#realize nissan automobile technical college
viper-motorsports · 4 years
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Racing at Fuji Speedway JP wrapped up with the N°56 Realize NATC Nissan GT-R NISMO GT300 taking the checkered flag first at the fifth round of the 2020 Super GT season.
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Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
"Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is an Average Home insurance rate of a 2 story house?
4.5 baths 5 beds 3000 sq feet finished basement 3 decks 1 fenced in gorund pool Please, just and average for 1 month home insurace. No super valuables or anything. (It's for a project) I just can't find anything that won't just give me a chart or some thing. In class we had to make up an imaginary house and get all this different stuff for it. I've found everything,but home insurance rate without having to put in my personal info.""
Cheap car insurance?
Does anyone know where I can get cheap car insurance online? I need full coverage. I have checked Geico and Progressive, they are so expensive. Thanks!""
""Life insurance is 750,000 enough for 3 kids ?""
is 750,000 enough to get three kids from age 1,3,5 through high school and college or do i need lots more""
""How much is average for childcare? I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 8mth old. About 8 hr/5days a week?""
I'll explain a little more. I own a duplex which I rent out the top of while my husband and I live down stairs. The renters upstairs have been my friends for a long time and they needed an apartment so we rented to them for $535 a month. After a year we agreed to trade daycare for rent so I could go back to work full time. The arangment has gone from no cash exchanged to us paying their car insurance ($90/month) the water bill ($50/month), the hot water ($35/month), an extra $190 in cash per month along with the no rent income ($535/month). We also give them about $60 in random cash when they ask for help. I provide the formula, diapers and wipes and she provides the food. The kids are upstairs from 11am to 5:30pm and she refuses to take them earlier even though if she did I could get a better schedual. I trust the woman and her son is the same age as my oldest. But there are also some serious disipline issues too. (My four year old now says bad words.) I need some advice""
Yamaha dt 125 insurance?
hi, i have been looking on ebay and i have found that i may want to buy a yamaha dt 125. i have been riding a speedfight 50 for a year and a half however i did buy a ajs 125 which by the way was a terable bike. i was wondering what the insurance usually costs for a dt 125, i have already changed my insurance once in the past 12 months to swap back from the ajs to my scooter (i blew the gear box) so that may effect it. thank you so much for any responce i get (PS sorry about the bad english, it all looks the same to me being dyslexic)""
""Can i get my medical insurance to pay for surgery to correct a covered surgery, if coverage lapsed meantime?""
In 2008 I had insurance in California, through my employer. I got laid off in June, but was on COBRA in Sept. 2008, when Blue Cross authorized me for gastric bypass surgery. In Oct 2009, owing to a dispute over COBRA payments, my insurance lapsed. As of Nov 1 I have no coverage, and new insurance through my wife's Kaiser won't start until Jan 1. Yesterday (Dec 23 09) I had to go to the ER due to abdominal pain that turned out to be a complication of the 2008 gastric bypass. Last night I had a CT scan and emergency surgery to correct the problem. Blue Cross rejected the claim, which of course makes sense and pushing it through was just a formality anyway. But today I wondered if, since the procedure was covered originally, would surgery to correct a complication be covered by law even if my insurance lapsed? I know I'm grasping at straws here, but it seems like it might be worth a consultation with an attorney to find out. I think this surgery is going to run to $40K or more. It was a simple laproscopic procedure, but y'know nothing's cheap. The original bypass was billed to Blue Cross at $38K. I know it's not like defect liability, since a surgeon can't guarantee there will not be complications. Also, I know I can't expect free legal advice here. But if someone knows for sure or has thoughts one way or the other would be helpful.""
Car accident involving two parties with same insurance company?
Hi there, My dad was involved in a car accident where the other party was at fault in WA state. Both parties have same insurance company. The Insurance company deemed the car as a total loss and sent a check of $4000. Meanwhile my dad had to go to a doctor because his neck is super stiff. Did anyone have similar experiences? $4000 isn't enough for a new car, and they can't afford car payments at this time (my mom has was just laid of), should we get a lawyer to contact the insurance company to demand higher compensation? Thanks!""
About How Much More will is be for my mom to add me to her car insurance?
Hi my mom said she will add me to her car insurance but i have to pay her the difference. I was wondering about how much more it will cost. She has State Farm and her car is a 2009 Nissan Altima 2.5 S. I'm a 21 year old girl and i would only use the car to drive to work school and around my neighborhood sometimes. any idea how much more that will cost?
Do you have to pay motorcycle insurance all year round?
or just during the summer?
How much would a car insurance be for a 18 years old?
How much would a car insurance be for a 18 years old?
Do insurance companies cover a chiropractor after an accident?
i was rear ended and had to see a chiropractor because of severe whiplash. the insurance company of the girl who hit me is offering a settlement and almost half of it will be going to ...show more
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
How much is insurance for a mazda rx8 if....?
my dad is going to buy me a used 2005 mazda rx8 for my 16th birthday, since i'm going to be a new driver and it's considered a sports car, is the insurance going to be super expensive?""
Insurance on bentley?
