#reagan ridley hurt/comfort
busterheadspace · 2 years
Soulmate Breagan Au
, my first time doing this trope. Not sure how good I did but oh well. 
Notes: I’m open to request. Just read my fanfic rules and send an as, 
Scars (in this universe there’s different ways to find your soulmate. Example: Hearing, and touch)
“Soulmates? Tch, it’s some stupid thing that exist in our world to find who’s the best match”.
That was an explanation Reagan was given as a child. At four years old she was playing alone at the playground when she saw two older kids together. They had the same marks on their arms that were glowing. Their eyes widened with happiness and exclaimed they found their soulmate. She didn’t really get what it was and asked her dad who begrudgingly told her.
“Every pair gets like a different way  to find who they’re in love with. Your mom and I had some hearing thing before we found each other. Annoying as shit and we probably would have found each other anyway but it’s gone so who cares. Now get back to your homework!“
That was the end of any soulmate discussion and it left Reagan confused on how she could find her soulmate or who it was.
— A six year old, Brett Hand was given the talk about soulmates. It was brief, not many details told as his parents said it was a waste of their time. Although to the young boy it was an interesting concept that he exclaimed he would find them.
"Hah! You getting a soulmate! Imagine! What girl would want you!"
His whole family laughed. He ran to his treehouse. Once Brett reached the top he rocked back and forth to calm the sadness in him, gripping his arms. He noticed something glowing on his hand. It traveled from the palm to the back before darkening into a scar
"Huh.. weird." He mumbled.
What could have caused that — The now six year old Reagan had just killed her pet turtles. All she wanted was turtle friends that would take her on adventures but instead they got sick.
She didn't want her parents to see her cry so she sat outside in the backyard. Dad had forced her to shoot them.  All that blood and organs flying out was terrifying.
Reagan sniffed, wiping her tears with her arm. She stopped when  a faint glow appeared and left a rather big scar on her arm. That was kinda scary. She didn't want to ask her mom or dad what it was. They probably would call her stupid for not knowing
"Maybe I can cover it. They don't need to know."
— Those scars would appear on both of them as they grew into teens. Although deeper connection came along
“This would be a disgrace to the family’s name!” His puppet was thrown against the wall, and fell onto the floor. Their poodle grabs it and begins shredding it apart. All Brett could do was look in disbelief
He thought a puppet shop would work. With their last name being Hand, he thought it could make a profit. Plus it was fun stitching and making designs. But his family just yelled at him and shredded the puppet he put weeks worth into.
“Don’t you dare bring that idea ever again.” They said before walking away. It left Brett holding back tears and looking at the stuffing that was left behind.
—- Reagan was staring at the mirror after her shower. Her bra and pants were on but her shirt wasn’t on yet.. A  faint glowing appeared and she knew it would be another mark and stopped. She sighed as it formed on her stomach . This one was arc and stopped at the side
That had to be the reason why she was getting these random scars. There was also  sadness and fear whenever it started glowing. She could feel her soulmate trying to hold back those emotions.
She did too. There was a fear of-. A loud bam breaks the bathroom door  and suddenly she’s scooped and pushed tightly against a cold metal plating. Terror kicks her mind as she screams and kicks.
“Bear-O! Let GO!” She yelled trying to break. The robot just repeated that Reagan needed a hug and she kept on yelling. Her dad passes by although didn’t seem interested in what was happening
— Brett was cleaning up the stuffing. When he bent down, he  felt terror and fear for a moment.. a sense of insecurity as well.  He noticed the glow and lifted his shirt. His side had a dark sharp scar on it.
“Why does this keep happening? Am I doing something wrong? Am I causing a problem?” He mumbled. He brought his shirt down. His family would probably kill him if they saw all those markings or even a simple question they would glare at him.
He probably deserved this. Whatever this was.
—- Years passed and the scars still grew. Some big, some small, some messy, or just straight. A lot of fear, pain, and anger came along with the two. They soon learn to just ignore the glowing and pray no one would notice it.
Thirty years old and Reagan is now a scientist working for the Shadow Government. She and just a man named Brett Hand who had taken her job. She was fuming knowing all her work was for nothing.
“Hey, uh Reagan!” Brett yelled. She didn’t bother turning around as his footsteps came closer.
“What the hell do you want?” Reagan grumbled.
“I’m really sorry. I mean you made that Robot? I shouldn’t have taken credit for it but uh., hehe. Sorry.”
“You’re sorry?! You’re not the one who wasted months working their ass off! And now for some unpaid intern to take my fucking job! What the hell!” She turned around and yelled. Brett looked startled and stepped back.
For Reagan she felt nervousness and guilt. For Brett he felt anger and sadness. Just for a moment. She knew a scar would probably form and ran off before the glowing started.
“Wait-!” Brett called but she was already far away. He stood there and sighs.
Hopefully the president mission will go well…
—- It did not go well. The president robot went insane and they had to destroy the machine or else humanity was going to get killed.
Now here they were, in a helicopter looking at the broken robot and a dismantled bomb. Reagan’s mood was soured by everything.
“Hey, this isn’t your fault. This is mine. You know how to work with these machines! And I’m just some guy that walked in and took your job.” Brett tries to cheer her up. Admittedly it did, she smiled.
“Thanks. You were pretty helpful too. You got the team to work and manage to get to the helicopter before Mr President here was about to take off.” Reagan replies. She held a hand out and Brett shook it.
“Truce” They both said. She noticed the scar on Brett’s hand. “Hey, did you get that?”
“Oh that? I don’t really know. It just started glowing when I was like six and it’s been there ever since.”
“I got a scar when I was six too,” Rolling her sleeve revealed the big scar on her arm.
Suddenly both scars glowed and shrank. They stared in awe as their scars faded away like they never existed. They let go of their hands looking at the clean spot on their skin
“Holy shit! Did you two just find out your soulmates!” The lady exclaimed.
“I guess we did..?” They both mumbled.
They might need to talk after this mission was done
—- “So.. ever heard of soulmates?” Brett started. They sat on Brett’s couch in his apartment.
“Yeah.. Kinda. My dad didn’t really tell me much about it.” Reagan mumbled. “Said it was stupid and all that”
“My family  too.. Geez. All they told me was that I was never going to get a soulmate and the first scar appeared and..” He stopped and took a deep breath. “Sorry, this is making me.. you know.”
“Nervous ? I think I can tell.” She showed her hand where a small scar glowed. Brett’s eyes widened. “Guess when we feel like shit.. this happens.”
“Oh. I’m sorry about that.. What happened before you got your first scar?”
“I.. killed my turtles.. My dad made me shoot them because I gave them cancer . Afterward I cried in the backyard and.. that happened.”
“Oh., uh. I’m sorry.
Silence between the two as they think about what they just learnt. All those scars were from their families who barely cared for them. Those sudden rush or emotions were caused by how they felt. Just knowing that they both had shit families yet felt the same. It was bad yet.. strangely comforting.
“Well at least we know it’s each other.” Brett says, breaking the silence. He grabbed Reagan’s hand and the scar glowed and faded. “And I guess we can get rid of these as well.”
“Yeah. This is nice.” Reagan replies with a smile. Warmth spread through both of them. A sudden rush of happiness as they come closer. Their lips connected and it felt amazing. The scars on their bodies glow and fade as they feel their first love with each other.
