Nasty  –At Night
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qcomicsy · 2 years
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I mean this in the best way possible, (for anyone who follows me) this is a blog of someone who had and still will thirst over priest Jason Todd. If that's something that makes you upset I highly recommend you to unfollow/block me.
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2 Chainz - Vi-agra (Official Audio)
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elrik-j · 1 year
Here it is Now
I got telepathy by speaking to a picture.
Then i was speaking to some dream withs and I saved a little girl that was getting raped by her Dad, using death sypathetic and gaining life and death sympathetic telepathy, after at first yousing imajinaerial telepathy.
Then there is the explanation of the Grecian religion. The Grecain religion worked like this. Everyone participated in in-bed imajinaerilaism- as in like -in-bed imajinaerialism, if you can remember that. This is through using our internality, exteranlity, vijzin. Vijzins and phiscals, you see.
You see.
As it is collectively, participated in, it becomes real out, to a chosen one to go, out, with realized as real interactions.
Try speaking to a picture of it, such as diablo.
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Such as from diablo. Just relax. Realize your not doing anything and ask a question.
Not gods of the Uvric realigion or anything they will have to reject and deny it.
Next, Try a Serial Experiment.
Heres the start.
Sceintology: Task.
Task. S-P-C.
Serial Experiment Tasks: Serial Experiment.
When I was 19 I started on the Mie Dream Freq. To help aid my dreams. I used a hrtz frequency like The Rapper XXXTentacion suggests to use.
It worked. On my Uvric Avric vijznz fizkulsz arns clearance.
1st i encounted Rez, lord of the invisible being bros.
Then I adjusted my M.AE.Be, to say, dream with me or die, otherwise, here is this paper, here is what you need to do.
Okay, okay.
Rez was the one that outed hercules, as he went out in the Grecian Uvric Religion.
You see he was lord of the invisible being bros and he blackmailed him at the pillars of hercules with that boar, like that jason fought form the books, series of percy and jackson. Okay, so he got blackmailed for being the minortar about thenieda and Theasus who was a huge kingdom threat and, king.
Trojan, Helena, Ect, Ect, Romolus and Relmulus, ext, exctera.
Okay Okay. Thatsz all.
This isn't my main account. Im doing baec-os study, papers on this sort of thing. My goal is to get adopted so i can use science, math and history to figure these sorts of things out.
I believe we live in a post Hauth-Post-Ap society today.
I want to find a way to remedy and the source of child abuse and the orgin of the baby, ect, exctera, excetera.
Practice, train, protect and stay careful!
I recommend Hrtz for Uvric medicine, ecxtera, and dream about and kill that wierdo rez.
bro bye!.
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Bro hey pro.
(haha, anti pro. hero).
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Hey. I wrote this book out of compassion and with heart.
I was having a hard time.
My life was rough.
Ever Since I was a kid I was so fucking frustrated.
I wrote something down and tried to have a dream about it.
It didn't work.
Then I desired to save the creator of the dream
because that's basic bitch, why doesn't that work.
And, no I no.
I know one thing.
Math and Science exist.
As a kid, i imajined going back in time, and saving him, learning the nature of the dream through math and science.
When I spoke on this, I'd get beat and made to forget things.
If you know, this happens, to special important people who purpose themselves, such as, who is responseable- and how come we don't know the creator of the dream?
Suspicious, i'd believe so. You see.
I believe we believe in a Post-Hauth, Post-Apactalyptic soceity, and I believe his orgin was the Post-Sumerian Hittite civilization.
For Further evidence on this matter, I would suggest serial experiments on middle school history classess, on public forums, ectera.
As forthereth, I desire to study these things, through sceince, math and history. Combining these elements i believe i could unlock the key to this mystery.
I need help, my whole life, I was abused and driven mad, it was really sad. Please help me.
I don't know either way.
PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Lets move on. I can do this.
LETS-GO. (right man?)
Okay, and when i remembered my dreams id get beat and woken up in the middle of the night and raped by with the girl next door and theyre family man.
Please, I need help. I need to get adopted, so i can work this. I need love.
