starts pulling you down on his lap and slowly pushing all of him into you. 
The feeling is intense but nothing hurts. It feels so amazingly good. Finally, you're being filled up with his big cock and it's helping reduce the burning ache of heat between your legs. 
Brown hisses, furrowing his eyebrows together in concentration and pleasure. His head lifts off the ground, straining his neck muscles just so he can watch himself disappear inside you. Your slick immediately coats his shaft and he's only realising now just how badly he needs this himself. 
His head falls back and he parts his lips in a silent moan, covering up the stuttering breath with a curse.
Behind you, Lopez sighs. 
"Well shit…" he curses in a soft laugh, watching Brown's expression and your reaction. "That good?"
"Fuckin' heaven." Brown replies. His words sound strangled. 
His eyes open and he looks up at you. 
"God- you really are an angel." he sighs. 
You're too overwhelmed with how deliciously he's filling you that the complement flies by you.
"You feel so good." You whimper, letting your head hang loosely while you calm your breathing. 
"Think you can handle more?" Lopez asks behind you. His hands are gently massaging your hips and waist as he awaits an answer.
You love them both so much, the offer sounds more than good. 
"Yesss." You hiss, pushing back against his touch. "More." 
Lopez chuckles. "Never thought you wanted us too."
"Shut up and fuck me." You snap, needing to be relieved already. It's been too long and your sudden heat is cruel to make you feel so worked up. 
Lopez didn't take that personally. He loved hearing you curse. It was his and Brown's dirty secret and turn-on. You were always well-behaved. Hearing you cuss and especially dirty talk was so hot to them.
"Shit-" he grins, peering down at you in amused disbelief. 
"Please-" you whine, not being able to bare the wait anymore. 
"Don't you dare make her beg. Hurry the fuck up." Brown snarls, wanting to pleasure himself and you already. He has been waiting for this moment for way too long.
Lopez's evil grin stretches further as he nods. 
"Ready?" He asks, massaging the right cheek of your ass. You're not sure what you're meant to be ready for, Brown has already filled your pussy. What is Lopez thinking? Yet, despite your mild confusion, you don't question it. Anything to have and please them both. 
"Yes…" you breathe out in desperation while Brown fights himself to stay still beneath you.
Lopez nods. His heart is racing at the fact that he's about to finally get to feel you. Both men are still in disbelief that you want them because they think so highly of you. But luckily, they won't keep you waiting. 
Lopez's hand wraps around his shaft, lining it up with your ass. The only other hole free which wasn't your mouth. This happened to be another of his kinks. He loves your ass and finally gets to properly see it, touch it, and feel it. It's his now and there is nothing you can do about it. He'll claim it in the best way he knows how. He just hopes that you'll be able to cope with him inside you there.
His tip presses against your puckered hole, making your tail freeze its swaying movements. Lopez is gripping your right cheek harshly as if he were trying to control himself from just roughly fucking you from behind. You were all hazed but they still care about you enough to ensure your comfort. 
One would think he would want to watch himself sink into your tight hole but no, Lopez cares too much for you. His gaze is fixed on the side of your flushed face, watching your reactions to make sure you're alright as he slowly starts pushing his hips forward. His dickhead is covered in precum, lubricating the rest of him to ease the penetration.
Your breath gets caught in your throat when you feel the unfamiliar stretch. It makes you clench your eyes closed and ball your hands into fists. 
Lopez and Brown both notice this and Lopez pauses his movements.
"You're doing so well, mami. Take it easy." He coos, rubbing your back while fighting off the urge to groan and thrust forwards. 
"You're gonna be ours, sweetie." Brown whispers, cupping your cheek to distract you from the feeling. 
Your eyes meet his and he takes hold of your hips again, gently rolling yours against his and Lopez's to have you remember the pleasure you felt before.
Your head drops in bliss, resting forehead against forehead with Brown's.
Lopez hisses at the sudden unexpected movement and his hips instinctively stutter forwards. 
"You good?" Brown asks, moving your hair out of your face and gently pulling it to one side on your neck. 
"Yeah…" you reply breathily. "It doesn't hurt."
Lopez nods again behind you, steadying himself on his knees and placing both his hands against the crevice of your thighs and hips before pushing all the way in. 
You inhale sharply, but at the same time, Brown moves and with the next thrust the time it, so that they move in sync. Both men gently pull back, before thrusting back into you slightly faster than before. 
This time, it feels a lot better than at first. They continue to ease you into their rhythm, wanting this to be as pleasurable for you as it is for them. Because god they are losing themselves in you right now.
All three of you feel the urge to want to be as close to each other as possible. They have felt that way about you before but they feared it would have been inappropriate to act on it then. Now, you don't have to hold back.
Their hands are all over you, caressing and holding you close to them. Brown has the side of his face pressed against yours, rubbing your cheeks against each other in a nuzzling manner. It feels primal but you love it. Lopez is hugging your waist, squeezing your thighs and tracing your spine. Your body is new to them and they wish they could take their time exploring you. 
They start moving, thrusting into you just mere moments after the other in a new rhythm. Brown pulls your hips down against his whereas Lopez tugs you back up and against him.
There is no shame with you three. You've known each other long enough to be more than comfortable in each other's presence. Which is why Lopez and Brown don't bother to suppress their moans. We're far away from the rest of the team, why worry about the noise level?
The sound of skin slapping and heavy breathing is polluting the surrounding quiet forest. Occasional growls and hisses are elicited which earn mewls and whines from you. Precious noises which drive the two marines wild. 
"Fuck, you feel amazing, baby." Lopez groans. His chest is pressed against your back, his hips are ramming forwards against yours and his mouth is hanging open. 
Brown has sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, occasionally throwing his head back in pleasure before cursing your name. 
"Ours." He growls into your ear, nipping at your lobe with his fangs.
You've become a ragdoll in their arms. Your body is being pushed and pulled back and forth while your slick drips down your inner thighs. Lopez feels it against his thighs and catches some on his fingers before smearing it around your hole and on his shaft. Now, squelches erupt each time either of them buries their throbbing cocks inside both your holes. 
Their rhythm starts to falter and you feel your orgasm slowly build up. Thanks to Lopez's skilled tongue before, you feel stimulated enough by their thrusts to cum yourself. 
"Fuck- m' close." You hiss, panting for air while being pounded and filled in two holes at once. The pleasure exceeds much faster than expected. This heat cycle has all of your body feeling overly sensitive. 
"Dirty girl." Brown chuckles, pressing his hot lips against the pulse point on your neck and sucking. 
"Love you so much."
The words come as a sudden surprise, but to be honest, the feelings have been there for a long time from both sides.
"So fucking tight-" Lopez breathes out. Their pace is becoming uneven and you're being mindlessly fucked. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head in bliss and you begin to tense up in preparation for your orgasm.
"Cum baby. Let go and we'll reward you." Lopez adds in a hushed whisper. His accent makes his voice more attractive.
Before you can nod or respond in any way shape or form, your orgasm hits you out of nowhere. 
Brown shoved himself inside you with such force, it hit a particular sweet spot inside you which was hit by Lopez from the other side at the same time. 
It makes your toes curl and your body shake as you finally come undone. You arch your back against both men, opening your legs more to offer yourself to them. 
Your walls clench around their shafts and the suction makes it difficult for them to pull out. It feels like you're trying to milk them for their cum and that's exactly what they want from you. In the next second, both marines plunge into you as deep as possible, and one after the other they empty their balls and shoot their load deep inside you. Your insides are painted white and filled with their hot and sticky cum which seems to keep spurting out of them while grunts and growls leave their lips.
You moan, relishing in the feeling of being so perfectly stuffed by two fat cocks. All of you start to calm down from your mindblowing highs but they refuse to pull out of your. They stay still, remaining buried inside of you for a few extra minutes to keep you pumped full with their cum. So full that it's slowly oozing out of the sides while they are comfortably resting hilt-deep in your pussy and ass. 
"You belong to us now." Lopez whispers, wrapping an arm around your waist to hold you in place. 
"No one else gets to ever have you like this."
"Understand, baby?" Brown asks, running a thumb over your flushed cheeks. 
"Yes." You breathe out. "Yours."
They grin at each other, holding you for another minute until all of you can think straight again. 
There’s a distant shout which sounds like the Colonel calling for us. We freeze and our ears perk up, analysing the noise. 
“We should head back.” Brown says to you and Lopez, gently tapping your thigh. 
Lopez slowly draws his hips back, watching his cum ooze out of your used hole. He almost missed what Brown had said. You flinch and your body tenses again when Brown carefully lifts your hips and helps you climb off of him. 
Both men straighten up again and stand up while you stay kneeling on the ground. Their hands reach for you and they help you to your feet, steadying you before letting go. 
“I can’t go back like this, I look like a mess.” You say, palming your forehead and staring down at the cum dripping down your legs. Neither of the men seem to think that it’s a bad thing though. The sight is mesmerising to them. 
“Our mess.” Lopez growls, pressing himself against you once more and planting a kiss on your jaw. Brown picks up your clothes or what is remaining of them at least. To your luck, you still had your vest which covered the main areas of your chest. You all got dressed and once you were done you exchanged eye contact with them before breaking into grins and chuckles. Neither of you could properly believe what just happened but not a soul has any regrets.
You start walking back and your steps are slower and more careful because you start to feel sore now. Brown stops in front of you and turns around facing Lopez and you. Then he looks at Lopez only. 
“What if they try to get a go with ‘er?” he asks. His ears tip back and he looks like he hates the thought in his head. 
Lopez scoffs, suddenly snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you right against his side. “Yeah, like I’m gonna let ‘em.” he chuckles darkly, starting to walk again and pulling you with him. 
Brown nods, taking the spot on your free side. It seems like you’re walking two guard dogs now. 
When you reach the others, neither of them moves. They don’t let anyone near you either. It seems to have become clear to the others what happened but you’re not standing around long enough to get reactions. The Colonel seems fed up and is already leading the way back. You follow and right after you, Brown and Lopez do too. It seems as though their fight has been peacefully solved. 
The rest of the day you spent replaying everything that happened in your head. You can’t wait to see how this situation will bloom and escalate with both marines.
Tag List: @numarusworld @number1gal @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ken-dala @ikranwings @jatwow
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wain-fleets · 1 year ago
miles decides to take care of a sickly lyle — someone decides to watch !
( miles quaritch x lyle wainfleet x fem! recom!reader )
SMUT WARNING! NSFW, MDNI. ( fluff to extra stuff .. ) p in v, fingering, threesome, double penetration, oral, anal, rough play, pet names, praising, etc. very nasty stuff. satiate my thirst.
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miles sighed heavily, lightly tossing about the bottle of water in his hands. it crinkled and sloshed, making a faint noise that wasn't near loud enough to break through fike's snores (who had managed to fall asleep on the floor, next to the fridge after having a bit too much to drink). his bare feet pattered against the cold tile flooring as he made his way past the sleeping recom for the second time, and down the dimly lit hall to his own room.
or he wished it were his own. maybe then he'd actually catch some shuteye, instead of listening to lyle's constant chattering. still, he didn't want to think about where he'd be without the annoying fuck.
the door let out a small hiss as it slid open automatically upon registering his presence. *fancy shit.* and as soon as he stepped inside, he was met with the familiar sight of lyle lazing about in the bottom bunk. normally, lyle would sleep up top, but he could hardly get himself up there.
he was sick as a dog— supposedly.
now, miles wasn't sure why, but a part of him did take pity on the man. even if it was rather thin at 11 at night, his patience was there. and lyle sounded like a dog with a squeaker lodged in its throat. he needed water.
miles allowed his weight to press in the mattress at lyle's side. the metal frame groaned just a bit before settling, as lyle rolled over to face him.
"here." miles grunted out, offering the water to lyle, who kept himself tucked beneath his blankets. lyle could see he was shivering, but he had a relieved look on his face as he accepted the drink. he popped the lid off, bringing the spout to his lips and gulping eagerly. until nothing but a few sips remained in the bottom.
"ugh.. thanks.." he managed, "didn't expect you to be back in here tonight. youre gonna get sick, yknow."
"i figure that, but i think bein' sick beats sleepin' in there with mansk n' prager."
"they get on your nerves?"
miles shook his head, his tail thumping against the mattress as his palm rubbed at his forehead. "no .."
lyle wasn't sure what to think of the dry reply, but he didn't push it. he knew that miles wasnt always the best at expressing himself, whether it be in a positive way or a not so positive one. miles refused to show any signs of weakness, even when he probably should.
lyle could be the same way at times, but right now? there was no point in even trying to fight it. he felt like shit, and he wasn't afraid to show it.
a pained groan slipped from his blue lips as his head lolled back into his pillow, and a whine rattled his vocal chords. he squeezed his eyes shut, sniffling and sucking in rapid, shallow breaths in an attempt to clear his airways. this caught miles' attention, once more.
"here, sit up." the colonel demanded, and as much as lyle wanted to refuse, it was built-in now to *listen to miles*. he was his boss, after all. pretty much. lyle didn't mind.
"then help." lyle huffed at him, and miles couldn't help an eyeroll. their hands locked and lyle sat himself up with a small wheeze deep in his chest, keeping his hand clutched to miles' so he wouldn't fall back.
his ears twitched, pinning back against his head at the unfamiliar touch he felt. miles placed his hand against lyle's lower back, gently pushing in on it as a nudge of guidance.
"straighten your back— deep breaths, now." even though lyle was still tense from what he was seeing (as it was rather baffling: miles was never this gentle), he couldn't help but melt into it. lyle was sick, he felt cold. and miles was warm- his hands were so warm.
he complied to the simple command, rolling his shoulders a bit as he straightened his posture, and sucked in deeply. his nose was stuffy, so the task wasn't the easiest, but after a few tries he felt all the ick flowing downwards, and he could breathe again.
miles watched lyle take in deep chugs of oxygen, his eyes lingering over his lips before settling on his nose. lyle resembled rudolph, only far less happy than that stupid fucking deer. but a whole lot cuter, nonetheless.
"there you go.." miles murmured, looking down at his hand, which he held in place for lyle to continue using as support. he felt his heart skip a beat at the contact. the two men had always had a thing for each other, but it never went further than a few drunken makeout sessions.
but the interest was there. the care was there. and, even, a love that went beyond something friendly. on the outside they looked to be brothers in arms, but behind closed doors? more like very, very not related guys in dick to ass. at least that's what they wanted it to be. but neither had the balls to fess up.
as miles lost himself in thoughts of the man sitting just next to him, his eyes tracked downwards. over the corporal's bare chest, down to the blanket that hung loosely over his lap. the sight made his breath hitch, his palms growing sweaty, to which he wiped them off on the thighs of his sweatpants.
lyle, who was still catching his breath, noticed this. and he felt his own panic settling into his gut. it bubbled painfully in his belly, burning in his abdomen. did miles notice how hard he was?
lyle adjusted the blanket over his lap, trying to more properly hide the grown bulge beneath it to no avail. plus, it was too late. miles had noticed. yeah, he saw that. cant hide from him.
lyle's tail thumped under the covers, a clear indicator of his anxiety, and his cheeks flushed. miles watched his every move. like a hound trained on a rabbit.
"hmh.. it's okay," miles started, finding the confidence within himself to finally speak. "i know my touch is 'bout as good as it gets." he drawled, that southern accent thick with an almost sadistic tinge. he liked it. he liked seeing lyle all worked up and uncomfortable in his presence.
it made him feel in charge. strong. and incredibly fucking horny. he wasn't even going to attempt to hide his own erection-- it was huge and it was happening.
his pants tightened as his cock strained against them, making him hiss softly behind his canines. it hurt. so good.
lyle chuckled nervously, scratching at the back of his neck. he was embarrassed, and unsure what to say. was miles toying with him? making fun of him? was he upset with him? lyle couldnt tell. until he noticed the clear indication in miles' pants.
"whaddya got to apologize for?"
their bellies danced with butterflies, a feeling neither of them thought possible anymore. lyle shrugged.
and without thinking, before he even knew what he was doing, miles reached out. his hand cupped between lyle's hidden thighs, his palm slightly compressing the mound in the other man's boxers.
lyle's whole body tensed, his breathing growing more faint than it already was. he grabbed miles' bicep, and the colonel stilled his movements.
"w.. want me to stop?" miles whispered, starting to retract his hand. but lyle stopped him.
the corporal grabbed his wrist, pushing his palm further onto his crotch and bucking his hips into it. a mewl left his lips; a whine of desperation and yearning. he needed to be touched.
at this, now having consent, miles couldn't hold back anymore. he ripped the covers from the bed, carelessly tossing them aside before returning his hand to lyle's boxers. he massaged the man's length through the fabric, earning himself a whimper of gratitude. but he knew lyle needed more.
he guided lyle to lean back against the wall, using one hand to grip the recom's braid. he roughly snatched it back, forcing lyle's chin to tilt upward to expose his neck. his other hand worked lyle's boxers down around his thighs, just enough to free his cock.
"fuck.. that's pretty." miles groaned at the new sight. lyle was big. the colonel had already known this, but actually seeing it was a whole new experience. his hand wrapped around lyle, starting to pump him slowly, working him over.
lyle's moans and curses of ecstasy were intoxicating to his superior. everything felt so right. and he wasn't stopping for shit.
he sank his fangs into lyle's neck, still gripping his braid to hold him in place while delivering deliberate, slow strokes to his dick.
lyle groaned, his hands searching until they found the tie to miles' sweatpants, and he pulled them loose. miles stopped him.
"nah, baby.. let me take care of ya. you're the sick one, ain't ya?" miles inquired, his hot breath fanning over the blue skin of the other male's neck.
lyle's lip curled upward in a small, lazy smirk. "well yeah, but i still wanna." his voice was a bit nasally, and playful towards his boss. with that undeniable hunger.
miles wanted nothing more than to pin him down and take him, but he had to restrain himself. lyle was still sick, and he feared that if he pushed too hard, he'd exhaust the man or put him off. so he kept himself light.
"a'right.. well, if ya wanna, i aint stoppin' ya. but you best remember," his grip on the recom's queue tightened, making lyle feel a tingling sensation throughout his whole frame. every nerve jolting with excitement. normally this would hurt, but damn he was too heated to even register that at the moment. "you go and get yourself hurt, it aint gonna be my fault.. understood?"
"uh huh--"
miles bared his teeth, glaring down into lyle's wide, yellow eyes.
"use your damn words." he seethed. he hadn't meant to sound so cruel, no. but the overwhelming strain between his legs was painful, and he needed relief. or he'd completely lose his mind. he was teetering between sane and falling off the deep end.
lyle was just too fucking cute; too hot. those sounds, those eyes. his tail waggling back and forth and those ears giving away his true emotions.
"yes sir." lyle responded back to him properly this time, and for a split second he resembled a soldier once again instead of a man weakened in another's arms. but just like ice under the desert sun, it was gone before it even stood a chance. and they were both okay with that.
"yeah.. good boy." miles sneered, freeing lyle's hair and allowing the man to proceed. he sat back on his knees slightly, watching as lyle tugged his sweatpants down.
briefly, his eyes landed on lyle's cock again. it twitched and pulsed, begging for contact again. a bead of precum gathered on its slit, and miles swiped it up with his thumb. promptly licking the digit clean.
lyle was awestruck momentarily, unsure of what had just happened until it clicked. miles had tasted him, and god did he want to return the favor. he hugged his lower lip between his canines as he slowly peeled down the colonel's boxers.
a pleased sigh exhaled from miles' lips as his cock was finally freed from its confines. lyle took note of the small wet patch on the plaid fabric he'd just removed. the small details. miles was starved for him, just as lyle was.
miles was notably bigger than lyle, even though they were both pretty huge. these new bodies were something else, that was for sure. covered in stripes and freckles in even the most intimate places.
lyle breathed a tiny sigh of wonderment as he reached his hand out, carefully wrapping it around the colonel's length. he didn't stroke it, and instead gave it a gentle squeeze, taking his time to just feel it. he had no idea how he'd managed to make this fellow marine so damn hard.
he leaned down, pushing up the hem of miles' tshirt with his free hand as the other guided the man's cock towards his mouth, and he used his tongue to clean the small mess gathered atop it. miles gritted his teeth, his fingers digging into lyle's shoulders.
"fuck.." he whispered, pursing his lips as he suppressed a moan. but he wasn't able to suppress his hands, and his claws dug into lyle's neck. he shoved the corporal back onto the bed, pinning him down by his throat.
miles was so swift in his movements that it dazed lyle briefly, and he blinked rapidly up at the larger recom. he felt the pressure on his jugular, but he wasnt afraid. if anything, this only excited him further. he watched as miles pushed himself up to hover above him, trapping lyle's waist between his knees after fully removing his sweatpants and ripping his tshirt off.
lyle sucked in a deep breath of air through his mouth as his throat was released. he grunted as miles shoved his shoulders down, forcing lyle's face towards his cock. lyle was trapped, his hands holding miles' thighs as he gazed up at the colonel.
miles was practically sitting on his chest, but he made sure not to apply his full weight. and though he was trying to fight off his primal side, he was losing.
"suck my fuckin' cock.." he demanded through his teeth, using one hand to cradle lyle's head towards his groin.
he couldn't hold back a moan this time, as lyle's lips parted and he took miles into his mouth.