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galaxysentry · 2 years
Hey guys! This is just a reminder for my oneshot book that have our out for Brett angst, so if that’s what you’re looking for, I got it! >:3 (There’s 8 oneshots so far, and I’ll be updating again soon)
Also I hope all of you are having a good day, and I’m glad so many of you enjoyed my previous post! :)
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uneducated-author · 2 years
I will never be over the Reagan Ridley Brett Hand dynamic. Genius woman vs Gentle himbo is the perfect dynamic on its own, but the show does it So Well. Brett is too charming and gormless to be at all horrible, and he's also, really good at his role, which is to be very sweet and a sort of social lubricant. He's a people pleaser and that's formed him into more than a bit of a doormat. They work so well together, chill out and have fun.
Brett heals Reagan on an emotional level being a) wildly likeable and b) a safe and genuine source of support, while Reagan, after seeing Brett's merit just seems to genuinely like him. In some places she seems like taking a him as a kid who needs protecting on some form, but she also recognises that he has skills she couldn't dream of. Season 1 set them up perfectly, and season 2 has them taking the risk of offending the other to help them (see Brett hurting Reagan's feelings to tell her to go to therapy) and being comfortable insulting them (saying that Reagan was kind of a dick), while stilling loving them totally. But overall, it also sets up that Brett and Reagan, maybe unknown to anyone, even themselves, put each other first. Reagan without thought abandons the mission to sabotage Brett's career, and also seems genuinely interested and a little hurt that he never shared his crafting hobby with her. Brett is the only one who sticks with her, and is the only one who she sends away, for his own safety. She tells him about Ron and the memory, and he chooses to let her leave after seeing that the workplace is toxic, specifically for her.
Them growing from each other has me feeling so happy, I love how good they are for each other.
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sunsphobia · 2 years
Heyo,how u doing?
If u are taking request could you do some reagan ridley x reader angst that ends in fluff?
I'm doing good! what abt u? and yes 🙌 I'm not really good with angst but I hope you enjoy 🫶
reagan ridley x reader
reagan ridley x reader tw angst stuff but fluffy at the end
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you and reagan both work in the shadow government, reagan has being working whole lot lately and not putting effort on your relationship, but you get it's work. but it's almost like your avoiding you. you've talked about it to brett, brett had given advice, and he's there to comfort you as much as he can.
you decide to do something about it, you couldn't stand it being ignored. you texted her saying you wanted to talk she agreed. the talk didn't end so pretty, you left with angry tears. you never wanted to look at her face again.
reagan felt guilty, she'll apologize tomorrow, but she couldn't. you decided to take a break from work, only a week. you were to hurt to go back to work. after work reagan would knock at your apartment door, hopefully you being there. you opened the door reagan push open the door and giving you kisses, and apologizing over and over again. you forgave her, plus you missed her.
you both cuddle, while watching movies, sing a few songs, and tons of hugs 🫶
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wellgoodmorningtome · 2 years
Someone someone please...... make a fluff, hurt and comfort, Reagan Ridley x reader fanfic where the READER is the one who comforts Reagan. Like we spoon her, holding her tight while she talks about her problems, cuddling each other, giving each other little kisses (ESPECIALLY NECK KISSES). I just sqfkekbcnskwkebdjdsmw.....
I want that.
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reaganseyebags · 3 years
Reagan x reader: Reagan's reaction when receiving news that the reader has been involved in an accident outside of work.
So you got into a fight with one coworker who has been annoying for a while. They just can’t shut up about you are Reagan.
“She does not care about you.. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself.. we all know you are her little pet just cuz she pays you more”
You snapped at that,, you just went ahead and punched that motherfucker in the face. You were hoping that would shut them up but no,, the next thing you knew was falling down into little puddle of your own blood.
They then ran away, leaving you behind. Your brain was fuzzy, you couldn’t remember anything
Brett saw the whole thing and called you an ambulance. He was trying so hard not to panic.
The ambulance showed up and took you to the hospital. You ended up with a broken nose, mild concussion and some deep cuts on your face
Brett picked up Reagan from work and rushed to the hospital. Brett couldn’t put it into words. He just yelled at Reagan to get into car. She didn’t understand the situation. But after few moments it hit her.
She was trying to remain calm but there were some tears in her eyes. What the actual fuck did you do?
They both just rushed into the building asking for you,, they even ran for their dear lifes to find your room number when Brett stopped.
“Go first, I will wait,, you need to see them first. they are your partner after all.”
Reagan nodded at him and gave him a quick hug.
“They would be dead if you didn’t call the ambulance.. thank you,,”
“No problem.. that’s what friends do hey? Now go,,”
She gave him last smile and opened the door. Her heart broke at the view.
You were laying there, your eyes closed, cover in bruises and cuts. Your breathing was steady and peaceful.
When she walked to your bed, her eyes were already full of tears. She wanted to touch you. To put you in her arms and whisper you are going to be ok. She had to hold herself tho,, the last thing she wanted was to hurt you more.
All she did was held your hand, it was cold but she could feel the pulse. That calmed her down a little.
“Please be gentle with them” said a deep voice. It was coming from the door. A tall man was standing in the door.
“There is a sight of mild concussion. They will be fine tho don’t worry miss. We will just keep them here for about two weeks just to make sure they recover quickly”
Reagan couldn’t really answer so she just nodded. The doctor gave her a nod back as he turned around and went away. Brett showed in the door right after. He sat down next to Reagan.
“What happened to them?” Asked Reagan after few moments of silence.
“You know that,, coworker of yours? Well they were having an argue about something and the next thing I see is y/n laying on the floor.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill them.”
Brett didn’t know what to answer so he just let out a hum. There was once again silence, just random voices on the background.
“What will we do now?”
“I will wait here,, even when they force me to leave,, I’m gonna stay here,, to make sure they are ok.”
“But,, they will take two weeks to recover, you heard the docto-“
“I don’t care,, I’m gonna stay here,”
Brett have her a sad look.
“I will bring blankets for you.”
“Yeah,, thank you”
He left after a hour, Reagan stayed with you there, her fingertips slowly traveling around your body. She held your hand. She was talking to you about her day and how much she loves you.
It took about two days when you finally woke up. God damn she was so happy
It was actually when she was whipping blood from your forehead, you just opened your eyes and and weakly grabbed her arm.
“Hey honey <3” you smiled. God she was so happy when she heard your voice
She couldn’t bring herself to speak. She just presses her head into your shoulder and cried.
“I m-missed you *sob* so much”
“I missed you too <3”
After that things were looking good for you. You actually left the hospital after like 4 days.
You still couldn’t go back to work so you were just chilling in Reagan’s lub with her.
She always made sure you were ok. Making sure you ate and drank some water. She was the one who changed your patches. She comforted your whenever you needed.
Sometimes she let you cuddle her while she did her paperwork
Right after Reagan came to work she made the guy dissapear to shadow prison. And she actually called them to use extra torture technique
You ended up having good recovery and everything was back to normal. Reagan promised you this will never happen again. <3
Ahhh I’m sorry the ending was rushed but I hope you like it hun!! <3 inbox is still open!
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timelessstardust99 · 2 years
I'm bored, so I'm gonna write some Reagan Ridley x Reader [who uses they/them] headcannons. And PS, I'm new to doing headcannon stuff like this, so bare with me lol.
Reagan Ridley/The Gang x NB! Reader
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️: Severe Insomnia, feeling left behind, Self-doubt,and Philophobia [the fear of love or becoming emotionally connected with another person]
○ Hurt/Comfort ○
When Reagan had first met you, you both were were always arguing or always throwing insult after insult towards each other.
No on inside of Cognito Inc. Knew exactly why the two of you hated each other so much, but they got used to the bickering that they considered it normal.
You acted like parental figure a lot of the times, considering you were the oldest out of your siblings, so when one of your friends get hurt [especially Brett] you kind of go into parental mode and try to baby them [even if they're all adults and can take care of themselves].
