#really proud of this build because i use mods in the game but i didn't use anything for his appearance
luckyclovercoin · 4 months
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anyway here is my sole survivor nate
my sniper rifling, hancock-loving, rizzless little guy just doing his best
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son-of-rap-bear-art · 11 months
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So, do y'all remember the Adventure Time Mash-Up Pack for Minecraft back in like, 2017? Me and some friends have been messing around with that map lately and revamping some of the areas we consider a bit lacking with creative mode, and for me that was the Treehouse! I got ~100 reference pics from various episodes and tried to put it all together into the most autistically accurate Treehouse I could, and I wanna share it here cause I'm really proud of it!
Feel free to skip the text and just look at the pretty pictures. Cause when I say "autistically accurate" I MEAN IT. It's MY blog and I get to choose the special interest. :p
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The exterior is mostly unchanged from the official map, but I added the orange tree from My Two Favorite People, and the pond. Also the log where Finn sits and thinks in Gotcha!
Yes, I will be mentioning specific episodes like this often.
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I didn't make the Grotto, because I'm not THAT crazy, but I did make the pond really deep and filled it with the sort of things you see when Finn swims down there in Beyond the Grotto.
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The first thing you see when you actually go inside is the treasure room, of course! The official map's treasure room is so small and sad, but I made it more accurate to how it looks in the show, with a ton of ladders and platforms going upwards until you get to the kitchen.
Speaking of, at this point I should show the layout I based the rooms' positions on...
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I put this together myself and I THINK it's the most consistently accurate layout... of course, it's a cartoon, sometimes you'll get stuff like the bathroom in the left branch for the sake of a gag in Dentist, and characters will frequently run offscreen and then teleport to another room, BUT this is what I observed to be the most common layout seen when the camera will actually follow the characters through doors and ladders and etc.
Interestingly, the ladder in the trunk actually seems to connect to the kitchen, which is HIGHER than the living room, and then you have to go down a separate ladder to get to the living room. Confusing! But it checks out.
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So yeah, climbing up past the treasure room takes you right to the kitchen! Some specific details to call out here are: - The picture of PB with the two spatulas is from Abstract, and I painted it myself in-game via a mod! Unfortunately I didn't get around to other paintings yet, they're a bit annoying to make. - The urn supposedly containing Margaret's ashes, from Conquest of Cuteness, is on one of the shelves. - There isn't a single torch in this whole build! It's carefully lit up with candles, just like the Treehouse should be! - There's actually this easily missable tiny room connected to the kitchen, seen in the last pic, that has another trapdoor and also the door to the bathroom. I believe that first shows up in Incendium and then stays around forever. - The cooler is entirely full of eggs, like how Finn exclusively buys pre-boiled eggs when grocery shopping without Jake, in Temple of Mars.
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The bathroom! Funnily enough, the bathroom might be the least consistent room in the whole Treehouse. It's just made up of a toilet, bathtub, and sink, but these three things shuffle around the room entirely at random from episode to episode. In this sort of situation, I consider the most accurate way to handle it to be the same as the show: just put them wherever! So I did that.
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That door in the kitchen leads to this room, connected by a bridge. I just called it the "bucket room" because it has a bucket that Finn and Jake ride in in Rainy Day Daydream, although that episode has a pretty wacky Treehouse in general.
I hooked up a hand crank with the Create mod, so you can use it like an elevator kinda.
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Down the other ladder in the kitchen gets you to, the living room! This room's just a small round circle in some episodes, but others have it a bit bigger.
That bookshelf is there in Jake Suit, and has Dream Journal of a Boring Man, Vol 12 on it. Since one of the decor mods I'm using lets me place down books, I copied the 3 excerpts we get to see from it down into a written book, so it's even actually there!
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A really inconsistent aspect of the living room is this weird platform with a door. I can only remember it appearing in In Your Footsteps and Three Buckets, but maybe I've just always missed it? I made it lead back into the trunk, so you can use it as a shortcut up to the kitchen.
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Also over here is this workbench, which to my knowledge suddenly shows up in season 8 and becomes a REALLY REALLY consistent part of the living room?? Seriously, it's in Two Swords, Horse and Ball, Abstract... It's suddenly all over the place!! But I genuinely can't recall it existing before that. Am I crazy or is this an actual thing?
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Anyway, connected by bridge to the living room is the den! Surprisingly, even though it barely even shows up in any episodes, the den is SUPER messy and lived in. I tried to reflect this by jamming as many decorative blocks as I could in there.
