#reclame vintage
semioticapocalypse · 6 months
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Ryoji Akiyama. Empty Box in its Way Down to a Reclamation Area, Tokyo. 1969
I Am Collective Memories   •    Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
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banjofilia · 2 years
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Jake Blount
source: jakeblount.com
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monkeyssalad-blog · 3 months
"Venedig in Wien", Frau Reclame, Ballet-Operette.
"Venedig in Wien", Frau Reclame, Ballet-Operette. by Halloween HJB Via Flickr: -
0 notes
stone-cold-groove · 2 years
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Construction of Boulder Dam prepared in collaboration with the Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation - 1936.
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sims4t2bb · 7 months
weekly update
Hello and happy Sunday Monday everyone! This update is arriving onto your home feed a bit later than usual, since Fee and I have both been busy with real life behind-the-scenes. We appreciate your patience! 🙏🏻
As it is, this update is on the longer side, so grab a nice cup of tea and enjoy. From us, as always, happy Simming — onwards and upwards! ✨
— Database
We truly appreciate all of the hard work this community has been putting into converting things lately! A collective cheers to you all 🥂
— Base Game
Build Mode
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Quaking Aspen Tree conversion by @tvickiesims has been added.
Buy Mode
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Balanjar Teak Two-Seater Bench, Intimate Ottoman, Must Be Loveseat, Parking It Patio Bench, and Retrositter Bench conversions by @simsinlowspace have been added.
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BlandCo Contemporary Toddler Bed, Classic Toddler Bed, The Littlest Big Bed, Modern Life Dollhouse, Racer Dreams, Realistic Princess Doll Castle, Short and Stout Bed by Kindermade, and Victorian Dollhouse conversions by @platinumaspiration have been added.
— Expansion Packs
Eco Lifestyle
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The Freeze Pop Sleep Spot and Cardboard Castle Dollhouse conversions by @platinumaspiration have been added.
High School Years
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Sea of Snakes and One Stop Thrift Counter conversions by @platinumaspiration have been added.
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Carnival Reclamation, Vintage Double Poster Bed, Vintage Floral Single Bed, Vintage Noble Night Stand, Vintage Classic Desk, Vintage Decorative Shelf, Lovely Layered Curtains, The Sconce Response, Deco The Halls Pendant Light, and Vintage Grand Armoire conversions by Michelle have been added.
Growing Together
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Centerpiece of Attention, Good Things Take Time Planter, Planter's Amalgam of Betrayal, The "Vibe Check" Rocker and The Whipper Snapper Mach 10 Edition Rocker conversions by @platinumaspiration have been added.
Horse Ranch
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Barn Pendant Lamp - Medium, Barn Pendant Lamp - Short, Barrelwood Bath Cabinet, Barrelwood Shorty Shelf, Boot Scootin' Reflections Mirror, Bunkhouse Spindle Back Barstool, Bunkhouse Spindle Back Dining Chair, Bunkhouse Spindle Back Loveseat, Charming Country Coffee Table, Chestnut Saloon Back Bar and more conversions by @lordcrumps have been added.
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Bunkhouse Spindle Back Rocking Chair and The Rocking Star conversions by @platinumaspiration and @lordcrumps have been added.
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Country Classic Barn Dollhouse conversion by @platinumaspiration has been added.
— Game Packs
Journey to Batuu
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Trilon Wishing Tree conversion by @tvickiesims has been added.
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Bare Pine Tree conversion by @tvickiesims has been added.
My Wedding Stories
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Albizzia Tree conversion by @tvickiesims has been added.
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Balsam Fir conversion by @tvickiesims has been added.
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Starry Night Toddler Bed conversion by @platinumaspiration has been added.
— Stuff Packs
Nifty Knitting
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Armless Rocking Chair by Sit 'n' Stitch, Extra Comfy Armless Rocking Chair by Sit 'n' Stitch, Sit 'n' Stitch Rocking Chair, and Sit 'n' Stitch Rocking Chair with Comfy Cushion conversions by @platinumaspiration have been added.
— Kits
Little Campers
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Up Up Into the Stars Dollhouse conversion by @platinumaspiration has been added.