As times goes on for you and Reagan, you start to develop a little crush on her without the knowledge of yourself knowing that you had gained one, since you've never gained any sort of crush on anyone in your life.
You had started to distant yourself from Reagan, and barely made any comments to her rude remarks towards you, which she considered weird and started to overthink about a lot of things about your relationship between each other.
Reagan was actually happy for once in her life. Even though you and her "hate" each other, she spoke about you highly to the gang, which didn't come to a surprise to any of them because of how much you two seemed to act like enemies to friends without knowing it.
It took her a while to realize you were avoiding her, because now she hardly saw you, even the Gang hardly saw you, which was out of the character for you, since you loved spending time with them [The closest thing you got to a real family].
One of the times the gang and Reagan actually saw you in person again was shocking, you looked like you haven't slept in days, probably weeks, and you were sluggish and barely noticed anyone around you. Your hair was a mess and your eye bags were worse than Reagans, and that's saying something.
All in all, your friends where very worried about you, even if it was hard to show their worry.
One late night, Reagan had been overworking herself in her lab again, she was tired but needed to get all of this done before the week ends. Upon going to get her some more coffee, she heard what sounds like frustrating sobs and objects being thrown. It came from your office.
Once entered, she had to duck because of a gadget you made came flying towards her.
"That son of a bitch! I'm going to kill him!" You had screamed, hitting some beakers on a near by table with a bat. Reagan was a little bit more than worried for you.
She had stood up and slowly walked towards you, but stopped once you started bashing one of the projects you had been working on for months. It was a robot, one that you bragged about the first few weeks here.
You suddenly stopped, your frustrated cries turned into heavy and wet sobs as you dropped the bat and hugged the dented robot around the waist, sobbing into its chest, apologizing for ruining its casing.
Reagan didn't know how to comfort, so she did the next best thing.
"You want some of my coffee?" Okay, so it wasn't the best thing, but how was she supposed to help them in such an emotional state? It was hard.
You heard her and stopped crying before you choked out a chuckle.
"I'm throwing a tantrum and you asked if I wanted some coffee. Damn Reagan Ridley, already trying to burrow deeper in my heart, huh?" You had then slid down on the floor, your arms around the robots legs now as you rested your warm forehead against the cool metal.
Reagan's face all of the suddenly felt warm. She wasn't expecting that, not from you.
"You can go and tell the gang that big bad Y/N is a cry baby, I know you want some leverage over me Reagan, nows the time to do it." You had turned your head and gave her a look she never seen before, one of exhaustion and fear. Reagan was going to figure out what happened to you, and why you wanted her to tell everyone you were a cry baby. No one would really care though, they all care for you, even if the won't admit it, maybe Brett will.
"Why?" She had asked, you looked up confused, "why are you so different now Y/N?" You gave her a small smile, and gestured for her to kneel. She did.
"Because, who would want me as their friend? I went my whole life being left behind, my parents where the only ones to actually get me and helped me through everything. The only other person who didn't leave me behind was my partner, but guess what, they left me as well, for someone whose way more put together then I am." Reagan felt her heart squeeze. "I don't even know what real love is? I can't even connect with the person I "love"." You said, dragging your hand through your hair, tears cascading down your face, you were starting to sob again.
Reagan had set her cold coffee down and went to her knees in front of you, you were to busy whipping your eyes to notice she had gotten close to you. You felt a hand on your shoulder, you looked up and saw her smile at you. The tired smile you had always dreamed of pointed towards you.
"I'm not going anywhere, and neither is the gang." Reagan's pledge to you caused the water works to continue as you leaned your head onto her shoulder and sobbed into her lose embrace. She was the only one that could ever burrow so far deep into your heart. And you could never complain about it. You loved her, even if you couldn't admit it.
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rae-arts777 · 3 years
What about some Reagan and Brett having a fight angst fic but Brett's in the wrong. because everyone seems to think Reagan's always wrong, I can totally see Brett being a guilt-tripper (not that I don't adore him) I'm just saying hes not perfect.
But happy ending please I can't take constant angst in my fics
(bonus if Brett and Reagan are dating✊)
It was a dumb fight really.
Really dumb.
It was honestly started with miscommunications
Like when Reagan sent a text to Brett saying they had to cancel date night (Brett’s place with movie and pizza)
Brett never got the text for whatever reason and felt hurt, feeling that Reagan stood him up.
So when Brett showed his frustration, Reagan was confused.
“I texted you.”
“No you didn’t.”
“I did!!!!” Reagan pulled out her phone “see right there!”
“Well I didn’t get that text”
“Well maybe you should have just checked your phone!” She snapped clearly sleep deprived.
“Okay Reagan…can we please forget it? Let’s get you to bed.” Brett was still hurt but didn’t see a reason for the argument to keep going.
Over their dating period that ran more into those little bumps, like any couple does.
It always ended with Brett shutting it down, and the two never talking about it again.
But not talking about it is what started to build up inside Brett.
It was such a dumb argument that blew it all up.
They were arguing over what TV show to watch.
“REAGAN JUST SHUT UP.” Brett finally snapped catching Reagan off guard “CHRIST! It’s like talking to a brick wall with you!!!! IM TRYING. I have to constantly walk around on eggshells for you!!!! I’m tried!!!!!” He couldn’t stop himself.
All the built up emotions, not just from those little riffs but other things, he blew up at her.
Starting listing everything wrong she had done in their relationship. How all their problems stem from her. Things she could do better
Reagan fell silent.
After it, the two just stood there.
Brett scoffed and grabbed his coat “I’m leaving.”
“Not in the mood Reagan! You know this all could have been avoided if you just tried a little harder with us” he slammed the door shut leaving Reagan there.
The next day everyone glared at Reagan when she walked into work. She could feel everyone’s eyes burning into her back.
She walked into the main room, the chattering among the gang came to stop, everyone giving her the stink eye.
“Morning..” Reagan walked to her seat.
Brett got up from his “I have to go.” He walked out of the room.
Reagan sat down and felt the others still glaring.
“What did you do.?” Gigi asked
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Bullshit!” Myc yelled
“I DIDNT!!!”
“Well clearly you did something.” Gigi crossed her arms “apolgize.”
“IM NOT APOLOGIZING!!” Reagan slammed her hands on the table.
“Bitch.” Andre rolled his eyes.
“FUCK YOU GUYS.” Reagan grabbed her things “our realtionship is NONE of your fucking business!!!!! You don’t know what happened!!!” She stormed out, blinking back her tears.
She went all the way to the basement, storming into her underground lab.
Robous was surprised to see her walk in “to what do I owe the pleasure?” He laughed a bit “well I know why you’re here, trouble in paradise?”
“Shut up…” she sat down
“You and lover boy got into a argument and you’re the bad guy?”
“EVERYONE THINKS I AM!!!” She yelled, tearing building up “they weren’t there!!! I mean yeah we’ve had little arguments but I felt like we always worked them out!!! But!!! He’s the one who yelled at me!!! And said…..hurtful things…!!! And..” she started to sob “I’m a bad girlfriend…!!!!! That’s all it is to it, I can’t do anything right…!”
Robous was a little shock, he did not expect for Reagan to break down “uhhhh….okay….there there human….uhhh….hey…you must be really sad, how about hooking me up to the internet so I can figure out how to cheer you up?” He smiled
“Just because I’m vuranble doesn’t mean I’m an idiot!!!” She wiped her eyes
“Of course not!”
Reagan stayed down there for the rest do the work down, hell even watched some friends to try to forget it.
Of course the Ross and Rachel rain scene came on, and it just made her hurt more.