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Also for some reason this fireplace doubles as a pizza oven in Abstract? Yeah, Abstract's got a really silly Treehouse. But it was easy enough to slot in there, so I did!
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Way back to the kitchen and upwards: the bedroom! I always thought the bedroom was so tiny and cramped, but a good few episodes actually show it as pretty spacious! I tried to hit a good balance.
The pictures hung up around Finn's bed are a blurry, badly taken picture of Huntress Wizard, and a clearly old picture of Flame Princess. They're both cute choices for Finn's future, and are my girlfriends' respective favorite characters, so I included both :D
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I also included the attic, which as far I know ONLY appears in Dad's Dungeon. I think it's neat, though, so I put it here. It'll be nice for survival mode storage.
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If you exit through the attic, you can get to the cloud that Finn and Jake have tied down for its rainwater. The dripstone on the underside looks a bit ugly, but it makes it functional! If you scoop water out of any of the cauldrons with a bucket, it'll slowly refill with water from the cloud!
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We're nearing the end! Here's a back shot of things. I added the power lines, Neptr's cave, and the farm. For some reason, Holly Jolly Secrets has a second, distinct set of powerlines, but those would be ugly so I didn't include them.
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Lastly, the chicken coop, as seen in BMO Noire and mentioned in Three Buckets, featuring Lorraine. Who looks like Boobafina in this texture pack, which is silly.
I'm... honestly not very satisfied with the coop's placement, as BMO Noire shows it being out on a rarely-seen branch, but this is the best I could do without a major facelift on the tree itself.
So, yeah! That's the image limit. There's a good few extra details scattered around here and there, but I'll leave it at that. I hope this is as fun to read as it was for me to write :D
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Out in the desert, no one can find you... (Hex Tiles 1)
A sharp wind whistles through the desert dunes, bringing no reprieve to the travelers following the thin paths left out in the sand. Don't drink from the river — the plants that grow along its shores contain toxins that could leave a grown man coughing up blood, and chemical spills float through the current. A faraway road carries the rare drone-tank, long abandoned from any sort of human use.
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My newest hobby, to distract myself on months when the purse is a bit too tight to be buying plastic crack from Games Workshop, is to build modular hex tiles! It's super easy — I pick up a hundred of these wooden MDF tiles from Amazon for $10 (they're advertised as 2", but they're 1.75" from tip to tip, and each side is 1"), grab any spare craft supplies I have lying around, and get to work! They're super quick (this first batch of one hundred took me around a week) and they open the door to a lot of cool experimentation. A lot of this is inspired by the work of u/Marcus_Machiavelli over on Reddit, who makes these fantastic modular hive city components that I hope to someday be able to emulate. 
I'm making these for two purposes, neither of which I've put in practice yet but I'm hoping to get to do at some point. They're for:
Any mass-battle games played at 6mm. This could also work for Adeptus Titanicus or the upcoming Epic reboot that Games Workshop is working on. 
Tactical TTRPGs like Lancer that are played with large beings, who can operate on a 6mm scale.
Once I get some games in with them, I'm sure I'll encounter future problems and reassess how I approach them. But for now, this is what I've got!
I Hate Sand
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The first set of tiles I made, to serve as the backdrop for the rest of them, are these sand tiles. I chose to make this a desert (and thus make a bunch of sand tiles) because I already had some sand lying around, and because it's really cheap and easy to work with. Be careful though! Anakin was right; sand sucks. Try and pick up a finer grain than what I went with, apply the sand in a more-controlled location than I did, and secure it better than I did too. But here's how I did them:
Coat the surface of the hex with a mix of PVA glue and water.
Sprinkle on a light dusting of gravel or small rocks.
Apply a thick coat of sand on top of the gravel.
Knock off excess sand and recycle it for next time.
Spray with 1-2 layers of varnish. (I would recommend a sealant instead, but I didn't have any at the time)
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For the ones with little paths on them, I painted the path on with White before applying the gravel or sand, and it shows through well enough! The paths are unnecessary — they're a fun experiment, but I don't think I'll be making more of them in the future.
The Gurgling Creek
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Making the river tiles was a bit more involved, but still pretty easy. The method I came up with I think looks a lot better than just painting on water, and is a lot easier to work with than resin or water effects. 