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I need my mommy.
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nosamyrag · 1 year
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the-masked-emperor · 2 years
"The Masked Empire"
Info page!
Races, Classes, Factions, (Main)Locations,( the Drawn Map, Main Characters and the Prologue are coming soon!! )
Elves are a smart species, born from a natural alteration of some The Masked Empire's humans' dna throughout the centuries. They live way longer than humans and their distinctive traits are their pointy ears and blue hair. They live in large communities away from The Masked Rmpire and instead live in the confines of The Kingdom of Upper Ile. They are neutral towards the Emperor and his allies.
Orcs are a race of brute warriors They are big and muscular, with thick skin and verdigris colored hair. They are violent and savage, but they fight hard for their native lands. They are a race that likes to fight, and are merciless even against their own people if they are a threat to the Emperor.
Vampires form a small community between normal humans. They have no official and / or common realigions they belive in. They're not very supersticious and their beliefs are very subjective from individual to individual but they belive firmly in the rule that forbids them to attack people of royal blood from The Masked Empire or other Kingdoms' royals.
Humans are the most common race of the Empire, and they are also the most numerous. They are most often used as workers, soldiers, merchants, farmers, and slaves. Humans are also a deeply superstitious race, and many have strange customs or religious beliefs.
Blacksmiths are craftsmen who create and repair all different kinds of weapons. They also make armor, tools, and anything else that the people need. In the recent war with some powerful vampires from an unidentified enemy faction, the blacksmiths crafted new weapons for the Emperor's soldiers and special armors for the Clovers.
Lesens are non-parametrical fighters. They are fast, agile, and can follow anyone's tracks. They observe the enemy's movements and find the easiest way to harass them. Lesens are unarmored, but wear clothes that hide their scents.
The Priests of the Masked Empire act as a liaison between the Emperor and his citizens They usually wear masks as well, except for during religious ceremonies. The Priests of the Masked Empire have access to powers that lay ordinary people can't. They can cast powerful spells that can heal the sick, lift the spirits of the downtrodden and protect their allies from harm.
They are also responsible of getting rid of the vampires that are sent to die after a death sentence ot anything of the sort.
Soldiers are almost the most fearful and respected class of The Masked Empire. They are seen as the barrier before ultimate enemy ( Clovers ), and any who dare approach or speak against them will find themselves hunted and killed by the Emperor himself. They are of a large, muscular composition, they are also very fast.
Most of them are Orcs.
Thieves are infamous in the Empire. They are feared for their daring and cunning. Many thieves are master assassins, who lead double lives as master thieves during the day, working to obtain rare items. Thieves are masterful at using disguises, and will often go for long periods of time without ever being recognized.
Most of the theives are also deemed vampires though this is not always true as it is a rumor that humans have believed in for a very long time but it's really just a stereotype.
Melicers are the primary force of an army. They are skilled in using melee weapons, such as swords, axes, and maces. Malicers are also trained to use bows and crossbows.
Clovers are the highest class of knights in The Masked Empire. They are the soldiers whose job it is to escort the Emperor of The Masked Empire. They are responsible for his care and safety, so they will do whatever it takes to keep him out of harm's way.
Their name ( clovers ) is inspired by the plant as it is believed it brings luck. They always carry an imagage of it or and acutal clover on themselves / their armor. Some of the Clovers are also vampires.
The most cruel between the elf warriors. Hellves are very hostile towards the Masked Empire despite their homeland's neutrality. In poor words the feral part of the Kingdom of lle's military.
Seperate military force from the H.E. which they do not want to be associated with.
Maskers of the High Elves / H.E.
The Maskers of the High Elves are an elite group of extremely skilled Elves who have dedicated their lives to the advancement of the Elf race. They are trained in the art of combat , and are considered the most skilled warriors in the Kingdom of Upper Ile. They protect their Kingdom from enemies and bring food from the outside.
Brothers / Brotherhood
*Brotherhood* is a faction in The Masked Empire. It is a group of powerful warlords who rule their own small tribes. These warlords all share a fear of The Masked Emperor and his Clovers and so they have formed a decently powerful alliance.
