#really fix my sleep schedule in preparation for intern things
miodiodavinci · 8 months
got some work done , , , , , , feeling slightly more normal and yet still somewhat mourning the week ahead , , , , , , augh , , , , , , ,
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catmask · 4 months
Been meaning to catch more of your streams because they're so fun and relaxing and inspire me to do art alongside you! but I have a question?? How on earth have you managed to keep a streaming schedule? (kudos!!!!) I've tried it a few times and after about a month of consistency I get so tired and drop off of it, do you get guilt about rescheduling? (saw some announcement from the other day and it was so communicative and professional) and, how do you measure your own levels of energy to know how long you can stream for? Some people are just Built Different but I don't hear it often talked about how being social like that can drain people, especially when popular streamers in this era are usually streaming all day every single day of the week! Honestly love your work and everything you do, from what you share we seem to have a lot of similar tastes and experiences so I was just curious if this was something you encountered, and if so would love to hear any routines or strategies you have, if you're comfortable doing so! :3
for one thing, this isnt my first time around the bend! i used to stream about four years ago to a much smaller audience, and i feel like that gave me a lot of experience that was useful now as a streamer. i was also still in college/working full time then, so it sort of gave me the like... 'if i stop now im going to sink and die like a shark' mentality about a LOT of my hobbies. art and streaming both.
i do fully understand the feeling of burnout, and with anything you do its important to develop a gage as to how tired you are to determine whether or not you need to reschedule. killling your momentum of doing something can often result in dropping the habit altogether, but at the same time you are a human being with needs so theres gonna be some days you have to just call it off.
my internal 'system' for sickdays/delays is 'if i cant fix the problem in an hour, its a sick day, and if i can its a delay. if i can fix the problem in ten minutes and im avoiding it, then i need to remember im gonna have a lot of fun after its fixed and get up off my ass'
sometimes that 'problem' was as simple as 'i got yelled at at work today and idk if i can handle being smiley and funny for people when i feel like shit', but reminding myself that i always felt better after i streamed was often enough to pull me out of that. if the problem was i was tired/felt like shit, id take a delay and prepare a dinner, shower, and sit down for a bit. then id generally feel okay enough and streaming was no problem!
its easy to beat yourself up for not maintaining a consistent schedule fr streaming when you start out, but the thing you should really be asking yourself is - did you take care of yourself, the streamer, so that consistency was possible? good food, good sleep, and alone time to relax are imperative to any public facing activity, especially something like streaming!
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beauleifu · 2 years
Requests you say? [materializes]
Some good ol Wukong x reader fluffiness? Like reader’s had a really long day at work and they just need some pampering :)
(Maybe reader can be transmasc too and like doesn’t wanna take off his binder and SKW is like “bitch you need to breathe.” Only if you’re up for it tho :])
Have a good day/night!
Awww of course!
Roughly 1k oneshot, hope you like it, reader is written up to be transmasc, i hope it fits your expectations/preferences!
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Lego Monkie Kid
Context: Unfortunately, long days at work do nothing to aid your sleep schedule. Equally unfortunate, broken windows aren't the best thing to fall asleep to. Why not music? Yeah, no. Sun Wukong isn't the best singer - besides, his stage fright is so bad he'd shrivel up like a raisin at the bare mention of a performance for you.
TW: Language
You perform precisely one thing when you get home.
Flop on your couch, and close your eyes.
. . . Okay, maybe two things.
But, to be fair, you're too tired to keep track of anything at the moment. The world can wait for you to charge your internal battery, a feat in which only sleep can fulfill.
You don't even bother taking off your binder, nor your shoes; you simply wait for sleep to claim your weary soul.
Crap. The universe must have a different fate in store for you.
Eyes flying wide open as the loud noise startles you upright, you snap your head to the window. Or what was left of it. You're staring at a Wukong shaped hole in the window, shards of glass scattered across the floor, along with leaves and sticks.
Slowly, your eyes finds the culprit. The one and only Monkey King, arms folded proudly over his chest, his smile wide and bright.
"Hiya, (Y/N)!"
A long stretch of silence.
You blink stupidly. "The fuck. The fuck??"
To you're credit, you were just about to fall unconscious when the monkey demon broke into your home. So your reaction is honestly understandable.
"Don't mind me, just checking in on my favorite mortal," Wukong says carelessly, stepping across the carpet and into the kitchen. Letting out a long sigh, he faces the fridge and begins his search. "Got any fruit? Snacks? I'd never refuse some dumplings, if you have any leftover . . ."
Mumbling under his breath, he digs further into the fridge, fishing out random condiments.
Your jaw drops.
"What the hell are you doing in my house-"
"Oh, I thought it was obvious!" With that, Wukong peeks out from behind the fridge door and grins. "I watched you walk inside, no biggie, and decided to invite myself in."
Your gaze drifts to the broken glass. "I can see that. . . ."
"Crap. Sorry, I'll fix that. Leave it to your ol' man," Wukong chuckles off-handedly, preparing you both some lunch.
Now you're confused.
After getting over the initial shock of Wukong breaking and entering your home, you just feel concern over the inevitable question of- "Were you stalking me?"
The fluffy monkey snorts. "Uh, yeah. I spy on everyone."
"That's not really reassuring-"
Your comment is cut off by a huge yawn, and you almost want to fall back onto the couch. You almost don't care that Wukong broke your window, that he's stealing your food to make a meal for the both of you (that's what you assume, of course. The smell of fruit smoothie reaches tells you one thing: he's hungry). The reason for his unexpected visit is unknown, but you really don't care. Honestly, you're somewhat glad for the company.
Sun Wukong is at your side in a heartbeat, standing over you with two smoothies in hand. He tilts his head, baffled at your behavior. "You okay there, bud?"
"Fine. Tired."
"Long day at work, huh?"
Groaning, you flop back into the cushions and bury your face into one of the pillows. "We don't talk about that."
"Ahh, I see," Wukong growls cheerfully.
With that, he settles on the small space available on the couch, taking a noisy sip from his smoothie. You feel Wukong tap your head with the end of the other glass, albeit gently.
You sigh. "Not hungry."
Chest tightening at your companion's doubtful hum, you close your eyes. Oh, well.
"Do you, uh . . . you got anything else on your itinerary today?"
Wukong's investigative comment drags you back to reality for a moment. But it doesn't last long; you're tired, and it's getting hard to breathe in here. Maybe you don't need to. "Nope. I'm gonna lay here all day and sleep."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Yeah. But now I gotta fix my window."
Wukong snorts. "I said I'd do it! Now sit up and drink this, I didn't make it for nothing."
Huffing negatively, you say; "What's it made out of?"
"Just drink it," Wukong says exasperatedly, and you raise your head to eye the drink skeptically. The monkey demon rolls his eyes. "I made it with all the stuff you like."
You scoff. "Wow, you know me so well."
"Yeah, it's kinda my thing. A-A-Anyways. You wanna get something more comfortable on while I turn the TV on?"
Blinking, you glance down at your outfit. "This is fine."
"Is not," Wukong says doubtfully, eyeing your chest. "Unless you like suffocating yourself, I'd take the binder off for now, dude. Mortals have to breathe to live."
"Nah. Too tired."
"God, you're so lazy," the Monkey King huffs irritably. "Don't make me do it for you."
Ha, that's funny. "Since when did you start doing me favors?"
He contemplates your reply before shrugging carelessly. "All right, fair point. But Pigsy would have my hide if you up and died on me, so!" With that, he snaps his fingers, and suddenly it feels easier to breathe. Suddenly, you're wearing fluffy (color) pajamas. The Monkey King is grinning slyly. "Hope you don't mind. And hey! You look so adorable in (color)! Makes me wanna just pinch your little marshmallow cheeks!"
The immortal deity suddenly takes your face in his hands, wearing an expression of utmost joy and adoration as he pats your cheeks fondly.
You wave him off, face heating up. "Bro! Coulda warned me!"
"Heh. Too late."
Smacking him (lightly), you grab the smoothie from his hands and take a long sip. The drink tastes perfect, as always.
You just hadn't realized how hungry you were, that's all.
Wukong is grinning at you. "Well?"
"It's good. It's always good."
"AS ALWAYS! You're the best critique, sweet cheeks. You're right; next time, I gotta balance out the fruit portions to help strengthen the overall taste factor," Wukong says, stroking his nonexistent beard.
That gets you laughing. "Dude, you're awful."
"No, you're awful."
"Wait!" Sun Wukong's paws fly up in surrender, the TV remote almost slipping from his grip. Eyes wide and earnest, he meets your amused gaze. "Bro. Seriously? I was kidding, (Y/N). You're not awful, and hopefully, neither will this movie."
You turn your curious gaze to the TV screen. "And what's that?"
"Cuddle with me and find out."
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phykios · 3 years
Ain’t No Sunshine, modern royalty, 1970s au [read on ao3] thank you as always to my darling @darkmagyk for taking a true story off the rails
May 3rd, 1979. The date seemed to jump off the page, the loud, bold text almost mocking her. 
Not that she was keeping track, but it was just about four years to the day.
She’d woken up this morning, feeling kind of off, wandering around her apartment in a daze as she hustled her children out the door for daycare, losing time on her bus commute to work. It wasn’t until lunch, as she took the time to go through her day planner, that she realized: four years ago was when she had last seen Percy Jackson.
Though why Annabeth was thinking about him right this second was anyone’s guess.
Oh, sure, she’d thought about him a lot all throughout her pregnancy--thought about him, cursed his name, dreamed of strangling him for leaving her alone with these two absolute terrors--but as the years had gone by, and she had lost all hope of ever making contact with him again, he’d sort of fallen by the wayside of her thoughts. Something must have been going on with the navy mail system, because absolutely none of the letters or postcards she’d sent had ever been received, and she couldn’t reach out to Sally, since Annabeth had lost her address as well. 
There was always the possibility that he… well, that he wasn’t around to receive letters anymore. But she tried not to think about it. 
She tried her best not to think about him at all, these days.
Today, however, her childhood best friend turned US navy midshipman had popped up on her internal radar, and had just decided to take up residence in her brain. Her normally mind-numbing job couldn’t even properly distract her, and she spent all afternoon daydreaming about his messy, perpetually windswept hair, and his toothy, contagious smile, and his gorgeous green eyes like she was some kind of pathetic, lovestruck teenager, obsessing over her rockstar crush. Taking calls, scheduling appointments, and dodging the creepy advances of the assistant CFO were slightly more palatable if she had something pleasant to think about. 
Old-fashioned romance was for suckers, anyway. Who needed it? 
At least it was Friday. Fridays were KFC days, and she really did not need to accidentally burn dinner today. Again.
She hated it, but her kids loved it. God knows they could barely stomach whatever she usually attempted.
She sent them to bed early-ish, and settled down in front of the TV with a glass of wine. She didn’t usually indulge, but she had had such a weird day, she felt she deserved it. 
Taking a long, long sip, she could no longer deny it: she really fucking missed Percy.
She missed him like she’d miss a missing limb, and it was all the more cruel because she’d lost him once, and miraculously found him again, on that fateful trip home from Athens. A military brat stuck at the American naval base in Spain to save money, waiting for a spare seat to open up on a plane so she could go home, by the sheer force of luck, she’d practically tripped and fallen into the lap of her childhood best friend. 
And then she did trip into his lap. And then into his bed. And stupid, stupid, Annabeth, she’d always been so bad with her birth control.
Her little boy, he had blond hair, but sometimes he would look at her, or laugh at something, or drool in his sleep just like his daddy, and Annabeth thought she might just fucking die from it.
She loved her children, of course, how could she not? But she wasn’t about to deny it--sometimes, alone in parenthood, juggling dishes and laundry and schoolwork and life, she felt like she was drowning.
Sharp, piercing, the doorbell rang, knocking her out of her reverie. A little tipsy, still in her rumpled work clothes, she set the glass aside, and made her way to the door. “Mr. D,” she said, opening it, prepared speech all ready to go, “I told you, I’d have the rent for you by--”
She stopped, blinking, speechless. It was not Mr. D.
“Hey,” said the man outside her door. The ghost from another world that she had, apparently, conjured with her thoughts.
He smiled, a little strained, the light of the streetlamps casting harsh shadows on his face. “It’s good to see you.” 
“How did you know where I lived?” It was, perhaps, not the most elegant thing to say, but she hadn’t exactly planned for what would happen when Percy Jackson, love of her life, father of her children, long-lost best friend wandered back into her life.
“Can I come in? Maybe for a Coke or something?” he asked, not answering her question. 
She almost wanted to say no. For every letter never returned, for every month gone by without a word, for every day spent raising their children without him, not knowing if he was alive or dead--she almost said no. 
But this was Percy. She could spare him a Coca Cola at least. “Sure,” she said, leaning away, “come on.”
“Great,” he said, and this time, his smile was all real. 
So focused had she been on him, she hadn’t even clocked the older man who stood behind him. “Sir,” said the other man, with the air of a beleaguered secretary--and Annabeth would know, “I really must advise--”
“I’ll just be a minute,” said Percy, not even bothering to look back at him, pushing past Annabeth’s half-extended arm.
“But, sir, your father--”
Percy let the door shut in his face.
Annabeth raised an eyebrow. “Harsh.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, well… I’ll make it up to him later.”
“Who is he?”
But Percy didn’t answer. “Nice place you got here.”
He was being nice, of course. It was a craphole apartment in a craphole side of town--but the rent was cheap and the bus was convenient, and she only felt the slightest bit of shame as she led him to the craphole couch, handing him a coke from her craphole fridge. Christ, his suit looked like it cost more than her TV.
“Is your… husband home?” he asked, delicate.
“My what?”
“Your husband. I saw, um…” Embarrassed, he flicked his eyes to the ring on her left hand. 
“Oh, this? It’s--it’s not--” Hastily, clumsily, she fumbles it off, pulling around the knuckle. “I’m not--I’m not.”
He blinked. “Oh.”
“Yeah, I just--it’s to ward off creepy guys, right? Like, they won’t take no for an answer unless they think they’ll have to deal with an angry husband, so I just…” 
In her more pathetic moments, she pretended that it had been given to her by the man before her. She had picked something small and simple, something that she thought he might have gone with, and pretended he had slipped it into her pocket the day she left the naval base. 
“That’s--cool. That’s great, I mean. I mean, that’s--”
“What do you want, Percy?”
Not at all bothered by the shortness of her tone, he sighed, closing his eyes. “I have a… personal question I need to ask you. And I’m sorry to bother you with this, I just--I have to ask.”
Ominous. “Okay?”
“Did we…” He sighed again, mouth twisting. “Did you, as a result of our repeated sexual encounters four years ago, happen to have any children by me?”
He just rattled it off, as if it was something he’d said over and over and over again, tired of receiving the same answer, but never expecting anything different.
“Excuse me?”
“I know, I know, it’s an extremely rude question, and I know I have no right to ask you, especially since it’s been so long, but I swear, there’s a reason I--”
“Did you never get any of the letters I sent you?”
At that, his head shot up. The look in his eyes could only be described as ‘terror.’ “What?”
“I must have sent you half a dozen,” she said, crossing to the kitchen, the wine making her a little bit short. She had, in fact, sent him eight letters, with pictures, and never received a single response, but since he seemed genuinely lost, she decided not to tell him. Plucking the most recent photo down from the fridge, she returned to the man in her living room, his knuckles white around the can. 
Standing before him, she handed him the photograph. He took it, fingers shaking. “We… you…” 
“Percy Jackson,” she said, like she was introducing him to someone at a party, “meet your children.”
Even after they had just been born, Annabeth had seen how obviously they were his. Only their daughter had the same messy black hair, both both had the same long, straight nose, the same intense, brooding brow as their father--and when her son smiled, or her daughter laughed, it was hard not to see the shades of Percy so strongly in them. It was hard to see them, too. 
Percy’s mouth was trembling. His eyes were wide, glassy, fixed on the photo. “My--” he swallowed. “What--what are their names?”
“Alexander,” she said, softly, “and Anne--”
“Annemarie,” he breathed. “Alexander and Annemarie.” He looked up at her, his eyes shining. “You remembered?”
Of course she remembered. Two lonely kids, she and Percy had spent so much of their childhood together, playing house, building their perfect family, even if only in their imagination. Alexander for his mother’s cousin, and Annemarie because he had wanted to name their  daughter Annabeth, and she wouldn’t let him. Twenty years later, alone and in pain, holding her newborn children and alternately cursing the man who made them and desperately wishing he were with her, Annabeth had known that they could only have one set of names, even if their father might never meet them. 
His face crumpled. He dropped his head into his hand, and groaned, like someone had pressed on an open wound. 
“Percy!” Annabeth sat down next to him, one hand on his shoulder, the other on his leg. Four years later and it still felt so natural to touch him like this. “Are you okay?”
Nodding, he grunted. “Yeah,” he croaked, voice hoarse, “I’m okay. I’m fine. I just--” And then he shuddered, a hand coming up to scrub at his eyes. 
He was crying, she realized suddenly. Annabeth used to be the one that cried. She could count on one hand how many times she’d seen him cry. He hadn’t even cried when she had finally left the naval base. 
Taking a shaking breath, he wiped his nose on the sleeve of his expensive suit. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, shattered. “I didn’t--I never--if I had known, I swear, I would have left the navy. I would have come home.”
The silent, unspoken “to you” echoed in the dead air of her apartment. “Why didn’t you?” she asked, quietly.
They held each other’s eyes, an eternity passing in a heartbeat. Neither wanted to break the sacred silence, to bring words into the crystalline moment that hung in the balance between them. 
“I never got your letters,” he said, tears in his eyes. “I… after you--left, I…” he sighed, aching. “I… got hurt. Bad.” 
Annabeth couldn’t breathe. 
“And,” he huffed a laugh, wet and messy, “and then I met my father. Can you believe it?”
Her eyes bugged out of her head. “You what?”
He nodded.
“He’s alive?” 
Sally rarely spoke of him, and Percy had always refused to. Annabeth had just assumed he had died, years and years and years ago. 
Percy laughed again, humorless. “He’s the king of Thera.”
Her jaw dropped. “He…”
“Are you shitting me?”
Shaking his head, he smiled, rueful. “I wish.”
Words from a half-remembered newscast floated through her mind. Alexander and Annemarie had been right terrors that night, and she had only been half-listening as the reporter informed the world that Triton, hereditary prince of Thera, had died, killed in military action. “He… found you?”
Percy nodded, miserable. “He told me--asked--told me to--to find anyone I might have…” And then he swallowed, tears in his eyes again, real, glistening tears. “And I am so, so sorry, I know--I know your job is here, and your whole life, and the children, but I--”
She took his hand in hers, squeezing gently so he didn’t fly away. “It’s okay,” she said. “Just say it.”
“I’m supposed to--I’m supposed to… if you would… come with me,” he trailed off, suddenly shy. 
For the second time tonight, she felt like she’d been hit with a sledgehammer. “...What?”
“He… my father… the king wants--needs heirs. He… he asked for a list of women, and I… gave him your name.” Stomach hot, Annabeth wished she had the courage to know about the other women on that list. Or to ask  why Percy, young and handsome as he’d been at both twelve and twenty, wasn’t out there making some new ones himself. Why was he chasing down old leads? Why was he chasing down Chase bastards? “You’d--you’d live in the castle,” he said, like he was trying to sell her on it, though she could tell his heart wasn’t really in it, “and we, well, we’d technically have to get married, but that doesn’t need to be a big deal. You’d get your own rooms. You can set them up however you want. And you’d have a personal staff, a stipend, and the kids would get private teachers, and--”
He blinked, caught off guard. “Yes?”
Staff. Someone to do the laundry and clean the dishes. Someone to cook dinner and look after the house. Someone to help. Someone to do all the parental things that she just could not do, not by herself. Not without him. 
“I know I have no right to ask this of you,” he said, squeezing her hand. His hand was just as big as she remembered, and just as warm. “And I would never, ever force you to do anything that you wouldn’t want to--”
“Yes,” she said, interrupting him. 
He blinked, dumbly. “What?”
“Yes. I’ll come with you. We all will.”
“...Oh. Uh, great. That’s--that’s good. Are you sure?” He looked like a lost little dolphin, eyes huge and uncertain, and then, Annabeth did the one thing that she’d been desperately wanting to do for the last four years. 
She pulled his face to hers, and she kissed him. Shocked, he stiffened, almost pulling away--before relaxing into her, cupping her face in his big, warm hand. Eyes closed, they leaned their heads against each other, sharing air once more for the first time in years. She had lost him twice already: once as a child, when her father had decided to move her across the country, and once as a lovestruck college girl, when she had to leave the naval base, four years ago. She wasn’t about to lose him for a third time. 
And for the first time in forever, she no longer felt like she was drowning.
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yoonieboonie · 3 years
The Substitute Lover (1)
word count: 2k
genre: fluff, angst hehe
pairing: myg x reader
summary: Finally meeting the college boy you've been eyeing on for months, everything goes wrong when you realise what you're really getting yourself into.
a/n: this is my first ever fic!! i hope you guys take time and read it 🥺 suggestions are welcome! NEXT | PREVIOUS
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Moving to Seoul was a dream come true. For someone who lived in the farmland of Daegu, you always imagined what the city would be like. A concrete jungle far from the roaring fields that's all you've ever known, a breath of fresh air— metaphorically speaking.
Fuelled by dreams, and frankly a few wons to your name— you took the risk and moved your life in order to pursue your studies in the metro. Your thoughts drift to the heaps of paperwork that needs to be accomplished after this and frankly, you are exhausted.
