#really hope steph sterling talks about it
dollfat · 1 year
any arkane fans see the terrible reception to redfall? i followed it on steam bc its so funny
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
Life is beautiful and life is cruel. A window into the souls of the victorious and the vanquished. In a way, football did come home during the summer of 2021. Follow along Amelia’s journey, navigating the football world as a tactical analyst for the italian football team, with a brother and father part of the three lions. Will Amelia leave Italy and come back to England? Will she leave the Serie A for the Prem? Will she set aside the bianconeri stripes for new colours, leaving behind friendship for love? Maybe she can have both...
Hello my lovelies!! Part 3 sees a whole lot Amelia's beautiful brain & you get your first slice of interaction with the british boys - leading up to an all important Mykonos adventure (part 4 - out friday). As usual, please let me know your thoughts and feelings, and let me know what you want to see happen with Amelia and her story! Updates have increased to 3/week! I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am!
Love always,
Steph xx
UPDATE as of 31/07: I've made some additional editing changes due to some feedback about the confusion between ben white (her brother) and ben chilwell (not her brother LOL). Nothing has been added to the story, just the addition of either surname has been added where i think it could be more straightforward - for future readers!
Part 3. | parte terza
warnings; none - just a whole lot of feels.
word count; 2081
writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter.
next update; Friday 30/07 5pm AEST. Updates are three times/week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)!
Tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven
link to fic masterlist here
It was the day after the final match and Amelia should be nursing a hangover due to the large amount of red wine she consumed with her Italian counterparts the night before. However, she finds herself at St. George’s Park before 9am, meeting one of her father’s colleagues who directs her to the recreation room that she remembers from a few days prior.
Standing outside the door, she assumed she was just waiting for her dad as agreed on the phone an hour earlier. As she was waiting, she could hear Gareth Southgate give a team talk to the players, praising them for their ability and pleading for them to bounce back from this defeat and use it to push on. The next voice she could hear was that of her father, giving them the tactical run through of the game. She listened to the points her father made, and both agreed and disagreed with some. Unexpectedly, the man sent to collect her opened the door and ushered her inside.
She stood at the back of the room, facing her dad and Gareth, whilst the team and other management staff had their backs to her. Making eye contact with her dad, he smiled slightly.
“Whilst I can offer you my opinion on the match last night, to better prepare you for the next time, there is no better opinion to learn from at this moment than that of your opponent. Amelia, would you please come up here” Dean really threw her into this situation, that again, she was not prepared for nor did she want to participate in. However, the 30+ sets of eyes that had currently turned around to stare at her didn’t exactly inspire a choice to be made here.
“Lads, this is my daughter. I taught her everything she knows, which was probably too much considering I can now recognise that it was her signature plays that the italian side used to their advantage last night. Treat her with respect, or I will let her at you. Which i’m sure you all saw a few nights ago in this very room” My dad spoke as I walked up to the front area, weaving in and around beanbags with players occupying them.
Standing in front of the Three Lions was more nerve wracking now than it had been when she was confronting her brother, maybe Fede did offer her protection as his bodyguard. Either way, she put her big girl pants on (figuratively speaking, literally she was wearing her official puma tights and Italian polo) and got on with it as if she was speaking to her team.
“Thanks Dad. Hey guys, I think the first thing I would like to say is that you’re allowed to feel exactly how you feel right now. There is no rush to ‘get over it’ or ‘push on and learn’. You need to feel this now, feel it throughout your body, understand the pain and then turn it into motivation.” I speak to the group, trying to accurately express how sincere I am to this group of heartbroken men.
“As for tactics, I can stand here and praise you for how good you really are but that's not how you are going to learn. You came into the game hard and fast.” I paused, understanding the innuendo just as it was flying out of my mouth. I pursed my lips and tried to hold my giggle in, however some of the boys seem to have the same sense of humour as I do. My brother, face of steel and eyes that burn into any man that tries to joke with me.
“Sorry, can’t help myself. So yeah, you took charge of the game from kick off and we were not ready. You had the aggression and desire to push from the start and that's what you did, Shaw, you really surprised me with that goal. Not because I didn't think you could do it but because I wasn’t anticipating you being someone we had to watch so closely.”
“Again, something you guys need to keep in mind is that it is literally my job to know everything about you and how you play the game, what foot you prefer, who you pass to, how long you hold the ball before you pass, do you like to assist or score...all of these things make a massive difference in each play we make.”
“The error you made came around the 25th minute of the game, we had settled into the game and did what we do best - we slowed you down. In Italy, in the Serie A, which is where most of my team play, the game is a lot slower. There is more skill and tactic used to ensure a favourable outcome. Again, i'm not saying you all don’t have skill, but the Prem favours pace over tactics and strategy. The only way we were going to be able to win was by making you play our game, but in your half of the pitch.”
At this point, all of their eyes are trained to me and the more senior players of the team, like Henderson, Walker, Coady, Kane, they understand what i’m trying to say. Gareth, my dad and other members of staff are sitting to one side, arms folded and a slight smile on their face at the simplicity of my approach to such an important game. I direct my next question to them.
“Can I ask - have you already selected your man of the match?”
“Off record, yes we have. Before I announce to the team who it is, can I direct the question back to you and find out who you would award it to?” Gareth poses back to me, interested to hear my opinion.
“While the obvious choices would be Kane, Sterling, Maguire - your players who perform week in week out and are consistent and no doubt deserve an award as such. I would recommend Declan Rice. Personally, he was the most instrumental in the match last night. Every time we turned to attack, he was there to stop it. He was a player I was confident that I knew the extent of his ability, when it was obvious that I didn't.”
The boys around him, Mason Mount & Ben Chilwell, offered him a gentle shove and ruffle of the hair, to show their encouragement to the bashful boy who seemed surprised at the praise he was receiving.
“The other player that I think deserves a bit of a shoutout, and not because of his hair, is Jack Grealish.” I spoke, looking around the room until we locked eyes. I wanted him to understand how serious i was about my next words.
“You are so dangerous on the ball, you are an asset as a team mate, you aren’t guilty with the ball, but you have the power behind you to score when the opportunity presents itself. The moment you were subbed on I pulled Jorginho to the side and told him to treat you like Chiellini and Bonnucci were handling Sterling and Kane. You were one of my players to watch, and for good reason”
At the end of the little session, I said thanks to the boys for listening and that I hope to see them again in a tournament. The only way to be the best is to beat the best. After a quick round of applause that made me feel more special than I am, I walked past my brother, gave him a quick ruffle of his hair and met my dad at the back. Gareth dismissed the boys and they all stood up, breaking away and grabbing some breakfast that was set up to the side of the room, for one last team meal.
“Mills!! I’ll get you an almond croissant and a coffee, come sit with me!” Walker shouted from across the room.
“Oi mate, she’s my sister not yours” Ben counters from the back of the line.
“Yeah she's your sister by blood, mine by choice.” Kyle firmly states and begins his way to one of the tables.
“I suppose i better join Kyle before he drowns everyone in his tears” i joked with the england officials i was standing with before walking over to Kyle and a few of his team mates.
“Sooo am I supposed to pretend I don’t know who you all are so you can introduce yourselves? Or do we just mutually agree that I know too much about each of you and not bring it up?” I question the boys, jokingly. They all laugh and I sit down in the space Kyle left between himself and John Stones. I sat there and got to know some of the boys on a less competitive level, working out who was a leader both on the pitch and off it. After listening to the boys joke around and just be mates, rather than teammates, I leaned over to Kyle.
“Hey, before I go, do you think you can introduce me to Bukayo? I want to speak with him for a moment.”
“Yeah sure, I'll take you over there. Why are you nervous? You've never been shy before” Kyle questioned back at me.
“I’m not nervous, I'm just hyper aware of the sensitivity of the moment. Last night would have been tough”
Saying goodbye to the boys, Kyle directed me over to a table that was sitting my brother Ben White, Kalvin, Ben Chilwell, Grealish, Saka, Sancho & Rashford.
“Hey boys, Ben, I just wanted to come say goodbye before I head off.” I directed towards my brother. He pulled up a chair and asked me to sit for 5 more minutes, claiming he deserved it after months of no contact.
“Ben here didn’t let us know he had a sister as smart as you...what happened to you Ben? Did you miss that gene?” Jack Grealish poked at my brother. With his signature scowl on his face, Ben White let his mates laugh at his expense.
“Oh don’t make fun of my brother Benny, that’s my job!” I joked back, setting the boys off again with my brother’s childhood nickname. It was nice to hear some laughter again from a side that looked so solemn the night before.
“No in all seriousness boys, I especially came over because I wanted to talk to you Bukayo - what you did was so impressive. In a final, as the last penalty taker, to take on the responsibility of the nation at the age of 19! Not many players would dare to do that. You have earned a lot of respect, particularly from the Italian camp.” I spoke with a smile on my face, directed at the young boy.
“The same goes for you two” Now looking at Sancho & Rashford.
Bukayo looked down at his hands & smiled, before getting up and walking to my side of the table. Anticipating what he was going to do next, I stood up and welcomed him with open arms. Grateful that he understood my message and was beginning to accept the praise he so deserved. Stepping back from the hug, I turned to address the group of lads one more time.
“If any of you fancy a change of pace and want to come over to the Serie A, just give me a call - Benny can give you my number!” I start to speak, before I'm cut off but my brother.
“Stop poaching my mates! I’ve already lost you to another country. I don't need to lose anyone else” He jokingly says while standing to walk me out of St. George’s Park. I know it was a joke but I can't help but think there was some truth to that.
It had been more than 3 years since I moved out of our family home to start my life in Turin, and not one moment had i regretted it or thought i made the wrong decision. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when I wished I was closer to my family, but I know I had to make that move to prove to myself I am just as successful as I hoped I would be. Not saying I have learnt everything there is to learn with the Serie A giants, Juventus, but maybe it's time for a new challenge? Maybe I can bring the strategic spin on the game to the fast paced action of the premier league?
Part 4. | quarta parte
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aleapoffaithfiction · 5 years
I hope that you're the one. If not, you are the prototype - Andre 3000
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“What do you think about this lipstick? I’m about to take it off and just stick with a lip gloss. I can never seem to get red lipstick to work on me. Meanwhile, every single shade that exists works on you.” In the midst of listening to Taylor’s commentary about a Dose of Colors lipstick that is absolutely perfect on her, I continued to nod my head along to “Too Deep for The Intro” from J. Cole’s “Friday Night Lights” mixtape. Despite it being released damn near seven years ago, it still feels and sounds better than anything that’s out right about now so it shall always remain in rotation alongside some of my all-time favorite Hip-Hop musical masterpieces. It also sounds damn good as we continue this journey down I-95 S to Pennsylvania. It’s been quite some time since I’ve actually driven a distance longer than twenty minutes and I can admit that I’m actually enjoying this. Traffic is clear, the sun is shining brighter than ever, and the weather hasn’t quite reached the brutally chilly temperatures that are on the way. I’m enjoying the wind smacking me in the face and blowing my hair all over the place. It’s damn near ninety degrees, why wouldn’t I?
“That red lipstick looks fucking good on you. You’re overthinking it. Also, my black ass cannot wear every shade ever. I just figure out ways to make them work on me and usually, lip liner is the trick. I think I have really deep berry liner in that bag. Try it and see if it works for you. If not, take it off and do the gloss.” To avoid having to stop and use the bathroom, I skipped out on grabbing a bite to eat from Wendy’s like Taylor did and now I regret it because my stomach is growling like hell. Given that the car is new, I don’t have any snacks in here but I’ll be damned if I don’t stop and grab some from a Quick Check on the way back.
“You’re talking about this one here?” I quickly glanced over and nodded my head to confirm.
“How was your time with Jesse when he came to Atlanta?”
“Pleasant. I can admit that he enjoyed it. He’s the first guy that I’ve ever had sleep in my apartment there and it was a different vibe but it felt nice. While it’s no sign that I’m ready to cohabitate with anyone just yet, I did like it for that time being.”
“So, you enjoyed finally sexing in your bed? That’s what you’re saying?” Her laughter filled our space as I called her out on such a discrete way of saying things. We both knew that’s exactly what she was alluding to.
“Well, I won’t deny that. It was damn good to be able to go at it multiple times between the night and the next morning, and then get up for a cup of coffee in my own kitchen. Hotel sex is only exciting the first couple of times. After that, it’s one big ass whatever. Do you know what it’s like to fuck in your own bed and then turn on your TV to watch one of your favorite shows while naked as the day you were born next to your fine as man? Heaven.”
