#realtime data vendor
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Real-Time and Historical Data Plugin for Market Data
Truedata offers a comprehensive suite of services to cater to the needs of investors and traders in the Indian stock markets. This includes a unique Real Time & Historical Data Plugin that provides up-to-the-minute data from the exchanges along with historical data for conducting in-depth analysis.
TrueData’s Velocity
With Truedata's Velocity plugin, users can access a wealth of information in real-time, ensuring they stay informed and make well-informed decisions when trading on the stock exchanges in India. The plugin not only offers current market data but also allows users to delve into historical trends, helping them identify patterns and make strategic investment choices. By leveraging True Data’s innovative technology, investors can gain a competitive edge in the dynamic world of stock trading by having access to accurate and timely information at their fingertips. True Data’s commitment to facilitating seamless access to market data empowers traders to stay ahead of the curve and make the most of opportunities in the fast-paced Indian stock markets. By harnessing the power of real-time and historical data, Truedata's Velocity serves as an invaluable tool for anyone looking to navigate the intricacies of the Indian stock exchanges with confidence and precision.
Real-time data feed updating in Excel
Real-time data feed updating in Excel provides users with the ability to view and analyze constantly changing information without the need for manual input. This feature ensures that the data displayed in Excel is always up-to-date, reflecting the most recent information available. By leveraging the power of real-time data feeds, users can make informed decisions based on the latest data without delay. This seamless integration enhances efficiency and accuracy in data analysis and reporting processes, allowing for more timely insights and actions to be taken.
Option symbol data is available in Excel also
Option symbol data, which corresponds to the unique identifiers used in financial markets to represent specific options contracts, can be conveniently accessed and exported into Excel for further analysis. This Excel-compatible availability of option symbol data offers users the opportunity to seamlessly integrate this vital information into their spreadsheets, enabling them to perform in-depth calculations, track historical performance trends, and create comprehensive reports with ease.
In the context of data retrieval and analysis, the available fields include LAST, which represents the latest trading price, OPEN indicating the opening price of a security, HIGH reflecting the highest trading price recorded, LOW showing the lowest price achieved, PREV representing the previous closing price, BID signaling the highest price a buyer is willing to pay, BIDSIZE specifying the number of shares at the bid price, ASKSIZE representing the quantity of shares available at the ask price, ASK indicating the lowest price a seller is willing to accept, TRADEVOL reflecting the volume of shares traded in a specific transaction, TOTALVOL representing the total trading volume, OI showing the open interest or the number of outstanding contracts, PREVOI indicating the previous open interest, AVERAGE reflecting the average price over a defined period, and LASTTIME showing the timestamp of the last trade recorded.
These fields are crucial for conducting thorough market analysis, enabling investors and analysts to gain insights into pricing trends, trading volumes, and overall market sentiment. By utilizing these data points effectively, market participants can make informed decisions regarding buying, selling, or holding securities. Each field provides valuable information that contributes to a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, allowing for the identification of potential opportunities or risks.
Analyze anything on Excel with Real-Time Data
When utilizing Excel, users can thoroughly analyze a wide variety of data with real-time accuracy. Leveraging its powerful functionalities, Excel empowers individuals to delve into data sets, examine trends, and uncover valuable insights promptly and efficiently. By integrating real-time data feedsv, Excel becomes an indispensable tool for making informed decisions and gaining a deeper understanding of critical information as it unfolds. This dynamic feature ensures that the analysis is not only comprehensive but also up-to-date, enabling users to stay ahead of the curve in their data-driven decision-making processes.
For more info visit: https://truedata.in/products/velocity
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The cod-Marxism of personalized pricing

Picks and Shovels is a new, standalone technothriller starring Marty Hench, my two-fisted, hard-fighting, tech-scam-busting forensic accountant. You can pre-order it on my latest Kickstarter, which features a brilliant audiobook read by Wil Wheaton.
The social function of the economics profession is to explain, over and over again, that your boss is actually right and that you don't really want the things you want, and you're secretly happy to be abused by the system. If that wasn't true, why would your "choose" commercial surveillance, abusive workplaces and other depredations?
In other words, economics is the "look what you made me do" stick that capitalism uses to beat us with. We wouldn't spy on you, rip you off or steal your wages if you didn't choose to use the internet, shop with monopolists, or work for a shitty giant company. The technical name for this ideology is "public choice theory":
Of all the terrible things that economists say we all secretly love, one of the worst is "price discrimination." This is the idea that different customers get charged different amounts based on the merchant's estimation of their ability to pay. Economists insist that this is "efficient" and makes us all better off. After all, the marginal cost of filling the last empty seat on the plane is negligible, so why not sell that seat for peanuts to a flier who doesn't mind the uncertainty of knowing whether they'll get a seat at all? That way, the airline gets extra profits, and they split those profits with their customers by lowering prices for everyone. What's not to like?
Plenty, as it turns out. With only four giant airlines who've carved up the country so they rarely compete on most routes, why would an airline use their extra profits to lower prices, rather than, say, increasing their dividends and executive bonuses?
For decades, the airline industry was the standard-bearer for price discrimination. It was basically impossible to know how much a plane ticket would cost before booking it. But even so, airlines were stuck with comparatively crude heuristics to adjust their prices, like raising the price of a ticket that didn't include a Saturday stay, on the assumption that this was a business flyer whose employer was footing the bill:
With digitization and mass commercial surveillance, we've gone from pricing based on context (e.g. are you buying your ticket well in advance, or at the last minute?) to pricing based on spying. Digital back-ends allow vendors to ingest massive troves of commercial surveillance data from the unregulated data-broker industry to calculate how desperate you are, and how much money you have. Then, digital front-ends – like websites and apps – allow vendors to adjust prices in realtime based on that data, repricing goods for every buyer.
As digital front-ends move into the real world (say, with digital e-ink shelf-tags in grocery stores), vendors can use surveillance data to reprice goods for ever-larger groups of customers and types of merchandise. Grocers with e-ink shelf tags reprice their goods thousands of times, every day:
Here's where an economist will tell you that actually, your boss is right. Many groceries are perishable, after all, and e-ink shelf tags allow grocers to reprice their goods every minute or two, so yesterday's lettuce can be discounted every fifteen minutes through the day. Some customers will happily accept a lettuce that's a little gross and liztruss if it means a discount. Those customers get a discount, the lettuce isn't thrown out at the end of the day, and everyone wins, right?
Well, sure, if. If the grocer isn't part of a heavily consolidated industry where competition is a distant memory and where grocers routinely collude to fix prices. If the grocer doesn't have to worry about competitors, why would they use e-ink tags to lower prices, rather than to gouge on prices when demand surges, or based on time of day (e.g. making frozen pizzas 10% more expensive from 6-8PM)?
