#really do hope that when bulls does come back for echo he has the altered s3 suit as the bullseye suit
bullseyelover · 1 year
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Resurrected Repartee: A Hallowed Shapes AU Chapter 13 - We Are Ghosts
These are alternative scenes and/or snippets of a developing relationship between my OC and Loki from my original fiction, Hallowed Shapes, for any shippers out there.
Basic Concept: Terra Barloc is a member of Damage Control, an organization that cleans up super messes, and frankly, all of them are kind of tired of cliches and super bulls***t. She has abilities to see “life energy” as she calls it, in the forms of symbols, and through lies and facades. That means shape-shifting and tricking her can be well, tricky. Plus, she’s addicted to caffeine, painkillers don’t have much of an affect on her, and she can’t get drunk.
What happens the first time when she meets Loki, Prince of Asgard? Well, he was invading Earth and…She tackled him, insulted him, and uh, it’s best just to read. Let’s just say these two have issues, massive issues.
So getting them into a romance, is going to be a bit of an adventure.
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Terra was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking out at the stars with anxiety. Loki sat next to her, smiling gently, “Nervous?”
“Let’s see, the entire fate of my world is resting in my hands and I’m also going to be locked up in a small metal container, a person who is known to have problems with small spaces and physical contact, for a number of weeks?” she deadpanned, giving him a droll expression. “What little questionable sanity I have is being pushed to its limits, more so than usual.”
“That does appear to happen often,” he conceded sagely. “But, perhaps being stuck here won’t be so awful?”
“I’m not saying it’ll be awful, just...Difficult,” she struggled to say, trying to find the right words. “I mean, it’s a nice ship, and I’m here with people who I know don’t mean me harm, most of whom I know I can trust but...That doesn’t mean I can always alter the course of my mind or emotions...If I’m honest, I’m terrified of whatever’s coming my way.”
They sat there for a while in the quiet. Oddly enough, though no words were spoken, it felt like there didn’t need to be any said. They both knew there was so much happening, too much too delve into. And, maybe sitting beside each other could be enough?
He smiled, taking her hands gently in his and having her stand up with him. Leaning over to the nearby speaker, he pressed a button, and music began to play, with him swaying from side to side. She gave him a confused look, blinking several times as though she were trying to sort out the newest form of cognitive dissonance presented before her. The confusion evaporated though, as they grew closer, and she relaxed with him, placing her trust in him. They giggled, laughing even a little at first at the silliness of the situation, trying to get used to the weirdness that was of them dancing.
“I want you to know this instead, that I see the light in your chest...Ghost, where you from? I can take you away, so far away. Ghost, I'll make sure they all see the kind of man, that you can be…”
Neither really paid attention to the lyrics at first, only each other as the distance melted away, a hand on her hip, and one on his shoulder. The door to the room closed and clicked with lock. Loki revealed himself freely and without her asking then, his true form bare before her, and her eyes possibly the darkest, warmest hue of brown he’d seen yet as they moved in circles. They were vulnerable to one another, and it was okay...It was more than okay. He could almost feel himself melting in the warmth of her gaze in the best of ways, and he didn’t want to escape. And she found solidarity in his, a place to stand with.
“Open your lungs and inhale my words. I see in your eyes a reflection of hurt. The book in your mind hasn't come to an end. There's always a page, that hasn't been read…”
He lifted her off her feet then, spinning her around, and she wasn’t afraid, holding onto him. Their faces were so close, barely a breath away, and something, something palpable was there. Both of their heartbeats pounded, softening only slightly as he set her on the ground again.
“I won't let you slip away, is there any hope for us left...Even a ghost needs a friend…”
The dance was slowing, and they put their foreheads together, softly swaying from side to side, faces flushed, and fingers intertwined. Terra let out a huff of air, smiling nervously, and he mimicked the action, whether consciously or subconsciously, not even he could tell. Carefully, he pulled her into an embrace, burying his face into her neck, with her doing the same.
“Your heart, it beats, forever, forever, we see, I will believe, that there's a ghost in me…”
His hands were around her waist, behind her back. Hers were wrapped behind his neck. And, how strange and confusing this all was? How much was churning and turning and twisting through their minds? How many questions? Were there any answers? Reluctantly peering at each other, they asked silently without a word.
“Your lungs they breathe, forever, forever, we see, I will believe…”
Terra started to reach up towards Loki, pausing as she quietly asked for permission. He took her hand and placed it on his cheek, closing his eyes as he savored her touch. Opening them once more, crimson and brown meld as they stared at each other when the music died, leaving just the two of them, inching ever closer.
“I will believe…” the lyrics continued to echo even as the words drifted away into nothingness.
They continued looking, searching, and just when Loki swallowed, opening his mouth to say something, there was a banging on the door. Grimacing, he cursed under his breath. Terra offered him a small, sad yet understanding smile.
“Later?” she offered, even if she wasn’t entirely sure what she was offering. There were too many thoughts, too many emotions dashing in her mind to process at the moment.
He nodded, and she went to answer the door.
This is NOT a canon scene from my fanfiction, but if it was, it would likely take place in Hallowed Shapes: Thursday, somewhere in either Chapter 21: Bacon, or Chapter 22: Walkman.
The song is We Are Ghosts by Jacob Lee, which I do NOT own.
This scene was requested and partially inspired by the infamous Harry/Hermione dancing sequence in the Deathly Hallows, which a particular Beta Reader also ships.
Sorry, no kissing or hanky panky.
Well, at least no kissing...Yet.
PS  One of my Beta Readers really liked the idea of shipping Loki with my OC even though they’re not canon in my fanfiction, Hallowed Shapes.We’re friends and while I didn’t get it at first, I’m not against anyone shipping said character with other fictional characters as long as everything’s consensual and/or healthy relationship-wise. Heck, I’m a little supportive because Loki’s literally gender-fluid and both characters are LGBT (neither are straight) even if I don’t directly ship them.So, that being said, I originally wrote these alternative scenes of my story for their birthday.
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