You sigh, as you finally step in your worn down but still livable apartment. You got it for a really good deal since your mother is a friend of the landlady. You tried your best to make it as homey as you can. Placing a few touches of home to every corner.
"What does this even mean?" you wondered aloud, reading the email for the third time as if it would magically unsend itself. It was from the professor of your Humanities class, announcing the change of schedule. Your afternoon classes are now moved to morning, taking away all of the few hours of rest you get after getting home. You groaned and moved the cursor to tick the 'agreed' box. It's not like you have a choice anyways.
You drag your feet to class the next morning, sitting to the far right corner and preventing any interaction from the fellow victims of the change in schedule. Confused if your eyes are playing tricks, your hands flew to your thick-rimmed glasses to push it further up your nose. Then you saw it, the mint green hair that stood out in every room. To say that he intrigued you is an understatement. You are drawn to him, like a moth to a flame. You keep on looking for him at every corner of the campus, just catching a glimpse of him makes your day. He as usual is squished between his two friends who are chattering in the early hours of the morning.
The professor arrived not long after, immediately discussing the basic concept of Humanities, you scramble to get a pen and your notebook. If there's one thing you take seriously, it's your studies. You did not risk everything and moved here just to slack off.
The mint hair boy suddenly forgotten, you blink in shock as an orange head snapped to view your direction.
"Hi, I'm Hoseok. May I borrow a pen?" He asks, a hand rubbing his nape. You nodded mutely handing a pen, trying to show nonchalance that he is talking to me. The interaction had the student council president, if you remember correctly, shake his head.
"What? It's not my fault that you refused to lend me one despite of bringing a whole school supply store with you all the time." Hoseok muttered to which the president tried to counter, earning a snarl from the mint haired boy in the middle to shut the banter up.
Lecture flew by and hungry for a few hours more of sleep, you dash to the exit only to hear a voice calling out a 'hey'. You turned to look and see Hoseok waving your pen in the air.
You smiled and grabbed the pen from his hand. You bowed out of respect, and turned to leave. Only for Hoseok to grab your arm, making you halt and gently pull away.
He sheepishly smiled and apologised for catching you off guard. "It's just, I didn't get your name!" he chirped.
Panic bubbled inside you as you see his two friends catch up to him. You were not prepared at all to meet the boy you've been eyeing on for months.
"Y/N." You replied shortly and bowed again as you turned to leave. It was too late as you hear a new voice address you.
"Hey, Y/N? I've been wanting to know your name for months! Aren't you the one who stole my spot as the top Scrabble player in the campus?" The student campus president joked to which you gave a hearty laugh back, remembering the match.
"That's me." You replied curtly. You really want to leave, the zoo in your stomach will be the death of you. The boy who is silent until now is busy adjusting the case of his guitar.
"Well, it's nice to meet you. This is Yoongi." he gestured to the mint haired boy who just looked up. He gave you a curt nod that shot electricity to your veins.
"Let's eat lunch together, Y/N!" Hoseok beamed, catching all of us off guard. You racked your brain for an excuse but found none. Here you are 30 minutes later, trying to answer every question Hoseok and Namjoon have for you.
You learned that all of them are voice majors, Yoongi and Hoseok minored in guitar while Namjoon in flute. They had to retake Humanities because they failed to take the final exam due to the conflict of schedule thus the need to enroll again this semester.
Quietly finishing your meal, you nod off to the trio and started to gather your things. You fixed your thick rimmed glasses and your skirt that reached your ankles. Namjoon eyed you from head to toe, not bothering to hide the judgment that came with it. You shrugged and bid goodbye.
"Thank you for the company. See you guys around." You bid and thinking that it's probably your last and only chance to talk to Yoongi, you call for him.
"See you around, Yoongi." You beamed. Hoseok roared with laughter as Yoongi blushed from the sudden attention. Namjoon watched in amusement as the whole scene plays out.
You finally, turned to leave the trio behind.
  After a week, it was time for your Humanities class again. This time, you arrived earlier, sitting at your usual spot.
Not long after, students started filing in the the classroom. That's when you spotted a familiar orange head. He excitedly waved at you and grabbed onto Yoongi and Namjoon's arms for them to come and sit next to you.
You laugh heartily and paid them no mind. Hoseok whispered next to you if you wanted to eat lunch again after class. You nodded, truly enjoying the trio's company. Sure, you wanted to come because Yoongi was there, but also because Namjoon and Hoseok are cool to be with.
After class, you all headed to the cafeteria. You started to line up eyeing the dishes carefully. Just watching then made your mouth water. Distracted, you bump into the person in front of you. You gasped, as you mutter an apology, profusely bowing your head. That's when you heard surprised reactions from the small crowd that noticed the interaction. Slowly you felt cold liquid drip on your head, down to your clothes.
That draws the line. You may not be from here, and you may not look like much but you surely can defend yourself. You opened your mouth to speak when you were gently shoved behind someone's shoulder. As if shielding you from the student who poured the liquid on you.
"Is there a problem here?" Namjoon's voice was cold as ice. The student, probably in fear of getting in trouble tried to pin the blame on you to which another voice countered.
"I saw you from where I was sitting. Tell the truth, it's getting embarrassing." Hoseok, who is suddenly next to you, yawns.
"It's fine. It's water, it'll dry." You said confidently, smiling at the student who looked scared for her dear life. She looks younger, so you cut her some slack.
You bought your food and sat back at our table. You could feel the three of them eyeing you as you chomp down on your first proper meal of the day. You glanced at Yoongi, who for the first time since you've met was looking at you. You beamed at him before wiping your mouth with a napkin, as you cleared your throat.
"Yoongi, would you like to have coffee tomorrow?" you asked, my hands under the table over your lap.
Hoseok and Namjoon looked shocked beyond words. Yoongi on the other hand, didn't even spare you a glance. You winced internally but kept your composure cool. Namjoon cleared his throat and pushed a bottle of water towards my direction.
"Maybe you need a drink, Y/N." You accepted and drank. Then after, you faced Yoongi again.
"Is that a yes?"
It's Hoseok's turn to intervene now, using a napkin to get your glasses from your nose and wipe it. He tried to dry your hair too but you leaned away from his touch.
"Y/N, I think it's best you let this go." Namjoon spoke again.
"Why? Are you dating anyone?" You questioned further.
That seemed to be the last straw for Yoongi for he stood up, gathered his music sheets and left the three of us, not even bothering to carry his lunch.
Hoseok looked around the table before laughing in amusement. Namjoon joining not long after. You looked at them, confused beyond words.
"You are something else, Y/N. Now I know why we were always told to not judge a book by its cover." Namjoon beamed.
Hoseok just patted your head. Both of them bidding goodbye, as Namjoon stopped to browse in his notes. He slipped a paper to you and when you glanced down, it looked like their schedule this semester.
You smiled and bid them goodbye.
  You'll try again tomorrow.
  The following day, you woke up earlier than usual to buy two iced Americanos. If you're lucky, Yoongi might like something to drink before their recital's daily rehearsal.
As if on cue, you hear Hoseok's loud laughter at the campus yard and as expected Yoongi and Namjoon are there with him. You raise your hand and wave towards them as you see Yoongi's eyes darken.
You paid no mind and dragged your feet towards the trio. You stopped in front of them, fixing your glasses and smoothing out your green cardigan. Namjoon like his usual habit, eyed you up and down and scrunched his nose at your taste in clothes. That made you chuckle out loud.
"Hi, Yoongi. I bought you an iced Americano." I offered, handing out the cold beverage. He eyed it carefully, before accepting it and shoving it to Hoseok's face.
Hoseok winced and looked at you apologetically. You shook your head and smiled.
"That's okay, I didn't peg you as an Americano guy anyway. How about an iced Latte for tomorrow?" you quipped, not giving up.
"Look, Y/N, isn't it?" Yoongi started. "I do appreciate the gesture but I am not interested. I am taken, and will never be available."
You felt your shoulder slump. That makes sense, with how he looks and the entirety of him, it was impossible for him to be single. You nodded and started to apologise when you heard Hoseok chirp beside you.
"No he's not!"
  "Hoseok!" Namjoon hissed. Hoseok shrugged his shoulders and dragged you away. With one last look at Yoongi, you followed Hoseok.
"Look, I'll help you. Just tell me what you need." Hoseok bounced with excitement. You laughed, you honestly didn't think you'd get this far.
"It's okay, I got this." You whispered to Hoseok.
"Hey, Min Yoongi!" you called out. He turned to look at you and you raised your hand to point at the bulletin board. He quipped his head to the side as if challenging you to continue. You sighed and moved closer to the board to point at the upcoming examination schedule.
"Our finals is coming up soon." You stated.
  "If I beat you and score higher than you, then we'll go on that date. Otherwise, you'll never hear from me again." You challenged.
Namjoon whistled at that, onlookers started to get interested and eventually started to taunt Yoongi. You smirk and wait for his response.
Hoseok and Namjoon are in the sidelines, watching and honestly enjoying their friend's struggle. Hoseok lazily drinking the iced Americano that you bought for Yoongi.
Yoongi stayed silent and you took that as your cue to leave, only a few steps in, you turned and moved closer to a glaring Yoongi.
"Oh, I forgot something!" you exclaimed.
You then stalked towards him, grabbing both of his collar towards you. Eliminating the height difference, you inched your face closer to his until your lips met. It was a quick peck but just enough to make the crowd roar and make Yoongi burn red in embarrassment.
You slowly took a step back. Bidding Namjoon and Hoseok goodbye.
What the fuck did you just do? -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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yn-x-animeboy · 3 years
Jungkook x y/n (as a famous artist) Pt.2
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pArt 1: here 
pairing: reader x Jungkook
genre: fluff, romance, for entertainment purposes
BTS x Fem Reader
sinopsis: You are a popular artist in America, pretty famous, loved and well-known by the general public (actually you were one of the top 10 artists in the world but you are pretty humble and naïve to realize your popularity), one day during one of your fan meets you talk about how much you love BTS, and not only how you wish to meet them and work with them but how Jungkook is one of your celebrity crushes. During the meet you fangirled with other ARMYs in the crowd; video clips of you fangirling and talking about BTS at your meet where posted and reposted all over social media. This obviously broke the internet because you were not only a famous singer but you also were always accepted and loved by ARMY and this made a lot of people happy. Suddenly it felt like everyone wanted you to meet the seven handsome and talented idols and collaborate, but you could only wish, you believed they didn't even know who you were...or so you thought
Part 2- BTS x Y/N You went to bed, turned your phone on silent mode and looked at your ceiling,  replaying that fake scenario you talked about a few hours ago, oh how you wished it could become real. Finally dozing off and resting for the work-packed day you had tomorrow; unaware that your social media was currently going crazy and how they yearned for your new weekly EPISODE to come out.
While you were peacefully sleeping social media platforms like twitter and instagram where going crazy all over the world, headlines with titles like: “Y/N FINALLY CONFESSES”, “Y/N AND JUNGKOOK RELATIONSHIP WILL SAVE 2021”, “ARMYs BIGGEST FEAR… Y/N+J&K''. People demanded the episode of the leaked videos to be uploaded as soon as possible, even though it was the middle of the night were you where; your international fans where active and ready for some content after watching the “leaked” videos; they exploded your teams’ contacts; your team left with no other choice but to actually speed up the process and upload said EPISODE; your manager contacted the main editor and offered him two days off if he could finish the video that same night. 
The episode was uploaded at around 2 am; meaning in Korea, the video went up at around 4pm.
4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, a beautiful day outside Seoul. The guys were currently about to shoot a new episode of RUN BTS; on set,  the guys were standing in the middle of a room as some hair and makeup staff fixed their appearance. Cameras were being set up around them by the camera crew. Staff spread around the room doing their respective tasks. The guys did have their cell phones with them but they were all turned to airplane mode so they wouldn't disturb the shoot. Just like you, they were unaware of what was happening on their social media platforms.
“ACTION!” the director started. RM lead the opening line “1,2,3…”, “Dallyeora Bangtan!” (RUN BTS!) they all said in unison, and the episode began. behind the cameras, staff were learning about the ``BTS x Y/N'' ordeal as the seven boys were filming. The “Hybe Corporation '' (RIP big hit) would normally would see this type of situation as a negative thing for their Idol Star Group’s image, immediately clearing  up any misunderstanding and false info that was being spread online; but the head of the company, Bang Si-hyuk, decided to first watch the video himself and look into it this time. 
Again, the head team would’ve even ignored this situation, but this time it was different. Bang Si-hyuk actually knew who you were, and was surprised when he saw your name pop up. After a quick meeting the next step was decided for BTS in regards to this situation. “Just to make sure, the boys are still shooting right? Bang Si-hyuk asked his assistant, “Y-yes sir, they are in the middle of a game, no news have been broke to them”; Bang Si-hyuk nodded and looked around the room of people that attended the emergency meeting, “Okay so, like we agreed, we will surprise they boys with this, they are big fans of y/n, and I really do like her too, she is a good girl who goes well with BTS. SO... after their scheduled shoot, send them to the other room and let them react to y/n’s episode highlights, and tell them what is happening, I think this could be the beginning of something good” Bang Si-hyuk concluded the meeting at that. Staff quickly went and prepared everything.
After shoot the guys were expecting to get into their assigned cars and go home like they normally do when they are done on set, but they were stopped by staff; “Guys okay so you are done with this episode, please now direct yourselfs towards the meeting room, the company has treated you to some refreshers, snacks and drinks; you will be told what to do'' The small woman stepped aside to let the boys go to where they were asked to go. The guys didn't think too much of this, brushing it off as a probable “catch-up” meeting.
Once they got to the meeting room they sat on one side of  a wooden table, a laptop sitting in the middle, and a single camera behind the table. Jungkook took a seat in front of the laptop, Jimin to his right and Suga to his left; J-Hope, V, Jin and RM sitting in higher chairs behind them in that order, with a clear view on the computer.  They all looked at the staff for answers, this was not one of their weekly meetings… The staff allowed them to have the promised snacks, instant noodles and beverages for this. One staff member told them what they were going to do “Okay so before you all go home we need you to react to this video, it is only a couple of minutes long, we have edited it and cut some parts out; you are allowed to eat and loosen up; you can react as you wish and add any comment as well, any questions?” They shook their head as they had done this before so many times. 
The video started and a preview came on screen, it was your intro music, on screen a quick preview of your complete episode was shown. The boys immediately recognized the images, they had seen your show many times before. “Oi, it’s y/n'' Jin immediately said as soon as your face appeared on screen, “Is this a new episode?” JImin asked out loud, “Wait what day is it? they normally go up on Friday, did we miss it?” Taehyung spoke, mouth full of spicy noodles, J-Hope and RM reached out and cleaned Taehyung’s face with napkins  as if he was a child, before he made a bigger mess. 
“Hello everyone welcome to another episode of…. f** I don't even know what we call these videos, jajajaja” “Wait what?... jajajajaja omg guys thank you, I'm so sorry, yeah you heard them, welcome back to y/n’s camera roll, I can’t believe I forgot that, anyway today’s episode is a little different……” Your introduction from the episode played on screen, making the boys chuckle at your genuine personality “hahaha gwiyeoun” (haha cute) Suga added, J-Hope agreeing with him as he gave Suga a piece of the food he was having. Kookie was currently watching the screen not even blinking, he hadn’t taken a bite out of his noodles or a sip out of his banana milk, Jimin noticed and pointed at him looking back at the guys with a silent laugh, they all knew Jungkook was your biggest simp.
The video continued, they kept adding comments and watching with interest. The staff had actually reedited your original video to make it shorter and show the parts where you mention BTS.
“Hi, y/n, can I ask you another question?” you nodded and signaled him to proceed; 
“I saw that you liked an instagram post about BTS a while back uploaded by a fan account and I also saw that you actually follow their personal twitter account. ALSO in your behind the scenes video for your music video shoot you can be seen in the background dancing the Boy with luv choreo. So I wanted to ask if you were an ARMY and if you know them personally? and like should we be expecting a collaboration soon?”
You chucked at his talking speed, curious questions and great detective skills.
Jimin reached over and paused the video before they could hear what you answered next. “No way….Omg what she says she hates us” Jimin said. “Imagine if she said she hates us, is this why you guys are making us watch this?” Suga looked  at the staff. “Can we keep watching hyungs…” Jungkook said looking around at the others, a bit desperate to find out what you said next. “Oi, wouldn't you want to know guki…” Jin teased him, wiggling his eyebrows and slapping the back of his head playfully. Before Jungkook could fight back RM reached over them and pressed play, preventing a ‘playful’ fight among the youngest and oldest member to take place.
“OMG hahaha I love you so much, what an amazing question, Okay so first off no I don’t know them personally and sadly no plans of collaboration are on sight. Oh wow I have never been asked if I liked BTS before, I’m excited hahaha. Yeah I am an ARMY, I love them so much I am one of their biggest fans, and they are also one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to work ethic and professionalism, listening to them or watching them gives me motivation to keep doing what I love, which is this. 
anyway I am rambling I should stop; you guys can say y/n stop whenever I start rambling okay? hahaha''
As this part of the video played, the guys seemed to lean closer to the screen as you spoke. Once you finished your answer they paused the video again. RM stood up with hands on his head; Jin and J-Hope held on to each other with their mouths wide open looking at the screen; V was still sitting in the same spot, frozen, as if he was paused in time along with the now paused screen; Suga stood up with his hands on his mouth bouncing his knees lightly; Jimin reached to RM behind him and stretched his arms out with a ‘Did you hear that?’ expression; Jungkook leaned over the table and pulled the screen closer, he was smiling from ear to ear letting out a small “wow” under his breath, then he replayed your answer to listen to it one more time, rereading the subtitles under the video making sure he did not miss any words.
 “OMG NO WAY, NO WAY DUDE” Tae came out of his frozen state and held on to Jungkook's shoulders shaking slightly; They all looked at eachother surprised, they couldn't believe that ‘the one and only Y/N’ was an ARMY. They composed themselves and played the video to proceed once the staff told them there was more. 
The video resumed: 
“Guys should we actually talk about BTS for a bit? hahaha” you asked your fans
A girl spoke after: “Can I ask you a BTS question then? Okay so, who is your favorite member?
“Well first off, I don't have a favorite member. I really mean it when I say this. I love them all equally and I love them all as a group. I don’t prefer one over the other or like one better.  I really do support them equally. I mean there is nothing wrong with having a bias, as long as you also respect the other members, hope that all made sense lol” Everyone seemed moved by your support towards them and nodded.
Again the boys reacted, they were so surprised they paused again and walked back and forth making sounds of excitement; They loved the way you answered the question and were so moved by your love and appreciation towards them and the way you saw them as a group. They felt like jumping and celebrating. They sat back down again to keep watching their favorite american artist talk about them some more.
Your episode was again cut and it skipped to another question: 
“Y/n so you don’t have a favorite, but do you have a crush on any of them?, like if you could date one of them right now, which one do you pick?” A fan asked.
The guys chuckled at the question, they thought there was no way you would answer such a question.
“okay...well...Like I said just to be clear I don't have favorites amongst the group members, but I do have a type…. I consider one of them to be my celebrity crush”......
“So in that case, if I had to pick someone that I would date in real life...i would say…. Jungkook” 
The. Guys. Went. Nuts. Jungkook immediately stood up and lifted his hands up in the air as if he had won an award, he paused the video and started smiling like crazy; his cheeks tinted in a redish pinkish tone, he covered his face as he was at a loss for words, he knew he was seen as attractive by female and male artists, he even knew of a couple of well known idols who had admitted to having a crush on him; but this was different, he had considered you to be his celebrity crush for years now, ever since your debut in america when you were just 15 and he was 16; he was a big fan of yours; he knew everything about you, he loved your music, he thought you were one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen, he even had a picture of you performing as his wallpaper currently; he constantly watched your videos and wished he could someday date a girl like you. 
A staff member spoke, taking Jungkook out of his trance state: “How do you feel Jungkook?” He lifted his face from his hands and ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes were glossy and his smile wide. “I-I don't know what to say, I can’t believe it,” he said as he sat down looking  at the pause screen, looking at your still image. His hyungs patted him on the back; Jimin turned his head to the staff as he was rubbing JK’s back with one hand, “You know Jungook has had the biggest crush on y/n for so long now” Jimin told the staff. The other members agreed and nodded. Jungkook looked up and spoke to the staff: “Yeah I remember listening to her debut song for the longest time without really thinking about who the artist was. When her first studio album broke records I decided to look her up, I watched a video of her talking about the album and her experience as a new artist and I think ever since then I have had a crush on her; she is my ideal type”
“Why is she your ideal type?” a staff member in the back asked JK. “Ha. um. well  I think my ideal type of girl is someone who is funny and has a bright and cool personality; someone who as soon as they step into a room they immediately light it up; someone who is goofy and isn't afraid to become a joke or mess up; A confident person; someone who isn't too girly or too boyish; someone who likes to learn new  things and from who I can learn new things too; someone who is younger than me; Someone who loves dancing and singing a lot, etc. And y/n is kinda all that and more tbh; He rambled, the guys were all used to his ‘secret fangirling over y/n’ habit, but the staff was taken aback; they only thought the guys thought highly of you as an artist, but this… they felt moved. “Ay ay, stop drooling, lets keep watching hahaha” Suga poked at JK’s side and pressed play.
