#realizing that my fucked up shoulder that juts out a bit is actually making workouts harder tho šŸ˜­
lynxfrost13 Ā· 18 days
I promised myself that if I did a solid workout today I would post HOPR lore Iā€™m gonna be here all night šŸ’ŖšŸ˜­
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songmingisthighs Ā· 3 years
[11.21] dad!jongho Ɨ reader
ā‡€ he said it's just his overall charm as a dad. but you blamed your daughter glueing herself to him on his overall teddy bear-like aura. but really, how could you blame her for loving her dad so much?
ā‡ I'm fucking blaming @paralumanniluna for feeding this scenario in my head
The morning was never rowdy in your house. Your husband, bless his soul and genes, would more often than not wake up before you. He would usually go for a quick run just to make sure he's always moving and not stuck in the studio or his home office. His idol life demanded him to be an early riser and it stuck to him.
Which is actually a good thing. Most of your friends complained how their husbands or boyfriends rarely help with their children when they woke up at ungodly hours. But not Jongho. You're 76% sure that most of the time he went out to calm his crying daughter, he was in his sleepwalking state. Though you really couldn't care less when every time he went out to calm the baby, she'd quiet down within seconds. Which was why you never ferberized her. Or more like you couldn't since Jongho's body's on autopilot when he hears his daughter cry.
They created a very deep bond which was quite surprising as most people thought that Jongho would've been awkward with kids.
It wasn't even surprising when you walked out of your shared room to see Gaho watching tv as she sat on his dad's back while he's doing push-ups.
You walked over to them and scooped Gaho into your arms, making her squeal and giggle loudly at the surprise, "Good morning, my little princess," you greeted her whilst peppering her tiny face with kisses.
"Good morning, too, mama!" she greeted back, squishing your cheeks in her hands as she peppered kisses on your face, reciprocating your action.
Jongho stood up from his previous workout stance to peck your lips, "Morning, love. Slept well?" he asked. You hummed, smiling at his kiss and nodded, "Best sleep yet," you answered.
Gaho spoke up, cutting your conversation with Jongho, "Mommy, I want pancakes," she pouted. Her lips jutted out much like her father's and it made you squeal at just how adorable she was.
"You want pancakes, honey?" you walked to the kitchen with her in your arms, "what do you want on your pancakes?" you asked her. The little girl pursed her lips, thinking hard. That was until she turned around to look at Jongho who was trailing behind the two of you, "What do daddy want?" she asked him instead.
Jongho chuckled and reached to pat her head, "Daddy wants whatever princess wants, so what does daddy's little princess want?" he asked her back. She jutted her bottom lip out because her question was left unanswered, "I dunno'," she muttered, burying her tiny face on your shoulder, making you chuckle.
"How 'bout we do the usual berries and whipped cream? Sounds good?" you asked her. At the mention of fruit, her eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly, "I help!" she exclaimed, wiggling her body so you'd let her back on the ground.
You began taking the ingredients out, Gaho helping you as soon as her daddy finished tying up her long hair into a ponytail. Your heart swelled as you watched her ponytail bouncing as she walked. Even as a little girl, she was adamant about helping around.
Work delegated, each of you began preparing breakfast. Since your husband couldn't really be trusted with cooking, you made him prepare the pancake batter. Gaho was sat on the kitchen stool, picking out the fruits that she wants on the pancakes and making sure each plate has the exact same amount. You, on the other hand, was the one in charge of cooking the pancake.
"Daddy," Gaho called to Jongho, pulling at his shirt sleeve, "wash," she instructed, pointing at the fruit that she had so neatly put in a bowl.
Jongho grinned down at her, patting her head, "Good job, baby," he praised the little girl.
He was about to walk away to the sink with the bowl of fruit in hand when Gaho suddenly whined out loudly, sounding as if she was on the verge of tears, "Ah! Ah! Ah!" she called out, catching Jongho's attention immediately. When Jongho turned to her, she saw that she had a deep frown on her face, arms were raised up towards her daddy, and hands making little grabby gestures.
Seeing this, Jongho put the bowl in the sink and reached over to pick up his little princess, moving her to the counter next to the sink. "Stay still, okay?" he smiled at her. The girl's frown was replaced by a wide, toothy grin, much similar to her father's.
You scoffed next to Jongho, catching his attention as he washed the fruit. "She's a total daddy's girl," you muttered under your breath as you peered over at Gaho. Jongho smirked in amusement, "Is that jealousy, I hear?" to which you rolled your eyes, "Well, duh. I grew her in my stomach for nine months, I breastfed her until she was 2, and even so, she still preferred you?" You whined, slapping a perfectly cooked pancake on the plate.
Jongho cooed at you, moving to wrap his arms around your waist, "Then, should we create another one that would prefer you compared to me?" he whispered to your ear directly, making you blush hard.
But before you could answer him, Gaho had once again cried out for her daddy. You playfully glared at her, pushing Jongho off of you, "Go tend to your daughter," you grumbled out.
Jongho could only chuckle at your response, pecking your cheek before moving to his awaiting daughter who was making grabby arms to Jongho.