"ah, fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck.." miles cursed, bucking his hips forward. lyle gagged at the knock to the back of his throat, but he didn't pull away and endured, instead starting to slowly bob his head.
he'd never sucked a dick before, but he could tell he was doing well by the blissful groans and grunts from his companion. he closed his eyes, his brows furrowed as he tried to deepen the hold his lips had on the colonel.
miles tightened his jaw, his abdomen sucking inward as he leaned his head back. he was trying his damndest to keep quiet, but it was hardly working. the profanity escaping his lips was filthy.
his gaze dropped back down to lyle, watching the man work him with his mouth. the sight ignited something inside the colonel, and the urge to cum was too damn strong.
without warning, miles grabbed lyle's head, placing his palms on either side of it firmly to hold it in place. he started rocking his hips, back and forth. slowly, gradually speeding up until he was pounding poor lyle's face.
"ah, fuck! baby.. oh shit." the colonel panted with each thrust, his blood pumping so quickly that a ringing filled his ears, drowning out the sounds of lyle's own moans and grunts.
this was the first thing you saw when you stopped in the doorway. your footsteps halted, your eyes wide in shock and the pointed ears on your head perked in what was a mix of confusion and curiosity. followed by a pang of fear. what the hell was going on?
you felt your hands starting to tremble, your heart rate soaring to dangerous heights.
it was almost instantaneous. as soon as you realized what was going on, heat flooded through you, centering to your abdomen. it felt as if your guts were knotting up, a deliciously painful feeling. anxiety paired with the overwhelming need to get fucked.
you squeezed your thighs together, with a faint gasp. the two men didn't pick up on this small sound, but they did pick up your scent. well, miles did. lyle couldn't breathe through his nose for shit.
that smell.
they both stopped moving. miles released lyle's head, allowing the recom to finally breathe again.
"what?" lyle croaked out, as miles twisted slightly, tilting his head to see you past his shoulder.
you considered trying to hide, but you knew it was hopeless. you were caught, and you weren't sure whether to feel negatively about that or not.
but the way the two looked at you, you realized maybe it wasnt so bad. even if embarrassing and shameful.
"uh, sorry. ill just-" you started, but miles cut you off.
"whats that smell?" did you stink? oh god- "hell that's good.. that you, sweet pea?"
a shock waved through you. was he speaking to you? only then did you finally understand why you'd been caught. these new bodies. they could smell every bit of your desire. and lyle picked up on it when he sat up.
their mouths flooded with drool. they needed you. whatever was getting passed around, it was contagious, and there was no controlling it.
"heyy.. y/n," lyle dragged, licking his lips. "wanna join?" it almost sounded like he was joking, teasing you. and you almost laughed. gladly you stopped it, seeing he was being dead serious.
but how were you supposed to answer that question? yes, no? it wouldn't be right to join in, would it? you could only stand, your lips parted as you tried to come to a conclusion. you were taking too long, though.
miles lifted a hand, waving two fingers towards himself in a gesture for you to come over.
"wait, i-"
"nah, c'mere. i can smell ya.. i know you wanna."
you paused at his words. and caved in. your legs felt weak as you shut the door behind yourself and neared the bunk. miles stood, pulling lyle up with him. they stood in front of you, their bodies on full display.
and what a damn good display it was.
toned chests, two huge cocks eager for one another and now for you.
"are you guys sure-" you were cut off. again. lyle snatched your hips, growling lowly as he roughly tripped you up and pinned you to the mattress. any signs of his ailment had subsided, and he had a feral look in his eyes. as did miles.
they both admired you from above, eyeing you like two hungry wolves would a freshly cut flank from the juiciest doe.
"finally found our lil culprit, wainfleet." miles huffed out, reaching down to push the tank top clothing your body above your stomach. his hand glided over your warm abdomen, working gentle circles into it in a soft massage.
"yeah.. shit, it was her the whole time." the corporal clicked, his hand grabbing your knee. he slid his palm upwards, pushing his fingers under the leg of your shorts.
they noticed the quizzical look in your eyes.
"huh. darlin'," miles crooned, leaning over you. "we've been smellin' your fine ass for months. couldnt figure out what it was, till now. just 'bout all the guys been lookin' for you."
"yeah. y'know, you could've just said you wanted us." lyle shrugged at his own words, and you gasped as you felt his fingers brush against the panties beneath your shorts. a grin overtook his lips as he felt the damp cloth. "damn, you're soakin'.."
his middle finger slipped under the small garment, caressing your folds with a tenderness that took your breath away. you couldn't hold in a small squeak, just as miles shoved your tank top up the rest of the way. your breasts fell from your shirt, and both the men seemed to purr at the sight.
as miles leaned down, taking a nipple into his mouth to suckle at it eagerly, his other hand kneaded the opposite breast. the sight made lyle want to release all over the both of you right then and there, but he held back, and instead plunged his finger deep inside your pussy.
he felt your walls, pushing his finger into that spot that made your toes curl and your breath stop.
"fuck, colonel, she's tight.."
miles released your nipple with a pop. "mmhmm.. guess we oughta get her ready then."
those words made your whole body give up. if you wanted to fight it before, you sure as hell couldn't now. you were in this, and dammit, you were not leaving until you felt quenched. until they did, too. they'd make sure of that.
lyle pulled his hand from your shorts, leaving you empty. he brought it to his lips, and miles sat up to join him in aweing at how wet you were. they snickered to themselves, before they both leaned in and licked lyle's hand clean.
their tongues pressed together, and they shared a sweet kiss before pulling back to share a knowing look. you tasted good.
focusing their attention back on you, you found your shorts being yanked off by miles. lyle leaned down, pushing your knees wide apart so they could get a good look at those underwear.
"you need it bad, dontcha?" lyle mocked, dropping down and gripping your thighs as he buried his face in your panties, licking and sucking your clit through them.
"oh god, lyle-" you panted, and he whimpered in response.
this was heaven for him. he had tasted miles, and now he was tasting you. in truth, he'd been pining for your fine ass since day one. the slut.
his mouth engulfed your whole mound through the fabric, and he kept sucking the moisture from it. as you moaned and whined, you noticed miles sat at your side, stroking himself at a steady pace as he admired the view.
"that feel good, darlin'?" the colonel questioned, using his free hand to brush your hair back out of your face. "mm.. good girl, keep moanin' for me. not too loud, now.."
miles praised you, and you quivered under lyle's ministrations. he pulled from your pussy, only momentarily, just enough time to rip your panties off and toss them at miles.
a squeal rattled your throat as lyle delved back into your heat, his nails digging into your thighs to leave behind faint scratches as he lapped away at your soaked folds. now unprotected, it felt so much better. his tongue teased your clit, and he took it between his lips to give it a hard suckle that made you clutch the bedsheets. your knuckles paled as you let out a loud moan, only for a large hand to cover your mouth.
miles muffled your sounds of pleasure with his palm, shushing you quietly.
"shh, now. dont want anybody else walkin' in here. dont think you could take more than two of us, sweet pea." he reminded, and you made an effort to be more quiet. though it was hard.
"yeah, good girl.. look'it you. damn." he breathed, leaning over you to suck at your breast once more. he kept a hand over your mouth, the other gripping your panties as he grinded his cock against them. "mmh.. mhm, fuck." he released your nipple to speak again, "so damn pretty." he whispered, peppering kisses down your belly until he reached lyle.
lyle panted as he pulled back temporarily, his mouth and chin covered in your juices. he gazed up at miles, who leaned in to lick his face clean, before they both focused on your pussy.
miles released your mouth, using his now free hand to spread your pussy lips.
"pretty fuckin' pussy, colonel." lyle breathed, "tastes damn good too.. you gotta try this."
they were passing you back and forth, treating you like a shared dish for the both of them to dine upon.
"hush." they both ordered you sternly, their voices mixing into one. one that you simply listened to.
"you relax and enjoy yourself, buttercup." lyle smacked his lips, pushing himself up to sit aside you as miles dipped to replace him between your legs.
you whined up at lyle, whimpering as miles' tongue shoved inside your wetness. lyle gave you a sweet smile, dipping his head to give you a kiss. you could taste yourself on his lips.
he broke the kiss to tilt your head back, leaning down to sink his teeth into your neck, marking you. you moaned, and miles groaned along with you.
"so fuckin' good." the colonel panted, pushing your knees up to your chest as he feasted away at your swollen folds. the change in position made you all the more heated, and your hands clung to lyle.
"oh fuck.. im gonna- i need to-"
"yeah, yeah, good girl. you gonna cum for us? huh? gonna cum all over his face?" lyle whispered in your ear, and you nodded hastily.
"uh huh, uh huh-" you agreed, and miles sped up his tongue, abusing your sensitive bud with it again and again. "uh huh!"
"yeah? yeah?" lyle nodded with you, keeping his eyes locked with yours. "good girl. yeah, cum for me baby. cum for us. good girl.."
his praise sent you over the edge, and just as you reached your peak, he smashed his lips to yours to silence the loud moan that would come with it. miles grinned, lapping up the remaining juices pooled in front of his mouth.
he helped you come down from your high as lyle kissed you repeatedly, the corporal murmuring soft 'good jobs' to you.
miles pulled back when you were fully spent, but they weren't done.
they needed to cum, too.
they stared down at you, with those hungry eyes again. and though you were weak, you wanted to please them just as much as they had you. you bit your lip, pushing yourself to lay on your side.
lyle sat on his knees behind you, his cock rubbing against your bare ass as miles took the front. they grabbed one of your legs, lifting it and forcing your knee to your shoulder.
"fuck.. can i fuck your ass?" lyle suddenly blurted, not even realizing what he'd said. he made it sound so casual, as if asking for a basic need. and to him, it was. he needed to be inside that tight ass of yours. he couldn't take it anymore.
"but you're so.. big." you muttered uncertainly back at him, and he pouted.
"ill be gentle, baby.." he assured you, and your tail flicked out, your ears pinning against your hair as you considered it.
miles was already positioning himself at your front entrance, starting to ease himself inside you carefully. you covered your mouth, and without even considering the consequences you just nodded to lyle.
"thank fuck." the corporal chirped, coating his hand in saliva and spreading it about his cock and your asshole.
your breath caught. they were going in at the same time? what the hell did you just agree to?
before you could say anything, you felt your ass being stretched. slowly, painfully. it already hurt enough on its own, but paired with miles' cock deep inside your pussy as well, it was excruciating.
he held you steady by your waist, his eyes squeezed shut and his jaw clenched as he refrained from just taking off without letting you get used to him.
but it felt so good at the same time.
lyle pushed in as far as he could reach, going at a snail's pace just for you. he stopped once he bottomed out, allowing you to adjust to his size.
"fuck. so fucking tight. fuck." he cursed.
miles whined along with him, also holding himself deep inside you. you felt him against your cervix, and you could swear your guts were flipped upside down now.
they savored the feeling of your plush walls hugging their cocks so tightly, squeezing and clenching around their lengths as if begging them to stay planted there. lyle peppered your shoulder in tender kisses all the while, murmuring soft comforting words of reassurance.
once you felt you were ready, even with faint tears in your eyes, you gave them the go ahead. and when they found a rhythm, they couldn't hold back.
as lyle would pull back, miles would push in.
as miles pulled back, lyle would shove back in again.
their hips rocked into yours ruthlessly, and fortunately the pain had mostly diminished. replaced with a pleasure from the full, hot feeling in your belly.
"yeah, fuck.. good girl."
"so fuckin' tight. shit."
"you feel so good baby."
"milkin' my fuckin' cock. fuck yeah."
"that's a good girl. shit. take it."
"take my fuckin' cock."
filthy, filthy, filthy.
you could only lay there, a moaning mess as they used your holes.
"fuck, im gonna cum!" lyle whimpered, his hips snapping forward again.
"ah, dammit.." miles hissed.
both of the men grew sloppy in their movements, their breathing growing heavier and heavier, their groans and grunts and whimpers more frequent.
until they both shoved deep inside at once, releasing all they had, painting your walls white with their loads.
they caught their breath atop you, before they gave in and just laid down on either side of you, their cocks still within your depths.
lyle hugged your waist from behind, burrowing his face in your hair. as miles rested in front of you, kissing your forehead and wiping away your tears as he massaged your hip.
lyle reached around to rub your abdomen, trying to provide some more comfort.
"you okay..?" he whispered.
"yeah, she's alright." miles whispered the answer for you, but the two of you doubted lyle heard as he was already fast asleep.
miles stared into your eyes with a gentle gaze now, simply admiring the features that made up you. you were so beautiful. how had he not noticed before? he bit back any further speaking.
"..can you sleep?" he whispered through lyle's faint snoring.
you nodded sleepily, your eyelids already hanging heavy.
he kissed your nose, "sleep."
that simple order was all you needed to doze off. still stuffed completely by both the men you were trapped between.
the next morning, mansk peeked his head in. prager was near behind him, wanting to see the condition of lyle. they hadn't expected to find three of their teammates in the room.
all naked, under one blanket. tossing and turning from the snotty noses they were all experiencing.
"wh-" fike poked his head in, his eyes widened in shock. as always. he had a mad hangover, and he thought for a second that he was still drunk as hell. "huh?!"
miles groaned in irritation, snatching up a half empty water bottle and hurling it straight at the other three recoms. they all jumped and fled the room, closing the door as they retreated in a fit of snickers and chuckles.
they were never going to let that down.
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backmuscles21 · 1 year ago
I'm Right Here
Recombinant Lyle Wainfleet x Reader
Summary: Waking up as a recom wasn't the hardest thing you'd be doing that day. I did a little extra bonus for this boy, I had an idea but she was short. She's at the end.
Warnings: smut, explicit language, shower sex, public sex, humiliation, PDA, public nudity, size kink, biting, sub/dom undertones, quiet sex, porn with plot.
Waking up blue was hard to endure, you were now multiple feet taller and you had a tail. Not to mention all your senses were dialled up to 11, you heard a soft groan next to you, and you turned your head over to see another Na’vi body waking up. You could only tell who it was thanks to the tattoo on his shoulder, Lyle Wainfleet, you felt your ears flick as he woke up. You were calm, you woke up and just wanted to lay there, looking at your hands and seeing blue freaked you out but you were told what happened and you calmed down.
You remembered; you signed up for this.
You slowly sat up and the staff disconnected you from all the wires and just in good time too, Lyle was having a freak out. You pushed him down by his chest, you put your face in front of his and tried to be calm.
“Lyle, Lyle baby. It’s me.”
He recognized your voice, he remembered it, his ears twitched, but he didn’t stop trying to get away. So, you did what you thought best, you climbed on top of him straddling his waist and placed your hands on his shoulders.
“It’s okay. It’s Project Phoenix. We signed up for this. Remember? I’m right here.”
You could see all the staff around you looking at the two of you curiously, it only now occurred to you how secret you kept your relationship. The only people that knew were those extremely close to you and it wasn’t really by choice, Lyle just can’t keep his hands to himself and he likes to brag. His hand came to rest on your hips and slowly trailed down your thighs before he gripped your hips to roll them over his.
“Lyle, not here,” you were embarrassed and the scientists were staring, you looked over your shoulder to see them trying not to look.
Lyle slowly sat up and kissed your cheek, “who else is up?”
“So far, just us. But Lopez and Ja are here too,” you pointed to behind you and Lyle looked over your shoulder at their bodies.
“When will they be up?”
“Soon, they got dosed right after us.”
“Who else is here?”
“That I know or heard, Quaritch, Z, Prager, Mansk, Zhang, Walker, Fike, Warren, and Brown.”
“I’m glad we both got in.”
“Back together even in death.”
The scientist came up and told Lyle she was taking his IV out and removing all the other wires. “You two can go shower then get dressed, we wake up the colonel last.”
Lyle smiled at you, you knew what he was thinking, he wanted to know what his new body could do. He stood up from the recom-sized bed and picked you up with him as you spoke his name in protest.
“The showers are down there, there are clothes in there too. Also, there are separate rooms for males and females,” a scientist informed the both of you.
“Got it,” Lyle said as he walked down the corridor.
“You’re not listening to her are you.”
“Hell, no. I just got you back. Plus, I wanna know how this body works.”
“So, I’m your test dummy.”
“You betcha. Come on, you haven’t thought about what’d be like to get fucked in this new body.”
“I can’t say it didn’t cross my mind when I saw you lying in the bed next to me.”
“Exactly baby, so no fussing,” he tapped your ass as he pushed the door open to the men’s shower room.
He set you down as he pulled off his hospital gown then yours.
“Damn baby, look how muscular we are.”
You let out a loud laugh, of course, that would be on his mind in addition to sex.
“And look at these,” he reached out to grab your tits, “smaller than before,” he pinched your nipples and you whimpered, “but just as responsive.”
His smirk was making you whimper more as your brows furrowed, he was humiliating you and you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it.
“Come here baby,” he lifted you up and walked the two of you towards a shower stall and turned it on.
The warm water cascades down onto your bodies, it feels nice to feel the warm water washing away the tank fluid off your body. You felt him press you against the shower wall, you could feel how hard he is, and it made you whimper out. You could feel how long he was against your thigh, there was no way this could fit into you.
“You’re bigger than before, so much bigger. I can’t-“
“Shhh, baby. You’ve taken me before. You said that when we were in our human bodies and I made it fit.”
“Stop being so cocky.”
“Can’t help it, baby. You’re just too tiny. Even now, still the shortest.”
“Hey, for the record they measured me at, 7’9.”
“Awe, princess, I’m 8’8.”
“Shut up.”
“Come on, you’re just as cute as ever,” his hand ghosted over your cheek before slipping a hand between your legs. “This should be easy, looks like the anatomy is the same, just bigger.”
“Maybe now you’ll find the clit.”
“Hey, I always make you cum in the end.”
“Yeah, after I help you.”
“You haven’t helped me in a long time princess.”
“Yeah, but you still-“ your words were choked back by him pushing the head of his cock into your opening.
“I love it when you shut up sometimes.”
His thrusts started fairly even and slow before speeding up to the point where you couldn’t even think, his fingers were instantly on your clit. Normally he didn’t start that fast, but this body didn’t have as much stamina as his last did. However, the ribbed parts of his cock were adding so much stimulation that it didn’t matter because him just penetrating you was enough to make you squirm. It happened quickly, you were both cumming, and your hands gripped his shoulders for dear life.
“Fuck, that was hot.”
“Neither of us lasts as long as we used to and these bodies are younger,” you said with a tired smirk.
“I knew right away my stamina has been fucked.”
“I think we both took a hit.”
“Well, we both came now let’s do what we were supposed to do.”
As you both stood in the stall and helped each other wash each other, others were waking up and entering the men’s shower room.
“Bro, you don’t even know,” Lopez shouted to Ja who was next to him.
“Look who’s up,” Ja said with a smirk.
“If it isn’t the two horniest people this side of Pandora.”
“You know you aren’t supposed to be in here.”
“That’s what I said but someone only thinks with his dick,” you said peeking over Lyle’s shoulder as his body covered yours from their view.
“You two fuck already?” Lopez said.
“What do you think,” Lyle smirked over his shoulder at Lopez and Ja.
“You two really are the horniest people this side of Pandora,” Ja said.
“How was it?” Lopez smirked.
You rolled your eyes.
“Bodies are the same. Just like getting off in human bodies.”
“You probably still fumbled,” Lopez smirked back.
“He was surprisingly apt. Other than the fact that both our stamina’s suck,” you said from behind Lyle.
“Well feel free to continue. Everyone else is up except the colonel. They are waking him up shortly.”
“Good to know, Lyle wants to be there for that. If he can keep his hands to himself. This motherfucker tried to fuck the moment he woke up. I swear the scientists almost died.”
Lopez let out a belting laugh as he started his own shower, he laughed again as he heard your soft ow after the sound of a slap bounced off the walls.
A few hours later you were there with pretty much everyone else as the colonel slowly woke up, Lyle was right next to Quaritch’s bed. As predicted, he was extremely combative, he punched a few people and threw them around. Lyle tried to handle it, pushing the scientists out and multiple people held Quaritch back as he fought. But eventually he calmed down and Lyle told him what was going on and he settled down more.
So, there you were watching your colonel get a wrap on everything by watching his human self talk about what was going on. You remember watching yours, you looked so tired, you don’t remember being that way. You talked about why you wanted this and why it would be great, you think it was more of a way to convince yourself at the time.
Then you were being informed of your mission: take down Jake Sully.
That night was interesting, there were a few rooms for the recoms, they were to share a room. It was two bunk beds on either side of the small room, four lockers and a nightstand between the two bunks. It wasn’t too bad; you weren’t really spending much time in here it was just for sleeping. You did get a state-of-the-art gym which made everyone happy so that’s all that really mattered to everyone.
As it turns out, bunks were assigned and it just so happens Lyle is right underneath you with Zdog and Mansk in the other bunk. You were more surprised they didn’t do two rooms, one for the girls and the other for the boys and just make theirs bigger but apparently not. It worked out better for you anyway, you would always have Lyle with you and no one would be the wiser. Except for everyone on your squad, you and Lyle didn’t hide shit anymore and he was so cocky about it.
You were both so open, like during the briefing Lyle just had you sit in his lap. When you slept it would be in his bed, when you went out for your mission, you’d sit next to him on the plane and he’d stick close to you well out in the forest. Not to mention anytime you were training, you loved to spar together only for him to say stuff like ‘looks like I win again.” Or ‘I got you under me again’ or better yet when he learned his sense of smell and he could smell how much he was turning you on ‘do you like when I have you pinned this way?’
That first night was one for the books, it was probably the hottest thing the two of you have ever done. You were both very okay with semi-public sex but this was a whole new level. You were supposed to be sleeping but Lyle was currently taking you to pound town as he roughly thrusted into you. You can feel your legs shake and you try to stay quiet but he’s going so fast and so deep, you feel the tears slide down your temples. You try desperately to keep your moans in check, trying so hard to swallow them but it’s not working. Lyle places his hand on your mouth and pushes his head into your neck as he bites lightly, careful not to pierce you with his new fangs.