Use some kind of texture gel to build up the riverbanks, trying to have them end around 1/4" on the sides of the tiles where you want your river to connect.
Paint a strip Black where you want the river to flow, running from one edge to another.
Apply sand as before, everywhere except where you painted the black. (If you're worried about fucking this up, you can swap the order)
Varnish (or use sealant) as before. 
Take some gloss mod podge and mix it with a light blue paint, and apply in large goopy quantities everywhere you want water to be. Leave overnight to dry. (If you want the river to be less cloudy, apply many thin coats of mod podge instead, letting each layer dry before applying the next)
As an extra, stipple green along the edges of the water and use a dark green wash to create patches of vegetation.
The river pieces are my favorites, and I'm the most proud of them. The tiny bridge was a thin strip of balsa wood, painted white and then washed black. It turned out fine.
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I did a solid mix of straight river pieces and curving river pieces. If I was going to do it again I'd make more curving pieces than straight river pieces, because the curving ones make more sense for how rivers work.
The Road To Nowhere
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These road tiles turned out really well, perfect for a run-down highway in the middle of nowhere. Here's how I made them:
Take a piece of corkboard and cut it down to be 1.75" long and 1" wide.
Glue it on a hex with the two edges of the corkboard touching two sides of the hex.
Go at the edges with a knife, making it all worn down and busted up.
In some of these spots, I fucked up and glued the corkboard on wrong. To fix that, break off a chunk and reposition it so it'll connect correctly. This will look like a big fat crack in the middle of the road, which is perfect.
Coat in a layer of mod podge or PVA glue. Leave to dry.
Once dry, paint the cork entirely Gray.
Drybrush White onto the corkboard, focusing on the edges and exposed spots.
Paint two thin yellow lines along the middle of the road. (These are optional, but they do a lot to make the 6mm scale convincing)
Apply sand, as before, onto the ground and up the sides of the road, so it looks like the road is emerging from the sand. Maybe apply some sand in a couple spots in the cracks to make it look like the sand has gotten in there.
Varnish and/or sealant, as before.
Apply a Black wash to the road. (There's a lot of tricks here! If you want the yellow stripes to be more vibrant, you can only paint them on after the first black wash. You can also target spots of sand on the road to make it look like it's asphalt runoff, soaking black into the cracks.)
Apply a second Black wash to the road. 
The bridge was a bit more complicated, and took some finicky positioning and a trip to Kung-Fu Tea.
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Take a boba tea straw and cut it into 1" segments, then cut them in half, gluing them to the middle of the hex as culverts.
Take corkboard and glue it over the culverts, bending it so it meets the two edges you want the bridge to run along. If it breaks, that's okay — this is a crumbling, middle-of-nowhere bridge.
Use texture gel and spare corkboard to fill in the gaps.
Use texture gel to define the steep edges of the river. Apply a little bit in between the culverts.
Do all the road steps to the road part of the bridge, and all the river steps to the river part of the bridge.
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I'm exceedingly proud of the bridge hex. It turned out perfectly, and feels very emblematic of what I want this project to be like.
Why You, Too, Should Make 6mm Terrain
6mm terrain is amazing to make. Mistakes look like part of the landscape or the brain smudges them over due to the small size, and small changes look like fascinating little details. It really opens the imaginative space and I absolutely adore working at this scale. Plus I'm developing a ton of experience with various materials I've never worked with before, so I get to enjoy the triumph of carving foam or corkboard. It rules! I might even try to make a 28mm bridge after the success I had making a 6mm one.
My future plans for this project include cliffs, craters, 3D-printed shantytowns, and overpasses. But all that is for a later date — for now I'm gonna rest on my laurels, and spend the rest of the evening reconfiguring various tile combinations and cackling like a mad scientist.
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didn't you say you were making Draxum's house in the sims? Did you ever finish? :(
So I whined about this on my main blog, but I'm having issues with my computer. The power port, and I've noticed this for a while, gets extremely hot whenever I try to run anything more intensive than Powerwash Simulator, and the past few months it's become harder and harder to get it to charge. (I'm not overclocking or anything-I bought this computer for gaming and made sure it had the specs to run shit like my heavily modded Skyrim and Fallout, it should be able to run Sims) I contacted Acer about a repair and they quoted me over eight hundred dollars. The actual computer was about 1200-1300, for comparison. There's other issues with it as well-there's a chip on the screen that's really obvious on a white background, and they advertised that it would support a second hard drive, but it's never recognized the one I bought. The power port is the most grievous though, and power ports on laptops are notoriously hard to repair.