I got a bentley continental already and I want to know were Is the best place for bentley insurance before/soon as I turn 18 next year jan.
What is the cost of insurance for a bugatti?
What is the cost of insurance for a bugatti?
Automobile insurance cost increase?
My car is 10 years old with 100,000 miles it was paid off about 6 months ago. My insurance does nothing but keep going up what should I do?""
HELP with car insurance no claims ?
Since passing my test 3 years ago I've had insurance with countless insurers due to the fact I am useless and they kept asking for information for example proof of no claims and a copy of my license. I have had all my insurance policies cancelled countless times as I can't get proof of no claims as I guess I don't have any because all policies have been cancelled. The problem is now I'm getting quotes for over a thousand pounds when technically I've never made a claim in my life! Is there a way around this PLEASE HELP!
Am I covered under my father's car insurance policy?
I live in center city Chicago and I don't need a car, so I don't have my own car insurance policy. When I visit home and drive my father's car, am I covered under his policy even though I am not a minor?""
Should Keep or Look into term Life Insurance Quotes?
I have a whole life policy which I have been paying 45.00 per month for 16 yrs. I have to pay this amount until age 99 so they say. The amount it was for when I bought it was 50,000. It builds cash value. I am now 62. Should I keep this policy or look into term insurance?""
What is an insurance recovery vehicle?
I am looking at buying a car and one dealership offers insurance recovery vehicles for pretty cheap. I think that they they have been recovered after theft but I'm not really sure. Are they like salvaged vehicles and what problems could be found with buying an insurace recovery car? Have you had any experience with buying one? any knowledge would be appreciated.
""If a car insurance company office is closed, can you still insure the car on their website?""
If a car insurance company office is closed, can you still insure the car on their website?""
How much is insurance for a moped for a 17 year old?
I wanna get a moped and im17 years old, can someone tell me the procedure of getting a moped,do i go for a test, and how much will insurance cost for a 50cc ped, thanks in advance""
Teen car insurance!!!?
I live in Missouri and I'm 15, going on 16. I need a good car insurance and it has to be cheap! Please tell me some good, but cheap car insurance companies!""
Where can i find cheap auto insurance?
I am 18, almost 19""
Car insurance problems?!?
So I've had my license since I was 18 and now I'm 21, my boyfriend has always just let me use vehicles that he would give me that are registered in his name and on his insurance and I already know someone is going to point out its a bad idea I don't have my own vehicle, we have been together 5 years and haven't had a problem, but recently when I was driving my truck, registered and insured by him, some senile old woman pulled out around 8 feet in front of me and stopped right in the middle of the road so her whole car was right in my lane and the back end of her car was still sort of on the road she was pulling out of, I slammed on my breaks and when I realized I wasn't stopping I turned my wheel as hard as I could so I didn't hit her and I ended up just catching the end of her car and totalled mine by hitting the stop sign and about 4 trees on the road she was coming out of because of the fact that I was driving my boyfriend's insured vehicle and me and him live together, his insurance automatically added me to his policy which caused it to sky rocket from $190/mo. to over $400/mo. I was wondering if he should try to switch companies, or just keep me on his insurance whether he switches or not ?""
Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
Are there any affordable health care plans?
I'm a 21 year old female who lives in NJ. I do not have any children. I was going to apply for NJ Family Care, but you apparently need to be a parent/guardian. I cant get medical ...show more""
What would the price of insurance be for a 16 year old male after going through drivers ed and taking the...?
behind the wheel license test through the school? I am getting my license in a couple of days and wondering how much it would cost just in case i have to pay for it. We have a 2004 trailblazer, a 1999 grand prix, and a 2000 ford ranger. I get good grades and im not sure what else you need to know. Im in az. Im wondering because i cant put my info on the internet for a quote so i just want a ballpark monthly price.""
Is it legal for a car insurance company to do this?
I was in a no-fault wreck on Christmas Eve(slid into two cars on ice). The damages were about $3500 to my car. A buff job for the first car, and a chrome polish on the bumper of the old truck. They are not worried about making an insurance claim. There are not enough damages. First off, my car is fully insured with Progressive on my mother-in-laws insurance. The car is in mine and my spouse's name. I am not on the insurance because it was not allowing my mother-in-law to add me. It kept giving her an error. She was however able to add my spouse. I received a call on Saturday from a claims specialist. They told me that because I am not on the insurance, they may not cover the repairs. They are looking into whether or not she in fact did try to add me. If they can't find that she did try to add me, they said they will not cover it. Shouldn't they pay for it no matter what. Seeing how the car has comp. and collision? This is the first time I've had to deal with a claim on the insurance, so I really don't know anything about the process. I'm going in blindfolded. Everyone I've talked to has said that it doesn't matter who is driving it, if the car is insured, it's the insurance companies responsibility to cover the costs. It would be no different than you letting your neighbor borrow your car. Am I wrong??? If you have any comments or advice, please help me out. I need something to go off to work with them! Or more like against them. Thank you!""
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
What a good auto insurance for a college student?
going to be my first insurance so i really wanna get a good n cheap insurance
How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?