Robous turned to her “feeling okay?”
“Yeah I think…” she stood up “you can keep watching…I should get home, hopefully everyone had gone home by now.”
“Ah well…wish you luck I guess”
Reagan headed back to the main floor.
She headed to the parking garage and got into her car. She sniffled wiping her tears and turned the car on.
Brett jolted from the back seat “IM AWAKE!”
Reagan screamed and punched him in the face making Brett screamed too.
“IM SORRY IM SORRY! I KNOW! I WAS WAITING FOR YOU!!! And well! I wasn’t sure when you would come back! And I was really sleepily!!! And I didn’t want to leave your car cause I didn’t know if you would come here while I was asleep!!!”
“How the fuck did you even get in here?!”
“I uhhh…still had your other set of keys.”
“Oh fuck your nose!” Reagan looked for a napkin to stop his nosebleed
“Hey it’s fine!!!! I honestly probably deserve it…”
Reagan sighed and continued to look for a napkin “Brett….I’m s-“
“Reagan no…” Brett made his way to the front passenger seat “I’m sorry….”
“I was a bad girlfriend….you’re right…I should have tried harder…”
“Reagan no…I’m the bad boyfriend….okay….I should have talked to you honestly about things…and not have been scared….still…it’s no excuse for the way I acted…”
“Is it really that hard to talk to me…?” She asked 
“A little…but that’s also me trying to avoid us fighting….cause….what if we start always fighting and…….you know…”
Reagan gave him a napkin “you really hurt me know…..and everyone thought I was a bitch…”
“I know….I told the others it’s my fault, I don’t know if they believe me…but…I tried”
“It’s still my fault…it could have been avoided…if I j-“
“Reagan please…” Brett grabbed her hands “please…..okay..? Stop, it’s my fault okay..? And I’m trying to learn…..” he sighed “that….sometimes I am the bad guy….”
Regans could tell it hurt him to say those words, but it made her happy
“You’re willing to admit that for me…?” She asked
“I am…” he laid his forehead on hers “Reagan….I love you.”
Regans felt her heart skip a beat
It was the first time the L word was used.
She buried her face into his shoulder, hugging him
“Idiot…” she clung to him “I…..L word you too…” she blushed
Brett laughed and played with her hair “I’ll take it.” He kissed her head “how about I drive? You look tired, and we can order pizza and cuddle.”
“Can we watch How I Met Your Mother?” She asked
“How about Friends?”
“You made me cry for a full day”
“…..How I Met Your Mother it is!!!!”
She laughed and nuzzles his cheek “doofus”
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Clone Brett (hurt & comfort)
“I’m sorry, that was stupid of me to expect. I’ll makes sure to come home more often.”
Brett rewound the phrase in his head.
“I’ll make sure to come home more often”
“I’ll make sure to come home more often”
“I’ll make sure to come home more often.”
Brett was hyperventilating in the bathroom trying not to cry.
1 Day earlier
They greys were once again making they’re yearly contact with the company to trade their confused human specimens for fresh ones.
The meeting had come after a call with his dad. His dad would let Brett list what he was doing with life and say “so nothing worthy of note.” And then hang up. It was their tradition! After which Brett would try to call his mother and she would say “Oh, it’s you again.” Before telling him what exciting new thing she was doing that was making her unable to talk. This time it was getting her nails done while learning Cantonese. That was their tradition.
Which was great and all. It was good to connect with family, but it also left him kinda in the dumps.
He kinda wanted to talk to his best-work-buddy Reagan about it- but she was busy preventing her own father from creating an intergalactic incident. His problems seemed kinda… small potatoes.
(No Dr. Claratin told you not to diminish your own problems based on others. Your feeling of hurt are valid and do deserve to be adressesd. Just try to intuit when others do not have the emotionall facilities to handle them)
Reagan did not seem to have the emotional facilities to handle his bummedness now.
But one of the Grey-alien guys was really cool about it and let him talk it out and then offered to teleport him to a place where he could “just be by himself.”
Brett then found himself in the dark.
Brett had no idea whether he’d been teleported to a bunker or a pocket dimension, and let out a small yelp while flailing around for a light switch.
His hand caught something plastic and the lights turned on to show a room  lab equipment, robotics, and theories scrawled on a cork board.
It looked like… Reagan’s. He knew her hand writing, and he recognized the robotic assistance arms that were signature to any lab she was in.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
That- that made sense. Of course Reagan would have a secret lab hidden away from her father. That was just Reagan-y. And it meant she was probably planning cool counter attack plans against him. Brett was glad to see it. When her father first got hired she seemed like she was spiraling, and it was comforting to see that she hadn’t given up hope to get things right again.
And of course, any lab Reagan hid from her father would be as private and secluded as possible. It was the perfect place for the Greys to send him. No one but Reagan would be able to find him here- and she’d be busy for at least a couple more hours with her father.
He hoped she did find him.
He hoped she noticed he was gone.
What was he talking about- of course she would, they were buisness-friends-forever, best-buisness-friends-forever. She’d notice.
Brett heard a sound outside, and let out another manly scream before opening the door and shouting
“Reagan? Is that you?” Out into the hallway.
In the hallway was a version of himself carrying muffins and asking the exact same sentence.
The mirror version of himself widened his eyes. And dropped thee muffins.
 All of Brett’s people-pleasing attributes kicked in.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to make you drop that-“
“No it’s fine. I got it. there’s another tray in the oven I always make extra-“
“It’s no trouble I’ll just pick up a few. You have a broom?“
“Yeah, in the closet right outside the lab”
They froze each clutching floor muffins in their arms.
“How did you get here?-“
“-Who are you?”
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fairylolz2 · 3 years
Inside job kidfic chapter 2!
Second chapter is up! Featuring more hurt/comfort
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busterheadspace · 2 years
oh I have one that's been in my head for weeks
Brett hand still has nostalgic max in his system and one day it reactively from a stressful situation and reagan there to calm down the waters before it fully take control
nice to see you again. Sure!
Note: I’m open to request! Just send an ask or reblog after reading my rules on my profile
I Just Want A Loving Family..
It all started with a phone call. He was cleaning his office, an 80s movie playing on the computer when his phone rang. His heart nearly dropped when it said “Dad”. Hesitantly, Brett picks up and immediately gets yelled at.
His dad screams at him for ruining his sister’s competition. Brett had gone over to the stable to watch his siblings practice because apparently they still did competitions. He tried to pet one of the horses but it ended up with a back kick to his torso and a large bruise. The butler must have told them about it and the front leg was somehow injured
“What a disappointment to our family! Don’t expect to come back anytime!” was the last thing he heard before the call ends. Brett didn’t feel too good and felt his legs give out of him. His head and heart hurt. Why..? Why didn’t they care about him! Why didn’t anything he did make them proud? The movie on his computer captures his attention. A big group hug with the family, making him feel worse.
“I just want them to care.. that’s all I want..” He mumbled. Everything was spinning and the papers were flying around. 
“Brett-pack.. Family!” He yelled. His eyes widened at the realization that he was turning back into that 80s monster. Panic Grew as he felt himself being lifted into the air and his vision fading.
Reagan was  heading toward the clone department when she heard a smack above her. She looked and saw a book slam into Brett’s window.
“What the hell?!”  She dropped her clipboard and ran to see what was happening. Slamming opened the door and she froze at the sight.
Brett was currently kneeling in the air. There was a strong rush of air that spun paper around but the most terrifying part was that his whole eye was turning green. She could barely see his pupils.
