#really thought f!whit would wear a short one
degreesofkei · 9 months
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now that i noticed... f!whitney wears a LONG skirt (i'm playing in summer even)... wow that...
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theillusionmachine · 9 months
Where Love and Confusion Begin (Ominis Gaunt x F!Reader)
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"Do you really think I could be that cruel and careless to you?"
December 25th, 1893 The Yule Ball... Wear your best formal attire-
Everywhere I turned I seemed to hear about. Countless after countless bouts of excited, restless chatter would always manage to come echoing back to me. And while I understood why most would be excited about the prospect of a ball, I on the other hand couldn't help but feel... downright anxious about it all.
I knew it sounded silly, completely dramatic. Afterall, I had been through a lot worse things during my time in Hogwarts. But for some reason, my mind, my thoughts, my worries just couldn't relax. And when they did for a short while, they'd slowly begin to drift back onto one person...
Ominis Gaunt.
I was practically infatuated with the man. For a multitude of reasons, besides his obviously good looks. He was marvelously kind, had a whit so quick it could make your head spin, and could be snarky and sarcastic one minute. But caring and loving the next.
Ominis simply made it hard not to love him.
But he did, however, make it hard for me to even think about going to the Yule Ball with him. We were friends, close ones despite the fact that I had only been at Hogwarts for a couple of years. Our friendship would be something I'd always treasure, something I would never want to ruin because my love for him clouded my judgement.
And the thought of losing him because of that was enough to make me nauseous.
"Enjoying a cat nap, are we?"
I slowly cracked open one of my eyes, wincing slightly at the beam of sunlight that had been slowly warming me as I laid down in one of the many alcoves at Hogwarts. But once my vision focused fully, Sebastian came into view. Grinning down at me cheekily.
"I wasn't napping." I muttered, forcing myself to sit up. "Just enjoying the sun.
"You could've gone outside for that." Sebastian suggested, now sitting down on the floor too.
"It's freezing, you sit outside for an hour." I replied, a little too snappy for my liking.
But Sebastian wasn't fazed by my crass mood in the slightest. In fact, Sebastian seemed to find me to be quite humorous. "Aww, is someone missing their nap partner?" He teased, making me grumble in annoyance.
"Oh, shut it, I don't know what you're talking about."
Sebastian let an exaggerated sigh, leaning back slightly on his hands before continuing. "You both are insufferably stubborn you know that right? Ominis was in a terrible mood after History of Magic because you decided to ditch today."
I scoffed at Sebastian theatrics, not even bothering to hide the fact that I had rolled my eyes. "History of Magic is painfully boring, anyone who goes to that class will be in a ba-"
"History of Magic is tiring enough, but her not being their made it worse." Sebastian deadpanned, trying his hardest to imitate Ominis's tone.
"Well, I am very entertaining." I replied sarcastically. "And can you really blame me for skipping out on that class? I swear if I hear one more time how many wizarding cloaks were destroyed during the Goblin Rebellion, I'll lose whatever mind I have left."
"It's 632." Sebastian couldn't help but laugh at my less than amused expression.
"Are you finished? Or did you actually approach me to talk about something important?"
"Yes." He began, clearing his throat. "If you would stop changing the topic that is."
"I am not-"
"Ah, ah, that's the same thing Ominis said to me after classes. You two are so incredibly in sync today." Sebastian teased. "It's quite adorable really. He's moody, you're moody, you're happy, he's smiling up a storm, if you've disappeared to... god knows where, a majority of the time he's right there with you."
It annoyed me to no end how right on the money he is...
"What're you getting at Sebastian?" I questioned meekly, trying my hardest to ignore the flush I was beginning to feel on my cheeks.
"I think we both know exactly what I'm getting at." Sebastian spoke bluntly, raising up from the stone-cold floor. "Maybe you should ask him, Ominis can get into his head rather easily. And you know that can stop him from saying what he wants to."
Sebastian then walked away, leaving me practically dumbfounded on the floor.
Ask him... ask him... merlin I don't know if that idea made me feel better or worse. The idea of being rejected by him was painful. But maybe if I asked to go with him as friends that it would work...