How much is it to rent a car per day in costa rica w/the necessary insurance [of course-4 wheel drive]?
How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old on a kawasaki ninja 250?
please don't tell me to go to an online calculator or quote site.
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
Is there any auto insurance that is affordable for college students?
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Im a girl with good grades that would be added on to my parents insurance policy, can anyone give me a dollar estimate?""
Who gives the cheapest car insurance for a nissan skyline import?
Who gives the cheapest car insurance for a nissan skyline import?
What is the best insurance company?
I need the cheapest insurance that is basic I have a 2002 Ford focus. Any ideas?
How to find out how much gas i need for a Mercedes Benz c300?
Ok so i'm suppose to do a career project and pick a job and where i'm going to live,health insurance etc.For my project i picked a Mercedes Benz c300 for my vehicle.For gasoline choice i picked shells and it cost 2.909 per gallon.How do i find out the average cost for a week and/or month?First resonable answer get best answer..i really need this so please help me!Thank you! :)""
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
Whats a good car insurance comapany in onatrio canada?
im just looking for regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a 34yr old male.thanks in advance.10 points for whoever gets the best company is my gift to you...""
On average what will a 22 year old male pay for motorcycle insurance?
I have to get a new license in CA and decided to get a motorcycle instead of a car. That being said, how much will I pay? The area I am in is Monterey, CA.""
Which health insurance is good and better in California?
Deciding from this health insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross of California, Kaiser Permanante.""
Creditable coverage for health insurance?
Heres my situation. I live in California. I get my health insurance through the company that my father works at (Im on my fathers health insurance plan). I Am turning 26 in October, so I wont have health insurance starting November 1st. I have been on my fathers health insurance plan since November 2011. I also have 2 preexisting conditions- OCD and ADHD (psychological conditions), and I have been seeing a psychiatrist and taking medications for those conditions for many years. I want to sign up for a new health insurance so I can get health insurance starting November 1st. I am thinking of getting on blue shield of California. Will I not be able to sign up for their health insurance because of my preexisting conditions? Or can I sign up for the health insurance and use creditable coverage to get my preexisting conditions covered? How does it work? What should I do right now and what should I ask the insurance companies?""
What are the payments on an Infiniti G35 Coupe?
How much for the car a month? And the insurance? If anyone has this car please let me know how much you pay for the car & the insurance. Thank you so much in advance.
How much would insurance cost on a 2 door car?
I wanted to get a 2 door car mainly on a Toyota Celica 2000 or a Ford Mustang and I was just wondering how much insurance it would be?
Temp car insurance for under 21?
I'm 19 and want car insurance for 3 months. Either short term or pay as you go
Car Insurance for Teenage Boy?
I'm looking at cars and wondering what the average car insurance for a 16 year old boy is. I know mustangs and sports cars are higher, but how much higher than a truck. And does insurance go down over time without accidents?""
How do I get affordable insurance after dui non-conviction?
State farm is canceling my auto insurance after a company called ChoicePoint inc. reported info. from the DMV about reinstatement of license, Chemical test modification and Chemical test revocation. I was arrested for a first offense and plea bargained to jump though all the hoops, pay all fines in order for it not to result in a conviction. Are there any insurance companies out there that do not purchase info. from ChoicePoint?""
Auto insurance question?
I had full coverage on my auto policy. My car is at a point where I'm not going to fix it because it would cost more to repair then to replace. However, I'm not going to replace it at this time. My question is, since I will be renting cars at least twice before I get a new car, how do I handle my auto insurance? The policy currently covers rental cars, and is cheaper than the insurance the rental company offers, so I'd like to keep it. should i go ahead and cancel my auto policy, even though I will be driving other cars before i purchase another?""
What happens if you switch car insurance?
Had a policy with my mother and due to conflict between the family I got my own policy and she moved out of town and has her own. However, she was behind on the payments (I had no idea, I just gave her the money every month in the form of a check) and after splitting the insurance I'm stuck with a $400 dollar bill just to continue my insurance that wasn't paid by my mother. I would like to somehow get around this and I was wondering what the consequences were if I were to not pay this payment and get car insurance elsewhere.""
How much money will i be paying for car insurance? im a 25 year old man.?
i have a big interest in 80s and early 90s sport cars. i even like 60s cars. what websites can i find out car insurance plans. thank you yahoo answers.
Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
Where can I find the cheapest insurance for young drivers?
I am looking for the cheapest insurance for young drivers in United Kingdom. I am 18 years old and I am planning to buy a car. I have been looking for an insurance for Golf Mk 4 1.9 TDi which costs up to 3000 but the cheapest insurance I could find was also over 3000 up to 5000. Tell me the cheapest you know, please. I have a full UK license.""
""Car Insurance, please read?""