And unfortunately, groceries are one of the most consolidated sectors in the modern world. What's more, grocers keep getting busted for colluding to fix prices and rip off shoppers:
Surveillance pricing is especially pernicious when it comes to apps, which allow vendors to reprice goods based not just on commercially available data, but also on data collected by your pocket distraction rectangle, which you carry everywhere, do everything with, and make privy to all your secrets. Worse, since apps are a closed platform, app makers can invoke IP law to criminalize anyone who reverse-engineers them to figure out how they're ripping you off. Removing the encryption from an app is a potential felony punishable by a five-year prison sentence and a $500k fine (an app is just a web-page skinned in enough IP to make it a crime to install a privacy blocker on it):
Large vendors love to sell you shit via their apps. With an app, a merchant can undetectably change its prices every few seconds, based on its estimation of your desperation. Uber pioneered this when they tweaked the app to raise the price of a taxi journey for customers whose batteries were almost dead. Today, everyone's getting in on the act. McDonald's has invested in a company called Plexure that pitches merchants on the use case of raising the cost of your normal breakfast burrito by a dollar on the day you get paid:
Surveillance pricing isn't just a matter of ripping off customers, it's also a way to rip off workers. Gig work platforms use surveillance pricing to titrate their wage offers based on data they buy from data brokers and scoop up with their apps. Veena Dubal calls this "algorithmic wage discrimination":
Take nurses: increasingly, American hospitals are firing their waged nurses and replacing them with gig nurses who are booked in via an app. There's plenty of ways that these apps abuse nurses, but the most ghastly is in how they price nurses' wages. These apps buy nurses' financial data from data-brokers so they can offer lower wages to nurses with lots of credit card debt, on the grounds that crushing debt makes nurses desperate enough to accept a lower wage:
This week, the excellent Lately podcast has an episode on price discrimination, in which cohost Vass Bednar valiantly tries to give economists their due by presenting the strongest possible case for charging different prices to different customers:
Bednar really tries, but – as she later agrees – this just isn't a very good argument. In fact, the only way charging different prices to different customers – or offering different wages to different workers – makes sense is if you're living in a socialist utopia.
After all, a core tenet of Marxism is "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." In a just society, people who need more get more, and people who have less, pay less:
Price discrimination, then, is a Bizarro-world flavor of cod-Marxism. Rather than having a democratically accountable state that sets wages and prices based on need and ability, price discrimination gives this authority to large firms with pricing power, no regulatory constraints, and unlimited access to surveillance data. You couldn't ask for a neater example of the maxim that "What matters isn't what technology does. What matters is who it does it for; and who it does it to."
Neoclassical economists say that all of this can be taken care of by the self-correcting nature of markets. Just give consumers and workers "perfect information" about all the offers being made for their labor or their business, and things will sort themselves out. In the idealized models of perfectly spherical cows of uniform density moving about on a frictionless surface, this does work out very well:
But while large companies can buy the most intimate information imaginable about your life and finances, IP law lets them capture the state and use it to shut down any attempts you make to discover how they operate. When an app called Para offered Doordash workers the ability to preview the total wage offered for a job before they accepted it, Doordash threatened them with eye-watering legal penalties, then threw dozens of full-time engineers at them, changing the app several times per day to shut out Para:
And when an Austrian hacker called Mario Zechner built a tool to scrape online grocery store prices – discovering clear evidence of price-fixing conspiracies in the process – he was attacked by the grocery cartel for violating their "IP rights":
This is Wilhoit's Law in action:
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
Of course, there wouldn't be any surveillance pricing without surveillance. When it comes to consumer privacy, America is a no-man's land. The last time Congress passed a new consumer privacy law was in 1988, when they enacted the Video Privacy Protection Act, which bans video-store clerks from revealing which VHS cassettes you take home. Congress has not addressed a single consumer privacy threat since Die Hard was still playing in theaters.
Corporate bullies adore a regulatory vacuum. The sleazy data-broker industry that has festered and thrived in the absence of a modern federal consumer privacy law is absolutely shameless. For example, every time an app shows you an ad, your location is revealed to dozens of data-brokers who pretend to be bidding for the right to show you an ad. They store these location data-points and combine them with other data about you, which they sell to anyone with a credit card, including stalkers, corporate spies, foreign governments, and anyone hoping to reprice their offerings on the basis of your desperation:
Under Biden, the outgoing FTC did incredible work to fill this gap, using its authority under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (which outlaws "unfair and deceptive" practices) to plug some of the worst gaps in consumer privacy law:
And Biden's CFPB promulgated a rule that basically bans data brokers:
But now the burden of enforcing these rules falls to Trump's FTC, whose new chairman has vowed to end the former FTC's "war on business." What America desperately needs is a new privacy law, one that has a private right of action (so that individuals and activist groups can sue without waiting for a public enforcer to take up their causes) and no "pre-emption" (so that states can pass even stronger privacy laws):
How will we get that law? Through a coalition. After all, surveillance pricing is just one of the many horrors that Americans have to put up with thanks to America's privacy law gap. The "privacy first" theory goes like this: if you're worried about social media's impact on teens, or women, or old people, you should start by demanding a privacy law. If you're worried about deepfake porn, you should start by demanding a privacy law. If you're worried about algorithmic discrimination in hiring, lending, or housing, you should start by demanding a privacy law. If you're worried about surveillance pricing, you should start by demanding a privacy law. Privacy law won't entirely solve all these problems, but none of them would be nearly as bad if Congress would just get off its ass and catch up with the privacy threats of the 21st century. What's more, the coalition of everyone who's worried about all the harms that arise from commercial surveillance is so large and powerful that we can get Congress to act:
Economists, meanwhile, will line up to say that this is all unnecessary. After all, you "sold" your privacy when you clicked "I agree" or walked under a sign warning you that facial recognition was in use in this store. The market has figured out what you value privacy at, and it turns out, that value is nothing. Any kind of privacy law is just a paternalistic incursion on your "freedom to contract" and decide to sell your personal information. It is "market distorting."
In other words, your boss is right.
Check out my Kickstarter to pre-order copies of my next novel, Picks and Shovels!
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
Ser Amantio di Nicolao (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Safeway_supermarket_interior,_Fairfax_County,_Virginia.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
#pluralistic#personalized pricing#surveillance pricing#ad-tech#realtime bidding#rtb#404media#price discrimination#economics#neoclassical economics#efficiency#predatory pricing#surveillance#privacy#wage theft#algorithmic wage discrimination#veena dubal#privacy first
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Comparing the Needs of the Philippine Government vs. the Needs of Physicians related to Electronic Health Records Use
I would like to think that the needs of our Physicians in terms of Electronic Health Records (HER) use is based on personal preferences (depending on specialization/department they are attending) for example, as cited in one article, an Emergency Department Physician who works in a fast-paced and demanding environment would prefer an intuitive and responsive EHR allowing less energy on inputting data so they can focus more on improving patient outcomes. Where, drag-and-drop features (less time on typing) and real-time patient work flows are accessible to every staff (allowing users to track immediately their patient’s progress in the ER) are available. Thus, aiding on safely treating everyone without wasting valuable time. More so, an EHR that does not compromise expediting patient care, able to simplify documentation, track patient status and more to enhance the delivery of emergency medicine.
Other physicians would put their money on using an EHR that is flexible, with customizable virtual workspace, workflows that closely mimic the paper-based processes and communications of clinicians. An EHR that has easy-to-use interfaces and functionality. Something anyone could pick-up, figure out, and start using with little/no training or even help. Some physicians would prefer that EHRs are with mobile capabilities to support an “on the go” work style and must be accessible through their tablets, laptops, and desktops and has a feature on immediate access to clinical practice guidelines whenever necessary or it could be so much more depending on how they operate and prefer to deliver a certain task.
While the needs of the Philippine government in terms of EHR use is more broad (due scope that covers national and sub national stakeholders) complex (since it shall apply to all levels of care and specialty) and shall support achieving integration of healthcare services through an interoperable system that is seamless, responsive, efficient, cost-effective and realtime.
