tacticl-booty · 5 years
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My piece for the R76 RBB
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
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Sign ups for the 2k19 Reaper76 Reverse Bang are live.
Click here to participate!
The full schedule is as follows:
Sign Ups Open for Artists and Writers: Feb 3rd
Artist Sign Up Ends: Feb 24th
Artist Work Period: Feb 24th - April 13th
Writer Sign Up Ends: March 31st
Admins Matching Process: April 14th - April 18th
Matches Announced: April 19th
Writer Work Period: April 19th - June 30th
Posting Period Begins: July 7th
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reaper76bigbang · 5 years
Sign ups for all roles are over for this event. Thank you everyone!
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
Writer sign-ups end on March 31st. There’s still time if you want to participate!
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
We've got 40+ sign ups so far, including some new faces! Glad to have you! Confirmation e-mails will go out to participants at varying points next week. Discord won't go out until the end of the artist sign up period.
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
Re: the word count questions.
Most artists generally submit only one piece at the time of match ups, which is what determines the word count. One piece of art is what’s expected. However, some artists went above and beyond that the last time we ran this, and as such, absolutely deserve a fair return from writers.
If you don’t want to write 20k words, then don’t put an artist who submits more than one piece on your preferred list.
That being said, this is a challenge. If you don’t think you can meet the requirements, don’t sign up. It’s not for everyone, and that’s totally okay.
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
A couple of quick things because we’ve gotten some questions:
So people are aware: yes, writers will absolutely be sending in their picks before the matching process on the schedule. You will receive an e-mail with the required details and an outline of the process itself before the matching period.
The information present in the Google Docs on the application is current. The Tumblr is in the process of being updated to reflect that. Do not refer to those pages currently for information.
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
Sign ups for artists are now closed. Writer sign ups are open until March 31st.
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
Discord invite e-mail has gone out to all confirmed participants.
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
The last of the confirmation e-mails for participants have gone out. If you signed up and did not get one, DM us.
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
Still missing a few people in Discord. This is not optional. Please send a DM if you still need an active link and you're signed up.
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reaper76bigbang · 6 years
The first Discord link is set to expire in about 30 minutes. Please send us a message for a new one if you’re not in the server. We’re still missing a handful of people, and Discord is required to be a part of the event.
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