“Oh, so you’re finally calling him your man now?” She refuses to label what they have as anything more than their “thing”. I understand the hesitance given the tough space he’s in when it comes to his children and divorce, but overall, he seems to have really taken a liking to her that comes with everything that a relationship is.
“I suppose so. We spoke about it and figured ah, what the hell, why not?”
“That’s nice to hear. I like you two together. He’s a good fit for you in a sense that he’s educated, sophisticated in certain ways, and he’s super mellow. That’s all you.” I always call Taylor my goody two shoes friend with the potty mouth, despite her quickly saying that it’s a label that I should be giving myself. If Jesse isn’t her perfect match, then I don’t know who is. If they don’t work out, she’ll still end up with some super educated business man or book writer of some sort. I feel like she likes them eclectic.
“And what exactly is your type? I’ve been trying to figure the shit out for the longest and it’s like I’m looking for lost treasure on some deserted island. Every single time I try and hook you up with someone, you avoid it like a plague. You’re not a lesbian. It was easy to rule that out because you didn’t want me.” I had to laugh with her, because I know she said that nonsense on purpose. She’s never been arrogant and easily becomes irritable whenever she encounters a person who is. We’ve had a ton of conversations about interviews that we’ve wanted to cut short due to some athlete thinking that he’s above being proper and approachable when speaking with us. If anything, we get it far worse than male reporters do.
“I don’t know what my type is. I feel like we all craft this dreamy guy in our heads with everything that we assume is our type, but ultimately, it’s unrealistic. There’s fantasy and reality, and in reality, there’s a lot that we’re willing to compromise about when it comes to finding love.”
“So why do you avoid hook ups? You won’t know until you get out there and try it out.”
“My sister ruined that for me. She’s the one who hooked me up with my ex and I’ve already opened up to you about how that turned out.” A moment of silence fell between us as she reflected on my past words about Shamel, while I did my best to avoid thinking about the man. It’s not very often that I do think of him because he’s an ink stain in my past that I’m working damn hard to erase.
“Well, that was then and this is now. It’s been four years since him and you’ve yet to really allow yourself to get out there. I’m pretty damn good with the vetting process, so you know I’m not bring anyone your way who I don’t believe is worthy, so what’s up? What you think of Michael B. Jordan? I know his best friend Sterling. I can hook something up. You know Black Panther is about to come out in a couple of months. He’s on fire right now.”
“Just because you have an actor in your bed doesn’t mean that I want one in mine. He’s probably running through every becky in Hollywood.”
“Oh my gosh. Shut up. You don’t know that.”
“You don’t either but it’s likely that he is. I’m not sure if I could ever get involved with a known guy. I’m sure there’s a brutal headache that comes with that. I certainly salute the wives of the players because I’ve heard more than enough stories for me to wonder why some of those women have yet to snap. The perks of being financially taken care of wouldn’t be anywhere near enough for me not to lose it. The disrespect is real.”
The manner in which those men cheat is unbelievable. I’ve heard about scenarios where the wife is in the arena sitting in the WAGs section and the mistress is only a couple of rows up amongst the spectators. Many of them have apartments in different cities that their spouses either do or do not know about. The manner in which these women flock to their hotels is shameful. And All-Star Weekend? Or even the Pro Bowl Weekend? Forget it. These are events literally created for the sake of the players being able to relax and have some fun while having their families be in the midst of it and yet they still have women all over whichever city is hosting it, fucking and sucking on them. I consider myself to be a pretty composed woman, but I don’t know how long I’d be able to keep it together if I were dealing with that. I’d probably end up on an episode of Snapped.
“Well, I can’t argue with you there, but not all of them are like that. I doubt Grant Hill has ever cheated on Tamia. What about Tim Duncan? That man isn’t cheating. Look at Ray Allen. Does he look like a cheater to you?”
“Uh, can you at least talk to me about players who are under thirty-five?”
“I doubt Steph is cheating on Ayesha.”
“The most vanilla couple in the league. Next?”
“You think Isaiah Thomas cheats?”
“Yo, T, shut up. You don’t even know what to say right now. You’re avoiding the big names because you know the deal.” I’d already been giggling, but it worsened as she side eyed me.
“All of them aren’t cheaters. What about the NFL? Look at Russell Wilson.”  
“NBA, NFL, MBL, ATP, WBA, EFL, and everything else. They’re all loosely slinging dick. Spare me.”
“And you think business men aren’t? What about the gym teachers? You think they don’t fuck around too? Doctors, lawyers, judges, scientists, you name it. There are shitty men everywhere and within every professional sector. Shit, the Starbucks barista is probably slipping in numbers while handing over caramel lattes and slinging dick too.”
“You’re right. And that’s exactly why I’m single.”
“Not everyone is the same.”
“I know that.”
“So then give yourself a chance to at least meet someone. What’s the big deal? Live a little.”
“Why are you always assuming that I’m not allowing myself to meet anyone? Have you ever thought about how I’ve yet to encounter a man who has peaked my interests? That’s truly what it is.”
“Seriously? That’s what it is?” 
“I suppose I can believe that. You’re such a home body, so it’s not like you’re going to meet anyone there. You work around a bunch of old men up there at ESPN, so he won’t be there either.”
“There are some young guys behind the scenes but I’m not into the dating a co-worker thing. It just sounds like a nightmare filled with endless awkwardness.”
“That just means that I have to get you out more. That’s all.”
“You can try.”
And I’m sure she will. I most likely won’t mind it either. For as long as the environment isn’t one that’ll make me uncomfortable, I’m alright with being out on the scene. What I won’t be is “mixxy”. I’ve never been the one to feel compelled to fit into a bunch of circles in order to feel worthy of sitting at the cool table. I will always sit at my own table, whether I’m by myself or not.
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“Thank you so much.” As I slipped Taylor her pass, I handed over my keys. Who the hell knew that this stadium has valet parking? Either way, I’m beyond appreciative because I can only imagine the chaos it is to find a parking space within anyone of the parking lots.
“I have two questions.”
“What?” As I slipped the lanyard around my neck, my eyes panned in her direction. Her eyebrows were already raised.
“One, what kind of Benz is that? It’s sexy.”
“It’s a 2018 E-Class Coupe.” I’d gotten it in Diamond White Metallic and didn’t even have to pay the extra fifteen hundred dollars for it. The exterior came with the night package including gloss accents and AMG body styling. The interior? Macchiato beige seats with red accents. I was able to have the heated and cooling ventilated seats, arm rests, and steering wheel that I wanted for the winter and summer time, and as far as everything else? Well it’s nice. I tuned him out because I’m not obsessed with cars enough to care about every single specific detail that doesn’t involve my safety. After going over the specifics, he was able to locate the exact make and design I wanted on Route 22 West in Union, New Jersey. As Beckham promised me, Phil Campbell certainly came through, not only with the car, but also with a damn good deal for it too.
“And who the hell are you fucking on the Eagles? I thought we were coming here with your ESPN credentials.”
“Don’t be silly. I’m not fucking anyone within the sports world and you know this. Also, the Eagles? Please.”  
“Wait. O invited you to a game during that interview, right? Is this the game?” I figured she should have known. I had the jersey he gave me laying across the backseat in the car and it’s in my hand right now. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy going to sporting events, especially when it’s not work related, but I most likely wouldn’t have made the trip out here knowing that I have to work in the morning, if it weren’t for his invitation of thanks.  
“Can you come on?” We would have remained standing there had I not taken off before her.
“No, I want the details of how this all happened. O’s going to be so happy that you’re here. The man is obsessed with you.”
“Why do over exaggerate everything? Is that a Gemini trait or something?”
“But I’m not over exaggerating anything. He really does adore you. He asks about you whenever I see him.”
“You’ve told me that and as I said to you before, I’m flattered that he enjoys my work.”
“Look at you thinking it’s that simple. How cute.”
“Can you cut the shit and come on? Did you have anything to drink before we left the house?”
“No, no drinks yet but I’m going to have a mojito or something while I’m here. That’s for certain.”
I’ve never experienced the perks that comes with being a VIP or an athlete’s special guest but now I understand why everyone enjoys it. It opens the doors to just about every single access point within the stadium, except the locker rooms and with my ESPN credentials, I could easily get into both locker rooms after the game if was here for that purpose. In the midst of making our way upstairs, we were given an escort who explained everything that we’re welcome to, places that we’re entitled to be, and the free merchandise that comes with the passes. I’d almost forgotten about the food and drinks Beckham mentioned as I walked past all of the concession stands. I can never pass up a good ol’ chicken tender and fries’ basket while sitting at a game.
“And here is where you’ll be. I’ll be around to accommodate anything you may need Ms. Nazaire.”
“Oh, thank you. I appreciate that.”
“No problem.”
He opened the door to allow us to step inside what I’m sure is far more than necessary in terms of accommodations and I was certainly right as my eyes swiftly glanced over the posh interior and paused on the single person already enjoying all of it; Ms. Heather Van Norman. In no way, shape, or form did he mentioned that his mother would be around and though I don’t mind whatsoever, it does not negate my nervousness.
If he didn’t tell me, I for sure hope that he informed her because I’d hate to be the person to oddly intrude on her time and privacy as she watches her son play. Oh God. What if she thinks I used the man for all of this? It’s one thing for him to give me a thank you that I don’t even believe I deserve and it’s another for the thanks to come with perks that I’m sure no other analyst can say they’ve been given. Sure, there are some kind hearted athletes who will slip you an invitation to an event of theirs or embrace you with a hug and good conversation upon seeing you out of respect and appreciation but this? Nah, I don’t think so. This is about on the same caliber of myself being invited to the man’s house. I should have declined like I originally intended to.
“Heather! Oh my gosh. I didn’t know you’d be here.” Taylor stepped around my suddenly reluctant frame and immediately went into the beautiful woman’s awaiting arms.
“I’ve been in town for two weeks now. I head back tomorrow, but I figured I’d come out here and watch my boy play before I do. It’s so good to see you Taylor. I didn’t know you were coming with Sarai.”
“I’m crashing at her house while in town for some work with the Bleacher Report. So, she dragged me out. I’m glad she did though.”
“You knew I was coming?” I’d finally spoken up. I had to ask.
“Of course. Odell told me. How are you Sarai?” Once again, she opened her arms and she awaited my presence. How could I turn her down? The embrace was not only warm and welcoming, but it felt very maternal. It’s been quite some time since I embraced my own mother, so I appreciated it along with the kiss she planted on my cheek. I’ve always heard about how pleasant she is and she has lived up to that since our first meeting in Bristol.
“I’m well. Thank you for having me.”
“Oh no, thank you for coming. O will be thrilled. He was very adamant about me making sure you’re well taken care of while here, so I intend to do that so that you can give him a good report when you leave.” Both she and Taylor chuckled and yet Taylors came with widened eyes and eventually a smirk that I wish I never saw. With Heather standing alongside her, I was the only one who could see her teasing facial expressions and if I weren’t respectful enough to watch my mouth in front of Beckham’s mother, I’d tell her about herself.
“Are more people coming?”
“His friends are here, but they’re out there in the midst of the madness. That’s where they like to be. I was down there for a bit while he was running a couple of drills but I came back up here.”
“So, it’s just us in here?” He could have gotten us regular ol’ seats. Seriously Beckham?
“Yes. Just us. There will be food and drinks. They also have lounges where you can go and have drinks and hang out if you’re interested. You don’t have to be in here with this old gal if you don’t want.”
“Old gal? Don’t be silly! You look incredible.” I nodded in agreement with Taylor. I hope to look just as incredible as she does when I’m somewhere around her age.
“You do. I’d rather stick around so that I can get tips on how to remain so great looking.”
“My tip is to remain as stress free as possible and to keep doing whatever the both of you are doing, because you’re both absolutely stunning women. I always say that the both of you are a breath of fresh air amongst the men within your field. I also give a ton of credit to Jemele Hill, Pam Oliver, Lisa Salters, Cari Champion, Josina Anderson, Erin Andrews, Sage Steele, and Kim Jones. She’s such a good one when it comes to O. I’m sorry if I’m a bit biased to the reporters who actually take the time out to understand him.”
“No, no. I get it. And you’ve named so many women that I look up to.” I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet every single woman she listed and I chose to just sit and soak up all of the advice and gems they were willing to offer so that I can transition into my sportscaster role in a knowledgeable space. It’s even more incredible that the majority of the women that she named are black faces. While there aren’t many of us, the ones that are around cannot be missed or mistaken.
“And now you have so many who look up to you, like my Jazzy. It’s full circle.”
“Aww, thank you. Is she here too?”
“No. She’s home. She’ll be up here soon enough and she’d love to meet you. She and Taylor are already homegirls, according to her.” 