In its development, there are principles, various policies and well consulted framework that should be considered. All together a lot shall be discussed on the information needed to be captured (there is already an issuance on mandatory adoption and use of national health data standards for interoperability), services, infrastructure and applications it offers (since it depends on the setting the EHRs will be used).
Features shall allow secured and authorized data sharing, a single unified view of client’s health records across hospitals/facilities in the country. An EHR that can facilitate aggregation of health data and generate reports for monitoring in support to policy, planning, service delivery, financing, regulation and the overall health systems development. In its implementation on a national scale, the government’s goal is to foster good governance, strengthened accountability, increased transparency, and advancement on operational efficiency of various stakeholders in the health sector to deliver quality services and make information available to various service providers and its people for the ultimate realization of Universal Health Care.
Butterfield, B. (2012). What Physicians Want in an EHR: Physician Practices have been Ignored by Health IT Vendors—Until Now. AHIMA, 44-46.
Department of Health, PhilHealth, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Communication Technology. (2017, August 1). Joint DOH-PhilHealth-DOST-DICT Administrative Order No. 2017-0001. Implementation of the National eHealth Electronic Health Record System Validation (NEHEHRV). Manila, Philippines: Department of Health.
Department of Health . (2021, April 23). Memorandum Circular No. 2021-0020 . DOH-PHIC Joint Administrative Order (JAO) No. 2021-0002 titled "Mandatory Adoption and Use of National Health Data Standards for Interoperability". Manila, Philippines : Department of Health.
Marcelo, A., Medeiros, D., Ramesh, K., Roth, S., & Wyatt, a. P. (2018). Transforming Health Systems through Good Digital Health Governance, ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper Series No. 51. Mandaluyong : Asian Development Bank.
What Emergency Department Physicians Need from Their Software. (2013, October 21). Retrieved from CareCloud: https://www.carecloud.com/continuum/emergency-department-physicians-ehr-software/
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Thoughts on Turtledove

Things are getting exciting. We are holding our breath to see what solution will eventually replace 3rd party cookies. This is almost as exciting when waiting for the final GDPR docs; we all know it is going to hurt our industry but how, how much, and exactly when. Apple has paved the way with ITP and IDFA, now Google is also making big changes to the world’s most popular browser Chrome and its Privacy Sandbox. For advertisers and traditional data vendors, this nightmare is called Turtledove.
What is Turtledove?
Turtledove will basically be an API (application programming interface) which tries to enable behavioural targeting while limiting the amount of user data that is shared with advertisers. What Turtledove is proposing is to completely re-architect the current system so that user behaviors are not stored in a remote database, they are stored in your browser and they never leave your browser. In other words, Turtledove brings the auction and final decisioning out of the cloud and into the browser. Kind of funny though, since Google — that company that lamented the terrible things the header was doing to latency while proclaiming the brilliance of server connections— now decided to leverage edge computing.
There is no official doom day date yet but it will be released sometime within the next 24 months. Note that this applies to Chrome, it is too early to say if this move has any affect on Safari and the rest.
User benefits
Questions also remain about how users would really benefit from Turtledove. Well, you could argue that it:
Eliminates third-party cookies and all cross-site tracking.
Reduces browser signals dramatically making “inferred IDs” (aka, device fingerprinting, cache inspection, link decoration etc. ) unreliable and unusable.
Enables sufficiently large user groups ascertaining anonymity of any one person/device within that group, but sufficiently small to enable relatively fine-grained reach.
Utilizes these user groups instead of device-based or cookie-based identifiers.
Potential pitfalls
At this stage, some of the pitfalls are:
Turtledove would disable many common web advertiser tactics such as frequency capping, A/B testing, attribution and reporting. For these to work, Turtledove relies on the Aggregate Reporting API. Yet another early sandbox proposal to be defined.
Turtledove could risk handing Google yet another advantage over its ad tech competitors. Only this time they are being more tactical in their approach to their antitrust practices.
An average citizen is still going to feel like being chased.
The browser turns from a relatively passive piece into an active player in the bidding. This would strain the bandwidth and computational power consumed by ad tech, particularly on mobile devices. Servers can process huge amounts of data, but data on a phone is limited by Wi-Fi, cell service and available device storage.
Complex auction logic does not seem possible. Even not-so-complex segmentation, such as merging two interest groups to create a more nuanced audience segment.
What about Safari users today, ITP and alternative solutions?
Basically this boils down to ITP (Safari, Firefox), which in turn means no cookies, my friends. And because the adtech world is built on 3rd party audiences, ITP poses an impossible challenge for marketers. Only contextual targeting seems to provide the working solution. Which in turn, can be considered a rather one-sided approach if we merely target based on the page content. But it has proven to be effective, so it is a viable solution that is able to address all browsers.
On top of old-school contextual targeting, advances in machine-learning and AI have opened up a whole new world of opportunities for intelligent targeting. Personally I am very excited about how well a system can profile a user without any PII and prior information with just a few signals at the time of the data request. It feels like magic but is actually based on years of AI and realtime scalability tuning. When compared to 3rd party audiences, this is revolutionary. Realtime moments can be seen as more relevant and efficient ways to profile and target. And the best part - it is a sustainable model and it is here now.
Final words
Targeting without personal data is set to become the new normal, and to me this now seems entirely appropriate. Advertising theories and methods have evolved continually over the years and I see this shift in ad tech, seismic as it is for many, as simply the latest chapter for this smart and agile industry. Moving away from cookies is going to be uncomfortable for many and unanswered questions do still remain. It will require loads of brainstorming, and brave minds to have the courage to try out new approaches in the new world of adtech.
The relief is that there already are future-proof solutions that indeed can replace and sometimes even more efficiently, the old world targeting cookie-based models. So heads up, this is going to be a rewarding ride!
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CloudFunnels Review – Versatile Funnel Builder Ever
CloudFunnels Review
It is sheltered to state that you are building pipes yet? If not, by then you need to start today. Channels are the most astounding way to deal with open most prominent customer regard.
In any case, channel engineers are too much expensive. You ordinarily need to pay $300, $400, or even $900 reliably for providers!
That is insane! For what reason would it be a smart thought for you to pay such a lot of just for a substance? They are not doing your exhibiting, your substance, or your thing for you. They are not running their notices for you!
Stop paying just for an engineer.
Likewise some troublesome parts you should inclusion with the methodology.
Here's CloudFunnels, the most broadly arranged channel engineer you've anytime seen, and right directly it's on a lifetime deal.
If you get it through my referral interface, I will give you a novel prize from me. This prize will help you with getting more money when gotten together with CloudFunnels.
Part by section list
CloudFunnels Review – Overview
Thing name CloudFunnels
Vendor Cyril Jeet
Front-end price $47
Homepage https://getcloudfunnels.in/
Release Date 2020-May-22
Release Time 11:00 EST
Niche Software
Recommended Very High
Fitness levels needed No need any capacities
Support Effective Response
Bonuses Mega 350 Bonuses Value At $142,863
Refund 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
CloudFunnels Review – What right?
CloudFunnels is a hard and fast channel maker with inbuilt funnel organizations and progression features to apply extraordinarily brisk and have them on any encouraging including Shared encouraging, VPS, Server, Google Cloud, etc.