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kitkitkitttty · 9 months
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SAM CLAFLIN? não! é apenas KIT CULPEPPER, ele é filho de HEFESTO do chalé NOVE e tem TRINTA E CINCO anos. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há VINTE E TRÊS ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, BULLDOZE é bastante PERSPICAZ mas também dizem que ele é EGOÍSTA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
KIT de ferramentas, uma biografia
Hefesto se apaixonou pela versão verdadeira de Kimberly Culpepper. Um dia de chuva, embaixo da marquise de uma oficina, trocando dicas de conserto. Kimberly tinha fugido de tudo para respirar, esquecer que era personal stylist e voltar a sujar as mãos de graxa. De construir coisas a partir do nada e fazer ronronar o carro que cuspia fumaça pelo escapamento entupido. Foi paixão à primeira vista e, naquele momento, foi gerado Kit.
Kit foi agraciado com um sorriso de covinhas cativantes e uma paciência quase infinita. Quieto, educado, muito obediente. O bibelô perfeito para acompanhar a mãe em todos os seus compromissos. Carregar sacolas era com ele mesmo? E por ser um garoto, a opinião 'masculina' sempre lhe era pedida. Contudo, não era por isso que o garotinho de olhos claros ficava tão 'passivo'. Ele gostava de sentir e tocar, de experimentar as texturas. De puxar os cabides, apertar as tachinhas das calças, de ver a caixa registradora vintage funcionar.
A janela virou sua melhor amiga muito rápido. Abrindo um mundo diferente e mais barulhento, colorido. Kimberly deixava-o sair com o porteiro e dar uma volta de carro e ele saía do veículo assim que paravam no posto de gasolina. Numa obra em andamento. Era o primeiro a acompanhar o mecânico na revisão e o último a sair do cangote do profissional quando acabava. Suas mãos mostravam sinais de irritação (tudo pela limpeza frenética para não deixar um pingo de graxa).
O mundo literalmente mudou quando passeava sozinho. Incumbido com a tarefa de buscar cafés, se distraiu com um objeto caído no chão. Kit pensou: ora, deve ser de alguém dessa confusão. Porque, ali perto, um beco se enchia de barulho e movimento. E na ingenuidade de um garoto de 11 anos, 5 meses e 27 dias; ele foi espiar.
Eram três pessoas? Ou eram cinco? Aquela tinha patas no lugar de pés? Espero, aquilo é um cachorro gigante? Foi como ver através de uma névoa espessa, brilhando imagens estranhas com cada feixe de luz que pegava. Num instante era um garoto normal com TDAH 'adorável', no outro a caneta virava uma espada e ele seguia à risca o que o meio bode pedia.
Depois dali, bem, a história é conhecida. A mãe revelou o segredo do seu pai, o menino bode se identificou como 'fauno' e o levou para o acampamento. Seu pai o reclamou no mesmo instante e, legal né, fez sentido sair daquele beco com pedaços de pele brilhando metálicas. Kit divide sua vida entre os campos de morango e a movimentada Quinta Avenida, sempre atento ao nível de interesse dos monstros nos arredores.
A permanência das visitas diminuiu depois do incidente, o que deixou muito mais fácil explicar para mãe que não tinha previsão de volta quando o chamado de Dionísio se fez. Kit arrumou rapidamente as malas e voltou mais rápido que o pensamento.
PODERES: mimetismo metálico / T-1000. Capacidade de transformar em metal orgânico, podendo deformar e alterar sua própria aparência. Enquanto nesse estado, cura-se mais rapidamente. Prós: resistência, força, separação, disfarce. Contras: só volta ao humano quando regenerado, separação dolorosa se não 'juntada', cansaço aumenta conforme número de transformações. Preferências: a si próprio, estátuas clássica, touro de colchis.
HABILIDADES: vigor e força sobre-humana
ARMA: ele meixmo.
MALDIÇÃO OU BENÇÃO: Nenhuma, por enquanto.
EXTRAS de matar
Por mais que faça as melhores armas ao seu alcance, nenhuma -idealizada ou existente - supre a 'chatice' de Kit. Assim como alguns meu corpo é meu templo, o filho de Hefesto leva ao pé da letra trocando templo por arma.
Não, eu não sou filho de Apolo. Não, eu gosto de água, mas passo longe de Poseidon. Os genes maternos foram tão fortes que, fisicamente, Kit passa longe da imagem idealizada do pai.
Depois do incidente, Kit dedicou parte do tempo para desenvolver habilidades musicais (sério, eu não sou filho de Apolo!)