“That is my homegirl. I love her.” I wouldn’t be able to escape this one and with the expression on Taylor’s face as she grabs a bottle of water off of the table, I better not even try.
“Of course. We’ll set something up.” Yet again, I’ve done something to further my connection to the Beckham Family. It’s all starting to feel like one long running coincidence at this point.
I threw the somewhat of a diet that I’m following right out of the window as I sat with a plate filled with the chicken tenders and fries that I wanted so badly. I’d been putting it off to the side, since I was so tapped into the game, but it could and probably will be finished before I leave out of here. Beckham didn’t lie when he spoke about the intensity of the games versus the Eagles and despite being inside of the suite, I could feel the energy of the nearly seventy thousand spectators in attendance. Though I came into this with a plan not to cheer for any team, I couldn’t help but to become a temporary Giants fan as I threw the Beckham jersey over my head and joined in with both Heather and Taylor’s frustration as the Giants went scoreless in first, second, and third quarters.
“Ugh! Come on.” I had to move the plate out of the way. We were already two minutes into the fourth quarter and nothing was on the board. That just about ruined my appetite.
“Come on Eli. Throw something good!”
“We have to score something. Come on Beckham!” All three of us were damn near pressed into the stainless glass windows and aching in anticipation. It was as if the man heard my plea, because within seconds after it, he received a ten-yard catch from Eli Manning and went zipping down the field to give the Giants their first touchdown of the game. The piercing scream that spilled out of my mouth damn near caused me to frighten myself as I jumped up and down with excitement. Now the shit talking could begin. Sure, were still down by seven and we nowhere near any Eagles fans, but still. Shit talking is always fun.
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“Alright, we have to tie this. We can do it. That just gave us a bit of momentum.” My loud claps filled the room as I paced back and forth in hopes of a miracle from my chosen team for today.
“We got this. We got this.” Heather’s hands met my shoulders and she gave them an encouraging squeeze as her own excitement ripped through her body. It has to be beyond awesome to have such an explosive player as her kid, but then there’s the pressure. Gosh, I’d be the worst sports mom ever and would need a lifetime supply of aspirin.
“You’re going to be hoarse by the time we get out of here.” Taylor laughed while shaking her head at my antics. A shrug was my response.
“So what! We have to win this thing!”
In less than two minutes later, Eli threw a four-yard pass to Beckham that resulted in yet another touchdown for him. We’d officially tied the game and I just about lost my mind. I could literally feel his energy within the suite as he celebrated his touchdown in the showboating manner that he always does and yet I loved it. In the midst of watching them online, I could understand why people tossed the arrogant title on him and hated his celebration dances. Now, while here, looking at it live, it’s the best shit ever. How can you not celebrate after making the game tying touchdown? Shit, I’m dancing with him.
“Let’s go!”
Eli’s seventy-seven-yard pass to Sterling Shepard to give us a touchdown to take the lead made our suite sound like it was filled with more than just three people as we screamed in thrill. The Eagles tied the game once more and a field goal put us in the lead once again with just a little over two and a half minutes left on the clock. What we all thought would be the game to finally give the Giants a win after being down two games was short lived by two field goals that resulted in the Eagles again tying the game and then finally beating us by three.
I don’t think I’ve felt disappointment like this in quite a while. While the other two women within the room with me took the loss with good hearts and applauded the team for a solid effort and comeback within the fourth quarter, I sat in silence because I felt like we were robbed. We were supposed to win that game. How could we lose after those three touchdowns and that field goal attempt? That’s bullshit.
“It’s alright Sarai. They’ll get a win in when they play in Tampa Bay next week. They gained some momentum today. They just have to apply that same energy every single time.” It sounds good, but I would have liked to win today!
“Yeah, I know.”
“You sound like a kid who lost their little league game. You didn’t even play and you’re sulking more than they are.”
“Because, we could have gotten that one T.” And we should have.
“I know. It was looking good in the fourth. I thought we had it too, but it is what it is. They’ll get them next time. They play the Eagles again this season and we’ll come back to see them have their revenge.” I’m holding Taylor to that. We’re coming back for that game.
“I guess that’s fair.”
“I’m sad that it’s over. I really enjoyed your company ladies. I’m so glad that you came out.” I can admit that I enjoyed myself too. Usually, I’d be curled up on my couch right now, eating dinner, and mentally preparing myself for the week head and instead, I was able to let loose and go crazy over some football. I’d pick that every single time, if I could.
“Thank you for having us. I had a blast. I’m pissed we lost, but I still enjoyed it so much.” It was my turn to draw her in for a hug and I did it with no hesitation.
“And was everything to your liking? My son’s going to want a report.”
“Of course, of course.” We all laughed at how much she emphasized the reality that he absolutely will ask her about how things went today. Well, he has nothing to worry about. He fulfilled his thank you beyond what I could have ever imagined and I’m appreciative of it. He never owed me anything in the first place and after this, he’s more than repaid me. If anything, I owe him.
“I’m sure we’ll be doing this again at some point.”
“I think so too.” Taylor swiftly agreed with her before I could get a word in. Gosh, she better sleep with one eye open when she goes to bed tonight, because I’m going to whack the shit out of her with a pillow as soon as I get an opportunity to do so. She’s been on a roll tonight with the slickness and I’ve let it slide because it’s been jokes in-between she and I, more so coming from her alone, but now she’s involved someone else in it and she’s putting false hopes on the table that I have no capability of fulfilling. This is supposed to be and is going to be a one-time thing.
“Sounds good. Give me another hug before you two get out of here. Also, drive back to Jersey safe. Taylor, text me when you two get there.”
After those hugs, we ended up spending an addition fifteen minutes talking and I’d even exchanged numbers with her so that we could set up that meeting between Jazzy and myself. It would be my thank you to Beckham for the fun filled day here in Philly.
Despite our rush down to my car, the traffic to get out of the stadium wasn’t as beatable as we wished it would have been. We were bumper to bumper for over a half an hour and that continued as we hit the highway to head back to Edgewater.
Phenomenal game, Beckham. Nine receptions, seventy-nine yards, and two touchdowns. You and Shepard balled out. You won in my book. Keep that energy going. I know it feels a bit discouraging to not have gotten a win yet, but you’re only three games in. There’s plenty of time to turn things around and I know that you will. Rest up. And thank you for the invitation. I enjoyed myself.
I know it’s against the law to text and drive, but I’m barely driving. I’m not sure if it’s just general traffic or if there’s some sort of accident further ahead but if God is on my side, he’ll work with my impatience and get things moving along. This is what I didn’t miss about driving.
Thank you, Sarai. I wish I could’ve gotten a chance to see you after the game. I saw the picture you took with momma. You look better than me in that jersey.
I really hate that I blushed. I had to roll my eyes at myself more so than him. Get it the fuck together Sarai.
I doubt that. I’m sure the world will disagree with you as well.
And every single woman that lusts over him and his every move, daily. It’s no secret that he is probably the most sought-after bachelor in the NFL. He’s one of the youngest guys playing and the cherry on top is his lack of children. I’ve heard the chatter, simply because it’s quite hard not to. Even in my field, where he is technically forbidden fruit, he’s still a hot commodity off the field. I’d like to think that aspect of things is why he has so much media attention around him even when he isn’t playing. No one gives a damn about what Eli Manning and Abby McGrew Manning have going on within their home, but the hot, young, and black receiver? They’d much rather stalk him.
My boy Shep has this little bowling alley in the apartment building that he lives in. We’re all going to meet up over there for a bit. You should come through so that I can sign that jersey for you. I texted Taylor about it too.
Immediately, my eyes shifted in Taylor’s direction and her own playfully rolled in the direction of the window as she dropped her phone into her lap.
“Really, Taylor?”
“What? What’s the big deal? It’s a little kickback. O’s cool people. I think you know that at this point.”
“You do realize that you’re taking things a bit too far now?”
“How the hell am I taking things too far when the man has your number, invited you to a football game of his, and is now texting you about coming to hang out? You allowed him into your space, not me. I didn’t push him in your direction.”
“I’m starting to think that you probably told him that I’d be at the Bleacher Report party.”
“And so what if I did? He wanted to meet you, so I told him that you’d be around. I didn’t know what would come of it and I still don’t see what the big deal is now.”
“You know exactly what the big deal is.”
“No, I don’t. Why don’t you tell me?” Despite my tone, she annoyingly batted her eyes while whistling in anticipation for what I would say. I shouldn’t have to say it and I’m not going to, because she already knows. If anyone knows about the boundaries that we shouldn’t be crossing in any capacity, it’s her.
“You can be such an ass.”
“Or you’re arguing with me because deep down, you want to go. We can just stop by.”
“You do realize that I have to be at work first thing tomorrow morning, right?”
“I just said that we can just stop by.”
The internal battle intensified more than I expected it to as I pondered about what would come of this. It’s been quite some time since I’ve surrounded myself with a bunch of testosterones beyond ESPN and I have never in all of the years that I’ve been a sports journalist, deliberately hung out amongst athletes of any sport or circle. Though I’ve been to a ton of events where I’ve mingled among them for the sake of networking and people polite, there have never been instances of privacy or secrecy.
I’ve never been to their homes, their family events outside of charitable ones, or any other possible shindig. I’ve declined many invitations, whether they were extended to me out of flirtation or respect, and Beckham’s should be of no difference and yet here I am contemplating what could possibly be the big deal about it if I do stop by. Taylor’s advice about me needing to live my life always plays in the back of my mind whenever I’m reluctant to extend myself beyond my profession, but tonight shouldn’t be a factor within that. Nothing about him or involving him should be a fucking factor.
“Thirty minutes tops.”
“Fine.” And just like that, I’m taking the plunge. Whatever happens, happens. Actually no. Thirty minutes and all of this is all said and done.
Send me the address.
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It took us an extended hour and fifteen minutes longer than the typical driving time to get us back to my place from Philly. Taylor forced me to wait in the car as she changed her footwear from sandals to Vans and minutes later, we were taking the fifteen-minute drive to Weehawken. I didn’t know Sterling lived so close to me. I remember Chanel mentioning something about him living in Hudson County when we were working on a Nike ad campaign together, but the exact city slipped my mind.
“I’m glad that ya’ll could make it out. We just bowling over some wings and non-alcoholic drinks. That game kind of did us all in, so the turn up is super tamed and lame tonight.” I suppose because we’re at his residence, it made sense for Sterling to step outside to greet us and properly direct where I’d be able to park my car.
“Sounds like Sarai’s kind of party.” And with that, I elbowed her in her side.
“Fuck you.”
“Sarai, you’re the turn down queen? I would have never thought. You stay checking the shit out of your co-hosts on that show. Both you and Chad are funny as fuck.” His laughter held an innocence that I’ve always gotten from him ever since he was a Goner at the University of Oklahoma. Sterling’s one of those guys who you can’t help but to cheer for. He has such a genuine spirit and he comes from a great family.
“I’m not the turn down queen. I’m just more on the chill side.”
“I can respect it.” Music blared from the miniature bowling alley as we walked through the lobby and eventually stepped inside, but the scene didn’t contain too many. As I expected, there was Chanel Iman, Sterling’s girlfriend, and two guys that I’m not quite familiar with. No Odell in sight. I guess Sterling was being truthful about the tamed vibe.
“Aw shit. If it isn’t the Most Wanted by Every Ballplaying Nigga number one and number two.” His loudness made his statement funnier than it should have been. It’s not the first time either one us have heard it and it won’t be the last.
“Ignore Ben’s stupid ass. Oh, and O’s coming. He ran upstairs to the crib.”
His introduction was just as amusing as his opening statement and he didn’t let up as he continued to speak about the never-ending lust for the “young thangs” that he described both Taylor and I to be. He introduced his friend as Kav. Chanel, I’ve known for a while now. I dabbling in modeling for the sake of branding, so we’ve crossed paths enough to be acquaintances.
“I left those kicks upstairs on the dining room table for you. Both colorways.” My heart thrashed against my chest cavity as the baritone of his sometimes-raspy voice resounded through my bones. It’s so low and soft, and yet powerful enough to command the attention of everyone in the room as their eyes shifted in his direction. His casual entrance felt like something grandeur as he halted in his steps and locked eyes with me. Staring became our form of communication, as his deep and intoxicating eyes expressed things to me that I don’t want or need to know. Though I couldn’t break the glaring, it was him who decided to do so by washing his eyes over my entire frame. I could have turned into a pillar of dust idly lying in the middle of the floor as Taylor touched my arm and suddenly pulled her hand in response to the endless number of goosebumps trickling along my skin and the lump in my throat? If I suffocate, then fine. At least this moment will cease.