The video time skipped again: “...I love that question, and your scenario is so cute, you should write a tumblr post about it, well yeah I obviously have created fake scenarios in my head about BTS, past crushes, fake arguments even hahaha, there are so many BTS fake scenarios in my head…. hmm oh I know which one, okay so this fantasy of mine is about how I would meet them irl and work with them, I will make it quick”
“Okay so, my literal fantasy is to one day meet them at a talk show, you know how hosts like to surprise their guests with something/someone they like?, I believe Ellen has done it multiple times where she surprised a guest with their idol or celebrity crush, you know?” The group nodded, invested in your fake scenario “Well i would be invited to like the Jimmy Fallon Show, where he would just randomly surprise me with BTS. Then I would be given the opportunity to introduce myself and tell them how much I love and support them. I would also be able to show them my korean speaking skills, I learned Korean and Spanish back in school and I have never been able to actually use either them, lol, anyway...well after that we would all become really good friends, and we would collaborate and put out one or multiple songs for you guys. I mean that's basically it, I wish I could meet them, and become their friend and write songs with them, even produce songs with Suga or RM if I could'' 
“What???? does she speak korean?” 
“OMG Jungkook is she speaks korean marry her” 
“OMG I wanna meet her now”  
“That's so cute” 
“She is so cool” 
The guys added and all looked adoringly at the screen; RM and Suga also commented about how they would love to work with someone like you and produce a ton of music together and that they wish you all could collaborate in the future too.
And That is how the boys learned about the video and your view on them….not only that they also  learned about your embarrassing fantasy and celebrity crush…. After finishing their day at work, they went home and watched your episode complete this time. They felt like they accomplished something so important by just leaning your perception on them. Jungkook also felt that but he was even more excited than the rest, his celebrity crush had admitted to crushing on him back, he knows that the chances of meeting you or even having a friendship with you were probably non existent. And even if they did meet you, the idea of dating you in real life seemed impossible to him due to you both being artists, under strict and powerful companies, living opposite sides of the world, in different time zones even; but he was still happy, and the guys too; they all went to bed wishing they could someday meet you.
Part 3- Jimmy Fallon Show ------> here
ily:) Xx, plis give me a lil’ <3
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One Photo → Mark Lee [1]
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↳  Pairing: Mark Lee/Reader
↳  AU: Soulmate!AU - The first touch of two soulmates permanently scars their bodies.
↳  Word count: 4,863
↳  Chapters: Prelude | You Are Here! | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
⁙ Summary: For an end of the year photography project, you’re tasked with taking a photograph for your favourite group, NCT127, and coincidentally, discover your soulmate.
Your heart was pounding a million miles a minute as you stepped into your photoshoot studio on campus two weeks later, ready to see a bunch of other students preparing for interviews for the same position. Surprisingly, you were the only one present besides your teacher. She smiled and approached. “Hey,” she greeted you with a short handshake. “I see you’re nervous?” “A little,” you admit, returning her friendly grin. “I’m surprised nobody else is here.” She hummed. “Well, there was a lot to choose from. Come on. This one, I believe, is a little special compared to the others.” “How so?” Your voice was laced with curiosity as she led you further in, past the background sheets that separate the room into two halves. Behind it were people you had only dreamed of seeing in person.
The three of them stood as soon as they lay eyes on you. Johnny, Mark, and Jaehyun. You were completely frozen, staring at them and nearly forgetting to breathe. The thought of the members interviewing you themselves had never even entered your brain.
Your teacher placed a hand on your shoulder, startling you. Without a word, she smiled at you, nodded at them and left the room. Once the door shut with a soft click, Mark approached you. “Hi, I’m Mark Lee,” he held out his hand. “You probably knew that, considering your expression.” He laughed sweetly. You barely held out your hand with a shy nod, “I’m (Y/N).” Instead of going through with the handshake, Mark immediately moves in to engulf you in a friendly hug. “It’s nice to meet you,” you mumbled into the hug, barely processing that you were actually hugging Mark Lee and were in the same five-foot radius as three members of NCT. Johnny and Jaehyun also hugged you tightly, insisting that you join them at the table your teacher had set up for them.
“I thought I would be more prepared,” you admitted softly, digging into your backpack and pulling out your portfolio of projects and random photos you’ve taken. Mark takes it first to open and look through. “I’ve been a fan since your debut.” 
Johnny smiled. “Then you’re just the person we’re looking for,” he said. He glances over at your portfolio, then back to you. “The truth is, we aren’t looking for a professional like a lot of others in this program. We bring our own from our company.” Your knit your eyebrows together in confusion. “Then why sign up? If, um, you don’t mind me asking.” 
Jaehyun looked up from browsing your portfolio with Mark. “We were looking to take one photo.” He held up his index finger. “We wanted to have a friend that’s from around here to help us find the perfect spot, and photographers always know the best places.” Your eyes widened. A friend? Did he really just say that? “Just one photo?” You decided to ask, the whole prospect of clarifying what Jaehyun meant by ‘friend’ was a little too overwhelming.
The three of them nodded. “We want just one photo for our dorm. This stop is important to us, and we want this to stay away from social media. It’s just going to be for us. And for you, for your project, of course,” Mark explained. “We don’t want someone that is too professional and we don’t want a fansite to take it. It seemed to us that a friend would be the best choice.” He smiled gently at you. “We’ll provide you with a ticket and backstage pass, as well as paying you based on the program’s price for the photo to be touched up and framed.” 
You tripped over your words. “Well, I… I don’t think I’m in a position to turn you down, but…” Johnny cocked his head to the side. “But..?” 
You gulped and sheepishly avoided eye contact. “I can’t speak Korean,” you mumble, fiddling with your fingers. Mark smiled sweetly at you. “That’s okay. We’ll translate for you. So, what do you think? Would you like to spend a day with us before our show?” 
You smiled, deciding to be a bit more daring. They did say, friend. “You’re asking that like there’s even a shred of a chance I’d say no.” 
All three of them grin. “Thank you, I was hoping you would say yes,” Mark says. “Your portfolio is stunning.”
Your face goes red and you're barely conscious enough to stand with them as they prepare to leave. Johnny and Jaehyun hug you again, praising your work before taking their leave, but Mark doesn't join them.
“Our manager has your teacher's contact information, but I want to involve the company as little as possible… if it's not too sudden, could I please have your number?” Mark smiles sheepishly, offering his unlocked phone to you, open to a new contact page. It's as if he has no idea of the impact he has on his fans. Sometimes you forget that NCT is made up of normal humans, and the one standing in front of you is a year younger than you are. 
“Of course,” you take it gently and add your contact info, taking a quick selfie to add as your little profile picture, all while Mark watches you searchingly. “Here you are,” you hand his phone back, hesitating on saying what you were thinking, “since you want to be friends, feel free to text me.” 
Mark takes his phone back with a smile, sending you a quick smiley face to make sure the number was correct. The room is silent for a moment, your face feels as if it's on fire and Mark returns the stare you gave him when you walked in.
“Come on, Mark!” you hear Johnny’s voice from outside the classroom and you both turn toward it. You smile sheepishly.
“I shouldn't keep you, should I?” you ask, voice soft and a little embarrassed.
“No, but I wish I had more time. I'll text you, I promise,” he says, hugging you once more before leaving you alone and speechless. 
You wondered if all fan interactions were like the one you just experienced. You were aware the members of NCT were known to be humble and kind, but they were much calmer and affectionate than you expected. The idea that you just saw Mark's smile in person made your own cheesy grin spread across your face as you packed up your portfolio. 
After class, you headed back to your dorm, a skip in your step. Once you opened the door and stepped inside, you felt like you could collapse. Fatigue washed over you like a tidal wave, and you knew it was time for an afternoon nap. Rhiannon was still in her lab, so you could grab at least 20 minutes of shut-eye before she would come back and beg for you to make dinner. You set your bag down by the door with your shoes and set a course for your bed. As soon as you were able to slide underneath the covers and nearly drift to sleep, your phone vibrated.
You reach into your pocket, confused. Rhiannon was the only friend that had your number, and if she even thought about her phone in a lab, she would be kicked out. Once you unlock your phone, you finally remembered who else you gave your number to.
Mark: Hey!
You licked your lips as your chest twinged and filled with butterflies. You screamed internally for a few seconds, the moment hitting you a little harder than before. Mark Lee had your cell phone number and he was texting you first. 
You: Hello, what’s up?
Mark replied almost immediately, which startled you a little bit. You turned over in your bed to get a little more comfortable.
Mark: We were just finishing up settling into our hotel rooms. I wanted to know how you're doing, are you in class? I hope I'm not interrupting anything
You: No, I got home a little while ago. I was gonna take a nap tbh
Mark: Oh! Sorry, I don't mean to take away sleep from a college student
You smiled a little bit. He was too sweet. As if your nap wasn't going to ruin your sleep schedule.
You: Its fine, if I had a nap I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight anyway
Mark: So you're free then?
Your eyebrows furrowed as you typed your response.
You: Uh yeah, why? Did you all want that picture now?
You put your phone down, a little overwhelmed. If they wanted it now, you wouldn't see them again until the concert, which wasn't until Friday. Perhaps you should have expected they wanted to do this as fast as possible, their Canadian and Chicago stops were planned with vacations in mind considering Johnny and Mark's heritage. When your phone buzzed again, you almost jumped to grab it.
Mark: Well no not yet. I was just wondering if you wanted to get coffee or something. Or tea if you prefer that 
Your eyes widened.
You: Really?
Mark: Yeah. I dunno, I want to take the friend thing more serious than the guys. They just wanted to use that word so it was like an unspoken contract that you wouldn't post this everywhere y'know? 
Your heart sank a little bit, but you could see how important privacy was. If you were in the same position, you would have done the same.
You: I understand… I'm still kind of a stranger though, are you sure?
Mark: That's why I'm asking. I don't want you to be. So, will you meet me?
You: There's a Tim Hortons on the first floor of M building near where you met me on campus, I can be there in 40 minutes 
Mark: See you in 40 minutes then :)
As soon as you read that text, you tossed your comforter to the side and raced into the bathroom. You fix your hair and could barely decide whether to change your outfit or not. He did see you earlier today, would he think you were trying too hard if you changed? 
“Keep it together, (Y/N),” you told yourself, patting your cheeks with your hands as you eyed your complexion in the mirror. “He just wants tea and coffee, nothing major.” 
Just then, the front door opened. “Are you talking to yourself again?” Rhiannon called from the foyer.
“No,” you called back, clearly lying as you took one more scan of yourself in the mirror before leaving to greet your friend. “You’re back early. How was the lab?”
“Tiring,” she answered. “My bitch lab partner came in even earlier than usual to make sure I didn't have the chance to set up our station again.” She rolled her eyes and dropped her backpack next to yours. 
“Yikes,” you reply, watching her wander into the kitchen. “Are you gonna tell your professor that she is trying to sabotage your grade?” 
Rhiannon sighed. “I don't know if the following shitstorm would be worth it,” she says, plugging in the electric kettle. “I'm gonna make some tea, you want any?”
You shook your head, even though she probably couldn't see you from the wall separating the kitchen and foyer. “No thanks, I'm going out to Tim's in M building.” 
Rhiannon took less than a second to appear in the archway to stare at you. “Why?” She questioned, squinting at you. 
“Mark asked me to meet him for coffee.” 
“Mark,” she repeated, crossing her arms. “I thought you hated Mark Davids.” 
“Not that asshole,” you shot back. “Mark Lee.” You began to look for a pair of cuter shoes as Rhiannon’s eyes widened.
“You got the job?!” She exclaimed, her voice nearly reaching a squeal. "YOU MET MARK LEE? WITHOUT ME?!"
“Yeah,” you smile sheepishly, taken aback by her shouting. you picked out your favourite pair of shoes, red converse high tops. “He just seems like he wants to hang out right now though.”
“Oh my God,” her voice nearly lowered to a whisper. “Mark Lee just asked you out.”
You rolled your eyes. “He didn't ask me out, he just wants to talk,” you explain, pulling on your shoes to tie them. 
“I dunno, he could be it,” she says, waltzing back into the kitchen. “You never know!”
You sigh. “See you later!” 
“Tell him to get Haechan's number!”
After a 15-minute subway ride and a lot of hurried walking, you hauled open the pristine doors of M building, the newest addition to your college campus. Right before you was a little Tim Hortons with a tiny student’s lounge to accompany it. There was a little bit of a line to the micro cafe since night classes were starting up around now, but the student’s lounge was close to empty. 
You took in a deep breath, fully stepping inside and beginning your search for Mark. It doesn’t take long to spot him, he’s sporting yellow hair and a white face mask, accompanied by two red Tim Hortons cups at a table in the corner of the lounge. It takes you a moment to fathom your position - about to meet someone you’ve been crushing on for months through a computer screen for coffee in a lounge at your college. On top of that- he’s already bought you something.
“Hi,” you meekly greet him, approaching the table. Mark looks up from his phone and his eyes immediately crease into the crescents of his beautiful smile.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” He pulls his mask off, “sit down, I, uh, got you some tea. You kind of struck me as that kind of person, so I hope I got it right.” 
“Thank you, Mark. You really didn’t have to buy me anything…” You smile nervously, your face feeling hot and your heart beating a mile a minute. Mark seemed a little nervous, just like you. It was a sobering moment, taking the cup he pushed toward you and opening it to take a sip. Your eyes widened. Your tea was exactly the way you always order it, nearly to the grain of sugar.
Mark watches your expression, happy that you seemed to like your tea, “I wanted to treat you. I know how weird this must all seem for you, but for some reason, I feel like I know you.” He runs his hand through his hair, avoiding eye contact for a moment. 
You look away from him as well. There's a moment of silence between you, the bustle of students slowly diminishing as the sun sets behind you. 
“I, uh, can't really relate to you in that way,” you whisper after you worked up the courage to break the silence. “A lot of your life is on display.” 
“You're right,” Mark agreed. “There are a few things I keep to myself, though,” he smiled cheerfully. “But what I mean is hard to explain.”
Curious, you nod toward him, “try me.”
“When I was standing in line, I was trying to figure out what to get you. I wanted to treat you since I asked you to come, and I kind of expected for you to say no since your professor said you had class today and-”
“Mark, it’s fine, stay focused.” you smile faintly at him and wait for him to continue, sipping your tea again.
He blushes and nods sheepishly. “When it was my turn, I got what I wanted and the second I thought about you, I recited medium steeped orange pekoe tea with two cream and one and a half sugar like I had been getting it for you for years.” He stops for a moment, presumably watching your stunned reaction.
Your breathing was feeling a little crooked, and you couldn't quite place what you were feeling. You tried to take in a deep breath, shaking your head when Mark began to look concerned. 
“Sorry,” you apologize quickly. “I, uh, kind of know what you're talking about. This is all just a little; I don't know…”
“Overwhelming?” Mark finished, nodding his head. “I can't stop thinking about it.” 
You tried to smile. “I guess you gave the bug to me,” you joke. “Want to get some air?”
“I'd like that.” 
The two of you walked down a path that led off-campus, talking. It was as if the two of you had forgotten your positions in life; Mark a celebrity with his life on a pedestal and you just a fan that forgot how much you really knew about him.
You were rediscovering his cheerful nature, his loud and hearty laughter that was a whole-body endeavour, learning that he plays the guitar, his love of ice cream and sweet things. His favourite colour was blue, and he loved Christmas so much he already had a growing list of things to buy for his friends as gifts.
The sun was nearly hidden behind the hills of the park you wandered into, admiring the newly blossomed cherry trees. You were showing him a small bed of flowers decorated to look like a Canadian flag when Mark asked the dreaded personal question you had been hoping you would never have to answer again.
“How did your parents find out?” His tone was soft, curious. He didn't sound as invasive as others have been in the past, but the question still made you bite your lip to keep from frowning.
“A gang fight,” you answer, bitterly. “My dad punched my mom in the face so hard that day, she needed to go to the ER. It actually took three months for her to figure out why the print of my dad's fist hadn't faded from her cheek.”
Mark didn't speak for a moment. “Was that too much to ask?”
You looked up at him from the flower bed, smiling faintly. He looked good in the final evening glow. “I don't mind that much, but...”
“I'm sorry,” he said, tentatively placing a hand on the small of your back. 
“It's okay,” you start, his sympathy nearly made you melt. The two of you begin walking again, Mark absently running his fingers over cherry petals as you both passed the trees. “I got out of it all pretty quickly. They fought when they were high, and that was almost all the time. Sometimes, I feel scared just thinking about how my life might end up. If any of it is all as real as everyone says it is.”
Mark stares at you, and there is sympathy radiating off of him. He looks like he wants to say something, but he stays quiet.
You hold back a frown and decide to break the silence. “Anyway, how about your parents?” 
“A hug,” he answered, nodding, a smile returning to his face. “it's not the most common first touch in the world, but I hope I find mine the same way.” 
“That does sound nice,” you agree softly.
“I've heard it's all up to fate and magic,” Mark says, charm in his voice. “I've always wanted to believe in that.”
“I'd like to believe in that. Makes life seem a little more bearable. I’ve just always been so cynical through my childhood, so much so that all of my hope for a fairytale ending faded a long time ago. I never really thought that anything good would come out of it. If the universe really wants me to find someone, I guess I can’t really do anything about it.”
Mark smiles, although you can tell he is hiding a smidge of disappointment. “I suppose that's one way to think about it,” he replies. “I just want to know someone so well that I don't have to think twice about it. Like knowing the exact way to cheer them up when they're sad. Like the perfect cup of tea or their favourite stuffed animal. I guess that takes a little bit of magic.” 
You stop in your tracks, thinking about the perfect tea he had given you earlier.
“What's wrong?” Mark stops and turns around when he notices you're not keeping pace.
“Nothing,” you lie with a smile, watching Mark's scepticism through the darkness of night. 
“Okay,” he says softly, looking up at the sky. “I guess it's late, huh?” 
You join him in looking up. If the city wasn't always so lit up, this spot would be perfect for a shot of the starry night sky between the small canopy of cherry trees. “I guess it is.”
“How far away is your dorm? I can walk you,” he suggests, taking your hand. You're frozen, too stunned by the gesture to pull away.
“You don't have to,”
“But I want to,” Mark grins. “It's the one way I can make sure you get back safely.”
“You're too kind…” you pause for a moment. Mark is staring you down, waiting for you to say yes. “I'm not allowed to say no, am I?”
He shook his head, smiling. “Nope. Come on, let's go.” 
Scoffing lightly, you concede and begin walking again. “You can take me to my subway stop and I can tell you which train to take to go back,” you offer, assuming he would need to be back at his hotel before it got too late at night. 
“No,” he said quickly. Your eyes widened at his tone and once he noticed your reaction, he lowered his voice. “I just… have these gut feelings. I'd like to escort you right to your dorm,” he clears his throat, “um, if I'm not crossing any lines.” 
You feel sympathy for him. Just looking at Mark, you can tell he's worried about you, but you can't quite see the reason. “Okay,” you agree softly. 
It's silent for a while as you both walk through the well-lit city. It's not until you pass a food truck on the way to the subway station that either of you says something again.
“You know, you and I walked around that park for hours and we didn't even know how late it was until the last minute,” Mark comments, still holding your hand and pulling back gently to keep you from walking past him. 
“Yeah, you're right,” you blush, you had to admit to yourself that you hadn't lost yourself in conversation or such comfortable silence like that even on a date. "We forgot to eat. Are you hungry?”
“Yeah,” Mark admits with a laugh, “and these hot dogs smell good.” 
You look up at him. “I'll buy.” You wriggle your hand out of his grasp and run toward the cart before Mark can catch you, readying your wallet. 
“Two hot dogs please, one with relish and one plain, please. Also, burn the plain one a little bit, thanks.” 
“You're slippery,” Mark says, watching you pay for the food.
“You bought me tea, it's only fair,” you stick your tongue out at him. He sighs and nods at you, only breaking his gaze when the man at the cart hands down the hot dogs a few moments later. “The one with relish is yours. You hate ketchup, right?” 
Mark takes his hot dog, eyes wide. “Uh, yeah,” he pauses. “I just haven't really told anyone outside the guys and my family.” 
You're halfway through a bite of your ‘dog and you nearly choke on it. 
“Hey, hey!” Mark reaches out for your shoulder, hoping that you wouldn't pass out. “Chew and swallow! Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out.” 
You swallow and cough, shaking your head. “Don't worry, I'm fine,” you say. “This is just a weird feeling.” 
He nods. “Yeah. But I don't really mind it. Come on, let's walk some more.” 
It was totally surreal to you, walking and eating with Mark. He was right, there was this strange feeling washing over you every time you looked at him, different than watching him on a Vlive broadcast or music video. Like you knew something about him that nobody else did, and it made you feel both good and scared out of your mind. It felt invasive.
One subway stop and a little bit of a walk later, you both arrive at your dorm building. “Here we are,” you announce. “My roommate is probably going to kill me for coming back so late.”
“Should I go in with you? To protect you?” Mark is smiling, but you can tell there is a hint of seriousness. 
“If you want. She will probably ask for something from you, though.” You open the main doors and enter in your code, leading Mark in with you.
“Like what?” Mark furrows his eyebrows. “She's not weird, right?”
You nearly laugh out loud. “She's weird all right, just not the kind you're thinking of. She wanted me to get Haechan's number from you, but I got so absorbed in talking with you that I forgot to ask.” 
“Oh,” Mark is following you close behind, letting out a tiny sigh of relief. “That doesn't sound too bad, but his reaction should be interesting.” 
You shrugged. “You don't have to do it. Anyway-” You're cut off as the door to your apartment opens, Rhiannon stepping out and pressing her hands to her hips. 
“Look who's finally back,” she states, and you can immediately tell she is angry. “It's almost 1 AM!” 
“Shh! I'm sorry, okay? I lost track of time! I was with-” 
“Mark,” she says, her voice less harsh when she notices Mark is standing behind you, sheepishly smiling and waving at her. “At least you had the initiative to walk her home.” 