About Creator
CloudFunnels is brought to you by Cyril Jeet Gupta from Teknikforce.
Cyril is a capable and experienced modernized programming engineer over various claims to fame (Video Marketing, SEO, Social Media, WordPress, etc).
The aggregate of his endeavors step through months to test and retest. Passing on low-quality stuff is the snappiest technique to wreck his and his association's reputation, and that is definitely not an anticipated course.
For example, Ads2List, TubeTarget, VidScribe AI, Videoseeder, Playtraffic, CoreSEO, etc.
By the presence of her previous triumphs, I acknowledge that CloudFunnels will wind up being another huge dispatch.
Look down my CloudFunnels review to discover extra.
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We should get straightforwardly to CloudFunnels now since it can take ages to discover everything:
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Free cooperations
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Send letters game plans to new leads or send email mail outs to your summaries.
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CloudFunnels' stunning Zapier coordination supports second data transportation.
Full GDPR Support
Cooperating in Europe? You need to adhere to the GDPR rules. CloudFunnels has support for treat consent similarly as data disclosure. Keeps you pleasant.
Multi-User Support
Offer access to your gathering with confined rights. Your organizer won't have the choice to wreck your things, and your email VA won't have the choice to change the structures.
CloudFunnels' lets you make unfathomable sub-customers and pick unequivocally what you need each customer to get to.
Full CloudFunnels and Funnel Marketing Training
For additional information about this thing, click the catch underneath:
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How Might It Work?
There are 3 essential advances you should encounter while using CloudFunnels:
Stage 1: Log In To CloudFunnels
Stage 2: Add A New Funnel
Stage 3: Modify It By Pointing and Clicking
On the off chance that it's not all that much difficulty WATCH THIS DEMO VIDEO
CloudFunnels Review – Is it worth buying?
CloudFunnels is a vital alternative for any present channel building stage.
The best part is it goes with business rights.
Get CloudFunnels and you'll be approved to make channels for anyone you need.
What's far predominant, you can have them on any space you need. In reality, even subdomains!
Using CloudFunnels is as basic as using WordPress, and in the occasion that you've anytime presented or ran WordPress before you'll be OK with CloudFunnels.
Actually, CloudFunnels does substantially more than Funnels. You get:
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All of the three out of one in number offer. Imagine charging clients an enormous number of dollars to set up and manage their business pipe and exhibiting.
That is authentic and basic with CloudFunnels.
Additionally, it has the top tier incorporate. You can't beat CloudFunnels with an application that is 5x as expensive (reliably!)
State, in case you have 5 minutes to spare and can fill in a few spaces you can have your first funnel electronic making results today.
You won't find half of these unfathomable, advantage boosting features in the resistance.
So don't miss this occasionally offer. Do whatever it takes not to keep yourself made sure about in an exorbitant month to month contract.
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Things I Hope to See Coming Out of The Covid-19 Threat in the Caribbean
1. Consultancies offering comprehensive reviews of workplace processes, with a view toward implementing remote work. There are many companies in the region whose workers already operate remotely, and their experiences can be leveraged. It's time to move away from eye-servant supervision and attitudes, and even that can still be monitored and managed remotely. This applies too to the government, though I expect any transition here will be a lot slower.
2. The rise in companies offering last-mile logistics services. Even if companies can't offer delivery themselves, third party companies like Zipride, TTRideShare and others could and should start looking at acting as the go-between for business and consumers, and offering delivery services for food, pharmaceuticals and grocery items. Parallel to this should be online marketplaces that allow persons to transact securely and make direct contact with vendors, if required.
3. Continued improvement in telecommunications infrastructure. TSTT's roll out of wireless contact points as replacement for their copper connections is proving the model that a physical cable is not necessary for persons to have voice and data communications at home. A data connection is also more and more a necessity. It may be time to look very hard at provision of basic data services as a utility, rather than having the consumer decide between all or nothing at all.
4. Digital currency and transaction services. The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank is already looking at moving the physical EC dollar toward a digital, blockchain-based currency. This would allow for secure, realtime payments, without the exchange of physical items like bills or a plastic card. Even without widespread data connectivity allowing customers to use an internet-connected app, the m-Pesa model in use in Africa allows persons to exchange cash and transact via SMS. See also 2.
5. Progressive Leave of Absence Policies. Can we acknowledge that a lot of private sector organisations are now caught with their pants around their ankles because like Ebenezer Scrooge, they expect their Bob Cratchits to be at work every day no matter what? See also point 1.
Anything else anyone would like to see as well?
6. Online Learning. With 1 and 3, this should be an easy extension. Access to technology though also needs to be improved for the less fortunate in society. But that isn’t necessarily difficult either. The UK’s Raspberry Pi foundation has shown that it is possible to provide desktop-class computing power to individuals for a fraction of the cost of a commodity computer. Both Google and Microsoft are also fighting each other to offer classroom and lesson management services in both hardware and software. It shouldn’t be hard for our Ministry of Education to come up with and implement policy approaches to make online learning available to primary and secondary school students. [Credit to Larrisa Mohammed via Facebook for the idea]
7. CSME Certification. We need to improve our processes for allowing Caribbean nationals to move and work across the region’s borders. Point 4 also applies because of general difficulties in moving money from country to country without losing value because of currency conversion. [Credit to Randall Roberts via Facebook for this one]
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Free helpdesk
A good customer support experience builds the reputation, loyalty, and trust in the product or services offered. A ticketing system is a better method of dealing with customer questions, requests or reported issues. It is specifically designed for organizing and tracking all the fixes and replies made for a service request or for technical support. If a ticketing system is not in place, there is no way to ensure that the tickets are read and resolved by the right person or agent. The help desk practices support effectiveness between the business and the customer.
Constant learning from the data and customer feedback is the only way to improve the support experience. The learning helps to measure how customers respond and then decide whether to pivot or improve the customer support process. Customer support can get only better with user-friendly intuitive helpdesk software, real-time reports, continuous training and personal development of agents.
Deploy the raiseaticket free web helpdesk software, which provides detailed insights about support requests (tickets) across your organisation for all tickets received, resolved, assigned, unassigned, pending and overdue, together with client and agent responses as well as category sorting. The web-based helpdesk software needs to be simple, intuitive and easy to use.
Once the email or web ticketing system is in place, anyone in your organization could have insights such as which customer needs a quick answer, what requires immediate attention or if there is an unresolved critical issue, within minutes. This helps to reduce the support backlog and improve the support process. Given that email accounts are unable to be assigned to specific agents, you will often run into the issue of having multiple employees corresponding to and working on tasks for the same support ticket, often with different answers.
This issue of task duplication is not only inefficiency, further ramifications to this matter are that the teams appear disorganised, while the clear lack of communication between the agents results in lower client confidence in the organisations ability to solve their queries in an accurate and timely fashion. This, in turn, reflects unfavorably on an organisation's reputation.
Train your agents and teams about the product and services handled. The helpdesk platform should be simple and intuitive for easy handling of tickets for the agent.
Define the SLA for your customer support process based on the operating hours. SLA help to organize the tickets based on the urgency and thus prioritize among other pending tickets.
Build a knowledge base repository for how-to's, troubleshooting, best practices, work examples, templates and procedural information with the knowledge base feature. Any agent could login to the portal and choose from a list of all current and past tickets, and see a one-page summary of the results. Over time, these results become the de-facto standard for building knowledge base articles which helps in resolving tickets faster.