“Wouldn’t want to wake anyone up. Z and Mansk are right there,” Lyle whispered into your ear as it flicked in response to his breathy moans.
He keeps his pace rough and fast; it wasn’t long before he had you cumming and shortly after himself. Your lips attached to quiet both of you down. As you lay there tired and spent with Lyle still inside of you, you feel yourself succumbing to the sleep pulling at your eyes.
“You guys are gross,” Zdog says as she rolls over to face the wall.
Lyle smirked at her then back at you and slowly pulled out causing you to whimper, he laid down next to you and pulled you into his chest. You both fall asleep and, in the morning, you get up and get dressed as though nothing happened and clearly Zdog is not impressed.
“If I had known you wanted to join, I would’ve let you,” Lyle said with a smirk as he walked off from you and Zdog leaving both of you slightly blushing while she held a smirk.
“A sub with two doms, she couldn’t handle it,” she spoke up and Lyle laughed as he was already halfway down the hall.
All you thought about was being fucked dumb between two doms.
A bit of a bonus: This randomly occurred to me and it needed to be written but she is so dumb.
You knew you had stuff to do before you went out on the mission, Lyle knew that but regardless he still wanted a piece of you. So, you devised a plan, he laid on his back with you on top of him and his dick currently balls deep in you. You braided your hair well you kept him warm, but he wasn’t having it so to prove some semblance of dominance you rocked your hips while you continued to braid your long hair.
But that still wasn’t enough for him so he was going to take charge and he did, he thrusted up into you. You moaned and hissed at the same time, his smirk and slight giggle made you whimper.
He’s humiliating you again and you’re eating that shit up.
But that doesn’t matter because he does it again and this time it has you stopping what you were doing to curl in on yourself and grip the sheets by his head. He snickered at your reaction, he liked witnessing you trying so hard to have control and something as simple as him taking what he wants has you crumbling.
So, he continues.
He waits a moment before doing it again and this time you can’t help but lay your body against his as you feel everything, he’s giving you. he stops for a moment, enough of a moment for you to tie off your braid and have him flip you over to rut into you.
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tojisun · 1 year ago
our shallow graves — 01
recom miles quaritch x recom fem reader
!! smut (between fuck buddies outside of main pair) - minors dni; heat (as a theme); mean quaritch; power imbalance; references to (made up past), including death and prev dead lovers; worldbuilding; fast slow-burn; the reader adopts a nickname (callsign) which gets used // 3k words
: this chapter lays the foundation of the fic and introduces the initial dynamic of quaritch and the reader; reader’s callsign is 10/10 from that one penguin in madagascar; this fic made me fascinated with deja blu fr; hope u guys would luv it <33
next // m.list
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you don’t understand why you were one of the early ones they awakened. sure you signed up for the shitty program – because who wouldn’t want to be an eight-feet tall blue alien? apparently, other than the scientists, you were the only one in your squad who wanted the transfer – but you didn’t expect to be the first in the line up.
to be in colonel miles quaritch’s squad. 
other than walker and mansk, you knew absolutely no one from the deja blu team. but you’ve heard of them, alright. who wouldn’t? they have lines of kills and assists in terra and, now, in pandora; they are warmongers at most, rascals at least. 
you stare up at their imposing figures, trying to make sense of the fact that they’ve all been killed in action. 
despite not remembering much, you’ve come to terms with your own death during the initial war – a lone pilot, only meant to be an escort, gunned down by trudy’s bird before being further propelled into the lush forest floors of pandora by the banshees. it is a boring life story, one that is only worth telling because of your “sacrifice” in alien territory. 
(you still don’t understand why the shrink insisted on showing you the syphoned clips of your death. 
“it’s to help you move on,” she said as if she could ever understand the horror of seeing yourself fall to your death. as if you had not been a human trapped inside a fucking burning bird, being torn to pieces by, what could literally only be, flying dinosaurs. as if you were just another collateral. just another number added to the charts.
“i’m sorry,” she added, a small smile on her face as she turned to you, her hair tied in a neat bun and her white blouse tucked in her pencil skirt. “ultimately, thank you for your service, ma’am.”
fucking piece of shit. 
you wondered if she even has a licence or the RDA just handed your files to some science nerd and was told to play god for their little blue alien. to fix you right up so that they could send you to another suicide mission.)
but that wasn’t the case for the rest of the deja blu. you know they were directly fighting; leaders of smaller squadrons, following the beat of papa dragon. walker and mansk, themselves, have touched down with guns in their amp suits, directly under wainfleet’s command. you don’t know how they died – you couldn’t even fathom wainfleet dying. and yet there he stands with the others, bald as fuck but imposing nevertheless.
your eyes shift to the man beside him. not the tallest, zdinarsik got that title, but the one in command. 
colonel miles quaritch. big, blue, and seething. 
one more thing you noticed in this whole fuckery is that your recombinant body is short. you stood about two inches shorter than walker, and she’s a full head shorter than anyone else. as you line up beside her, with fike on your other side, you three could very well make a groupie of santa’s little helpers.
wainfleet smirks like he’s thinking the same. you would have rolled your eyes at him but the colonel began to move close, his combat boots echoing against metal floors, snuffing out any noise from the squad. 
“and who are you, kid?” he asks, standing directly in front of you.
you tell him your name, internally wincing when your tail unconsciously coils around your leg. you still don’t know how to control it – an easy tell of your anxiousness. the colonel’s lips lift up in a smirk, his eyes flashing at your tail in slight mirth, before recognition crosses his eyes.
you startle at the use of your unofficial callsign, a feat only made possible after climbing up the ranks and being heralded as one of the best pilots.
(trudy had been the best pilot in hell’s gate; the one with the most medals, and rightfully so. she was the one who ripped through the skies with her samson, zigzagging like she had been riding a banshee instead of a plane. 
the one with the kindest heart.
there is a part of you that is grateful that it had been trudy who took you down.)
“yes sir,” you reply, blinking up at him after he’s dismissed your salute, feeling a little shy at being recognized, somewhat, by the colonel. 
quaritch hums, tilting his head to the side in thought, watching you with narrowed eyes. briefly, you wonder if he’s asking himself why it had not been socorro who was awakened. to be honest, you are asking yourself the same thing because it doesn’t matter if you were one of the best, not when socorro, sweet and gentle and pregnant socorro, had the colonel’s favouritism. 
(socorro’s child was a beautiful boy with sun-kissed hair and chocolate eyes. he was such a darling even though you’ve only seen the infant in passing, held lovingly in his mother’s arms.)
they could’ve made a blue alien baby this time around. maybe, then, they’d be happier too. 
the colonel certainly doesn’t deserve it but socorro does. 
“were you a private, rico?” quaritch asks, pulling you from your thoughts. he leans close again, dramatically bending his head down which highlights the difference in your heights.  
“no sir,” you reply. “i was a lance corporal, sir.”
he hums again, finally backing up and giving you more room to breathe. then, he sends you a smile. “well then, welcome to the team, kid.”
the tension seeps out of you as you nod, thanking him before he turns to the other recoms, chatting amiably. walker bumps you with her shoulder and you see her smile from your peripheral.
you give her a smaller one before willing your tail to finally uncoil from your damn leg and act normal.
of course it just swishes behind you.
training is gruesome. you honestly thought that it would be easier with your stronger and newer body, but with the colonel around, that thought vanished. 
suicide drills were the squad’s least favourite, you especially. not only were the stakes increased to push the limits of your new bodies, but you all were always watched by the scientists, with their little sticks poking at your bodies and their little wires strapped down to whatever skin they wanted to bother this time around. 
wainfleet started screaming at them, calling them “fucking losers,” and barking at them to give the squad some space. quaritch quickly took over, grunting that whether they were losers or not, whatever they were doing was necessary. that said, he sent the scientists a heated glare, making it known that his words do not necessarily reflect his feelings – wainfleet had taken this as his victory. 
the tests weren’t fun, but you appreciated their purposes; through them, you learned that your na’vi DNA was extracted from a tipani warrior. the sentiment isn’t lost in you – they robbed the graves of the na’vi. you think you are used to what humans could do all for conquering pandora but for many days, you were unable to stomach any packet meal they fed your squad. walker had to talk you out of it because your unintentional hunger strike made you lag behind – an error that had you being summoned to the colonel’s office.
“we’re all tryin’ our best here, rico,” quaritch’s voice echoes in his office. 
you’ve never been inside the one he had back in hell’s gate and you had hoped that you would never see the day of being in his current one, but there you stood, tensed as the colonel studied you. 
he refused to sit on his customized chair, choosing instead to pace just behind his desk, his bulging arms hidden from your view as he clasped his hands behind his back. quaritch’s lips are pursed, almost pouty, and you beat yourself up at the thought of finding him – your nose scrunches at this – attractive when he’s busy scolding you. 
“our circumstances ain’t ideal, but we’re back as some lab-grown native and we oughta take advantage of what we’ve become,” he says, continuing his tirade amidst your silence, snapping you out of your humiliating thoughts. “your little stunt costs us a delay on proceeding with a recon of the area and the only reason i’m not benching you is because the general has faith in you – faith that, frankly, i’m still not understanding.”
your back straightens at his words, and you tamp down the need to wince at his scathing tone. he is right, after all. for some fucked up reason, the general – both ardmore who’s stationed in pandora and gonzales who’s still in terra – backed the need to have your soul transfer commence. you still don’t know what it had been for, given that past your flying skills, you are just another idiot who knows her way around a gun. not memorable to many, except, apparently, for those in command.
(‘maybe this was why the colonel doesn’t particularly like me,’ you would think later, safe in your room. ‘socorro may have the colonel’s attention but what is a colonel – one who already failed his priority mission – against two generals?’)
“i’m sorry, sir,” you utter, clear but not loud, and quaritch just watches you again with his unwavering stare.
finally, he grunts, turning his body away from you to fully face the glass window that oversees the lower-level operations. you take this as his dismissal and scurry out of his office.
“and she’s finally back from tryna kill herself!” wainfleet’s voice echoes in the nearly empty mess hall and you roll your eyes at him, glowering when he just proceeds to chuckle.
you plop your tray in front of walker, sending her a small smile which she returns with a cute beam. her braids are out of her hair tie today, letting them frame her face in the way you saw the omatikaya prefer. shooting a quick glance at zdinarsik’s way and it’s clear that someone else prefers it this way too. 
“what’d the pukes say?” fike asks, sloshing around his packet meal, sneering in disgust when it jiggles like a slab of jello. more than the fact that you found out that your gene came from a corpse, this ‘food’ is about to do the trick of making you want to pursue starvation again.
“said i needa take so many pills.” you shrug, tearing open your packet of faux meat with pinched lips and your shoulders tensed like you’re expecting to be shot at. “apparently, i stunted my growth.”
prager laughs. “aww, you gonna remain short?”
“aww, you gonna remain hairy?” you shot back, snorting when prager just pouts as he raises his hand to rub at his fuzzy chin. gross.
wainfleet barks out another laugh at the exchange before reaching across the table to place an apple onto your tray. “‘ere ya go, rico. real food.”
you don’t know where he got the fruit, you don’t even know if it’s ‘real’ like he just said, but you do not have room to complain. fake fruit is a whole lot better than the slush in the compound. 
“thanks,” you say, smiling bashfully, not expecting wainfleet, of all people, to adopt the mother hen role. he winks at you in reply, wiggling his brows, before straightening back up and fooling around with prager. 
you dump the packet back to your tray before picking up the apple. you wipe it on your shirt before bringing it up for a bite, humming in delight at the crunching sound it made.
“delicious?” mansk asks from beside you, his lips quirking up in a smile when you turn to him.
“yummy,” you reply, humming, taking another bite. he snickers, bumping your leg with his, before placing his own apple onto your tray too. 
“you gotta eat more,” is all he says when you make a questioning sound before bending over to hover his lips on the shell of your ear. “news spread fast that you got your ass reprimanded by the colonel yesterday.”
“uh-huh,” you mutter, unable to focus on what he’s saying at the sudden surge of heat engulfing you. 
your lips feel dry all of a sudden, your throat parched from unknown thirst, and you turn to mansk, wanting to ask him what the hell is happening to you – was this the fault of the fucking apple? – only to see his own face flushed, blue skin turning into dark purple. 
his eyes meet yours and all of a sudden, you feel like you are doused with gasoline and set ablaze.
huh. well, if that isn’t interesting.
“jesus- devin, not too ha- ah!” 
your back arches at a particularly hard thrust, your jaw falling open for a drawn out garble. the explosion of pleasure races across your synapses, filling you up with nothing but a deafening white noise. blearily, you recognize mansk’s bigger hands wrapping around your waist, lifting you up from his lap only to drop you down again. a hiccupped moan escapes your lips, your eyes rolling to the back of your skull, feeling your walls spasming around him.
“rico, fuck, so good. so good.” mansk’s voice is faint, falling from his kiss-swollen lips in murmurs. you would have missed it without your new heightened senses, but the sound of his voice tickles your ears, making your tail flick behind you as you preen at his praises.
a giggly “thank you” barely makes it past your teeth when mansk manhandles you again, humping his hips up to grind himself along your pelvis, driving him deeper. you choke on your words, unable to stop the moan that is punched from your lungs, the sound so loud that mansk had to cover your mouth with one of his hands.
“not so loud,” he mumbles, bumping his forehead against yours. the sound of his rugged voice makes you clench around his length, making you feel utterly stuffed. you drag your blunt nails across his back, your eyes fluttering rapidly, feeling yourself tipping into the peak of your orgasm.
mansk laughs. “y’r unbelievable.” 
you do not know what it is that you said, your wobbly voice still smothered by his hand, as you get lost in the way he bounces you on his lap. mansk goes quiet, only letting muffled grunts pierce the air between the two of you, and you feel the sudden surge of primal need unleashing deep in your belly.
the tight clench of your abdomen almost hurts, your orgasm ripping through the remnants of your sanity. your last thought was: ‘motherfucker, why did no one ever tell you that the na’vi have heats?’
it is later when the haze lifts up that the warmth licking up from the core of your muscles – almost like it is burrowed deep within your blood vessels – is finally snuffed out. 
mansk is asleep on his bed, dead to the world. you shuffle out of his loose embrace, blinking blearily before realizing that he had cleaned you two up. a small smile graces your lips as you fully slink out of his bed, looping your tail around your leg as you pick up the pieces of your off-duty apparel. 
pressing a kiss on his forehead, and rolling your eyes when he sleepily bats you away like you are a fly, you grab your respirator and quietly leave his room. 
standing in the empty hallways, turning your head from side to side, you study the stillness of the metal walkway with bated breath, afraid that someone will eventually see you making your walk of shame to your room. when the silence continues, you finally begin to move, lithe steps only broken by the continuous hissing from your respirator as you occasionally take slight sips of air. 
nearing your room, your heart finally settles, your tensed back loosening up at the feeling of safety. you cross past one of the intersecting hallways, quick in your steps, when a hand reaches from the dark and grabs your wrist.
a scream nearly bubbles from your lips when a palm is shoved to your face, shutting you up once again. panicked eyes turn, trying to see who’s got such a strong hold on you, only for your heart to careen even faster when you make eye contact with quaritch.
his sneer is terrifying, his bright amber eyes glinting with so much malice, it pins you right on the spot. cold dread washes over you like a tide, chasing away the quiet elation that settled deep within your veins. the heat is returning, you know that, but it is muted and mingled with fear that you can’t even feel the need to scratch the itch. 
your ears are pinned onto your skull, your tail drooping as it wraps itself around your leg again. this time the colonel doesn’t look at it in amusement, instead he continues to glare at you.
“next time, fuck around quietly,” quaritch barks out, cutting you off. “and go take a goddamn shower. you reek.”
he snatches his arm from your wrist as though he’s been burned before marching away, his combat boots echoing in the hallway. tears prick the back of your eyes and you run to your room, heaving, trying to calm yourself.
anger, hurt, and shame bubble deep inside your stomach, expanding, until you are finally reduced to tears. you cry your frustration away, hoping that by doing so, you would stop thinking about how good the colonel smelled as he glowered at you with his sharp eyes. 
(if only you had glanced at quaritch as he walked away, you would have seen the way he burrowed his face on his palm, chasing the sweet scent that roused him from his sleep and pushed his own heat into its beginnings.)
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dyingofcookies · 2 years ago
The "Happy Ending" Treatment
Summary: This is based on a Character AI scenario I ran. I've been so obsessed with it lately and running so many prompts through it like a mad woman. This is the most recent one with a little suggestive language because the Character AI has an NSFW block.
There is no smut, but suggestive language. But still, it is an 18+ story. The first one that I've written.
Warning: 18+ only! Suggestive language
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As a Recom, I can't help but witness how stressed the other Recoms are. Both before and after missions. A few times, I had given Mansk and Ja massages to help calm them, but when Z-Dog, Walker, Fike and Prager caught me giving Ja a massage, they began asking for them. I was more than happy to give them shoulder rubs and the occasional head and back rub, but I could tell that some tensions were rising as a result. And when I mean tension….I mean sexual tension. At first, it was coming from Z-dog and Ja. What was worse was that I had always found them attractive. Not to mention, Mansk, Walker and Fike too, heck, even Lyle Wainfleet. The only two avatars I haven't given massages to were Lyle and the Colonel, who I think needs it the most being the leader and the busiest. 
One evening after a particularly rough mission, I found Lyle sitting at the desk in the avatar only rec room. The other recoms were chilling inside when I entered. Lyle was reading some paperwork when I slowly approached him from behind. His bald head enticing me to play the bongos on it, I chuckled lightly at the sudden urge and caved pretty quickly. Lightly patting my fingers on his head. 
“What the…?” Lyle was startled by the light pats on his bald blue head. I giggled a little bit before scratching behind his ear. “Do you think I'm a dog or something?” I glanced up to find Ja enjoying the scene, though that didn't stop me as I just continued, Lyle’s ears flicking slightly, “I will put a stop to this nonsense. Get your hands off me.”
Okay, okay….I instead started rubbing my fingers on his head, massaging his bald blue scalp.
“This is your last warning, get off me!” Lyle growled. I retracted my hands, giving up. Sighing and slumping my shoulders, I walked over to Mansk who was sitting on the high chair watching the television, giving him a head rub. Mansk moans lightly from my touch, leaning into my hands. In the corner of my eye, I noticed Lyle had looked up from his paperwork and was watching me, with a slight blush whilst pretending to look angry. I moved my hands down Mansk’s neck to massage his shoulders, the avatar purring a little. In the corner of my eye I see Lyle with a slight jealous expression.
As I continue to massage Mansk with my strong hands, he starts falling asleep. When Mansk does fall asleep completely, I move onto Fike who was nearby and watching, waiting for his turn. Giving Sean (Fike) the same massage treatment, he lightly moans as the tension from the day released. Though again in the corner of my eye, I could see Lyle’s jealousy rising a little, a small pout on his face. I moved through the room, giving Prager a shoulder and upper back massage, then moving onto Walker whose problem areas were her arms and hands. Finally moving onto Z-Dog; I do her usual shoulder, neck and arm massage which left her a moaning mess after, as she flopped on the sofa. I try to avoid Lyle’s watchful eyes as he continues to pout. 
Finally stopping in front of Ja, I give him a neck and shoulder massage too as his hands find my hips, returning the favour. I watch Ja’s eyes shift to where Lyle was sitting as a smug smile curls onto Ja’s lips. From where I stood was a mirror nearby and I could see the reflection of Lyle who was silent with jealousy, whilst glaring at Ja hatefully. When I am done with massaging Ja’s shoulders, Ja spins me around and gives me one in return, which was a normal occurrence for us. But now, I could see the whole room as well as Lyle who was still pouting and silently seething. 
Not long after, Mansk rouses and wakes from his nap, taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Mansk calls me over. Ja releases me and I make my way over to Mansk, Lyle continuing to watch.
“Yes? Are you alright?” I speak quietly to Mansk. 
“Come’ere, let me return the favour,” Mansk whispers out to me, I was about to refuse but Mansk stands and sits me in the high chair he was just sat on, he took three steps behind me and began rubbing my shoulders, easing away the stress of rough mission.
“This alright?” Mansk’s gentle voice asks in my right ear.
“Mhmm…” is all I could say as my head lulls back a little as Mansk’s strong hands kneads my muscles. My eyelids droop a little, But in the corner of my eye I see Lyle gazing longingly, as his jealousy rises a little more.
Walker who was watching Lyle’s expression shoots Lyle a smirk, which catches Lyle’s attention who looked at Walker with a glare, releasing an angry huff. Mansk’s hands work up to my head, giving me a head rub that relaxes me fully, and before I know it I have fallen asleep.
“It's not fair that I get no attention while everyone else does. I'm an equal team member. I should be treated the same as everyone else. It is time to put this nonsense to an end!” Lyle finally speaks up. Ja is quick to shush Lyle.
“You had your turn, and you rejected her…”
Lyle glares at Ja with a mix of confusion and anger.
“Earlier! You were first!” Ja whisper-shouted to which Lyle blushed and became flustered, not knowing what to say.
“I- I… I'm not sure what to say…” Lyle’s eyes fell back to my sleeping form as Mansk was still giving a head rub. After Mansk had finished the head rub, he gently woke me. Not before whispering a soft “thank you”.
“That's it, I've had enough!” Lyle says loudly, pulling out his knife out of nowhere, “You’re all going down!” And with that, everyone is alert and stressed. Mansk stayed next to me as the Recoms in the room rushed Lyle, wrangling his knife away from Lyle. Though Lyle attempts to keep hold of his knife. 