You squint at your best friend. It's clear she is trying not to freak out in front of him. “Are you gonna let me inside?” 
“Not yet,” she states. “Mark, I love you,” she says quickly, grabbing your arm and pulling you to her. You're smiling awkwardly at him, shrugging and mouthing ‘sorry’. 
Mark smiles awkwardly and nods at you. “Uh, thanks,”
“Thank you for bringing (Y/N) back. Has she asked you about Haechan?” 
“Yeah. I'll text you guys his number when I get back- which I probably should…”
You step forward. “Do you know how to get back?”
Mark shakes his head. “I think it's on Yorkville, I might have to use my GPS.” 
You shake your head. “It's easy to get there. Head to the station you and I were just on, take the southbound for 5 stops. Once you get above ground, you should be on that street.” 
Mark smiled at you. “Thank you.” He approached you to give you a hug, which felt warmer than the other two from earlier in the day. When he turned to leave, a pang hit your chest.
“Mark,” you called. Instantly he turned around, his expression curious. “Let me know when you get back safely.” 
He nodded, smiling warmly. “I will, I promise.” 
You watch him leave, a little shocked that spending the entire night with him didn't feel like it at all. You're only broken out of your thoughts when Rhiannon drags you inside your apartment and shuts the door.
“You scared me half to death, you bitch! At least text me when you're gonna stay out this late! I thought you were just having tea! I was this close to calling the cops!” She presses her index finger to her thumb and shoves her hand towards your face as you stand before her, a little humiliated.
“Your fingers are touching,” you say quietly, screwing your eyes shut.
“Exactly!” she exclaims. “I was one button away from speaking to 911! You're goddamn lucky I heard you and Mark coming down the hall!” You open your eyes when she gently touches your arm. “Don't scare me like that.”
“I'm sorry. I promise I'll keep in touch next time.” You smile awkwardly at her. “I was just so caught up in talking and trying to make sure it wasn't a dream.” 
Rhiannon nodded and returned your smile. “I know. You should go to bed, you have class in the morning.” 
“Yeah. Thanks for worrying about me.” 
Once you were in fresh pyjamas, you had some music on in the bathroom while you dry your hair with a towel. A quick shower before bed always was relaxing enough for you to fall asleep quickly. Snuggling up in bed after that long day was especially nice, gathering up your teddy bear to hug close. You're just about to drift off when your phone buzzes. 
Mark: Hey, I'm back safe. Thank you for the directions 
You: You're welcome
I had a really nice time tonight 
Mark: Me too
You have class tomorrow right 
You: Yeah, it's a short day though, just a small photoshop lab 
Mark: Do you want to hang out again when you're done? By the way, the number I promised - __________
You: I'd like that. Thanks, I'll forward it to her 
Haechan was cool with it right 
Mark: Me too :) yeah he was cool with it, he owed me a favour anyway 
Sleep well ok?
You: I will, you too? 
Mark: Yeah I promise 
Goodnight (Y/N)
You: Goodnight :)
After putting your phone down on your nightstand, you peacefully drifted off with a smile on your face.
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doctors-star · 3 years
lister/rimmer for “Oh no, I feel bad- SYKE, no I don’t.” pretty please
“You’re being weirdly helpful today. What do you want?”
Rimmer opens his eyes parodically wide, fingers splayed against his sternum in an elaborate moi? gesture. It is an appearance of surprise and hurt so manufactured that Lister almost wants to applaud the performance, bow at their audience of stars, and abandon the bastard to his machinations. But unfortunately, Lister has been granted prophetic visions of the future and knows with deep and terrible certainty that, were he to do so, he would spend two minutes wandering the empty decks, trip over Kryten’s best mop, slide on one of Cat’s abandoned silk cravats, and go and find Rimmer to bitch about it and hope that he’s doing something more interesting. So, given that interstellar travel is remarkably exhausting, it’s far better to cut out the middleman and instead lie here on the sofa and watch Rimmer direct scutters to haphazardly clean the living quarters inch by mind-numbing inch. They’ve even got little white glove-fingers on their claws, so that Rimmer can demand that they swipe something to test for cleanliness and then bawl them out for miniscule specks no-one else can see. Once, Rimmer had conjured up a white glove for himself and gone round doing the same thing, but when Lister had pointed out that he couldn’t pick up dust and therefore was imagining things, Rimmer had only doubled down harder - so hard that he’d worked himself into a real tizzy about going video-blind, or being permanently stuck with dust on his finger for all eternity, or dying, again, and had needed to go and have a lie down in the dark for a bit. So this is - debatably - an improvement.
Normally, Lister wouldn’t give a toss about Rimmer bossing the scutters about on yet another mad powertrip, but he’s going too far. He’s thrown out all Lister’s mouldering dishes, professing concern for Lister’s health but probably just trying to irritate him, and he’s cleared out the space in the corner of the bunkroom that Lister had hesitantly earmarked for the crib - and in doing so, had thrown out Lister’s third-worst t-shirt, the one with the curry stain vaguely resembling Maggie Thatcher, and which he likes to keep around in order to spit at it every now and then. The final straw, however, had been when Rimmer had nasally informed him that he was getting in the way of the scutters’ gruelling floor-cleaning regime, and that he had better go and put his feet up instead - to keep out of their way, of course.
“When have I ever tried to manipulate you to get what I want?” Rimmer says with a voice which he probably thinks is sweet and just makes him sound like a particularly jammy and unpleasant used-car salesman trying to get off with the seventeen-year-old girls coming in for their first Fiat 500.
Lister narrows his eyes. “Do you want that alphabetised or chronological?”
Rimmer blinks at him balefully, still very much putting it on. “Can’t I just do something nice without an ulterior motive?”
He considers this. “A person could, even if they never have before. You, though, I genuinely think the shock of it would kill you.” Lister spreads his hands invitingly, obligingly lifting one foot out of the way of a scutter before letting it once more dangle over the side of the sofa. “So, out with it.”
Rimmer shifts nervously from one foot to the other, inventing something at speed as though he never expected Lister to call him out on this - in which case, he’s a moron. More so than usual. “I don’t want the twins sleeping in our room,” he blurts out all in one rushed go, and Lister raises an eyebrow. “They’ll - they’ll cry, and keep me up, and I’m not giving up my Learn Esperanto discs for rodent-sized versions of you.”
Lister makes a game show-style incorrect noise and blows a raspberry, just to watch the left side of Rimmer’s face twitch in irritation. “Nope, not happening. They’ll cry so’s I know they need me, so I gotta be here to hear ‘em. Anyway, I wouldn’t make you give up your Esperanto discs - they’ll be better at it than you in a few months.”
Rimmer makes a sucked-lemon face at him. “Your spawn is not piggybacking my learning, the little parasites,” he says sternly.
Lister cups a hand around his ear exaggeratedly. “What was that, little-Listers? Ni estas tre lertaj? Yes,” he says to his still flat stomach in a very gooey voice that makes Rimmer clench and unclench his fists like a prize fighter, “you are very clever!”
Rimmer wrenches one hand up and points at him viciously, the other fingers curled in so tightly that his knuckles go white. “I forbid it.”
Lister sticks his tongue out. “Move out. Anyway, that’s not the reason - you cleared the space for their beds yourself. So, what is it?”
Rimmer narrows his eyes. The scutters start inching towards the door and effecting their escape. “I want to pick the film tonight, and it won’t be Fast and 14ious again,” he says carefully, feeling his way into the lie.
Lister pulls a sympathetic face and makes his game show noise again. “Oh, too bad,” he says, “you know well it’s Cat’s shout tonight so helping me won’t do anything. Anyway, 14ious is the best one.”
“It’s scratched to hell,” Rimmer points out. “We have to make up our own dialogue for the entire second act - last time, Kryten had the central car chase pivot around a shipment of mopheads and got disturbingly into the sex scene immediately following.”
Lister winces briefly at the recollection, but shrugs. “Exactly, it’s the best one. Right, contestant, last chance, remembering that you still have your lifelines: ask the audience, fifty-fifty, phone a friend-”
Predictably, Rimmer frowns. “Phone a friend?”
Internally, Lister pumps his fist. “Sorry contestant, that’s wrong too - you don’t have any friends.” Rimmer offers him a truly poisonous look and Lister nearly falls off the sofa snorting with laughter.
Rimmer folds his arms. “Well, if you know so much,” he sneers. “Work it out for yourself.”
“Nah, ‘cause you’ll just say yes to anything in the hope I’ll shut my gob,” Lister says without taking offence, and Rimmer looks vaguely exhausted. “Come on,” he wheedles, “tell me what’s eating you.”
“Nothing!” Rimmer snaps, unfolding his arms in a jerky motion and stalking off to fold himself into his bunk so that Lister has to awkwardly lean his head over the back of the sofa to see him. “Maybe I just want to live somewhere with basic standards of cleanliness.”
“Yeah,” Lister allows, watching Rimmer rub at the webbing between thumb and forefinger obsessively, as though seeking comfort. “But usually you yell at me until I do it. This,” he says, gesturing at the hard work of the scutters, “could be interpreted as nice, Rimmer, so you’d better do something selfish before the Playboy cover designers get in touch and make you every Miss July for the next century, or something else equally unlikely happens.”
“You’re an unbearable goit with all the standards and appeal of a mangy, leg-humping jack russell.”
“That’s the spirit. Now, explain yourself, you uptight lunatic.”
Rimmer makes a face at his own knees, then looks up, sees Lister watching him, and makes an even unhappier face. “Well,” he says, and then Lister has to wait and listen to nothing but the noise of deep space and Red Dwarf slowly falling apart around them for a good minute. “We ought to be ready for the babies, when they arrive,” he says suddenly, addressing the starched creases in his trousers.
“Which will be in about seven months,” Lister prompts gently, turning around to lean his chest against the back of the sofa and watch Rimmer better. He rubs the back of his neck carefully, tugging at the baby hair under his dreads. It’s not that he doesn’t want to be prepared, but - seven months is a long time, in the depths of space with sod all else to occupy them. Rimmer seems oddly hung up on it. The thought occurs to him like a lead weight in his stomach. “Look, man, I know we never asked for ‘em, but they are coming, so even if you don’t want them around you’ve-”
“No!” Rimmer says sharply, and when he meets Lister’s eyes he knows Rimmer is entirely serious, even though he still doesn’t understand literally anything else about the situation. “It’s not-” he waves a hand at Lister dismissively. Then he fixes his gaze on his hands, and addresses his remarks to those. “Pregnant people are supposed to rest,” he says sternly, “and be undisturbed by - by mess, and noise, and small children.”
Lister feels a frown settle on his brows, and a worry settle in his gut. Rimmer swallows hard, adam’s apple moving like a yo-yo. “Why’s that?” he murmurs gently, as if - if he could only be quiet enough - the question wouldn’t spook Rimmer out of his honesty.
Rimmer shrugs one shoulder. “Stops the baby growing up strong,” he recites oddly. “Mummy said she’d spent so much time running after my brothers that she was worn out with me, and that’s why I was slow.” He sniffs. He looks horribly lonely, and a hundred thousand miles away, and it’s like there’s a fist around Lister’s heart slowly constricting. “And that she might as well keep focussing on them, since I was never going to catch up.”
Lister shakes his head slowly. “Rimmer,” he says, “you’ve got more hang-ups than Elton John’s feather boa rack. I’m not raising the kids like your parents did you, and I’m not going to lie on the sofa for the next seven months doing sod all.”
“Whereas normally you’re such a ball of energy,” Rimmer snipes, but his heart’s not in it.
“Yeah,” Lister agrees calmly, “I’ve a strict schedule of slobbing about in different places and I’m gonna stick to it. Rimmer.” Rimmer flicks his head up guiltily and Lister offers him an exhausted look. “You can’t just decide to only care about my health when it suits your trauma and really annoys me, alright?”
Rimmer frowns. “Why not?” he whinges - which is a surprise, because Lister was anticipating him latching onto the caring thing, and not getting much further.
Lister spreads his hands. “All or nothing, baby,” he says firmly and with cheer, and then shoots Rimmer a wink - which reminds him of the aforementioned caring thing, and sets him off sputtering.
“And - and I don’t care,” he manages in the end. “Watch me not caring, you odious toad.”
“Uh-huh,” Lister says, and then, when Rimmer chances a glance his way, blows him a kiss to make him go all red and cross. It’s really ridiculously endearing.
“This,” Rimmer says, pointing at him, “is a manifestation of my dreadful upbringing, and, and Stockholm syndrome, anyway.”
Lister manages a grin, and lets it go. As he slumps back into the sofa, he can’t help but wish that Rimmer wasn’t probably right - and not just because the man is obnoxious and intolerable on a good day, when he’s wrong - and failing that, that this Stockholm syndrome, this resolute and unbending care that humans apparently manifest for one another despite literally everything when there is nothing else in the universe except a few creeping lifeforms and the persistent love they put out like radiation from a life-destroying nuclear incident, touching everything and making it all complicated - he cannot help but wish that it wasn’t there, or that it was there more, or something. That Lister loved him less, or that Rimmer loved him more, or that there was anything, anything at all, that Lister could do to change that.
But there isn’t, and he hasn’t got a hope in hell of Rimmer ever acknowledging affection without yelling got you afterwards, so he’d better just - stop bothering, really. Lister sighs, and smoothes his shirt over his stomach. He doesn’t care that Rimmer doesn’t want to care. He’s fine about it.
He hears his own brain make the game show noise. In a fit of pique, he removes one vile sock and throws it into the cleared space designed for the cots, and tries not to think about the hair-pulling sense of satisfaction he gets from listening to Rimmer yell at him.
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ynsimagines · 3 years
Supergirl: B!D gets Tortured Part 3
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You’re pretty sure you and Kara had the worst night sleep of your entire lives. Your pretty sure you held the world record for how many nightmares somebody could have in one night. You felt like the worst sister in the galaxy poor Kara had to keep waking up to calm you down. Kara was just extremely worried about you she hated seeing her baby sister wake up in the middle of the night shaking, crying and. throwing up. You had so many nightmares thinking you were back there in the hands of Lillian Luthor and Hank Henshaw.
Despite the eventful night the morning went by pretty slowly Kara was called for a Supergirl emergency. She was worried about leaving you, but Alex would be in the med bay on inventory so she would be in the same room.
You felt awful, physically and mentally. You were in a lot of pain due to your injuries because of which you had to be on a lot of pain medications. The medications made you feel so unlike yourself, kind of like a zombie. However you weren’t so out of it that you forgot about the torture you had endured. You also thought about how much you were effecting your sisters lives. They basically had to put everything on hold, and do everything for you. Kara could barely do what was needed as Supergirl only leaving for emergencies. Alex had to rearrange her whole work schedule so she could be with you. Before you know it these thoughts are causing you to panic your breath is getting quicker as you start to tear up. Your heart monitor started beeping faster which got Alex’s attention.
“Whoa hey kiddo, you’re okay calm down,” she said running over to you. I need you to take some deep breaths for me, can you do that? You breathed the way she said and were eventually able to calm down a little, but you were still crying.
"Alex, I’m sorry I’m such a burden.”
“What? A burden? Sweetheart, what are you talking about?”
“To you and Kara, and everyone else. You have to spend all your time taking care of me.”
“Y/N, you are not a burden. You had a horrible, traumatic thing happen to you. It’s Kara, and I’s job to be there for you and help you get through it. I’d give anything to go back so this would never have happened, but under the circumstance there’s no place Kara and I would rather be,” she said smoothing your hair down.
You nodded, “Do you want to talk about anything else? She said hoping you might open up to her a little bit about what happened,” you shook your head. 
“I just want to go back to sleep,” you said feeling a bit dizzy/lightheaded even though you didn’t tell Alex that. 
Your eldest sister sighed, but nodded her head. She checked your vitals and made you drink some more water before she gave you the medication in your IV that would put you to sleep.
You slept until Lunch when Winn and James came to visit bringing you food and a giant teddy bear they had brought, you didn’t eat much though due to a slight stomach ache you developed.
After hanging with you for a while they both had to get back to work. As they left Kara came back from whatever she had been needed for as Supergirl. “Kara, you’re back” you said weakly. 
“Hey little one,” she said sounding sad. “I’m sorry I had to leave earlier,” she said sitting down next to your bed.
“It’s ok, I know the world still needs Supergirl,” you said. 
“But my little sister still needs her big sister,” she said grabbing your hand in hers something was weighing heavily on her mind. “Sweetheart, I need to talk to you about something,” she said looking you in the eyes.
“When you were kidnapped, and they were asking you for information on Supergirl why did you not just give it to them?” 
“Because I had to keep your secret  your identity is the most important thing.”
Kara shook her head “Y/N, my identity is not more important than you,” said your sister not believing what she was hearing. 
You realized she was getting upset. “Kara, the world would be okay without me, but not without supergirl.”
“How could you say that Y/N, how could you think so little of your own life,” she said now practically yelling something she never did at you. This wasn’t helping your anxiety as you were getting upset you started crying tears streaming down your face. 
“Kara, I’m sorry,” you tried to say.
“Don’t,” she said standing up, “I need to get some air.”
As Kara was storming out Alex was coming in. She had planned on coming to check on you when she heard yelling and practically started running. “What the Hell Kara, what is going on?” she asked.
“Kara,” you called out, but the superhero wasn’t listening. You began sobbing now that she had left and Alex came over to your bedside.
“Baby, what happened?”
“Kara, hates me.” you weren’t in the condition to talk just then so Alex hugged you best she could from where you were laying and whispered words of comfort. 
After a while you had calmed down enough to tell Alex what happened. Alex was furious with Kara for what she just put you through and getting you so upset. But she was staying calm for your sake you were her number one priority right now. So she put everything else aside for the afternoon and laid with you in bed while you both watched Netflix. You refused to go back to sleep until Kara came back.
“Can you try calling her again? Maybe she’ll answer this time?” you asked Alex. 
Alex’s heart shattered at the pain and innocence in your voice as she honored your request. “Hello?” Kara said.
“Kara, where are you?” Alex said walking far enough from your bed that you couldn’t hear her. Y/N  is refusing to eat or sleep until you get back, she thinks you hate her.”
Kara immediately felt a pang of guilt she knew she was wrong and felt horrible about earlier.  “I know I screwed up okay I’m on my way back, I promise I’ll make this right.” 
“You better.”
When Kara walked back into the med bay she immediately walked to your side. “Hey sweetheart, I’m so sorry for earlier.” 
“It’s okay Kara,” you said weakly. 
She shook her head, “no it’s really not.” She continued talking, but you were having trouble listening. You didn’t feel very good and not just because of your injuries. You were dizzy again and weak, you felt numbness in your hands. You were pretty sure you had a fever along with the worst head and stomachache of your entire life.
“Baby girl, what’s wrong?” she asked noticing how out of it you were.
“Don’t feel so great,” you said feeling like you were losing consciousness. Kara felt your forehead instantly concerned at how hot it was. 
“Alex,” she yelled. “Stay with me little one, whatever it is were gonna fix it. Your eldest sister came running in and Kara moved to the side so she could asses you.
“This isn’t good, she has internal bleeding,” said Alex trying to get you prepared she had ordered some med bay assistant to call Doctor Hamilton, you would need to be immediately prepped for emergency surgery.
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hyuniepot · 4 years
the butterfly effect. || chapter 3
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chapter word count || 1,763
genre || thriller, angst, drama
members || mark lee, na jaemin, lee jeno, huang renjun, lee donghyuck, zhong chenle, park jisung
warnings || mentions of death, implications of depression
pairing || fem!reader x jaemin || slight fem!reader x mark
synopsis || you never thought you’d be able to play with fate so easily, especially not through some shady app. but you suddenly must say goodbye to what you know and hello to a new world where everything seems perfect.
taglist || @gothboyjisung​ @jeongyoonohs @doiewonu @huanginjoon​
a/n || please read the replies to see what was removed from the beginning! luckily it was only one paragraph :-)
previous chapter
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Wednesday, September 13
The past week had been great. You had gotten used to your new schedule and friends. You were starting to think maybe you could get used to this. Granted, doing something after school everyday whether it be practice or hanging out with friends, got pretty exhausting. But you didn’t mind. In the long run, it helped you sleep better.
“So who’s paying?” Hyuck asks, sliding into the booth seat across from you. Mark sat next to you.
“So who’s paying?” Hyuck asks, sliding into the booth seat across from you. Mark sat next to you.
“So who’s paying?” Hyuck asks, sliding into the booth seat across from you. Mark sat next to you.
“I can,” you say. “I have some extra money.”
Hyuck nods. “Good enough for me. When was the last time you paid?” he teases.
“I don’t know,” you say, grinning. “It’s not my fault you guys like to pay for our food.” you didn’t even know if that was true.
“You guys? More like just me. When was the last time you paid, Hyuck?” Mark asks. You internally cringe at your slip-up.
Hyuck puts his hands up in defense. “Hey, don’t get mad at me! I pay… sometimes…” he mumbles.
A waitress takes your order and you pull out your phone as Mark and Hyuck talk about something that happened in their science class. The ButterFly app is still there, almost taunting you. You ignored it and opened instagram. Finally, your social media was back to normal. No unsettling ads to be found.
You liked some pictures from your classmates -- Yeri’s selfie and a screenshot of her listening to Ariana Grande. Sihyeon, one of your new friends, posting a candid photo of her outside of a store. Suhyun, showing off a makeup look she did recently, looking cute as usual. A boy named Xiaojun posted selfies as well. You didn’t really know him, but you both had the same history class. You quickly scroll past a selfie of Naeun and Jaemin, trying to ignore it entirely.