Make sure your customers can submit tickets via multiple channels. Also, a simple web portal will be easy for customers to submit requests.
Raiseaticket is designed as a single source support platform for multi-vendor IT ecosystem, this helps especially the Managed Service Providers (MSP) to streamline support.
Managed Service Providers (MSP) could deploy Raiseaticket as a single point of contact for extending their support with their business partners in Data Centre services, OEM products, System Integrations, Network, Infrastructure, Storage, Security and Development.
Report is a basic requirement of any business process, reports help in making critical decisions by analyzing all the data together in a customized way. The free helpdesk provides custom reports to improve your customer experience and measure your team effectiveness through data-driven performance insights.
By selecting an adequate amount of fields and filters in custom reports, admin can get a comprehensive knowledge of their help desk strategies. You can track performance in real time through a powerful dashboard, accessing reporting that provides insights and metrics, thus enabling better business decisions and improved efficiency based on KPI.
Data Visualizations are effective to see how summarizations and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) change over time. Trends are spotted easily. These insights without complex queries help to identify avenues for support improvement, new service offerings and added revenue.
Email notification to customers on the status of tickets will help them to understand the ticket workflow. With a helpdesk ticketing system, each team member receives a notification when the support ticket arrives. Additionally, all members can follow the progress of the ticket via notifications when the status is updated. Also keep your support team in the loop by messaging them in the channels of Slack or Microsoft Teams.
Tag tickets with a keyword or phrase assigned to a ticket to describe or identify an issue or query. These tags help to relate the tickets and context the queries or requests. Tags help to identify frequent tickets on a similar issue and thereby prioritize and allocate required resources for their resolution and have support under control.
Feedback on closed tickets from customers will help to identify the pain points in the support process and thereby fix it in an efficient way. Keep an eye on the number of support tickets by severity, frequency of responses with the customer, known complaints and dissatisfaction. Always measure the churn in order to reduce it. Identify and compensate if the problem arise from the customer or the product or the support team.
Customers tend to speak in the language of their requirements, and it is the organization's responsibility to develop and update the solutions to those requirements. Once you begin to think and talk in terms of your customers, it completely changes how you manage your interactions with help desk software. Nowadays customers are considered as of the important source of innovative ideas in the process of bug fixing or updating the product.
All these add to improve your customer experience and a higher level of satisfaction. Customer complaints are usually associated with a lot of stigma. Organization don’t like to talk or hear about complaints because they are treated as stories of failure. It is important to change our attitude and start treating complaints and feedback as a source of actionable consumer insights.
Eliminate cluttered mailboxes and unaddressed customer requests with Raiseaticket free email ticketing system. Focus on what matters. Automate processes to increase effectiveness. Raiseaticket free ticketing system gives organizations a 360-degree overview of customer support. The web helpdesk is flexible, can easily be tailored to any organization and includes powerful realtime reporting to track various KPI. The ticketing system is intuitive and simple to setup and configure in few clicks.
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Deposit Mudah
Inside the Live Casino segment you will locate the best HD live-spilled, conventional table games with live vendors. Is sports wagering more your thing? Online gambling clubs, otherwise called virtual club or Internet club, are online renditions of conventional ("block and concrete") club. Online club empower speculators to play and bet on gambling club games through the Internet. It is a productive type of internet betting.Online club by and large offer chances and restitution rates that are somewhat higher than land-based casinos.[citation needed] Some online gambling clubs guarantee higher recompense rates for space machine games, and some distribute payout rate reviews on their sites. Expecting that the online gambling club is utilizing a properly customized irregular number generator, table games like blackjack have a set up house edge. The payout rate for these games are set up by the standards of the game.Numerous online gambling clubs lease or purchase their product from organizations like CryptoLogic Inc (presently Amaya), International Game Technology, Microgaming, Playtech, Golden Race and Realtime Gaming.
Electronic online gambling clubs (otherwise called glimmer club) are sites where clients may play gambling club games without downloading programming to their neighborhood PC. Games are chiefly spoken to in the program modules Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Shockwave, or Java and require program support for these modules. Likewise, data transfer capacity is required since all designs, sounds and livelinesss are stacked through the web by means of the module. Some online club additionally permit interactivity through a HTML interface. Mac gadgets, for example, iPod, iPad and iPhone can't play Flash games as the innovation isn't upheld. https://link-exchange.name
Download-based online club require the download of the product customer so as to play and bet on the gambling club games advertised. The online gambling club programming associates with the gambling club specialist co-op and handles contact without program support. Download-based online gambling clubs commonly run quicker than electronic online gambling clubs since the designs and sound projects are reserved by the product customer, instead of being stacked from the Internet. Then again, the underlying download and establishment of a download-based online gambling club customer takes time. Likewise with any download from the Internet, the danger of the program containing malware exists.
In a virtual gambling club game, the result of each game is reliant on the information created by a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). This decides the request for the cards in games, the result of a shakers toss, or the outcomes created by the turning of a space machine or roulette wheel. PRNGs utilize a lot of scientific guidelines known as a calculation to produce a long stream of numbers that give the impression of genuine arbitrariness. While this isn't equivalent to genuine arbitrary number age (PCs are unequipped for this without an outside information source), it gives results that fulfill everything except the most stringent prerequisites for genuine arbitrariness.At the point when executed effectively, a PRNG calculation, for example, the Mersenne Twister will guarantee that the games are both reasonable and erratic. In any case, generally the player needs to believe that the product has not been fixed to build the house edge, as its internal operations are undetectable to the client.
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Realtime Data Vendor of Indian Stock Exchanges
Embark on a transformative journey with TrueData, a pioneering force in Market Data Vending and associated services, sculpted by many years of unwavering commitment, relentless innovation, and a deep-rooted passion for excellence. Our remarkable story, which began a decade ago, speaks volumes about our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction. Over the past 10 years, TrueData has steadily and consistently evolved into a beacon of trustworthiness, reliability, and cutting-edge technology in the realm of financial data services.
Discover the unparalleled TrueData advantage, where every step you take in the intricate world of financial markets is elevated to unprecedented heights of precision and success. Welcome to the transformative TrueData experience, where data transcends mere information, becoming a powerful gateway opening doors to a realm of boundless opportunities and untapped potential waiting to be unleashed. Whether you are a seasoned investor, an aspiring trader, or a data enthusiast, TrueData offers a platform that goes beyond expectations, empowering you with tools and insights that redefine how you perceive and interact with data.
Join us on this exhilarating journey toward market excellence, innovation, and unparalleled service delivery. TrueData stands as a trusted partner, guiding you through the complexity of financial markets and helping you unlock the true value of data in ways that will revolutionize your approach to decision-making and strategy development. Experience the TrueData difference and embark on a future filled with limitless growth, prosperity, and success.
What We Do?
At TrueData, we specialize in providing high-quality, low-latency data feeds from a wide range of Stock Exchanges, catering to the needs of users across multiple platforms for charting and technical analysis purposes. Our seamless integration allows traders and analysts to access real-time data through a variety of interfaces, including desktop applications, server-based solutions, mobile apps, and web browsers.