And this computer isn't old. I bought it last spring. Less than a year and a half-and I've barely been gaming on it because I've been writing this, so I spent over a thousand dollars on a turtles fanfiction machine essentially. (there's been other reasons, depression funk caused a complete disinterest in gaming and after so many mass shootings I've started feeling guilty whenever playing games with guns, but writing is mostly what I've been using this expensive gaming PC for) I only had the one-year warranty that came with the computer, but honestly I can't find it in myself to regret that too much because I have never once had a company actually honor a warranty. It's like safety deposits on apartments or insurance claims-they'll do everything they can to weasel out of doing what they're supposed to.
So back to your question-I currently don't trust my computer to run the Sims. Or anything else. And I can afford to buy another gaming PC right now, but it would be financially pretty irresponsible. I returned the tablet I bought to draw with, and I think I'm going to get one of those two-in-one laptop/tablets so I can use it for drawing and writing. Maybe I'll be able to run the Sims 4 on that-it doesn't have to run great, I use it mostly as a building simulator. Kind of sucks though, Crusader Kings 3 came out with another expansion pack and the new Cities Skylines is coming out this fall, plus I've been getting a hankering to play Skyrim again.
But enough about my computer woes, I do think I have some screenshots I could show...
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First floor, I apparently took these during the first round of building because I made a lot of changes. The lab is way bigger now, and I have the rest of the house shell done. The blank space in the back right is where I was going to put in the multi-story room where the turtles find the weapons-which is probably the least completed part of the entire house because holy hell the building controls do not want to work with me.
But in the back left you can see Cass and Gale's rooms! :)
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I do like how the main hallway turned out. I know it was mostly destroyed on Creation Day, but let's just say Draxum redid it in the same style. The middle picture, that's the little storage room that hides the door to the part of the house where Gale's room is. If you know the Sims you can tell where the secret door is.
And yes, I know the half-walls under the stairs look ridiculous, I've fixed it since then. I couldn't just extend the half-wall all the way back because it would delete the upper staircase, for some reason.
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I'm pretty proud of how the living room is turning out. Could be a little bigger, but the symmetry of the bookshelves are just too perfect. (also the curved walls get fussy, FUCK CURVED WALLS) Needs some clutter on the mantle though.
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The kitchen no longer looks like this, I moved around a lot of the pictures and added another layer of cabinets, because Draxum probably has like six sets of fine china he's received as gifts throughout the years and refuses to part with. I added more retro-looking décor, because the last time he remodeled this room was in the sixties and I wanted it to look a little old-fashioned. I also imagine he refuses to get an electric stove, saying his mystic wood-burning stove works just fine. I tried to work a pantry in, but it didn't really pan out. (lol) And the more I think about it, he probably has a legit larder somewhere in the basement, since Draxum is from a time before refrigeration and would have grown up storing food in underground cellars. (and he deffo has like several years worth of food stored away, he's pretty much a doomsday prepper)
This is also incidentally the layout of the kitchen at my old house, hence the weird octagon dining area. Except we had windows. With no curtains. In the woods. It was unsettling to cook at night.
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Draxum's study is bigger now, and I think I added a fireplace? He absolutely has eight bazillion degrees and awards and he puts them ALL on his wall. He earned that shit, dammit.
His bedroom's nothing to write home about. It's comfortable, not luxurious. There's no electric lights because he prefers candlelight.
Just imagine that white bathroom counter stained with pink splotches from Draxum's hair dye.
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I had BARELY done anything with the pool, but as you can see it is indeed a tank. Draxum was planning to keep a mutant or something in there.
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I was actually in the process of redoing the entire greenery lol, but I think I did an okay job on 1.0. Not the mason jar lamps though, I'm not sure what I was thinking there.
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Some pictures of Lab 1.0. The ooze-vine-thing looks terrible; I straight up haven't even started to recreate it in 2.0. I pushed back Draxum's alchemy area and gave him an actual medical bay in the back, which is where The Table would have been located.
That's mostly Gale's area on the left, I think it still broadly looks this way? I didn't put in stuff like the robotics table because it just looked silly-and besides, we're not actually playing this build. We know Galois only needs two hands and a welder to make a robot.