"Sebastian, you might've actually had a good idea for once."
I had decided to skip dinner for the night, not feeling too hungry after the talk I had with Sebastian. I figured a moment alone would give me enough clarity to decide whether I'd actually bite the bullet and asked Ominis to the ball.
"Ah, there you. I was starting to think you were avoiding me."
But a moment alone in this school was a rarity... Of course, he was here... why wouldn't he be?
"Ominis, I figured you would've been in the Great Hall for dinner." I greeted, trying to keep my nervous laughter from bubbling up to the surface.
"Wasn't hungry." He answered nonchalantly, turning back to face the fireplace of our common room.
I stood there for a moment, in silence, completely unsure of what to say next. But Ominis beat me to it, filling the silence before I got the chance to.
"Aren't you going to sit?" He began, I hadn't even noticed he had turned his head again, his eyes somehow managing to land right on me.
Just like they always managed to do...
"Or were you really avoiding me?"
That sentence managed to snap me out of my tongue-tied state. That nervous laugh I held in before leaked out before I had the chance to stop it this time around. "You know I wasn't avoiding you."
I finally moved from my spot, walking over and sitting next to him on the couch. I couldn't help but gaze over at him. His hand was lightly raised in the air, his wand beaming red at the tip as a book rested in his lap. A small smile curved his pale pink lips, he looked completely at ease. Which after the past couple of years was a nice sight to see.
"You're nervous." Ominis muttered, and though his voice was soft, I couldn't help but tense up. "You keep bouncing your leg... I know you only do that when you're anxious about something."
"I didn't even realize I was doing it." I admitted, leaning back into the cush couch cushions.
Ominis copied my movements, leaning back against the cushions a mere moment later. His book was now abandoned, the pages of it turning carelessly on their own accord. "Something on your mind?"
I took in a steady breath; thankful it had not trembled like I thought it would. "Maybe." I answered coyly, making Ominis's small smile bloom slightly.
"Are those thoughts the reason I've hardly heard from you all day?"
damn it damn it damn it... think of something to say quick... don't come off as suspicious...
"Hey, maybe you were the one avoiding me. Last time I checked I haven't heard from you too much either today." I deflected, trying to sound humorous.
"Hmm," Ominis hummed. "You've got a good point there... but I have a reason for my... disappearance." He added vaguely.
I leaned forward trying to get a good look at his face. The shadows of the fire danced along his face, illuminating his marble eyes beautiful. His expression was humorous too, and I knew exactly why...
"You know I hate it when you leave me hanging like that." I grumbled, making him let out a smooth chuckle.
"I merely wanted to avoid the constant chatter of the Yule Ball is all. It's beginning to become a bit... excessive."
"You two are so in sync today."
I shook my head, trying to get the words Sebastian had spoken out of my head. "You're telling me, you should hear what I wake up to everyday as of late."
"I could only image." Ominis replied, chuckling once again. "I would rather not hear about something I know I'm not going to."
I could feel my heart sink at his words. I hadn't even thought of the fact that he might not want to go at all.
"N-not going to? Why wouldn't you go?" I questioned curiously.
"A blind person spending their night alone at a ball doesn't exactly sound to enticing to me."
"Oh." Is all I could think to say, I leaned back into the couch contemplating my next move carefully.
Should I ask him... what if he just really doesn't want to go. I don't wanna look stupid.
Screw it...
"Would you want to go with me?"
I tense at my own words, not daring to move to see Ominis's reaction. My heart was racing, so much so it felt as though my pulse was about to burst through my skin. And the silence I was met with after I asked was completely unsettling.
Merlin why did I listen to Seb-
"It's a bit untraditional for a girl to ask a boy to a ball, isn't it?" He pondered.
Okay, it's not a total no... that's a relief.
"Maybe, but it's not like that has to be a bad thing." I replied hopefully. "And besides, it'll be fun to go with someone who... so entertaining to you." I added, attempting to sound boastful, but it just came across as a bit... jumbled.