Basically I live in the UK and it's my 17th birthday in July, and I want to start driving as soon as I get to my birthday, however I am looking at what car to buy by looking at the what cars give me the cheapest insurance. However if I go to a website such as www.comparethemarket.com (not to mistaken for comparethemeerkat.com ;P) I can't get a quote as it says the date of birth is invalid (as obviously I can't drive yet) so I'm just wondering if it is illegal or something to put my date of birthday as february instead of july just to get a quote. Please don't just say things like pass your test first as I really am interested to see an estimate on how much I will be paying Also, if it is not illegal, should I put a false name and address on too, or is that part illegal while the date of birth bit it. Many Thanks""
Weird health insurance situation?
My hubby had two claims from a sleep study clinic that were marked as Out of network by my insurance. As such, the insurance company cut me a check for the portion of the bill that they are required to pay (instead of paying the clinic directly). I had to cash them immediately or else the checks would be void. Normally, we get a bill from the clinic with our total bill (including what the insurance needed to pay) and we then pay what the insurance wrote us a check for in addition to our portion. Now, the clinic has decided to write off what was marked as out of network. So, I have the money and nowhere to pay it. Is it ethical/legal for me to just keep it? It feels really wrong...""
I have a question about my insurance for...?
ok i am 16 years old...17 in September and i am wanting a motorcycle sometime before i go to college...i have farm bureau insurance and i've not had a wreck before...so what would my insurance cost me to be driving a motorcycle at the age of 17 with no wrecks or tickets or anything?
Car insurance excess reclaiming?
My car was written off back in sept 08 after two cars collided infront of me and one spun and wrecked the front of my car. Both parties are disputing liability and I have got nowhere ...show more
Does one speeding ticket make your insurance go up?
i'm 16 and never had a ticket...i think it's state farm insurance.....i'm in california
Car Insurance HELP......?
Well Im 19 yo. and I want to buy a car in England. But insurance is the main problem!!! I have International Driver License and Im looking cars like Crossfire, BMW M1 etc. but secondhand ones. Which insurance company will be the best for me??? Btw Im university student.""
Help Car Insurance help?
Im 16 and im gettin a 2003 cadillac CTS when i get my licences and i have a few questions. The car is $10,932 how much would the down payment be also how much monthly plus insurance?""
Do any insurance companies do insurance on two cars uk only?
Why is it that if a person has two cars you can not get insurance for two cars on one policy If like me you have more than 9 years no claims bonus you must put your no claims on to one policy and start a new policy for the other car. but you can only drive one car at a time Is this just another insurance rip off
I got a speeding ticket and the car has insurance but i do not.?
I got a speeding ticket in California. I was doing 65 in a 50 zone and was wondering how much the ticket would cost. Also, the car i drove has insurance under my sister and mom's name but i do not have insurance, but he did not write me up for not having insurance. How does this work? Will my license be suspended and will i have to pay another fine?""
Is nationwide a good car insurance?
im thinking of switching from geico to nationwide it would be way cheaper but i know cheaper isnt always better
Im taking my drivers test on Tuesday..?
Ok so yesterday, Friday, my dad made an appt for my drivers test in the afternoon, and im taking it tuesday after school. Heres my problem, I need a Certificate of Attendance present with me but it takes like 2-3 days for it to be ready, and if I order it Monday then it will most likely be ready like on wednesday or thursday so what should I do? Reschedule my appt or just talk to the school office about it? Thanks in advance. God Bless.""
Car insurance quotes?
I have just spent an endless amount of time on various car insurance sites, which start of with reasonable quotes then you add the bits and pieces on and you end up with ridiculous final costs. I am not insuring a 0-60 in 5 seconds type car but a small 1.4 Honda I am fully aware that any car can cause damage,my wife drives the car,has had no claims or convictions. I have a larger car and the insurance is 50 cheaper than all quotes received so far,which includes breakdown recovery,protected no claims and legal cover. anyone with car insurance advice would be appreciated, these car insurance sites are a pain""
Car insurance first time driver?
Where would the cheapest place for car insurance be i am 18 and live in the uk my car is a hyundai accent 1.3 ltr Si coupe M reg and i have a drive way where should i go for best deals and what can i do to lower my premium .
Insurance cost?
how much would insurance cost if i took drivers ed classes and get a license if you are 16 and own a paid off car
My mums taking out insurance but i want to be added as a driver.?
well i have recently passed and my mum is taking out insurance on a car but i will be added as a driver, now when i went to get a quote i was told that they cannot do this due to reasons of me only doing it to get cheaper car insurance, he also said that this could get me points on my license??? is this true ?""
Are There Any Affordable Dental Insurance Policys on the Market?
I am wanting some work done on my teeth but do not have dental insurance, where can I find affordable dental insurance?""
Why is my auto insurance so high?
I'm currently buying a 2013 Subaru Impreza Sport Limited, but my insurance quotes are averaging over $600 a month. I'm 19, male, and have two speeding tickets, and I have friends that are paying under $100 a month. Why would it be so high for me?""
Whats good Health Insurance?
Im 20 a year old woman in college, I recently found out I was pregnant. I want to find affordable health insurance coverage for me and my unborn child. I dont want to rely on ...show more""
Can someone take out a life insurance policy on a mentally retarded person who didn't know what he was signing
This person was mentally retarded (52) and died of brain cancer. HIs brother (an attorney) took out an insurance policy for the 52 year old. The 52 year old did not really know what he was signing. The amount of the policy is unknown. Is this insurance fraud?