“Sarai Nazaire.” My name flowed from his rosy lips so slickly and yet with a disbelief that I couldn’t quite understand. He invited me here.
“And Taylor Rooks.” Ben immediately interjected. I’m going to assume he’s to Beckham what T is to me.
“I see my homie. What’s up T?”
“Odell! My favorite guy!” Their embrace was first and I was glad of it. It allowed me some time to gain maybe ten percent of the composure I once had when I was sitting in front of my house and debating with myself on whether I should call it a night or not. I haven’t had much of it since then.
“Your favorite guy? O ain’t shit.”
“Never took you to be the jealous type brother.” He and Sterling shared a laugh in the midst of he and T’s embrace and then it was my turn. He hesitated just as much as I did.
“I’m so glad that you made it here. I thought you were going to stand me up.” Despite the extension of my arms, it was his large palms that drew me closer by my waist, and he eventually tightened his body around my own and slightly rocked the both of us from side to side.
“How are you?” I was going to stand him up. I should have stood him up.
“I’m well. You?” 
“Good. Can’t complain.”
“I’m mad that I didn’t see ya’ll at the game. I started to come and sit up there with Heather, but I was with Tweedledee and Tweedledum the whole time. I didn’t even know ya’ll were there.” Chanel’s side eye to Beckham earned my laughter.
“I didn’t know you were there either, but I should have known. You’re always supporting the boo.” As she affectionately wrapped her arms around Sterling’s waist, she nodded to confirm my observation. They’re adorable together. The last guy she dated was Jordan Clarkson and despite their cuteness, I believe Sterling is the one. There’s something about their chemistry that just connects and has bonded into the strongest mold.
“Aye, we have drinks over here. Strawberry Lemonade. And there’s some hot wings, barbecue wings, and some odd flavored mango wing shits that Kav ordered. Ya’ll can help yourselves to it. We started two games. O’s whooping my ass because I’m letting him.”
“Nah, I’m whooping your ass because it’s what I do.”
“Anyway, as I said, I’m letting bleach boy win. We gon’ restart, so that we all can play. Since we’re in an odd number, we won’t do teams. We can all put twenty in for shits and giggles, and because I’m cheap as hell. Winner takes all.”
Though I hadn’t announced it, bowling has always been a side activity of mine. Both of my parents were apart of some neighborhood bowling club or whatever the hell it was back in the day and I’d always be there with them learning their techniques and observing all of the older couples and their decades old love for one another. Even with the warnings to “stay out of grown folks’ business” I was still able to be in the midst of the fun per my dad’s permission because he took me just about everywhere with him. Though slightly rusty, it didn’t stop me from winning a hundred and forty dollars tonight.
“Aye, Sarai and Taylor, let me ask ya’ll some real shit. No judgement. Ya’ll ever dated athletes?” It was Ben’s millionth question of the night and much like all of them, his curiosity always peaked in personal areas.
“One, a few years ago. I haven’t dated another since.” Kendall Marshall. I’m not surprised that she didn’t say his name, though.
“None, ever.”
“No one?”
“No.” The rumors are out there, but they’re all false. I’ve just never felt compelled to clear anything up because if I start, I’ll never be able to stop doing so.
“But wouldn’t that be an issue though?” Kav asked the anticipated follow up question.
“I mean, it all depends on the circumstances. If you’re an NFL reporter and you’re dating an NBA player, there isn’t much they can do to you in terms of firing you, though you may be frowned at about it. That’s not a conflict of interest. Some networks are stricter than others when it comes to that. Turner isn’t fond of it. The Bleacher Report doesn’t give a shit about who I involve myself with because they’re a bit more progressive, I suppose.” She half-assed the response which then caused it all to be left up to me to finish up.
“My show covers all major sporting news, mostly within the United States. Our most important coverage is always going to be the NBA and NFL, but it doesn’t mean that we don’t touch base on baseball, tennis, and a few of the others every now and then. So, as far as myself, it’s a conflict of interest no matter which way you look at it.” Yet again, our eyes locked with one another but he didn’t flinch in the manner that I urged for him to. I aimed to set up disappointment and he didn’t bite the bait. If anything, my words flowed into one of his caramel toned ears and right out of the other.
“I think when the heart wants what it wants, none of that other shit matters. It’ll figure itself out. Right?” His tongue lightly ran over his lips in unison with his nonchalant shrug and Chanel bid him a high-five in appreciation for his words. 
“For someone so passionate about the sport that you play, I can’t ever imagine you doing anything to jeopardize your ability to be able to play it.” How or why would he ever? Love is great, but is having it in risky manners ever worth it? That always comes with sacrifice and adjustments that are life altering. Is it really love when you have to let go of so many different aspects of who you are to have it?
“Football is a major part of my life, but it isn’t my life. I’m starting to learn that a lot nowadays. I find myself praying for more time for myself, my family, and my life beyond that field. I’m not going to be playing forever. An empty ass house means that I don’t have much to show for what I worked so hard for. How does all of this even matter if I’m not sharing it? As far as the jeopardize part, I’m willing to fight for and alongside anyone who is going to do the same for me.”
“Why have people in your life that you have to fight for?”
“Because love, no matter which way it comes, isn’t always easy. It’s not supposed to be. I’m going to always fight for those that I love. You’ve never had anyone fight for you?”
He rendered me to speechlessness and a silence discomfort that I may not have masked with my facial expression. I had no answer to give or rather, I didn’t have one that I wanted to give him.
“Alright Sojourner Truth and Martin Luther King, there’s no need to be all deep about this shit. Damn. Ya’ll making me think and it’s too late for all of that.” Ben lightened the moment as Odell stood to his feet and he stepped away from the booth, but halted…for me.
“Sarai. I want to see your new ride before ya’ll go.” How the hell did he know that I was getting ready to throw in the towel and tell Taylor to come on?
“Go and I’ll meet you outside. I’m going to use the bathroom.”
Or she’s creating yet another awkward moment for me.
What was once ninety degree whether nicely calmed down to the high seventies and the cool breeze coming from the Hudson River soothed me as we walked along the exterior of the building. Beckham chose to leave his hands dug into the pockets of his windbreaker style shorts while my eyes panned down and remained focused on his crimson red Nike sneakers.
“Is that it?” I followed his finger and immediately nodded.
“Whew! That thang is on point. And you got the white too? Ain’t nothing like a clean pearly white car. I have to see the guts.” The guts?
It only took one press of a button to unlock the doors and just like that, he was sitting inside on the passenger side taking in the interior like a kid in a candy store. It’s pretty nice but I wasn’t anywhere near as impressed as he is.
“You doing it with this one. Nice pick Sarai.” I scoffed at his modesty. As if he isn’t the one who chose it.
“Shouldn’t you be complimenting yourself?”
“Not really. I gave you the advice, but I never picked out the specifics. This is better than I envisioned it, honestly. I figured you’d go for black or blue.” Black was the original choice until I saw the white one. It stood amongst all of the choices of its kind.
“It is pretty cool, huh?” As I slipped in on the driver’s side, I gave the car a start so that he’d be able to see the beauty of the interior illuminating in its nighttime mode.
“For sure. You look good in here. This fits you well.” For just that moment, he stared at the side of my head while I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel in an anxiousness for Taylor’s presence. Like the most dominant magnet, his aura drew my glare to him.
I’d always believed that perfection doesn’t exist, especially within men, and grandma Lèilin would immediately beg to differ. She informed me that there comes a time when a woman does lay her eyes on a man who is perfect for her in every single sense, flaws and all. He’ll be the most beautiful man she’s laid her eyes on. Grandpa Lesly was that for her.
I’ve never been so at a loss for words until being within this man’s presence. The symmetry of his face is sculpted to an unfair perfection and it impeccably compliments his narrow eyes. There’s no wild bushiness to his eyebrows; they’re tamed and follow the arches of his smiles and frowns. His nose is not too small and yet not too vast. It’s literally made to fit his face. His lips. Dear God. Small and yet supple. A perfect hue of rose. The full beard oozes confident masculinity and yet the bright platinum blonde mane of curls on top of head has this playful and unique sexiness that’s solely for him alone, no matter how many people try to replicate it. He’s beyond handsome; beautiful is more like it. I can see what makes them all go crazy, whether female or male. I understand why all eyes are on him. I’m drowning in the intrigue and yet seeking a lifeboat to get me the hell out of here.
“Eh. It’s a car.” That’s really all it is.
“I’m ready.” The sound of her dragging out the last word startled the both of us as she approached the passenger side and she playfully shooed the man out of my passenger seat and slipped inside after a brief hug with him.
“We enjoyed it O. Thanks for the invite.”
“It ain’t nothing. I’m just glad ya’ll came.”
“We’ll do it again for sure. I’ll catch up with you soon.” Their fists bumped and she closed the door behind herself. I figured that would have been the goodbye necessary for me to drive off into the night and yet his boldness continued as he stepped around to the driver’s side of the car and opened my door.
“Step out for a minute.”
“Just for one minute.” He awaited my hand to latch onto his own and it did within a couple of seconds. As soon as I was secured on my feet, he immediately drew me in for a tight hug and a soft kiss to the forehead.
“Thank you so much Sarai.”
“You’re welcome, Beckham.” The deep chuckle that rattled from his frame weakened mine.
“Am I always going to be Beckham? If you like the last name, I’m willing to share it.” And with that I drew away from him and lightheartedly mushed him out of the way. We’re not going there. Not now or ever, though I’m well aware that it’s a joke.
“Turn around. I have to sign your jersey.”
I did as he asked and stood still as he moved his marker from number to number along the back of it.
“What does it say?”  
“Read it when you get home.”
“Goodnight Sarai Nazaire.”
“What is it with you and the saying my whole name thing?”
“It’s sexy, very sexy.”
“Flirting comes natural to you, I see.”
“I’m not flirting. Flirting is filled with jokes. I’ve yet to joke with you.”
I slipped inside of the car to avoid the urge to look into his eyes once more. Closing the door create the barrier that I so badly needed. Yet again, my heart was thrashing against my chest and if I don’t get the hell away from him, I don’t think I’ll be good to drive us anywhere.
“Hit me when ya’ll get in so I’ll know you made it safe. No speeding Sarai.”
“We’ll text you.” Taylor answered for me as she messed with the radio to find a station of her liking. As I pulled away from the parking space, he stood there and watched. In my rearview window, I could see a final wave from him before he turned to walk away.
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I couldn’t be bothered with my nightly shower as I began stripping out of everything covering my body. I’ll need it in the morning when I’m dragging out of bed to prepare for work. It’ll also work with the strong ass cup of coffee I’m certainly going to need.
“Night!” Though I closed the door minutes ago, I’m sure she heard me.
As I tossed everything into the dirty clothing basket near my closet, I decided to take a peek at the signature on the back of the jersey. With the way he moved the marker, there had to be more than just his first and last name back there.
“Sarai Nazaire. There aren’t enough words to describe how thankful I am for you. Thank you for everything that you are and all that you do. You Are The Prototype.” And along the bottom was his notorious signature.
Rather than tossing it inside of the basket, I put it on a hanger and hung it up inside of the closet. My next move was to grab my phone.
Goodnight Beckham.
That’s enough for him to know that we made it in safely.
Goodnight Sarai Nazaire.
Sleep is the last thing that I’ll be able to do tonight. Whether my eyes are open or closed, all that I can see is him.  
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idek-astro · 8 years
HI everyone!
So I’ve seen this tag around blogs, and I know that it’s been out a while, but I love Hamilton and I could’t resist doing it.
If you don’t know what hamilton is, I made a brief description in a previous post, My Obsession with Hamilton
This amazing tag was created by Maureenkeavy, check out the original video here.
WARNING! there may be spoilers for The Deal by Elle Kennedy & Simple Perfection by Abbi Glines.
Let’s begin!
The room where it happens:
A book world you would put yourself into
For this one I have to go with Harry Potter. Honestly who wouldn’t want to live in that world, it’s amazing!
The Schuyler Sisters:
An underrated female character
Britt in Make me. Her whole family thinks she’s so fragile, and that’s understandable because of all that she’s been through, but she is sooo strong and smart. I just love her character!
My Shot:
A character that goes after what they want and doesn’t let anybody stop them
For this one I have to go with Prince Nicholas from Royally Screwed. He didn’t even ;et the Queen of Wessco, his grandmother, get on his way!
the most heartbreaking end to a relationship that you’ve ever read
Hannah & Garrett. Oh my gosh, Their relationship was amazing to read and I ahve to say this series is one of my favorirites!
You’ll be back:
sassiest villain
Nannette from th rosemary beach series. Oh boy, this one was a real villain and really sassy, but you get to understand her in her book.