Market Data API for Live NSE Data Feed
Additionally, we offer a diverse selection of APIs that enable developers to effortlessly incorporate our data into their applications and systems. Our commitment to delivering accurate and timely market information ensures that our clients have the necessary tools to make informed decisions and stay ahead of market trends. With our comprehensive services and reliable data delivery, we empower individuals and organizations to harness the power of stock market data for better investment strategies and decision-making processes. Trust TrueData to be your premier source for dynamic, reliable, and comprehensive data solutions that drive success in the fast-paced world of trading and finance.
How does it help?
By leveraging the capabilities of modern technology, traders can access real-time data feeds through a multitude of cutting-edge analysis platforms. This access enables them to make quick and well-informed decisions when trading, unclouded by emotion or bias. Consequently, their decisions are driven by data-driven insights, leading to enhanced accuracy and increased profitability in their trading activities. Moreover, utilizing these platforms allows traders to stay on top of market trends and fluctuations more efficiently, giving them a competitive edge in the fast-paced world of trading. Overall, the integration of real-time data streaming into their trading strategies empowers traders to make calculated moves based on concrete information, rather than speculation or gut feelings, ultimately resulting in a more successful and sustainable trading approach.
Whom We Help?
Within the financial markets, there exists a diverse spectrum of participants who engage in various trading activities. These individuals and groups encompass retail investors and high-net-worth individuals who actively trade in the market daily. Additionally, the landscape includes technical analysts who use charts and data to make informed trading decisions, as well as strategy and algorithm traders who rely on sophisticated models to execute trades.
Moreover, there are swing traders who seek to capitalize on short- to medium-term price fluctuations, scalpers who aim to profit from small price movements, and proprietary trading desks operated by financial institutions. Furthermore, portfolio managers oversee the allocation and management of assets, while training institutes provide education and resources for those looking to enhance their trading knowledge and skills.
Amid this vibrant trading ecosystem, brokerages play a pivotal role in facilitating the execution of trades and providing access to financial markets. Additionally, fund houses manage investment funds on behalf of clients and investors, investing across various asset classes and strategies. This interconnected web of market participants contributes to the dynamic nature of the trading environment, each playing a unique role in shaping market activity and liquidity.
Why Choose TrueData?
Since 2010, we have been proudly serving as an authorized real-time (L1) Data Vendor for NSE, providing a comprehensive range of data related to stocks, indices, futures & options, and currency trading. Additionally, we offer valuable data services for MCX and BSE, including in-depth market insights, detailed analysis, and real-time updates that cater to the diverse needs of investors and traders in the financial markets.
Our commitment to delivering accurate and up-to-date information has earned us a reputation as a trusted provider in the industry, ensuring that our clients have access to the essential data they need to make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the financial landscape effectively. With a focus on reliability, transparency, and efficiency, we strive to meet the evolving needs of our customers, offering cutting-edge solutions and unparalleled support to help them stay ahead of market trends and optimize their trading strategies. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a novice trader, our data services are designed to empower you with the tools and insights necessary to succeed in today's competitive financial markets. Trust us to be your partner in unlocking the full potential of your investments and achieving your financial goals with confidence and precision.
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Contextual ads can save media
The mainstay of online advertising is "behavioral advertising" in which ads are placed based on dossiers of your activity and preferences that have been compiled by Big Tech giants and shadowy data-brokers. The cornerstone of behavioral advertising is "real-time auctions": when you request a web-page, its publisher fetches your cookie, correlates that with your identity in multiple databases, then offers the chance to advertise to you to several (dozens, sometimes more) brokers. That's how you end up with creepy, "retargeted" ads that follow you around the web after you search for a specific kind of information, say, on erectile dysfunction: you get a tag called "person interested in boners" and that attracts bids from boner-pill vendors. All of that is reasonably well-known, as are the surveillance consequences of it. But what's less well-known, and just as important, is what happens to the LOSERS of the realtime auctions when you visit a site. Say you visit the Washington Post. Dozens of brokers bid on the chance to advertise to you. All but one of them loses the auction. But every one of those losers gets to add a tag to its dossier on you: "Washington Post reader." Advertising on the Washington Post is expensive. "Washington Post reader" is a valuable category unto itself: a lot of blue-chip firms will draw up marketing plans that say, "Make sure we tell Washington Post readers about this product!" Here's the thing: the companies want to advertise to Washington Post READERS, but they don't care about advertising IN THE WASHINGTON POST. And now there are dozens of auction "losers" who can sell the right to advertise to you, as a Post reader, when you visit cheaper sites. When you click through one of those dreadful "Here's 22 reasons to put a rubber band on your hotel room's door handle" websites, every one of those 22 pages can be sold to advertisers who want to reach Post readers, at a fraction of what the Post charges. Every website that includes behavioral advertising realtime auctions is slowly eroding its own rate-card, making it possible to target its readers somewhere else. When we talk about the death of "display advertising" (where, say, Ford buys a month of banners on a site), we correctly blame behavioral ads, but the story we tell about those ads is wrong. It usually goes, "Ford has figured out how to target car-shoppers without paying top dollar to prestige venues like the Washington Post." But what's ALSO happening is "Ford has figured out how to advertise to Washington Post readers without paying Washington Post rates." Behavioral ads grew up with Big Tech and its mass surveillance. Data-brokers make crazy claims for how well their targeting works in "conversions" - that is, turning ads into sales. But these are obviously self-serving claims. The ad industry's core competency isn't selling advertisers' products to consumers: it's selling advertising services to advertisers. Moving product is a good way to do that, but so is bullshitting in ways that drive up payments. Meanwhile, there is another method for placing ads, one that is decidedly technologically enabled, unique to the digital world, with fewer middle-men skimming the cream and no erosion of your rate-card: Contextual advertising. That's when publishers sell off the right to advertise to you based on the subject of the article you're reading, your location (based on your IP address) and other metadata, like which browser and OS you're using. Contextual advertising converts at very nearly the same rate as behavioral advertising, and just as well as behavioral ads for some categories of goods and services: https://weis2019.econinfosec.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2019/05/WEIS_2019_paper_38.pdf And - once again - any short-term losses from contextual ads are more than offset by averting the long-term death-spiral of by behavioral ads, in which parasites chase the cheapest possible content, earning ad revenues by targeting readers of better publications. Contextual ads are gaining ground, thanks, in part, to laws like the GDPR, which have simultaneously made it harder to do behavioral advertising, AND imposed compliance burdens that wiped out most of Europe's smaller ad-tech firms, leaving US tech giants in control. Last year, the New York Times ditched most of its programmatic behavioral ads: https://www.adexchanger.com/publishers/new-york-times-will-pull-programmatic-ads-from-mobile-app-next-year/ Now, the Netherlands's public broadcaster NPO has done the same, ditching Google Ad Manager for a new custom contextual ad system it commissioned from the Dutch company Ortec. https://www.wired.com/story/can-killing-cookies-save-journalism/ They've since experimented with major advertisers like Amex and found little to no difference between context ads and behavioral ads when it comes to conversions. And, thanks to the GDPR (which requires affirmative opt-in for behvioral ads), these context ads reach far more readers. The result is a massive increase in revenues: up 62% in Jan and 79% in Feb, year-on-year. And they're keeping that money, rather than giving a 50% vig to useless, creepy, spying ad-tech middlemen. Ads often pay the bills of the people who make the things you love. But ad-tech? That pays the bills of the people who are destroying the things you love. Technologies like EFF's Privacy Badger block trackers (protecting your privacy and publications' rate-cards), but not ads (provided they don't track). Ultimately, this needs systemic, not individual solutions (a US federal privacy bill with a private right of action!). But while we're waiting for a systemic solution, Privacy Badger and other tracker-blockers can help weight the scales in favor of context ads instead of behavioral ones.