They have their headquarters, Lukout Mountain, in the city of Lukout, near the Mountain Clans.
Mountain Clans / Moutikers
Mountain Clans are a group of small clans that live under a mountain. The Mountain Clans are wary of the Masked Empire and do not wish to trade with them.
The Mountain Clans have a strong warrior class. Their warriors are called Moutikers.
The citizens and / or allies of the M.E. ( Masked Empire ).
The Masked Empire
The Masked Empire is a nation ( and a faction ) ruled by Emperor Alex, who wears a mask that covers his face at all times. The Empire does not like to do any trade with the outside world. Part of it is surrounded by mountains and another part of it is adiacent to multiple rivers.
It is heavily guarded, and is only opened twice a year in order to give people a chance to trade with merchants from across the kingdom. The Masked Empire is also an advanced civilization, and is protected by a magical barrier that keeps out all enemies.
( Gives a home to Brothers and Maskendi factions )
The Kingdom of the Upper Ile
Kingdom right outside of the M.E. and very neutral-friendly towards it, it's the Kingdom who trades the most with said Empire and has been an ally to it for some of the battles against Vampires. The Kingdom of the Upper lle is ruled by the Queen named Victoria Hazember.
( Gives a home to the faction of H.E. and the Hellves )
The Mountains
They surround part of the M.E. and are habited by the Moutikers. They prefer not to interact with the M.E. but are not hostile in their regards. ( Gives a home to the Moutikers' faction )
The Clover Wings
The Clover Wings is a gigantic structure built near the Emperor's castle, it has training grounds and classes other than multiple points that help the Clover to access the Empire's walls to check fro enemies. The Clover Wings is filled by an elite branch of the M.E.'s royal military, and is the organization responsible for the protection from the strongest enemies. It also trains junior Clovers to their newly given duty to protect the Emperor.
( Gives a home to part of the Maskedi faction )
Houlburg is a small village in the Masked Empire, not much.is known about it a it is located in a rather secluded area.
The village needs help from adventurers to find a mysterious artifact... what will it be?
( Part of the Maskedi faction )
Lukout and Lukout Mountain
Lukout is a decently large town in the Masked Empire. It sits on top of a height that overlooks the Masked Empire named in fact the Lukout Mountains after said town. Lukout is surrounded by forest and mountains. It has very limited access to the outside world.
Lukout is known for its scenery and the sunsets that can be seen from the top of the mountains but also for it's strong warriors.
( Gives a home to part of the Moutikers' faction )
Drawn Map (coming soon)
Main Characters (coming soon)
Prologue (coming soon)
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lignes2frappe · 2 years
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10 mai 2013. True Religion Apparel Inc. confirme officiellement son rachat par la firme d’investissement TowerBrook Capital Partners pour la somme astronomique de 835 millions de dollars !
À titre de comparaison, quand, en 2007, Jay Z a conclu le plus gros deal l’histoire du rap en revendant sa marque de fringues Rocawear, le montant de la transaction n’était « que » de 204 millions de dollars.
Bien connu du milieu de la mode pour avoir par le passé déjà pris le contrôle de Jimmy Choo, Odlo ou Phase Eight, TowerBrook Capital Partners n’a évidemment pas agi sur un coup de tête. À l’instant T, True Religion n’est en effet pas juste une marque de plus en vogue, c’est LA marque en vogue.
Son logo en forme de Bouddha qui joue de la guitare acoustique et ses fers à cheval brodés sur les poches arrière de ses jeans sont depuis quelques saisons omniprésents dans les garde-robes des célébrités, que ce soit chez les habituées des tabloïds (Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan…), les acteurs et les actrices (Gwyneth Paltrow, Bruce Willis, toute la distribution de la série Desperate Housewives…), ainsi que l’entièreté du rap mainstream (Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Future, Jim Jones et les Black Eyed Peas l’ont citée dans leurs textes, Chief Keef lui a dédié l’hymne True Religion Fein, 2 Chainz a carrément intitulé l’une de ses mixtapes T.R.U. REALigion et a fait de l’ad lib « TRUUU » sa carte de visite…).