“Do you remember that?” Mark asks you, laughing.
You put your phone down. “Remember what?”
“When you were scared of butterflies.”
You smile. Finally, something from this universe you already knew. “Yeah… I remember,” you reply, laughing. “Why do you ask?”
“Because our friend Hendery said he used to be scared of them too. It made me think of you.” Mark says, glancing away from you. “And then I took you to that butterfly garden and you suddenly loved butterflies. It was kinda cute, watching your feelings towards them turn from fear to love,” Mark tells you. You ignore the warmth in your cheeks.
The waitress returned with your food, putting it down on the table. You dug in, realizing how hungry you were. You, Mark, and Hyuck just talked about random subjects like the shows you’ve been watching on Netflix, things that happened at school and practice, and how good the food tasted until you were all ready to head out.
“I’ll go pay,” Mark says, scooting out of the booth.
“What? Mark, I said I was paying,” you argue, quickly scooting out after him.
“It’s fine. I’m used to paying.” he replies.
“Oh my god,” Hyuck groans. “You better not complain about me not paying ever again. You’re the one always volunteering.”
Mark shrugs. “I’m feeling generous.” he starts to walk towards the front counter.
“No. I said I was paying, so I’m paying.”
You go to follow him, but Hyuck suddenly grabs your wrist. “Hey, can I use your phone real quick?”
You stand, stunned, for a moment at the question. “Uh, yeah. That’s fine. The passcode is 7492.” Hyuck nods and lets go of your wrist, and you turn to catch up with Mark.
He’s pulling out his wallet. “Mark, I’m not giving up. Let me pay, please?”
Mark grins. “Okay. Since you’re so adamant,” he puts his wallet in between his arm and his side. “Rock paper scissors? Best out of 3.”
You roll your eyes, sighing. “Fine.”
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
You cheer as you beat Mark.
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
Mark wins.
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
You return to your table, dejected. Damn it. You didn’t even care about paying, you just wanted to beat Mark. “How is he so good at every-”
Your heart nearly stops as you see Hyuck on your phone. You recognize the familiar layout of ButterFly. And he was looking at what you sent. You snatch your phone out of his hands, your face growing hot with embarrassment. How the hell were you going to explain this to him?
“You downloaded it?” he asks, softly.
“Yes. But it’s… I just,” you try to speak, but nothing would come out.
“I knew it,” he breathes. “I used it too.”
You’re stunned again. You don’t even know how to respond. You weren’t even sure if you understood what he was saying.
Hyuck stares ahead. “I wished for something too,” he tells you. “And it put us in the same universe.”
You’re suddenly lightheaded. So this Hyuck was the one from your old life. The one who annoyed you and Jaemin everyday. And he knew you were the old you.
“Listen,” you say. Your voice is trembling. “We will talk about this later.”
“Talk about what?” you turn and see Mark.
“Homework. I used her phone to call my mom and when I hung up she got a text from a friend. We all have literature together and we just found out we have a project due on Friday.” Hyuck says, nonchalantly. “It’s a long story, but now we only have two days to do it.”
You nod, thanking the Gods above that Hyuck was a good liar.
“Damn,” Mark picks up his drink and drinks what’s left. “That sucks. I hope you guys get it done in time.”
“Yeah. We’ll have to work on it tomorrow. We don’t have practice, how about you?“ Hyuck gets out of his seat.
“I don’t either,” you reply. You all exit the restaurant start your walk home.
Mark and Hyuck talk again. You wonder what Hyuck could have wished for that put you in the same universe as him. Maybe it was the same thing. You just tried not to be too freaked out by it and tried to mentally prepare yourself to talk about it with Hyuck. You had just started to feel normal here, and now everything was turned upside down.
You make it home safely and try to relieve your stress by hanging out with Jisung and Chenle, who had come over after school. You watch them shoot hoops outside for a bit.
You wonder where Jisung’s love for basketball came from. He wasn’t really into it in your old life -- he was more into dance, although he was starting to become more and more uninterested in it. You knew Chenle was always into basketball, so maybe he was able to keep Jisung interested in it.
Then you remember that here, Mark and Hyuck were both on the basketball team. You start to think maybe Mark helped Jisung and Chenle get into it. You make a mental note to try and get Mark or Jisung to talk about it with you soon.
Once the sun started to set, Chenle went home and you went inside with Jisung. You did your homework with him. “Hey, (y/n?)”
“What’s up?” you respond, not looking up from your paper.
You hear Jisung shift in his chair. “Did you and Mark break up?”
You almost break your pencil out of surprise. You look up at Jisung, who is staring back. You weren’t even sure how to respond. Were you dating Mark? In the past week you’d spent with him, there was nothing that indicated you were dating him. He never referred to you as his girlfriend or anything like that. So surely, Jisung had to be confused right?
You took your chances.
“Jisung,” you chuckle. “Mark and I were never dating.”
Jisung’s eyes widen. “Really? But you guys spend so much time together… I just kinda assumed…” he continues working on the assignment in front of him. “I just thought you didn’t tell me because it’s none of my business,”
You sigh in relief with a smile. “But why do you ask? Mark and I are still great friends.”
“Well,” Jisung puts his pencil back down and closes his notebook. “He never comes over anymore.” he says softly.
Your shoulders drop and you sigh. “He’s just really busy,” you reply. “He’s busy with school and he has practice after school. He doesn’t have a lot of free time these days.”
“I know…” Jisung says softly. “Which is why I feel so dumb complaining. I just… miss hanging out with him. But he’s your friend, not mine. I don’t think he wants to be hanging out with some kids,”
“Hey,” you say firmly. “He’s your friend too. Trust me, Mark doesn’t care about his friends being younger. You’re only what, 2 and a half years younger than him? That’s nothing!” you say. “Seriously, you’re too in your head, okay? Don’t overthink it. Mark doesn’t hate you or anything.” you tell him.
Jisung avoids eye contact with you as he picks up his things, standing up from his spot.
“But… don’t feel dumb for being worried about things like that. It’s normal. Don’t be afraid to talk to me if you’re ever feeling sad, alright?” you tell him. He gives you a small smile before nodding and leaving the room.
It was awkward to tell him that. Jisung never talked about his feelings to you, and you definitely didn’t do it either. That just wasn’t how your relationship was. Jisung was 10 times happier here than he was in your old life, but even now he still had worries. All you could feel was guilt; You had been sacrificing Jisung’s feelings for the sake of not feeling embarrassed.
You shake the feeling off and try to finish your homework. You had enough to feel stressed and guilty about, there was no to go back and fix things now.
Or so you think.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Won’t You Stay (Part 3)
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Summary: Jensen is injured on set which leads to pushing back one of the biggest stunts of the movie. Later on that night, Jensen walks the reader to her car where a few sparks start to fly...
Pairing: Jensen x Director!reader
Word Count: 4,200ish
Warnings: language, minor injury
A/N: Please enjoy!
“Jensen! Run it back again!” you called the next morning. He jogged back to his first mark, spinning around and taking a deep breath. He’d taken a hard fall a few takes before on a stray branch and had been slow to get up. You knew something was bothering him but he didn’t say anything so you decided to keep going. “Action!”
Jensen ran through the woods and paused right at the camera, panting a few times before he looked around nervously.
“Cut! Good, very good, Jensen. Just what we need,” you said. “Moving on to 12!”
“Uh, after lunch,” whispered AJ.
“Let’s break for lunch and then get going on the big scene for the day,” you said. You let out a sigh, leaning over to your AD. “Thank you. I thought we were running late again.”
“We’re ahead of schedule. Everyone here gets their union breaks so don’t worry, someone will let you know if we’ve gone too long. Don’t stress so much,” he said with a smile.
“We have one of the biggest stunts of the film today. I am more than a little stressed,” you said. You hopped out of your chair and walked to the lunch line, making sure everyone went through before you went to get yours. You didn’t catch Jensen though and headed to his trailer when you didn’t see him around. “Jensen? Are you in there?”
“Yeah,” you heard from the other side of the door. “What do you need?”
“You get some lunch yet?” you asked.
“I’ll grab it in a minute,” he said.
“Are you okay?” you asked. “You were moving a little slow those last few takes.”
“Yeah, fine,” he said. You leaned against the door, staring at the name plate panel on the outside.
“You’re doing a hell of a job of convincing me, Jensen,” you said. 
“Y/N, I’m fine, really,” he said as a small whine came out of him.
You rolled your eyes and opened the door, stepping up and spotting Jensen in his kitchenette without a shirt on.
“For fucks sakes, Y/N. What if I was naked?” he asked, putting his arms around himself. Your gaze went to his ribs, a dark purple spot there he tried to cover up.
“Hey, you are not okay,” you said. He sighed and put down the roll of bandages in his hand on the counter. “Did you get hurt this morning? I saw you fall in the woods. You should have said something.”
“It’s a bruise,” he said. You sighed and stepped over, Jensen closing his eyes. “We have a big stunt this afternoon and as long as I wrap it up-“
“I am cancelling the stunt. We’ll push it back,” you said.
“My actors are more important to me than schedules or budgets. You get injured, on or off set, you tell me, no matter what,” you said. “Understand?”
“Okay but-“
“My dad, action hero, supernatural horror, romantic leading man, devilish boy with the soft core, has a very important rule when it comes to acting,” you said.
“What’s that?” he asked, taking a deep breath and wincing.
“It doesn’t matter if it’s your dream role. It doesn’t matter if it’s a story you love. If you’re not respected and treated with kindness on the project, you walk away. If it’s not a safe environment, you walk away. It’s a good rule to have, Jensen,” you said.
“What are you saying?” he asked.
“I’m saying that I will go tell the studio that we need to push back scene 12. We can do it when you’re healthy. Until then, no stunts for you,” you said.
“I don’t want to cause any trouble,” he said.
“Jensen. It’s no trouble at all. Honestly. It’s my job. Now put on your shirt and let's go to medical, get you fixed up and then have some lunch, okay?” you said. He nodded, pausing as he pulled his flannel on. “Need help?”
“I like your dad’s rule,” he said. “I think I’ll be okay on this project though.”
“You will be,” you said. He started to button up his shirt and you turned away to give him his privacy.
“It’s okay, Y/N. It’s not like I don’t have to get down to my undies for this thing at some point,” he said. “I’m so looking forward to that day on set.”
“Well the ladies have a thing for Lyle. But this is your personal space. I’m sorry I came into it without permission. I thought you were hurt. I won’t do it again,” you said. “I promise.”
“It’s okay. You were concerned,” he said, finishing with the buttons. “I’ll just remember to change in my bedroom from now on.”
“Good call. Ready to go get your check up?” you asked.
“Alright,” he said. “Lead the way, boss.”
“I thought I said not to-”
“I’m teasing,” he said, bopping your nose. “Boss.”
“Keep it up, Ackles,” you said, grabbing his arm. “Let’s go get you feeling better.”
“I’m really not that bad,” he said as you walked out of his trailer. 
“You don’t want to mess with bruised ribs if you can help it. At least the nurse will be able to get you wrapped up all secure and she probably has some good pain meds,” you said.
“I mean, I can go on my own. I’m not five. You gotta be starving. Go get your lunch, Y/N.”
“Ackles. Anyone ever tell you you’re grumpy when you’re not feeling well?”
“Actually yes,” he chuckled. “My parents would fully agree with you.”
“I had a feeling,” you said. He was a little slow as he walked but you didn’t push him to go faster. “Jensen. If you do get hurt again, please say something. Even outside of work.”
“I will. This kinda sucks,” he said. “Not that I’m a whimp or anything. But it does hurt.”
“What hurts?” asked your dad, popping out of the bathrooms nearby and jogging down the steps.
“Jensen has a nasty bruise from a fall this morning. I just want him to get checked out in case,” you said. “We’re going to push back scene 12 in the meantime.”
“Hm. Any idea what we’ll do instead?” asked your dad.
“Something easy going. I have to see what sets we have available,” you said.
“What about when Hale and Lyle sit and talk that night? You could probably do that without too much hassle in the studio,” said Jensen.
“He does have a point,” you said. “Scenes twenty eight and nine and thirty three? You guys think you could study those while I get it organized?” you asked.
“Yeah. I think that’ll be good. Oh and Jensen. Put some aspercreme on that bruise tonight before bed, ice for ten minutes and then wrap it. It’ll help. I’ve taken my fair share of hits,” said your dad.
“Thanks Ethan,” said Jensen as you went over towards the medical area with him. You got on your radio and told Mark and AJ the new plan while Jensen was checked out by the nurse. You knew you’d be getting a nasty phone call probably within the hour but you tried not to think of that when Jensen came outside and gave you a thumbs up.
“Doing okay?” you asked.
“Not broken. Just bruised the muscle. Got some medicine and a better fitting wrap to use. I feel better already,” he said. “But I was advised to take it easy for the next week.”
“Awesome. I’m glad it’s not too bad. We’ll make sure that we rework the schedule to do some easy-going scenes for you this week,” you said. Jensen walked with you back towards the lunch tent, most people either done or wrapping up with their food. You got a wrap and salad, sitting down with Jensen at a free table. You wolfed down your food, Jensen chewing slowly. He stared at you and you ate more slowly, Jensen chuckling quietly.
“I like a girl that’s not afraid to eat,” he said. “Go for it.”
“I don’t know why I’m rushing anyways. Everyone needs time to prepare for the new scenes,” you said. “You probably have an hour or two to learn your lines.”
“Oh don’t worry about that,” he said. You took a bite and tried to enjoy your meal, Jensen looking like he was in less pain than earlier. “So how do you become a director?”
“Hate yourself and the idea of ever sleeping again,” you said, smiling to yourself, Jensen returning it. “Well the truth is I grew up on film sets. I know a lot of stuff that most people don’t get to learn until they’re older. I started working when I was fourteen on set actually. Only a few hours a week after school or on the weekend but I learned a lot about camera work, pacing, lighting, basically everything. By the time I was done with college, I was interning in the production office and when I was working on my deal for the movie a few years later, I was confident enough that I knew all of the ins and outs to pull it off.”
“Wow. You were in training your whole life for this, huh,” he said.
“Sorta. I actually had a pretty average desk job for two years after college. I was writing in my spare time but I didn’t do any of this kind of stuff then. I missed working on something like this. Once the book was published, I knew I was going to write for a career and get back in the business if I could,” you said. 
“I’m glad you came back to it. I like working here,” he said, showing off a soft smile and bright green eyes. “The set I mean. It’s better than pretty much every project I’ve ever worked on.”
“It’s only day three. I have plenty of time to mess this up,” you said. You let out a dry laugh, Jensen cocking his head, giving you a friendly 
“Maybe that’s true but you have to have some serious talent to be put in charge. I wouldn’t write that off for nothing if I were you,” he said. You nodded and finished up with your wrap, diving into your salad as you noticed a piece of his hair flop down over his forehead. 
“You even got Lyle’s hair,” you said, pointing towards it. Jensen cocked his head and ran his hand over his forehead and up, the piece sticking back up. “Fixed it.”
“Thanks,” he said, wetting his thumb and running it over the spot.
“I caught a bit of your reel from when you were on Supernatural,” you said. Jensen paused but continued eating. “You do realize it was a good show. It wasn’t cancelled for bad acting.”
“I wish we could have gone a little longer is all. I really liked that story,” he said.
“Maybe someday Netflix could pick it up or something. You never know,” you said.
“Maybe. Right now though Lyle has my full attention,” he said. He took his last forkful of lunch and swallowed. “I better go learn my lines.”
“You got some time. Don’t rush,” you said. He hummed and stood up, turning to leave.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said over his shoulder. “Thanks for writing the book.”
“Thank you for reading it,” you said softly.
“You got this,” he said before he took off back towards his trailer. You smiled to yourself and tried to believe what he said. 
Then your phone had to ring and you saw your boss calling.
“I’m sure this is going to go well.”
“Hey,” said your dad as you stretched from your chair at the end of the day. “I heard that studio exec said more than a few not nice things today.”
“Yup,” you said as you grabbed your bag. “Kinda made that time I cried after failing Calculus seem like not such a big deal.”
“You were such a good student. Your first semester of college was a hard change. Also your professor was a dick,” he said.
“Yeah, well nothing compared to being told off by my boss,” you said.
“I called Bryerson,” he said. You whipped your head around.
“Dad. I told you not to do me any favors on this whole deal,” you said.
“It wasn’t a favor. I heard what happened, just like everyone else. I called all of our bosses to let him know that you prioritized safety over a stunt. It won’t even cost that much to push filming back. You want to know what he said? That was the right call. You just made a friend up top today, kiddo,” he said.
“...Don’t call Bryerson for me again,” you said as you turned away. “Thank you.”
“Get some sleep at home tonight, Y/N,” he said. 
“I will. Give Anthony a noogie for me,” you said.
“What’s Ella getting?” he asked with a smirk.
“Also noogie. I’m an equal opportunist older sibling torturer,” you said, laughing to yourself.
“You can always move back home, kiddo. We miss you,” he said.
“I’m twenty seven dad. I stayed long enough. I need my own space,” you said. “But I’ll try to be better about coming home more.”
“I know. Still getting used to it is all. So go home, try to relax and remember you did a good thing today,” he said. “Want a ride home?”
“No. I have a quick meeting but then I’ll get out of here, promise,” I said. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”
“Yes you will. Night, sweetie,” he said. You got a quick hug before he headed for his trailer and you went to the production office to go over your new filming schedule.
An hour later you trudged out of the office with a yawn. You slipped on your jacket and backpack, hitting a few lights in the quiet building before you walked out the front door. You hummed and headed across the studio lot for the parking lot, whistling as you went.
You were about halfway there when you heard a noise come from the trailers. You paused and looked over at the little maze of them, poking your head down a dark row.
“Hello?” you asked.
“Do you always talk-“
“Fuck!” you shouted, spinning around, Jensen wincing in your face behind you. “I’m sorry.”
“I probably deserved that,” he said. “Sorry for scaring you. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
“I thought I heard something,” you said.
“It’s probably the generator. It kicks on sometimes,” he said.
“What are you still doing here? We wrapped an hour ago,” you said.
“I was watching dailies and had to sign some worker’s injury report thing at medical,” he said. “You?”
“Got bitched at again for pushing the stunt back,” you said.
“Jensen. I will take the bitching. I’m happy with my decision today,” you said. “Don’t worry about it. How’d the dailies look?”
“Cool,” he said. You giggled and he laughed. “Sorry. I know that’s not the technical term.”
“No. Cool is what I’m hoping for,” you said. “You like the camera stuff?”
“My dad’s an actor too actually. I grew up hearing about the whole industry. I’ve always been interested in the process,” he said.
“Ah. Another Hollywood baby,” you said.
“Nothing like you. I grew up in a house in the suburbs, nothing fancy or anything. I came here like once before I tried out acting. I had a very boring stereotypical childhood,” he said.
“I would have liked that,” you said. “We moved a lot growing up. It wasn’t until my dad got married that I went to the same school and stuff.”
“Yeah but your dad is Ethan Y/L/N. That’s pretty awesome,” he said, smiling wide. “It’s got to be fun working with him.”
“It is. It’s nice to see more of him. I moved out two years ago. I don’t make it home much lately,” you said.
“Any reason why?” he asked.
You shrugged, Jensen nodding. 
“I moved in with my boyfriend,” you said.
“He’s not in the picture anymore, hasn’t been for about a year,” you said.
“Oh,” he said. “Yeah, I’m kinda between girlfriends myself.”
“Wow,” you laughed. Jensen chuckled, shaking his head. “No, I like that. It’s funny.”
“Sorry. Last girlfriend sort of slipped some personal stuff about me in an interview. I wasn’t a fan. It kinda turned me off from dating to be honest,” he said.
“She give out your address or something?”
“Talked about our sex life to MTV,” he said. 
“Oh. Wow. That’s just bad,” you said. 
“Yup. I don’t care if she thought she was giving me a compliment. That’s too personal to share,” he said.
“I don’t blame you,” you said.
“Being single has its perks though, right?” he asked. “We can stay up how late we want, no one to crowd the bathroom. No one eats your leftovers on you. It’s not the worst thing in the world, that’s for sure.”
“Oh yeah,” you said. You had to admit there were some upsides but having someone to come home to wouldn’t be half bad either. You gave him a smile, Jensen turning towards the parking lot a ways off. “I uh, should get home. We have an early day tomorrow.”
“I thought we didn’t have filming until two?” he asked.
“You don’t. I’ve got an assload of prep work to do before filming starts,” you said. He nodded and looked at you, the night air quiet. He moved a little closer and you saw his eyes dip down to your lips for a brief moment.
“I’m sure you do but you should probably sleep in,” he said, cupping your cheek. You stared at him, his hand quickly pulling away. “Uh, bags under the eyes.”
“You sure know how to make a sleep deprived girl feel pretty,” you laughed. He chuckled but it was forced and you saw him make a face at himself.
“Sorry. I uh, still get nervous around you,” he said.
“I wrote a book. Ain’t no reason to be nervous with me, Jensen,” you said, giving him a smile. “We should both probably head home though and get some sleep.”
“Agreed,” he said. You started to walk towards the lot, Jensen walking the other way for a second. “Sorry. Forgot I parked in the far lot.”
“I thought the actors had their own lot right around the corner?” you said. He stared at you, looking past with a tired smile.
“Just let me walk you to your car. It’s the least I can do after scaring you,” he said.
“I’m a big girl, Jensen,” you said.
“I know that. But let me walk you,” he said.
“Is this a you’re a gentleman thing?” you asked.
“This is me asking my friend if I can walk her to her car late at night so that I feel a little better knowing she got there safe,” he said.