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Stock Exchange Authorised Realtime (L1) Data Vendor of NSE CM (National Stock Exchange Equity), NSE F&O, NSE Currency, MCX (Multi Commodities Exchange). Works in AmiBroker, NinjaTrader 7 & 8, MetaStock, MTPredictor, MotiveWave, MultiCharts, MS Excel, Advanced Get and more
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Migrate realtimes cloud to google drive online

You can also check your storage and purchase more directly from the Backup and Sync client. Costs vary by country, so visit the Google One website for specific pricing information. Google One members receive additional perks, such as hotel benefits, on top of increased storage. Alternatively, you can pay an annual fee of $19.99 for the 100GB plan, or $29.99 for the 1TB option. Google One storage plans start at $1.99 per month for 100GB of data, or $9.99 per month for 1TB of storage space. If you need additional storage, you can purchase it via Google One. To check the storage in your Google Account, launch Drive and view the Storage tab on the left of the screen. If you’re backing up large files such as photos, videos, or your entire computer, you could easily surpass 15GB. Google gives all users 15GB of Drive storage for free. Since Backup and Sync automatically uploads and syncs files to your Google Drive account, keep an eye on your storage space. Uploaded files are available in Google Drive.
Any files you put into this folder automatically upload to and sync with your My Drive folder on Google Drive and are accessible on all Drive-enabled devices or over the web.ĭid you know? You can change the location of the Google Drive folder on your device and automatically back up the contents of an SD card or other USB storage device plugged into your PC or Mac. After the initial setup, files in selected folders and data sources automatically upload to Google’s servers and sync anytime you make changes.īackup and Sync creates a folder on your computer named Google Drive. You can also back up and sync files from SD cards, USB devices, cameras, and mobile devices. To use Backup and Sync, install the Backup and Sync client on your computer, then select which folders in your computer you’d like to back up. The service also makes it easy to back up and restore files to your machine if you’re starting over on a new PC or need to wipe your hard drive. That means users can see if someone else is editing a shared Office file, preventing potential conflicts with the file version.ĭrive File Stream syncs your hard drive files with what you’ve backed up to the cloud. One of Drive File Stream’s key benefits is that administrators can enable real-time presence in Microsoft Office files.
You’ll be able to specify that your organization’s users can allow Google Drive File Stream on their devices, and whether users can see the download links. To use Google Drive’s File Stream, you or your designated Google Workspace administrator must enable it for your organization. Your important files remain accessible without the need to visit Google Drive from your browser. What is Drive File Stream?ĭrive File Stream is a Google Drive service that makes all your cloud files available on your desktop without taking up space on your device. The Backup and Sync tool offers granular controls for specific backup preferences. Key takeaway: Google Drive is a solid online data storage solution if you want to back up to the cloud and use applications like Google Docs for real-time collaboration. The company also claims Backup and Sync will keep your files safe and organized on Google’s servers, no longer “trapped” in your computer and other devices. “It’s a simpler, speedier and more reliable way to protect the files and photos that mean the most to you,” Google announced in a statement. Backup and Sync is designed to be an easier and faster way to upload documents, photos and other files to Google Drive and Google Photos.Įditor’s note: Looking for the right cloud backup solution for your business? Fill out the below questionnaire to have our vendor partners contact you about your needs. With Drive File Stream, Google’s dedicated backup tool for enterprise users, you can save different types of files stored on your business’s computers to Google’s cloud backup system.īackup and Sync replaces the Google Drive application with a feature set that offers more detailed control over files and folders. There’s a simple method businesses can use to back up data on Google Drive. This article is for those looking to use Google Cloud to back up their important files, whether personal or work-related, from their computer or phone.Backup and Sync is the backup solution for consumers, with the ability to back up photos and documents on your computer’s desktop.Drive File Stream is the backup solution for Google Workspace users, offering various controls and the ability to sync Microsoft Office files to a work or school account.Google Drive enables backup and cloud collaboration for different file types on PCs and Macs.You will have to setup security rules accordingly so only logged in user can access their data. That way as soon as any user logs in, you can save their data against their user id only ($uid). If you're looking to save user data on CloudStore, it makes sense to use Firebase Auth as well.

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8 Top Ways to Optimize the Healthcare OTC Process at Every Stage
Order-to-cash is a series of business processes that include receiving and fulfilling customer requests for any good and service.
OTC is relevant to the healthcare and MedTech industry, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, equipment, and distribution, apart from all other industry verticals.
This blog discusses the importance of improving and optimizing the existing OTC process in the healthcare sector to enhance the customer experience.
Improvement in cash and working capital in the healthcare sector is a critical issue. Hence, enhancing the existing Order-to-Cash process for the healthcare sector is essential as per the research of Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC. They conducted this research by surveying 100 financial professionals from the suppliers in the healthcare sector. It reported that 88% of finance executives feel the pressure to improve cash and working capital performance. As a result, it risks the company’s growth.
Another key focus area is enhancing the cycle time of receivables/order-to-cash. The financial executives are finding it difficult to achieve the goal without automation.
The healthcare sector, particularly the medical devices and pharmaceutical companies, are under constant pressure to deliver more with and less. They realize the importance of optimizing their existing order-to-cash process.
Read here to know everything about Quote-to-Cash.
Eight ways to optimize the OTC for healthcare
The competition is striving, and customers are demanding more. In such a situation, nothing left instead of optimizing the OTC process to enhance cash flow. Let’s discuss the top eight ways to optimize your order-to-cash process for the healthcare process:
Enable Customer Automation Management Customer Automation Management helps you to automate all the manual transactions around the order-to-cash process. It empowers healthcare suppliers to integrate the operations by minimizing data processing time and cost. We help you to capture, centralize, share, and automate resources on a dashboard.
Here, the customers don’t need to change their existing process, and our custom OTC optimization will ensure more error-free operation.
Receiving Order with Customer Automation Management
We do order and pre-order automation to process orders accurately. It helps you to:
Ensures visibility into future sales with forecasting and vendor managed inventory system integration.
Integrates people, technology, and processes to offer multi-format order support.
Scan the orders optically to offer accurate information and enter the same into the database.
Fulfill your orders with automation By optimizing your O2C, we help you to automate the stock movement along with location and time. We also assist you in automating transactional messages and booking and bay management across your organization.
Deliver orders with automation At CommerceCX, we help businesses to integrate and automate the order delivery system. We acquire, collate, and automate all inputs from various sources and convert them into usable data. It enables your OTC process to flag issues automatically. Also, it provides realtime OTIF metrics.
Automate Invoices With our OTC optimization, you can link data from all transaction messages customers submit with internal systems. You can identify the issues in master data and rectify them before they get into the accounting system. Also, you can automate repetitive interventions.
Payment Notification Automation We integrate built-in intelligence monitors to collate, capture and automate various payment notification types. You can easily flag the outstanding issues and view the unreconciled transactions.
Automate your disputes When you optimize your order-to-cash process with us, we help you automate reconciling the suppliers and client deliveries with claims documentation. Besides, we empower you to identify general patterns of miscommunication and reduce the same.