Surfant sur cette hype sans précédent, True Religion a triplé son chiffre d’affaires de 2007 à 2012, allant jusqu’à générer 490 millions de dollars par an.
L’avenir s’annonçait donc des plus radieux, la success story semblant même n’en être qu’à ses prémisses.
Ou pour citer Lynne Koplin, fraîchement nommée présidente directrice générale : « Cet investissement de TowerBrook nous permettra de maintenir notre leadership sur le marché sur le long terme. Le prochain chapitre de notre histoire sera, nous n’en doutons pas, des plus fructueux, tant pour nos employés que pour nos clients et nos actionnaires. »
Sauf que bon, la suite ne s’est pas spécialement déroulée comme prévu. Banqueroutes, fermetures, restructurations… ce fut même tout l’inverse qui s’est produit, et ce, en quelques années à peine.
Comment ? Pourquoi ? Pour tout comprendre sur cet incroyable retournement de situation, reprenons tout depuis le début.
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Tomber pour mieux se relever
New York, fin des années 90. Jeffrey Lubell, la quarantaine joyeuse, « mec rock’n’roll » fan des Grateful Dead, des Rolling Stones et de Joni Mitchell, commence à se dire, après avoir passé deux décennies à bosser pour d’autres dans l’industrie de la mode, qu’il serait temps qu’il se mette à son compte.
Il convainc sa femme Kymberly de sauter le pas, et quelques mois plus tard, le couple crée deux marques de jeans, Bella Dahl et Jefri Jeans. Leur relative inexpérience dans l’entreprenariat leur vaut toutefois de connaître de sérieuses difficultés financières, tant et si bien que très vite ils se font racheter par un duo d’investisseurs, Kerry et Steve Jolna.
Pas découragé pour autant, Jeffrey décide de rebondir en 2000 en utilisant une partie des fonds mis à leur disposition pour fonder une nouvelle marque, Hippie Jeans. Les frères Jolna ne l’entendent cependant pas de cette oreille et poursuivent les deux tourtereaux en justice pour rupture de contrat, concurrence illégale et infraction à la propriété intellectuelle.
Kym et Jeffrey contre-attaquent, s’estimant injustement dépossédés de « leurs enfants ». S’ensuivent deux années de procédure judiciaire qui se terminent le 28 janvier 2002 par la victoire des frères Jolna.
Qu’à cela ne tienne, les Lubell en ont encore sous le pied et émigrent en Californie, des rêves plein la tête.
« Avec mes deux précédentes marques, j’ai fait des erreurs » admettra Jeffrey. « En repartant à zéro, je me suis dit que je préférais tout faire moi-même plutôt que de me taper un partenaire qui, parce qu’il a investi de l’argent, se permet d’avoir un avis sur tout. »
Le couple met ainsi sur pied la société de gestion Guru Denim Inc., une structure qui va leur permettre de lancer en décembre 2002 une nouvelle marque qui n’appartient qu’à eux, True Religion.
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La religion du jean
Très vite, les différentes pièces du puzzle se mettent en place.
Jeffrey et Kym Lubell déposent leurs valises dans la petite ville de Manhattan Beach (35 000 habitants), recrutent un designer et un chargé de production, et se mettent sans plus attendre à l’ouvrage.
Leur credo ? Des jeans, encore des jeans, toujours des jeans.
« La seule vraie religion dans le monde, ce sont les gens. Et partout dans le monde, les gens portent des jeans. À nous de nous concentrer sur la coupe, la qualité et le style pour qu’hommes et femmes se sentent le mieux possible dedans. »
Pour atteindre cet objectif, True Religion mise d’entrée de jeu sur le premium avec des jeans coûtant entre 170 et 300 dollars – des prix particulièrement élevés pour l’époque, très éloignés de ceux proposés par la concurrence.
Jeffrey Lubell n’en a cure. Ce qui compte pour lui, c’est d’abord la qualité du produit. Le reste ne vient qu’après.
