#rebekah grew up with five rowdy brothers and we do not talk about that enough
morningstargirl666 · 14 days
Not actually wip wednesday lol but I've just been writing this and HAD to share. Comes from the same chapter as this sneak peak, which is centered around Rebekah and flashbacks of the past. Trigger warning for scenes of child abuse.
“Father! STOP!” Elijah yelled, lunging forward and grabbing their father’s hand, trying to wrestle the whip out of his grip. Mikael snarled, staggering, but held steadfast. With a wild, violent movement, he had thrust his arm out, hitting Elijah across the face and sending him flying to the ground. She watched as her brother blinked sluggishly at the blood between his fingers, touching his brow.
Mikael paid him no heed, already turning around and bringing the whip down on Niklaus’ back all over again. This time, their brother couldn’t hold back his scream.
“He’s going to kill him,” Kol breathed beside her.
Wide-eyed, Rebekah looked across at him, the dawning horror on his face matching her own. She didn’t think he was speaking to her. She wasn’t even sure he had registered that she was there, his eyes fixed solely on their father and the bloody whip being brought down on their brother’s back. He was frozen, feet rooted to the floor, petrified by fear. Rebekah’s eyes trailed down, landing on the sword sheathed at his waist. Then she looked back over at their father, just as he brought the whip down again. It wasn’t even a choice.
She lurched forward, drawing her brother’s sword from his waist. Kol’s head whipped toward her at the sound, eyes widening at the sight of his sister wielding his blade but it was already too late. She was already heading straight for Mikael.
Hearing Kol’s shout, Mikael stopped and turned his head, just in time to see his daughter gracefully swing Kol’s sword into a reverse grip and slam the pommel into his face, instantly breaking his nose. Mikael staggered back, dropping the whip, shock flooding his features as suddenly his legs were kicked out from under him, sending him crashing onto his back. Blood spurting from his nose, lips red where he’d bitten his tongue, he blinked his dazed eyes open to the sight of a tip of a blade pointed at his neck.
“Lay another hand on him and I’ll kill you,” Rebekah warned, face flickering with a hundred different emotions. Her hands shook, so she tightened her grip on the sword, poised with it in both hands.
The entire room froze.
“Rebekah,” Mikael said eventually. He held up his hands, gesturing for her to lower the sword. “Don’t be stupid, child. Put the blade down.”
“You think I wouldn’t do it?” she snarled, eyes suddenly blazing with fury. The sword jumped forward several inches, kissing Mikael’s jugular. A small bead of blood welled at the tip of the blade where skin had been cut. Mikael gulped. “I won’t let you hurt him anymore.” 
Out of the corner of her eye, she could feel Niklaus’ eyes on her, his expression an emotional mix of awe and terror.
Mikael’s face twisted with rage. “You wouldn’t dare,” he ground out, eyes challenging her to do it.
“This is no mercy for the weak.” She lifted her chin, staring down at him ruthlessly. “Isn't that right, father?”
The snarl on his face died, eyes widening as he finally saw her for the first time. When Niklaus had started laying hunting traps for the rabbits, it wasn’t him that slit the bunnies' throats. It wasn’t him that gutted them after, not even fazed by all the blood drenching her hands and smeared across her face where she’d wiped sweat from her brow. Rebekah had grown up with five brothers and although she spent her days helping their mother, weaving flowers into her braids, it wasn’t like she was short of sparring partners when she decided to pick up a blade. Nor did she lack the stomach for it.
Rebekah Mikaelsdottir was not some weak-willed girl that sat beside the fire while men died for her.
Quite the opposite.
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