Who has the best insurance price that you know of and has decent people to deal with if you get in an accident
I'm to lazy to deal with hundreds of quoets and companies sending me spam.I had Allstate but they were terrible when I got rear ended and pretty much did nothing to help and I was paying them $230.00 a month!
What to put in to get the lowest/best insurance rate quotes?
Do I need to be honest? I own the vehicle. I am starting to get a new quote. For primary use of vehicle what should I put; Commute (school), Commute (work), Pleasure, or Business? I use it to get to work. I am also being asked how many mileage driven to go to work or mileage one-way, and the annual mileage. Is there a trick to getting the lowest rate on what to put? I am a very careful driver. I have not had any accidents in the past 3 years (nor anything major prior). I know these insurance companies only want to know about the last 3 years of my driving history. I am clean. I only need the legal state (Maryland) minimum amount to insure. Any advice on how to get the best rate quotes? I'm currently with Progressive, but might switch to Geico.""
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 years old and I live in Virginia. What is the estimate for my car insurance if I was added under my parents policy considering these factors: I am a female obviously... I want to either drive a used Kia optima hybrid, Camry, or a Toyota RAV4 and the years of the car will typically be above 2010 Thank you! Also if I drive my parents car and wreck it, would it be covered?""
Can you be insured under the car's insurance if you don't have insurance for yourself?
What i mean is... If the car (like say your parents, or friends) you are driving has full coverage insurance on it, but you do not have auto insurance in your name whatsoever. What would happen if you hit someone. Would it file under car owner's insurance? No matter what, im assuming both the car (obviously) and the driver (ALL drivers) need auto insurance in their name? Or can you drive w/o insurance if the car has full coverage? Thanks! Just want proof before i prove someone wrong :P""
Can I insure a motorcycle at age 16.?
I am 16 and my parents are not ok with me getting a motorcycle. They were, but now they're not. I have a motorcycle permit and want to buy a motorcycle and I want to know if I can insure it with just that. Can I? EXPERTS ONLY""
Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
Get insurance on car if title not in my name?
I am wanting to make payments to a freind for this car until it is paid off. The title is in his name, can I get insurance on it for myself even though the title is not in my name?""
Best Car Insurance for a teen?????????
im getting my liscence this week && im only 17. i NEED to know, whats the CHEAPEST car insurance to get in los angeles, california??""
Can you get insurance with just the chassis number for a new car/bike?
I'm trying to buy a new bike and in order to register it i need an insurance certificate. The trouble is all insurance companies i've tried getting quotes from online only do insurance with the registration number. Does anyone know of any that do it with the chassis number??
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
Full-Time College student looking for affordable health care in Ca.?
I go to Moorpark College full-time and I am looking for a health care plan that is preferably a PPO but an HMO is okay.. I am looking to pay less than 200 dollars a month and I am looking to pay no deductible. I am not looking to get insurance through the government.. I have found one through Health Net. It is an HMO. $0 deductible. $50 office visit. $205 / month. maternity coverage. If there is anything better out there, please let me know.""
How does the affordable care act apply to me?
Right now, I live with my Mom and she earns about $120000 per year. I work and earn about $22000 per year.""
On average how much more would the cost be for insurance for a house with a pool?
We are thinking about buying a home in So Cal that is a 4 +2 house on a 10,000 sq ft lot. The house has a pool though, and our concern would be what the cost of insurance would be. The pool is deep, and there is no diving board, and at the present time there is no fence. What do you all think? We have small children, so once we purchase the home, we will put a fence up, but we're just trying to guesstimate at this point. If anyone has any thoughts, by all means share them! I really appreciate any direction I can get with this. *I would rather not call 50 Insurance agencies to get quotes and have someone selling something I don't need yet!* Thanks a bunch.""
How many hours do you have to work in California to be eligible for health insurance?
I work 35 hours a week, and have no health insurance. Am I eligible? Should I question this?""
Should I trust car insurance comparison sites?
Should I trust car insurance comparison sites?
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
Can anyone recommend me high school football insurance?
Last year I signed up for insurance called Myers-Stevens, and they covered me only $500 out of $15000 for out-patient surgical equipment fees for my ACL Reconstruction. What the f*** man, do they use arthroscope once and throw it away or something? however, they are the worst school insurance you could get. Can someone recommend me a good High School Tackle Football Insurance Program that actually covers the accidents and injuries? So I have no fear of playing football in fear of getting injured and its high-cost medical bills I have to pay? I live in Southern-California, Los Angeles""
What kind of insurance do you have to have on a car that your still paying on ?
will the car company let you get cheap insurance?
What should I expect in car insurance?