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I will leave you off with a slightly more clutterfied Gale's room! Oh, but also, I GOT PURPLE CC CURTAINS FOR HIM. :D After I took this picture, but just know he has them now. He has no reason to have them because he does not have a window, but I'm happy for him.
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guzsdaily · 10 months
A small, but persistent, factory
Day 28 - Dec 3rd, 12.023
So, I don't have a good post subject for today to be honest. Today I just organized some tasks for this week's project, which is learning and creating things like a LinkedIn and resume to get a job, but nothing actually practical I would say. But something that I did today is play Factorio, a lot. So because I already did a post about this game, why not a small update.
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And as you can see, it didn't change that much, aside from some decorations, that's because of biters. If you don't know Factorio, biters are your main enemy, and they grow and start to attack more when you start polluting a lot of the world/map. And let's just say that I didn't pay so much attention to it until it was too late, so they attacked, not just once, destroying almost half of the factory.
I'm still learning the survival of the game, and I am trying to research everything I can before start some type of proper base, which is what I'm already starting at the time of writing. However, because of this strategy, I don't have a lot of defenses or even a factory that can easily produce them, as you can see in the print, some belts are low, even more the ones that need things like petroleum.
I have to admit that after that biters attack, I stopped playing for a lot of time, because seeing your progress be destroyed in a blink of an eye is not the best feeling y'know? But also, I don't want to create a new save and give up on this. So I improvised. In this save, I enabled so mods in it, and one of them is one that lets you build water tiles in the map and canals. And you know what can't swim in deep water? Biters! So instead of just going on building walls and tower that can be destroyed, I planned on using these water tiles to, in a coward way, don't let the biters even enter the factory. Which was somewhat of a challenge because the TNT to create this water tiles, is not that cheap, but over time I was able to accumulate enough to at least protect the main base.
After this, I also focused on artillery research, and was able to get the most op thing until now: The tank. I really wanted to have now the screenshots from before, but let's just say that I won't need to care about biters for a reasonable time now:
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Nonetheless, as it is shown in the map, I'm now working on making canals between the lakes that are around the base, for two reasons: biters can swim; And I have the Cargo Ships mod installed, so them will be used to navigate around the base to transport items in bulk to different hemispheres of the base. I really want to actually start a proper factory, with heavy use of train networks that I love, and also with something different: proper pollution management. Why? I like the trees of this game, and the idea of a green factory in some sense is cool to me, and managing pollution to not kill them will be an interesting challenge. How? With mainly this mod: Pollution Solutions Lite; so I can even recycle pollution back to energy to be used!
Well, I think this is for today. It was a silly entry, but an entry nonetheless, and I am kinda proud for not giving up on this save. I want to play another games also, but Factorio is addicting very easily. Maybe a good reason to think more about yesterday's topic of planning my free time, so I can play and do all the things that I like, but that's a talk for another day.
Today's artists & creative things
Song: Abrasive - by Ratatat (I'm addicted to this song, every time I start writing this daily journal, I start to listen to it)
Copyright (c) 2023-present Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello <[email protected]>
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
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musicallisto · 2 years
Haha Clara, your Sims posts bring my own times with the Simblr community to my mind 😂 I was like uhh 19 at the time? Wow, it's been 8 years, I'm an old hag. I remember being so proud because I wrote these sims stories into my Finnish blogspot blog and there was this content creator who created cc specifically for people who wanted to build restaurants, schools, hospitals etc and she was really popular and all the Finnish sims story writers used her cc in their settings AND SHE FOLLOWED ME and I would say we were sorta friends too?? Haha I remember being so proud about it 😂 Your pics just make me wanna blow the dust off my own Sims games and try creating a sim. (TS4 isn't my piece of cake though, I mean I do love how customizable it is but I personally hate the gameplay, though I guess I could try to just pack it with CC and decorate houses and create sims or do makeovers to Maxis Sims and redecorate their houses with it and then take photos without actually playing because I have the most experience with TS3 and I'm still pretty proud of some of my sims I created back when I blogged about it but damn I hate the bugginess and it being a Crash EAcoot, TS2 is my favorite when we look at the gameplay but I don't really like creating sims or decorating with it so)
I didn't know you used to play the sims too! It's honestly the videogame franchise I've been playing for the longest. i would play the sims 2 on my cousin's computer before my parents bought me the sims 3 and oh BOY... it got me hooked. I spent my best years playing the sims 3 and I wholeheartedly believe that it's the best in the franchise! I didn't plan on buying the Sims 4 actually, I was turned off by the comics-style graphics and the lack of open world. I clung onto TS3 for years, until I played a free demo of the sims 4 and I caved... and here I am, several years and a 4 Go Mods folder later, lol.
maybe you should try creating a Sim too? it would bring back good memories, I'm sure. and it's so relaxing to me!