Another bout of silence came, and in those few moments of the quiet. Part of me wished I was a legilimens, so I could see what was going on inside his mind... so I could hear what he thought of all of this.
When finally, I got my answer.
"I think it'd be nice to go with you."
Oh, my Merlin he actually said yes...
I couldn't stop the smile that began to form, a bubbling shyness began to boil to the surface. And my heart still definitely felt like it was going to beat out of its chest. With what little shred of coolness I had left, I finally was able to reply.
"It's a date...
Then, the 25th rolled around... a day I was dreading at one point. But now felt so excited about it that I couldn't sleep.
I felt giddy, or like a swarm of butterflies was fluttering throughout me. I felt restless, I couldn't stay in one place, and I fought the urge to not pace most of the night. But for some reason, I couldn't seem to care... and with every passing hour that I stayed awake, it just revitalized me.
Though, judging from the bags in my eyes, my body didn't exactly share the same sentiment I did.
But thank goodness for Samantha Dale...
I never would've guessed she had such a knack for Herbology. Yet, when she let me up into her dorm in the Ravenclaw tower, after we agreed to get ready together. A whole spread of concoctions was set up.
"You know there is such a thing as beauty sleep." Samantha teased as she stared at my reflection in her vanity.
She carefully places a mint green cream under my eyes, making a pleasant tingling sensation hit me. "That'll clear those bags up in no time!" She stated confidently.
"Thank you." I began to bounce my leg again as the nerves began to creep up on me.
"Nervous?" Samantha asked, sitting down on the edge of her bed.
"Is it obvious?" I asked in reply, letting out a shaky chuckle.
"Just a smidge." She spoke considerately. "But I don't think you need any reason to fret. I find you and Ominis to be a lovely pairing."
My eyes shot up from my hands to gaze at her and I could feel an eyebrow raise questioningly. "P-paring? as in?"
"A couple?" Samantha replied, just as questioningly as I did.
"Oh... we aren't together... like that." I muttered sheepishly.
Samantha chuckled, looking over at me incredulously. "There's no way! Honestly, a lot of people already assume you two are together."
Samantha scoffed, shaking her head at me. "Look, I've seen the way you look at him. And I've seen the way he is around you. People who aren't in love don't act like that."
"Hey, I'm not denying that I've fallen for him." I admitted honestly. "It's just... a hard thing to say to someone you've grown so close to."
Samantha just eyed me for a moment, seemingly taking my words in. "You think he doesn't feel the same way, do you?"
I felt my lips curve into a bittersweet smile. My sights falling onto my hands again. "It's hard to believe that he would."
"Hmm... but, you two are going to the ball together?"
I chuckled at her puzzled words before nodding my head. "Sounds maddening, doesn't it?"
Samantha was quick to shake her head, a sudden, bright smile coming second later. "Not maddening, but an opportunity. You should say something to him!"
"No, no, just listen for a second!" Samantha exclaimed. "It'd be the perfect opportunity to, honestly this sounds like something that would be in a romance novel!"
"But this isn't a romance novel."
"Exactly! So, it'll be even more beautiful, when the pair of you are slow dancing... and the music and the others around you fade because all you can focus on is yourselves. And before you know it, you two will kiss."
That truly does sound picture perfect...
"Why would it be more beautiful?"
Samantha lovesick smile faded into fondness. "Because it'll be real, and I'll know that the love you feel will be real as well."
I took in a deep breath, trying not to get consumed by the possibilities Samantha planted in my head. But I simply couldn't...
"You have such a way with words." I huffed playfully. "So, I'm really going to do this? I'm... I'm going to tell him that I... love him."
Samantha nodded; her expression full of enthusiasm. "That's exactly what you're going to do! You'll arrive as friends and leave together reveling in love."
"Won't leave tonight as friends." I muttered moreso to myself to... pep myself up.
But Samantha managed to hear me. "Exactly." She spoke, her tone full of satisfaction. "Now, enough chit chat. We must get our hair done." She added, jumping up from her bed before walking over to me.
"Yes let's..."