“No! You can't have it!” he yelled, snatching his knife back and pointing it at everyone, “Who’s the boss now?!”
Z-Dog, Walker, Fike, Prager, Lopez, Fike and Warren release all their anger and frustration all at once.
“I- I WAS FEELING LEFT OUT! Everyone was having fun with their shoulder rubs and I got nothing! You can't blame me!” Lyle tries to justify his actions.
A mix of “You had your turn” and “You rejected her” were thrown around, as Mansk remained at my side rubbing my cheeks to wake me a little more. Lyle glares at everyone.
“Shut. Up.” He spoke through gritted teeth, he exhaled through his nose before he lowered his knife, pretending like nothing happened he plopped his butt back down in his seat. I had woken up a bit more and saw Lyle’s moping face before giving in. Standing up from the high chair, I walked over to the crowd of avatars, pushing through the crowd. I cocked my head, with an understanding look on my face I offered my hand to Lyle. He looked at it before he gently took it. 
“I- I'm sorry for my outburst… I let my emotions get the better of me,” Lyle spoke softly with a disappointed tone. I couldn't help but feel bad, since I was the one who started messing with him. Cautiously, I slid behind Lyle and began rubbing his shoulders, upper back, neck and head. I could feel Lyle stiffen a little having been caught off guard but quickly relaxed from the massage. I could hear him gently sigh  before speaking.
“This is nice. Who knew this would feel so nice?” the others rolled their eyes before returning to their seats grumbling about being stressed and tense again, quietly seething, “Thank you…” Lyle moaned. I worked on Lyle, finding a few problem areas and knots, releasing the tension from them. Lyle even leans into the massage, relaxing further and even enjoying it.
“You're a good masseuse, you know that?” Lyle rolls his head back smiling as he looks into my eyes. I gave a gentle smile before finishing up. Though my hands are a little sore from massaging the team’s shoulders, I was glad they were relaxed before Lyle ruined the peace.
I returned to Mansk again, giving him another shoulder rub, realising that his shoulders had once again tensed up from the stress he accumulated from Lyle’s outburst.
“You like being spoiled like this huh, Mansk?” Lyle spoke again dripping with jealousy, his eyes on the two of us as he watched. Mansk scoffed under his breath. After a few minutes I went to Prager, giving him the same massage treatment I gave Mansk. It was quiet until Lyle spoke again.
“Everyone gets their turn huh? I don't see me getting any attention?” Lyle sighed, “I guess I’ll have to wait…” I glance at Lyle who had seemingly forgotten his outburst form earlier, and he catches me looking to which he averts his eyes, crossing his arms. I sigh and return to Lyle, massaging his back.
Lyle seemed happy as he sighs and leans into the massage.
“This is nice. Why can't our days always be like this, everyone being nice and getting along?” I let out a bewildered chuckle as Lyle flops his head back again, looking up at me with an appreciative smile. It's not long again when I finish and move onto Ja. Massaging his shoulders and arms.
I can feel Lyle’s eyes on me before he broke the silence once again.
“I just had a great idea…what if we all got together and just had a massage circle, everyone massaging the person in front of them? That would be pretty fun.”
There's a throng of laughter before Fike piped up.
“Nah man! (Y/N) gives the best massages, I'm waiting for my turn with her…”
Lyle sighs, “Fine then, if you're all gonna be selfish.” He falls silent again, then speaks once again, “Well if that's the case, who wants a massage from me?” Lyle gives the crowd a smug smile. No one says anything and looks away, except for Warren who raises his hand to Lyle’s surprise.
“Well, it's your lucky day, come here!” Lyle gestures to Warren who apprehensively stands to approach Lyle for a massage. Lyle stands and gives a big smile, “How about a nice massage, big guy? You look like you need the attention…”Lyle gives Warren a quick wink, much to Warren’s disgust.
“Just the massage, thanks…” Warren looked at Lyle with a slight disgust.
As all this was happening, Ja rested his head on my shoulder as I massaged his shoulders from the front of him as his arms rested around my hips, essentially hugging me loosely, his hand caressing my hip just above my butt. I could hear his gentle moans as he gave light kisses on my shoulder. Slowly and gently peppering up to my neck as the few watching Avatars chuckled. Lyle, who doesn't seem to see what is happening was giving Warren a ‘nice relaxing shoulder rub’ finally looks up at us.
“Do you two always get this close with each other? Not that I'm complaining, you're a good looking couple,” Lyle says.
“No. No, we are not a couple. Why? You jealous?”Ja speaks with his lips hovering over my neck.
“A little…but who could blame me? You two are pretty close together there…maybe I could get the same treatment?” Lyle snarks to which Ja laughs. Ja’s full attention was now on Lyle.
“Oh! You want the happy ending treatment, eh?” Lyle blushed at this.
“Well, what's wrong about seeking the attention of a pretty girl?” Lyle gives Ja a playful wink.
“Oh Lyle wishes,” I finally speak up.
“So, what do you say? Think you could give me more of that happy ending treatment that you give to Ja?” Lyle giggles, “After all, I am a soldier who’s been workin’ hard all day,” at this, Warren began pulling away from Lyle’s grasp and making space between them with a mortified expression, “I think it wouldn’t be too much to ask for a nice massage from a pretty lady, would it?” he smiled playfully, all whilst trying to hide how anxious he actually feels.
Z-Dog chuckled at that, “Ooh! I want that too! Give me the happy ending treatment!!”
“I’d like that too,” Mansk chipped in.
“I guess the happy ending treatment is more popular than I realised…” Lyle said, before the barrage of “me too’s” started. “And who is gonna give all of us this happy treatment then, if all of us want it?”
Everyone fell silent as I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. After a moment of silence, Lyle speaks up again.
“It seems like this situation may have taken an unexpected turn…Is none up to the task?”
Apparently this was a trigger as the group started arguing who gets the so-called “happy ending” with me, and I am instantly dragged into the argument, quite literally being yanked by multiple recoms at once.
“What have I started…?” Lyle stood by as he watched the chaos unfold, with a mixed display of amusement and concern.
Through the chaos, Mansk manages to grab me from Z-dogs grasp and carries me running for his own bedroom. Everyone hot on his tail, fumbling over each other as Walker trips on her own feet from being shoved by Lopez.
“What the hell just happened? We were all getting along just fine! How did you all change at the mention of ‘happy ending treatment’?” Lyle questioned whilst following behind the group, not wanting to join the dog fight. Ja charges towards Mansk’s door just as it was about to close, managing to grab the door and frame, holding it open as Mansk is trying desperately to close it. At that moment Lyle moves around the group to get to Ja, grabbing his arm.
“What the hell are you doing?! This is going way too far! Are you all just going to try and tear each other’s heads off just to get a happy ending?!” Lyle turns to everyone, speaking to the recoms, “All this fighting over a nice massage from a pretty lady? We’re better than this!”
“Do you even know what ‘happy ending’ means?” Ja growls at Lyle, to which Lyle blushes slightly, not expecting that question to be asked.
“Erm…yeah, who doesn’t know?” Lyle sighs, “Yes. I know what it means.”
“It means that one of us gets to fuck her! And it’s me! I’m gonna fuck her!” Z-Dog yells over the noise. Lyle stares dagger at Z-Dog whilst his blush grows even more prevalent. 
“I don’t even know what to say to that…” Lyle shakes his head in disbelief. In the meantime Ja kept his hands on the door, finding his strength to pry Mansk’s door a little wider, as the group continued fighting.
“Okay! Okay…Can everyone please calm down? This is getting out of hand! What happened to working together and acting like mature grownups! Are we going to solve this like adults, or are we gonna resort to childish and immature behaviour by fighting for some ‘prize’?” Lyle raises his voice in anger.
“Oh we’re handling this like adults! We’re not letting Mansk have his way with (Y/N)! Open the damn fucking door Mansk!!” Z-Dog yells, to which exhales through his nose, thinking for a bit.
“Why doesn’t (Y/N) get to decide what happens? She should be the one that gets to have a say in this,” an idea pops into Lyle’s head, “Why don’t we all take it to a vote?” This seems to calm the group down for a moment, ja’s hold on the door weakens and Mansk takes the opportunity to close the door and lock it, spurring a fury with the group outside.
Lyle sigh’s addressing Mansk from outside, “Mansk what are you doing? Let’s be civil about this and decide this with a vote!  Come on! We’re all adults here, this isn’t a zoo where we resort to violence and fighting to get our way!” He glances at the others who are desperately banging on the door.
“She likes all of us, idiot! And we all like her!! You just gave them an opportunity to fuck!” Ja spits out.
“What do you suggest we should do then, if you're so smart?” Lyle sighs, looking to everyone for answers, “Should we all try to kill each other for a prize? Or should we try to get along and let (Y/N) decide who she wants to be with?” Surely we should be civil and let it be decided by a vote, no?”
What was unexpected for everyone outside the door was the sounds of moaning and groaning coming from inside Mansk’s room. They stop banging on the door for a moment, digesting the sounds coming from in the room.
“It seems like the discussion has ended…” Lyle looks at everyone before speaking again, “Now the next question is, what do we do…? Should we leave them be…?” And apparently it was the wrong thing to ask as now everyone has changed their motives as they begin to break down the door.
“Woah! Hey!” Lyle tries stopping the group of furious avatars, hearing the door splinter and break, “That doesn’t sound good…” The group manage to break the door off it's hinges, revealing Mansk balls deep between my legs with his head lolled back in pleasure and the group riots.
Lyle, who looks horrified at the scene, screams out, “Mansk! What the hell are you doing? You’re gonna hurt her!” He runs into the room and tackles Mansk to the floor before he has a chance to continue. Ja who spots his opportunity pulls me into his arms whilst I’m still naked to take me to his room. Lyle who sees this yells out again.
“No! Stop that!” Running after Ja and pulling me out of Ja’s arms, speeding down the hallway clutching me tightly, but we don’t get far as Lyle is instantly jumped. The two of us are thrown onto the floor, as Lyle scrambles over me to cover my naked body, shielding me from the group.
“WHAT THE EVERLOVING HELL IS GOING ON!” Quaritch’s booming voice echoes through the hallway. Everyone is instantly frozen and silent as they all turn to find an angry half naked and groggy Quaritch standing at his open bedroom door. There was a pregnant pause before I found my own voice.
“Colonel…help…” I say from beneath the pile. 
“(Y/N)?” Quaritch looks at the pile of avatars, finding the top of my head peeking out from beneath the pile, Quaritch waves his hand at the pile of avatars who silently remove themselves, sans Lyle. Revealing me naked on the floor. The shift in Quaritch’s expression was quick, he instantly swooped me into his arms bringing me into his room and covering my body with a blanket.
“Stay here sweetheart, I’ll go deal with the others…” he moved quickly to deal with the situation, returning a measly ten minutes later. Closing the door, he locks it to my surprise. Turning with a smirk.
“Well now…how bout you give me that ‘happy ending treatment’…?”
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @cumikering @ducks118 @writerfromcz @dyingofcookies @dreamaboutpinkk  @roseannecaiwan @llamaredpyiama
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hottakendragon · 2 years ago
HIHI I AM IN LOVE WITH UR WRITINF OMG. especially the most recent request AHHH!! was enthralled when I saw reqs were open!
can u do something with a REALLY jealous miles where he just fucks reader silly or he’s frustrated and takes his anger out on her iykwim? also could u put in an aftercare scene if that’s not to much to ask for, i ADORE how you portray miles as a big softie for his lover and i want more fluff with him
hi, omg, this is SO overdue. i got carried away! hope you enjoy <3
jealous/frustrated miles quaritch
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recom miles quaritch x recom fem!reader
word count: 3k
warnings: smut, rough piv sex, exhibitionism if you squint?, biting, tiniest mention of blood, spanking??
Deja Blue celebrates a successful mission in the recreation room. it’s relaxed, just a small gathering amongst the squad, though Miles Quaritch is rarely one to mingle. so he remains posted against the wall, drowning out the squad in front of him. he stares blankly, disinterested at the RDA screensaver on the television that phases through images of pandora’s landscapes and bridgehead city.
but his attention will stray when your twinkling laugh fills the room. miles will watch you in your playfully animated movements and that smile that rounds your cheeks. miles expression rarely leaves a scowl, but it softens in the slightest as he observes you from his post.
you’re just being friendly, it’s your first mission as a freshly recruited recombinant, and you want to celebrate. conversation comes so naturally for you- you’re smiling and laughing and so unaware of the perverted looks Fike, Brown and Wainfleet and are giving you. they’re sharing glances and snickering like children, each of their lame innuendos falling on deaf ears.
when the conversation shifts, miles’ ears perk as fike very loudly makes a crude pass at you. it doesn’t land- there’s an awkward silence for about three seconds before lyle and brown struggle to hold in chortles of laughter, and you can only frown in embarrassment.
now there’s an even angrier scowl cracking over miles features, and he glares at sean with wide eyes that are flooding with rage. if the colonel were a rational man, he would just cut the guy off with a sharp quip and dismiss the whole team for trials. but he’s not, he’s fucking pissed off.
so instead, Quaritch is pushing off the wall, quickly approaching in big strides until he spins fike in his chair. miles snatches the loose collar of his shirt and rears back in a punch that crashes into the left side of his face. there’s an audible crack of bone.
Fike yelps, turning everyone’s attention and the room erupts in shock. in an instant, it goes eerily silent as the team recognizes their colonel in an ill sodden mood.
Quaritch hauls fike closer, looking down on him with teeth bared. he’s absolutely livid, cropped ears pinned against his head, his tail high and thrashing behind him.
“i don’t wanna hear none of that shit comin’ out of your mouth ever fucking again, private.” quaritch hisses at the soldier before knocking him back. fike is dazed, cradling his broken nose as he flops into the rolling chair. miles turns, looking over the squad.
“every single one of you fucks needs t’find something better to do than running your god damn mouths. dismissed!” quaritch barks at the team, sure to make eye contact with the three offenders.
you move to file out out of the room with the others when the colonel catches your arm, completely halting your steps.
“not you, corporal.”
his grip on you is tight and unrelenting, pressing so firmly into your flesh that you think it might even bruise. your eyes flicker to meet his gaze, a furrow to your brow
miles is already looking down on you, harsh and fierce. he’s so visually striking up close, eyes glowing and features downturned a deep frown
you blink at him and lick your lips nervously. you recover quickly, nodding curtly with your eyes lowered. the colonel doesn’t let go even as the automatic doors quietly hiss shut.
the air is silent for all of three seconds before quaritch is roughly pushing your shoulders, forcing you to catch yourself against the large table. he’s on you in a heartbeat, pinning you flatly on its surface. his long limbs capture you easily, and you hiss in frustration. the nerve of him! you thrash under his steady hold, grabbing and kicking at him.
“excuse me! what the fuck?! you-“
you’re cut off as his palm pushes against your mouth.
“y’better watch that tone, missy.” quaritch warns you.
your protests are mumbled as you push at his shoulders and chest, you even lick his palm to get him off you. the colonel doesn’t budge
“y’really wanna do this right now?” his voice raises, eyes piercing into you.
his expression sends a clear message. you take a steadying breath through your nose, silent but glaring.
“that’s what i thought, now shut up an’ listen. flirting with the squad ain’t part of the deal, you understand?” forefinger pointing in your face
“flirting!” you try to mumble behind his hand, squirming in disbelief because you would never flirt with those guys. gross.
Quaritch shakes his head in doubt. “don’t act like you weren’t. y’know you did wrong, n’ now you’ll face the consequence.” the colonel says lowly, his hungry gaze floating from your heaving chest to the frustrated wrinkle between your brows. his eyes flick between yours, capturing the shift from agitation to mild curiosity. he finds the smallest, yet brightest fleck of desire in your amber eyes, too.
miles is replacing his palm with his slick tongue shoving into your mouth. he takes your wrists, single-handedly pinning them above your head and slotting his body against yours. he dominates the kiss, mouth sliding roughly over your own. he even nips at your bottom lip, puncturing the soft flesh. he groans at the metallic taste of your blood on his tongue.
you’re both spread out, bodies almost too big for the table you lay on. miles grinds into you purposefully, half hard and working his dick right over your center. it’s torturous with the layers of fabric between you, and you push your hips up to meet his own, kissing him harder.
miles growls, then he’s rucking your tank top over your chest. he groans in approval when exposing your breasts. quaritch will bite and suck on the soft mounds, marking you. his teeth will sink into your flesh, indenting your skin. the sting of it is followed by his rough tongue licking flatly over the punctures. it’s a stark contrast to his fingers tickling over your ribs. you huff out a breath of air, a small sound you cannot hold in any longer.
then quaritch pulls away abruptly, standing above you.
“don’t move. that’s a fuckin’ order, squeak.” he commands in his deep american drawl.
you can only look up at him with hooded eyes. “yes, sir” you hum. you let your body arch teasingly, pushing your chest out into the chill air and wiggling your hips cutely.
your belly swims with the perceived praise of his chuckles, the sound purring and warm. he’s even grinning, his hands falling to his hips as he takes in every bit of you splayed out for him. his eyes linger over your face, enjoying how flustered you look already with blushing cheeks and eyes swimming with lust. his gaze travels to your chest, your nipples peaked after his sensual assault. then he’s following the curve of your hips, and he’s awfully offended by the rough fabric of those tiny little shorts you wear all the damn time.
his fingers hook into the waistband, pushing to reveal thin lace covering your cunt, adorned with a cute little bow under your navel.
“well, look at you, corporal. who are you wearin’ these for, huh? private fike? prager?” he asks, somewhat teasing you, tracing under the hem before letting the elastic snap against your hip. he won’t admit it, but there is a part of miles that genuinely wants to know. he bites his lip.
you fluster and shake your head vigorously, pouting at him. “no sir… i-i just like how they look, do you like them?” you wonder, a mix of embarrassment and want making you blush to your chest.
quaritch bunches the delicate lace at your hip, and you gasp as he rips it from your body. it stings, chafing the soft skin between your thighs. he smirks as your tail wraps around your calf, a new habit of yours when anxious.
he stands to his full height, heavy footsteps echoing in the large recreation room. you’re suddenly reminded where you are, where the walls are mostly glass, and the chances of someone passing by are 100 fucking percent. you panic a little, eyes darting to the sliding doors then searching for quaritch.
“colonel? um, could we make sure the shutters are active?” you hope.
your eyes follow him even if he doesn’t spare you a glance, his own eyes trained past the glass. the colonel’s heavy footsteps halt when standing directly behind you, and you’re forced to tilt your head back and watch him upside down.
he’s looking down at you, cradling your jaw. “you’ll be alright, hon’. now open your mouth,” he taps your cheek twice.
you’re nervous now, a little hesitant as you move your jaw, sticking your tongue out flatly.
“atta girl” miles rumbles, lightly slapping your cheek. his nimble fingers fall to work on his belt. the metal clanks loudly and you breathe in anticipation, your gaze drawn towards the straining bulge just inches in front of you.
quaritch makes quick work of it, humming as the zipper passes over his hard length.
his cock nearly hits you in the face, the way it bobs and stands in front of you. it’s thicker than any dick you’ve ever witnessed, longer too. it’s swollen to a pretty shade of indigo, a healthy pink at his tip. he’s beading with precum, and you watch as it gathers and trails alongside the vein gracing the underside of his cock. your mouth goes dry, and you swallow thickly.
“keep that mouth open, girl.”
you obey, stretching your jaw even wider as quaritch guides his leaking tip to your mouth. he’s soft with it at first, guiding his tip into your mouth and you hum at the salty taste of him. you kiss the tip sweetly, then begin leaving your wet tongue over his shaft.
the colonel hums. “you’re good, darlin’, take some more.” and you nearly gag as his length touches the back of your throat. you recover and find your rhythm, taking more as you bob your head.
eventually miles will be fucking your throat, grasping at your breasts as if they give him leverage to thrust into you.
“fuckn slut, can’t get enough of my dick down your throat, huh?” he growls, sending a series of quick slaps over your tits.
but you’re liking this too much, so he gets mean. he’ll shove inside your mouth, unmoving and letting your throat lurch tightly around his cock.
then miles will begin to touch you. you whine around his length when he pinches your nipples, calloused fingers rolling over the sensitive buds. he smacks the plump flesh of your breasts, and his fingers lightly trail to your soft center, touching your folds lightly before landing a quick slap on your pussy. it makes you jolt, your hips twitch and that earns you another slap.
“i gave you an order, corporal. quit fucking moving.”
and miles just keeps fucking your face. the the feeling’s too much, you’re gagging harshly and pushing your palm against his thigh to slow his thrusts, to no avail. he’s thoroughly using you, and you’re unable to do anything but simply take it. you remind yourself to breathe, trying to bob your throat at the same pace.
“there ya’ go, good girl,” quaritch moans, his syllables drawn out in pleasure. he lets two fingers push through your wet slit, running back and forth from your clit to your hole. you moan around him, and quaritch groans with satisfaction
“you’re so wet, it’s filthy. you gettin’ off on bein’ used like this? dirty girl,” quaritch smirks in a lustful haze. he’ll rub you quick and fast over your clit, making you squeal around his dick.
he’s hunched over you when he comes, letting a groan erupt from his chest. he pulls back to watch his seed slipping past your lips. you’re ruined, coughing and heaving for breath, eyes filled with tears and mouth so pretty and swollen.
