#reanna lhs
love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
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Reanna and Adelaide wedding photo
Commission by @mosaixe
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patchesproblem · 1 year
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Gay test but make it the founding of anti-entropy.
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Reanna: How do you guys cope with mortality?
Vic: Violent outbursts.
Lukas: General sluttiness.
Adelaide: Thanks to denial, I’m immortal!
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Vic: What's your plan if I don’t help you?
Reanna: Then I’ll just have to cry until you do.
Vic: That's... surprisingly effective.
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Lukas age 8: If you have 10 cookies, and I ask for 5, how many will you have left?
Reanna age 4: 0
Lukas: No-
Reanna: I'd give them all to you because I love you
Lukas: ok 🥹
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Adelaide: if a beautiful woman disagrees with me then I will change my views. I have no morals
Reanna: Maybe you should have morals
Adelaide: You're right maybe I should
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Lukas: Look, I don't want Reanna to die. You don't want Reanna to die. Let's work together to make sure Reanna doesn't die.
Vic: Fantastic plan, but have you ever fucking met Reanna?
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Adelaide: You're the most jealous pirate I know
Reanna: You know other pirates??
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love-on-the-high-seas · 2 months
Adelaide, paranoid: Are you trying to seduce me?
Reanna, clueless: Why, are you seducible?
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Lukas: Text me when you’re home safely
Reanna: I’m home dangerously
Lukas: Stop it.
Reanna: I’m home lethally
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love-on-the-high-seas · 3 months
Reanna, during Pictionary: Dammit. Adelaide and Lukas are pulling ahead.
Vic, narrowing her eyes and drawing her weapon: Don’t worry, I can fix that.
James, hissing: Vic - You can’t bring a knife to game night! Who does that??
Vic, solemnly: The prepared.
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Reanna: I'm cold
Lukas: What?! *takes off jacket* I fucking told you to bring more fucking layers but of course you didn’t listen and now *piles scarves on Akh* I fucking have to make sure you don’t fucking FREEZE TO DEATH, but you’re allergic to sweaters, so what the fuck did I expect, and *takes somebody else’s hat* how fucking long have you been cold? You should’ve said something sooner.
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Lukas: my god, I hate him
Reanna: me too
Lukas, suppressing a laugh: you don't even know who I'm talking about
Reanna: Irrelevant, solidarity
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Reanna: parlay, conference room, in five minutes
James: parlay?
Adelaide: pirate code. She wants to meet
James: so everyone here knows pirate code?
Adelaide: I understand it. I can't speak it
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Vic: alright, now everyone pay attention. I have an announcement to make and I only have a minute
Reanna: Why?
Lukas: Are you in a hurry?
Vic: No, I was referring to you people's relatively short attention spans
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love-on-the-high-seas · 4 months
Vic: oh and when you see reanna give her this ^makes neutral face^ she’ll know what it means
Adelaide: vic said to give you this ^makes neutral face^
Reanna: ^sighs^ the neutral face of displeasure
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