The Reynolds Pamphlet:
a book with a twist that you didn’t see coming
After We Fell by  anna Todd. If you read this book, then you must know what I’m talking about. What Steph did to Tessa?  yeah, I didn’t see that coming.
a series that you marathoned
Oh the hashtag series is dear to my heart. I discovered the first book, #nerd, and I was hooked. I read the whole series in a week and I loved every secind of it!
favorite book with multiple POV’s
I have lots. Most of the books I read have multiple POV’s. The most recent one is Roman by Sawyer Bennett.
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story:
a book/series you feel like will be remembered throughout history
I kept thinking and trying  to find another answer,but Harry Potter is the first thing that comes to mind. People will always come back  to it, and teach their children about this amazing world.
Stay alive:
a character you wish was still alive
Jace from rosemary beach series. He didn’t even have his own story, but throughout the books we got to know him and his death really hurt.
Bonus Questions
a relationship you were pulling for from the very start.
Tracker and Lana from the Wind Dragon’s MC. I’ve loved the since the book before.
Ten dual commandments:
favorite fight scene.
Opposition from the Lux series. The las fight scene was amazing!
Say no to this:
guilty pleasure read.
Fifty shades darker and freed. Man I really wish I didn’t like this books so much. It’s the drama. They have so much drama that it’s almost overwhelming.
What comes next:
a series you wish had more books
THE VINCENT BOYS. I need more Abbi, Please!
Right hand man:
favorite Brotp
Maverick & Corbin from the sterling shore series. I honestly love them and this series so much.
Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to do this amazing tag and leave comments down below!
Hamilton book tag HI everyone! So I've seen this tag around blogs, and I know that it's been out a while, but I love Hamilton and I could't resist doing it.
1 note · View note
wthabbeyxo · 5 years
TAGGING: Stephanie Pillsburry. with mentions of Jason Sterling
LOCATION: Her dorm room
TIME FRAME: January 22, 2020, mid-afternoon.
NOTES: Steph does a youtube video, bc y not.
Stephanie had sent out a tweet earlier in the day asking for questions for a Q&A, along with doing one of the q&a things on her insta story. She knew she would have a little bit ot time after classes ended  and she could really push her school work till later in the night.
Getting back to her dorm, she changed out of her Crawford uniform and into some jeans and an over sized hoodie that she had cropped. She let her hair down from the high pony tale letting her soft ginger waves fall around her face. She set up her camera over on her desk, and fixed up her background so it wouldn’t look awful, but cute.
 She sat down in her chair, crossing her legs and started up her camera, and gave a few second pause before starting to talk.
“Heyyyy what’s up guys Stephanie here! Welcome to my channel or welcome back to my channel. I know it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been on here busy life and all, but I thought that meant for a q&a.”  Stephanie held up her phone, the popsocket between her pointer and middle finger.
“So i asked you guys on twitter and insta-stories to send me some questions. And you guys sent in some things i just cannot talk about yet buuuuuuut i might be able to say something about one of them.”
Scrolling her phone she picked the first question “Okay first question from Alexi M. ‘what’s going on with Olivia’s story line? Why haven’t we seen your normal BTS stuff’” Steph let out a sigh “Starting with a hard one.” Steph chose her words carefully  “So right now ‘Liv is going through a difficult time, and I hope everyone is tuning in to watch Port Charles to see what is happening with her and Josh. and her Brain Tumor. But, no I am not in LA right now. so that is why there has been not behind the scenes stuff, and I’m sure you don’t wanna see what i do in boring ohio.” She let out a small laugh “onto the next question”
She scrolled the questions again finding another one “Okay next from Amiela xo, she asks ‘What’s your favorite cheesy pick-up line? Have you ever used it for real?’” Steph couldn’t help but laugh the whole way through the question. “I am a sucker for being told cheesy pick up lines, a long with saying them. My favorite one though is “ Do you know what my outfit is made of? Yup, girlfriend material!” It gets the boys every time. or It just gets mine.”
Steph scrolled again. “Speaking of boyfriend. Sara anna ask ‘who is the cute boy you had on your insta stories last weekend, A+ hottie’” I was clear that Stephanie blushed reading that one out. “That is Jason, my boyfriend. I will hopefully remember to insert a few pictures popping up around my face.. But I have known him since before i could walk? We’ve been best friend since then, with all the thanks to our parents. Even with me going back and forth from Ohio to LA, he never once stopped being my friend, and the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing is working out pretty well in my opinion. Maybe I’ll do a video with him. If this video hits three thousand likes. And leave suggestions in the comments on what you’d wanna see us do!”
Steph did a few more questions, simple like, favorite color (pink), favorite thing about ohio (the fact she’s around her old best friends again), if she missed LA (thats a big DUH) but she stopped on one more question that lead her back to talking about her show. “Okay last one for the video coming from Sambamthankyah, and they asked, ‘If you could change one thing about Olvia’s story line what would it be, and how would you change it.’” Steph let out a big sigh, she could be truthful and say just rid the whole tumor story line, but she felt as if that could get her into some hot water. So running her fingers into her hair putting her phone down, she just went for it. “The one thing i would change is for Olvia’s outcome of the story line that is happening, to not end up where it goes. And that is about as detailed as i can be with that without spoilers, or me getting in trouble.” A slight laugh escaped the teen’s lips. “But if it is something i don’t have to be extra vague about maybe it would have been finding her dad earlier then when she did.” She paused for a moment before starting to wrap up.
“Well i think that is all i have time for today. Make sure you hit that subscribe button down below and ring the bell so you notified of when i upload, cause we all know youtube’s algorithm is forever changing on us. And if  you wanna follow me else where, all my social medias are stephxopills. And don’t forget to comment down below  if you wanna see Jason and I do a video together, and what kind you wanna see! Bye guys!” She  waved, waiting a few second before turning off the camera. Now it was just editing that down to a fifteen minute video
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torentialtribute · 5 years
England stars fought back tears after their World Cup defeat… but earned right to be adored
Phil Neville is not in favor of infiltrating his meeting after the game with his English players. Here the lens was just enough to pick up a crucial part.
& # 39; I am the proudest man … & # 39; It is a pride that will be mirrored over his country this morning. Three weeks in France have brought a significant part of the football audience home and it is not hard to imagine that posters of Bronze, Parris and White can move alongside those of Sterling and Kane in girls' bedrooms walls next season
<img id = "i-9bfee84f38d1237a" src = "https://ift.tt/2RO4L06 23 / 15554994-0-image-a-30_1562104891369.jpg "height =" 402 "width =" 634 "alt =" Lucy Bronze was in tears after the full-time whistle after the loss of England against America the full-time whistle signal after England & # 39; s loss against America "
Lucy Bronze was in tears after the full-time whistle after England & # 39; s loss against America
England players comfort Steph Houghton full time after his crucial penalty miss in Lyon "
<img id =" i-4b6903b44637e5bd "src =" https://ift.tt/305gPND /02/23/15554976-0-image-a-31_1562104897723.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-4b6903b44637e5bd" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/23/15554976-0-image-a-31_1562104897723.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-4b6903b44637e5bd" src = "https://ift.tt/2XGctil" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "England players console Steph Houghton on full time after his crucial penalty miss in Lyon
England players comfort Steph Houghton full time after his crucial penalty miss in Lyon
If that's what it is is a mission accomplished n some important ways.
Nevertheless, failure still feels like top sport failure and the Steph Houghton and Lucy Bronze fought tears during Neville & # 39; s speech before them, it was undoubtedly because they knew that England had just let rare opportunities slip away .
This was a game that could have been dealt with early. America – without a doubt the best team in the world – was enormously superior in the first half. Even without the influential Megan Rapinoe – absent-wounded – they were too smart, too smooth and too sharp for a side of England that hung a little from the very first moments.
<img id = "i-b6b8739eebfe57ec" src = "https://ift.tt/306AkVW -39_1562105216026.jpg "height =" 414 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-b6b8739eebfe57ec" src = "https://ift.tt/2RO4L06 23 / 15555046-0-image-m-39_1562105216026.jpg "height =" 414 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-b6b8739eebfe57ec" src = "https://ift.tt/2NyDsEw /1s/2019/07/02/23/15555046-0-image-m-39_1562105216026.jpg "height =" 414 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-b6b8739eebfe57ec" src = "https: //i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/23/15555046-0-image-m-39_1562105216026.jpg "height =" 414 "width =" 634 "alt =" Cameras names manager Phil Neville (center) and told his players that he & # 39; proud & # 39; on them was "class =" blkBorder img – Phil Neville [in het midden] told his players that he was & # 39; proud of them & # 39;
Cameras took on manager Phil Neville (center) and told players that he & # 39; proud & # 39; on them was
Had the US added a nice early goal by Christian Press, they would probably have rolled out England. But football will inevitably punish teams that do not benefit from superiority and here, deep in a game that Neville & # 39; s team had never had control of, they had the chance to see something unexpected.
VAR did not help them and then helped them. Ellen White was perhaps a few inches offside when she ran through to defeat Alyssa Naeher in the US goal. It was the right decision to destroy the goal, but the fact remains that the offside rule must be reviewed in its entirety. It is currently not a rule that helps the game.
Regarding the late punishment awarded to England, my goodness. It was never a penalty, no matter how often it is looked at and how many corners. It was a hopeless decision from the Brazilian referee, but nevertheless it gave England the chance to make extra time. At that time, with both teams weakened by the heat, all bets had been eliminated. It would have been someone & # 39; s game.
<img id = "i-aa77afdbe823f5bd" src = "https://ift.tt/2XQQGVn image-a-38_1562105073752.jpg "height =" 399 "width =" 634 "alt =" The former defender of Manchester United puts an arm around Houghton after the defeat "Houghton after the defeat
The former defender of Manchester United lays an arm around Houghton after the defeat
Ellen White (center) was marginally offside and her equalizer to make it a 2-2 score was excluded "
Ellen White (center) was marginally offside (19459023) <img id = "i-b385692792909c29" src = "https://ift.tt/306AlsY image-a-35_1562105024872.jpg "height =" 381 "width =" 634 "alt =" Ellen White (center) was marginally offside and her equalizer to make it 2-2 was out of the question and her equalizer to make it 2- 2 of them was excluded
[1 9459002] But when the moment came, England did not get it. For all the good things they have done in France, there are no penalties on the English list. Perhaps Houghton, the captain, felt she had to screw up in a figurative and literal way. [Bewerken] [bewerken] See also. If it were, it was commendable. But defenders who take penalties never look good – unless they are specialists – and here Houghton's stairs were weak. Naeher made it comfortable and with that the race was run in England.
So what do we do about this journey through what we hope will one day see it as a breakthrough? The truth of England's performance is that they return home with a pair score.
This was a tournament with significant differences between teams and it could be claimed that they played well, lost England. However, that would be to ignore the convincing and enterprising football England played during early victories. It is there – and in the new, attractive style played under Neville – that we can find the true value from this side. Neville has undoubtedly moved England forward, but not – as we have always feared – enough to win the World Cup.
<img id = "i-29e76ec4067e3376" src = "https://ift.tt/2XGGs9H image-a-36_1562105031304.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-29e76ec4067e3376" src = "https://ift.tt/305gPND /02/23/15548938-0-image-a-36_1562105031304.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-29e76ec4067e3376" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/23/15548938-0-image-a-36_1562105031304.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Earlier on their was joy
Earlier on their jubilation vote for White as her strike canceled Christian Press & # 39;
Earlier at her jubilation vote for White when her strike canceled Christian Press & # 39; opener & # 39;
Besides that this was an educational tournament for many of us, we can now stop talking about smaller goals and smaller pitches for the women.
Comparisons with the men's bet struggles are also meaningless. It was a worthy debate, but the evidence of this tournament suggests that we can leave the best good alone. Aided by the fact that it was shown live on free TV, women's football at elitist level has revealed itself to a new audience. Some will stay, some will drift, and those who never wanted to watch in the first place, now turn on their television and wait for the Premier League to start.
But when September arrives and with it the start of the Women & # 39; s Super League, we will know the names and faces of footballers who were previously unknown to many and if that irritates some, they really understand sport not and what it should be
Nevertheless, there will be no open bus ride for Neville and his players. Not this time. If we want real World Cup glory this summer, it has to be on the cricket ground.