“Alright,” you said, Jensen staying by your side as you walked in the quiet night air. “Thank you.”
“I’m not perfect but my parents did a few things right,” he said.
“My dad would appreciate that,” you said. “Mom too but dad’s always been a tad protective.”
“I never realized that the Y/L/N that wrote The Dark Woods was related to Ethan Y/L/N,” he said.
“You a fanboy of all the Y/L/N’s or just me?” you teased, getting closer when you heard shuffling on the other side of the lot fence.
“Well every boy growing up the past two decades thought he was awesome,” he said, moving to your other side. “I liked your book a lot though.”
“Why?” you asked. “I get that Lyle is kind of a dreamboat and like, the ideal guy but why do you like it? Give me the guy’s perspective.”
“Because Lyle could have been a bad guy and he turned out to be good,” he said. “Hale really treated him well.”
“Hale did kind of kidnap Lyle just a smidge,” you said with a laugh.
“Because he thought Lyle killed his son,” he said. “Then he ends up taking Lyle under his wing.”
“You know, I almost had Hale be evil,” you said.
“Why? Their relationship is even more important than Lyle and Molly’s,” said Jensen. “Nothing against Molly, I love her too but Hale and Lyle is so interesting to read about.”
“It was a rough time and I took it out on my characters,” you said. “It was wrong though, to do that to Lyle. Sorry. I know he’s not real.”
“You created him. He’s real, Y/N. He’s a good role model, for men and women,” he said. 
“So you like his relationship with Hale the best?” you asked.
“Lyle was alone and Hale was kind to him after he realized Lyle didn’t hurt his son. Hale became a good dad to him,” said Jensen. 
“Hale’s based on my dad a bit you know,” you said. 
“Your dad is a vigilante?” teased Jensen.
“No. No. But you know, he was a single dad to his son and then to Lyle. I know what that’s like,” you said.
“I’m glad you didn’t make Hale evil,” said Jensen. “It would have crushed Lyle.”
“You really know that character, don’t you,” you said.
“He’s not a stereotypical guy. He’s not any one thing but at the end of the day, he’s good. I don’t know, it’s just...he’s more like how guys actually are, you know?” he said.
“Not in my experience,” you said. “Guys fucking suck. Except you. You’re sweet.”
“Well, you’ve also never dated me so it’s entirely possible I do indeed suck,” he chuckled. 
“Jensen,” you said as you spotted your car and started to slow. “I um…”
“I know. Fanboy has to learn when to keep his mouth shut,” he said. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow?”
“Hey,” you said, grabbing his wrist before he could head back for the other lot. “I think it’s cool you like this story so much. No one besides my family ever encouraged me to write or thought I was any good until I got published. I think Lyle’s really lucky he ended up with having you play him.”
“I’ll try to do him justice,” said Jensen.
“Jensen,” you said again. “Saturday night. I...I don’t think us seeing each other outside of work is such a good idea after all.”
“I’m sorry for bothering you,” he said as he turned away.
“I’m just crazy busy and I’m not ready for a relationship, Jensen. Maybe neither of us are. After filming is done we could-”
“It’s okay. I get it. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said. You sighed and stared at him, waiting for him to go. “Get in your car.”
“So I know you got in your car okay,” he groaned. “Just do it.”
“Guys don’t do that sort of shit outside of movies and books,” you said.
“Yes they do,” he said with a small smile. “You obviously haven’t met too many great guys then.”
“Thank you for walking me to my car,” you said as you put your hand on the door. He didn’t say anything and you rolled your eyes, sliding inside before you were turning the keys and heading home.
A/N: Read Part 4 here!
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baroquebucky · 4 years
tiny marshmallows
a/n: i got this idea from a book i read a long time ago and i remembered this scene last night and i had to write it with bucky! let me know what u guys think <3 requests for marvel characters are open !
Bucky was a puzzling person to say the least. No matter how hard you tried, you could never figure out where his head was at. When you thought you knew him and had him all figured out he would do a full 180 and you’d be back at square one. You both talked quite frequently, you would consider the super soldier a friend, but you weren’t sure if he would say the same.
You slipped on your raincoat and headed out the door, upset that the whole compound forgot to buy a box of hot chocolate, despite you definitely texting steve to add it to the list. You ran towards your car, getting your shoes wet and the bottom of your jeans slightly damp as you ran through a puddle.
After a couple of minutes you arrived at the grocery store, heading straight for the box of hot chocolate packets. As you grabbed the box you smiled to yourself and snatched a bag of tiny marshmallows as well. After braving the storm once more and running back to your car, your teeth were chattering and your hair was dripping.
As you arrived back to the compound you decided to hide the box and the marshmallows until the perfect occasion came, but you couldn’t wait that long. So instead you made sure to schedule a movie night in a couple of hours. That would give you time to shower change and make everyone a cup of hot chocolate. You smiled and sent out the message, going to your room to kill some time and change.
As the time for movie night neared you headed down to the main area of the compound to make the hot chocolate, lining up all the mugs and getting them ready. You put the tiny marshmallows in all of them, stopping at Buckys.
Would he like them? I mean yeah he would who doesn’t. Right? He’s so tough and such a hardass, you’d only seen him smile once when sam almosy fell off the roof doing a dare- that is not tiny marshmallow personality. You decided against it and as everyone trickled down from their rooms you handed them a mug, smiling as they all gave you a thank you and hugged you.
Bucky was the last one to come down, he almost walked past you but you noticed the glint of his metal arm as he walked past the lights.
“oh bucky! Here i made everyone hot chocolate” you spoke softly, handing him the mug with puppies on it. He felt his heart swell with adoration as your cheeks grew pink when you realized the mug you had given him.
“I didn’t realize- i mean there were no other ones left, i can go switch it out im sorry” you rambled, attempting to take back the puppy mug.
“no don’t worry i love it” he spoke softly and you smiled, you heart skipping a beat as you soaked in how charming he looked.
“okay” you breathed out softly, walking away biting your bottom lip to keep you from smiling too hard. As you grabbed your own mug, you placed it on the coffee table, going to stand infront of the screen to tell the team what they were about to watch.
“okay we are about to watch the best Disney princess movie, any guesses?” You spoke up, pointing at Sam who looked confident.
“frozen” he smirked and you shook your head, warning a gasp from him. You pointed at Steve who looked at you quizzically “mulan?” you shook your head once again, earning protests from Wanda and Natasha.
“I said movie not princess” you smirked, causing the women to nod and look at you approvingly.
“No more guesses? Cmon guys!” You smiled widely at everyone, excited to subject everyone to your favorite princess movie.
“tangled” you heard bucky whisper. Your whole body lit up and you ran to hug him without thinking twice.
“yes! Tangled! Prepare to watch poetic cinema and fall in love with Flynn rider” you spoke, squealing as you hit play and sat between Steve and Wanda.
“you got marshmallows?” bucky whispered to Sam looking from him own mug to his friends mug. “Yeah you didn’t?” He asked, looking at Buckys mug and noticing the lack of the fluffy sugar bombs.
Bucky frowned slightly, was he not to level for your tiny marshmallows? He shook the thoughts away as he saw you mouthing the words to the scene, smiling when you caught bucky staring at you. Bucky turned bright red and he was very thankful it was dark.
As the lantern scene came on bucky couldn’t help but look at you as you watched in awe. A small smile playing your lips as the couple on the screen sang.
The words rang through Bucky’s ears, his heart beating fast as he realized his feelings for you. While the rest of the team was falling in love with Flynn Rider singing, Bucky fell in love with you softly singing along.
As the movie continued Bucky grew more and more nervous. What the hell was he gonna do? You were one of the few people that Bucky actually was friends with, and now he’s gonna mess it all up because he has feelings for you.
Bucky excused himself from the movie, slipping out with his now empty mug, heading towards his room. He stopped at the kitchen, putting his mug in the sink and closing his eyes for a second to set his mind straight. Did he really like you or was his mind just playing tricks on him?
Since the moment he got to the compound you were sweet to him, always offering to help him, trying to coax him to do more things and live in the moment. You were always there for him, but he was too scared to fully let you in. Yet, there you were always trying to get in, knocking at the door of his heart.
“Bucky? Are you okay? You walked out of the movie” you spoke up, scaring the super soldier slightly as he jumped at the sudden voice in the silence.
“what? oh yeah I’m okay, just tired is all” he gave you a tight smile and you furrowed your brows at him, coming closer the the tall man.
“no you aren’t, i saw you tearing up and then smiling, that’s not what you do when you’re tired” you looked at him, scanning his whole body to check if he was okay physically before finally settling your gaze on his face. You took in the light stubble on his chin and cheeks, the crinkles by his eyes and the now slightly long hair that had grown out since his last haircut.
“i just need to think about some stuff, by myself” he spoke, avoiding your gaze. You felt your heart sink a little. Bucky never skipped your movie nights. Even when he had a mission where he had to leave at 4 a.m. Bucky stayed up until 2:30 a.m. watching Marley & Me and sniffling besides you.
“oh- I’ll leave you then” you spoke softly, turning on your heel and walking back to where everyone else wat he’d the movie intently. Bucky let out a sigh as he searched high and low for the tiny marshmallows, maybe you had run out of them.
As he opened the furthest cabinet and bent over he saw the small bag of the sweet stuff, his heart sinking as he closed it and went to his room.
The weather grew warmer and warmer as time passed and you had yet to make more hot chocolate since the last movie night a week ago. You and bucky had talked since the last encounter, you had brushed it off and gone back to your cheery self towards him, he kept to himself a little more.
It was around 1 in the morning when you realized how badly you wanted some hot chocolate. You quietly and quickly got out of your bed, slipping on some fuzzy socks and going down to the kitchen area, grabbing your marshmallows where you kept them hidden and a pack of instant hot chocolate. As you heated the milk up and watched your show on your phone you heard someone coming down the steps.
You lifted your attention from the screen and paused it, waiting to see who was to join you this late at night. You saw the familiar pair of sweats and smiled internally. Instinctively going to fix your head and checking your reflection to see how you looked.
“why are you up this late?” You questioned the metal armed soldier and he gave you a small smile.
“couldn’t sleep” he responded, looking at the mug you had on the counter and taking note of the milk in the microwave. “making hot chocolate?” You smiled at him and nodded.
“want some?” You asked, already reaching for a mug and another pack of hot chocolate.
“yeah sure why not” he looked at you softly as you grabbed milk out of the fridge, taking out your now warmed milk and pouring it in his mug. You glanced at the tiny marshmallows and thought about putting them in, once again deciding he was too tough for that.
“is it- can i-” Bucky sputtered, his cheeks heating up and he took a deep breath in and exhaled. “can i have some marshmallows? I really love them in hot chocolate” he spoke, pink dusting his cheeks and his ears growing extremely hot.
You blushed and a wide smile spread across your face. “of course! sorry i just never added them because- uh yeah” you cut yourself off, not wanting him to get mad at you.
“why? you can tell me i can keep a secret” he smiled and winked at you as you added a handful and then some of marshmallows to his cup.
“i just- i thought since you’re so intimidating you wouldn’t like something like tiny marshmallows” you mumbled, looking at the floor and trying to avoid his gaze at you.
Buckys heart sank for a second before he felt his chest swell with love for you. He smiled softly at the way you were fiddling with a ring on your finger and how you shifted your weight onto one leg.
“you think I’m intimidating?” Bucky asked, a small smile still playing upon his lips. You looked at him and nodded your head, looking for any sign of sadness or negative emotions.
“I mean it’s not like you’re the easiest person to warm up to, one time i said hi to you and a second later i heard your metal arm whir- i thought you were gonna beat me up” you looked at him, your brows furrowed as he continued to smile at you.
“doll i would never hurt you” he spoke, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “between me and you, you’re my favorite person in the compound” he smiled at you and you blushed, a shy smile covering your face as you looked up and into his blue eyes.
“had i known the best assassin in the world was into tiny marshmallows i would’ve never taken him seriously” you joked, adding more marshmallows to his cup, an attempt to make up for the ones you hadn’t given him before.
As time passed you and bucky grew closer, sharing cups of hot chocolate, full to the brim with tiny marshmallows. The two of you sitting on the roof, your legs swinging off the side of the building while bucky held you tightly, making sure you didn’t fall.
Bucky liked you, so so so much. That’s why he was freezing his ass off on the roof, looking at the stars and the tree line behind the compound with you. That’s why he always made sure there was instant hot chocolate in the compound. That’s why he always made sure that before you walked into the training room he had his muscles flexed.
That’s why he put his mug down and looked at you, taking in a deep breath and trying to stop himself from backing out of this.
“y/n” he began, you turned to face him, smiling at him as he began to talk. “listen I’ve had a crush on you for so long, i didn’t know how deep i was in until that night that we watched tangled. I knew i liked you but it’s so much more than that, i wanna soend all my time with you, i wanna know the little things about you and i want you to know that about me” he paused, searching your face for any sign that he should stop. “I wanna make sure you know that i love tiny marshmallows, and i want to be disgustingly soft with you and-” you leaned in and kissed him, cutting him off.
He pulled back and smiled at you, looking into your eyes, confused but happy. He leaned back in, kissing your lips while his hand rested on the back of your neck. You both smiled into the kiss, laughing when you both pulled away with red faces.
“you were rambling. Figured I’d save you some time and just show you how i felt” you whispered, the two of you still close enough that he could hear you. He nodded and closed his eyes, screwing them shut while he grinned widely.
“does this mean you’ll be my girl?” he asked and you nodded.
“of course you fucking softie” you laughed, biting your bottom lip before throwing your arms around him and burying your face into the crook of his neck.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Way Back Home (Bro!Taeyong x you)
BRO-SIS relationship here. not incest but pure sibling story! 
I hope you enjoy them. Stay safe and healthy and happy everyone! 
Cosmic loves you 💖
here we go!
In this pandemic time, starting first year in college is something different. Yes it was challenging and it was not so fun, especially since you have been waiting for this time of life to really feel what it's like to be an international first year student. You have prepared yourself to meet new roommates, living in a dormitory, and meeting people from different part of the world. Sadly, everything must be postponed because of COVID-19, and for your own safety, you're not allowed to go. Other than that, you are lucky you got accepted to the school you want, but surprise surprise you have to take the classes online. Online means using Zoom meetings and attending it like the scheduled time. This will be okay if you live on the same time zone, but here you are living 14 hours ahead, not to mention they have daylight saving thing your country never has! On November the time had changed to 15 hours difference, and you are still going strong. "Morning Taeyong," you peek your head from the door, your bed hair and pillow face greet your brother and he laughs on your puffiness. "It's almost eleven, come on wash your face." He says as he walks around the house, running a vacuum cleaner with the TV on. "Last night I can't directly sleep. Someone wants to check their Math homework with me, and I just slept at three." you yawn as you make your way to the bathroom and freshen up a bit. "Yes I know it is hard to study midnight, but that is why I didn't wake you up." he turns the vacuum off, stores it nicely in the small room and launches himself on the sofa. "I myself is enjoying the lack of sleep I cannot have during the promotional time." Taeyong leans into the soft couch and breathes a sigh of relief. "Yeah yeah yeah, I want to watch Mtopia but works are still chillin in my bedroom." you grin when you brush your teeth. Taeyong chuckles, "Do you have many things to do this week?" You shake your head, "Research for my Geography and maybe the ALS, and the upcoming Math quiz." Taeyong nods his head, "That is quite a lot." You shrug your shoulder, "Where are you going?" you have washed your face and brushed your teeth and hair. Calmly you walk to the sofa and sit beside him. "I'm thinking of visiting mom, wanna join?" he brushes his long hair away from his face. "Sure! Of course I am joining you. I can bring my laptop with me." you punch him playfully and he laughed, "Ah yeah my bad, You cannot attend college face to face, hahaha yes you can take your laptop!" You want to pinch him, but you remember the last time yo did that, you got scolded by his make up artist noona because they have to cover it up with foundations. "I want to pinch you so bad... Why are you more annoying after meeting Baekhyun sunbae!" you clench your fist.
As much as you love EXO and Baekhyun, you still sometimes wonder if your brother knows he is affected a lot by Baekhyun and you're kind of thankful for it. Taeyong looks happier now. "Hey if you can bring the works to home, we can go Friday and go back Sunday, what do you think?" You excitedly nod your head, "Yes! We can do that. I am so excited!" Well he has to ask you because he cannot drive himself home. So the adventure begins. Friday, you wake up around eight pack your things and with Taeyong. the two of you drive safely in the highways to go back home. "Must be hard eh? Studying online and everything." He looks to you for a while and focuses back on the road. You are the one driving the car, your brother can't really drive one, so he just helps you watch the road and navigates you although you know how to go home. "Brother, you need to learn how to drive like as fast as you could! Imagine if later I am away and you still cannot drive." He lets out a crisp laugh "That is why I am happy when you said you are still taking the winter term online, I am super happy. I need to make more memories with you before you're gone!!" he punches the air. "Well you're busy I cannot blame that. Well we can make memories now, in this pandemic time... we can bake cookies and cakes but I am busy with my classes. We can do that on the term break!!" you also suggest things to do with him. "Well yeah, it'll be hard for me to see you later." "I'll try and see you on your concerts and tours." You send him a comforting smile. "Focus on your studies, I don't want you to fail quizzes because you attend concerts and tours." he lovingly flicks your arm, you ouched but just laugh it off. "Yes yes mother," you taunt at him and he pinches your cheeks. "Naughty!" The two of you take a break in one of the rest area and after a heartful meal from Taeyong's credit card, you are ready for the rest of the journey. "We're almost there!" Taeyong roots for you, well he really understands you are tired but what can he do other than cheering you and feeding you snack and drinks while jamming to his playlist. "You remember that time you followed me secretly and Doyoung to get ice cream?" he starts his memory lane talk and you are already laughing when you play the scene back in your head. You laugh and hit the steering wheel, "Of course! I cannot forget you and Doyoung screaming so loud!" Taeyong laughs too, well back then, Doyoung offered Taeyong a ride to get ice cream, and when you heard that you sneakily jumped into the car and no one knew you were there. "What are you going to have?" That question was proposed by Doyoung and you popped in between them, "I'm thinking of getting a milkshake." Taeyong jumped like he had just seen a ghost and Doyoung screamed. You laugh heartily and they scold you on the way back because you scared them, but you're happy since you got your milkshake. "I swear you made the two of us looked like an idiot." Taeyong grins You clicked your tongue, "Best milkshake story ever!" You two exchanged more stories and suddenly the world has changed. The highway has changed to a village sceneries and oh the flowers and trees are nice candy orange! "hey hey stop here for a while!!" Taeyong taps your shoulder. You hit the brake and question him,"Huh? Why? We're not homed yet." He unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the door, 'I want to take pictures." he grins and hands you his phone. You roll your eyes, "Fine. Quick I am not taking too much. I am tired okay we better arrive and eat lunch." "Yes yes I know." he carelessly answers you, his hand is already busy fixing his clothes and hair. You wait for him to pose and you take a quick snap of him in his all white attires. Well he really looks good in white and the background flowers are in a nice contrast. Orange and yellow flowers. He changes position and poses and you just calmly take his pictures, later he will choose it by himself. "Alright you're getting better in taking pictures!" he messes your hair when he is satisfied with the results. "Want me to take you one too?" he asks in a mannerly way, you shake your head, "I am good thank you, so shall we go?" He nods happily and when you're back in car Taeyong is already busy picking pictures to upload in Instagram for his fans to see. "Thank you for driving me here, the way back home is always the best ride!" He kisses your cheek and hugs you when the two of you already settle your feet in mother and father's backyard. "Welcome home!" you whisper and grab his hand to knock on the door. "Mother! Your two sweet bad dreams are here!" the two of you mischievously knock on the door and wait for your mother to open the door. "Look who's here! Welcome home honey!" she greets the two of you with a big hug and a surprised happy face. "What a great surprise!" father also hugs you two and ushers you in. "Food is ready in the table, wash your hands and eat." You and Taeyong smile, well after all home is always the best place to rest and eat. "You must be tired from driving here?" your mother runs a hand on your hair. You shake your head, "It's okay. I am glad to be back here! Taeyong shall we eat?" And with that you two are back at home.
END. please his insta pic is sooo pretty!
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: The Return of an Old Enemy"
Chapter 5: One Man's Weakness is his Own Wife
The preparations for the Dionysia was underway; maenads, satyrs and villagers decorate the streets with flowers, purple and gold ribbons. The amphitheater was being prepared for this year's theme of "The Downfall of Troy", a theme that Apollo earlier in the month repeatedly objected towards but Dionysus completely forgotten why Apollo didn't approve of....until the Dionysia.
Dionysus was helping his theater troops with the set. "A LITTLE TO THE LEFT!" Dionysus shouted to two stage hands movie a large crude cut-out of a very angry Zeus, "NO THE OTHER LEFT!" he shouted again.
The stage hands were at this point a little confused on where to go, so the both of them just stand completely still to see if Dionysus actually noticed. Dionysus tilts head head to see if the angle is right and stares at the cut-out. "..... perfect, now all need to do is fix the curtains an-" he suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder, he turns around and sees Apollo we a stern look on his face with Ariadne next to him with a look of concern.
"Um.... Dionysus....is THAT supposed to be dad?" Apollo questioned as he pointed to what basically was the equivalent of a child's drawing of Zeus with sharp teeth, a unibrow and a few inaccurate details that would be obvious to most people.
