#really dying in Cyberpunk Red ๐Ÿ™ƒ
kimarisgundam ยท 1 year
Rockerboy hates my Netrunner's dad cos dad tortured him, flatlined his chooms, and is currently threatening to call a hit on more of his friends
Exec doesn't hate dad, but is really salty over having his pride wounded. He has to occasionally work for dad now as a corp backed fixer cos dad let him walk from Arasaka
My Netrunner is super frigging pissed at her family cos
^ pissed at myself for being a coward and helping dad zero Rockerboy's friends + following orders and backstabbing my party
Big bro found out years ago that our sponsor helped facilitate the internal hit on our mom and his dad but didn't tell me
Big bro knew I was our sponsor's bio kid but chose not to tell me anything. No wonder he never called dad "dad" >:U
Dad is threatening tell MaxTac Solo has cyber psychosis if I reveal his affair to Arasaka (I retaliated cos he threatened Rockerboy)
And wtf dad! You told me the code I wrote was being used for therapeutic/medical purposes. Medical my butt! You used it to torture people >:U
The 3 of us are basically seething right now. And for the first time in this entire campaign...
My/my Netrunner's salt > my sense of honour/duty towards serving Arasaka/dad
Salt > my respect and fear of dad
Salt > not wanting to be a disappointment to my big bro
I basically just want to tell my family to go frig themselves now cos I've had enough of being lied to and manipulated >:T
Dad wants to take everything back from me cos I'm disobedient?
FINE. I'll borrow clothing from Solo2. I'll go from dressing in Jinguji to looking like Hatsune Miku with a gun >:T
I get why dad wanted to hide my Netrunner's existence cos it's not a good look having an affair with a traitor. But like, why didn't he tell the truth to my Netrunner? Is he that ashamed that she's his kid? Am I such a disappointment?
My current plan is to become dad's worst nightmare as a metaphorical middle finger to him. Like literally be a total disgrace as his bio kid. I'll even lie and say Rockerboy is my input
Exec is fully on board with this cos he wants to see my Netrunner's dad freak out, plus he gets to suck up to dad and play the good guy by saying he'll "look out" for me cos I'm with Rockerboy
Rockerboy just wants to stir crap so he's eager to do this
But our DM and Nomad are giving us the เฒ _เฒ  look now cos we're hitting a hornet's nest
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