<img id = "i-849cdc4e4a43f374" src = "https://ift.tt/306Am00 image-a-37_1562105068357.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-849cdc4e4a43f374" src = "https://ift.tt/305gPND /02/23/15555076-0-image-a-37_1562105068357.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-849cdc4e4a43f374" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/23/15555076-0-image-a-37_1562105068357.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Fans in France and at home in England have this year women's football in their hearts
This year, fans in France and at home in England have taken women's football in their hearts
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English identity and being white (5)
A personal reflection by Sunder Katwala, Director, British Future
Nobody told me when I was eight years old that there was any question of whether I was English. It was the first national identity crisis that I can remember: would Kevin Keegan would be fit to go to Spain for the 1982 World Cup? I was football-mad kid. The newsagent kept a reserved copy of Shoot! Magazine for me every week. How could anyone think that England’s prospects were none of my business?
Like most people, I had a national identity a long time before I held of any theories about national identity. I probably started out as “equally English and British” without hearing about how sociologists ask people to weight the relative importance of our different national identities, given that our teams competed under both names in different sports. Realising that I was English may even have come first, by a random quirk of sporting chronology. Having had no memory at all of the 1980 Moscow Olympics, when I was just six, I do remember being glued to the 1984 Games beamed in from Los Angeles. After a fierce controversy about whether the South African teenager Zola Budd should be allowed to become British, I saw Seb Coe, Daley Thompson and Tessa Sanderson win gold medals for Britain. Whether you could be black and British was not something that my ten year old self would have assumed was a settled question, though some people were pleasantly surprised to see that confirmed again, by Linford Christie draped in the Union Jack in Barcelona in 1992, or even when Mo Farah won his gold medals at the London Olympics another two decades later.
Of course, my teenage self gradually became aware that national identity was more controversial and contested than I had realised as a child. Attending football matches in the 1980s introduced me to vocal and visceral public racism, and then to anti-racism too. I heard Cyrille Regis talk about receiving a bullet in the post warning him not to step on to the Wembley turf to play for England. I saw bananas thrown at John Barnes – and heard that England fans had chanted “one-nil” when he scored his brilliant, mazy goal against Brazil in the Maracana, to put England two-nil up. Black goals didn’t count was the theory, for those whose allegiance to the National Front trumped celebrating the team’s best player. Who should be allowed to be English was clearly something that some people wanted to argue about.
I didn’t know much about politics – but politicians seemed to have a lot to say about sport and identity. When I was sixteen, Norman Tebbit declared that a large proportion of Britain’s Asians failed to pass his cricket test. “Which side do they cheer for? Its an interesting test. Are you still harking back to where you came from or where you are?”
I didn’t like that. My Dad had been here over two decades. Expecting him to ditch India for England to prove his loyalty to this country didn’t seem realistic or fair. Its not how identity works – and it wasn’t really cricket. But my main problem with this “cricket test” was that I had always passed it. I vividly recall my Dad jumping dementedly around the living room as the underdogs India defeated the invincible West Indies in the 1983. I was happy that they won – but it was his team, rather than mine. Still, the test really wasn’t cricket. I still supported England – though not really, to be honest, against that brilliant West Indies team of Viv Richards – but kept rather quieter about it. Insistent demands for assimilation can set back the thing that they claim to want.
My eighteen year old self would have been considerably “more British than English”, though undoubtedly still both. The public image of Englishness was too exclusive, too aggressive, with supporters marauding around European capitals, singing “if it wasn’t for the English you’d be Krauts”. I got involved in efforts to change that, among football supporters, using the St George’s Flag at Wembley to promote a more positive patriotism. And I became much more confident about being English – again – after the glorious football summer of 1996, in which “football coming home” told a much softer story of a celebratory English identity, not arrogantly expecting victory, but proud of our role as hosts and never giving up hope of one day winning again. 
What do we take from this?
The new YouGov findings for the Centre for English Identity and Politics will come as a pleasant surprise to some.  If Englishness has been largely left to fend for itself, it has done much better than we might have expected. Perhaps we owe rather a lot to John Barnes and Paul Ince, and now to Raheem Sterling, Moeen Ali and Nikita Parris as powerful exemplars of how our country has changed. We have left Gareth Southgate and Lionessses captain Steph Houghton to be narrators of our modern English identity, inviting us all to be part of and support our team, partly because so few others in public life have stepped up.
But it is important to understand that the inclusive Englishness we recognise in sport could also reflect the latent, under-recognised and under-articulated everyday lived reality of England today. 
These findings make me wonder if we have rather underestimated the importance of a “birth-right claim” to English identity as a potential driver of inclusion rather than exclusion.  We worry, naturally, about an exclusive “nativism” in the era of Trump and Salvini. But perhaps we have overlooked how birthright claims have an inclusive impact too. If being born in England is an important, undeniable claim to be English then this inevitably expands the group of who we, the English, are. 
Migrants to Britain like my Dad understood that they were invited to be British: that is what his new passport said. Nobody talked to him about Englishness; migrants to England have rarely identified as English. But that was different for their children, born British, in England. There was no sense for us of “keeping a suitcase packed, just in case” as first generation migrants would sometimes say, metaphorically or actually, when recalling the Powellite era. That birthright confidence that there was nowhere to send us back to extended to a stake in Englishness too.
After all, I was born in a hospital in Doncaster, in Yorkshire, in England on an April day in 1974. My parents had come from India and Ireland to work for the NHS. That is a very British story. But if you are born in England, and grow up in England, or you ever visit friends in Scotland in a United Kingdom increasingly aware that it is a multi-national polity, then it gradually becomes obvious that it is an English story too.
That is why there has been a significant and quiet inter-generational shift – from a sense of belonging to England to the right to stake a claim to English identity. Perhaps seeing John Barnes or Paul Ince on the TV helped to clinch the point – but, once you thought about it, it became obvious that you didn’t need to be called up to play for the national team to share the English identity too. 
Sport can have an unrivalled symbolic power. Nations are imagined communities, where we share something with millions of people that we don’t know. Shared experiences can make us a community of fate, sharing memories of victories and agonising defeats, that become stories of who we are and what we hope for together.  But sport has had an outsized importance, because English identity has so often been invisible outside of the stadium. England has so few institutions – beyond a football, cricket and rugby team, unless we remember a Church famous mainly for being somewhat agnostic.  There is a striking contrast with Scotland – which, for a long time, placed far too great a burden on glorious sporting failure as the symbol of a nation, until a much broader cultural, political and social renaissance in shaping a modern Scottish identity meant that much less would ride on dodgy refereeing decisions on the pitch.  It is time for Englishness to follow suit.
It is not so difficult to be mixed race, English and British, to be black and Asian and English, but that discourse lacks the familiarity of a decisively civic and multi-ethnic Britishness.  We may have seen – and shared and enjoyed - an inclusive Englishness, as a “show not tell” phenomena on the pitch. We have done less to develop a way of talking about English identity that reflected that reality.
These new findings show that is increasingly recognised and accepted – across the generations – as a broadening of the category of who we, the English, are, that most people think now reflects who we, the English, are today. We might not win the women’s football World Cup or the cricket World Cup this summer – but it is good to have some good news about England. It should increase our confidence that we can shape the inclusive Englishness that we want to share.
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
99 NBA predictions for the inevitable, incredible 2017-2018 season
Yes, the Warriors are going to win it all. No, you don’t know what else will happen. Yet.
The 2017-18 NBA season tips off on Tuesday. After a completely wild offseason that saw several All-Stars change teams via trade and free agency, and coming off a thoroughly dominant revenge season for the Golden State Warriors, everyone is excited to see what’s going to happen.
So allow me to spoil it all for you by telling you exactly what’s going to happen this season. From the All-Star Game to the broader league narratives to the playoff races, I’ve spelled out 99 big predictions for you.
The predictions are organized into 11 topics, with nine predictions in each. These range from the silly to the serious, from the no-brainer to the completely unbelievable. Don’t hold the crazier ones against me if they fail to materialize, please.
Without further ado ...
The Warriors
Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
The Warriors will win the championship. Sorry, I should have stuck a spoiler alert on this one.
The Warriors will go 16-0 in the playoffs. We’ve seen this team set impossible goals and achieve them. We saw this team go 12-0 through the Western Conference. We’ve heard Draymond Green declare how mad he was the Warriors didn’t sweep the Cavaliers in the 2017 Finals. It’s happening. 16-0 is happening.
The Warriors will accidentally win 73 games. It would actually be difficult for this team to lose, especially with new rules limiting the number of starters who can legitimately rest in road games. (I won’t put it past Steve Kerr to make up fake ailments to get his guys some rest, of course.)
Steph Curry will have a 60-point game. His current career high is 54. That’s a very soft career high!
Kevin Durant will have a 60-point game, too. Durant’s career high is also 54. This is also very soft!
Klay Thompson will live the best life.
The Nick Young-JaVale McGee friendship will be one of the most lovely stories of the season. The last time this duo was together had darker overtones as the Wizards foundered. They were goofs helping to hold an immature team back. No longer. Now they are the goofs helping a bored hegemon have fun.
The Warriors will drop regular season-games to the Thunder, Spurs, and Rockets. These results will give those teams and their fans false hope.
Steve Kerr will pen op-eds in The Washington Post, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal. He will also publish an essay on democratic norms in the New Yorker, do an interview with the Paris Review, write a first-person essay for Vox.com, and endorse quite early in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.
The Narratives
Prepare for the G League to become a big deal. We’re nearing the point where every NBA team has a G League team. The NBA is debuting two-way contracts this season. We’re closer than ever to true farm league status. Pay attention. The teams that have embraced the G League are getting great value from it.
The age minimum will finally get solved. In 2011, the NBA and players’ union vowed to fix the age minimum outside of collective bargaining. Then the union leadership imploded and took forever to hire a new executive director, David Stern retired, and the Donald Sterling saga happened. Before we knew it, it was time to negotiate a new labor deal. But this time, I believe the NBA and players’ union are sincere in wanting to change the age rules in some way. Adam Silver has even admitted publicly that it’s not working.
Franchise owners, writers, and fans will continue to complain about superteams. Water is wet.
The Last Tank will be a massive story all year, thanks to a dope draft class. You’re going to have the Knicks and Bulls — two of the league’s most famous franchises -- chasing lottery balls all year. You have at least three potential franchise cornerstones in Luka Doncic, Marvin Bagley, and Michael Porter. You have lottery reform. It’s a stew of weird attention.
LeBron’s offseason plans will be a constant source of delight and frustration. Seriously, are you ready for it?
LaVar Ball actually has a son in the NBA now. All of that attention the sports media complex (myself included) lavished on him came before his kid even debuted in the league. FML.
Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images
All-Star Weekend will be a wonderful league showcase, belying the controversy over 2019 in Charlotte. Last season’s All-Star move from Charlotte to New Orleans over an anti-LGBTQ law in North Carolina showed the league making a political stand for decency. The NBA has already agreed to return to Charlotte in 2019 after what many consider a weak reform to that anti-LGBTQ law passed. No one will talk about that this year. That’s good in the short-term for the NBA ... but it’s a ticking controversy bomb.
NBA stars will not protest during the national anthem ... but at least one player will test the league’s willingness to punish those who do. LeBron has repeatedly indicated that he will not kneel during the anthem, and the Warriors are unlikely to do so, either. But some player out there will sit or kneel in solidarity with NFL players who have done so this season and last. And we’ll all look askance at Adam Silver to see if he’s serious about enforcing the NBA’s rule on standing during the anthem. (Meanwhile, in the midst of all that, we aren’t talking about the reasons NFL players are protesting.)
Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images
NBA players and coaches will continue to speak out about the President’s policies and tone. This is the important piece: the league’s faces will assuredly continue to use their outsized voices to raise objections to what is happening at the head of the federal government. It remains to be seen whether this translates into direct support for efforts to limit the impacts of the administration’s action. Speaking in generalities about decency and democracy in media availability is one thing. Raising money and awareness of actual organizations doing the heavy lifting on this issue is another.
What about LeBron?
LeBron is going to drive us crazy this season. I mean, this has already begun with his visit to a private school in Los Angeles over the summer with his wife. He explained it away as needing a place to work out after a long commercial shoot, but no one buys it. There will be more little flirtatious nuggets of news throughout the season that will point toward a Los Angeles sojourn for LeBron this summer. It’s going to drive us crazy.
Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images
LeBron isn’t going to try to score 50 on the Celtics. That isn’t LeBron’s style. He wants to beat teams he’s mad about, and he knows he can do that most effectively by using the full breadth of his talents. So opening night when the Cavaliers face the Celtics, expect fireworks ... but not a scoring explosion.
LeBron will continue to pick his spots to get political. James isn’t the most political NBA star, but he understands his power and has a clear point of view about human decency. That’s what led to “U Bum” and it’s what will lead to the next conflagration. But don’t expect him to get political every week. That’s not him.
LeBron will become the seventh player in NBA history with 30,000 career points. He’ll do it around All-Star weekend, joining Karl Malone, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Wilt Chamberlain, and Dirk Nowitzki. He won’t catch anyone yet, though.