« Si vous voulez acheter du pas cher, allez chez Wal-Mart ou chez Target » s’agace-t-il.
Outre la qualité du tissu vendu comme supérieur, et de surcroît « made in USA », l’idée est que le consommateur bénéficie d’un produit reconnaissable au premier coup d’œil.
Il y a donc ces coutures très épaisses, les fers à cheval, et bien sûr, le fameux Bouddha « World tour » qui apporte une touche new age à l’ensemble.
L’un dans l’autre, True Religion c’est le textile un peu cool, un peu vintage, un peu cowboy, qui s’adresse à tous les imaginaires.
La formule plaît, et en moins de deux ans, les résultats se font spectaculaires.
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Le monde chico
Après une année 2003 confidentielle (2,4 millions de dollars de ventes assortis d’un léger déficit), True religion éclot réellement en 2004 (27,6 millions de dollars de ventes, 4,2 millions de bénéfices), avant d’exploser en 2005 grâce à une série de deals à l’international. Distribué au Japon, au Canada, en Italie, en Allemagne, en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande, ses ventes dépassent la barre des 100 millions de dollars, tandis que son bénéfice frôle les 20 millions de dollars !
Adoubé dans la presse spé (Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar…), True Religion débarque dans la cour des grands et commence à vendre ses vêtements dans les chaînes les plus prestigieuses du pays afin de capitaliser sur son côté élitiste (Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales…).
Sa progression ne s’arrête toutefois pas là.
Après l’inauguration d’un premier magasin dans son fief de Manhattan Beach en 2005, fort de ses moyens nouveaux, True Religion inaugure une politique d’expansion des plus agressives : quatre ans plus tard, la marque possède plus de 100 points de ventes répartis aux quatre coins du globe.
Mieux, chacun de ces magasins participe à renforcer son identité avec un décor là encore immédiatement reconnaissable : des boiseries partout, du plancher et une ambiance mi-zen, mi-saloon.
Brillant de mille feux au début des années 10, True Religion se permet non seulement de regarder droit dans les yeux tous les gros noms du denim (G-Star, Diesel, Levis Strauss…), mais peut à terme raisonnablement espérer de tous les dépasser.
« Toute personne sur Terre un brin dans le coup est un client potentiel de True Religion » résume Jeffrey Lubell.
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Les premiers nuages, puis la tempête
Si en public l’ambiance est à la fête, en coulisse plusieurs voyants se mettent à clignoter, à commencer par le divorce de Jeffrey et Kym en 2007 après 20 ans de vie commune (le départ de Kym quelques mois plus tard scellera la fin d’une époque), ou en 2009 l’échec de True Religion à pénétrer le marché asiatique malgré des investissements conséquents.
Rien d’extrêmement alarmant en soi, si ce n’est qu’un vent d’inquiétude commence à se faire sentir lorsqu’en 2011, pour la première fois de son histoire, les profits ne progressent pas aussi rapidement que l’année précédente.
Désireux de rester dans une bonne dynamique, investisseurs et actionnaires poussent le président Mike Egeck au départ. C’est malheureusement l’effet inverse qui va se produire.
Résolument opposé à ce licenciement, Jeffrey Lubell rentre en guerre avec ces derniers. Toujours plus branché mode que business, comme avec les frères Jolna, il est défait.
Non reconduit à son poste de directeur de la création en 2012, il quitte la compagnie – en échange cette fois d’un package de six millions de dollars en guise de lot de consolation.
Lynne Koplin est ensuite nommée directrice générale par intérim. Un an plus tard, TowerBrook Capital Partners entre dans la danse.
L’ironie de la chose, et la cause du drame qui s’annonce, c’est qu’en dépit du départ de ses fondateurs et des velléités réformatrices affichées, True Religion s’arrime à la formule qui a fait son succès depuis bientôt une décennie.
Dans un univers de la mode en proie à un changement drastique des tendances et des comportements, cet immobilisme ne pardonne pas.
