#realicide moralist
katyhoodlum · 1 year
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the cult threesome ship redraw
i drew two versions of it with different brushes for nostalgia,
the og art was drawn with the fluffy brush
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singular moralist because hes so cute
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flourvase · 2 years
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wow moralist from Realicide is such a cool character and I love how nothing bad happens to them ever
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zapsoda · 1 year
It’d be hilarious if you drew moralist being violent towards communalist in some way, I think
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lol okay
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the-selfship-fairy · 1 year
Kinda forgot the part of the Disney fairies lore where humans can't normally understand fairy language and it just sounds like bells chiming to them when coming up with certain parts of the Realicide au. Oops, pretend that I specified that Egoism convinces moralist to free him from the jar through body language like looking very sad and pitiful to appeal to his sense of morality. Instead of talking.
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sugarymechanoid · 1 year
hi kitty ^_^ do you have any headcanons for ur ship with moralism? - @capitalistbf (i love seeing other centricide/realicide shippers :3)
Moralist is totally a goody two shoes, and I’m a terrible influence on him 😭 my horrible manners got him to cuss
He likes to go out and I’m super indoorsy so he has to drag me out of the house to go anywhere
He and I are both super affectionate but I initiate all the pda<333 he has a kissable face
He’s taller than me so he has to get things for me and I hate it! Grr I appreciate it tho
I attempt to be the “man” of the house but my arms are as strong as uncooked spaghetti so I can’t open jars for shit
I make him watch Star Trek with me because I’m a NERD and he and I talk about it forever <3 (William Riker is his favorite and mine’s data <3333) (I’m the riker to his Diana Troi <3) (if you don’t get it uhh look it up I thinkies)
He’s the only one who laughs at my terrible jokes
Neither of us can cook but we try via freezer dinners
He takes care of the bugs bc I’m too scared of them. I try to get him to kill them but he doesn’t because “everything deserves to live!” And I think that’s total bs DEATH TO FLIES
I’m a night owl and he’s a morning person so he lays in bed for at LEAST an hour with me before he gets up
On topic of the bed, I take up 90% of the bed and he just squeezes in and takes the remaining 10%
I keep trying to convince him to get a pet, and the only issue is I want a cat and he wants a dog (we will eventually compromise and get both. The dog is gonna like me most much to my displeasure) (it’s like when dads say they don’t want a dog and then the two become inseparable)
He always gets perfect gifts somehow?????? But I’m total shit at gift giving so I give him a card and some money every year for his birthday
I got him to dye his hair once but it was cursed so never again
I got him to actually take care of his hair and it’s so pretty now <3
I tell him kinda creepy shit and he hasn’t called the police yet, I think he should
I do make up on him. He’s very pretty
Animals always seem to like him and it makes me jealous! He’s a Disney princess and it’s unfair
He has gorgeous nails and I love to paint them pretty colors!!! <333
I have to do the clothes shopping because he’s super simple and won’t get anything fashionable unless I’m there
(We’re not married yet but I have plans!!! This is under the cut bc it’s secretttt) (all my mooties are invited<3)
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bonnibelette · 1 month
Can you explain why you hate communalism?
hiii thank u for the questiommm
(TDLR at bottom of cut)
i’ll try to make this concise as possible but no promises so i might jump around a bit here and there i’ll format this as a list as that’s easier for me than writing a paragraph (also apologies for potential typos or anything of the sort)
this is in no order by the way, i’d say they’re all pretty equal in attributing to my distaste for them lol (´ε`;)
also, last heads up, i think about things waayyy too seriously so if u just like communalism as a silly little guy i totally get it!! it’s just i perceive centricide/realicide characters as actual 3d characters and more than a parody (take everything i say w a grain of salt, realicide was very short lived)
> also i will be referring to communalism using they/them
- character
one of my biggest gripes with communalism is their character as a whole, this portion truthfully is just my personal gripes regarding the design and the behavior of communalism
i feel like there’s a lot of missed opportunity regarding the design (as i do with a lot of the realicide designs so i’ll make this portion quick) i just think of it as lacking character for the personality that was chosen for communalism
speaking of personalities i hate communalism’s personality so much it’s the most annoying agitating thing on the planet
i apologize but i cannot stand the absentminded cluelessness and naivety along with the wholesome owo smol bean of his character (in the earlier episodes) i don’t find anything appealing or interesting about it it’s the auditory equivalent of nails on a chalkboard for me
you can still have adult (coded) characters that are naive and clueless (i mention this in more depth later, but i would find communalism way more interesting if they made them more harmful and overtly toxically positive, i think this would’ve made them fit into the main four’s threatening aura that everyone BESIDES communalism seems to have)
but i honestly felt like it was leaning into it way too much and it just felt so very tiring every time i saw him on screen it made me want to go outside and reconnect with nature before i destroy something valuable out of pure annoyance
^ i understand that realicide is a product of its time but it can’t pull off the smol bean owo thing it’s always really salted my ice cream even when grej wasn’t a corpse ^
- the dreaded cult communalism arc + communalism’s/moralist’s implied mutual pining
this is where i get super passionate about this, especially when being put into the perspective of someone that sees these characters more as simply parodies
there’s a lot of implied shipping in realicide and i personally don’t really gaf about most of it because most of what i make is oc x canon anywayysss
> (small side tangent) also shipping isn’t something i certainly like discussing in fandoms because i really don’t care about what other people are shipping unless it’s problematic and also because i don’t wanna be roped into a 10,000 word thinkpiece about how leftist unity is the most advanced ship since jesus x judas /j i don’t care i typically don’t yuck anyone’s yum !!!!!!!! (SPARE ME)
but something i do gaf about is the whole moralism/communalism thing because of how much a fucking missed tanked opportunity it was
i typically really enjoy the while “character changing after loved one died” arc, but this particular instance is absolutely horrific imo