The G.O.A.T. debate will get louder. If LeBron wins another MVP and leads the Cavaliers to yet another NBA Finals — even if he can’t beat the Warriors as presently constructed — the calls to compare him favorably to Michael Jordan will get only louder. You’re beginning to see more converts in the media willing to say it out loud.
LeBron will hype up Isaiah Thomas more than he ever did Kyrie. This isn’t so much a once-bitten, twice-shy scenario, but there’s something most NBA players seem to admire in Isaiah that makes him easy to embrace. LeBron will do so after having a long “work relationship” with Kyrie.
The LeBron-Dwyane Wade friendship will be hilarious and sweet. We lost the Road Trippin’ tag team when Richard Jefferson got traded for luxury tax relief, but at least we have Peanut Butter and Jelly.
PB&J ..We got a lot of work to do as a team but it felt good to be back on the court with my guy @kingjames &⚡️!!!
A post shared by dwyanewade (@dwyanewade) on Oct 10, 2017 at 9:26pm PDT
LeBron will be the dean of All-Star weekend. James’ pride in his own career and his status within the league is more important than his desire to lay low at this point. Plus, All-Star is in Los Angeles, which will make it even more of a circus than usual.
LeBron will remain in Cleveland, but somehow assemble the Banana Boat. This prediction extends beyond the season, of course. I think his desire to be “home” and help the children of Akron exceeds his desire to spend half the regular season in Southern California, especially when that means dealing with the stacked Western Conference, risking his Finals streak, and potentially dealing with LaVar Ball every day. But another defeat at the hands of the Warriors will sting, leading him to convince the front office to bring in Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony, even if it costs those two, LeBron, and Wade lots of cash, the Nets pick, and/or Kevin Love.
The Transactions
Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images
Expect more Klay Thompson rumors. There’s like no chance the Warriors trade him this season, but he’s a free agent in 2019 and no one expects him to take less money to help out Joe Lacob. Thompson really does not seem like a guy who takes less money ever. He doesn’t have Nike or Under Armour money (no shots at Anta) and he has not seemed to embrace opportunity in Silicon Valley like Kevin Durant or Andre Iguodala. If Lacob gets antsy about an even bigger tax bill in 2019-20 as salary cap growth stagnates, he might direct the front office to look for a younger, cheaper replacement for Thompson on the market.
Isaiah Thomas vs. The Max. When Isaiah gets back on the court, you know he’s going to get questions about his offseason contract expectations. Isaiah has been underpaid his entire career. He wants to get paid, and he should get paid ... if his hip checks out. That could cause some friction as Isaiah speaks up and the Cavaliers (smartly) demure.
That Nets pick is getting traded. The Cavaliers, as presently constructed, are not going to beat the Warriors as presently constructed. Cleveland has the Nets’ unprotected pick thanks to the Kyrie deal. It has been presented as an insurance policy in the event LeBron leaves. Forget that. Use it while you have LeBron to boost your chances of winning another title. What is more likely to persuade LeBron to stay in Cleveland: a very competitive Finals against an unbeatable opponent that may or may not result in a title, or the promise of a good rookie next season? Come on. Trade the pick for an All-Star.
DeMarcus Cousins is not getting traded. There have been suggestions that if the Pelicans come out flat, New Orleans could flip Boogie (possibly for that Nets pick). For one, I think the Pels will be pretty good, and there’s no way New Orleans sacrifices a playoff run with Anthony Davis for a future asset. But here’s the flip side to that: if the Pelicans are bad, Cousins will invariably take the blame, tanking his already low trade value. Plus he’s going into free agency in 2018. No way.
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Jahlil Okafor will be traded, and will thrive for a while. It’s been a long time coming. How hard must it be to give it your all in a situation where you know you aren’t wanted, especially as a relatively young person who is accustomed to massive success.
Nerlens Noel will get traded. Noel’s restricted free agency was completely bizarre, and his decision to sign the qualifying offer clearly angered the Mavericks. Dallas didn’t give up much to land Noel a year ago, and so it can justify flipping him for a low first if it determines in January it doesn’t plan on paying what it requires to keep him in the summer.
Eric Bledsoe will be traded. Bledsoe is on an old cap deal, due less than $30 million over two seasons. Phoenix is still not ready to win, and the Suns can’t believe Bledsoe will re-sign in 2019. Bledsoe would have been a more likely option for the Cavaliers before Dwyane Wade signed on. He’d be a brilliant fit for the Jazz or Bucks if they have the pieces to make it work.
Andre Drummond will again be in the rumor mill, and it will again amount to nothing. Drummond is a player whose potential still far outshines the reality. It’s really hard to trade those players because defining what good value looks like is really difficult. It’s clear he doesn’t mesh with Stan Van Gundy at all. Even with Van Gundy pulling the strings in Detroit, finding a taker who will offer the goods is a problem.
The Nuggets will be active. No team looks more thirsty for a playoff bid than Denver — remember the Dwyane Wade chase a year ago, and the Paul Millsap victory this summer, plus that awful Mason Plumlee-Jusuf Nurkic trade at the last deadline. That roster is still wildly unbalanced with youth and potential in the backcourt and veterans (plus Nikola Jokic) up front. Expect attempts to balance it all into a cohesive collection of talent. (The defensive upside still remains wholly questionable.)
The All-Star Game
Joel Embiid will be an All-Star starter. He came awful close a year ago as he expanded his fan base beyond the borders of Philadelphia and, uh, actually played NBA basketball. His fan voting campaign is likely to take on a life of its own, and he may even get a boost from media or player voters if he plays enough games and minutes. We know he’ll put up numbers if he can get out there.
Stephen Curry and LeBron James will be your captains. Remember, the leading vote-getter in each of the Eastern and Western conferences will pick rosters based off the All-Stars chosen through traditional methods. LeBron is almost a lock in the East, barring injury. Curry could definitely be beaten by Kevin Durant, James Harden, or Russell Westbrook for top billing out West, but he has won the honor last year, and I’m betting that holds.
Given the chance, LeBron will steal a Warrior. As I understand it, the captains will pick the other eight starters first (to ensure each team has five) and then start picking from the reserves. Assuming LeBron and either Curry or Durant are captains, and assuming LeBron is the overall leading vote-getter, and assuming the NBA determines that gives him first pick among the other starters ... LeBron would probably pick the available player out of Curry and Durant, just to break up the Warriors and add some intrigue. Don’t count out LeBron drafting his frenemy Draymond Green, too.
Neither Kevin Durant nor Russell Westbrook will draft each other. The prospect of either one being the West captain and passing up on the best All-Star style player on the board should LeBron go first and pick Curry is magical. It’s too bad LeBron would definitely want both of them on his team.
Photo by J Pat Carter/Getty Images
Joel Embiid will be the last starter picked, and will savage the other team for it. It appears that the draft will happen in advance of actual All-Star weekend: I bet they’ll roll it into the getaway TNT game before the break so Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley can chuckle about it. So whoever is the last starter picked will have time to stew before arriving in Los Angeles. Unless a goofy fan vote like Zaza Pachulia makes it as a starter, or a low-glamour wing like Gordon Hayward is named a starter, Embiid might be the last dude picked. Anyone think Embiid would take that in stride with his Twitter Army at his back?
LeBron is going to snub the hell out of Kyrie Irving. The one conditional exception to the above: if the West captain starts taking other players over Kyrie for various reasons, there’s no way LeBron is going to take him. Imagine the nation of Georgia and country singers and Warriors Nation all conspire to make Zaza an All-Star starter over Kawhi Leonard. Imagine LeBron and Curry are the captains. LeBron took Durant, Westbrook, and Embiid. Curry takes Anthony Davis, Giannis Antetokounmpo, and DeMar DeRozan. LeBron’s up and the choices are Kyrie Irving and Zaza Pachulia. You don’t get an opportunity like that every day.
James Harden will not be a starter. He narrowly edged Westbrook last season. The Thunderian’s MVP and boosted team, in concert with Chris Paul shaving down Harden’s gaudy stats a little, should get Westbrook there.
Goran Dragic will be an All-Star. No offense to the Slovenian, but this says as much about the East as it does Goran Dragic. (He’s really good, though.)
The game will still be mostly non-competitive. The NBA and players’ union — led by Michael Jordan and Chris Paul respectively on this topic — think they found a way to turn the All-Star Game from a playful, non-competitive exhibition into an actual game by revising the team make-up and putting charity money on the line. Wrong. No one’s playing real defense here.
The MVP Race
LeBron will be the NBA MVP. It isn’t as if LeBron lacks help with Kevin Love, Dwyane Wade, and (eventually) Isaiah Thomas. But this is a perception thing, and Cleveland should be out in front in the East. LeBron is by far the best player in his conference, and he’s led teams to the Finals every year since 2011. He’s in the driver’s seat.
Kawhi Leonard will be No. 2, and has the best shot to beat LeBron. Leonard finished second when Steph Curry won it unanimously, and third last season behind Russell Westbrook and James Harden. The issue here is that he’s starting the season injured, and he’s likely to rest frequently throughout the season. There’s also a non-zero chance that the Spurs aren’t quite up to their elite standard this season given some player personnel losses.
Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images
Paul George will hurt Westbrook’s case. Let’s just say that Westbrook is unlikely to average a triple-double again. Westbrook will still be a top-flight scorer, but holding the ball less should reduce his assist numbers, and he has a solid rebounding team around him.
Chris Paul will hurt James Harden’s case. Harden’s problem with MVP hasn’t been a lack of stats or wins. It’s been timing. He ran into Curry and Westbrook buzzsaws at the wrong time. But CP3 will have the ball a whole lot more than Patrick Beverley ever did, which should reduce Harden’s gaudy numbers and hurt his MVP shot.
This @CP3 finish! http://pic.twitter.com/Tgm0GsR8Wl
— Houston Rockets (@HoustonRockets) October 12, 2017
Stephen Curry is never winning another MVP. This is not because he did not deserve the prior two MVP awards. It’s mostly because his team lost the NBA Finals to a LeBron-led team in 2016, and then grabbed another top-5 player to strike back. Honestly, this also means that ...
Kevin Durant has an added difficulty level in winning MVP. Remember how some voters kept LeBron off their 2011 MVP ballot, despite him being clearly no worse than the No. 3 player in the league that season? (I think he was No. 1 or 2.) People hold decisions they don’t like against the protagonists. LeBron eventually won two more MVPs, but Durant has a lower margin for error with such great co-stars and such heavy competition. That voter melt matters more.
Giannis Antetokounmpo is not there yet. Almost. The Bucks need to be better.
Jimmy Butler will get some push. If the Timberwolves are as good as many expect them to be, Butler will definitely get a push for ballot inclusion. You know, the old “Chris Paul belongs in the MVP conversation!” that gets a player a bunch of fifth-place votes. Get ready for it.
Ultra dark horse contender: Anthony Davis. If the Pelicans finally put it together and win close to 50 games — we can dream, right? -- The Brow needs to be in the conversation. You might think he gets dinged for having All-Star help in DeMarcus Cousins. Narratives can be framed that he’s the guy who finally took Cousins to the playoffs, though.
The Other Awards
A Timberwolf will win Most Improved Player. I once renounced this award as illegitimate because it only ever rewarded the player who got the biggest minutes played jump. But voters have seen the light and begun awarding it more appropriately -- Giannis was an inspired choice last year — and so Most Improved is back in my good graces. That said, I think team influence will matter a lot, and Minnesota’s expected improvement should help Karl-Anthony Towns or Andrew Wiggins get the nod.
Jusuf Nurkic is the dark horse Most Improved Player. This is tough, because a lot of people already consider Nurkic a basketball god. To get Nurkic MIP, we have to convince everyone he’s not actually already perfect. We have our work cut out for us. One more dark horse while we’re here: Justin Holiday. Okay, one more: literally any Charlotte Hornet other than Dwight Howard, Kemba Walker, and Nicolas Batum.
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If Norm Powell comes off the bench, he’s my Sixth Man of the Year favorite. As of press time, it’s not clear whether Powell or C.J. Miles will be the full-time starter at small forward in Toronto. I would encourage Dwane Casey to choose Miles, both for basketball reasons and to help make this prediction come true. Powell is a dynamo scorer ready to break out into the continental consciousness.
The Clippers have intriguing Sixth Man options in a post-Crawford world. Jamal Crawford, eternal Sixth Man candidate, went to Minnesota. But the Clippers still have two intriguing options for Sixth Man of the Year. The first happens if Milos Teodosic comes off the bench behind Patrick Beverley. Milos will be on “SportsCenter” every night due to his brash passing, so he’ll get juice off just that. Milos, however, might end up a starter alongside Beverley — especially if Austin Rivers is playing more small forward. That opens up the award contention for Sweet Lou Williams, a perennial contender.