Concurrencé par le pas cher (la fast fashion) et le confortable (le sportswear), True Religion est en sus attaqué sur son propre terrain, celui des jeans à plusieurs centaines de dollars, par l’avènement des « luxury brands » à la Balenciaga, Fear of God & Co.
Pire, engoncé dans ses veilles pratiques, True Religion néglige complètement le virage du e-commerce avec un site internet et un marketing d’un autre âge – en 2010, les commandes en ligne généraient moins de 3% de son chiffre d’affaires…
Résultat, en quelques années, c’est tout l’édifice qui s’effondre.
Déficitaire à hauteur de 78 millions de dollars rien que sur 2016, True Religion cumule un total de 471 millions de dollars de dettes (!) et n’a d’autre choix que de se déclarer en faillite à l’été 2017.
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Le grand huit
Contre toute attente, le move s’avère particulièrement réussi.
Désireux de sauver le navire, TowerBrook revend la quasi-totalité de ses actions pour injecter un maximum de liquidités dans la machine, tandis qu’un nouveau partenaire entre danse, la banque Citizens, qui investit une centaine de millions de dollars.
Réduite à 120 millions de dollars, la dette est rééchelonnée jusqu’en 2022.
Bien que pas encore sorti d’affaire, True Religion évite de mettre la clef sous la porte.
Pas de chance, l’épidémie de Covid-19 stoppe net cette belle dynamique. Le ralentissement global de l’économie lui vaut d’enregistrer 50 nouveaux millions de pertes en 2019. Pour la seconde fois, True Religion connaît les affres de la banqueroute en avril 2020.
Ce coup du sort amorce cependant la vraie renaissance de la marque.
Nommé à la tête de la société en octobre 2019 après avoir servi comme cadre entre 2006 et 2010, Michael Buckle opère cette fois un véritable changement de cap. Conscient que jouer la carte de la nostalgie n’est pas suffisant, il opte pour une baisse drastique des prix et un renouveau des designs.
« Il était impératif pour nous d’écouter ce que nos clients avaient à nous dire. Ce qu’ils voulaient, d’où ils venaient, ce qui les intéressaient. À partir de là, il a fallu nous repositionner. Oui, True Religion est vendu moins cher qu’il y a dix ans, mais la marque n’a pas pour autant perdu sa symbolique. »
C’est d’ailleurs dans cette optique de concilier le présent et le passé que True Religion s’est offert en 2021 une collaboration qui a beaucoup fait parler avec Supreme, puis a célébré cette année en grande pompe son vingtième anniversaire en faisant poser Chief Keef dans ses publicités.
Réchappé in extremis du club des ringards à la Juicy Couture et Ed Hardy, True Religion s’enorgueillit désormais d’un chiffre d’affaires qui flirte avec les 200 millions de dollars.
Certes, chacun pensera ce qu’il voudra des récentes collections que beaucoup qualifient de merguez, certes, les chiffres ne sont pas ceux des années fastes, mais Michael Buckle préfère voir le verre à moitié plein.
« Ce que nous voulons, c’est peser 500 millions par an d’ici à quatre ans. Rien ne nous interdira ensuite de devenir une marque qui pèse un milliard. »
Qui sait, rappeurs et célébrités se laisseront peut-être tenter de renfiler les tonnes de jeans qui dorment dans leurs placards depuis dix ans ?
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Publié initialement sur Booska-p.com le 30 décembre 2022.
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taurian-fkbonline · 4 months
Does 2 Chainz T.R.U Realigion Mixtape Have Replay Value In 2024? ("T.R.U. Realigion" Review)
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commonpoint1 · 7 months
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james-jobs · 9 months
Top 15 Southern Rap Mixtapes (no order)
1. T.R.U. Realigion ( 2 Chainz)
2. Stranger Than Fiction ( Kevin Gates)
3. Chicken Talk ( Gucci Mane)
4. Trap Or Die ( Young Jeezy)
5. New Jet City (Curren$y)
6. Da Drought 3 (Lil Wayne)
7. Sorry For The Sauce 3 (Sauce Walka)
8. Cilvia Demo (Isaiah Rashad)
9. High Class Street Music 5 (Young Dolph)
10. Blvck Lvnd Rvdix 66.6 (SpaceGhostPurrp)
11. Blue Dream and Lean (Juicy J)
12. 56 nights (Future)
13. No Label 2 (Migos)
14. AI Youngboy (NBA Youngboy)
15. Life of a Savage (Boosie and Webbie)
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titanium8996 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 💙🎟True Religion 2 Chainz SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE GA Super T Denim Jacket🎟💙.