cult communalism as a character is so incredibly agitatedly OOC, how quick the change is from the overwhelming pacifism and optimism is to complete nihilism is so jarring
and it’s such an incredibly missed opportunity to turn communalism into this overly toxically positive character who is just unable to comprehend the death of a loved one but noooo instead he becomes edgy and emo and annoying while delivering corny lines AUGH
since in the earlier episodes communalism was so opposed to killing, i think they would’ve been much more interesting as a character that lingered onto that death and sulked over it rather than seeking revenge instantly even though the death was caused by a careless act
> (small side tangent 2) personally, my headcanons regarding this arc are that communalism attempted to resurrect moralism because his death had really opened their eyes and had blurred the lines of morality for themselves
i think it would also be fun to explore how exclusion happening more gradually and communalism slowly beginning to distance themselves away from the main four rather than instantly lashing out
also i would’ve liked to see communalism hide themselves and become a recluse and just become so invested with attempting to give someone they overbearingly loved so much another life because they see it as honoring them
maybe the resurrection works and moralist is completely repulsed and afraid instead of thanking them like how they envisioned
maybe it doesn’t work and communalism truly looses all hope and THEN begins to become hyper fixated on being moral and perfect and THEN he fucks off because the other main four are immoral
i think that’s way more interesting than communalism gets mad and fucks off while preaching some hippy dippy whatever
i can’t really super duper judge this arc though because of the limited episodes but i just hate how fast it happened and how poorly it was executed
TLDR ; because they’re annoying to me personally and i find the cult communalism arc ooc and a huge missed opportunity for something way more interesting
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twig-gy · 7 months
my ideal episode of realicide is just darwinism dying in a glue trap and communalism and moralist kissing sloppy style - you know what no. put them in the field from What Happens After a Leftist Revolution. make them frolic. I NEED TO SEE THEM FROLIC!!!!!
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oh you know
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askrealisticrealist · 3 years
Hey realistic, it's moralism! I've taken a lot of a notice as to how you're back. I'm very very disappointed. I hope you know I hate your guts. You were a disgrace to realism as an ideology, you are an awful person as well. Just because you're "the most realistic" or something doesn't make you better than us. Want to know something? Nobody actually likes you. None of us felt safe around you and we only worked with you because we had to. I only worked with you because I had to. There was no other option. I'm ashamed to have ever worked with you, you sad, pitiful, puny disgrace of a person.
Signed, @ask-moralist
Well, you certainly are a being of emotion and subjectivity. I have received your correspondence about tolerating me as a leader. I assure you, the feeling is mutual. That being said, had I not assembled and organized the anti-anti-realists, we would have been woefully unprepared for the attacks. It does not matter how “liked” I am, nor if I benefit anyone’s feelings; I am simply fact. Are you trying to make me acknowledge your emotional existence? Do not waste your time, Moralist. I do not have feelings to hurt. I don’t understand how you are alive, currently, but be assured that you should not be. You are the one who is wrong, not because of some meaningless sense of good and bad, but simply inherently, abhorrently wrong. You should not exist. I hope you can set your subjectivity aside for a moment and realize that.
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katyhoodlum · 1 year
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heathers moralist redraw
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silentatmosphere19 · 3 years
Maybe if you feel up to it Moralist and/or Orwellian next?
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Here's Moralist! I'll get you Orwellian, it might be a little bit once again.
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zapsoda · 2 years
Tysmmmm for the valentine omg !
random ask question; if you were to redesign any realicide/centricide character, who, how and why?
and umm honestly i do love all of the realicide characters designs and ik im not like. good at character design personally., so i dont think i would change a whole lot from any of them. ingsoc, egoism, and moralist did come to mind and i think if i were to change anything about them it would be like. pretty minor details.
like i feel like moralist should have glasses, or maybe contacts, or some similar banal accessory (maybe a WATCH) + more of the heart motif, bc as he is, hes just kind of a guy in a white shirt yk!
i think i would just make ingsoc a bit older, less red toned, and give him a bit more of an old british military-esque outfit. (for the gray grej he sure is red lol)
and with ego i think i might just make him a little worse. i dont know how to describe it, i might have to make a visual aid lol. i think he should be shittier maybe. or maybe more ancap-esque ok
as for centricide. their simplistic appearances really charm me, but realistically in a more refined production id tweak the appearances of the centrists. the rest of them are fine honestly (i love military or mad scientist type posad designs but legitimately i love his bright yellow t shirt i dont know why).
like horseshoe deserves more cowboy gear.. he needs flannel and cowbow boots and a braided rat tail.
antirad needs the most help out of all of them . honestly i dont even know what id do with him, maybe lean into the fisherman type thing he has going on?? hes kind of captain ahab coded.
polnih deserves to be more goth. enough said.
i think its perfect that modlee has no defining visual characteristics outside of his overton window, the only thing i would tweak is i think it would be kinda cute if his hue SLIGHTLY shifted depending on the status quo he was upholding. idk.
once radcen got those stupid sunglasses and windbreaker his design was perfect, best centrist by far
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cemetery-walks · 4 years
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john gectrain >:]
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lettucefather · 3 years
Some sort of…reference to beastars with the zombie moralist Au…idk I like beastars and I like Realicide ah heh….you can pick the reference….
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end of the reference! angry darwinism below cut so the post doesn't get too long
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tfw predation
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sugarymechanoid · 1 year
Me: I’m normal!
Moralist realicide:
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schattbatsu · 3 years
If you feel up to it you could try drawing moralist maybe?
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The bnuy is enraged and out for blood
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