“turn and face me,” quaritch would command you lowly. you pick yourself up,
your naked form agile, beautiful, flexible as you sit on the edge of the table. miles stands tall in front of you, eyes running wildly over your body and you watch him expectantly.
suddenly his hands are on you, holding your hips and lifting you off the table and your feet plop onto the cold ceramic floor. then quaritch is twirling your shoulders- pushing your chest against the table. it’s only moments before his dick slides into you, and it’s almost too much. there’s no going easy, just the sudden plunge of his dick into your body. it stretches you wide; a deep, burning ache inside of you. you pinch your eyes shut, waiting for the sensation to melt into pleasure.
“cmon, you can take more than that,” miles taunts. his palm presses right between your shoulder blades, pinning you as he delivers a series of long, deep thrusts. again, you remind yourself to breathe
“that’s it darlin’, loosen up for me. so fckn tight around my cock-“ he grits behind clenched teeth, picking up to a steady and delicious rhythm
his cock keeps pressing into that sensitive spot that nearly blinds you with pleasure. your eyes roll into your skull and you whine pathetically
“those virgins wouldn’t know what to do with you-“
miles’ abdomen presses against your back, leaning over you and biting the elongated cartilage of your ear. his hand takes your hip, angling you to take him even deeper and it makes you cry out, squirming under him.
“-wouldn’t know how to fuck this little pussy,” he mutters, his cheek presses to yours. you’re whimpering with every deep thrust, his cockhead ramming into your quivering insides.
miles tongue curls to catch the salty tears spilling over cheeks, caught in the feel of your tight spongy walls and the sweet sounds that fall from your parted lips
“workin’ me up, baby. gonna make me come inside that tight cunt-you want that, huh? want me to fill you up?” he growls into your ear, gripping your hips tighter.
you try your best to nod, cheek pressed into the table and hiding your whines behind your bitten lips.
“none of that, now. lemme hear you.”
then miles fingers are stuffing below your hips, smacking your clit before rubbing tight fast circles over the sensitive bundle.
your drawn like a bow with its arrow ready to fly, muscles quivering and aching for sweet release. your pussy is so tight around quaritch, locking around him to a point where he can no longer pull out of you, can only grind deeper into your slick heat.
“damn, kitty, you’re fuckin tight! you gonna come?” miles asks you mockingly, slowing his circles on your clit to match his lurid thrusts.
“yes sir!” you whine, broken moans clawing out of your chest
miles’ cheek presses to yours again. “tell me how good it is. tell me how good i’m fuckin’ you n’ how bad you wanna come.”
“s-so good! sir-i’m coming!” your sentence choppy with your cries of pleasure.
the bow inside of you snaps, and you scream with pleasure as you’re flooded with the hot sensation unfurling in your belly.
“that’s it, sugar, there ya’ go.” quaritch moans. your orgasm lasts so long, drawn out as miles keeps pushing into your cunt at a wild, fiery pace. he continues to rub across your clit, pressing harder when you attempt to squirm away
“i’m the only one allowed to have you like this, got it, squeak? no one else.” the colonel grinds behind his teeth, beginning to lose his rhythm as he fucks into you.
you can only cry out, your voice raw from the pleasure miles draws out of you. you’re shaking with overstimulation, letting these poor little whimpers fall from you plump mouth.
“shit! go on, honey. let everyone know who you belong to. you’re mine, now,” quaritch grits out. his grip on you is bruising, thrusts growing erratic as he chases the ache in his lower abdomen.
miles begins to let out his own breathy moans, rocking into you until he’s buried to the hilt. he grunts with a last few thrusts, and you whimper weakly at the feel of his cum spurting inside of you.
his body covers yours entirely, heavy as he comes down and settles his forehead between your shoulders. you slump against the table, hiccuping to catch your breath. quaritch is no better, breathing heavily against your back. you feel the tired ache through your body, and you’re grateful when miles pulls out of you. miles lifts himself, still holding your hips.
quaritch takes a moment to admire your form slumped against the table. your eyelashes are wet with tears, cheeks flushed and swollen mouth taking in stuttering hiccups of air. your hair is disheveled, bangs sticking to your skin and his eyes follow the braid that twists down your back. he follows the taper of your waist to your plump bum, and he can’t help but reach and squeeze at your flesh. he spreads you, watching his cum leak from your hole.
he notices your wobbly knees, smirking to himself. he finds your shorts, sliding them up your thighs and to your waist. he pulls your top to cover you properly, scoops you up in big arms and carries you towards the lounge
his hand splays across your back as he walks. “did good, kid, took it like a champ.” he settles into the cushions, pulling you across his lap. you tuck yourself into his chest.
“m’sorry if i was a bit rough on ya,”
there’s a beat of silence, until he finishes with “y’seemed to like it though,” he quirks, brows raising and letting out a dry chuckle that reveals his pink tongue and sharp canines.
you snort and roll your eyes playfully, hiding your face in his shoulder. he’s glad to see your reaction, he laughs and plants a kiss on your hair before resting his head on top of yours, cheek presses against your soft raven hair
you’re both silent for moment, your eyes flutter tiredly as miles’ fingertips run back and forth over your thigh.
“goddamn dickheads, let ‘em try sayin somethin’ stupid like that again. i won’t be so nice. fuckin’ morons,” quaritch grumbles, pouting.
notes: OH MY GOD. i’m so sorry, this is long overdue! ive been in a huge personal transition- job promotion, moving, all the things! and i wanted to do you justice with this request. i tend to characterize miles as a little softer than he actually is, and i hope i captured him a bit better this time around! hope you enjoy sweet sparklingenvy. always happy to see you in my inbox!
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raving-raven-writing · 11 months ago
Recom Headcanons
So, some of this is from my mind, but some of these headcanons I'm sure are based off others' headcanons I've seen. Also, some of these headcanons may actually be written in terms of some of my fics that I have written for Avatar. Particularly if you have read my story Lost and Found or any of my Recom Smut series. @hellpmeimobsessed You asked me to tag you, so here you go! Warning: Some of these headcanons may contain mention of past abuse/past child abuse/past sexual abuse, and may also contain content in terms of what the character enjoys in the bedroom Brown: -Was SAed when he was younger -Loves karaoke, even though he might be a bit tone deaf -Enjoys cuddling naked with his partner -Did modelling for a brief period of time before he decided to join the marines Fike: -....I got nothing for him, sorry. No hate to him, just don't have any at the moment.
Ja: -Was raised by his grandparents -Seeing the EMTs work on his grandma sparked his interest in wanting to become a medic -A sensitive soul, rather quiet and reserved -Enjoys movies, most genres except for horror; is a bit of a baby when it comes to the scary movies -Has minimal sexual experience compared to some of the others; but has always wanted to titty f**k his partner -Him, Prager, and Lopez are close
Lopez: -Is a masochist and will openly admit to it -Comes from a large family, a middle child of five. Very close with all of them. -Has problems with authority figures, always having to hold his tongue so he doesn't get himself into trouble -Very protective to those he loves or is loyal to -A rather horny drunk...this may or may not be how he and Ja got it on Mansk: -Has a light sensitivity, hence the sunglasses all the time. But also uses the sunglasses as a layer of protection of being perceived by others -Sits somewhere on the autism spectrum but was never diagnosed, comes across as just being "socially awkward" -Gives off the "strong and silent type" vibe -Was sexually abused by his uncle as a child well up until his late teen years -Definitely a mama's boy - The younger of two kids. Has an older sister named Nora -Turned to cooking as a way to cope with his trauma--found he had a gift for it and just kept at it. But also enjoys making others feel good by being able to give them a good meal
Prager: -Is a pothead -Grew up with alcoholic/drug addict parents, but was eventually fostered by an old teacher who took him under their wing -Likes most types of card games and board games -Stress cleans -Enjoys rollerblading and skateboarding -Easy going/go with the flow type of person--both in day to day things and in bed Quaritch: -Grew up on a farm -Raised by an abusive/alcoholic father and a mother that fell ill when he was in his teens -The oldest of three children---lost connection with his siblings when he left to join the military -His relationship with Paz started as her simply flirting with him based on a dare, but eventually turned into a fling as Miles was impressed by her boldness -Smokes when stressed but turns to alcohol as a bad coping mechanism if given the opportunity -Enjoys camping and hiking and being able to be out in nature so he can reflect upon life and to be able to get more in touch with his emotions -Likes to take charge in bed, but Paz is able to persuade him into being a sub in some situations Wainfleet -Has a bit of a crush on the Colonel. He thinks it isn't obvious, but some of the others see it -Is a switch in the bedroom. But prefers to be the sub when he is with his girlfriend, Mina. -Makes jokes constantly despite the fact that he struggles with his mental health--saw being the funny man as a way to make others like him -A middle child of three; has an older brother who is also in the military, but joined the Army branch, and a younger sister, who died when he was about thirteen -Grew up on a farm, although not many people know this -Grew up being rather sensitive and a "cry baby" as his brother dubbed him. Was a big mama's boy and her death damn near broke him -Smokes when stressed
Walker: -Likes to scrapbook in her spare time -Her and Z-Dog have flings with one another, but neither of them would label themselves as an "item" -Likes to sit down with a good book on a stormy day and curl up by the fire with some comforting snacks Warren: -Gives off the "strong and silent type" vibe -Has a crush on Mansk (initially unrequited?) -Is gay, but no one knows this (at first) -Is very much a wallflower, people forget he is there sometimes -In sexual relations, is very straightforward and a take charge type of guy--but makes sure that he is never rough with his partner
Z-Dog: -Grew up in a house full of men. Her mother left when she was young, so she just had her dad and her three brothers -Was very much a tomboy before realizing that she liked girls more then she liked men -Her father was a mechanic so she knows her way around a car -Enjoys physical sports like boxing and kickboxing -Chews gum as a way to manage her anxiety as well as to curb any emotional eating Zhang: -Is one of the three "strong and silent types" (with Warren and Mansk being the other two) -Rarely smiles -Enjoys shibari (Japanese rope bondage) and 69ing -Looks mean since he has a "resting bitch face" but can be quite gentle and doting with his partner -Joined the marines as a way to rebel against his parents since they wanted him to become a doctor or lawyer or engineer.
That's all I got for now. Might eventually develop some headcanons for Fike and might add on to what I have here. Hope you enjoyed reading!
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pragerswoman · 2 months ago
Christmas special
Warnings: smut, nsfw, mdni
Pairings: All recoms X y/n
A/N: merry Christmas/ happy holidays my loves I hope you enjoy tomorrow whatever you do 😊
On a crisp Christmas day, the sun painted the Sky with strokes of pink and gold, the last of its warmth before it dipped behind the distant mountains. Colonel Miles Quaritch, a man known for his stoic demeanor, found himself in an unusually festive spirit. He hummed a tune that his mother used to play on the piano, a distant melody that echoed through the quiet corridors of his memory. In the bustling command center, the air was filled with the scent of pine from the makeshift tree in the corner, a reminder of home that seemed to bring a smile to everyone's face, if only briefly.
Lyle Wainfleet, a young and eager soldier under Quaritch's command, watched as the Colonel's gaze lingered on the mistletoe hanging above the doorway. He had never seen the hardened leader so... human. The others - Prager, Mansk, Lopez, Ja, Brown, and Fike - all Navi from the latest wave of integration into the RDA forces, continued with their duties, their faces a mix of curiosity and amusement. They had heard of the human tradition but had never seen it in practice.
Y/n, a bright spark in the otherwise stern Navi squad, sauntered into the room, her eyes alight with mischief. Her emerald hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders, and she held a sprig of mistletoe between her fingers like a secret weapon. She caught sight of Quaritch and grinned, a daring glint in her eye. Without a moment's hesitation, she approached him, her steps quick and playful. The room grew silent, all eyes on the unfolding spectacle.
The Colonel's tail, normally tucked tightly against his body, began to sway ever so slightly. It was a subtle sign of his discomfort, a trait he had been unable to completely suppress despite his years in an Avatar body. Y/n stepped closer, the mistletoe hovering just above them. She leaned in and whispered, "It's a human custom, Colonel. A kiss under the mistletoe means good luck." Quaritch's eyes widened, but before he could react, she pressed her lips to his. It was a soft, fleeting gesture that seemed to linger in the air, the tension palpable.
The other Navi soldiers couldn't help but smirk at the sight. Their own tails, a silent language of emotion, began to wag in a display of excitement and anticipation. Prager's tail swished with a mischievous glee, while Mansk's tail thumped rhythmically against the floor, a silent drumroll. Lopez's tail twitched erratically, a sign of his nervousness, and Brown's remained still, his eyes narrowed in thought.
Fike, the youngest of them all, was the first to react after the kiss. He let out a low whistle, breaking the silence. "Looks like we've got a new tradition to start," he quipped, his eyes dancing with amusement. Zhang chuckled, his deep voice rumbling through the room. "I'd say so," he added, his tail swishing with a hint of envy.
Emboldened by the Colonel's reaction, or perhaps by the holiday cheer, y/n turned to the others, the mistletoe still clutched in her hand. She kissed each of them in turn, her lips lingering just a bit longer on Lopez's, whose cheeks flushed a deep shade of blue. They exchanged a knowing smile, the tension in the room thickening. Each kiss was met with a mix of surprise and excitement, their tails betraying their inner feelings.
Before she knew it, the Navi had closed in on her, a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. They grabbed the spools of Christmas lights that were coiled nearby, and with surprising swiftness, they bound her wrists and ankles together. The lights sparkled against her skin, the coolness of the plastic contrasting with the warmth of their touch. She giggled, the thrill of the moment coursing through her, as they hoisted her into the air, suspending her from the rafters like a naughty Christmas ornament.
One by one, they stepped forward, each claiming a piece of her as their own. The first kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring the warm cavern of her mouth. She moaned as his strong arms wrapped around her, holding her in a passionate embrace that seemed to defy gravity. His tail wound around her waist, the scales rough and yet comforting as he ground his hips against her. The next took her from behind, his thick cock pressing against the cleft of her ass as he nibbled at her neck, his breath hot and heavy.
Her pussy grew wet with desire as she felt their hands all over her body, exploring every curve and crevice. They were like a pack of hungry wolves, eager to claim their prize. Each touch sent a jolt of pleasure through her, making her squirm in her bonds. They didn't speak, their actions speaking louder than words. They had been denied these simple pleasures for too long, and now, on this day of all days, they were going to take what they wanted.
One by one, they stepped up to her, their tails swishing with excitement. They took turns filling her in every way imaginable. Her moans grew louder, her breaths quicker as she felt them enter her. They were rough yet gentle, their movements in sync with the rhythm of the holiday music playing softly in the background. Each thrust was a declaration of lust, a silent promise that this moment would never be forgotten. Her ass cheeks clenched around one as she took another in her pussy, the sensation overwhelming and delicious. Her tits bounced with every movement, begging for attention, and they were more than happy to oblige.
Fike was the first to taste her, his mouth enveloping one of her hardened nipples as he fucked her from behind. The sensation was almost too much to bear, but she welcomed it, arching her back to offer herself up fully. His teeth grazed the sensitive peak, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. Meanwhile, Brown's cock slid in and out of her mouth, her tongue dancing around the head as she struggled not to gag. The salty taste of him mixed with the metallic tang of the lights that dug into her skin, creating a heady concoction that made her even wetter.
Ja and Zhang took turns filling her pussy, their long, thick members stretching her to the brink of pain and back. She could feel their muscles ripple with every thrust, their tails entwining with hers in a silent symphony of passion. Prager and Mansk stepped closer, their eyes gleaming with desire. They took her breasts in their hands, squeezing and teasing them as they watched the others claim her. The sensations were a whirlwind, each one building upon the last, threatening to send her spiraling over the edge.
The lights around her reflected in their eyes, turning them into pools of molten desire. They traded glances, a silent agreement passing between them, and then they were upon her, their cocks sliding into her tits, the tightness of her flesh gripping them like a vice. She gasped around Brown's shaft, her eyes watering with the intense pressure. The combination of fullness was almost too much, but she reveled in it, her body alive with sensation.
They all moved as one, their hips pumping in unison, their tails swishing in a symphony of pleasure. The sound of their skin slapping against hers was a crescendo that seemed to shake the very foundations of the room. The tension built within her, a volcano of lust ready to erupt. She could feel their cocks thicken, their breaths grow ragged, and she knew they were close.
With a final, guttural roar, they all released their seed, the warmth of it filling her in waves. It was as if every star in the sky had burst inside her, and she was the center of the universe. Her body convulsed, her muscles tightening around them as she screamed out her orgasm, the sound echoing through the command center like a battle cry. The lights above flickered, a silent testament to the intensity of the moment.
And then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. They all pulled away, their tails dropping to the floor with a collective thud. The room was still, the only sound the ragged breaths of the exhausted men. Phoenix, still suspended by the lights, looked around at them with a dazed smile, her body limp and satisfied.
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Heart of ice
RecomReader x RecomFike
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Summary: Fike becomes separated from the squad and is forced to accept help when it gets too cold.
CW: suggestive language. sexual situations, no smut.
Recomweek Day 7: Survival
To say Fike didn't like you was an understatement. Every time you entered a room he'd groan and find an excuse to leave. He sat as far as he could from you at meals, meetings and missions. Shooting you glares if you dared to even glance at him.
To be frank you couldn't care less what the guy thought of you. You were far to caught up in your own new life to bother yourself over it. That and he grated on your nerves too, always laughing too loud or taking the best drinks from the fridge.
Still you did find yourself mulling it over when he was present. You were a doctor after all and a psychologist before this too. It was part of your duties to care for the teams well-being, physical and mental. It was hard to read all the new subtle body language ticks and each flick or sway of ear and tail could mean so many things.
You monitored him ahead of you as you trekked. The piercing wind hit through the pack, blasting tiny shards of ice into your face. You scrunched your eyes against the frigid air. The expanse of white giving you a sense of foreboding.
You'd never seen snow on Pandora before yesterday. The ship taking you north to the moons icy region had been heated. So when huge coats and gloves were in your locker, you'd blanched. Fike seemed chipper as ever mocking the equipment soundly, not even doing his coat up before the hanger door opened and biting air hit him.
You watched his tail swing inside the thermal stocking. He was tense, uncomfortable, maybe he could sense your eyes on him. Or maybe his tail was as restricted as yours. It felt wrong to have it in the heavy fleece, weighted down.
There were native na'vi to this area. You wondered how they dressed to deal with the cold. Or maybe they were furry? You pulled your scarf closes against your mouth. Your nose and ears could freeze off in this temperature. Especially your wet nose.
In fact before you trudged out into the wilderness they'd warned about taking the trail easy. The sweat against you skin could freeze if the cold got past the first layer.
It wouldn't be much longer anyway. The base you headed towards had gone radio silent last week. With it's proximity to an electrical field and an ikran nest, they couldn't send in a ship to check it out. Not in the stormy weather anyway. Instead they sent their humid jungle suited recoms in to the glacial tundra.
A pack of white fox like animals stood ahead of the the group. Almost imperceptible against the snow. Guns raised as you all watched them closely. They eyed your group, ears up and bodies still. If it weren't for the fan of hot breath fogging in front of their faces, you'd have thought them statues.
Your eyes zeroed in on one, it's head cocked just slightly. Around its neck was a woven patterned fabric collar. You pivoted round pointing your gun to rocky formations behind the group.
"They're pets!" You hollered back, hoping the wind didn't pull your voice. Quaritch called to form up, as a group you pressed forward. Guns pointing out at all angles as you approached the big eared animals.
You kept your body facing the back of the group but kept glancing forward. The six legged foxes scattered as you approached, rushing down a slope to your right, twin tails wagging. You kept walking backwards, your back against someone else's guiding you. Your gun drooped as you the seconds passed and silence remained. Perhaps they were alone, no owners herding them.
Then an arrow whizzed past you cheek, tossing your hair up with the following gust. It struck the ground by the groups left before a yell sounded out. Brightly dressed Na'vi rolled out of the snow mounds, leaping to attack, drawing bows.
"DOWN!" Quaritch yelled. Your bag tugged back, someone dragging you with them as they ran. You shuffled, stumbling over your feet to turn and sprint with them. They dropped to their side, sliding down the edge of the snowy hill, bringing you with them.
You looked to the others, watching them glide over the top of the frozen snow before turning to see who had you. To your surprise Fike gripped your packs handle, still holding you by him as he slid.
Ahead you spied the hill dip, suddenly becoming steeper or a ledge? You were going too fast to adjust course, the other side of the hill remaining a gentle slope, leading to the base in the distance. Fike hauled you to the side attempting to swing you far enough to miss the drop.
"Wait!" You called, locking your hand around his forearm. He let go but you remained tethered by your grip. He noticed now, face twisting. His mouth opened to yell something but all that came was a strangled screech as you both went over the drop.
It went dark for a moment, the dip leading into some kind of ice coated cave opening. Fike pulled your arm up, gripping you against him as you slipped through the narrowing tunnel. His arms wrapped over your shoulders, tucking your head into his chest.
You heard rushing air, feeling the ground level out and the speed of your decent slowing. Fike's grip lessened as you came to a stop. You raised your head to look around, drawing your pistol to scan the area. Your body remained atop Fike as you shone the attached torch over iced stone walls.
"Right get off." Fike grumbled. You yelped as he shoved you off him, scrambling to stand on the icy ground. You scowled at him through your cracked goggles. His frown dropping a moment before returning full force.
"The fuck was that up there huh?" He demanded, tail thrashing behind him. Agitated.
"What?" You questioned, your frown deepening.
"If you'd have just let go we wouldn't be in this mess would we!" Fike bellowed, his voice echoing through the chamber. You looked at him appalled, before stomping towards him.
"My fault? You think this is my fault? Your the one who slid down the side with the stupid cave!" You spat, jabbing a finger into his chest. Fike stepped back each time as you followed until you'd crowded him against the wall. His eyes remained locked on your, both chests heaving furnaces of fury.