Quando não quer discutir (ou está em modo drama queen), Kit vira metal e entra no fogo. Deixa as chamas serem tudo o que ouve e fica lá até cansar. Seu recorde é de 5 dias ininterruptos.
Precisando ir e voltar para o acampamento várias vezes (visita de mamãe e missões de resgate), Kit aprimorou seu carro para um bem... Peculiar. O Jeep virou um compacto tanque de guerra, bem na vibe apocalipse zumbi, que se disfarça com a névoa assim- num estalar de dedos.
Não pergunte de onde vem o apelido Bulldoze se não quiser ter os ouvidos alugados por trinta e sete minutos.
Sim, Kit sabe o nome de todo mundo e quais são seus parentes divinos, seu tempo quase eterno no acampamento o deixou assim. Intrometido, sabe-tudo. PORÉM, é incapaz de chamar pelo nome certo. Prefere inventar apelidos diversos, inspirados no nome verdadeiro. Só usa o verdadeiro em duas ocasiões: seriedade e merecimento.
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archivists-decay · 4 months
"And I begin to wonder...The dreams I can't remember when I wake in the morning - where in the world did they go?"
Hey. Call me Sage. It's my name after all. I'm 27, and a mess. This blog is supposed to be somewhere I can cobble together pieces of myself, so I can start to see the whole picture when I step back. No aesthetic, not necessarily. If you're okay with that...Welcome. Puzzles are always more fun with friends.
I like:
Gaming, especially late 90's early 2000's.
Stars and Cosmos
Lost Civilizations, Urban Decay, and Post-Apocalyptic Reclamation
Esoterica and the occult.
Vintage Ads and Prints
Dreamcore & Whimsigoth
If anything in the list above catches your eye, feel free to chat or message me. It's not always easy for me to respond — I get tired easily, and sleep through a lot. But I'll try to keep the fire warm for you.
Heads up: This is NOT intended to be a NSFW Blog. Some content here, however, may teeter on being more mature, given the nature of some art. Use discretion.
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kitdeferramentas · 6 months
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JONATHAN BAILEY? não! é apenas KIT CULPEPPER, ele é filho de HEFESTO do chalé NOVE e tem TRINTA E CINCO anos. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há VINTE E TRÊS ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, BULLDOZE é bastante PERSPICAZ mas também dizem que ele é EGOÍSTA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
LINKS IMPORTANTES: TASK 2, Missão: destruição das forjas, POV 1.1 - plot drop #04, POV 1.2 - dia seguinte, TASK 3, fechamento da fenda.
Evolução do poder pirocinese: Nível 1 ( fase 1. )
KIT de ferramentas, uma biografia
Hefesto se apaixonou pela versão verdadeira de Kimberly Culpepper. Um dia de chuva, embaixo da marquise de uma oficina, trocando dicas de conserto. Kimberly tinha fugido de tudo para respirar, esquecer que era personal stylist e voltar a sujar as mãos de graxa. De construir coisas a partir do nada e fazer ronronar o carro que cuspia fumaça pelo escapamento entupido. Foi paixão à primeira vista e, naquele momento, foi gerado Kit.
Kit foi agraciado com um sorriso de covinhas cativantes e uma paciência quase infinita. Quieto, educado, muito obediente. O bibelô perfeito para acompanhar a mãe em todos os seus compromissos. Carregar sacolas? Era com ele mesmo! E por ser um garoto, a opinião 'masculina' sempre lhe era pedida. Contudo, não era por isso que o garotinho de olhos claros ficava tão 'passivo'. Ele gostava de sentir e tocar, de experimentar as texturas. De puxar os cabides, apertar as tachinhas das calças, de ver a caixa registradora vintage funcionar.
A janela virou sua melhor amiga muito rápido. Abrindo um mundo diferente e mais barulhento, colorido. Kimberly deixava-o sair com o porteiro e dar uma volta de carro e ele saía do veículo assim que paravam no posto de gasolina. Numa obra em andamento. Era o primeiro a acompanhar o mecânico na revisão e o último a sair do cangote do profissional quando acabava. Suas mãos mostravam sinais de irritação (tudo pela limpeza frenética para não deixar um pingo de graxa).