Right now, I am seriously considering sharing a car with my boyfriend, so the insurance is lower than it would be for two cars. He is perfectly okay with the idea, but I would still like a truck to haul my horse (his Taurus SE can't do that long distance) for when I move, so it would be more convenient for me to have my own vehicle. I am a 17 year old female. My grades are a B average. I don't have a credit score, i pay with cash or my debit card. I want a truck (preferably an old cheap one that runs). I've heard insurance can be higher if you have a red vehicle, so I am going to avoid that. What else do you need to know to estimate my insurance? Thanks.""
How much would Liability cost on my car?
Im 16 and i just got my license. Me and my dad are gonna go look at a car tomorrow. its a 1999 mitsubishi eclipse GS with 130,000 miles. take in to consideration all of the basic things of a teenager nothing special just an average kid how much would liability in wisconsin cost? all my friends say they pay around 65 a month but than i went to some insurance website and it said some crazy thing like 850 a month... how much for an average 16 year old kid am i gonna pay monthly for liability?""
Is Obamacare really the first mandatory insurance?
Isn't Social Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance on all working people? Isn't unemployment insurance a mandatory insurance unless you are an independent contractor? Isn't car insurance a mandatory insurance for any driving person?
Someone backed into my BMW 325ci and pushed in the door. Does anyone know how much it will cost to get fixed?
Someone backed into my BMW 325ci and pushed in the door. It looks like the door will need a new skin and paint. I am debating whether or not to go through insurance. Does anyone know what it will cost to replace the door sheetmetal and have it painted?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
How much should insurance for a 20 year old male driving an 81 corolla cost. no tickets at all?
2008 Harley Low Rider insurance?
Hey I am 17. I just got a Harley Low Rider (1584cc) and gave been riding it with out insurance for the past month and I was wondering how much would the insurance cost for it.
Can you have insurance on a car that isn't yours?
My girl friend has a car but lost her job and can't afford to pay insurance. Can i put the insurance in my name for a car that she owns?
Can i get insurance on a bike at 16?
i have a pedal bike its 20in i have paid almost 1800 for i built it myself and i was woundering if i could get some type of insurance for it like if it gets stolen. i live in michigan
How much extra is car insurance if you have points on your licence from speeding?
Is it worth attending the speed awareness course or does this not matter to the insurance companies.
Insurance companies?
I was 18 when i had my first years insurance. The price for myself driving was in excess of 1500 and with 3 additional drivers it went down to 950. Now that i am looking for quotes for my second year insurane policy its the other way around. For myself its 700 and with 3 additional drivers its 1100 (approx). I really cant understand the insurance companies logic. Has this happend to you, or is it just me. I find that it is strange.....""
""Im a 21 yea old female, what would cost more; insurance on a 2010 camaro, or a 2007 mustang?""
also how much do you think would cost? no tickets, no wrecks, nothing on my record. thanks!""
Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
passed my test a week ago.. (UK) been looking for car insurance on any car thats below a 1.2 and im still getting quotes for 4000 what the ***** am i doing wrong to deserve this ? it's really frustrating as all my friends have car insurance and cars and drive about happily, yet im stuck catching busses, waiting around and generally feeling like a twit... what is it that i am doing wrong ?""
Any good dentists in the Houston area for people without insurance?
My teeth are in awful shape and I would like them fixed before they end up killing me. I hear that happens.
Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
Seagrove North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 27341
0 notes
jesusvasser · 7 years
The Infiniti Engineering Academy is Engineering a Future
It’s bad enough the world continues its forced march toward treating vehicles as rolling appliances with the steering wheel ripped out of our hands, even worse when all we’re told about the younger generation is that it’s only obsessed with machines that fit in a back pocket.
So it is refreshing to sit across from 21-year-old Evan Sloan as he enthusiastically tells us over dinner about finally getting to drive his dad’s prized Shelby GT500—then nearly smashing it up more than once.
The Boston-area native, who grew up watching Formula 1 races with his dad from the time he was a young boy, became such a fan that he oriented his studies with an eye toward a career in the sport. And then, almost without realizing it, he made a decision that would shape his life and take him from an automotive enthusiast dreaming about his future to living it.
He applied for a position with the Infiniti Engineering Academy.
Sloan had gone to California to study mechanical engineering at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. During his time there he became the president and vehicle dynamics lead for the Caltech Racing team, which built and raced a small, electric-powered, open-wheel car as part of a Formula SAE student competition. (Now that’s the kind of extracurricular activity we can get behind.)
While working on the project, Sloan and the rest of the team received an email about the academy. He sent off his application and didn’t think much of it until a month or so later when he was contacted. Then things started to get real.
The Infiniti Engineering Academy puts the real into real-world engineering experience. This isn’t some cushy, soft-shoe internship where you fetch some coffee, learn a few concepts, and maybe get a project bone thrown your way. There is some serious, big-time stuff, not a bunch of resume-puffing fluff.
Now in its fourth year, interest in the academy has exploded from a modest 1,000 applications to more than 12,000 in its last go around, and Infiniti expects even more next year. Seven students are chosen representing seven different regions of the world. Sloan was this year’s American representative.
“It generates more diversity for the organization, which for us is important,” says Tommaso Volpe, global director of Infiniti Motorsport and spokesman for the academy, during an interview at this year’s U.S. Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin where I also met Sloan.