“Brett! What happened!” She asked. He only responds with a scream and his phone lands near her. A notification pops out and Reagan reads it. It was from his dad.. a very long rant in anger about how he ruined the family and he needed to pay for a horse bil. The computer gets unplugged by the wind but not before she sees a happy family on the screen.
‘Shit! The Nostalgic Max is still in him!’ Reagan thought. It made sense, it just faded away after her words comforted him. They didn’t check if it was still in his system! What a stupid thing they forget to do. She had to calm him before he loses control 
“Brett! It’s okay!”  The wind makes it hard and she’s blown back a few times but she reaches him. Her arms wrapped around his torso, hoping the hug would bring him back. However it causes a cry of pain and he flings her into the wall. Brett stares in terror as she gets up holding her arm. One of his eyes was fully green now meaning they had minutes before he’s gone 
“Listen Brett! You’re family, they’re assholes! You don’t deserve being called a disappointment!” Reagan yelled, her hand reaching for him as she moved toward. Brett shakes his head, his hands grabbing his hair
“Everything I do.. They hate it!” He screams. “I just want them to look at me… Just say that they’re proud!” 
“Screw them!” Reagan argued. “They’ve hurt you so much. You don’t need to make them proud! In fact, I’ll say it. I’m proud of you!”
Brett’s expression softens and he lets go of his hair. The wind slows down a bit and she manages to get in front of him. Her hand grabbed his and looked at him. 
“You’ve helped Cognito so much. You manage to get our coworkers to do some actual work. And.. you’ve helped me so much through my life. All those times where you would stay and help.. I would do anything for you. God.. the world needs someone like you. Who cares about those dickheads.” 
Those words made him feel warm. Tears came down his face yet he smiled. His vision cleared up and the wind died down along with the paper. Brett drops to the floor, exhaustion setting in. Reagan bends down and smiles as the green leaves his eyes,
“Do you feel better?” He nods and takes a deep breath. 
“Yeah.. thanks. Sorry about throwing you. Is.. your arm okay” 
“Kinda hurts but I’m fine. But.. I did see that bruise. Maybe we should get that checked out.” He shakes his head.
“I don’t want to bother anyone.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Reagan reassured. How about after work today, we can chill on the couch and just enjoy some takeout. We can shit talk or just watch movies. That sounds nice right?”
Brett nods and he lets Reagan brings him to Infirmary
“Thanks.. for helping” He says halfway there
“You helped me and I helped you. It’s not a big deal.” 
Brett smiled. Despite how much he wanted to make his family proud, maybe he could push that aside.. just for right now.
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galaxysentry · 2 years
Ayo, I’ve started writing an Brett Hand oneshot book that contains angst and comfort for meh beloved himbo, so maybe…check that out.
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shera-dnd · 3 years
Robot fuckers and clone fuckers rejoice! The Reagan x Robo-Reagan fic is here at last. Not much in the way of explicit sexual content, but plenty of implied sexual content, so just a heads up on that.
So if you want plenty of banter, dick jokes, and Reagan Ridley gaining some self confidence and learning to love herself, you have come to the right place.
Reagan slumped against the door of her house. Her feet hurt from walking in heels all night, she was still dizzy from the booze, and there was a sense of resigned sadness lingering over her. So in short, just another date night for Reagan Ridley.
Not even trying to remove herself from her precarious position, she searched for the keys in her bag, and then spent an unreasonable amount of time trying to jam them in the keyhole. Her success wasn’t exactly met with cheer, because the super genius behind the most powerful secret organization in the whole world apparently forgot how gravity works, and was sent stumbling to the floor as soon as the door opened.
Thankfully she was too buzzed from the alcohol to actually feel most of the impact, unfortunately she was also too depressed to feel much of a drive to get up either. Maybe the floor would be more welcoming of her, who needed the waiting arms of a lover when you could find comfort with the carpet.
Wow, that was really fucking depressing, even for her standards. She better get up now before she falls asleep like that. Wouldn’t want her dad to see her like that.
Mustering all her willpower, Reagan forced herself to stand again, and with very little willpower left afterwards, just dragged herself through the house like one of the shambling corpses from the zombie plague test center. Right, she needed to verify the next batch of unnamed test bodies for the lab and--
Why was her basement light still on? Was Rand working or something right now? No, she could hear him snoring from three rooms away. Did she forget the light on? No, she hadn’t been there since the “robot-fucker incident”. That left very few options and she didn’t like any of them.
She fumbled in her bag for the portable laser gun she took to carrying lately, and began the slow descent into her abandoned basement lab. Okay, no, that made it sound creepier than it really was. It was her… basement workshop. There we go, that sounded much better.
Regardless, she made her way down to her workshop to find just about the fourth or fifth person she wanted to see the least down there, if person was even the correct word for her.
“Took you long enough,” Robo-Reagan commented as she continued to casually work on her left leg, “date went to shit, huh?”
The bitch tried to kill her and still has the gall to act like she was a fucking house guest.
“That’s none of your business!” Reagan yelled, “and how the fuck did you even get in here!?”
“Dad let me in,” the robot replied, calmly finishing her repairs, “so who was the guy?”
“What do you mean dad let you in!?” She demanded, “you have wires sticking out of you! Couldn’t he tell you’re a copy?!”
“Implying that Rand ever paid enough attention to us to notice the wires,” she commented. That was easily the meanest thing Reagan heard all day, it was completely accurate, but it was still so fucking rude. “Seriously though, how was the date?”
Having fully accepted that this might as well be happening, she found a chair to slump on, dropped the laser gun, and groaned very loudly.
“That bad, huh?” The robot joked, and Reagan considered reaching for the gun again.
“What do you know?” she complained, “the only date you ever went on ended in a battle to the death! I still have way more romantic experience than you!”
“And that’s your problem,” she commented, closing the panel on her leg, “mind helping me with the crack on my neck?”
“Are you seriously gonna slut shame me?” She asked, exasperated and annoyed. Though she still dragged her chair closer so she could work on her copy’s neck.
“I’m not slut shaming you,” the robot denied, rolling her eyes at the original, “I’m just wondering how many of those dates did you really want.”
“Come on, did you really want to date those men because you liked them? Or did you only want that relationship for validation?” She asked, her tone almost an accusation, “that entire mess with Bryan only happened because our friends were betting on our love life. We didn’t want him, we just wanted their approava-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-- ouch! Watch the wires!”
Reagan chuckled to herself, placing back the piece she was messing with, “so what’s your point? That I should just give up and stay lonely forever?”
The robot groaned and facepalmed, clearly done with the original’s shit. “Alone doesn’t have to mean lonely, jackass! Have you maybe considered learning to love yourself before going around trying to find someone to do that for you?”
Real Reagan slammed her tools down on the table and stared her copy down. She spent all night walking around in heels, listening to some guy’s inane conversation, wishing she was at work dealing with some world ending catastrophe instead. She did not need to sit here and get psychoanalyzed by the bargain bin version of herself.
“Fuck off! Just because you were made to look like me doesn’t mean you know me!” She yelled, absolutely furious, “I have plenty of self love! In fact I love myself more than anyone else!”
Robo-Reagan smirked, looking her original in the eye and challenging, “prove it.”
Maybe it was the alcohol in her system, maybe it was her need to prove this infuriating bitch wrong, maybe it was the stupid horny part of her brain going “mean lady hot”, maybe a combination of all three, but in some bizarre lapse of judgement, Reagan decided it was a good idea to kiss her.
No, not just kiss her. She grabbed her by the front of that stupid sexy jacket and yanked her into the most furious, most sloppy, make out session she ever had. Which wasn’t much considering how few make out sessions she ever had, but that wasn’t the point.