O mundo literalmente mudou quando passeava sozinho. Incumbido com a tarefa de buscar cafés, se distraiu com um objeto caído no chão. Kit pensou: ora, deve ser de alguém dessa confusão. Porque, ali perto, um beco se enchia de barulho e movimento. E na ingenuidade de um garoto de 11 anos, 5 meses e 27 dias; ele foi espiar.
Eram três pessoas? Ou eram cinco? Aquela tinha patas no lugar de pés? Espero, aquilo é um cachorro gigante? Foi como ver através de uma névoa espessa, brilhando imagens estranhas com cada feixe de luz que pegava. Num instante era um garoto normal com TDAH 'adorável', no outro a caneta virava uma espada e ele seguia à risca o que o meio bode pedia.
Depois dali, bem, a história é conhecida. A mãe revelou o segredo do seu pai, o menino bode se identificou como 'fauno' e o levou para o acampamento. Seu pai o reclamou no mesmo instante e, legal né, fez sentido sair daquele beco com pedaços de pele brilhando metálicas. Kit divide sua vida entre os campos de morango e a movimentada Quinta Avenida, sempre atento ao nível de interesse dos monstros nos arredores.
A permanência das visitas diminuiu depois do incidente, o que deixou muito mais fácil explicar para mãe que não tinha previsão de volta quando o chamado de Dionísio se fez. Kit arrumou rapidamente as malas e voltou mais rápido que o pensamento.
PODERES ATIVOS: 🔨 metamorfose metálica / T-1000. Capacidade de transformar em metal orgânico, podendo deformar e alterar sua própria aparência. Enquanto nesse estado, cura-se mais rapidamente. Prós: resistência, força, separação, disfarce. Contras: só volta ao humano quando regenerado, separação dolorosa se não 'juntada', cansaço aumenta conforme número de transformações. Preferências: a si próprio, estátuas clássicas, touro de Colchis, criaturas e personalidades mitológicas. 🔨 pirocinese. Capacidade de gerar, controlar e absorver fogo; com afinidade ao fogo azul. Poder secundário adquirido na dinâmica de dracmas. PODER SECUNDÁRIO:  🔨 mestre da tecnologia. Velocidade de raciocínio aumentada. Facilidade de montar, desmontar, criar novas estruturas, armas e estratégias. Criatividade e percepção para uso de novos e inusitados elementos e materiais.
HABILIDADES: vigor e força sobre-humana
ARMA: ele meixmo.
🔨 Touro de Colchis. ele meixmo 🔨 Lira de Morfeu. Uma Lira de cordas douradas que pode ser usada para criar ilusões e enganar inimigos, suas ilusões duram enquanto o portador a toca. O problema é que a Lira se alimenta da energia do semideus, então caso não dê um jeito de fugir rapidamente, quando a música parar, suas energias estarão bem abaixo do que quando começou. Adquirida na missão bem-sucedida com Charlotte e Josh. 🔨 Zangetsu. Uma katana feita de ferro estigio, com uma lâmina curva. A katana pode cortar através das sombras e desferir golpes que causam danos aos inimigos ao lançar rajadas de luz através dos cortes no ar. Adquirida na TASK 2. 🔨 Miz. Chicote de ouro imperial. A ponta possui um compartimento para armazenamento de veneno que será liberado ao entrar em contato com a pele. Mas, se você for um mortal qualquer, só o verá transitar para cima e para baixo com uma pulseira dourada que já foi motivo de investidas criminosas (afinal, ouro imperial parece muito mais brilhante do que as outras bijuterias que costumava usar). Proveniente do Testamento de Flynn Ramsey, após sua morte. @fantasfly 🔨 Tenderizer. Martelo de guerra feito de bronze celestial e fica encostado na lateral da sua forja preferida.
MALDIÇÃO OU BENÇÃO: Nenhuma, por enquanto.
EXTRAS de matar
Por mais que faça as melhores armas ao seu alcance, nenhuma -idealizada ou existente - supre a 'chatice' de Kit. Assim como alguns meu corpo é meu templo, o filho de Hefesto leva ao pé da letra trocando templo por arma.
Não, eu não sou filho de Apolo. Não, eu gosto de água, mas passo longe de Poseidon. Os genes maternos foram tão fortes que, fisicamente, Kit passa longe da imagem idealizada do pai.
Depois do incidente, Kit dedicou parte do tempo para desenvolver habilidades musicais (sério, eu não sou filho de Apolo!)