Customer care automation We help you to streamline and automate complaints through instant notifications. Also, it supports detecting complaint trends and product failure. The OTC optimization enables you to have a holistic view of such information in the customer care dept.
What kind of benefits your business gets by optimizing OTC?
When you optimize your order-to-cash process, you can avail of many benefits that fulfill your dream of a better cashflow. Some of the key benefits are:
Minimize downstream errors
Reduces DSO results in better cash flow
Allot more time to customer-facing staff to offer better service
E-invoicing compliance
Standardization of all e-invoicing templates
Boosts exception management
Fasten the payment process
Detects the root causes of all miscommunications
Why order-to-cash optimization with CommerceCX?
At CommerceCX, we help the many business verticals, including the healthcare sector, to implement Quote-to-Cash as per custom requirements. As an inseparable part of the QTC process, we also provide order-to-cash optimization services with a certified Salesforce team’s expertise. We help you to enhance the customer experience in every stage of the order-to-cash process. Get in touch with us to optimize customer experience with our custom OTC optimization.
About CommerceCX: CommerceCX is a global consulting, design, and development firm. We provide organizations with the solutions and services that support the transformation of a commerce ecosystem. We specialize in CRM, Quote-to-Cash, Lead to Cash, and have strong Salesforce, Apttus, and Microsoft Technologies expertise. Leveraging our solutions, organizations can connect technology, data, and insights to unify and enhance the buying, selling, and service experience that powers the commerce ecosystem.
For more visit: https://bit.ly/3s0JIe8
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Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market Clinical Aspects, Review, Survey Reports 2020-2026: Thermo Fisher, Roche, QIAGEN, Bio-rad
The global research report titled “Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market” has recently been published by The Research Insights which helps to provide guidelines for the businesses. It has been aggregated based on different key pillars of businesses such as drivers, restraints, and global opportunities. This Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market research report has been compiled by using primary and secondary research techniques. Finally, researchers direct their focus on some significant points to give a gist about investment, profit margin, and revenue.
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Download a Sample Copy of This Report(including full TOC, Tables and Figures):
The report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market. Top Companies in the Global Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market: Thermo Fisher, Roche, QIAGEN, Bio-rad, Agilent, Bioer, Biosynex, Esco, Analytik Jena, Techne, Bio-Rad
This report segments the global Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market based on Types are:
Based on Application, the Global Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market is segmented into:
Clinical Nucleic Acid Detection
Molecular Diagnosis
Life Science Research
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Regional analysis of Global Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market:
Geographically, the global Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market has been fragmented into several regions such as North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe based on the productivity of several companies. Every segment along with its sub-segments is analyzed in the research report. The competitive landscape of the market has been elaborated by studying numerous factors such as top manufacturers, prices, and revenue.
The information on the global Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market is accessible to readers in a logical chapter-wise format. Driving and restraining factors have been listed in this research report, which helps to understand positive and negative aspects in front of the businesses.
Access Full Report information with TOC, here:
What are the market factors that are explained in the report?
-Key Strategic Developments: The Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on a global and regional scale.
-Key Market Features: The Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market report evaluated key market features, including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with pertinent market segments and sub-segments.
-Analytical Tools: The Global Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Market report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market using several analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the key players' growth in the market.
Customization of the Report: This report can be customized as per your needs for additional data up to 3 companies or countries or 40 analyst hours.
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The Research Insights – A global leader in analytics, research, and advisory that can assist you to renovate your business and modify your approach. With us, you will learn to take decisions intrepidly. We make sense of drawbacks, opportunities, circumstances, estimations, and information using our experienced skills and verified methodologies. Our research reports will give you an exceptional experience of innovative solutions and outcomes. We have effectively steered businesses all over the world with our market research reports and are outstandingly positioned to lead digital transformations. Thus, we craft greater value for clients by presenting advanced opportunities in the global market.
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An overview of biometric attendance systems
Working at a job earns a salary for the time spent doing that job. A biometric attendance machine is vital in any business. Tracking employee hours necessitates maintaining attendance records. A clock stood at a factory entryway early in the nineteenth century.
Electronic clocks eventually replaced mechanical devices. However, when they failed, they were often in need of repair. As corporations moved away from manual time clocks, software time clocks (in the 1990s) became more common.
Besides developing software for time clocks, biometric attendance machines have also emerged due to the development of computing systems, which can detect a proxy’s attendance by logging in on their behalf.
The use of fingerprints in biometric card-based time attendance systems serve as a unique code for entry or exit. In addition to the iris (a scannable feature of the eye), faces, typing cadences, accents, etc., all contribute to creating unique patterns that are difficult to replicate.
By reducing the likelihood of fraud, biometric time attendance machines also reduce malpractice, like proxy entries. There is a fingerprint for each individual since each of them is unique.
Biometric Attendance Machine of Best Quality
The most popular biometric systems are fingerprint and iris scanning systems. Recognition of vein patterns and facial features is becoming an increasingly popular method. Many brands on the market offer card-based time-attendance biometric attendance machines. The following are the top brands of biometric attendance machines rated highest by users:
2. Realtime
3. MDI
4. CP Plus
5. ZKTeco
There are several features of biometric attendance systems.
The use of a biometric system eliminates tedious manual timekeeping and the use of complicated spreadsheets. Keeping track of attendance manually requires a lot of work and time. It can cause businesses to suffer. The following features are essential to obtain maximum benefits from a biometric system:
An Access Control Feature
Biometric attendance machine are effective at tracking employee attendance and work hours as well as controlling access. The system integrates controls to prevent unauthorized access to specific locations.
User Capacity
Biometric fingerprint attendance systems are vital for businesses of all sizes, whether they have a few employees or many. The device should adapt to the requirements of an expanding company as they hire more and more people.
Connectivity to the Internet
Through the Internet, payroll systems can receive employee time-in and time-out information. Maintaining the device and keeping it operational is also crucial.
Identification timing
A biometric attendance system should be able to identify fingerprints quickly and accurately. These features avoid employees queuing in front of the fingerprint sensor for long periods.
Toughness and durability
We recommend a biometric attendance system that functions well even in dusty environments and extreme temperatures. Optical sensors must operate reliably under whatever kind of environmental conditions they are placed in.
Incorporating payroll management
A payroll system is only as accurate as the data provided by the biometric time tracker. The accuracy of employee attendance details enables quick salary calculations.
Supporting others
Easy installation and use make attendance management systems with biometrics desirable. In the event of problems, you will require an expert’s assistance. For this reason, it is imperative to purchase the product from a vendor with a web-based support system and personal service.
The Face Attendance Machine
Non-touch attendance machines like the Face Attendance Machine are the best. The use of touchless technology for identifying attendance is very hygienic. Tracking employee attendance is made easier using face recognition. If you request information about the essl biometric machine price, we can provide it. It is efficient and accurate to use face-based attendance systems.
Among the biometric access control essl machines, the Uface 302 is among the best. It is essential to use time strategically when working on labor-intensive projects. The uFace 302 Multi-Biometric Time Attendance can be used as a time attendance and access control device, supporting their efforts.
Source:- https://time-access.store/features-of-biometric-attendance-machine-2/
#Essl Biometric Machine Price#Card-Based Time-Attendance#Card-Based Time Attendance Systems#Biometric Attendance System#Biometric Attendance Machines
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