"Whatever." You dismissed, pulling back and storming off to the other side of the cavern. He was maddening, you'd almost forgotten in the panicked fleeing how much he irritated you. So focused on his protective actions, oh how it vexed you.
There was an entrance leading deeper into the cave. Even with the spiked shoes gripping the ice there was no way you could climb your way out. The cave whistled with fresh air, so you reasoned there must be another opening. Hopefully one you could get through.
You could hear him crunching after you, ice cracking under heavy foot falls. Was he seriously stamping his feet? You rolled your eyes, imagining the pouting expression he likely held behind you.
You started to feel colder as you went and wet. Unzipping your jacket you realized how much snow had packed under it in your slide. Now melted against your skin and cooling again in the frigid air. Fuck. This wasn't good. If Fike was in the same condition you'd both freeze to death before you reached the base.
Ahead the tight passage opened out again, another cavern. This one was different. The walls shone with glowing moss that no ice stuck too. The whole space was without snow, though no less cold. Your breath puffed out against your torn scarf. The arrow must have cut the fabric along with cracking your goggles.
You walked to the walls taking a glove off to touch the moss. It was dry, your mind eased at this and you gathered handfuls. Fike stood dumbly behind you, head cocked.
"The hell you doing?" He chattered, teeth clacking as another shiver wracked through him.
"We're gonna freeze if we don't get warm, start a fire." You asserted. Fike didn't respond but followed your lead. Soon you had a pile of the moss to use as kindling. You searched through your pack finding things to burn. The company supplied a fire kit but it was a sparse thing. Matches. All it contained were matches. You cursed under your breath.
Fike joined your side now, dropping a bundle of twigs by your feet.
"It ain't enough." He stated matter of factually, before dropping opposite you. You pulled out the yards of bandage from your kit, wound dressings, anything you thought would burn.
You built the pathetic fire under Fikes scrutinizing gaze. Catching his shifting expressions even under his now tucked up scarf and goggles. Still you completed your task despite your shaking hands and the fire was lit.
You shifted your own scarf, hat and goggles off. Fike's eyes lifted to you, his gloved hands hovering by the flame. Then you went to take your coat off and he grabbed your arms.
"Whoa hey no. We're meant to be getting warm." He condescended.
"I'm planning on drying up while the fire still burns. If these are still wet when it dies we're screwed." you pressed. Fike took the hint, taking his arm back before shrugging his own coat off. His scowl remained in place the whole time.
By the tiny fire you dried off, feeling tiered as it's light began to dim. The faint flow of air still seemed a far way off and you were both exhausted.
Fike shivered by the embers, pulling his coat around him again. You felt the same, maybe worse. Your cheek felt tender and raw from it's exposure to the frigid air, maybe ice burn? It wasn't gonna work like this. It was far to cold to survive the night even huddling in your coats but maybe together?
You cringed at the thought but it was literally life or death, you could suck it up. Fike shot a brow up as you shifted towards him. You crawled past the heat of the ash and tucked yourself against his chest, wrapping your jacket round you both.
"Whoa hey." Fike began before you felt him ease against you, involuntarily melting against your heat. He kept his mouth shut as your arms wrapped around his waist. He followed suit, tucking his head above yours and covering it in your hood. Both your covered tails had swished forward and rested between your entangling legs.
Fike felt himself freeze, though his skin felt almost hot now. The sensation of your leg between his, your tails wrapping together, your hot breath fanning out against his chest and neck. He fought hard to suppress the twitch in his groin, to quite his thundering heart right under you ear.
He was stiff against you again, heart hammering. You could feel his hands bawled up under your coat, against your back. Could he seriously not endure this? Was he really so vexed by you that he'd rather freeze than lay beside you. You bristled but even the small space you'd left was causing heat loss. Gritting your teeth you shifted forward again, locking your hips together and squeezing your chest fully against his.
Fike felt his face burn, heat rising as you pressed against him. The hot swell of your chest, the heat of your core, your scent overpowering, he couldn't calm down. He focused his mind; combat, the cold showers, your lips, no, Quaritch screaming orders, your quivering legs as he, NO, muzzle flashes, burying himself balls deep, NO!
You felt your eyelids drooping closed, sure this was weird but you were warm and with any luck the others would find you soon. Then there was a pressure against your hip. Something hard pressing up the length to your stomach. You shifted, trying to readjust, must he Fike's belt, gun, something?
You ears flicked up at the sound. A low guttural growl, rumbling from Fike's chest against your cheek up and past the lips brushing your hair. You stilled, a sudden jolt of fear fizzing adrenaline down your limbs. Your tail shifted to try swish but Fike's gripped it tightly.
"Please stop grinding against me." Fike voice came out strained, white knuckled fists pulling you against him. You went to babble out a question before the hard outline twitched against your stomach.
Oh? Oh!
Your mind short-circuited. Brain frying in the heat that rose to your head. "Sorry" you mumbled into his chest. The embarrassment burning your already raw cheeks. This was fine, perfectly natural response, nothing to panic about. You'd sleep and untangle in the morning and be back to normal, right?
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avatarrecom · 1 year ago
Day 10: Hunter/Prey
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader (can be read as character x reader)
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: First time writing smut, so it probably sucks lol. As you can see, I got carried away with Miles 😂.
If you've read my kinktober masterlist, you know that I wasn't comfortable with the original propmt, knife kink, so I came up with this prompt, which is heavily inspired by “Colonel’s Orders” by @whxre-bxby.
Also, I skipped Fike, because I couldn't come up with something for him for the life of me
Kinktober masterlist
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch You were running through the trees as fast as you could, breathing heavily. The sun was setting quickly, casting a beautiful mix of amber and orange colors. No matter how much time he gave you, he was always faster and an expert at tracking. You were screwed. And strangely, you were okay with it. The only indication that Miles had started searching for you was the sound of the wind rushing through the trees. One moment, you were running, and the next, you were forcefully pushed against a nearby tree, the rough bark scratching against your front. Miles pressed himself against your back, wrapping his arms around you. You took a shaky breath. And then Miles let out a fucking growl. A deep, soul-splitting growl escaped from his chest as he held you tightly against the tree. "And where did you think you were going?" You tried to answer, but he silenced you by placing his hand over your mouth. "Shhh, Darlin’, I've got you now, don't I?" He emphasized his point by grinding against your backside, pushing your cheek against the tree bark. "You're mine now," Miles said in a low, dark voice as his hand explored your body, slipping under your shirt. "Nowhere to hide... nothing to hide..." His lips brushed against your neck, leaving bruises and marks as he leisurely played with your body however he pleased. "I could do whatever I wanted right now, couldn't I?" It was true, and the thought only made you feel hotter as Miles undid the button on your pants. Miles's lips trailed along your ear, his voice gravelly. "How about I find out how loud I can make you scream when I fuck you right here in the dirt?"
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet "Gotcha." That's the last thing you hear as Lyle tackles you hard, his big body crashing into yours. You hit the dirty ground, and without wasting a second, he rips off your pants and underwear. His cock glides against your wet folds, already slick from the thrilling chase, and a whimper escapes your lips. In one smooth move, he thrusts himself inside you, and the slight pain of the stretch is nothing compared to the incredible pleasure of him hitting that sweet spot right away. "Next time, run faster, babe," he growls.
🍬 Recom Z-dog So, you were running through the forest with Z-dog hot on your heels. It was supposed to be a training session, but you could tell it was turning into something more for her. "You think you can outrun me, babe? Don't worry, I'll catch you." And catch you she did. You couldn't help but let out a moan as she pinned you down on the forest floor and started getting handsy with your pants. Her fingers were driving you wild as they teased the sides of your thighs, right up next to your cunt. "Z, please..." you whispered, but she just looked up at you with a wicked grin. "Oh, honey. You don't get to call the shots here."
🥽 Recom Walker She's totally into playing a game of hunter and prey. It's like, when she hears your heartbeat and those cute little breaths you take while you're trying to hide among the trees, it really gets her adrenaline going. And hey, if by some miracle you manage to win, she'll let you be in charge for the night. But if you lose, well, you're at her complete mercy until you can't handle it anymore.
😎 Recom Mansk Hunting someone down is totally a guilty pleasure. The thrill of the chase just amps him up, and no matter where you hide in the forest, he's got a nose and ears that never fail to pick you up among the forest smells and sounds. He gets a bit rougher after he catches you and fucks the life outta you, but don't worry, he always checks if you're alright. And hey, if you're cool with it, he might even leave a bite or mark as a souvenir.
🧯 Recom Prager Initially, he was unaware that this was considered a kink. When Miles explained the training exercise to him and when he found out that he got to chase you, he was ecstatic. It made him all riled up, which you and your other lovers noticed. It wasn't until someone told him that he realized the nature of his desires. He definitely enjoys the thrill of chasing you, exerting effort to catch up, but always knowing he can easily capture you within a minute. The sensation of hunting his prey exhilarates him, leading to him going all out in bed like there's no tomorrow. Trust me, you won't be able to walk straight for a while after that.
⚕️ Recom Ja When he catches you, he's got this huge grin on his face. And his tail, man, it's sweeping around him like you've never seen before. He's totally in his element. He grabs your chin and plants this deep, passionate kiss on you. His teeth lightly graze your lips, giving you this tingling, stinging sensation. And then, out of nowhere, he tears your clothes apart and he innocently goes, "Oops, my bad!" Next thing you know, he pulls you onto his lap and tells you to hold onto the tree behind you. He starts trailing kisses down from your chest all the way down to your cunt. And let me tell you, he's so damn good at it that you can't help but squirm with pleasure. He's got such a tight grip on your hips, making sure you can't move much. After that, he pushes you down to the ground and starts grinding against you for a bit. And then he thrusts into you with all his might, going at it like a wild animal. He's got a firm hold on the back of your head, and you can hear him panting above you.
🧢 Recom Brown When he finally catches you, he jumps on you and rolls around for a bit before pinning you down with a huge grin on his face like he just won the lottery. "Gotcha!" he says before kissing you like you're the only thing that matters. Then he scoops you up in his arms and takes you to a private spot. As a reward for catching you, he asks you to suck his dick. He loves the way your mouth feels on him and just watching you do it is one of his favorite things. Once you've got him nice and wet, he wastes no time in fucking you hard and holding you down so he can feel every inch of you. It's pure bliss for him.
📿 Recom Lopez Before you know it, he's got you in his grasp, using sneaky moves to take you down and tie you up with a rope. He's into a little rough play, so he gives you a good spanking and enjoys the sounds you make. Once you're all tied up, he starts stripping you down, even ripping your clothes off if he has to. But don't worry, the ropes are comfy and don't hurt. He even takes the time to pleasure you a bit, telling you how hot you look all tied up. And if you make some good noises, he'll make you feel even better. Before you know it, he's going at it with wild abandon, using those ropes to hold you in place and give you the ride of your life. It's like he's barely holding on to his self-control as he takes you to new heights.
⛓️ Recom Fike Sorry, but I honestly can’t see him being into this. I’ll edit this post if I do come up with something.
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whxre-bxby · 2 years ago
“Colonel’s Orders” Version 2.0
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(smut with Ja/Alexander and Prager) continuation and a different version of the first chapter. 
WARNINGS: SMUT, FLUFF, predator-prey, hunting, bad language
Click here for Masterlist
"Colonel's Orders" 1 (Mansk, Lyle, Quaritch)
Word count: 9332
(Re-pasted first part of story)
I was in the break room, getting a drink from the fridge when Lopez walked past, greeting me. 
“Outside in 10. We have training.” he says, about to leave. 
“What? But we finished for today.” I reply and he turns back. 
“Colonel’s orders. Outside in 10, dressed appropriately for training.” he repeated before walking away. I just stare into nothingness for a while, wondering why we suddenly have to gather again when we just ended less than 2 hours ago. It’s not like I could do anything about it so I put the cold drink back and went to my room to go get dressed in Cammie pants and a tank top. 
While leaving my room and walking down the hallway, I met Zdinarsk. She smiled, nodding to me. 
“Do you know what this is about?” I ask and she shakes her head no, shrugging. 
“Maybe the Colonel has some announcement.” 
“Why outside though?” I say, asking myself more than her. She scoffs, wearing the same things I’m wearing and we walk out onto the large concrete jet runway. The sun is beaming down strongly and the warmth of Pandora hits our skin. 
Quite a bit away, we see most of the recom-team already gathered. The Colonel, Lyle, Mansk, Prager, Lopez, and Fike are outside, all standing around each other, talking. 
Walker is busy with testing tools in the lab along with, Brown, Warren, Zhang, and Alexander. 
We walk next to each other and I squint, having to look at the ground because the sun was too bright. The wind caressed my face and made my hair flow. It made my hair flow… I forgot to tie it up. Oh no. 
Quaritch got angry about that once, I hoped he wouldn’t mind me running back before we started. 
“Finally, the ladies have decided to show up.” Quaritch loudly announces, grinning while his hands rest on his vest. 
I tilt my head confused. 
“Are we late?” I ask Z-Dog confused,  who is already checking her watch. She shakes her head. 
“We’re two minutes early.” she replies in a sassy tone but still keeping it respectful with our superior. 
“Could have been another two minutes earlier.” he says, before fully turning around to face us. We choose wisely to not reply or fire any comment back. It could cause problems. He seems to be pleased with our silence. 
“Y/N, hope that ponytail ain’t too tight.” Lyle chuckles, noticing my open hair. I glare at him, fully aware of my mistake. I almost always have to have my hair tied back, so it's rare anyone sees me like this. 
I glance at Quaritch who is looking at my hair. 
“I can run back and get it, sir.” I say, taking a step back to be ready to go. 
“That won’t be necessary.” He calmly states, looking from my hair to my eyes, before speaking to the group. 
“You won’t be needing it now. In fact, I think I prefer it like that.” he smirks, and I hear a few chuckles from the men. Z-Dog is just as confused as me. 
“Alright squad, today’s… second session will be a bit different from what we did this mornin’. “ the Colonel starts announcing and everyone quiets down. I quickly scan the team, and notice Lyle grinning to himself. As if he knew about something. Maybe this was some sort of surprise. 
“I discussed this matter with, Corporal Wainfleet here. We decided that this team needs less training as humans and more training as Na’vi. “ he continues. So Lyle does know what’s going on. I glance between him and the Colonel, wondering what they had planned. Maybe we would finally get to train our banshees today. 
Lyle looks up at me and Z-Dog with a shit-eating grin on his face. I exchange judgemental looks with her. We wanted to know why we were dragged out here. 
“If we want to find Sully, we need to be able to hunt Na’vi. I mean hunt like them and hunt them.” he says, his eyes roaming over all his soldiers, to make sure we understand and are listening.
“Which is exactly what we are going to do today.” 
I raise my eyebrows. We were going to look for and hunt down Na’vi people? I didn’t know whether I was excited or terrified. Lyle is grinning again and looking at his buddies. They don’t seem to know all he knows and he signals to them that they’ll know in a second. Mansk is nodding along to what Quaritch says, staying serious while Lyle is acting like a teenager about to do something stupid. Maybe that is an exaggeration. He is standing still, keeping quiet and listening, but his grin is irritating me. 
It doesn’t seem like a good sign. 
“We’re just gonna go into the jungle and find some more blue freaks?” Fike asks, and Quaritch is now grinning too. 
“Not exactly.” Lyle intervenes. “We’re going to practise that here, between us. We’re the only Na’vi for miles.” 
“How?” I blurt out. To be fair, it what his fault for not saying all the information at once. 
“Glad you asked, buttercup.” he smiles, turning to me. I frown at the nickname, straining my ears back. He does that often, to embarrass me in front of others I think, but it’s getting old.
“We’re gonna need two people to be the so-called prey.” he explains, while walking towards me. “The rest of the team will hunt them. As simple as that.” 
“Who’s gonna be the prey? I don’t think anyone wants to volunteer for that one.”  Prager announces after a minute and Lyle chuckles. 
“We’ve already got our prey.” Lyle says, returning his gaze to me and looking me deep in the eyes. 
Finally, I catch on to what he’s saying. I’m about to fire some comments back when Lyle is pulled away by Quaritch. 
“Prey, my ass.” I snap at him, not angry just pissed off. 
I glance between them and I hear Zdinrask huff beside me in disbelief. 
“No fucking way.” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. 
Mansk and the others understand now too. I hear a few chuckles from them, while I just stare at Lyle and Miles in disbelief. 
“We’re not doing that.” I say, backing up Z-Dog. 
“That’s an order.” Quaritch says, smirking amusedly. 
“Why us? Why can’t one of them go?” I complain. 
“That’s an order.” he repeats himself, underlining every word. I frown, letting my ears droop as my tail flicks behind me in irritation. 
My silence is an answer to him and he returns to explaining. 
“Now, our lovely ladies will get a five-minute head start. Then-”
“Five?!” I accidentally interrupt and he looks at me annoyed. 
“I can make that three.” he threatens and I look down, not saying a word again. He turns back. 
“Using the stronger senses we have in our bodies, it shouldn’t be too hard.” the Colonel continues to explain. The recom-men exchange glances and smirks, some nodding while others nudge each other’s arms. They seem happy. 
Z-Dog and I exchange the hundredth glance for today, not seeming to believe what is happening. 
“Pfft… stronger senses.” I mutter under my breath. I’ll make sure they won’t find me. 
“That’s right Y/N,” the Colonel said. How did he even hear that?
“Some scientists told me that Na’vi get cycles. So-called ‘heat cycles’...” 
My eyes widen. I just keep hearing more and more bad news. 
“And apparently we are approaching our one soon…” Quaritch continues. Wainfleet is still grinning like the bitch he is. 
Everyone is surprised and listening. 
“Durin’ these times, it’s easier for us…” he points at the recom-men who are all gathered together, “to be able to pick up your pretty scent.” he turns to Z-Dog and me, smirking. Zdinarsk is very clearly not impressed, yet she seems almost unfazed by his words. 
On the other hand, I am mindblown and I don’t know whether I’m pissed at Lyle, Miles or the scientists who summoned me into this body. I still can’t decide whether this experience is a curse or a blessing. 
“To make it a tad easier for us, no shirts allowed.” Lyle added and Quaritch didn’t seem to disagree. That was it, that was my final straw. I couldn’t believe it. I snort, clutching my face in my palms while Z-Dog just chews her gum and watches my reaction. 
“This is bullshit.” I say, letting my hands slide from my face. The entire team’s attention is focused on me and I don’t know how to feel about it. 
Quaritch raises his eyebrow at me as if challenging me to continue my petty behaviour. I fall in line under his gaze. 
Z-Dog sighs beside me before peeling her tank top off. I sigh as well. If she’s doing it, I must too. I turn away a little, facing the open runway and pull my tank top over my head, leaving me in a sports bra and cammies, like Z. 
I turn around, arms crossed in front of my chest, holding the shirt. The team was oddly silent. 
It wasn’t the first time we’d been in a sports bra in front of them. During the hot days or really intense training lessons, we would just wear them while the others didn’t even wear a shirt. But it still seemed different because this time it had a different meaning. But training is training, what can one do?
“Drink before you go.” Quaritch ordered, his own arms crossed over his chest, seeming pleased that we followed orders without complaining too much anymore. 
After all, he was our superior, and responsible for us, so making us drink was not uncommon. 
Lyle handed us each a water bottle, from which we took a few gulps. Some water trickled down the side of my mouth and on my chest but I didn’t care. It was too warm to mind that. 
I handed it back to him, sending him a glare just to let him know that I was pissed. 
“Alright, you’re ready.” Quaritch said, but I wasn’t finished just yet. 
“What if I just don’t run?” I ask, more out of curiosity than sass. 
He takes an intimidating step forward. “Then I’ll deal with you right here, in front of everyone.” He stated firmly, staring me down. I looked away again, nodding a little before turning away and standing next to Z-Dog again who was already facing where we have to go. 
I didn’t quite know what he meant by that, I could only assume. And I assumed that he would do something I would not want others to see. 
“Alright, you see the entry in the fence there? That’s where the forest starts. You go through there and then wherever you want after that. We’ll find you.” Quaritch says, pointing to the gate with the opening, separating the forest from the concrete. I huff annoyed facing the direction we were supposed to run in after throwing my shirt at Lyle’s face. It wasn’t far until the fence. I wondered if I would encounter any native creatures, thinking that perhaps I should be armed but then again, none of them ever get close to here. 
“Happy runnin’ ladies. Time starts…now.” Quaritch says and once he finishes Z-Dog is walking away already. I jog up to her and we walk more or less side by side for a while. Then we hear someone yell that if we don’t start running now they will shorten the time. I groan out in frustration, letting my head fall back before picking up my pace and running to the fence, close behind Zdinarsk. 
Before we know it we reach the fence where we slow down and look around before walking into the forest. 
“Is it smart to stick together?” she asks me and I think about it. 
“Probably not. If we’re working as a team here, it makes sense for us to split. That way if they all find one of us, the other is still fine.” I reply, not quite knowing what to expect. 
“Let’s kick their ass. I say we continue for an hour, then we return home.” she says and smiles to herself.
“Heh- imagine if we just ditch the mission while they are still out here.” I chuckle and she joins. 
“We’d get in so much tr-” 
“Yeah, Colonel would kill us.” She agrees. 
We walk in silence again, thinking about what he would be yelling. Then I check my watch. 
“They’ll come after us in a minute. We should split now.” I say and she nods in agreement.
“Aight. See ya’.” we bump our fists together before I take a right turn and she goes left. The next time I look over my shoulder, I don’t see her anymore. 