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eyes1nthewoods · 2 years
What drew you to genetics and evolution? I have a degree in ecology and the genetics modules were some of my favourite! What kind of clothes would you sew, do you have projects in mind? And please tell me about one of your little world building ideas, if it's not too personal?
putting under a read more because this turned out really long auishdjashjdsdfasf
so i've kind of always been obsessed with animals/science/biology but the thing that got the interest in genetics to spiral out of control was the sims 3 pets expansion. i was obsessed with making my horses as realistic as possible, which snowballed into me researching which genes did what. i didn't fully understand it (i thought i did) but i had the gist of it, and it was a lot of fun, tbh! i found a few other games with breeding mechanics (Niche, Flight Rising, a lot of pet sites i can't quite remember), obsessively researched a few other animals (budgerigars and cats were pretty easy for me to understand. chickens are interesting but it's hard to find information/examples of specific genes/alleles. i've tried to research dogs before but i had trouble understanding for some reason, i think i'll try again someday tho. reptiles are just PAIN because breeders use different/straight up wrong terminology) and i eventually found 2 minecraft mods which add genetics to the game!
one is specifically for horses (Realistic Horse Genetics) and the other plans to eventually add genetics for pretty much all of the animals in minecraft! (Genetic Animals) they're my favorite mods ever and i've learned a lot about genetics and how they work from these two mods and their communities!
also i figured out that colorblindness in humans is a sex-linked recessive trait after learning about chicken and cat genetics! it's why people with XY chromosomes are more likely to be colorblind :) i was really proud of myself lol
i'm not quite as interested in speculative evolution as genetics but i've dabbled a bit. i'm surprised i don't have more to say about this actually. in my old headworld griffins and dragons have a common ancestor, and dragons used to be large super predators but are now small and widespread, like birds.
as for sewing i found some SUPER CUTE fabric which has various dinosaur skeletons on it!! i want to make it into a button-down. i also want to make a pair of green overalls that i can embroider plants and bugs on :3c
my latest worldbuilding project was a homebrew dnd setting, but that's the one i burnt myself out on, so i've been taking a break from it. i also don't have anyone to play it with. or the energy to dm. i did change elf lore because on the forgotten realms wiki i learned that the word drow is canonically derived from a slur??? and that didn't make sense to me (still doesn't) so i changed their history a bit and made them the moon elves (i think in forgotten realms moon and sun elves were both just different flavors of high elves. why) also most of the humanoid races that appear similar to humans evolved from the same species. elves are the descendants of human/fey hybrids. dragonborn are so far the only race that was created by a higher power.
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bitter-cosmos · 8 years
It's so strange because I just now remember back in the day when I loved the show there were things I didn't like, but I felt so wrong about disliking them. Like I wasn't allowed. SU was swimming in positivity and I felt like who am I to have a problem with the show? When the big su critical stuff started, I felt like I could finally dislike the show and I stopped watching it. I still kinda love seasons 1&2 and the games tho
can’t blame you! like, it’d be wrong to say that seasons 1 and 2, even 3 did not have some pretty swell stuff. the animation, the ideas, the pacing, certain episodes and moments stick out and were genuinely really good - hence why it’s super easy pointing out flaws in the current arc because we also have moments to compare to the first season, such as plot holes and inconsistencies and whatnot.
but, like you said, back when we were fans it was hard to really speak out about anything bad in the show - either because the good outweighed the bad or we did not exactly have the “right” to speak out when the show was so widely praised as being progressive and new. like when Rose’s Scabbard came out, I remember wanting to RANT and go CRAZY over how blatantly HOOOORRIBLE the episode was, but everyone praised it like mad and were proud of the character building and On The Run happened not long after, so it was easier for me to forgive it. i didn’t even watch the Sugilite episode till earlier this year and it was just... ew. holy god. 
in other words: it feels pretty good to not hold back, especially on things spiraling out of control in something that once meant so much to us. it’s like watching a friend shrivel and die and mutate into someone else entirely and there’s nothing we could do except point out what a pretentious douche they have become.
- mod s
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