As I gazed at myself in the mirror, and I felt the occasional tugs of my hair, my mind began to wander. And soon enough, it wandered right onto Ominis. I was sure he was being a lot more composed than me. But part of me wished that he was just as giddy as I was. Or had thought of little scenarios about how out night would go like I had.
But I seriously doubt that would be going through his mind..
Cross, shift, pull, tie...
Cross, pull... shift, tie
"Uh, Ominis?"
Tie... tie... tie...
"Ominis! Are you trying to fix your tie or choke yourself?" My friends' words were humorous. And I could hear him try to, but fail to hold back a laugh.
"I couldn't tell you honestly." I admitted, laughing myself as I attempted to tug my fingers out of the knot, I managed to get them in.
I could hear Sebastian begin to walk over to me before I suddenly felt a slight tugging on my undone tie. "You can slick back and swirl your hair into... merlin knows how many swirls; you can somehow manage to perfectly button hundreds of those tiny damn things. But you can't fix a tie?" Sebastian muttered humorously.
I let out an exaggerated sigh before I replied. "I can't be perfect at everything can I?"
"Oh, shove off." Sebastian rebutted, breaking out into a laughter. "There, now that looks like a bowtie... you're welcome princess." He added mockingly.
I sighed, attempting to give him a glare. "Don't call me that."
Sebastian bellowed out another laugh before his footsteps began to wander in our room once again. "What would you prefer I call you?"
"Not that." I scoffed, carefully sitting back down onto my bed.
My thoughts began to push to the forefront of my mind, and it didn't take too long for it to fixate itself on her. Since she asked me, I couldn't help but spend many nights thinking about us... about her. Or how tonight would go, if by the end of the night we'd still be nothing more than friends... or something more.
Merlin did I wish we'd end up being something more. I don't know how much longer I can keep up this... facade with her.
"Ah, what's going on in that mind of yours?" Sebastian questioned but before I even attempted to respond he cut me off. "Is it her?"
"When did you get so bloody... observant?"
"I always have been, dear friend of mine. You just never bothered to notice." Sebastian boasted, I could only imagine how cocky his demeanor was as he spoke.
"My apologies, I've simply been too distracted by all the dabbling in the Dark Arts you did." I replied sarcastically.
"Hey, I stopped... eventually." Sebastian grumbled. "S-stop changing the subject... you two are way too good at it. You must've rubbed off on her."
I simply smiled at his words, soaking in the thought of her once again. The smooth sound of her voice, her raspberry iris perfume, her touch. I could drown happily in the thoughts of her, day in and day out.
I couldn't help but not to... I was hopelessly in love with her. And part of me was terrified because of it. But it was a fear I was thankful to experience in some way, and I'd experience it time and time again if it meant I could have her.
But I knew it my heart that I would never get that lucky...
"You should tell her, Ominis." Sebastian suggested, taking me out of my head once again.
I shook my head at his words, doubt began to replace the feelings of fondness I felt before. "I don't know..."
"What's there not to know? Tonight is the perfect opportunity to."
"I don't want to ruin things with her." I muttered lowly.
"Trust me, you wouldn't." Sebastian reassured me. "And, it's better to say something to her now. 'Cause it'll eat away at you mate, and you don't want that."
"How can you be so sure?" I questioned, genuinely wondering how his mind could work so optimisticly.
Sebastian let out a soft scoff, as if he was stating the obvious. "Friends don't act the way you two act with each other. And last time I checked I never saw you and Anne cuddled up on the common room couch."
"Or had Anne playing with your hair while you napped on her lap."
"Okay but-"
"And I know for a fact that I've never seen Anne get... viscerally envious because she heard a group of girls talking about trying to slip you a love potion."
"Okay, okay, I get your point." I managed to speak, letting out a huff. "I understand what you're saying, I do."
"Ah, finally, you admit I'm right. Your life would be so much easier if you said that more." Sebastian boasted once again. "So, you're going to tell her tonight then?"
"I am." I spoke strongly, though I couldn't help but feel that doubt that had stopped me so many times before seep through. "I can't believe I'm going to, but I am."
Sebastian sounded thrilled as he let out an elated laugh. "Finally! Seriously, watching you two pinning over each other was starting to get old."