I look at the time again. They must have already left the base. Probably just arrived in the forest right now. 
I push my way through leaves, my ears flicking around, picking up small noises. The forest felt very abandoned. There was almost no noise. 
I went deeper. If they would really follow my scent, I couldn’t have it going in a straight line. I let my feet carry me faster again and I made occasional turns while making sure I was putting enough distance between the base and me. With the new body came a new and better sense of coordination. If I would continue wandering for the next few hours, I still wouldn’t get lost. 
What feels like at least 2 hours have passed and my legs were getting a little tired. The sun was still up, it was only afternoon. I gave up on running. It seemed to me as though they had overestimated their capabilities and would not find me. Maybe I should start turning back? 
I stop for a while, standing completely still, trying to pick up anything. Any noise, sight or smell. But there was nothing. While standing I became aware of an odd feeling in my groin. 
I curse myself. The fucking heat cycle. It didn’t hit me, it slowly developed. I had felt something similar this morning, but it was growing now.
………………………………….……… (new part now)
I huff out in annoyance. This was usually the time I would be doing my self-care routine. I could have been running a bath right now, or reading a book in peace. But instead, I’m out in the godforsaken deadly forest, pretending to be prey. 
I might even become actual prey to some pandorian creature because I wasn’t allowed to take any weapons with me. I’m all alone, in my pants and a sports bra. 
That thought makes me roll my eyes again. Like taking my shirt off would actually help them find me. 
Then I remembered the look on some soldiers' faces. Quaritch was normal, always managing to keep his professional stance. Lyle on the other hand didn’t even try hiding his shit-eating grin. The man was happy that he got to tell us what to do. Especially when it came to removing clothes. 
Before turning away from Lyle, I had noticed Prager and Ja’s eyes lingering on me. It surprised me that they were looking at me and not Z-Dog. I always thought of her as being the hottie in our squad. 
I shouldn’t read too deeply into it though. It was probably because she wears it more often. Zdinarsk happens to be more confident about herself. Confident as in not caring what she has on. Not confident like Lyle as in stripping at every opportunity he gets. 
I look behind me and nothing is unusual. Time goes quickly and the next time I look at my watch, they have been ‘hunting’ for almost 45 minutes. I scoff. Soon I get to go back. 
I’m getting tired too. My legs were already dead from this morning’s training and now this. I was going to need to go back soon otherwise I would get lost. Luckily the sun was still shining through the crowns of the leaves in the trees. 
While walking I started noticing a weird warmth building up in my abdomen and soon it spread to between my legs. Usually, I would have said I was horny but this felt almost too intense for that. Still, I tried ignoring it. Hopefully, it would go away. 
After another ten minutes, I started feeling tired and was no longer paying attention to my surroundings. That was a mistake because not far from me I heard a noise similar to someone reloading their gun. 
I freeze and my ears perk up. My body stills and I hold my breath. Nothing happens. 
Then, I hear it again. This time, it seems even closer. I turn around and notice my heartbeat pounding in my chest, neck and ears. It sounds mechanical and no doubt belongs to a soldier. 
That’s all it takes for me to turn back around in the direction I was originally going in and take off. My tired legs no longer felt tired and my rational thoughts were muffled by the instinct to run and escape. 
I sprint through the forest, occasionally looking behind me while pushing large leaves out of my way. 
A fallen tree nears and I think nothing of it, planning to jump over it the way I leapt over the past 2 logs. However, between a branch, there was a long rope it stretched around. I in the heat of the moment didn’t see it. When I jumped, I didn’t jump high enough and my left ankle got caught. 
The rope tangled and trapped my foot to the log. I screamed as I fell to the ground and tried getting up but the more I pulled against the rope the more it tightened. 
I cried out and panicked, knowing damn well this wasn’t some native creature's trap. My hands were clawing at the rope trying to undo it or push it down but it was wrapped too tight already and I was stuck. 
My ears tipped back and my tail stilled as I tried not to make any more noise. Maybe they wouldn’t know I’ve been caught. 
Then, I froze. Examining the knots on the trap I realised who must have done it. One specific recom soldier had once shown me how to set up traps and one looked just like this. 
Before I can come to a conclusion, I hear leaves rustling behind me and then someone chuckles. I whip my upper body around and meet Ja’s eyes. Fuck. I scramble to my feet and try to run, hoping it would tear, but the rope tightens even more and I’m back on the ground. I turn around, leaning on my elbows as I look up at Ja. 
He’s just standing there, examining me. The man seems pleased. 
“Come back, I got her.” he says while pressing the call on his throat. 
“Noo.” I whine and complain, still trying to tug my ankle away from the rope. He watches me with amusement as I try to figure out his trap. 
Seconds later, the leaves on the other side rustle and Prager emerges, almost instantly noticing me stretched out on the grass. 
“Nice catch.” He grins at Ja and they high-five each other before turning to me. Prager must have purposefully made the noise that caused me to run. Damn, they had it planned out. 
I have given up. I glare up at them and huff. The exaggerated exhale moves the hair in my face out of my way. My tail thuds against the ground, showing them my annoyance. 
“That’s not fair. Colonel didn’t say you can use traps.” I complain and Ja’s smirk intensifies. 
“He didn’t say we can’t use ‘em either.” he replied, walking over to me and removing the trap from the log, holding the rope attached to my foot in his hand. 
“Are you not going to undo it? It’s starting to fuckin’ hurt.” I say, giving him attitude. I didn’t want to be caught. I wanted to return to base victorious. 
Little did I know, that was never on the menu. Once Prager and Ja heard the rules of the ‘game’, they exchanged looks and made up their minds. They weren’t going home until they caught you. Only they could catch you and they had to find you first. 
“How about you stop runnin’ your dirty mouth and ask me nicely.” Ja says, stopping his actions and looking at me. His words surprise me. He was usually polite and sweet. Can’t say it didn’t start stirring excitement in me though.
I raise an eyebrow while Prager chuckles. He can’t be serious. 
“You better listen, princess. Or do you want the others to find you like this?” Prager adds and I glance up at him before returning my gaze to my slowly becoming strangled ankle. The rope is digging into my skin and it’s starting to really hurt. 
And I really didn’t want the entire team to see me fall for such a small trap.
I sigh, accepting defeat again. “Can you please help me?” I ask nicely, adding an innocent tone to it and looking at Ja pleadingly. His ears perk up at my words and he just stares at me in silence for a few seconds before snapping out of it. 
“Damn baby, you do that again and we’ll both be done for.” He chuckles, looking away quickly. I tilt my head to the side, pretending to wonder what he meant. I could think of one meaning and it worsened the heat between my legs. 
He pulls out a pocket knife and starts to cut open the ropes. I notice how he fully concentrates on the blade as if he really doesn’t want to accidentally cut my skin. 
Zdinarsk would slice through it once and not look again if she accidentally cut me. We were good friends, but minor wounds meant nothing to her. A scratch really wasn’t anything big anyway.
I decide to play with him. My leg has been still this entire time, so when I think the time is right I suddenly flinch. 
Ja is startled and pulls the knife away looking up at me with wide eyes before checking for a wound. I lean back, fully laying on the ground and laughing. 
“Cut it out.” he snarls, getting back to it. This time, he firmly holds my leg in place. “I could have hurt you.” 
“So what?” I chuckle, looking back at him. He doesn’t answer me, instead, Ja just shoots me a glare. 
I sigh, laying back down and throwing my hands over my face. Finally, I got to relax. 
“Ugh, you guys I’m so tired. That took longer than expected.” I say, smiling to myself. 
Prager scoffs. “We found you first. And you fell right into the trap.” he mocks me. I unfold my arms and glare up at him. 
“Great, mission accomplished. Let’s go back.” I say but they don’t answer. I notice their tails acting up, showing forms of excitement. What had them feeling so happy?
Ja finally finishes opening the ropes and sees the red marks on my skin. I sit up, pulling my leg to me and rubbing the area. He’s putting his knife back into his holster and I suddenly realise I’m not being held down anymore. I know I won’t get far unless I’m really lucky. But there is still a chance of me making it back alone before they do. It’s not over yet. 
The next second, I scramble to my feet and start running in the opposite direction. 
Little did I know, Prager was eyeing me while Ja was busy. He was expecting that from me and he got it. I didn’t get far at all. After three long strides, I was tackled back to the ground. I yelped, falling into the grass again. Prager held me down and reached for my hands. He pulled them behind my back and held them there with one of his hands while his knee rested on my lower back, keeping me firmly pressed down. 
“Dammit.” I mumble, lifting my head and looking back at Prager. 
“Nice try, sweetheart. Unfortunately, we’re not gonna let that happen.” Prager spoke, looking up at Ja who was now holding the ropes. “Not with you lookin’ this good.” he joked and Ja smirked, exhaling through his nose. 
I frown because they were confusing me. The team never paid as much attention to me as they did to Z-Dog or Walker. Why suddenly now?
“Yeah right. I’m covered in dirt.” I snarl, getting annoyed again. 
Prager lets out a small ‘mhm’ while Ja comes around and kneels beside me. I start to struggle beneath Prager and manage to pull one arm from his grasp. I try to lift myself off the ground with my free hand but I can’t compete with the weight on my back. 
Ja chuckles and I want to slap myself when I feel how his noise makes my stomach twist in excitement. This isn’t fair. My body is broken. 
“If you keep strugglin’ we’re gonna have to tie you down.” Ja says, his voice seeming more positive than the threat of words he just let out. 
I whine out in frustration, letting myself drop and rest on the ground. My ears are strained back and my tail is flicking in irritation, occasionally caressing Prager’s thigh. 
Suddenly, to my relief, Prager stands up and I’m helped up by Ja. He’s holding my upper arm, just to make sure I don’t bolt again. I look down and see the dirt on my sports bra and some loose grass stuck to my skin. Prager stands next to me and then without hesitation, Ja starts brushing the dirt off. All of it. Meaning he started with my stomach before pushing some hair over my shoulder and swiping away the dirt on my sports bra with two quick movements. 
I freeze and my body tenses when he does this. I watched his hand and flinched a little. The sensitivity of my nipples surprised me and I was scared they would see them through the fabric if I stood in front of them for too long. 
Ja retreated his hand and looked up at me. 
“That hurt?” Prager asks, probably wondering if I’m injured.
I swallow nervously, looking down and shaking my head no. They keep looking at me without saying a word and I feel my cheeks start to burn. I’m afraid they will notice my state.
“Let’s go back.” I mumble before stepping away from both of them and leading the way. Ja lets his hand fall from my arm. They were going to keep a close eye on me, but I didn’t have the strength to attempt to run away again. 
Prager and Ja exchanged looks before following after me, holding their weapons ready because they knew I didn’t have one for protection. 
Let’s just say, the walk didn’t last long at all. 
After a few minutes, I felt the warm heat between my legs become an almost burning sensation. I noticed my skin became warm and my cheeks never stopped blushing. A sweat bead formed on my forehead which I swiped away. My breathing got heavier too and I had to concentrate on not breaking out in a pant. What the fuck was this? Nothing like this ever happened before. I knew it was because of my new body and I assumed this is what going into a type of heat felt like. But my cycle wasn’t meant to start yet. Maybe it was Ja and Prager’s presence that had me so worked up. 
Eventually, I started to slow down and they overtook me. Both men lead the way now and I was thanking whoever was watching over us that they didn’t stop and check on me. My behaviour was embarrassing. We worked together. Why couldn’t I just stay professional like them? They were acting normal. 
That my friends was a lie I didn’t know about. I looked up to see Prager and Ja walking with guns in their hands, looking around and making sure there is no danger. This is how they acted on a normal mission. What I hadn’t noticed due to my current desperate state was how their eyes would linger on me a little too long and how they had to fight off the need to touch and be close to me. 
Being human made it easier for everyone to work with each other and never have to go through this. The human body was different to the Na’vi body, not just by looks but by nature and senses. 
Since the Deja blue team woke up as recoms, needs started building up and they were much more difficult to deal with than regular horniness. It became almost painful. 
I cursed myself and wished I could feel normal again. But it was too much. Usually, I could resist and fight off anything including headaches, period cramps, injuries like scratches etc. I could even hold back tears for as long as a few days. But this was a whole new level of intensity. 
I stopped walking, bending over and leaning my arms on my knees. One of my arms wrapped itself around my waist for some sense of comfort while I closed my eyes, panting and concentrated on pushing this feeling away. My body felt like I had just been laying in the sun for a few hours and my knees felt weak. 
I knew they would notice that I wasn’t behind them and they would see me like this, but with the way I was feeling now, I couldn’t care less. Sure, I would prefer to be alone to hide but I just needed to focus on feeling okay again. 
After a few seconds, Ja didn’t hear your uneven, lazy footsteps anymore. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure you were still there but he noticed your figure much further away than anticipated. His body came to a halt and turned around to face you.
Prager saw Ja turning around from the corner of his eye and stopped, following his eyes to you. 
They just watched you for a while, seeing the way your chest was heaving as if you had been running and the way you struggled to stand on one spot without tipping to one side. The way your tail flicked uncontrollably didn’t go unnoticed either. 
I kept slowly falling over to one side, unable to keep still. I felt oddly dizzy. 
Quickly, I glanced up, hoping both soldiers had gone past the leaves but no. Their eyes were already fixed on me. 
I scoffed, in an attempt to suppress what was happening and took a few unbalanced steps back. I waved my arm in the air as if I were pushing myself away from them and looked back down, clutching my face in my hands. 
I let my palms slide down my hot face and almost tumbled backwards again. Covering my eyes was not a good idea. 
“What the fuck.” I whisper to myself, wanting to scream and oddly even cry? I didn’t understand anything. 
Prager and Ja exchanged eye contact again, questioning their hypothesis. Prager had a smirk on his lips while Ja tried at least suppressing his grin by biting his lip. Ja let his head drop and he shook it still smiling, not believing this was happening to him and his friend. 
Then he took a breath and started making his way over to you. Prager followed, neither of their eyes leaving you. They were analysing every single movement. That included the way your ears twitched in their direction when you picked up their footsteps. 
I hear them approaching me and it makes me nervous. Suddenly, their presence intimidates me. Usually, I would joke around with them and often make fun of them. Now, I felt like they had the authority of someone even higher than fucking Quaritch. 
“No.” I breathe out, the noise barely audible. I press the back of my hand against my mouth, to stop them from seeing my bared fangs. Somehow, my mouth started salivating intensely and my hot breath was condensing against the skin of my hand. I pull it away, turning away from them but they see the thin string of saliva snap, that connected my lips and hand. 
“What’s wrong, babygirl?” Ja asks in a teasing manner. I can fucking hear the grin on his face with the way he says those words. I want to glare at him but I know it won’t work. 
“I would roll my eyes so hard right now.” I mumble, refusing to face them. 
They scoff behind me while I try to release the tension in my jaw by opening my mouth and biting down on my teeth. 
I feel a hand creep up on my shoulder and I’m not sure who it belongs to but it really doesn’t matter. I slap it away before returning both hands to cover my face. 
“How do you feel?” Prager asks. I consider answering his question because I can tell he isn’t holding back laughter like Ja was. 
“Too much…” I mumble, groaning into my palms and letting my head drop back in frustration. 
“Too much of what?” he continues to push it while I try to stumble away from them. As soon as I stretch my leg to take a step and start tilting forward, a hand from behind me tugs me right back by my pants. I look back, seeing the arm lead to Ja and he pulled me even closer than I was before. His finger held me by one of my belt loops and I huffed out a sigh. 
“Of everything!” I whine, feeling my eyes become all glossy. “It fucking- hurts…” I add, letting my hands fall from my face again while focusing on taking deep, steady breaths. 
Suddenly, someone grabs my shoulder and I’ve spun around swiftly. I almost lose balance but the hand steadies me. Prager has me facing both of them now and I see their ears perk in interest and their tails stop moving when they see how flushed I must look. 
“Aww, look at how flustered she is.” Ja coos, moving towards me and cupping my cheek while running his thumb over my burning skin. My eyes flutter closed at the contact. I don’t even notice my reaction because I can’t think staright, but they sure do. 
I feel a little ridiculed so I avert my gaze away from them and onto the forest floor. My hands are holding eachother, my knuckles almost going white and one of my feet is placed on top of the other. 
“So pretty…” he mumbles, moving his hand so that his thumb is under my chin and he is pushing my head up again. 
My eyes shoot to his, going wide and my ears focus forwards. I wasn’t used to being called that and by the way it made butterflies erupt in my stomach, I knew the aftermath of this won’t be good. 
Prager chuckles. “I think she liked that.” he says. Once again, I feel small. They’re talking about me while I’m there as if I meant less than them. But for whatever fucked up reason, my body responded positively to the treatment. 
“That right? You like being called that, baby?” Ja asks, standing fully in front of me now. I can’t respond, I just stare into his eyes. He’s pretty. 
I press my lips together when he calls me baby and then my eyes flicker between him and Prager. 
I feel the heat between my legs again and try to discreetly rub my thighs together but both of their eyes shoot down to see the desperate action. 
“It hurts, huh?” Prager asks, then looking up and smiling at me. 
“I can’t- deal…” I start saying with a whine which is about to break out into a sob. My voice cracks a little and I’m breathing even heavier. 
“Shhh.” Ja coos softly again, pressing his thumb over my closed lips. “Do you want us to help you, pretty girl?” he then asks and my lips part while I exhale a shaky breath as a reaction to the name. Ja smirks, tilting his head to the side and admiring how I look. 
“You can’t.” I whimper. “I don’t even know what’s happening I-” 
I’m cut off when Ja takes a step even closer, his face just inches from mine. 
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, baby. We know how to help you.” he says, and this time he isn’t smiling. He isn’t angry or anything either. He’s genuine. 
My hot breath fans against the side of his hand as I stare at them. 
“That okay with you?” Ja asks, gazing deep into my eyes. 
“You can trust us, angel. We promise to make you feel good.” Prager added. He was right, I could trust them. And feeling good sounded like the best thing in the world right now. Definitely compared to the dreadful frustration I was filled with. 
You are a close friend of theirs, they care a lot about you. Well, we’ll see about friends after this. It was their priority to ensure that you were comfortable with this. Not just this, but comfortable with them. They needed to know that you trusted them enough and wanted them to be the ones to see you in such a vulnerable state. 
Neither one of the soldiers was expecting you to say yes. If they had to be honest, you would only say yes in their wildest most unrealistic dreams. 
Ja and Prager were awaiting an answer that would set their minds straight again and that would have them return to going back to base. 
I swallow nervously, my tail wrapping around me as I consider their offer. Then I look at both of them and slowly nod my head in Ja’s hand. 
“Okay.” I whisper, releasing another shaky breath. Prager had already looked back, expecting to turn around but once his ears captured my words, his attention was all mine. 
Ja just stared at me, repeating the words in his head. 
They looked at each other and grinned before their gaze returned to me. 
“Let us take care of it, baby.” Ja said, before moving his hand to the back of my neck and pulling me to him while he took a step forward. I was pressed up against his chest, my skin tingling at the contact. 
He pulled my face to him and I closed my eyes once his lips were softly pressed against mine. 
The softness and gentleness were gone too quickly. He deepened the kiss, wrapping one arm around my waist and pressing his abdomen to mine. I gasped at his large hand holding my hip and he used the opportunity to press his tongue past the boundary of my lips. I accepted, feeling only needier for his touch the more he gave to me. 
Finally, he pulled away and I gasped for air. Prager had removed his vest and weapons already, standing upright again in just his tank top and cammies. And his headband of course. 
His muscles flexed and shone in the golden sun of the late afternoon and I just stared at his torso. He saw my eyes checking him out and smiled. 
Ja was quickly removing his accessories and peeled his tank top off as well. I watch him and then notice Prager does the same.
I realised I was standing and watching like an idiot. The feeling of burning skin returned and suddenly, everything I had on felt like it was too much. 
All three of us were quickly stripping until we were only in underwear. I struggled with my belt but finally managed to push my pants down and kick my shoes off. When I looked up, they were both staring. 
“Fuck, baby. You look gorgeous.” Ja almost whimpers, kicking his cammies to the side. 
“Angel from fuckin’ heaven.” Prager adds, taking me by the hand and pulling me flush against his chest. I yelp a little but almost instantly being silenced when he has his turn kissing. He’s a little more impatient than Ja and holds me to him tighter. I kiss him back, mirroring his frustration and twirling my hands around his neck and in his bandana. 
I felt him smile into the kiss. The bandana was something I would always tease him about and here I was, twirling it around my fingers while kissing him. 
I felt another hot body press up against me, from behind this time. I knew it was Ja and I relaxed a little. As much as I could relax with the tension I felt. 
Both his arms hugged my waist and I felt him press his hard-on against my ass. I feel his hot breath fan over my craned-up neck as I try and reach Prager’s lips without having to stand on my toes. 
His hot, wet lips come in contact with the skin on my neck and kiss it softly before nipping at it. 
I let out a soft moan which is muffled by Prager but he felt it and it drives him wild. 
Ja presses his face into the crook of my neck and inhales deeply, sighing and relaxing against me. 
“You smell so good.” he mumbles into me. 
Prager pulls away, gently caressing my cheek before leaning down and doing the same. I freeze as both men bury their faces in each side of my neck. 
Ja groans and Prager curses beneath his breath. 
“I can’t wait much longer.” Prager mumbles, his face still leaning against my skin. I assume his words are directed at Ja.
The other soldier nods, pulling away. 
“You still okay with this?” Ja asks me, patiently waiting for my answer as I turn around and nod. 
“Yes.” I breathe out. My glossy eyes and flustered state confirm my words and he doesn’t have to ask again. 