Quando não quer discutir (ou está em modo drama queen), Kit vira metal e entra no fogo. Deixa as chamas serem tudo o que ouve e fica lá até cansar. Seu recorde é de 5 dias ininterruptos.
Precisando ir e voltar para o acampamento várias vezes (visita de mamãe e missões de resgate), Kit aprimorou seu carro para um bem... Peculiar. O Jeep virou um compacto tanque de guerra, bem na vibe apocalipse zumbi, que se disfarça com a névoa assim- num estalar de dedos. Seu nome é Syrena.
Não pergunte de onde vem o apelido Bulldoze se não quiser ter os ouvidos alugados por trinta e sete minutos.
Sim, Kit sabe o nome de todo mundo e quais são seus parentes divinos, seu tempo quase eterno no acampamento o deixou assim. Intrometido, sabe-tudo. PORÉM, é incapaz de chamar pelo nome certo. Prefere inventar apelidos diversos, inspirados no nome verdadeiro. Só usa o verdadeiro em duas ocasiões: seriedade e merecimento.
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thecreakingdoor · 2 years
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So proud to feature an antique micro mosaic artwork by Fabbrica Angelo Pessar (signed FAP on the reverse) in my latest lost object assemblage bracelet. Angelo Pessar worked in Italy from 1870 to 1900 making tiny pieces of Murano glass art for tourists visiting Italy during the Victorian and Edwardian era. This broken star shaped pendant with beautiful forget- me-not-flowers has been reawakened after long being forgotten in a junk stuff box and is the centrepiece to my blues themed reclamation bracelet. It sits alongside other repurposed and salvaged treasures like a decorative enamel button, engraved George West solitaire bachelor stud (circa 1872 - 1890), tiny Persian Qajar painting on mother of pearl tablet, my own abalone triangle connector with Roman glass bead front and many vintage rhinestones (lost vintage earrings) and Czech glass beads. The bracelet is adjustable from 7.5 inches up to approx. 8.5 inches using my hand forged brass hook. Available in my Etsy shop. . . . #fapmosaic #fabbricaangelopessar #angelopessar #victorianart #forgetmenot #starmosaic #solitairestuds #enamelbutton #romanglassbeads #persianart #qajarart #miniatureartwork #tinyartwork #reclamation #sustainablefashion #vintagebracelet #antiquebracelet #mosaicjewelry #antiquemosaic https://www.instagram.com/p/CnfI4Z_tKvS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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semioticapocalypse · 6 months
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Ryoji Akiyama. TV face left in a reclamation area. Tokyo, Japan. 1969
I Am Collective Memories   •    Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
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lakesbian · 2 years
iota hiii - hibaris trans girl swag has pulled me in is the anime adaption of that series good !!
okay so look. i love stop hibari-kun. this is also a thing in my stop hibari-kun tag:
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here is the thing. it's fucking terrible. it fucking sucks. it's bad. but also it's good. it's goodbad. it's bad good. it's almost good. it's not good. it's good. it's bad. but good. et cetera. there are 50 caveats i want to give anyone before they watch it, because i am a Thorough Bitch. so pull up a chair
it has a canonically trans girl as the titular character. it's also a comedy anime made in the '80s. which is to say: it's a really neat piece of LGBT history that many trans women have legitimately praised, but it's still got Comedy Anime From The '80s Disease.
the first thing i'd say if you want to watch it is, read a couple short essays first to get an idea of why people give a shit about it in the first place.
(there was also a really good video essay on it but it got privated :( tragic)
the second thing to be aware of is that, again, it's an '80s comedy anime. there's antiblack racism. there's uncomfortable sexualization of teenage girls. there's transmisogynistic treatment towards hibari. even the non-offensive jokes might not be your style of humor. how much you enjoy the anime depends on your tolerance for anime bullshit. really the only way to measure how much it bothers you is by watching. do keep in mind that some episodes are far better or far worse than others, and you can always skip around/skip scenes if you're not liking the vibes. it is chronological, and there is very slight character development, but skipping shitty scenes in episodes won't ruin anything.
the third thing to be aware of is that the only subtitled version available anywhere online for it does not translate LGBT terms properly. the most glaring issue is this:
('newhalf,' a word which explicitly meant 'trans woman' at the time and would best be translated as 'transsexual,' was mistranslated as 'crossdresser.' anytime you hear a character say 'newhalf' and see it translated as 'crossdresser,' keep in mind that the character is actually saying 'trans woman.')