"Sorry for the inconvenience." I apologized, rolling my eyes at Sebastian's theatrics.
"Don't beat yourself up over it." Sebastian replied nonchalantly.
"Now let's get a move on, you don't want to keep your lady waiting too long now do we?"
The second I left the Samantha's dorm and made my journey back to the Slytherin common room. It was like my nerves continuously dashed away with each step I took. I felt levelheaded, as cool as one could be. It almost eerie to me, how I felt so nervous one minute but then completely calm the next.
Things just... felt right, like whatever was bound to happen tonight was simply meant to be. And I couldn't wait to spend my night with him, gently swaying as time seemingly ceased to exist.
Damn Samantha and her romance novels.
"Well, someone knows how to dress up." I turned my head, following the sound of Sebastian voice.
But any reply I attempted to come up with was lost the second I saw Ominis.
Green looks amazing on him...
"Wow," I began, sitting up from the arm of the plush couch. "You look fantastic."
Ominis was stood there, that same, at ease smile I looked forward to seeing so much greeted me tauntingly. "I'm sure you do as well." He spoke gently, my hands were then lightly gripped and placed in his hold.
My eyes mindlessly wandered down to them, and the longer my hands were place in his the more I realized how warm his felt compared to mind.
"Well, on that note, I think I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Sebastian teased, quickly exiting the common room soon after.
The silence that came after Sebastian left was comfortable. There was no pressure or... plaguing thoughts to think of something to say. It was as if we were taking each other in, or simply just wanted a moment to ourselves.
I began to trace the faint lines I could feel on his palms before moving over to the next. Ominis's smooth laughter came soon after, making me look up to gage his reaction.
"Reading palms now, are you?"
"Mhm," I replied, smiling softly. "You want to know what I see?"
"Yes, very much so."
"Okay, I see..." I paused, tracing over a particularly deep line, one that almost felt like a scar. "That you have great hands."
I could see that he was taken aback, but not uncomfortable. A light, red flush soon bloomed on his cheeks, illuminating his blue marble eyes.
"And, that your cheeks will glow with a marvelous red tinge." I added whimsically.
"Stop it." Ominis muttered, a light laugh following his meek words.
"Fine." I relented easily, smoothly dropping his hands before hooking my arm with his. "We have a ball to get to anyway."
It didn't take too long to find our way to the great hall, that had been transformed into an icy yet stunning ballroom. The sounds of the classical were an easy guide for the pair of us.
"There seems to be a lot of people here." Ominis spoke, I could feel his arm tense under my hold.
"Seems too." I replied nonchalantly. "Doesn't surprise me too much, after all, all we've heard about these past few weeks is the ball.
"I just... don't want to bump into anyone."
I took my eyes off of the crowd and back towards him. He looked nervous, unsure of himself.
Can't have that...
"Oh, don't worry about that, you won't." I reassured him, giving his arm a light squeeze. "That's what your lovely date is here for." I added teasingly, bumping my hip against his.
Though the worry was still evident on his face, Ominis had begun to smile. Hopefully I was able to ease his nerves slightly. "You definitely are lovely."
"Hmm, so are you." I complimented, before gently guiding him through the crowded hall. "More than lovely." I grinned as I saw his cheeks flushed again.
"Darling..." Though he sentence stopped once I did, finally managing to find an open enough place to dance.
Wordlessly, I clasped his hand, Ominis seemed to catch onto what I was doing and was quick to glide his hand from my ribs to the middle of my back. My breath became caught in my throat at his touch and my posture straightened.
Don't tense, don't tense... we're just dancing.
"Is this okay?" He nearly whispered; I hadn't even noticed how close we were to each other, as we glided... cheek to cheek.
"P-perfect." The breath that was got in my throat finally escaped as I spoke. "Wouldn't want to be in this embrace with anyone else."
"I don't think you mean that." Ominis stated bashfully, delicately turning us around before we began to glide again.
"I know that I do." I answered defiantly. "I honestly couldn't imagine dancing with somebody else."