Once the field is whittled down to 10 applicants in each region, they’re invited to an intensive finals competition where they’re poked, prodded, and tested until a winner is chosen. The academy looks for that first-round draft pick, a team player who can start blocking and tackling on the engineering gridiron right away.
This year’s American finals were held in Seattle at Microsoft’s headquarters; the tech giant is one of the Renault Sport F1 team’s partners. Finalists were broken up into two groups of five and tasked with challenges, sort of like “Survivor” but without being marooned on a mosquito-infested island.
Among the team exercises were developing an app in less than two hours to analyze data from the F1 team and the “dragster challenge,” which involved building and testing an R/C-style electric car. It’s about solving complex engineering problems in a team environment while attempting to personally stand out. But this isn’t just about having the biggest brain in the room. Winners need to be able to hold their own in social situations and display leadership abilities as well.
Once the lucky seven get rolling, they spend a year in the U.K., with six months working at the Renault F1 technical center and six more at Infiniti’s European technical center where they gain experience working on the road-car side of the business. Each one of them is assigned to tasks that best align with their area of expertise. Several of them have already found permanent jobs within the Renault/Nissan/Infiniti universe.
With his boyish good looks and aw-shucks interview style, Sloan is an all-American college kid straight out of central casting. “When they announced the winner,” he said, “I couldn’t believe it. I was stunned.”
But his modesty belies Sloan’s already extensive experience in and out of the classroom. During an internship at Tesla, he was part of a team that made sure a vehicle’s computer modeling matched up with the actual manufacturing setup.
It’s heartening to hear stories like Sloan’s, to know there are more young people than we think who love cars and motorsports and who have a passion to better the automotive world. And kudos to Infiniti for providing an outlet to help a select few engineer their futures.
The post The Infiniti Engineering Academy is Engineering a Future appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2Bxl9cz via IFTTT
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years
The Infiniti Engineering Academy is Engineering a Future
It’s bad enough the world continues its forced march toward treating vehicles as rolling appliances with the steering wheel ripped out of our hands, even worse when all we’re told about the younger generation is that it’s only obsessed with machines that fit in a back pocket.
So it is refreshing to sit across from 21-year-old Evan Sloan as he enthusiastically tells us over dinner about finally getting to drive his dad’s prized Shelby GT500—then nearly smashing it up more than once.
The Boston-area native, who grew up watching Formula 1 races with his dad from the time he was a young boy, became such a fan that he oriented his studies with an eye toward a career in the sport. And then, almost without realizing it, he made a decision that would shape his life and take him from an automotive enthusiast dreaming about his future to living it.
He applied for a position with the Infiniti Engineering Academy.
Sloan had gone to California to study mechanical engineering at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. During his time there he became the president and vehicle dynamics lead for the Caltech Racing team, which built and raced a small, electric-powered, open-wheel car as part of a Formula SAE student competition. (Now that’s the kind of extracurricular activity we can get behind.)
While working on the project, Sloan and the rest of the team received an email about the academy. He sent off his application and didn’t think much of it until a month or so later when he was contacted. Then things started to get real.
The Infiniti Engineering Academy puts the real into real-world engineering experience. This isn’t some cushy, soft-shoe internship where you fetch some coffee, learn a few concepts, and maybe get a project bone thrown your way. There is some serious, big-time stuff, not a bunch of resume-puffing fluff.
Now in its fourth year, interest in the academy has exploded from a modest 1,000 applications to more than 12,000 in its last go around, and Infiniti expects even more next year. Seven students are chosen representing seven different regions of the world. Sloan was this year’s American representative.
“It generates more diversity for the organization, which for us is important,” says Tommaso Volpe, global director of Infiniti Motorsport and spokesman for the academy, during an interview at this year’s U.S. Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin where I also met Sloan.
Once the field is whittled down to 10 applicants in each region, they’re invited to an intensive finals competition where they’re poked, prodded, and tested until a winner is chosen. The academy looks for that first-round draft pick, a team player who can start blocking and tackling on the engineering gridiron right away.
This year’s American finals were held in Seattle at Microsoft’s headquarters; the tech giant is one of the Renault Sport F1 team’s partners. Finalists were broken up into two groups of five and tasked with challenges, sort of like “Survivor” but without being marooned on a mosquito-infested island.
Among the team exercises were developing an app in less than two hours to analyze data from the F1 team and the “dragster challenge,” which involved building and testing an R/C-style electric car. It’s about solving complex engineering problems in a team environment while attempting to personally stand out. But this isn’t just about having the biggest brain in the room. Winners need to be able to hold their own in social situations and display leadership abilities as well.
Once the lucky seven get rolling, they spend a year in the U.K., with six months working at the Renault F1 technical center and six more at Infiniti’s European technical center where they gain experience working on the road-car side of the business. Each one of them is assigned to tasks that best align with their area of expertise. Several of them have already found permanent jobs within the Renault/Nissan/Infiniti universe.
With his boyish good looks and aw-shucks interview style, Sloan is an all-American college kid straight out of central casting. “When they announced the winner,” he said, “I couldn’t believe it. I was stunned.”