Draymond Green will be the Defensive Player of the Year. There’s nothing more to say. Apologies to Rudy Gobert and Kawhi Leonard. Green is at that status where he should automatically win it as long as he plays 70 games.
Tom Thibodeau will be the Coach of the Year. Ending Minnesota’s long playoff drought will have been the work of Towns, Wiggins, and Jimmy Butler, primarily. But Thibodeau is the front office boss, as well, and he’s so damn respected among the media that he’ll get the nod as long as Minnesota is a comfortable playoff team.
Rookie of the Year is going to be a wonderful race I am not going to handicap. Last season’s ROY race was impossible because of a dearth of good candidates. This season’s ROY race is going to be overloaded with worthy contenders. I refuse to pick just one right now. Not even Milos.
The BEST of @MilosTeodosic4 for the @LAClippers in the #NBAPreseason! http://pic.twitter.com/e1DjvcAmuL
— NBA (@NBA) October 15, 2017
It will not be Markelle Fultz, though. It’s pretty clear that Ben Simmons will be more productive than Fultz this season, and that Joel Embiid will soak up attention and credit for any success Philadelphia has. Fultz’s narrative this season is not off to a great success with his jumper weirdness. Sorry, Markelle.
Here are your 2017-18 All-NBA teams. On the first team we have Stephen Curry, Russell Westbrook, LeBron James, Kawhi Leonard, and Karl-Anthony Towns. On the second team we have James Harden, Kyrie Irving, Anthony Davis, Kevin Durant, and Rudy Gobert. On the third team, we have John Wall, Chris Paul, Jimmy Butler, Blake Griffin, and DeAndre Jordan. The biggest snubs include DeMar DeRozan (an outrage!), Damian Lillard (unconscionable!), Draymond Green (disrespectful!), and DeMarcus Cousins (no comment).
Welcome To Tankville
The last real year of tanking will be a barn-burner. Beginning with the 2018-19 season, the worst three teams will have identical draft lottery odds of winning a top pick, and the odds won’t be much worse for the fourth- and fifth-worst teams. But this year, the old rules remain in place: bad teams have significant incentives to be worse than other bad teams. The bad teams that own their own draft picks won’t ignore that. Get ready for the tank.
The Knicks are going to be the worst team in the NBA. This isn’t totally all about trading Carmelo Anthony. This is about committing to the future fully. Scott Perry, the team’s new front office leader, won’t ignore that it behooves the team to bottom out right now. That will inform the moves he makes. Jeff Hornacek is probably sick of losing, but his roster doesn’t have many winning pieces. Kristaps Porzingis will likely be an All-Star, but this team is going to be really bad. The good news is that a good shot at Luka Doncic awaits!
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The Pacers will be close. Losing Paul George, C.J. Miles, and Jeff Teague is such a drain on this team’s passing ability and versatility. It’s going to be a long season for Nate McMillan and the few veterans (like Al Jefferson) on the squad. But hey, Lance Stephenson is around! [hits face on desk]
The Nets will also be bad. Brooklyn again has no reason to tank: its pick will go to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Unfortunately, as Kenny Atkinson and the crew learned last season, a lack of incentive to lose doesn’t mean you won’t lose lots of games. Trading away Brook Lopez was smart for the long-term — D’Angelo Russell has promise — but it doesn’t help win right now. Allen Crabbe is gonna score a bunch, though.
The Kings are the worst in the West. Unless Phoenix trades Eric Bledsoe, the Suns have a blue-chip top-50 player. The Kings ... do not. What’s more, Sacramento owes its 2019 pick, so time is of the essence to bottom out completely. The Kings are one George Hill injury from winning 20 games.
The Lakers will ascend to mediocrity. Lonzo Ball will make L.A. so fun to watch, and Brook Lopez will give them a blue-chip player to orbit around. But the depth is disastrous and I am deeply concerned about the shooting. Thirty wins seems right.
The BEST of the @Lakers from the #NBAPreseason! http://pic.twitter.com/bviUWCKX1R
— NBA (@NBA) October 15, 2017
The Hawks won’t be hideous. The Bulls will. Atlanta has a bad roster, don’t get me wrong. But the system abides and the Hawks should be able to pull some improbable wins out of their hats. Chicago, though? Unless Zach LaVine comes back early, Justin Holiday chases Most Improved Player, and Kris Dunn develops quickly, this season is one long search for Doncic.
The Process is over. No NBA draft lottery party in Philadelphia this year. It’s the end of an era!
There will be a surprise tank team. I’m not saying it’s definitely going to be the Mavericks, but ... it’s probably going to be the Mavericks.
The West
The Rockets will be a clear No. 2 seed in the West. The Thunder added a bunch of firepower and retained the most important pieces of their core, but I question their depth, especially at the point. Houston is built to survive road trips, long stretches, and injuries.
The Thunder and Spurs will battle for the No. 3 seed, which means avoiding the Warriors in Round 1. San Antonio has to be concerned about Kawhi Leonard’s preseason injury and the age of the frontcourt. But the Spurs just win games. The Thunder should be improved enough to make a run at No. 3 with 55 or so wins.
The drop-off between No. 4 and No. 5 will be enormous. There are really four tiers in the West: the Warriors, the three teams chasing them, the eight other teams who are realistically aiming for a playoff spot, and the cellar dwellers. Four of those eight playoff chasers will make the postseason, but my prediction is that six or seven of the team will fall within six wins. Forty-five wins might get you the No. 5 seed, and 41 means you’re out.
The Timberwolves will end their playoff drought. Hallelujah! The curse of Kahn is over! But I don’t expect many more than 44 or 45 wins. Even that is asking a lot, despite the arrival of Jimmy Butler.
The Clippers are in. Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan remain a deadly combo, and the depth is not as bad as you might think.
The Blazers are in. Last season was a disappointment that narrowly resulted in a playoff berth thanks to an inspired February trade for Jusuf Nurkic. I’d expect Portland to come off the starting line hotter and get a few extra wins.
The Pelicans win the last playoff spot on the final day of the season. I have New Orleans sneaking in past the Jazz, Grizzlies, Nuggets, and Mavericks. Utah has an elite defense but too little offense. Denver has an elite offense but too little defense. Dallas is in transition and may be closer to the No. 15 team than the No. 8. The Grizzlies are depending too heavily on magic and Chandler Parsons. Anthony Davis is too damn good to keep missing the playoffs, no matter what misfortune begets his team.
The Lakers will look frisky early and fade away as defenses figure out Lonzo Ball. The team’s defense is also going to be a real disaster. Again.
The Suns might be one of the most fun terrible teams ever. Devin Booker, Eric Bledsoe (so long as he’s around), Josh Jackson, Marquese Chriss — dunks and jumpers all day.
The East
The Cavaliers will not be the No. 1 seed. Over the course of LeBron’s seven straight Eastern Conference titles, his team has been the No. 1 seed only twice. With Isaiah Thomas unavailable for a bit and lots of new players to incorporate, expecting Cleveland to run away with the No. 1 seed is asking too much.
The Celtics will be the No. 1 seed. Boston, of course, is also incorporating a bunch of new faces. But everyone save for Marcus Morris begins the season healthy, and the offensive brilliance of Kyrie Irving and Gordon Hayward should carry the Celtics through the growing pains.
The Raptors and Wizards are going to be pretty good again. Toronto lost Patrick Patterson and traded DeMarre Carroll, but so long as the Kyle Lowry-DeMar DeRozan combo is running the squad, the team will be solid. C.J. Miles is a good addition. O.G. Anunoby is on track to be a sleeper hit as a rookie. Meanwhile, the Wizards still have no depth, but that John Wall-Bradley Beal-Otto Porter core is too good to fail.
The Miami Heat are joining the playoff party. Miami has two potential All-Stars in the starting five with Goran Dragic and Hassan Whiteside. How many East teams can say that? Plus Dion Waiters and Justise Winslow are back, James Johnson stuck around, Kelly Olynyk joined the party, and Bam Adebayo looked useful in the preseason. Strong depth, good top-end talent. Playoffs! Dalé!
The Charlotte Hornets are your surprisingly good team. 2016-17 was a down season for Charlotte after a strong 2015-16 campaign. Blame injuries, ennui, fate. But the Dwight Howard acquisition should actually help (I know, I know) and the conference is exceptionally soft beyond the top nine teams.
The Bucks will be quite solid, too. I know it’s weird to talk about the soft East but bring up decent teams; this is all relative. Milwaukee would probably be the No. 11 team out West. That’s likely good enough for No. 7 in the East. Giannis Antetokounmpo is ridiculously good, Malcolm Brogdon and Khris Middleton are valuable, and I will ride with Jabari Parker until he can no longer run and jump (which might be sooner than we think).
The best plays from @Giannis_An34 as he led the Bucks to the W last night!! #FearTheDeer http://pic.twitter.com/nWj4cayF1t
— Milwaukee Bucks (@Bucks) October 15, 2017
The Sixers are going to be in a pitched battle for the last playoff spot ... with the Pistons. Detroit was a massive disappointment last season, but the addition of Avery Bradley should steady things somewhat. Meanwhile, Markelle Fultz is going to be a real rookie (in other words, don’t expect much) and there is so much learning to do in Philadelphia, even if Joel Embiid stays on the court. (Please recall that the Sixers went 13-18 in games Embiid played last season. They were much, much better when he was around ... but not playoff-worthy.) I think the Sixers will end up with the No. 8 seed solely due to cosmic penance over us missing the Heat last season.
Seriously, don’t watch the Knicks or Pacers. Have I mentioned that I think they will be quite terrible?
The Aaron Gordon saga continues. He’ll be a full-time power forward (finally) and we still aren’t going to see what he’s truly capable of doing. There’s always the dunk contest, though!
The Playoffs
A Celtics-Sixers first-round series will break the Insufferability Scale either way. If Fultz has figured it out and abuses the Celtics, Philadelphia fans will be impossible to deal with, even in defeat. If Fultz struggles, Boston will be so condescending. If this series happens, I’m climbing into a bunker.
Boston’s going down in the second round. Either the Raptors or Wizards (or even the Heat) should be able to abuse what may be an uneven Boston defense. Al Horford is a high-end defender, and Jaylen Brown has enormous potential. But all those potential second-round foes have excellent point guards and shooting guards, making it tough to hide Kyrie. I like the Raps or Wiz to make the conference finals in place for the C’s. (I do think Boston eventually wins a title with this core, though.) This turn of events would also deny us a Boston-Cleveland playoff series, which is deeply upsetting to the point I would like to revise this prediction.
The Cavaliers have another cakewalk. Cleveland went 12-1 in the East last spring. That included a sweep of Toronto and a 4-1 win over Boston. The Wizards might be able to peel two off Cleveland, if Isaiah isn’t ISAIAH when he comes back.
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The inevitability of the Cavaliers both will and will not overshadow fun series. As a fandom, we are learning again how to stay engaged despite inevitability. The Warriors teach us this. This is also writ small in the East as it concerns LeBron’s much longer hegemony. At times, the journey will seem so picayune given the high odds Cleveland advances to the Finals. But hopefully together we can find joy in the ultimately meaningless twists along the way.
The Spurs are the looming hulk out West. San Antonio got swept by the Warriors last season. But there’s a big ol’ asterisk on it: the Spurs were crushing the Warriors in Game 1 until Zaza Pachulia stuck a foot under Kawhi Leonard, ending The Claw’s season and the series. We can still make ourselves believe the Spurs have a real shot to dethrone the Warriors because of that.
Rockets vs. Thunder is the series we all want. It will pay off. James Harden, Chris Paul, Russell Westbrook, Paul George ... plus Carmelo Anthony. Pinch me. Houston vs. Oklahoma City bogged down last season because Westbrook had little offensive help. That’s no longer a problem.
The Timberwolves are getting swept. This isn’t quite the 2010 Thunder, who won 50 games and took the defending champion Lakers to six. Minnesota’s learning curve is just a bit longer. And the top four teams in the West are buzzsaws.
DeMarcus Cousins is definitely getting ejected from one of his first playoff games. I’ll never forget when Boogie was ejected from the season finale of his rookie season. Some things are just perfect.
The Warriors will sweep the Cavaliers. Golden State is just too good, no matter how amazing LeBron is and what Dwyane Wade, Isaiah Thomas, and Kevin Love do. I wish it weren’t so, because the 2016 Finals were simply incredible. But this is what happens when a 73-win team adds a top-3 player. This is what happens.
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That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the ride!
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