"Really?" He didn't sound completely doubtful this time around, honestly, he began to sound a bit humorous.
"Are you doubting my honesty, Ominis?" I asked, trying to match his playful tone.
"No, no... i just think you haven't... considered your options." He replied carefully, trying his best to articulate his words.
"Hmm, let's me think then... Amit? Nice, but no. Garreth? He's nice as well but not my type... and he's definitely into Natty."
"Sebastian?" Ominis chimed in, his face becoming void of much emotion.
"No, I imagine he'd step on my feet all night. That sounds less than pleasant does it not?"
"You have a fair point." Ominis agreed, before a slightly sinister grin took over. "Leander."
I grumbled at the mention of the infamous Gryffindor's name, the vibrations of Ominis's laugh could be felt soon after. "Don't make me retch."
Ominis's hand began rub circles into my back, I began to smile at the sensation, closing my eyes as he began to lull me into relaxation.
But then...
"So, why, would you choose me?" He asked, my eyes opening once again.
"Wh-why are you-"
"I just want to know." He cut me off gently. "It's been baffling to me as to why you chose to go with me."
"Because I know you-"
"You know Sebastian quite well."
"Not in the same way I do you... not in the same way that you know me too." I explained, finding it hard to believe I was starting to be so open about something I was so used to shoveling down.
But I wasn't going to stop now.
"You... you make me feel safe, and I know that I can trust you with anything I come to you with."
"I'm not always the most... understanding with some of the things you've spoken to me about." Ominis argued, as if he was trying to downplay my points.
"And I love how honest you are with me. You don't fill me with false confidence, or some... mindless delusions. You're my voice of reason, my tie to reality."
His grip began to tighten on my, and I could see his jaw begin to tense. "Reality isn't always the sweetest."
"You make it sweet."
He stopped his movements at my words, his eyes shut, and his head lowered, shaking. "Stop it." He muttered lowly.
"Why?" I spoke quietly. "Why do you want me to stop?"
"You don't mean it, you, you can't mean it."
"You know I'm no liar." I stated bluntly. "I mean every word... and I mean it when I say that I love-"
A harsh bump made the pair of us stumble, our hold finally coming apart. My words fell mindlessly, like the many specks of enchanted snow that surrounded us.
"Oh I'm sorry!" A voice spoke, clearly beggining to panic at what they had just done.
"It's fine don't-" The sound of hurried footsteps stop me once again, and I didn't need to turn around to know who they had belonged to. I didn't bother to try and finish my sentence, instead opting to hurry after Ominis before I lost him completely.
That wand really did imprint this place in his mind...
I could hardly keep up with him as he ran through the mostly desolate hall. The only people who were lingering in them were broken hearted girls, and the occasional... handsy couples.
Thankfully, before Ominis could fully disappear from my sight. I managed to see him slip outside into the courtyard. I hurried toward the large double doors, hoping I had the chance to catch him.
"Ominis wait!" I called out, my breath desperately trying to calm itself.
He was at the now frozen fountain, leaning against the stone tensely. "Why are you doing this to me?" He asked through clenched teeth.
I stepped down from the snow-covered stone steps, carefully approaching him. "Doing what?"
"Toying with me like this!" His voice was trembling, and he was clearly upset.
Was I too forward? Did he not take what I was saying seriously?
"Toying with you?" I repeated distantly. "Do you really think I could be that cruel and careless to you?"
He turned his head toward me, his eyes seemingly swimming in emotions he was struggling to contain.
"Ominis, my emotions, what I've said tonight, was never a game. It's real to me and it always has been." I admitted, feelings of vulnerability began to creep in. "I- I honestly, don't know how much blunter I need to be for you to believe me but, whatever it takes I'll do it!"
"Darling," Ominis called out fondly, he took in a deep breath before he continued. Most likely wanting to compose himself. "I'm sorry I... It's my mind toying with me, not you."
I grasped his hands, gripping them in hopes of emphasizing my point. "Well, tell your mind to stuff it." I huffed, Ominis bit his lip, holding back a bout of laughter.