the second translation issue is with the word 'hentai,' which is vaguely translated as 'pervert.' but in the context of '80s japanese LGBT terms, it actually means something much more like 'queer.' anytime you hear the word 'hentai' used and see it subbed as 'pervert,' keep in mind that it would be better translated as 'queer.' sexually derogatory terms for LGBT people are nothing new, so it makes some sense that it's just translated as 'pervert,' but if my research is accurate then something along the lines of 'queer/degenerate' would be the closest english approximation. (this is obviously used as an insult towards hibari many times, but she also jokingly uses it herself in a way that reads very much as charming reclamation.)
anyway, as for the actual content of the fucking anime. there's no real resolution because it got cancelled. there's never a full "ohh i see now you are a Real Girl and i love you hibari :)" arc for kosaku. it frankly sucks at times. a lot of the time even. there are also scenes that made me go Aough... Augh.... and write little sniffling essays. there's some legitimately good stuff in there. it is really just about whether or not it balances out the bad for you. it did for me because i like vintage animation and LGBT history and i am entranced by hibari's cool and cute swag and her insistence on adoring some random shitty 'if a heterosexual guy was a tsundere' teen boy. (kosaku is forgiven for his crimes due to the "oh lovely girl i love you" lyric in the full OST version of strange love.) it might not balance out for you. but now that i've given you the full mandatory pre-watch reading, i will cautiously say "sure, if you still want to give it a shot go ahead, but if you fucking hate it don't say i didn't warn you."
...if it has nothing else going for it, i maintain that it has one of the top all time obscure vintage anime ending songs.
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investorsbuyinghouses · 2 months
Beyond the Curb Appeal: Oklahoma's Hidden Gem Houses
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Oklahoma, the "Sooner State," is frequently adulated for its vast areas, rich Local American legacy, and lively social scene. However, underneath the surface lies another mother lode ready to be found: a remarkable assortment of houses overflowing with character and history, frequently camouflaged by unpretentious outsides. These are Oklahoma's unexpected, yet invaluable treasure houses, sitting tight for the insightful purchaser who values engagement over check request. Ugly Houses in Oklahoma.
Disclosing the Enchantment: Why Look Past the Initial Feeling
The appeal of unlikely treasure houses lies in their capability to be changed into dream homes. Even though they might not look like they should, these homes have a certain magic waiting to be discovered:
Compositional Interest: Many unlikely treasure houses were worked during Oklahoma's building blast periods, from the Victorian time to the Mid-Century Current development. These homes frequently have distinctive architectural features, tucked-away details, and exquisite craftsmanship that have been lost to time.
Strong Bones: Worked in a former time, unlikely treasure houses were frequently developed with top-notch materials and fastidious tender loving care. Strong groundworks, hardwood floors, and thick mortar walls offer a tough base for redesign and reclamation.
Hidden Potential: Hidden gem houses frequently contain treasures within their walls that go beyond the cosmetic. You can bring back original built-in cabinetry, stained glass windows, or hidden fireplaces to give your modern lifestyle a touch of vintage charm.
Tracking down Your Oklahoma Diamond: Investigating Various Roads
Uncovering unlikely treasure houses requires a touch of investigator work and wandering past the typical land channels:
Neighborhood Authentic Social orders: Associate with your nearby verifiable society. They might be able to tell you a lot about your area's historic neighborhoods and hidden gem houses.
Driving Tours: Take a scenic drive through established neighborhoods, looking for houses with interesting architectural details or potential that haven't been used.
"Available to be purchased By Proprietor" Postings: Investigate "Available to be purchased By Proprietor" (FSBO) postings. Proprietors of unexpected, yet invaluable treasure houses could like to sell straightforwardly, bypassing conventional real estate professional charges.
Verbal: Converse with companions, neighbors, and nearby project workers. They could have inside information on unlikely treasure houses sitting tight for the right purchaser.
The Journey of Renovation: Transforming Your Dream Home
While unlikely treasure houses offer huge potential, be ready to put time and assets into redesigns. Follow all steps to learn how to sell your ugly houses in Oklahoma. To help you get through the renovation process, here are some pointers:
Start with a Plan: Create a comprehensive renovation plan with goals, a budget, and a timetable. To ensure that your renovation preserves the house's original character, think about consulting an architect or a specialist in historic preservation.