The point was that this felt amazing. It was incredible, like something had finally clicked in her head and she could finally truly enjoy this. Oh, and that she got to prove Robo-Reagan wrong… yeah that was definitely the point of this. Crap, was she getting turned from making out with the robot copy of herself?
That question seemed to snap her out of it long enough for her to pull away from the kiss. She stumbled back, bracing against a nearby wall as she tried to recover her breath.
“What the fuck?” She breathed, her mind still catching up to what she had done.
“I stand corrected,” Robo-Reagan chuckled, standing up from the work desk and making her way after her original, “you really do know how to show yourself some love.”
“Y-Yeah, okay,” real Reagan replied, backing away from her robot copy, only to find herself cornered, “lesson in self love learned, you can leave now, and we’ll never speak of this again.”
“We could do that, or…” the robot slammed her hand to the wall, boxing Reagan in as she leaned in close, “...I could practice some self love too.”
Oh, Robo-Reagan was giving her a chance to say no. Reagan could just stop this here, write this off as some silly drunken mistake, and then never ever think about this ever again. She just had to stop her… so why wasn’t she? You know what? That was a stupid question, and she was way too drunk, needy, and horny to consider answering that right now.
Instead she hooked her arms around her copy and let her go to town on her. The copy wasted no time, pinning her to the wall and closing the gap between their lips, reminding Reagan once again that this copy had her confidence cranked up to eleven.
Soon pieces of clothing were getting tossed aside and a hand may have found its way to a tit, so one question quickly came to both their minds.
“Wanna take this to the bedroom?” Robo-Reagan asked, cutting off the original, who would be extremely grumpy if she wasn’t already feeling exhilarated right now.
“Fuck yes,” Reagan replied, and off they both went.
Reagan got to the bedroom first, quickly organizing the bed so it was slightly more presentable. Wait, who was she kidding, Robo-Reagan knew how she lived, she knew her room was as much of a mess as her fucking life. No, wait, they were still gonna fuck on this bed so it had to be at least clean of late night popcorn.
Oh, wow they were gonna fuck on this bed. Reagan was gonna have sex with a robot, a robot that looked exactly like her. This was probably super messed up on so many levels, but she was so past the point of caring, and besides it’d been so long since she got any good dick.
“So I should probably let you know,” Robo-Reagan began, leaning against the bedroom door as she watched the original scramble to clean things up, “that since Robo-Bryan made me to be his perfect girlfriend, he may have made some...modifications down stairs.”
“What? Is your dick gonna shoot lightning or something?” Reagan joked, but her copy cringed at the comment, and that made her very suspicious, “what did he do?”
“The world’s fastest GRS,” she answered, “it doesn’t bother me much, but I thought it might be a weird surprise to just drop on you.”
“How the fuck does that not bother you!?” Reagan yelled again, happy that her dad was too fucking drunk to wake up and bother them right now, “this is super messed up. He shouldn’t be able to mess with your junk without consent!”
“Look, I miss Little Reagan too, but I’m really not in the headspace for this right now,” Robo-Reagan complained, pinching the bridge of her nose, “how about we put all these thoughts in a box, fuck each other’s brains out, and then tomorrow we can spend all morning discussing a robot’s rights to bodily autonomy if you want. Sound like a plan?”
It still infuriated her to no end that Robo-Bryan would have the gall to pull such a thing. The worst part was that he was designed to be her perfect boyfriend, the guy that would be the best for her, and he still preferred her without a piece of herself. It was like this nasty mess of her own self loathing and internalized transphobia somehow slipped into his design.
But she refused to let that get in the way of their fun. She wasn’t gonna let that slimy part of her brain win ever again, and if that meant fucking her own pussy then so be it. Okay, that sounded far more ridiculous than it had any right to.
“Yeah,” Reagan nodded, reaching for her copy’s-- her own hand, “come here.”
Considering how it had started, she expected things to be hot and heavy, full of passionate kissing and messy sex. But as soon as their clothes were off, and Reagan saw her own naked body standing before her, it was as if someone flipped a switch inside her head, and all that desperate need to get off and be done with it just disappeared.
She wanted to pull Robo-Reagan close and kiss every inch of her, leave not a single part of her body unloved. She wanted sweet caresses and tender love making. So that was exactly what she gave her, gente, slow, and full of feeling. That was her body too, right? And sure years of HRT and a new lovely pair of tits helped her not hate it anymore, but maybe she should learn to actually love it too.
Robo-Reagan, for her part, was surprised, but more than happy to play along. She could easily just pin the real Reagan to the bed and absolutely demolish her, but she liked seeing her counterpart having the confidence to take the lead, so she allowed her to do just that.
No, she didn’t just allow it, she encouraged it. Every tender touch was met with loving words, every act of confidence greeted with praise, every little sound of pleasure followed sweet compliments. It was the most positive reinforcement Reagan had ever gotten in her life - unfortunately not a hyperbolic statement - and she simply loved every last second of it.
And maybe she even began to believe the praise. It wasn’t nearly enough to fix several years worth of damage to her self worth, but it was still something. Just a tiny little bit of reinforcement in the right direction.
The next morning Reagan woke up feeling that kind of warmth and comfort that made her want to bury herself in the covers and never leave her bed again, but that stupid ray of sunshine peeking through her window seemed to have other plans. She cursed under her breath as she shielded her eyes with her free arm.
Free arm?
It was then that she was reminded that her other arm was currently being used as a pillow by a near perfect mechanical copy of herself, and that she did in fact spend most of the previous night making sweet love to said copy. It hadn’t been some weird drunken dream, she had seriously just had sex with Robo-Reagan, and if she was being honest, she was weirdly okay with that. No conflicted feelings, just a nice warmth in her chest and a sense of satisfaction.
She couldn’t help but smile at her, reaching over to brush her hair off her face. Oh, fuck that was sappy, that was way too sappy, back the fuck up Reagan, you already got all lovey dovey with her last night, you should not be doing this again right now.
But how could she not? Just look at her, she looked so peaceful, when had she ever looked peaceful in her life? How could she not cherish that? Maybe if she started getting some more rest maybe she could cherish her too.
Having accepted that she was doomed to actually care for herself and her copy, if only so her copy would care for her too - something something lesson on self care - Reagan decided to make this a little special morning for herself and...herself.
She did her best to free her arm without waking Robo-Reagan up, gave her a little kiss on the cheek, and hurried off to the kitchen, then got back in the room and put on a robe, because she forgot her dad was still in the house and she was very naked.
With that taken care of, she found herself with a need to do something she never expected to do, make herself a nice healthy breakfast. After quickly googling how to do that exactly, she got to work.
She was almost done setting everything up when she heard a voice calling from the kitchen door, unfortunately it was not the voice she wanted to hear.
“Why would you look at you making your dad a nice breakfast,” Rand laughed as he walked in and took a seat at the table.
“This isn’t for you, dad,” she complained, not even bothering to turn around to look at him, she knew he had already stuffed an entire pancake in his mouth, “it’s for my date.”
Rand laughed and Reagan could feel all that self confidence she built up last night just crumbling to dust, “what? Was your date hiding behind you the whole time last night?”
She turned around and shot him a murderous glare, “no, dad! It’s just… it’s complicated, okay?”
“Sure, kiddo, “complicated.”” He mocked.
“Ugh! Shouldn't you be irritating people somewhere else today?” She spat, just wanting to get rid of that stupid man.
At an unbearably slow pace, the man took out his phone, checked the time and commented, “would you look at that, I do have somewhere else to be. See ya later, kiddo.”
With that he stole another pancake and walked off to be a public menace somewhere else. She’ll probably have to bail him out of something stupid later, but he at least wouldn’t be her problem for at least a few hours. It was the best she could hope for really.