I then laid my head against his chest, and I felt him rest his against mine soon after. "Friends don't act this way with one another, do they?" His voice was deep, vibrating slightly through his chest.
"No... and most don't cuddle by the fireplace or... spend all night talking, not even caring about how exhausted they felt because... they were with each other.
I felt him drop my hands from his before his arms wrapped themselves around me. "I treasured those nights, you know that?"
"Feelings mutual." I spoke against his chest, taking in a deep breath of his cologne. "And I hope they're still mutual when I tell you that I've fallen in love with you, Ominis."
My heart at that point felt like it was about to burst through my chest. But at the same time, it felt as though a weight had been lifted off of it.
I had never felt so free yet so... terrified at the same time.
One of his hands that had been embracing me began to travel up my body. Undoubtably leaving goosebumps in its wake. My jaw was then cupped, and my breath stuttering once I felt his thumb gently tugged on my lower lip. Before gently tilting my head up toward him.
"Definitely mutual." Ominis muttered, his lips tauntingly ghosting over mine. "Is this okay, love?"
We weren't leaving tonight as friends.
I closed the gap that kept our lips apart, and with that action, my breath dissipated with it. But I honestly could care less about that. Not when it was stolen away because of Ominis, not when he every touch of his lips and hands warmed nearly every inch of me.
Not when I found out that he actually loved me too.
He pulled away a bit too soon for my liking. A tremor quaked through my body. And I couldn't tell if it was cause my body was finally aware of the cold. Or if I simply missed the sensation of Ominis's touch.
Ominis attempted to warm me up, rubbing my arms as he pulled me closer to him once again. "Cold? Would you like to head back inside?"
A mindless smile curved my lips, a hazy wave of lovesickness came soon after. "No, being here is perfect... nearly perfect."
"Nearly? What can I do to make things picturesque for you?"
"Just... kiss me again, please."
Hello, I hope you all enjoyed this fic. It was actually a request someone sent in, and I absolutely loved writing it!
Sorry if there were some typos. I tried to proofread it as I went along but sometimes things slip by me. I have another request sent in that I'm going to work on next. But if you liked this one and had an idea of your own. Send it in and I'll gladly take the time to write it for you! Until next time, Illusion.
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swisscoin4-blog · 6 years
MLB Bullets made a mistake
Here’s my story on the infamous Billy Ripken obscene baseball card. I was in a card shop in Roseville, MN and they had one on display. I don’t remember how much they were asking for it, but I think it was somewhere in the $100 to $120 range. Maybe more, I really don’t remember. There was a sign next to the card that said something like “This is the only copy of this card that we have. The card is massively overpriced at the moment and we believe the card will go down in value in the future. We strongly recommend that you not purchase it at this time.”
A few minutes later, one of the clerks says to another clerk “I just sold that Ripken card. Should I take down the sign?”
“Just get another Ripken card from the back.”
“I thought that was the only copy of the card we had?”
“Nah. We’ve got a couple dozen in the back.”
Hey, they did warn them.
The Dodgers had their fan fest over the weekend and team president Stan Kasten defended the team not signing a major free agent, saying that there were lots of reasons to stay under the luxury tax threshold that fans wouldn’t understand. Craig Calcaterra has had enough of teams coming up with “banal and ridiculous” excuses to be cheap and argues that if teams want to win and fans to be interested, they need to spend money on players. He also goes after the Pirates for arguing that they can win despite the lowest payroll in the National League.
Calcaterra goes after a few teams, but I mentioned the Pirates specifically because Craig Edwards points out that they’ve had a very quiet winter. Edwards believes the team’s fan base will abandon them if they don’t give them some reason to come out to PNC Park. (Other than PNC Park)
The Indians and Twins are also defending not spending any money on players this winter.
Bill Baer finds the Indians and Twins reasons for not spending to be ridiculous, since they both play in the same weak division and a playoff spot is easily within the grasp of both teams.
Bob Nightengale writes that the Dodgers signing of free agent outfielder A.J. Pollock closes the door on the possibility that the team might sign outfielder Bryce Harper.
Buster Olney tries to make sense of the Dodgers offseason moves or lack thereof. (ESPN+ sub. req.)