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2 Chainz & DJ Drama Discuss Impact Their “T.R.U. REALigion” Mixtape Had On His Career
2 Chainz & DJ Drama Discuss Impact Their “T.R.U. REALigion” Mixtape Had On His Career
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thailandnahas · 2 years
New 2 chainz mixtape august 2012
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#New 2 chainz mixtape august 2012 tv
He has a fashion line of hoodies, CEO Millionaires, and a range of sweaters, Dabbing Sweaters. He is quite the business investorĪnother major contributor to 2 Chainz’s net $6 million net worth is his business investments. The reality show began airing in 2017, and the Georgia-born rapper, who stars at the show’s host and protagonist, has been on the air for three seasons so far, with more than 40 aired episodes. While he had minor roles in those projects, 2 Chainz took a more prominent position on the Viceland show, Most Expensivest.
#New 2 chainz mixtape august 2012 tv
He has appeared as an actor on the shows, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, 2 Broke Girls, and the TV movie, Rubberhead. 2 Chainz is a burgeoning TV starĮven when his music began to lose their popularity, 2 Chainz continued to maintain his net worth with a career in television. He has also earned royalty from the use of his songs as a soundtrack in more than 45 projects, including films, TV shows, and video games. The significant percentage of 2 Chainz’s $6 million net worth earned through music, comes from a discography with five studio albums, ten mixtapes, four EPs, and over 95 singles, several of which have been certified gold or platinum. It debuted on number four on the Billboard 200 and sold 65,000 copies in the first week. The album received strong critical reviews and performed modestly well commercially. So far, 2 Chainz has released five albums, with his last being Rap or Go to the League, which he released in March 2019. At this time, 2 Chainz became a popular name in hip hop with singles like No Lie and Birthday Song, and he was earning $100,000 to feature on a track. His first album, Based on a T.R.U Story, was released in 2012 and has sold more than one million copies after selling 147,000 copies in the first week amidst mixed reviews. Prior to the mixtape release, he has released six mixtapes, his first being Me Against the World. In 2011, 2 Chainz released his first charting mixtape, T.R.U REALigion, which peaked at number 54 on the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. Their second album, Supply & Demand, was released in 2007. While he was a member of the group, he released two albums, United We Stand, United We Fall, which introduced him to the Atlanta hip hop music world and got him and his partner, Earl Conyers, aka Dolla Boy, a record deal with Ludacris’ Disturbing Tha Peace. He began his music career in 1997 as part of the hip hop duo, Playaz Circle. He has sold more than two million album copies and sold even more via singles. If there is a pie chart about the contributors to 2 Chainz’s net worth, music will take more than 50% of the whole. However, while there are a couple of things to point to as the source of 2 Chainz’s admirable net worth, it is his distinctive personality that has helped him become one of hip hop’s millionaires, especially after his music stopped setting the charts on fire. Sources of his net worth include music, TV, and business investments. 2 Chainz Net Worthīefore he was 2 Chainz, he was Tity Boi and Drenchgod, and with that name, he has achieved a net worth of $6 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. This article takes a look at his net worth, along with how he made his significant wealth, succeeding where others have failed. The former college basketball player’s net worth might pale in comparison to the wealth of prominent hip hop names like Drake and Jay Z, but he remains one of the most successful acts of modern hip hop. 2 Chainz may no longer have the popularity he once had when songs like No Lie and Birthday Song dominated the Billboard charts, but he continues to release new music and has maintained his net worth through TV shows and entrepreneurial ventures.
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