Reagan sighed and slumped against the kitchen counter, suddenly feeling very small and tired. Thankfully her date seemed more than eager to fix that.
“Did that idiot leave?” She asked, peeking her head into the room.
“Yeah, dad’s gone,” Reagan answered, her voice sounding as exhausted as she felt.
Robo-Reagan looked...sad to see her like that. That was definitely a first for her.
“Well, whatever he said, he can shove it up his ass,” the robot said, walking up to her and taking her hand, “you shouldn’t have to deal with him, or any of his bullshit.”
Reagan smiled a little, just a bit of cheer slipping through the resigned sadness, “yeah, dad can go suck my dick.”
“Hmmm, I’m gonna have to say no on that,” the robot joked, leaning against Reagan, pressing her shoulder to hers, “only I get to do that.”
Only her? Was she implying what she thought she was implying? Was this gonna be a thing now? Ugh, the idiots at the office would not let her live this down if she decided to actually date herself.
Actually, she didn’t care what they thought. This was her love life and she could do whatever the fuck she wanted with it. They could go suck-- No! They couldn’t! Sucking her dick was a gift to only the privileged few!
Still, she wouldn’t want to look too eager in front of the robot.
“Well someone is confident on their first date,” Reagan joked back, taking hold of as much confidence as she could muster right now. It wasn’t much, but it was more than she usually could.
“I am programmed to be ten times more confident than you,” Robo-Reagan replied, smirking a little at the original, “and besides you did make me breakfast.”
“I made myself breakfast,” Reagan lied.
“Same difference, dumbass,” the robot laughed, it was a sweet thing, not the mean spirited laugh she was used to hearing, pulling her towards the table, “come on, let’s see how bad your cooking is.”
Reagan couldn’t keep herself from laughing along, “hey, I’m proud of this breakfast.”
And Robo-Reagan smiled, because that’s exactly the kind of thing she wanted to hear.
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raceandspeculation · 8 years
How Ellen Ripley “Misbehaved” Her Way Into History
Maimuna Gassama
Professor Smalls
ENG 3600
22 February 2017
How Ellen Ripley Misbehaved her way into History
Most of the historical records many people have of women are often of wives, mothers, and daughters as they were remembered in funeral eulogies. The funeral eulogies were some of the sole records of women who lived and labored in silent obscurity. The women that lived and labored in silent obscurity were “well behaved”. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s book: “Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History” has etched the slogan “Well behaved women seldom make history” into the hearts of all young women in the world who wish to find their place in history. The slogan resonates with many, if not all historically relevant women. As early as archaic times Amazons who were regarded as “women warriors” made history because they asserted their presence in a world that instructed women to remain silent and submissive. Harriet Tubman broke the rules of her time, and single handedly leading thousands of slaves to their freedom. Rosa Parks refused to give her seat up on the bus for a white man. Margaret Thatcher becoming the world’s first female prime minster, and coming to be known to the world as the “iron lady”. Hillary Clinton fighting her way to making history as the first women the presidential nomination for a major political party. All three of the above women can be considered rebels of their time, and can attest to having to rebel against the societal rules of their time to make history. They had to redefine the boundaries of womanhood.   The same thing can be said about the heroine of the Alien movie franchise, Ellen Ripley. Ripley‘s character breaks the rules on and off the screen, and she too can attest to having to “misbehave” to find her place in history.
Ripley was first introduced in the Alien debut in 1979. This was the very same year Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s first female prime minister. In the original Alien script Ripley was supposed to be cast as a male, but the last minute change of gender may have been the single most important decision for the Alien movie franchise. Regarded by many as the first and best action heroine, Ripley like many historically relevant women, misbehaved. Initially Ripley is the only voice of reason in Alien when she suggests that Dallas not be let back onto the ship because it violates protocol, but the men on the ship overpower her and her suggestion is disregarded. Her lack of a maternal or nurturing instinct when she suggested that they not let Kane back on board could have saved the entire ship. In making this decision she followed the rules of The Company, but rebelled against the rules and expectations attached to women at that time. Had her opinion been taken into consideration she would have been the heroine much earlier in the movie. However, Ripley “misbehaving” in that specific scene was the first of many. Her suspicions of The Company and Ash from the very beginning are examples of “misbehaving” in their own sense. While all the other crewmembers trusted their employer and the motives of the employer, Ripley remained cautious. Throughout the movie we see that she does not just take things for what they are, instead she tackles tasks with steel determination, and takes matters into her own hands. Amy Taubin’s explanation about the Alien movie franchise being related to feminism and aids and how alien was basically a male anxiety fantasy is accurate. It is accurate on the surface level described by Taubin as being because of the outrage connected to male impregnation, but on a deeper level it also speaks to fears of societal gender role extinction. Ripley was not submissive, she did not show her maternal side until the end of the movie, and most importantly she did not wait around to be saved. At the time of the release of Alien, the feminist movement was growing at an extreme rate, the first female head of state in Britain a world super power had just been elected into office, and Ellen Ripley took to the screen for the first time. Women on and off screen were “misbehaving” and establishing the confines their gender put them in.
In Aliens Ripley follows suit of her character in Alien when she decides to go back and help the families, despite suffering from PTSD and knowing what The Company that originally sent her out there are capable of. In Aliens Ripley takes on a more maternal role, but she is still the same rebel she was from Alien. Ripley learns that her daughter has died while she was gone. Leaving nothing behind, but her cat, Ripley embarks on another journey only to be welcomed with a little girl named Newt, and a crew of marines who have no regard for her opinion. Like Alien, Ripley is underestimated in her opinion and ability. It can be assumed that the writers of Aliens included Newt to make Ripley seem almost more human. Similarly, the same thing can be explained for another “misbehaving” woman, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is often criticized for being to “robotic”. In an effort to make her what news outlets have called more “human” she has been forced to make comments about her granddaughter in many of her opening remarks on the 2016 Presidential campaign trail. Caroline Joan Picart describes Ripley as being ruthless, a survivor, a destroyer, and a being incapable of emotion in her writing on Ripley as an interstitial character. She also mentions that Ripley is not detached from her “powers” as a woman. Picart describes Ripley as such in relation to Alien Resurrection, but the same characteristics can be applied to Ripley in Aliens. In Aliens Ripley was ruthless when she went into the Alien’s nest and came in contact with the queen Alien. She was a survivor and destroyer when she had to fight and destroy to avoid being impregnated from an egg planted by the lawyer she trusted. However, in Aliens Ripley became more and more capable of showing emotion, especially when Newt came into play. This translates into her not being detached from her “powers” as a woman. She used her “powers” to make Newt feel comfortable throughout the movie. This not only benefited Newt and her well-being, but also helped Ripley and the rest of the team, because Newts knowledge of the environment helped them immensely. So in Aliens we see Ripley slightly start “behaving” by taking on a motherly role, but see that she is still more than capable of “misbehaving” when we think about how she used the motherly role to her own advantage, and how she returned back to the ship against her better judgment to save that “asset” (Newt) and destroy another “mother’s” reproductive hub. Mothers for the most part do not take on a motherly role for a return; they do it in selfless interest.
          The book Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History studies the women’s suffrage movement in the chapter titled “Slaves in the Attic,” by concentrating on the suppression of race and gender. At the end of the movie Aliens, as mentioned by Taubin, the part when Ripley yells “get away from her bitch” to the alien who is about to hurt Newt is extremely misogynistic and racist. The racial relevance in this scene also points to the favorite scapegoat of the Reagan/Bush era- the black welfare mother. Taubin’s analysis of both race and gender in relation to the book shows the importance women having long perceived their status as analogous to that of blacks and other racial minorities. In understanding both perspectives we understand the importance of both good behavior being equally as necessary as “bad” behavior. This is relevant for Harriet Tubman, Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton, and Ripley.