The Padres are thinking of entering the Manny Machado sweepstakes and would like to set up a face-to-face meeting with the free agent infielder. Machado to San Diego makes a lot of sense, but it’s a long way from Machado’s home in Miami.
The White Sox would like to sign Machado or Harper, but their general manager Rick Hahn warned that they won’t sign both of them.
Astros owner Jim Crane thinks that teams won’t give out ten-year contracts anymore.
Buster Olney writes that whether or not the Cardinals sign first baseman Paul Goldschmidt to an extension could indicate whether there is going to be a labor war in the near future. (ESPN+ sub. req.) Olney’s argument is that if Goldschmidt signs a relatively team-friendly extension, that indicates that the players think free agency is currently broken and that Goldschmidt is trying to make as much money as he can before a work stoppage.
Royals second baseman Whit Merrifield is on the verge of signing a four-year extension. I wonder if that’s a sign.
Braves great Dale Murphy has four suggestions for the next collective bargaining agreement. (The Athletic sub. req.)
The Padres and the Dodgers are the leading candidates for a trade for Marlins catcher J.T. Realmuto.
Richard Justice has seven deals that would shake up MLB. Too bad none of them will happen.
Former Cubs reliever Justin Wilson signed a two-year, $10 million deal with the Mets.
Reliever Hunter Strickland signed a one-year deal with the Mariners.
New Yankees reliever Adam Ottavino tries to clarify his comments that he’d strike out Babe Ruth every time he faced him. Actually, Ottavino would walk Ruth every time he faced him because there isn’t enough left of Ruth for him to have a strike zone more than an inch or two off the ground.
On that matter, Walter Johnson was the hardest-throwing and most-feared pitcher of Ruth’s era. Johnson’s fastball probably averaged 88-mph and might have reached as high as 91-93 mph on occasion. Ottavino’s fastball averaged 94.3 last season and that’s down from previous seasons. I mean, maybe Ruth gets a weak grounder to short, but I don’t see what the controversy is.
Here’s Ottavino wearing a Yankees cap and getting an autograph from David Cone in 1996. Cone responded that he loved that sweater that he’s wearing in the photo.
Because of the political unrest in Venezuela, the Caribbean Series has been moved from that country. Where? They don’t know yet. The Series is supposed to start on Saturday.
Former Cubs outfielder Roosevelt Brown talks about what he learned from playing in Japan. He has a lot of positive things to say about Japanese baseball.
Sad news as former Giants owner Peter Magowan has died. Magowan led a group of investors that bought the team in 1992 and kept them from moving to St. Petersburg. (Really smart move there.) He ran the team until stepping aside in 2008.
Speaking of St. Pete, the Rays have decided to make Tropicana Field completely cashless and Chris Cwik doesn’t like it, arguing it makes things difficult for younger and poorer fans. What struck me here is that the Rays are arguing that it will cut down on the concession lines as the paperless transactions are faster. Is that really a big problem at Tropicana Field?
The Padres made it official. They will go back to a brown and gold color scheme in 2020.
The Rangers will retire Adrian Beltré’s number 29 this season.
Mike Mussina can’t decide between the Yankees and Orioles so his plaque in Cooperstown will have a blank cap. Probably the correct decision.
Bo Jackson was asked which sport Heisman Trophy-winner and Athletics first-round draft pick Kyler Murray should play. Jackson just said Murray should “go with his heart.” So football then. His brain would tell him baseball while it can still tell him anything.
Andrew Simon has some players with extreme platoon splits. Kyle Schwarber is on the list.
Giants third baseman Evan Longoria did a cooking challenge where he made dinner from ingredients suggested by fans.
And finally, Grant Brisbee has the story of the 1989 Fleer Billy Ripken card that had “F*** FACE” written on the handle of the bat. Bill Ripken does not want you to read this story.
And tomorrow will be a better day than today, Buster.
Source: https://www.bleedcubbieblue.com/2019/1/28/18200195/mlb-bullets-free-agents-dodgers-pirates-manny-machado-padres-white-sox-billy-ripken-face
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