He smiles, giving me a small nod. He pulls me to him, pecking my cheek before his hands wander along my body. Prager stands behind me now, and I feel him fumble with the material of my sports bra. 
It needs to go, I feel to warm. I feel his fingers slip underneath it and I raise my arms. He gently pulls it over my head, making sure not to nudge my face in the process. When I lower my arms I could swear that Ja’s pupils just doubled in size. 
His lips were slightly parted and he stared at my bare chest. 
“Look at how pretty you are.” Prager praised me, peering down at my breasts from over my shoulder. I smile to myself, blushing. One can’t see the blush from how rosy my cheeks have been this entire time. 
This new amount of attention has me feeling fuzzy and I try to cover myself a little, feeling shy which was completely unlike me. 
Ja’s eyes snap up from my chest to my face. 
“Don’t hide, baby, you’re so beautiful. C’mon. Let’s see ‘em.” Ja encourages me, gently nudging my hands down, still giving me the option to resist. I let them fall to my sides and he smiles. 
“See. You’re too pretty to hide.” 
His hands caress my chest before he starts groping my breasts. I arch my back into his touch when he plays with my nipples and bite my lip. It’s so sensitive that it feels so much better than when I do it. 
Prager is grinding himself into my ass, groaning lowly while watching the action on my body. 
His fingers than curl around the waistband of my panties and when I don’t protest, he pulls them down, letting them drop down my legs. I step out of them and kick them to the side.
“Holy fuck…” Ja groans out, seeing how shiny my wetness made my pussy. 
“Please…” I whine, begging them to touch me. My words dress Ja’s face in a proud smirk while Prager has a shit-eating grin on his face. 
Then, their characters seem to switch. 
“What do you want, baby?” Ja asks me, knowing the answer.
“You know what I mean, Alex.” I reply, purposefully not calling him Ja, just to get him a little irritated.
“Come on, don’t tease.” Prager says, but Ja shrugs it off. 
“I just want to hear the words come out of your pretty mouth. Then, we’ll give you what you want.”
“You need it just as much as me.” I state, not wanting to seem like the only desperate bitch here. I glance down at his piercing erection and his ears flatten in slight defeat. 
“Just say it.” Ja growls and I smirk. 
“I want you both to fuck me until I feel better.”  I reply and Ja is happy again. 
“That’s fuckin’ right.” he snarls, kissing my neck and slapping my thigh before turning me around. 
Ja presses his clothed erection against my bare heat and pushes my upper body forward, while we’re standing. I lean down, obeying and Prager holds me. 
Behind me, Ja gently taps the insides of my ankles, nudging my legs further apart. 
I raise my tail, arching my back and presenting my pussy on full display. An audible groan is heard behind me before I feel his fingers glide through my folds. 
I grip Prager’s arm to keep me grounded as Ja covers the tips of his fingers in my slick and shows it to Prager. 
“Good thing we got her first.” he said and Prager agreed. Then Ja removed his underwear and glided the head of his dick between my folds.
I shiver in anticipation, biting down on my lip as I glance over my shoulder. 
Slowly, Ja starts entering me, pushing past my lips and all the way in until he bottoms out. 
“Oh- fuck.” I curse, not expecting everything to be so sensitive and reactive. 
He stills behind me, relishing in the moment. He hasn’t felt so good in a long time and the way you were squeezing him had him over the moon. 
After a few moments, he started to pull out and when he thrust back in I cried out, feeling overly sensitive inside. 
I clutched onto Prager, who had one hand under my arm and one resting on my head while I leaned my face into his middle. His touch was comforting. 
Soon enough, Ja couldn’t hold back. He started thrusting at a specific pace with long, aimed strokes. 
“God damn, babygirl. Ya feel so good.” he moaned, clenching his teeth together and occasionally letting his head fall back. Ja had his ears tipped back and fangs bared while gritting his teeth. The building-up tension needed to be released. 
I became a whimpering mess, the oversensitivity making me feel close already. 
“You’re doing so well, angel.” Prager praised me and I quieted down. 
“Take it.” Ja growled and soon, I started pressing my hips against his with rhythm. Both of Ja’s hands were now digging into the skin of my hips as he fucked himself into me. 
“I’m gonna- shit I’m gonna cum.” I moan, crying out when he almost knocks the air out of me with an extra harsh thrust. 
“Go ahead.” Ja answers, sounding breathless. His thighs slapped against the back of mine as he started to relentlessly rut into me from behind. 
Prager adjusted his stance so he was able to stably support me while I was being tugged back and forth by his friend. 
My legs started to shake and with a few more thrusts, I came around Ja’s dick. I moaned incoherent words into Prager’s abs, my nails dug into his arms and waist while my back arched back into Ja, making my pussy more accessible to him. 
He rode out my high and soon after me, Ja was cumming. He delivered a harsh slap to my ass and I flinched. Then his hips stilled with his cock as deep inside me as possible and I felt him release into me. The warmth filled my tummy and I was gasping for air. 
Ja had his hands leaning on my back while he regained his composure. Breathlessly, he pulled his slowly softening dick out and watched as my overflowed pussy started leaking his cum down my thighs. 
“Well ain’t that a pretty sight.” he mumbled, swiping his hand over his forehead. 
Prager gently let go of my head and I stood up straight while holding onto him. I felt his cum dribble out of me. Both Prager and I looked between my legs while Ja was smirking, seeming very proud of his work. 
I turn around to Ja while Prager bends me over to examine me from behind. 
“Fuckin’ hell. You’re right.” he agreed with Ja’s previous comment. His fingertips slid through the slick and he groped my ass. 
Ja came up to the front of me and gently wrapped his hand around my braid. 
“You clean me up and I promise to make it up to you on another day.” he said and my eyes widened. I accepted, leaning down while holding on to his hips and licking him clean. I was gentle, knowing he was just as sensitive as I was now. 
When I licked his tip he flinched a little and I grinned up at him. 
“God I can’t get enough of you.” he returned the grin, looking down at me and seeing I licked him clean. “Such a good girl.” 
Prager pulled my waist up and I stood straight again. He grabbed my hand and guided me down on the ground with him. I happily agreed because my wobbly knees were no longer trustworthy. 
I noticed his underwear was already gone and licked my lips, smiling devilishly at him when I saw how hard he was. 
“Come on baby, I need this just as much as you did.” he says, almost pleading so that I don’t leave him like that. 
“I’m not done yet.” I whisper and his eyes widen. I straddle his waist and his hands immediately rest on my hips. 
Letting myself sink down a little, I grind my hips down against his, covering his throbbing cock in Ja’s and my cum. 
He shivers, his grip on my hips tightening and a moan escapes his throat. 
I smirk, feeling a little more confident now. 
To help the poor soldier out, I reach down in between our bodies and line him up with my entrance. He lets out a shaky breath before I steadily start to sink down on him. 
Prager’s eyes close and his mouth hangs open a little. He mutters another curse under his breath as I press our foreheads together. 
I feel like I’m a little more in control of my body again, so I set the pace, rolling my hips back and forth on him. 
He bites his lip, opening his eyes to see my movements. 
“Feel good?” I ask and he looks up at me, almost desperately.
“Fuck yeah.” he breathes out heavily and I smirk. One of his hands comes up to massage my breasts while the other steadily supports my movements on my hip. 
I speed up a little, holding on to his broad shoulders and running my palms along his strong back. Prager is in bliss, his eyes half-lidded and ears drooped. I glance up at Ja, grinning while he is watching and he returns my gaze with a smirk. He was getting dressed but got seemingly distracted.
It feels good and I start to feel a pressure in my lower stomach build-up, but for it to ever be released I need to change it up. 
I pause and move up so that Prager’s dick just barely stays inside me. He looks up, seeming worried I would stop. I chuckle at his reaction, giving him a reassuring kiss as I place my feet on either side of his hips and lower myself down again. 
Prager whimpers, his head lolling back while I clutch onto his shoulders again. 
I look between us and notice a small bulge in my stomach every time I sink down. I take one of his hands and place it on my abdomen. 
He follows my hands with his gaze. 
“Do you feel how deep you are inside me?” I ask and he nods, seeming unable to form a proper answer. 
“Shit, feels so good.” he groans, starting to push my hips down with force. 
Soon enough, my legs got tired but that didn’t stop shit from happening. Prager took over, lifting my waist and pounding it back down on him with his hands as if I weighed nothing. I watched his muscles flex and I arched my back, letting him use me to his liking. 
He became more sloppy and uneven with his movements and I could tell he was close when his dick twitched. 
“Y/N, I’m close…” he breathed out and I nodded, closing my eyes. 
“Me too.” I whisper, trying to breathe while being fucked mercilessly by his hands and dick. “Just keep going.” I encourage him and he nods, a few beads of sweat forming on his forehead. 
With the next few thrusts, I’m surprised I’m cumming again just through penetration. Maybe the Na’vi body really was something else, perhaps even better than the human body. 
This time, my legs were a trembling mess, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and my nails dug into Prager’s back. He continued fucking me and then came aswell. He tried to ride out his orgasm but soon stiled like Ja, to ensure he could fill me up with enough of his cum. Prager bit down on my neck, not too harshly but enough to make my eyes open widely.
Another bonus of the Na’vi body. No protected sex. I couldn’t get pregnant as long as we didn’t form tsaheylu so it was great.
My pussy throbbed and I was completely fucked out. My legs gave out and I fell forwards on my knees, my chest pressing against Prager’s bare chest. I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his shoulder and he did the same as we regained our breath. 
“Well ain’t that sweet.” I heard Ja tease from my right. I look up at him, sending him a playful glare which made him laugh. 
Prager wrapped his hands around my waist, genuinely holding me to him for a while until he felt my heartbeat calm down. 
“You’re amazing.” he whispers and I giggle, kissing his cheek before slowly getting off of his lap. Ja helps me to my feet while Prager stands up and gets dressed. 
“Where’s my underwear?” I ask, looking around when Ja only hands me my cammies. When I look back up at him, he’s grinning. That answers my question. I look down and see it hanging from his pocket. He pulls it out and cleans my thighs with it before tucking it back into his pants. 
“Really?” I ask and he nods.
“Yeah, I’ll give ‘em back in a week in exchange for some new ones.” he smirks and I chuckle. 
I’m helped back into my clothes by Ja who is preventing me from tipping over to one side again and once Prager is done he helps me put my sports bra on again. 
“Thanks.” I say to them and they smile.
“Anythin’ for you, angel.” Ja grins, picking up his weapons and throwing some over to Prager. Once they are geared up we start to return back to base. The sun was starting to set. 
Both men walk on either side of me, supporting me when I needed it. It was really sweet actually. I was significantly less angry at Quaritch for making us do this exercise.
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(there will be no version 3 or anything else to this specific fic. I'm gonna write part 2 for "this is what you came for soon".)
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loakstahni · 1 year ago
`under the blanket´
Day 7 of #avatar12daysofkinkmas thanks to @neteyamsyawntu for putting this together 💕
Lyle wainfleet x colten little (oc)
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Warning ⚠: smut, soft and gentle sex, unprotected sex, p in v, bitting, dirty talk, cockwarming, having sex while others are in the room(?), under the blanket.
A/N: sorry it's so short, I kept jumping around with the plot-
Lyle's big hands grip colten's small waist, holding her on his lap as he gently held her hips still, Colten kept her face pressed into lyle' neck, trying her best to keep herself muffled.
The two were in the recom/avatar lounge, sitting on the sofa in the Conner with a huge gray fluffly blanket drapped over them, it had started off as soft kissing and touches and ended up with Lyle's cock stuffed deep inside Colten's pussy, while z-dog, quaritch, fike and mansk were lounging around the room.
Colten squirms slightly, making a strained whine fall from her already puff lips. "Shh.. Your doing so good, bug." Lyle coos, rubbing soft circles into colten's hipbone with his thumbs. "If you be a good girl I'll make sure you get all the lovings and breeding tonight." Lyle growls against her ear, nipping at the tip.
A shiver makes its way down colten's spine and tail, her walls fluttering around lyle's thick shaft. "L-ly.." The whine she lets out is almost too loud, making lyle placing his lips agaisnt colten's to hush her. "Hush," lyle grumbles, his big hands gripping her round ass, kneading at the flesh.
Colten's ears droop and she pulls back from their kiss, pressing her face into lyle's shoulder. A deep shade of indigo dusting her cheeks and nose bridge, her heart pounding in her chest as she heard the others start to call it a night and leave. Leaving only lyle and Colten, alone in the lounge.
The second the metal door hisses shut Lyle snaps his hips upwards, diving his cock deeper into her heat. "L-Lyle!" Colten gasps, her ears shooting upwards. "I promised you'd get it." He growls before flipping her over into her back, pinning her into the sofa.
It was gonna be a loooonnnngggg night..
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tarrynightss · 2 years ago
Kinky things with the Recoms
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Characters: Miles Quaritch, Lyle Wainfleet, Mansk, Z-dog, Lopez, Prager, Sean Fike & Ja
Yea I excluded Brown, Warren, Walker and Zhang because… I just couldn’t characterize them rn
Warnings: SMUT, breeding kink, spanking, scenting, jerking off into panties, daddy kink, spit, choking, pain kink
A/N: just a bit of Recom thirsting while I work on the fics
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Miles Quaritch ~ breeding kink
Everybody saw this one coming. This man loves making babies and just the thrill of the possibility of getting you pregnant.
He’ll have his dog tags hitting your back while he fucks you from behind, one hand tightly wrapped around your hair as he grunts about how he’s going to fill you up and make you a mommy. One of his big hands will find your lower stomach, stroking over it longingly as he imagines your curves filling out. God, you’ll be a real sight.
Will have you ride him in the cowgirl position so he can watch as his seed slips back out of you after he cums, continuing fucking your tight cunt. He’ll make you lean back slightly so he can see every little drag of your lips along his length. “Look so good, sweetheart,” he praises you. “Nice and bred.”
Miles loves pushing his cum back in with his fingers or having you cockwarm him after sex. He wants to assure his cum stays in you as much as possible, whispering to you how he won’t take any chances.
Lyle Wainfleet ~ Spanking
Any excuse to call you a naughty girl, he will happily take. He’ll lick his lips as he imagines what he’ll do to you later to punish you for whatever you did wrong, though he already knows exactly what he’ll be doing.
You’ll be laid over Lyle’s lap completely naked, his hand slowly massaging from your soft ass up to your neck. When he reaches your head, he tugs it back roughly by your hair, bringing his mouth to your ear. “Couldn’t help yourself before, could you, baby? Don’t worry, daddy Lyle will teach you some manners.”
He’ll bring his hand down onto your ass repeatedly, making you count every single hit in between your moans and yelps. If you lose count, he’ll tsk and tell you you’ll pay for that later.
When he’s done your ass is marked with welts in the shape of his fingers. After a slow massage and some soothing cooing of how well you’d done, you would normally be done, unless you lost count.
In that case he’ll lay you out on the bed, making you spread your legs and having your hands grab tightly onto the sheets. He’ll slap his hand against your wet, sensitive cunt. He’s far gentler than when he spanks your ass, but he still keeps on going till tears stream down your cheeks, begging and pleading with him that you won’t forget next time, that you’ll be good. The way he eats you out aftwards is divine though.
Mansk ~ Scenting
He loves to make you smell like him till the point that other Avatars regularly comment on it. He’s not really with the whole mating through Tsaheylu thing yet, but he still wants everyone to be aware that you’re his even when he isn’t by your side.
Will scent you through having you wear his clothes, sleep in his bed and just plain out rubbing against you. He loves smelling the nape of you’re neck when you’re naked and instantly recognizing his own scent.
Cumming both inside you and all over your body is a big thing for him. He wants every spot on your body to be marked by him and his release is the perfect way to do that. Plus it paints a pretty picture, his cock instantly getting hard again when he sees your face or tits covered in his seed.
Eagerly smear his cock past your lips or face and he’ll be seeing heaven. Messy blowjobs are his favorite.
Loves your scent as well. Will ask you to grind your wet cunt onto his shirt so he can smell it later. Is also a bit of panty thief for this reason but isn’t secretive about it, returning them unwashed after he’s jacked off in them.
Zdinarsk aka Z-dog ~ Spit
This is one mean gal and she tends to stay that way in the bedroom.
Will force your mouth open with one hand as the other is busy hammering her fingers into your cunt. “Needy bitch.” She’ll groan as she watches you. “Stick your tongue out.” As soon as you do so she forces your face lower till she can hover hers above it, letting her spit dribble slowly into your mouth. She’ll force your jaw shut, smirking evilly as she gives you no choice but to swallow her spit. And when you do, she’ll laugh and give you a nice slap across your cheek in reward. “You actually did it! God, you’re such a fucking slut.”
The type to spit on her hand to lube your cunt up with it before she fingers you or grinds her own wetness against yours. Something about hearing the lewd, wet squelches after your privates are nice and covered in spit sends a shiver down her spine.
Will be sloppy during both kissing and eating you out, making sure that your arousal and her spit gets everywhere. When she goes down on you she won’t stop till your thighs are coated and your wetness has stained even the bridge of her nose.
Lopez ~ Pain
Did you see all his tattoos? He loves a physical challenge. He’ll want to go all out with his partner, lots of the fucking resulting in bruises and tiny cuts.
Lopez wants your nails to scratch at his skin till he bleeds, wants your teeth to sink into his shoulders and your hips to buck into his till he feels they might break. He wants you to fuck him hard.
He’ll be bit rough himself as well, throwing you around to change positions and having no issue with tightly holding your hands behind your back or slamming you against a wall to take you like he might die tomorrow. He just wants you to be the one who’s giving the real pain.
Ride his face without reservation while sinking your teeth into the skin surrounding his lower abdomen and pelvic area and he’ll fall in love instantly.
Prager ~ Praise kink
Just wants you to praise him while you stroke his cock. Wants to hear how handsome he looks as he moans and how big he is in your hand.
Prager loves it when you kiss along his body, looking up at him through your lashes and blessing him with little smiles.
Will fuck into you with all he has while nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. His groans and pants sound so good in your ear, and you hold onto the back of his head lovingly. Will love it if you tell him explicitly how good he’s making you feel and how deep his cock is going inside you.
Might like being a called a good boy way too much. His hips will instantly start stuttering when you do so, his orgasm never far behind.
Sean Fike ~ Choking
He just loves to wrap his hands around your throat while he fucks in missionary, grinning madly at the sight of your pretty eyes rolling back.
Over the years he’s become somewhat of an expert at how to choke someone till they’re just at the edge, and if you allow him he’ll gladly take you there in bed. There’s nothing more mind reeling than cumming as soon as air flows back into your lungs.
Will want you to beg him to choke you. He’ll ignore it the first couple of times before his hand will snap to your neck, his grip tight. “Don’t forget that you asked for this, doll.” Is all you hear him groan before he squeezes.
Choking on his cock is also a sight he loves seeing. He’ll grab you by the hair and slam his cock down your throat suddenly while you’re sucking it, enjoying the way you gag and push at him as you choke. Doing it while he orgasms is even better, allowing him to watch you cough up his cum, your pretty mouth quickly becoming stained and thick strings of his spend hanging from them.
Ja ~ Outdoor sex
He loves to get down and dirty in, well, the actual dirt. He’ll chase you outside like an animal before throwing you down to the ground and grinding against your ass. He won’t mind mud or grass getting on him or you, pushing your face down with no regard of what’s below you.
Ja will drill you into the ground or fuck you up against a tree with a haste that he never usually has. It’s not that he minds getting caught, the thought actually quite thrilling to him, but something about being surrounded by all this nature gives him the need to fuck you hard and fast.
Doesn’t mind staying outside for days, taking you to a creek to wash off whenever you get too dirty. And then instantly taints you again by thrusting his cock into you till both your cunt and ass are filled with his cum.
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navibluebees · 2 years ago
How Fike would be with his SO
Please read before interacting.
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A bit apprehensive when you first approached him, but easily softened when you asked for his help to reach something. He was fascinated by you and your kind eyes focused on him. He made sure to always be around and available if you needed something.
Once you start your relationship, he's very protective, hovering even closer and keeping a hand on your back or shoulder if you're okay with it.
Likes to crouch down and watch your face as you excitedly chatter about anything and everything
couldn't stop laughing when you first pulled on his hoodie and it completely covered your body
Has a hard time processing his second life, so you're his safe place at the end of a long day
Loves to try new things together! Food, activities, everything~
Likes to give kisses goodbye, will sit and rub your back before he leaves in the morning, whispering how much he cares for you
absolutely putty in your hands when you curl up against his side or in his lap
Loves to carry you around- piggy back rides, in his arms, over his shoulder, etc
Loves to have a game night
Will stop by your work with a small gift and a card just to see you smile for him
very wary when you said you wanted to go into the forest but went with you anyway and softened at how delighted you were by the flora and fauna
NSFW Below
Very loving
Loves to go at an achingly slow pace, watching you tremble in his arms as he pulls out, dragging his cock against your walls
Always grabbing your hips and tugging you closer
Needs to look in your eyes and will beg you for it
Likes the lotus position even if he's not inside you. Just loves when he's rubbing in between your legs, sharing soft kisses
Loves to sit you on the counter and give you oral or take his cock out and rub it between your legs until you end up pleading for him
Looooveees your legs over his shoulders, will be kissing your ankles or any bit of skin he can get to
Gives soft bites, afraid to hurt you
Shivers when you scratch down his back
Doesn't say much but is vocal with his groans against your skin
Will pull you to the edge of the bed, leaning over to press his chest against yours and rut into you until you're both spent, then press a soft kiss to your forehead
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kittycow8875 · 2 years ago
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