Embrace the Unexpected: During renovation, be prepared for unforeseen discoveries. A buffer should be included in your budget and timeline to account for hidden structural issues or outdated electrical wiring that may necessitate additional work.
Sustainable Options: When you're renovating, you should think about using sustainable methods. Using salvaged materials, installing appliances that use less energy, and improving insulation can increase the home's charm and value while reducing your impact on the environment.
The Prizes of Possessing an Unlikely Treasure:
The benefits of owning a house with a hidden gem are one-of-a-kind:
A Home with Character: Your home won't be a cutout copy of every house on the block. It will have an unmistakable character that mirrors your taste and typifies a piece of Oklahoma's set of experiences.
The Feeling of Achievement: Changing an unlikely treasure into your fantasy home offers a huge feeling of achievement. You will have created a unique space that tells your story and reflects your vision.
Speculation Potential: Reestablished unlikely treasure houses frequently experience huge expansions in esteem. Your efforts to renovate could end up being a wise investment in the future.
Past the Check Allure: Oklahoma's Unexpected, yet Invaluable Treasure Houses
Funding Your Oklahoma Dream: Choices for Unlikely Treasure Remodels
While the compensations of possessing an unexpected, yet invaluable treasure house are obvious, the redesign expenses can be an obstacle. The following is a breakdown of available financing options:
Traditional Mortgages: You might be eligible for a down payment-required traditional mortgage if the house meets certain requirements and is structurally sound. FHA 203(k) credits are explicitly intended for funding redesigns close by the home buy.
Home Value Advances or Credit Extensions: These choices permit you to use the current value in your ongoing home to fund remodels on your unlikely treasure.
Cash-Out Renegotiate: If you own your ongoing home out and out or have huge value, a money-out renegotiate permits you to get to a singular amount of money to use for redesigns on your unlikely treasure.
Last Thought: Maintaining Oklahoma's Legacy
By deciding to reestablish an unexpected, yet invaluable treasure house, you're not simply making your fantasy home; you're likewise adding to the protection of Oklahoma's compositional legacy. These houses stand as demonstrations of the resourcefulness, craftsmanship, and developing styles of previous periods. Reestablishing an unlikely treasure guarantees these accounts keep on being advised for a long time into the future.
Conclusion So, are you ready to embark on a journey of discovery and create your own piece of Oklahoma history? Start exploring Oklahoma's hidden gem houses today. With a little imagination, perseverance, and the right resources, you can transform a forgotten house into a cherished haven, a true reflection of your unique style and a testament to Oklahoma's enduring spirit! Quickly learn how to sell your ugly houses in Oklahoma.
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fishrpg · 3 months
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2024-06-24: MEMS-16/Millmason Part 2 (Low Density, Poor)
Phase V Construction, 10 Stories Tall, Pop 153,318
When prosthetic limbs fail or their users die, they are sent to this part of Millmason for reclamation. For the devices that are too old to be of much use, several scrapping businesses salvage what they can and use caustic chemicals to extract the valuable raw materials from what’s left over. The more contemporary devices are cleaned, tested, and refurbished. Several businesses here specialize in customizing secondhand cyberware.
Medical District
The recently-constructed Millmason Trauma Center is part of the reason why Millmason is gentrifying; medical specialists are relocating to the area and changing the culture of the MEMS. Helicopters are a constant sight here, dropping off patients at the dozen helipads on the property. Because of flight concerns, there is a considerable amount of buffer space between the hospital and the surrounding districts.
Traveler District
Immediately to the northwest of the MEMS and just outside the walls is Memphis International Airport. The Traveler District contains the expected hotels and moneychangers, and a dedicated shuttle line runs back and forth between the airport and the traveler district. Also located here is a customs processing facility that inspects untold numbers of packages each day.
Writer’s Row
Unlike the mostly-superficial connection to literature, Gallagher Street is home to Writer’s Row. There are several notable writing groups located here, an independent publishing house (MemPrint), a vintage letterpress business, and several businesses that cater to the specific and peculiar stationery needs of writers.
Fine Dining
Right next to the Traveler District is a collection of fine dining establishments. These are upscale operations, and most locals don’t eat here because of the cost. Almost all of the food served here is grown or slaughtered in the traditional way and flown in from elsewhere. Most of the patrons are wealthy people coming from the airport, because they have the money to spend on luxury foods.