But his modesty belies Sloan’s already extensive experience in and out of the classroom. During an internship at Tesla, he was part of a team that made sure a vehicle’s computer modeling matched up with the actual manufacturing setup.
It’s heartening to hear stories like Sloan’s, to know there are more young people than we think who love cars and motorsports and who have a passion to better the automotive world. And kudos to Infiniti for providing an outlet to help a select few engineer their futures.
The post The Infiniti Engineering Academy is Engineering a Future appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger 6 http://ift.tt/2Bxl9cz via IFTTT
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jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
The Infiniti Engineering Academy is Engineering a Future
It’s bad enough the world continues its forced march toward treating vehicles as rolling appliances with the steering wheel ripped out of our hands, even worse when all we’re told about the younger generation is that it’s only obsessed with machines that fit in a back pocket.
So it is refreshing to sit across from 21-year-old Evan Sloan as he enthusiastically tells us over dinner about finally getting to drive his dad’s prized Shelby GT500—then nearly smashing it up more than once.
The Boston-area native, who grew up watching Formula 1 races with his dad from the time he was a young boy, became such a fan that he oriented his studies with an eye toward a career in the sport. And then, almost without realizing it, he made a decision that would shape his life and take him from an automotive enthusiast dreaming about his future to living it.
He applied for a position with the Infiniti Engineering Academy.
Sloan had gone to California to study mechanical engineering at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. During his time there he became the president and vehicle dynamics lead for the Caltech Racing team, which built and raced a small, electric-powered, open-wheel car as part of a Formula SAE student competition. (Now that’s the kind of extracurricular activity we can get behind.)
While working on the project, Sloan and the rest of the team received an email about the academy. He sent off his application and didn’t think much of it until a month or so later when he was contacted. Then things started to get real.
The Infiniti Engineering Academy puts the real into real-world engineering experience. This isn’t some cushy, soft-shoe internship where you fetch some coffee, learn a few concepts, and maybe get a project bone thrown your way. There is some serious, big-time stuff, not a bunch of resume-puffing fluff.
Now in its fourth year, interest in the academy has exploded from a modest 1,000 applications to more than 12,000 in its last go around, and Infiniti expects even more next year. Seven students are chosen representing seven different regions of the world. Sloan was this year’s American representative.
“It generates more diversity for the organization, which for us is important,” says Tommaso Volpe, global director of Infiniti Motorsport and spokesman for the academy, during an interview at this year’s U.S. Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin where I also met Sloan.
Once the field is whittled down to 10 applicants in each region, they’re invited to an intensive finals competition where they’re poked, prodded, and tested until a winner is chosen. The academy looks for that first-round draft pick, a team player who can start blocking and tackling on the engineering gridiron right away.
This year’s American finals were held in Seattle at Microsoft’s headquarters; the tech giant is one of the Renault Sport F1 team’s partners. Finalists were broken up into two groups of five and tasked with challenges, sort of like “Survivor” but without being marooned on a mosquito-infested island.
Among the team exercises were developing an app in less than two hours to analyze data from the F1 team and the “dragster challenge,” which involved building and testing an R/C-style electric car. It’s about solving complex engineering problems in a team environment while attempting to personally stand out. But this isn’t just about having the biggest brain in the room. Winners need to be able to hold their own in social situations and display leadership abilities as well.
Once the lucky seven get rolling, they spend a year in the U.K., with six months working at the Renault F1 technical center and six more at Infiniti’s European technical center where they gain experience working on the road-car side of the business. Each one of them is assigned to tasks that best align with their area of expertise. Several of them have already found permanent jobs within the Renault/Nissan/Infiniti universe.
With his boyish good looks and aw-shucks interview style, Sloan is an all-American college kid straight out of central casting. “When they announced the winner,” he said, “I couldn’t believe it. I was stunned.”
But his modesty belies Sloan’s already extensive experience in and out of the classroom. During an internship at Tesla, he was part of a team that made sure a vehicle’s computer modeling matched up with the actual manufacturing setup.
It’s heartening to hear stories like Sloan’s, to know there are more young people than we think who love cars and motorsports and who have a passion to better the automotive world. And kudos to Infiniti for providing an outlet to help a select few engineer their futures.
The post The Infiniti Engineering Academy is Engineering a Future appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
from Performance Junk Blogger Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2Bxl9cz via IFTTT
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viper-motorsports · 4 years
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The Realize Nissan Motor College came out on top of the Motegi GT 300Km piloting their N°56 Nissan GT-R NISMO GT300 from a seventh place start to the GT300 class win with one race left in the 2020 Super GT series.
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viper-motorsports · 4 years
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A second place finish by their N°56 Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 at Fuji Speedway JP clinched the GT300 class title for the Realize Nissan Automobile Technical College at the 2020 Super GT season finale.
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viper-motorsports · 4 years
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Qualifying for the third round of the 2020 SUPER GT concludes with the N°56 Realize Nissan Motor College GT-R set to start the Suzuka GT 300Km from the second row.
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