"Um yes. Yes it is.", Dionysus defended the depiction with all his heart, "I made it myself....with Kale's help, he's been extremely helpful." He points to Kale, who ironically is the director of the play for Dionysia, helping with choreography with a group of maenads. He turns back to Apollo and Ariadne, he steps past Apollo and goes straight to Ariadne, romancing her with the same vigor as if it was still love at first sight.
"Ah sweet pea, you made it" he gives a small kiss her hand, "-listen I have been dieing to get your opinion on the set up for act 3 ," gives another kiss up her forearm, "-the maenads have helped with casting pretty well so far buuuut I may need-" kisses again up the arm, "-someone to fix the costumes for Ares and Heracles though, mostly because it's a little too small for the both of t-" again Dionysus was interrupted mid sentence with Ariadne placing he finger on his lips. As much as she adored Dionysus's courting and him in general, she also equally adored her subjects as any queen would. She lets out a sigh and gives Dionysus kiss on his nose.
"Dionysus, love, we need to talk.", stated Ariadne, "It's about the festival, we HAVE to call it off and continue on another day." she continued. "Apollo told me everything about what's been going on. If it's not safe for the public to be out as soon as the sun goes down, than we must postpone the festival." she argued.
He couldn't believe his own ears, first his brother and now his own wife attempts to convince him to cancel a celebration. So he attempts to continue his 'counter measure', he continues to woo her. He picks her up in his arms. "Oh don't worry my little pomegranate seed, things aren't THAT bad, it was probably the cats being naughty.", he tried to convince her as he started to nuzzle her neck. His stubble tickled Ariadne, she lets out a few giggles, suddenly the two are now locked into a battle of dodging the topic and inappropriate amounts of "pda". The two went back and forth on topic of canceling the event for the safety of the residence. It was between the traditions to party hardy or to prevent a possible mass animal attack that has yet to be resolved.
Meanwhile Apollo is standing three feet away completely growing tired kf the two's public displays of affection, mostly because he personally feels not only is this a massive waste of time but also it makes him feel internally irritated knowing he doesn't have anyone to do this with at moment... subsequently feeling left out. "You two DO realize it's four hours until sunset, I need to at least know you two will be safe before I leave." He interjected.
The two were currently locking lips with each other, Dionysus knew full well this couldn't go on much longer. Dionysus finished his kiss with Ariadne.
Like most men, he didn't like his mind or his plans changed. "How about....we make it during the day?" he suggested, he reasoned that since the attacks have mostly happened at night that there was plenty of time to celebrate.
Ariadne nodded her head no, "No, Apollo had mentioned some these animals have attacked during the day too. He's seen them occasionally, we have to postpone. Maybe during a day that..." She thought about her request...." No nevermind.", She blurted.
Dionysus was confused, was there truly a way out of this annoying cancelation? "... nevermind what?" He asked.
Ariadne has set her trump card, "oh, maybe...just to make the people feel a little bit safer... invite your father to the Dionysia?", she bashfully asked.
Dionysus stood there with a blank expression, a few seconds later, he started laughing. "Ahahhahaha, oh Ariadne, that's really fucking funny hahaha!" he laughed continuously, he looked up and saw Ariadne's face, she wasn't very happy. "Ohhhh you're serious." He realized what she was suggesting wasn't a joke, but a genuine suggestion. "Look, I'm NOT going to bother my dad to babysit us. Delphi honestly isn't in any danger, and we've had two attacks....in three months!" He argued. The conversation started to get a little more serious.
Ariadne let out a small huff, "I know you want to keep the festival going but the safety of people are a little bit more important than tradition right now. I don't care if it was two, or three or a thousand attacks, you know very well that the festivities will be ruined if someone gets hurt.", she told him. "Please I beg you, not just for my sake but the sake of whomsoever might get hurt. It's either you get your father to come over to make sure nothing bad happens....or no sex....for a year, plus no cuddles either. Seriously Dionysus, if someone gets killed over this I swear I probably won't talk to you afterwards!" She was at her limit, if Dionysus was going to be stubborn about festival, than she was going to be stubborn with him.
Dionysus was at an impasse, he couldn't risk making his ultimate wine-wifu upset and to top it off he could not stand the idea of being ignored by her for such an undisclosed amount of time. He also couldn't just CANCEL one of the most important holidays in Greece, mostly Dionysia was also a performing arts contest, and Delphi has been going strong for several years against Delos and Sparta so his ego was on the line. He turned around and pondered to himself, hoping to figure out a way he could make both parties happy. "What if I raised the defenses around the town?....what if I can make wine bombs....that makes wolves too drunk to attack people?" he suggested,.
Ariadne stood there speechless, trying to decide if she was shocked or not to hear this from Dionysus. She motioned to one of the maenads to hand her a prop. A maenad handed her a peacock feather, mostly she didn't want to be responsible for any injuries the Dionysus could probably sustain from this. Ariadne with a gentle smile, worked with what she got, started whipping him with the feather. "YOU. ARE. SO. DAMN. STUBBORN. WINE. CAN'T. SOLVE. NOT. BEING. ALIVE." She shouted as she 'mercilessly' hit his shoulders and back.
Dionysus couldn't help but defend himself by curling up and blocking his face. At this point, he was already in hot water with Ariadne, so he decides to pretend to actually be hurt and start screaming.
Apollo was now just sitting on a director's chair that was provided but one of the stage hands, in fact the whole amphitheater's staff and volunteers were watching this incredible marital dispute. It was rare to see Dionysus and Ariadne fight, some even started to provide snacks to each other. "HOW ABOUT THIS-" Apollo announced.
Dionysus and Ariadne both stop and looked at Apollo. The two pausing midway through their dramatic theatrics.
Apollo stood up and let out a long sigh, "look, if it makes you feel better Dionysus.....as compensation for losing a day-" he said mid sentence.
"A WEEK" Ariadne shouted, she hoped to at least wait a week to make full sure what ever has been going would be solved within the week.
"NO. THATS TOO LONG!" Dionysus furiously responded but was again getting pelted by Ariadne's peacock feather. "AAAH NO NOT AGAIN!" he shouted.
Apollo continued on, "..... loosing a week of the Dionysia, I will make it sunny....for a whole week....just so that you celebrate...none stop...for a whole week." Apollo knew he was going to make BILLIONS of mortals completely confused, ruin many people's sleep schedule...but all to convince the god of wine to cancel a party.
Ariadne was very happy about the idea but it was something. "DEAL!", she shouted, she stopped whipping Dionysus with the feather. Dionysus stood up, not even feeling anything, with his ego a little bruised having had his will be bent. He begrudgingly decided to the agreement, "Fine. But I better get a summertime blow out during that week dude." He conditioned.
Apollo could breath a sigh of relief, he had at least avoided disaster for the citizens of Delphi. Now it was off to Delos to arrange some defenses around the countryside. Delphi may not have any 'wolves', but he was worried of Delos did. "Well, good to see we're at an accord. Dionysus, please be careful tonight and good luck to you, Lady Ariadne." He waved as he went to find his chariot.
Ariadne and Dionysus waved goodbye to Apollo. Ariadne looked up at Dionysus and tried to tickle him the the peacock feather on his neck. He tried to not crack a smile but he couldn't resist being ticklish let alone be mad at his wife. "Hahahehehe, ok ok, sorry sweetie. I just really hate canceling anything." He apologized.
Ariadne chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "it's ok, but your brother is right you know." She assured him. "Come on, I'll help you pack a few things up." She went on to help put away some of the decorations. Dionysus turned around, "Ok pack up the small stuff everyone! Dionysia is cancelled for the week!" He announced. The staff and followers were all shocked and some started to comment amongst themselves. "Don't worry, the party will continue next week with a full week of sunshine and hardcore partying. As of tonight...um...just like... don't go out at night. Stay home and get wasted indoors my dudes." He finished off his announcement, turned to went to help with putting away some of the things.
Kale had finally comeback from a 45 minute wine break and was completely confused as to why everyone was putting away everything. "Ok seriously I need to lay off the marlot because WHAT THE FUCK did I just FUCKING nap through the Dionysia?!" He shouted. A satyr walked up to fill Kale in, "um nah brah, Dionysia is cancelled until next week....after that its party time on steroids." Kale at first was frustrated because he worked on the dance routine for the play, until he realized there was a whole week to make some changes. "GASP! I must go, improvement awaits!" He dramatically left to come up with another part of the scene.
End of Chp5
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hiya! whenever you’re in the mood, generous by amber mark... for cal please? 🌾👀🌾 the part where she’s like “i ain’t seen you in like seven days, just wanna stay in for the weekend and get faded, turning off my phone, putting on some slow jams & taking off your clothes” had me sweatING.
Thanks for the song suggestion!
This sexually charged. No explicit details, but please read with caution if you’re under 18. 
The First Year
It’s said that the first year was the toughest. And while Calum wanted to say that the whole love business was tough in general, nothing could’ve prepared him for the whirlwind that came through his life. None of it was bad though. The guys had taken a lot of time between the fourth and fifth albums. It was needed. Success never came in drips at a time, or at least that’s how it felt. It was hard work, piece by piece that was falling into place. But it always felt like success came in a wave. It washed over, flipped everything upside down and then slowly as the wave dried things settled. 
Calum was caught in a wave. The band’s touring options had opened up, new opportunities for merchandising and collaborations, more venues outside of music with scores for films, working hands-on in music videos, collaborating on bass builds, had him buried in big decisions. It kept him late sometimes or forced him out of the house early in the morning. Work for her had been steady but there were days at the clinic that were just rough. And when she wanted to call Calum and just bawl her eyes out about how unfair some stuff was, she always hesitated knowing Calum was busy. 
That didn’t stop Calum from doing what he could to be there. He called when she mentioned having a few minutes to herself at work. He kept up with the cooking schedule. They alternated every week or so who was responsible for cooking. He got through the loophole by ordering her takeout and having it delivered to the house even if he was out late. Calum won’t admit to having an alarm on his phone--though it was like several alarms depending on what she was in the mood for. He had the delivery times down to a science and set the alarms accordingly. When he was home early, he took at least an hour just to curl up with her on their couch and talk about anything and everything. 
Things were going well, but the distance was a hard thing to see when it trickled in. But Calum noticed her calling him less at work, and he missed those texts but he knew she was just as busy as he was. When they did fall into bed together, it was usually straight to sleep for at least one of them, leaving the other feeling comforted by the presence but with a small ache for a kiss, or maybe even more. 
The two of them weren’t big on Valentine’s Day. Calum always sent her flowers and most times they spent the day relaxing at home if she managed to escape from the clinic and get the day off. If not, Calum always had a bath ready for her when she got home, flowers, and her favorite meal in the oven. Though, she was prepared this time. Maybe even overly prepared. She was noticing the distance too. The touches never lasted as long as they used too--they had surpassed the honeymoon phase, no more sappy arguments on who was going to hang up the phone first, or who was cuter. Now it was the real test. 
Even if Calum teased her for being cliché, she didn’t care. She was going to make sure to take the time to show Calum that she still cared, she was still attentive. She woke before Calum. This wasn’t a shock considering her having to be there at the clinic at 9 in the morning. Her body’s internal clock was so set that the only way for her to sleep late was to be sick. So at six-fifteen her eyes cracked open and she groaned.  
Calum would wake in another hour or so. He tried to keep a consistent sleep schedule. For a while, she just laid there, curling up into Calum’s side. Her fingers gently traced his jaw and pushed at the curls at the top of his head. She worried for a half a second that she had woken Calum when he shifted but he settled and remained peacefully in slumber. It took her nearly half an hour to convince herself to get out of bed. 
She stared out, as she took Duke out, at the hazy blue that was covering the skies. It would only last for about half an hour. It made everything feel like a movie and she loved the blue hour more than high loved sunset golden hour. She liked the slight chill that entered her body early in the morning. She liked the stillness in the air too. 
By the time she turned back to head into the kitchen, Duke’s paws clicking on the hardwood floors she could hear the clanking of pots. “Go back to bed!” she hollered into the house, removing her slippers and shutting the door. 
“You go back to bed,” Calum returned. His voice was rough, still thick with sleep. It made her spine shiver just a little. Even though she intended to cook breakfast for him, she didn’t protest as Calum took reigns. They cooked together, stealing more chocolate chips to eat than to actually put into the pancakes. It was sweet, to finally have her in his arms. To know that things hadn’t fully changed between the two of them. Calum kissed down her neck as she washed dishes. 
She hummed, acutely aware that both of them were still in their pj’s but it felt right as Calum’s arms encased her waist. A soft sigh escaped her lips. “I have like three things left to wash.” 
“I can help with that.” His lips hadn’t left her skin. Her scent was too intoxicating in his nostrils. 
“You’re doing a lot to help,” she laughed but pushed through to finish the dishes. As she pulled the plug on the drain, she pushed her hips back to reach out for the dishrag to dry her hands. She was going to treat Calum, fix him all the food he could eat, try to take the load off. But right now, his hands were slipping under her oversized t-shirt and were gripping her hips. She wasn’t going to stop this. It felt too damn right. 
As Calum kissed over her neck, she lets the moan slip over her throat. “I’m just saying, there may or may not be new lingerie for just this sort of thing stashed away in my dresser.”
He laughed into her skin. Of course, she would. “If you tell me it’s red, you know I will have to hold that over your head for at least three months.”
“Baby blue,” she whispered, reaching behind to grab at Calum’s neck. That’s the only thing she needed to say before Calum bites into her flesh. 
“You had to go and say that.” It was with some grumbles that Calum peeled away from her. He taped her ass as she departs the kitchen. “I want a show.”
“I’m not giving you a show if your ass isn’t showered either,” she returned. Calum, fresh from his shower, listened as the water turned off. He agreed to shower first and it was wracking his nerves. He knew she had planned to cook breakfast but when he wanted to cater to her. It was a revolving door. He wanted to do for her and she wanted to do for him. 
Calum wasn’t really sure though when he lost conscious awareness until he heard the speakers belting out R&B that brought him back. He hadn’t even heard them turn on-- they always chimed a little when it was paired with something. There was a distinct click, heels tapping against the wooden floors. He slowly brought his gaze up, the robe, sheer and hiding nothing of the baby blue corset and panties. Her thigh-high stockings were skin-colored but dazzled a little too in the light of the mid to late morning filtering in through the blinds. Her band and engagement ring reflected the light too, dazzling as she put her hands on her hips. 
His mouth salivated. He knew what she tasted like, but the sight, the mere sight of her had him weak. There was no mistaking what was happening. His fingertips were starting to tingle. Fuck, he missed this no doubt. Too many months had passed. Too many nights passed where he wanted to wake her, wanted to kiss the shell of her eye and beg to touch her, but he let his own tiredness and hesitation stop him. 
Calum pushed up, wanting to feel the flesh of her ass give to his palms and she only grinned. It was followed by her directing him back to his spot. “You look so goddamn beautiful,” he whispered into the skin of her breast. They were pushed up, almost threatening to spill over the cups and he really just wanted to press his face into them, suck at the supple skin. 
Her arms wounded around his neck, pushing them up into his nose. “Have a taste.”
Calum did not need to be told twice. 
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lunar-jimin · 4 years
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i am my mother’s child, i’ll love you til my breathing stops                                     i’ll love you til you call the cops on me
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: smut, tiny little glimpse of fluff, a lot of angst, stalker!reader, ex!namjoon
Word Count: 6.6k
Warnings: penetrative sex, softdom!namjoon (kinda), sub!reader (also kinda), quickie in a bathroom, lots of feelings, generally sad ones, this is fairly depressing, reader is stalker, so there’s that, also she has drunk sex with a stranger, but she propositions him so
Summary: It was your obsession with your job that drove him away. It’s your obsession with him that drives you.
↳ moodboard   ↳ playlist   ↳ series m.list   ↳ m.list 
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The world outside your window was dyed in the murky blue of four in the morning. You didn’t notice. Your eyes were glued to the glaring screen in front of you, begging for your undivided attention. Instead of working like you should be, you’re creeping through your ex’s Instagram page, desperate to know every minute detail of his life after you. The couple staring back at you from the screen made your stomach twist itself into knots. You had known he would move on, find someone to love him better than you could, but you never thought this would happen in a million years.
Engaged? Really? They had only been dating for a year, only a year and a half since he had left you, but sure enough, the giant diamond on her ring finger spoke for itself. Jealousy tore through you. You knew you didn’t deserve his affection, but that hadn't stopped you from holding on to the small glimmer of hope that one day you would find a way to be together again.
Despite it all, you had long ago admitted to yourself that she was a much better match for him. Your mutual friends would often regale you with their complaints of how clingy they were, how much they loved each other. The pictures of them that filled your feed testified to this. She made sure the world knew how much she loved him. A twinge of regret sparked in you when you thought of your own Instagram page, bare of any images of the two of you. You were never one for shoving your relationship into other people’s faces.
Your eyes flicked from the post to the clock in the corner of your screen and you groaned inside at the prospect of getting only two hours of sleep. Turning back to your computer, you noticed the tired burn in your eyes and the lethargy that spread throughout your limbs. With the last bit of energy you could muster, you drug yourself out of your way-too-comfy computer chair and into your welcoming bed. You fell asleep before you made it under the covers, still in your jeans.
The next thing you knew, your alarm was blaring out some loud pop song you had picked a long time ago and never bothered to change, uncouthly interrupting your precious slumber. Sitting you, you already began to feel the consequences of too little sleep: today was going to be a long one. You silently swore to yourself that you were going to fix your sleep schedule, before managing to drag yourself out of bed and down the hall to the bathroom. The warm water from your shower did little to wake you up, but it did sooth your tense muscles. A half an hour later, you were at the bus stop, apple in hand, trying valiantly to keep your eyes open.
Your morning passed quietly. Somehow words appeared on your screen, despite the fact that you didn’t recall typing them. You had never been more grateful for your lunch break in all your life. You wearily made the slow trek to the cafe three blocks down from your office. All you could think of was the toasty panini and cup of coffee calling your name. The apple you had gulped down for breakfast wasn’t doing much for you anymore.
The cafe cheerily greeted you with the smell of espresso and a warmth that comforted your bones. You had been coming here since you began your career as a journalist for the newspaper. You swore they made the best sandwiches in this hemisphere, and the shy barista, Jungkook, never failed to make you smile with one of his cheeky stories from college.
You quickly ordered before taking your usual spot by the window. You had only been sitting for three minutes when your day went from bad to terrible. You blinked twice when you saw him. You were sure it was an illusion, your lack of sleep finally taking its toll on your mental health. You close your eyes and count to ten, praying that he would be gone when you opened them again.
There was now way it was coincidence that he was here. There was no way that he could possibly have come to the same cafe you had been a patron at for five years by accident. There was no way.
You froze in place. You internally debated if you should get his attention. A large part of you wanted to leave before he saw you, have Jungkook sneak you out the back, but a small part of you wanted to run to him, take him in your arms, and promise to love him right. Instead, you sat there like a deer in headlights, letting fate take its course.
You hated that he looked better than the last days of your relationship. He had found his style again and he had cut his hair. He looked healthier, and you knew from your midnight ventures on his Instagram account that he had started to workout. You didn’t want to admit it, but you knew deep down that the toxicity of your relationship had been detrimental to his well-being.
The guilt was eating you up, when he turned to look at you. If you were frozen before, you were solid ice now: muscles locked up, eyes open wide. You gulped slowly, praying to whatever god was out there to make you invisible. Unfortunately, the gods weren’t having it today, and he gave you a quick wave and a smile before turning back to the menu.
You prayed that would be the entirety of your interaction, but five minutes you looked up from the phone you were taking refuge in, to find him walking towards your table.
"Do you mind if I sit down?"
His voice was deeper than you recalled
"Uh, yeah, sure."
You looked out the window in a desperate attempt to avoid conversation and eye-contact.
"How are you?"
You managed to look up at him.
"I'm fine."
You hoped that he wouldn’t see through the lie. You hoped he wouldn’t see the dark circles under your eyes and realize you still weren’t getting enough. You hoped he wouldn’t see the stain on your shirt and realize that you still couldn’t find the time to do basic chores. You hoped that somehow, he wouldn’t realize that you were just as addicted to work as when he left you. That you were still failing at being a person.
"That's good."
You gave a small smile.
"How 'bout you?"
"Pretty good."
He grinned. You guessed he was thinking about his engagement but was hesitant to bring it up in your presence.
You took a sip of your coffee and looked out the window again, uncomfortable down to the soles of your feet.
"I, uh, have some big news that, uh, I wanted to share with you."
Maybe not so hesitant, and not here by accident. You raised an eyebrow.
"I'm, uh, engaged."
The sheepishness that poured over his face was almost adorable.
You were silent for a moment.
"Congrats then."
Behind his eyes, there was a glimmer of disappointment, as if some suppressed sadistic part of him wanted you to be hurt. You were glad that you came off as unbothered, even though your heart ached every time you thought of that stupid engagement post.
"I love her."
He was desperate. You were surprised. Namjoon was never petty, yet here he was trying to make you jealous. Had you really hurt him so badly?
"I would hope so."
You looked back out the window.
"She's really amazing. She cooks for me and goes on trips and she’s even going to quit her job to take care of our kids."
It would have hurt, if the chauvinistic ideals behind it hadn’t made you roll your eyes. But the point was still there: she was actively loving him, taking care of him, showing him that she wanted a future with him. That stung.
He looked at the window, resigning to the fact that he wasn't going to get a rise out of you. He should've known. You had never been very expressive of your emotions.
"I would have married you."
That made you flinch. A spark of delight ignited in his eye. Asshole.
"I loved you."
"I know."
"Did you love me?"
"I don't know."
A lie. You had loved him to the moon and back. Hell, you still loved him. But you wanted to hurt him just a little bit for making you sit through this torture.
