blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Learning About Abilities|| Blake & Izuku
@recklessbrxvery​ continued from x
Blake may have felt someone staring at her for far longer than she would have liked and so she decided to approach said male. To her surprise he was only just wondering what types of abilities she had. Blake blinks at him curiously. “What? What’s a quirk?” she asks before sighing.
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“Well, never mind about that for now. If you’re really that curious. I could always just show you. We do have a training arena here in SSA. So why don’t we test it out?” she offers with a smirk. “I’m Blake by the way. What your name?” she asks before already heading to the training arena.
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bluexrain · 5 years
✮ For Deku | @recklessbrxvery​
He'd been pretty lucky in being able to find a job fairly quickly just a few short days after having landed in Wonderland. The pay wasn't the best and he wasn't quite at a point yet to be brought on as a full time employee but it still beat the alternative. He'd have to find a second job if he wanted to be able to pay his rent the following month, but overall it was a start and at least he had somewhat of a better idea of where to go from here compared to when he'd first started. The only downsides, however of working at the Cinema, was the fact that he'd been partnered with a trainer who preferred to work the closing shift, which in turn meant that he'd been scheduled with the same hours as his trainer. He didn't mind the late hours, he'd long since gotten used to staying up late and waking up early as required as a member of his high school's baseball team; what he couldn't quite get used to was the smell of buttered popcorn that seemed to of seeped into his clothes and skin after hours of selling the popular movie snack or the way his hands still felt sticky with melted butter even after he'd washed them, multiple times. He'd definitely need to shower as soon as he got home. Turning down into one of the alleys he'd taken to taking as a shortcut home, he hadn't expected to be met with the sight of a younger teen clearly in the middle of...building something..? Or was the teen breaking it apart? He couldn't quite tell.
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"Should you be doing that?" He asked out of curiosity, watching as the shorter teen continued to shuffle around, seemingly lost to his own musings.
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queenxland · 4 years
♟ : Patching up a wound
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“Oh dear...that looks...I guess it had been deeper than i thought...to think simple piece of stray glass could cause such harm.” Mio would say watching the younger man wrap a small piece of cloth around her arm, it really hadn’t been much of a cut for him to be so worried to wrap it up for her...he must know more about wounds than she did. “Well thank you...i will make sure to handle it with care.”
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linlangin · 5 years
are you okay? ,, lila & izuku
Powers were... something.
They were out of her reach. Lila was no stranger to heroes and villains. Paris boasted their own set of masked individuals parading the streets in colorful spandex. She’d seen her fair share— she had been one of those spandex-wearing individuals.  
It was a fleeting moment of freedom. The wish to become Volpina again burrowed deep in her chest.
To see someone punch a brick wall to dust would have been another day in Paris for her, except for the fact that she was nowhere near Paris. And the fact that she had never seen anyone who hadn’t been turned into an Akuma do such drastic feat. 
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“Your hand!” Lila’s tone oozed concern. Of course, said concern ebbing from her was more devious than anything.
He didn’t need to know that, though. 
@recklessbrxvery​​ should probably run away.
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violetpetaldancer · 4 years
“The dagger’s still in me.”
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“Well that is actually good, with the dagger in it actually can prevent more damage by not letting any arteries or veins just gush out. And you have it set pretty stable so also good!” Sakura peeled back the bandages to look at the damage, mentally clucking in her head exactly how deep it may be and how much damage there may be. But there was not much blood loss so it seemed to be a fairly easy fix. 
“I’ll have you fixed up in no time, just relax.”
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My Own... Hero? || Dawn & Deku
☆ continued from here!! @recklessbrxvery​
     Why, oh why on Earth had she said that of all things? They were strangers to one another; she shouldn’t be bothering a random passerby with her worries and problems like this! Even still, a part of her doesn’t regret blurting it out like that. It’s the truth, she is tired of fighting for herself. She’s done so for far, far too long.
