braxdaekko · 5 years
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“why are you here?” adrien snapped, green eyes burning holes into eryk. jintaek made it seem like he understood the request of dropping eryk as a body guard, but apparently it was all just a front. he should’ve known better than to think jintaek would allow him to prowl on his own. the mafia leader was protective over him -- them being cousins and all. as nice as he thought he was being, this only annoyed the escort. he wanted this painful game with eryk to stop and there was no way it would if they were constantly in each other’s company
fingers twitched at his side, heart beating heavily against his ribs as anger built inside of him. soon he was raising his hands, forcing them against eryk’s chest to push him away. “get the fuck away from me. i told you, i DON’T want you near me any more. go away!” he pushed him a second time, hoping to get his point across. he didn’t need to be monitored. he had his knife with him, if anything came up he knew how to use it. his stalker hadn’t been around in a month or so, he doubted he’d show up just because eryk wasn’t around. “i’m fucking serious.” 
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kodo-kai · 5 years
`@realxgn​ -- LIKED.
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    “Good lord, kid,” Akachan surveys the red spots on his knuckles with a wince. They’re scabbing over, kind of flaky, obviously not disinfected. He can imagine them leaking a yellowish discharge. “Don’t you know how to clean your wounds?”
     Akachan shouldn’t be talking--not with a missing finger that he let heal naturally. He’s surprised his entire hand didn’t rot off. “I have so much compassion for stupid guys who can’t clean their own wounds. Let me buy you Neosporin.”
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ofmaeum-blog · 7 years
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IT’S OBVIOUS to Adrien that Eryk has some kind of bias toward him. he doesn’t treat him equal to Noah, which sometimes bothers him. he can do certain things the younger can’t get away with. it’s WEIRD to him, but he has a good idea as of why that is.
he’s used to people favoring him for his looks, but those people usually don’t bother with him daily or even often enough to learn that there’s nothing special or I N T R I G U I N G about his personality. he’s just an average man with a not-so-average job. other than that, there’s nothing more to him. there’s no reason for Eryk to be interested in him.
HE COULD BE MISREADING IT ALL. he could be getting the wrong message from how the guard treats him, but he’s sure -- at least somewhat -- that his suspicions are valid. 
that doesn’t justify approaching him late at night, but Adrien’s curious and he wants to know if he’s right. this is finally something that interests him enough to try and take advantage of. so he stands outside of the man’s door for a moment, reconsidering before gently knocking on it. 
@realxgn // the world is yours
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swcrdiisms-blog · 7 years
      he never usually needs a bodyguard to interfere; he’s bulky enough       that people usually think twice about starting anything, and if they do,       he’s no stranger to a fistifght. he’s with a new client, and honestly       he’s been getting weird vibes off him all night. but hey, first times       with new clients are always a little awkward, he just puts it down to       that. until the guy seems to develop an obsession with wrapping his       hands around the escort’s throat. the first few times, he just pulls       them off, but then the grip gets more forceful, harder to pry off.
      and then it’s tight enough that he can barely breathe, and this new       fucking client’s putting all his weight on him to stop him fighting       back. he claws at his hands, scrabbling hard enough to draw blood,       and it’s pure luck that he manages to get a foot underneath him and       kick him off, groaning at the drag of nails across his throat. the thud       as his client crashes into the tv is probably enough to draw eryk’s       attention, but before anyone’s had a chance to react, his client’s       pounced on him again, fist connecting with his cheek hard enough to       rattle his entire fucking skull. and again, and again, and again, until he       can feel blood pouring out of his nose, and those fucking hands are       around his throat again, pulse roaring in his ears and blotting out       whatever it is his client’s yelling at him.
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misloco · 7 years
@sweatersgraveyard pitched a bitch
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somber hues tracked every movement made, curiosity swelling inside of him. Daesuk’s high had finally come to an end, leaving him with a feeling of EMPTINESS. he was surrounded by SO MUCH energy but was left without the privacy of obtaining it. he forced himself to suffer in a room full of hyped strangers, chills shooting down his back at every whoop and holler. if it had been so easy, he might have reached out for those nearest to him, but alas, things were not that simple. 
it was miserable, but even with the fight ending, he still felt confined to his spot. he could have maybe ATTEMPTED to grab someone’s attention as people began to move out. it was too bad he didn’t. instead, he remained standing where he was for a while longer before finally deciding to approach one of the fighters -- the one he was familiar with.
the wasted energy lingered like a GHOST, making Daesuk feel antsy but not enough to lose his composure.  “you fought well,”  he complimented with a sway, expression lacking its usually bright mask.  “could’ve done a little better.” 
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ensignfinnclifton · 9 years
realxgn replied to your post: “realxgn replied to your post...”
First the cheating s/o post and now immortal finn. I’m. Stiles has no chill now asdfg
let it out stiles just LET IT OUT
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braxdaekko · 5 years
adrien x eryk // @realxgn
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"i don’t think you mean that, i just think you’re being a hardass. there’s no way--” there’s no way eryk suddenly didn’t care about him. the signs were there, adrien couldn’t have misread. there were so many other people who saw what he saw. eryk was full of bullshit.
he took a step forward, reaching for the body guard’s shirt, fingers curling loosely into it. “stop acting like that. be truthful.” 
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ensignfinnclifton · 9 years
realxgn replied to your post: finn would honestly be so pissed...
 You keep making posts that makes stiles go “Oh… damn.” what is happening?!?!?
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