A blow to his ego. If he wanted to parry, he best have come prepared.
"Have a good day then."
With that he left, without even bothering to pick up his order.
Before you knew what you were doing, you followed him out the door. You weren’t sure what had come over you, but you knew you were no longer in control of your being. You followed him one block after another, making sure you were far enough behind him that he wouldn’t notice you. You weren’t sure what you were seeking. Closure perhaps.
Soon, you found yourself standing outside a familiar, red, brick building. During your relationship, Namjoon had moved in with you, but still rented his apartment. In the beginning, you had stayed the night a few times. The apartment was small, but the view was to die for. You missed it.
He was already inside, but you knew which window was his. You stared up at it for a couple minutes, before something snapped inside you and you realized what you were doing. You felt nauseous, but that was quickly forgotten when you noticed the time. Panic shot through you, as you began to run back to the office. You could only hope that your boss wouldn’t notice your extended lunch break.
At first, it was a rare occurrence. Ever so often you would find yourself standing in front of those red bricks staring up at that window. Nothing would ever happen. You would just stare, part of you hoping to catch a glimpse of him and another part of you dreading the idea of ever seeing him again.
As your addiction to your job continued to consume you, it became a more frequent occurrence. Once a month turned to twice and then to once a week. Your mental health slowly deteriorated, until you were at risk of losing it completely. Somewhere in that time, you managed to pull yourself enough to end up at a shitty dive bar in the heart of the city with the few friends you had managed to keep. You weren’t that close to them. You doubt they knew your middle name or your birthday, but they were company you didn’t get much of that these days.
The beginning of your evening was spent slowly downing alcohol and catching up about the dullness of each of your existences. You spat out lies, hiding the fact that all your life was anymore was work and stalking your ex. You put on a front. You had other friends. You had been on dates but nothing had worked out yet. You had started dieting and working out. Lies, lies, lies.
Somewhere around your third beer, the fragile illusion you had created for yourself, came crashing down. You were well aware that these girls were friends with Namjoon and that they had undoubtedly received an invitation to his wedding, but while they were relatively sober they had been kind enough not to remind you. Now, however, their blood-alcohol levels were through the roof and as a consequence, they began to discuss the details of the wedding.
At some point, someone asked you what you were going to wear to the event. You stared at her dumbly before she realized what a stupid question it was and turned back to whoever she was talking to. You hadn't received an invitation to the wedding but a small part of you was glad.  You didn’t really want the reminder, and you wouldn’t go anyway, you weren't that masochistic.
Okay, so that wasn’t entirely true. There was a part of you that did want to go. A part of you that daydreamed of standing up in front of the entire church and begging him not to marry her. Begging him to come home with you. Begging him to love you again. But it was a stupid fantasy, and not one you should indulge in.
Lisa, the only person there who you really gave two shits about, turned to you and began to talk about your job again. When you let it slip that you had ran into Namjoon at lunch awhile ago, she looked like a little kid on Christmas. With her filter gone, she began to pester you with questions. Then she lit up.
“I have an idea.”
You internally groaned. Lisa was famous for her drunk ideas and none of them were ever good.
“You should come with me to the wedding as my plus one.”
Your eyes went wide.
“Lisa, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. You can get all dressed up and make him see what he’s missin’.”
It did sound tempting.
You didn’t sound very sure, but Lisa was too drunk to care. She squealed before giving you a quick side hug and turning to talk to someone else. As the gravity of the situation hit you, you found yourself longing to forget everything. You threw back two shots of tequila before marching out onto the dance floor.
It didn't take long for some random stranger to come grind up on you, but you were too drunk and upset to care. In fact, feeling someone touch your body again was somewhat soothing. It didn't take long for your lips to find his and it didn't take much for you to convince him to come home with you.
You barely noticed saying goodbye to you friends as he dragged you out the door and into the back of an uber. You barely remembered anything else until you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and a strange man in your bed.
It was the first time you had really seen him, too inebriated the night before to really notice his features. You didn't want to admit how similar they were. It was the dimples that gave it away. Even drunk, you still seemed to have a type.
He was adorable, lying there, so unaware of the rest of the world. It reminded you of your first date with Namjoon. While he began the night full of energy, he ended it passed out with his head in your lap.
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5 Years Ago
You met him through mutual friends. He asked you out at a party and you still remember the red tinge on his cheeks to this day. You had developed a crush and you were delighted to oblige him.
Namjoon was a very simple man, and you didn't expect much more out of your date. Just dinner and a movie. However, he obviously wanted to impress you when he drove out of the city and to a beautiful flower field overlooking it. Halfway into your picnic dinner, he sheepishly confessed to having no cooking skills and that his best friend Jin had prepared your dinner. But that didn't matter, because for what Namjoon lacked in the culinary arts, he made up for with his mind. Namjoon blew you away with the shear capacity of his brain. He was obviously a nervous talker, and so you sat in awe as he spilt facts about whatever subject you were talking about.
"How do you know so much?"
"I don't know that much."
You gave him a look.
He sighed.
"I don't know, I just do. I consume information and I never really forget it. Most people find it annoying. At least that's what Jin tells me."
"It's adorable."
You both blushed.
He looked sheepishly at his lap.
"So are you."
You looked up at him confused.
"You're adorable too."
You're cheeks blazed scarlet.
When you mustered the courage to look at him, he was staring at your lips. His eyes quickly flitted back to yours when he noticed you looking at him. He coughed uncomfortably.
You weren't sure what came over you, but you found yourself tentatively placing your hand on his thigh. You looked at him nervously, while trying to muster the confidence to close the gap between you.
Luckily, you didn't need to. One second you were staring at his lips, the next they were on yours. You were happy to find that they were just as soft and plush as they looked. He moved rhythmically, and you prayed to god that you were as good of a kisser as he was.
Then the rain started. It was just a drizzle at first, but by the time you had packed up the picnic, it had begun to pour. You dashed to the car, soaked to the bone. When Namjoon pulled up to your apartment building, you invited him in to dry off. While his clothes were in the dryer, you started a movie, some cheesy rom-com. You weren't even thirty minutes in, when Namjoon fell asleep in your lap while you played with his hair.
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The memory faded and instead of Namjoon, you found the mystery man whose name you didn't know. You woke him gently, offered him some coffee- which he declined- before sending him on his way. You weren't trying to be rude, but the longer you looked at him, the longer you were reminded of Joon, and you only had a limited capacity for heartache.
This time you didn't even bother to change out of sweats and a t-shirt. You must have looked like a mess as you rode the bus to the red-brick building. You were smart enough to bring a coffee and a book so that you had something to occupy yourself, as you sat on the bench across the street. You didn’t even look at the window anymore, just being this close to him was enough to satisfy your weird urge.
You had been sitting for an hour before he appeared. He didn't even glance your way. Your nerves twittered, praying that he wouldn’t see you. You quickly stored your book and coffee in your tote, before following him down the streets.
He led you downtown. You were always jealous of how close his apartment was to the hub of the city. The cars whizzed by you as you followed him down a boulevard of shops. Your heart stopped as you watched him walk into the jewelers. It made sense: he was getting married, rings were involved, but somehow this made it more real. He was investing thousands of dollars in this woman. He was investing his life.
The fact that it was the jewelers that you had visited back when you thought you were going to get married only made it worse. Your heart began to beat faster. Was he going to give her your ring?
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3 Years Ago
"Which one do you like?"
You looked over the case carefully inspecting each ring for flaws. After five minutes, you pointed at a sapphire and diamond ring near the back. It was relatively simple, but that’s what drew you to it.
He smiled.
"Well, someday, when you're Mrs. Kim, that ring will be around your finger."
You grinned and lifted up to meet his lips.
"I love you."
"I love you more, Joonie."
"I seriously doubt that."
You giggled and followed him out the door for lunch.
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As soon as he came out of the shop, you rushed in. You went straight for the case that you knew had held your precious band. It took you a minute to spot it, but when you did, you felt relief flood your body. It was still there, he wasn't forsaking you for her.
As the relief washed over you, you began to connect to reality again. You realized what you were doing. With it came the nausea. Coming back to reality was always painful. You hadn't deemed yourself a stalker yet, even know though you knew you should. The self-hatred followed you home, up the stairs and through your apartment door.
You didn't mean to follow him. Somehow, the part of you that still loved him (which was a larger part of you than you cared to admit), had gained the ability to control your actions, while the logical part of you sat in the backseat screaming. The shame continued to throb inside you as you curled up on your couch. You knew you needed to stop but you didn't know how.
You didn't and as the months passed you found yourself following him whenever you had spare time. You were careful, staying a good distance behind him. If he had noticed you, he didn't let you know. He seemed blissfully unaware. The worst part was that as you followed him, you began to realize he was truly happy: something you hadn't witnessed since the early days of your relationship.
At some point, you started bringing your camera along. You weren't sure how the pictures of him ended up on your camera roll, and then pinned to your bedroom wall. You would lay in bed at night, touching yourself with one hand, while another tightly grasped a photo of him.
In the morning, you would be so sick with yourself, you would vomit in the toilet. Three months passed like this before his dreaded wedding day arrived. The sane part of you didn't want to go, but the creepy, deviant part of you had more control, and thus you found yourself in front of the mirror in a simple sundress.
Lisa had attempted to convince you to wear a skimpy number in order to make Namjoon jealous, but you knew that Namjoon always found you sexier when you looked innocent. You had often teased him about it. So you settled for a simple floral piece and some kitten pumps.
When you walked into the venue you felt another twinge of jealousy at the grandeur. The church was old and gorgeous and you felt like a sinner just by existing in it. You sat in the back. Your nerves kept you calm enough to decide you didn't need Namjoon knowing about your presence just yet.
You blacked out for most of the ceremony. It was only when Lisa waved her hand in front of you that you realized that instead of witnessing the union of 'man and wife', you were busy daydreaming about said 'man' taking you in front of the whole church.
You stared out the window of Lisa's care wistfully as she drove to the reception. When you started to tear up, she pulled over in a park parking lot.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
You almost pulled it over, but the slight quiver in your voice gave you away.
"Sis, if you don't wanna go, we don't have too. We can just head to my apartment, order Chinese food, binge Netflix, and do facemasks."
It sounded so, so tempting, but you know you needed to make it through it. You needed to prove to the part of yourself that was going insane, that you didn't need him anymore.
You thought back to the day you came home from work to find his bags packed in the living room. You thought about the tears that streamed down your face as you tried, and failed, to convince him to stay, that you loved him more than your job.
He cried too, pulling you into a hug, the last one you would ever have. You remember how his chest, which was usually so strong and comforting, trembled against yours. How you weren't sure if the wet warmth on your cheek was from him or from you.
You must have stood like that for thirty minutes, before he pulled away, gave you a last kiss, grabbed his bags and left. It wasn't until later that evening that you discovered his letter.
My Love,
I don't want to do this, but I am no longer happy. We are no longer happy. There isn't much left to us in all reality. I love you to the moon and back, but I can't spend the rest of my life waiting for you to come home from work. I know it's important to you and I would never ask you to leave it, but I have a life to live too.
You made me so happy for such a long time, but you are a writer in the dark. You stay up all night on your computer and leave me with a cold empty bed. When I wake in the morning, you're gone. I can't stay in a relationship that barely exists.
Someday, when you feel like you can put your job aside for a family, call me. I'll be here because I love you. I love you so much, it makes it hard to breathe. Be happy for me.
And so here you were, in a passenger seat on the way to his wedding reception. Just a girl with a broken heart and a broken promise. You needed to go. You needed to see him. Confront him.
You sat through dinner, barely touching the food on your plate. You listened to your friends chatter away and make snarky comments through all the speeches. When the dancing started, you were hesitant to move, but Lisa dragged you to the edge of the dance floor and forced you to witness the first dance.
You spent most of it staring at the floor nursing a martini that was almost straight gin. You finally looked up at the end of the song, some cheesy pop shit you knew Namjoon loved, and locked eyes with him. His hand was delicately placed over her waste and you secretly wondered how many hours of practice it took for him to be able to dance to this song. The waltz was never his forte.
His stare never left you and as soon as the song was over, he whispered in her ear before walking straight at you. You drowned your drink quickly, praying the alcohol would be enough to get you through whatever was coming. He grabbed your arm without saying a word and dragged you out of the ballroom and into the nearest bathroom.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
His voice was harsh, but there was a touch of tenderness to it.
"Lisa made me come. I don't want to be here anymore than you want me."
You raised an eyebrow at his retort, signaling that you knew he knew you were lying, but you weren't going to tell him the truth.
"I just can't deal with seeing you right now. Do you know what you being here is doing to me?"
You felt a spark of anger go off inside you. He had an issue with being here? That's swell and all, but he was the one who broke up with you. He was getting married, you being here should be nothing more than a footnote.
"I don't care, Namjoon, I don't care if you're hurt or not. I don't care if it's ruining your big day. You leaving ruined my life. I have spent the last year and a half dying because you're not in my bed when I wake up in the morning. And I know that I fucked up and that I needed to be there for you, but you left me without giving me the chance to change! You. Left. Me."
Somewhere in the middle of ranting, hot tears had begun to fall down your cheek and you were once again thankful that you had splurged on waterproof makeup.
"Don't act like such a victim. At least I know that the woman I'm marrying actually loves me."
His words fanned your little spark into a full blown flame and you raised your hand to slap him, but he grabbed your wrist before you could. You looked to his face expecting to see anger, but instead, his eyes showed a mixture of sadness and disappointment.
"I'm sorry." He said.
Next thing you knew, his lips were on yours, soft as you had remembered them. Shock ran through your body and you froze as he continued to kiss you slowly. When he realized you weren't responding, he pulled away, a faint blush apparent on his cheeks.
He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, you found his lips again. You immediately felt his body relax against yours as his arm snaked around your waste to pull you closer. A bittersweet feeling floated through you as you relished in his taste again. You hadn't realized how much you missed kissing him, how comforting he was.
Somewhere deep inside you was yelling that this was an illusion. That at some point he would have to leave the bathroom and go back to his new wife who would love him and give him children and grow old with him.But you squashed the voice, desperate to live in the moment. Desperate to believe that just for this time, he was yours. That you were his new wife, that you were going to have beautiful children and that in sixty years, you would be two old people stupidly in love.
The kissing quickly became messy and desperate. You unabashedly moaned to his mouth and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue in his tongue. Your arms were wrapped around his neck in an attempt to keep him as close to you as possible, as if letting go would mean losing him forever.
He pulled away from you and looked you in the eyes.
"You always look so beautiful."
The comment was quiet and under his breath, but you heard him nonetheless, and warmth crept onto your cheek. Before you could respond, he picked you up and set you on the sink counter.
You welcomed him, as he stepped between your legs, returning his lips to yours. As his lips moved down your neck, his hand traced its way up your thigh, slowly moving your dress up your leg. You moaned as he began to trace circled in your inner thigh, feeling your underwear soaking through.
"Dear god, Joonie," you whine,"don't tease me."
The nickname slipped out without your awareness, but you noticed him pause subtly at the sound of it before returning to his ministrations. His lips returned to yours as he shifted your panties to the side and used his pointer finger to tease your clit.
You whined out at the sudden pleasure, legs tightening on his waist, trying to bring him closer. Trying to bring him home. When he slips a finger inside you, you throw your head back against the mirror. Your eyes squeeze shut, attention completely focused on the digit inside you.
Despite the time that had passed, he hadn't forgotten how to make you see white. With the exception of the man you had dragged back from the bar, you hadn’t been laid in forever, and as a result, you were incredibly sensitive. Right when he was about to tip you over the edge with no more than a finger, he pulled back, lust clouding his eyes, finger soaked.
"Are you gonna be a good girl for me?"
You whined at the old nickname, clenching your thighs together in a desperate attempt to relieve the ache between your thighs. Namjoon's hand drifted to the front of his slacks to massage the tent that had formed in them, while admiring your fucked out form slouched on the hotel bathroom sink.
"Answer my question baby."
A yes slips out of you and he grins like the devil.
"Look, at you, such a dirty girl, all fucked out in a public bathroom, desperate for me to fuck her."
Nothing had changed. He was still the tease who manipulated your body until you experienced cloud nine. And you were his good girl who obeyed every command, desperate to please.
You dipped your fingers into yourself in an attempt to stretch your pussy open for him, while he slowly dragged down his zipper, and pulled his cock out through the fly. Your memory served you well, but he still seemed bigger than you remembered. The tip was flushed red and dripping pre-cum. For a split second you were worried about him staining his slacks, before dashing your concern away to the depths of your consciousness.
You knew you should, but you felt no guilt for what you were about to do. As far as you were concerned, this was Namjoon’s mistake, not your’s. Sure, there was a beautiful bride dancing in the ballroom, and sure, she didn’t deserve this, but no matter what the certificate said, Namjoon would always be yours.
The realization hit you, as he kissed you again, moaning into your mouth as he rubbed the tip of his cock against you. There would always be a part of him that would belong to you. There would always be a part of his heart, no matter how small, that loved you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be here, now, about to fuck you in the small, but beautiful bathroom, at his own wedding reception.
The notion made you feel powerful. Your hand quickly replaced his, and you gave him a few quick strokes before lining him up. You both moaned as his tip pressed into you. When he was fully inside, you couldn’t help but feel complete. Months of emptiness completely forgotten as he slowly pulled out before thrusting back in.
“Fuck, baby, I forgot how tight you were.”
Tears pricked in your eyes as he began to pick up pace, moving faster and faster. Despite trying hard to pretend like this moment could last forever, you knew that she would notice him missing soon, and that this moment was doomed to end. You squeezed your eye’s shut, tried to focus on the feeling of him drilling in and out of you.
It didn’t take long for his pace to become unsteady. You opened your eyes to find him staring at your face. You couldn’t read the look on his face, but it carried a strangely familiar emotion. It wasn’t until he reached down to rub quick circles on your clit that you realized what it was: love The realization had you coming around his cock. You screamed silently, tears finally falling down your face. He was close behind, burying his head in your neck as he filled you up one last time.
“I love you.”
The words were quiet. They were words that weren’t meant to be said out loud. They were words that would haunt him for the rest of his life. But they were the truth, and the truth deserved to be spoken.
“I love you too. I always will.”
You looked him in the eyes, while he softened inside you. There was a silent acknowledgement between you. An acknowledgement that neither of you wanted to admit. That you would never be together. That it would never work. That he was married.
So, while remaining completely silent, he slipped out of you, tucked himself into his slacks, fixed his hair and left. You sat there for minutes, tears rolling down your cheek. Finally, you gained enough energy to pull yourself off the sink, shift your panties back into place and walk back out into the world.
You quickly went to your table, grabbed your purse, and said goodbye to Lisa. If she smelled the sex, she didn’t say anything. When you were at the door, you looked back for half a second. He was dancing with her, laughing at something she said. He looked happy, and you prayed to God that he was.
That night you sat down at your computer and began to write your grand, tragic love story.
seven years later
You laughed as you walked out into the chill autumn air. Hoseok had that effect on you. Always had. He had just treated you to a wonderful celebration dinner in honor of your first best selling book, a novel about a woman unable to let go of her former love.
As you were about to leave your daughter tugged on his hand informing Hoseok of her need to go to the bathroom. Your husband gave you a quick kiss, before taking the four year old back inside. You stood on the sidewalk, breathing in the air and admiring the city lights, reflecting on how you got there.
A month after Namjoon’s wedding, you met Hoseok in a coffee shop you were writing at. You had hit it off pretty quickly, and two years later you were married. Your daughter, Marie, followed soon after. A month ago, your novel was finally published for the world. And so here you were, celebrating with the family that you loved so much.
You looked up, startled.
“Namjoon,” you breathed, “what are you doing here?”
“I was, uh, going for a walk.”
Your gazed washed over him, and you noted that he didn’t look too good. His hair was long and unkempt, dark circles under his eyes, and his usual impeccable sense of style was thrown away for some sweats and a hoodie.
“Are you okay?”
You couldn’t help the concern that painted your face.
“I’ve been better.”
He gave you a sad smile.
“We’re going through a rough patch. I think she wants to get a divorce.”
At one point, those words would've made your year, but that part of you had died a long time ago.
“Maybe we could go out for a cup of coff-”
His words stopped when he saw the diamond and sapphire ring on your finger.
His face fell. It was then that Hoseok decided to grace the two of you with his presence. Namjoon quickly looked from you, to Hoseok, to your daughter, as he slowly began to put the picture together.  He looked pained. You knew the look, the look of loss.
“Who’s this?”
Hoseok’s voice was cheery and you were once again grateful for your husband’s consistant happiness.
“An old friend. You take Marie to the car, and I’ll catch up with you in a sec.”
He nodded, happy to oblige. When he was out of earshot, you turned back to Namjoon.
“You were supposed to call.”
You stared blankly at him.
“What?” you finally ask.
“You were supposed to call when you were ready to have a family.”
You looked at him in shock.
“Namjoon, you got married.”
“I know, but I would’ve left her for you.”
“You’re insane.”
“I’m not. I still love you. And you still love me. You promised me you would forever.”
“Well, it was a naive promise to make.”
He looked like he was about to cry.
“Look, Joon, go home. I know you loved your wife, and I’m willing to guess you still do. Relationships take work, you know that. You’ve alwayknown that. Show her that she means the world to you. Whatever’s going on, you can make it through it. Whatever part of you still loves me, kill it.”
He nods
“I have to go. But call me when you’re in a better spot, okay?”
You hand him a business card, before walking away into the night.
A month later, you get a text.
“We made it work. Coffee on Wednesday?”
You smiled.
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