Soon enough you all were seated on the dining table, Jongho at the head of the table with Gaho on his right and you on Gaho's other side. She looked extremely satisfied on her high chair, being doted on by her mom and dad, absolutely gleaming.
"Baby, you gotta chew properly," Jongho cringed as Gaho giggled, letting out small bits of barely chewed pancake and fruit drenched in maple syrup out of her mouth. "You're a messy baby, aren't you?" you chuckled as you reached forward to clean the bits and pieces of food from her mouth.
"Mommy! Kisses!" she puckered out her lips and before you could realize it, she had pressed a sticky kiss onto your cheek, making you yelp in surprise. Jongho snickered at you as you tried to wipe the syrup off of your skin. You glared at him, "What are you snickering about? You're next," you smirked as you turn to Gaho, "Sweetie, don't you think daddy deserve kisses too?"
At that, Jongho's eyes widened.
Thankfully, before Gaho could smack her lips onto Jongho's cheek, the bell rang.
Jongho immediately jumped up, "Oh, look! Someone at the door!" He exclaimed.
Seeing her dad fleeing, Gaho squealed loudly. Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips immediately pulled into a frown.
Not wanting her to cry, you immediately took her off her high chair and she immediately sprinted (or at least attempted to with her waddle) to Jongho and latched onto his leg. Of course, being the strong person he is, Jongho wasn't affected. He casually walked to the front door with Gaho attached to his leg.
You couldn't do much but watch as the two of them disappeared into the hall towards the front door.
While you're jealous of their relationship, you couldn't help but be very understanding as to why Gaho is so attached to Jongho. It warmed your heart seeing them.
Maybe to aid your slight jealousy, you need to take into account Jongho's words. Maybe you need another child that would latch onto you like how Gaho latched onto Jongho.
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vernonfielding Ā· 5 years
From heaven they sent
Story No. 31 of my Season 7 Countdown Project. THE END! THIS IS IT!
Summary: ā€œYou want to hold her?ā€
Jake holds his goddaughter for the first time. Takes place during Ava. (Read on AO3.)
Itā€™s only as Terry is bent over the bassinet, hand sliding under his daughterā€™s delicate head, cupping the warm weight of it in his palm and thinking again how precious this life is, how fragile, that it hits him: Jake has never done this before.
(Truthfully, he doesnā€™t know that for sure, but heā€™s almost certain.)
Terry eases his other hand under Avaā€™s tiny body and lifts her to his chest, awed all over again by her perfection ā€“ the curve of her nose, the curl of her miniature eyelashes, the plump jut of her cheeks, which are already flushed a rosy pink. She is asleep and for a moment heā€™s lost in her, memorizing her face and the five wrinkled fingers that have slipped out of the swaddle. His heart is so full of love his chest aches with it, in the best possible way.
Heā€™s blinking back tears when he finally turns to Jake.
ā€œHave you held a baby this small before?ā€ he says, making no move to pass over his girl right away.
Jake is swaying a little, pushing from one foot to the other with nervous restlessness, and Terry can see the muscles tensing across his shoulders. But his eyes are fixed on Ava, and thereā€™s a softness there and in the small smile playing at his mouth, and the look on his face isnā€™t fear, itā€™s wonder.Ā 
Jake shakes his head and then breaks his gaze and glances at Terry. ā€œAre you sure you want me to-ā€
ā€œYeah,ā€ Terry says, and adjusts his daughter, cradling her head as he holds her out toward Jake. ā€œBend your arm, a little more- yes, just like that.ā€
And then heā€™s setting Avaā€™s head in the crook of Jakeā€™s elbow, and he guides her body into Jakeā€™s arms; sheā€™s so small, not much more than a bundle of pink blanket against Jakeā€™s gray hoodie. Terry adjusts Jakeā€™s position, moves his arms until heā€™s sure Jakeā€™s got a good hold. He lays a palm over the crown of his babyā€™s head and strokes his thumb over the smallest frown thatā€™s formed on her brow, and he takes a step back and leaves Ava alone in her godfatherā€™s arms.
Jakeā€™s eyes are bright as he gazes down at her. Terry canā€™t imagine what thoughts are flashing through Jakeā€™s weird and exceptional mind (he isnā€™t sure he wants to know), but the love that Jake already has for this child is obvious ā€“ heā€™s practically got hearts in his eyes ā€“ and not surprising.
Terry chose Jake as godfather in large part because he asked. The two most obvious godparent choices ā€“ Sharonā€™s best girl friends from college ā€“ had gone to Cagney and Lacey. Terry has plenty of non-work friends, but none of them expressed any interest in being a godparent before, nor have they been especially active in the twinsā€™ lives since. The fact that Jake had campaigned for the job had earned him points with both Terry and Sharon. In the end, when Terry had asked Sharon about it, sheā€™d shrugged and said sure, and then, ā€œIsnā€™t he the one who gives you acid reflux?ā€
Initially, Terry had thought it might be a joke, or possibly a prize ā€“ something for Jake to lord over Amy or Charles (or basically the whole squad). But Jake quickly had made it clear he was serious, and then Terry had thought: Jake is brave and smart and confident, and he has such a good heart. And Jake laughs. He laughs more than anyone Terry knows. And didnā€™t Terry want that for his daughter? To be as fiery and fierce as her sisters and her mother, and as full of laughter as her godfather?