     The champion’s anxieties are washed over with an intense relief when the boy next to her offers a quirk of a smile. He... Didn’t think her weird for her unprompted outburst? A hand is offered in invitation, and Dawn finds her gaze lingering on it for a bit longer than it should have.
     Izuku Midoriya? The... Hero that would fight for her? Could such a thing really be possible? If so, she wants to try; she gently takes his hand in her own, smaller one. Gently squeezing it, the trainer returns his own hesitant grin with a soft smile.
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     “I’m Dawn. Nice to meet you. … You really mean that? You’ll... Be my hero?” Her tone is demure as she asks the question, as if she can’t quite believe someone would be willing to do such a thing. Especially a person she doesn’t know...
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
*dips and kisses you*
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Without any indication, Blake suddenly felt herself fall before being also caught. Her eyes widen before soon she felt lips press against her own. When she realized just who it was she didn’t resist and let it happen. However when they pulled away she couldn’t help but feel rather flustered. Her cheeks suddenly reddening in utter embarrassment but also warmth.  “W-what was that for, Izuku?”
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
‘you talk too much’
You talk too much meme: No longer accepting Send me ‘you talk too much’ for your muse to shut mine up with a kiss mid-sentence.
   Blake loved that she was able to talk to Izuku about everything and anything. He always listened intently and gave her his opinions. It was a nice feeling and reminded her about her friends back at Remnant. She was rambling about something interesting listening at one of her classes when suddenly she was interrupted and kissed. She blushes profusely as she looks over at Izuku. “Well that was a sweet way to tell me to be quiet. But I thought you enjoyed me talking about my day” she teases playfully with a cute pout.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Let’s Have Some Fun!|| Blake & Izuku
@recklessbrxvery continued from x
  Blake chuckles. “I didn’t mean to insult you, Izuku. Its just we’re doing nothing so its so boring” she states. She sighs as she leans her head to rest against her arms. She listens intently to what Izuku suggest and couldn’t help but perk up and smile. “ A date? Really? I’d love to go to an amusement park with you, Izuku. Sounds totally fun” she says happily.
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 She gets up from her seat. “Let’s go get ready and go soon because I want to make the most of the day and spend it all with you” she says sweetly as she goes over and grabs his hand. “Come on. Let’s go get our stuff ready and go go go!’
  She had to admit she was super excited at this suggestion. It would be her first time ever to go to an amusement park. She definitely heard about it from friends but she herself never found the time to go to one. She couldn’t wait to go on all the fun exciting rides, eat all the amazing food and just have a great time. For it to be a date even made it better. She really couldn’t wait. “Izuku you’re the best for thinking of this idea. I can’t wait to go. Let’s have some fun together on our first official date” she says before kissing his cheek.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Rainy Day Romance|| Blake & Izuku
continued from  x
  Blake has been playing with her plate of food as as she gazed outside at the pouring rain from window. She was engrossed with the rain she didn’t realize she was speaking out loud until she heard Izuku speak towards her. Her eyes widen in shock a bit, surprised at the comment before she starts to blush.
   “Well no. Didn’t I tell you, you were my official kiss?” she asks quizzically. She blushes at the mention of him being her first because she might have not told him that.  Before he could even retort she speaks up again.“W-well you were so no... I haven’t kissed in the rain...but I think it could be rather romantic”.
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
Boyfriend’s Birthday!|| Blake & Izuku
Blake was rather excited. Today was her boyfriend’s birthday and she couldn’t wait to surprise him and give him his gift. It was something small but she hoped he would like it. She decides grab her phone from her pocket and text him.
The text read as: “Hey Sweetie. Are you free? If so want to meet me outside of the SSA building at 11am today?”
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blxkebowdonna · 4 years
“You’re sure people think we’re dating?”
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Blake looks at Izuku in astonishment, her cheeks flushing pink . "I mean I’m not completely sure but we have been hanging around together lately so it might cross their minds”
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