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stone-cold-groove · 2 years
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Construction of Boulder Dam prepared in collaboration with the Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation - 1936.
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semixfenz · 4 months
B X Tailor & Alteration: Bridal Dress Alterations
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B X Tailor & Alteration is the encapsulation of fabulousness in bridal dress modifications, with riches of involvement and notoriety for accuracy. We are your best choice for guaranteeing a faultless fit for your wedding outfit. If you are looking for Custom Made Bridal Dress and Wedding Dress alteration Stanmore and require the skill of a proficient needle worker, you've arrived at the right goal. Believe B X Tailor & Alteration for all your bridal dress modification needs. On your earth shattering day, all eyes are on you, and nothing less than a flawlessly custom-made dress will do. High-end changes are our forte, and we are committed to accomplishing nothing brief of flawlessness. Whereas we practice in bridal outfit modifications, our ability amplifies past to incorporate dresses for the mother of the bride and prep, as well as bridesmaids. Every Specialist, Each Detail, Flawlessly Executed We go the additional mile to implant your dress with components that adjust with your interesting identity and fashion. Our profoundly talented and completely certified bridal tailors have an natural understanding of your vision, taking note of each detail to guarantee that your dress reflects your independence and meets each desire. With B X Tailor & Alteration, your wedding outfit gets to be a genuine reflection of you. At Bridal dress alteration Borehamwood, we take pride in guaranteeing that each wedding party part looks their best. A faultless wedding ceremony pivots on the faultless appearance of each specialist. Our comprehensive run of proficient Custom Made Bridal Dress WATFORD incorporates taking in, reshaping, neck area restyling, including bespoke embellishments, and shortening – all fastidiously executed. Our Comprehensive Extend of Fitting Services ● Wedding Dress Alterations B X Tailor & Alteration is your go-to area for getting the right fit and fashion for brides, bridesmaids, and the whole bridal party with respect to wedding dress alterations. We perceive the centrality of your wedding day and are given to conveying fabulous fitting administrations to ensure that your wedding clothing suits your vision and highlights your interesting beauty. ● Mother of the Bride & Prep Alterations At B X Tailor & Change, we expand our elite modification administrations to the moms of the bride and prep in Orange District. We perceive that this is a pivotal event for them, and our talented tailors work tirelessly to guarantee that their clothing is flawlessly custom-made. Our ability in glove repair and change BUSHEY guarantees they see and feel their best on this critical day. ● A Dress That Reflects You, Superbly Crafted Vintage dresses hold a extraordinary put in our hearts, frequently carrying nostalgic esteem and recollections of bygone times. Our vintage dress reclamation administrations are outlined to breathe modern life into these cherished treasures. B X Tailor & Alteration's gifted artisans take incredible care in fastidiously reestablishing vintage dresses to their previous wonderfulness, guaranteeing that they see as dazzling as the day they were at first worn. ● A Dress That Reflects You, Superbly Crafted B X Tailor & Modification offers a differing extend of completely custom change administrations custom fitted to your interesting inclinations and prerequisites. We appreciate advertising a custom-made approach to changes, guaranteeing that each component compares to your vision. Whether you require changes to your wedding outfit, bridesmaid dresses, or other formal attire, our talented staff is committed to guaranteeing that your fitted pieces of clothing absolutely speak to your fashion and identity.
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princesarejeitada · 5 months
Cruella DeVille- Describe your style + Captain Hook- What’s something unique about you?
Cruella DeVille - “Meu estilo é definitivamente uma mistura de prático e urbano. Como pilota, estou acostumada a usar meu uniforme, geralmente um terno, mas fora do trabalho gosto de roupas confortáveis e funcionais, também adicionaria um toque de estilo único. Você poderia me encontrar usando jaquetas de couro vintage, jeans confortáveis e botas resistentes lá em Dallas.” Captain Hook - “Acho que algo único sobre mim é minha capacidade de me adaptar a diferentes situações com facilidade. Não quer dizer que eu não surte ou reclame antes. Na minha vida e profissão já enfrentei desafios e imprevistos, então desenvolvi uma habilidade especial de pensar rápido e encontrar soluções. Além disso, gosto de buscar por conhecimento e estou quase sempre em busca de novas experiências e aventuras. Isso me torna uma companheira de viagem bastante interessante, se me permite dizer.”
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