Even after heā€™d said yes, Terry mulled it over some more, and later he realized that Jake loves the same way he does his job: with reckless abandon, with all of his strength and his passion, with his arms and his heart wide open. He screws up sometimes, but he doesnā€™t hold back. He will give his godchild everything thatā€™s in his power to offer.
Eventually, Terryā€™s doubts disappeared entirely.
Terry sits beside his wife on her bed and carefully drapes an arm around her shoulders, and she settles into his side, and it doesnā€™t matter one bit that theyā€™re in a hospital, that almost everything went so horribly wrong today, because the important things went right and Ava is here and she is healthy. And Jake is responsible for a lot of that. Their baby is so lucky to have him.
Jake shifts his arms, and itā€™s barely a twitch, but Avaā€™s eyes open. Terry knows she canā€™t really see anything just yet but heā€™d swear they are making eye contact, that they are locked on to one another just now. Jake grins at her and Terry can feel his unbound joy like a presence in the room, like something electric.
ā€œHi,ā€ Jake says, voice so soft and gentle itā€™s almost unrecognizable. ā€œIā€™m Jake. Iā€™m your godfather. Weā€™re going to have so much fun together. And if your parents die, Iā€™m going to take reasonably good care of you.ā€
ā€œTerry?ā€ Sharon says. She reaches for him and her grip on his forearm is painful.
ā€œUh, Jake-ā€ Terry says, rising from the bed.
ā€œLook, ā€˜reasonableā€™ is the best I can guarantee, and Iā€™m not going to make promises I canā€™t keep. That would be a terrible way to start godfathering,ā€ Jake says to them both. He looks back at the baby, blinks at her and beams when she blinks back. ā€œIsnā€™t that right, godbaby?ā€
Terry means to respond to that ā€“ and he knows Sharon is a half-second from asking Terry how the hell Jake got the idea that he would ever be Avaā€™s guardian ā€“ but then the baby hiccups and every sour emotion in the room dissipates like it was never there, and everyone is smiling and crying and overcome again with how right and perfect the world is.
ā€œThat was the cutest fucking sound Iā€™ve ever heard,ā€ Jake says.
Terry kisses his babyā€™s forehead and then he kisses Jakeā€™s forehead because he just canā€™t help himself, and he says, ā€œAmen, my god-wife.ā€
End Notes:
Title is from Bikini Babe Workout (Bash Brothers).
Weirdly, this was the first story I wrote for this project. But it seemed appropriate to end the countdown with Jake holding his baby goddaughter for the first time. Hereā€™s to season 7!!
(Iā€™m going to be super obnoxious now and thank a bunch of people for their help or support or flailing or whatever with this countdown project.)
First thank you: Oh my god, @fezzle. My beta and my dear friend. I WOULD NOT have attempted this dumb project without her. She betaā€™d 31 STORIES (Thatā€™s more than 30K words! In a month!) and she saved my ass more than once. She also helped me brainstorm ideas and she talked me off the ledge a few times. I cannot capture how completely amazing she is and how much I love her. Everyone should be so lucky to have a Fezzle in their lives (especially if theyā€™re going to attempt something ridiculous like this series, but also just, in general).
Second thank you: Everyone who gave me a fic prompt! Some of the best ideas came from you guys. Iā€™m going to name folks here and hope I donā€™t forget anyone or get a name wrong: @fezzle, @madeofitzits, @andrewsambags, @exploding-snapple, @theoneintheblue, @vic-kovac, @weshallmeetagain, @ofbuttsandbombs, @amyscascadingtabs, and @feeisamarshmallow. (Thatā€™s in the order stories were posted btw.) If you sent me a prompt and I didnā€™t write it, please tell me! I may have missed you somehow. Iā€™m also super open to prompts at any time, so donā€™t hesitate to hit me up after this month.
Third thank you: EVERYONE who left kudos or comments or likes, or who reblogged on tumblr or reached out to me personally in some way. I LOVE YOU ALL. Writing fic can sometimes feel weirdly lonely and isolating and it is always so great to get any kind of feedback. (Letā€™s be honest, feedback is like a fucking drug and it is the best.)
(Yes, Iā€™m sorry, these End Notes may be longer than the actual fic.)
Fourth thank you: I really especially appreciated the folks who engaged in some great fandom discussion with me relating to these stories ā€“ in particular, @amyscascadingtabs and @feeisamarshmallow and @exploding-snapple (timeline!) and MediumSizedEvil. That was fun, guys.
Fifth thank you: Anyone who read all of these stories, even if you never feedbacked. Fedback? Anyway, youā€™re out there and I appreciate you too!
Sixth thank you: Fezzle again, just because. ā¤ļø
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