In “Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History”, Ulrich examines an essential moment in women’s lives, describing the ways in which they broke conventional behavior in order to make a place in history. The phrase points to the reasons that women’s lives have limited representation in historical narrative, and goes on to look at the type of people and events that do become public record. There are so many remarkable women throughout the world some are mothers, some are lawyers, and some are both, but history has shown that to find their place in history they must rebel against the rules and confines they are bound in. Ripley did just that. Ripley is a normal woman. She does not possess any type of super human strength. Instead she is brave, witty, and confident. Throughout the Alien movie franchise we see Ripley find her place in history on the big screen and off the big screen. Her character in the movies defied what was expected of women in action movies, and her character off screen was a beacon of hope in the midst of the evolving world around her. Ripley was a heroine for the Nostromo, for Newt, and for the neoliberal era. Ellen Ripley was not “well behaved” and because of that she found her place in history.
Works Cited
Cameron, James, director. Aliens. 20th Century Fox, 1986.
Cook, Pam, and Philip Dodd. “Feminism and Aids.” Women and Film: a Sight and Sound Reader, Scarlet Press, London, 1997.
Harrison, Kathryn. “We’Re No Angels.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Sept. 2007, www.nytimes.com/2007/09/30/books/review/harrison.html. Accessed 22 Feb. 2017.
Scott, Ridley, director. Alien. 20th Century Fox, 1979.
Tinkcom, Matthew, and Amy Villarejo. “‘You’Ve Been in My Life so Long I Can’t Remember Anything Else.’” Keyframes: Popular Cinema and Cultural Studies, Routledge, London, 2001.
Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2008.
Word Count :1623
0 notes
blackbeauty422-blog · 8 years
How Ellen Ripley “Misbehaved” Her Way Into History
Maimuna Gassama
 Professor Smalls
ENG 3600
22 February 2017
How Ellen Ripley Misbehaved her way into History
Most of the historical records many people have of women are often of wives, mothers, and daughters as they were remembered in funeral eulogies. The funeral eulogies were some of the sole records of women who lived and labored in silent obscurity. The women that lived and labored in silent obscurity were “well behaved”. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s book: “Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History” has etched the slogan “Well behaved women seldom make history” into the hearts of all young women in the world who wish to find their place in history. The slogan resonates with many, if not all historically relevant women. As early as archaic times Amazons who were regarded as “women warriors” made history because they asserted their presence in a world that instructed women to remain silent and submissive. Harriet Tubman broke the rules of her time, and single handedly leading thousands of slaves to their freedom. Rosa Parks refused to give her seat up on the bus for a white man. Margaret Thatcher becoming the world’s first female prime minster, and coming to be known to the world as the “iron lady”. Hillary Clinton fighting her way to making history as the first women the presidential nomination for a major political party. All three of the above women can be considered rebels of their time, and can attest to having to rebel against the societal rules of their time to make history. They had to redefine the boundaries of womanhood.   The same thing can be said about the heroine of the Alien movie franchise, Ellen Ripley. Ripley‘s character breaks the rules on and off the screen, and she too can attest to having to “misbehave” to find her place in history.
Ripley was first introduced in the Alien debut in 1979. This was the very same year Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s first female prime minister. In the original Alien script Ripley was supposed to be cast as a male, but the last minute change of gender may have been the single most important decision for the Alien movie franchise. Regarded by many as the first and best action heroine, Ripley like many historically relevant women, misbehaved. Initially Ripley is the only voice of reason in Alien when she suggests that Dallas not be let back onto the ship because it violates protocol, but the men on the ship overpower her and her suggestion is disregarded. Her lack of a maternal or nurturing instinct when she suggested that they not let Kane back on board could have saved the entire ship. In making this decision she followed the rules of The Company, but rebelled against the rules and expectations attached to women at that time. Had her opinion been taken into consideration she would have been the heroine much earlier in the movie. However, Ripley “misbehaving” in that specific scene was the first of many. Her suspicions of The Company and Ash from the very beginning are examples of “misbehaving” in their own sense. While all the other crewmembers trusted their employer and the motives of the employer, Ripley remained cautious. Throughout the movie we see that she does not just take things for what they are, instead she tackles tasks with steel determination, and takes matters into her own hands. Amy Taubin’s explanation about the Alien movie franchise being related to feminism and aids and how alien was basically a male anxiety fantasy is accurate. It is accurate on the surface level described by Taubin as being because of the outrage connected to male impregnation, but on a deeper level it also speaks to fears of societal gender role extinction. Ripley was not submissive, she did not show her maternal side until the end of the movie, and most importantly she did not wait around to be saved. At the time of the release of Alien, the feminist movement was growing at an extreme rate, the first female head of state in Britain a world super power had just been elected into office, and Ellen Ripley took to the screen for the first time. Women on and off screen were “misbehaving” and establishing the confines their gender put them in.
In Aliens Ripley follows suit of her character in Alien when she decides to go back and help the families, despite suffering from PTSD and knowing what The Company that originally sent her out there are capable of. In Aliens Ripley takes on a more maternal role, but she is still the same rebel she was from Alien. Ripley learns that her daughter has died while she was gone. Leaving nothing behind, but her cat, Ripley embarks on another journey only to be welcomed with a little girl named Newt, and a crew of marines who have no regard for her opinion. Like Alien, Ripley is underestimated in her opinion and ability. It can be assumed that the writers of Aliens included Newt to make Ripley seem almost more human. Similarly, the same thing can be explained for another “misbehaving” woman, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is often criticized for being to “robotic”. In an effort to make her what news outlets have called more “human” she has been forced to make comments about her granddaughter in many of her opening remarks on the 2016 Presidential campaign trail. Caroline Joan Picart describes Ripley as being ruthless, a survivor, a destroyer, and a being incapable of emotion in her writing on Ripley as an interstitial character. She also mentions that Ripley is not detached from her “powers” as a woman. Picart describes Ripley as such in relation to Alien Resurrection, but the same characteristics can be applied to Ripley in Aliens. In Aliens Ripley was ruthless when she went into the Alien’s nest and came in contact with the queen Alien. She was a survivor and destroyer when she had to fight and destroy to avoid being impregnated from an egg planted by the lawyer she trusted. However, in Aliens Ripley became more and more capable of showing emotion, especially when Newt came into play. This translates into her not being detached from her “powers” as a woman. She used her “powers” to make Newt feel comfortable throughout the movie. This not only benefited Newt and her well-being, but also helped Ripley and the rest of the team, because Newts knowledge of the environment helped them immensely. So in Aliens we see Ripley slightly start “behaving” by taking on a motherly role, but see that she is still more than capable of “misbehaving” when we think about how she used the motherly role to her own advantage, and how she returned back to the ship against her better judgment to save that “asset” (Newt) and destroy another “mother’s” reproductive hub. Mothers for the most part do not take on a motherly role for a return; they do it in selfless interest.
           The book Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History studies the women’s suffrage movement in the chapter titled “Slaves in the Attic,” by concentrating on the suppression of race and gender. At the end of the movie Aliens, as mentioned by Taubin, the part when Ripley yells “get away from her bitch” to the alien who is about to hurt Newt is extremely misogynistic and racist. The racial relevance in this scene also points to the favorite scapegoat of the Reagan/Bush era- the black welfare mother. Taubin’s analysis of both race and gender in relation to the book shows the importance women having long perceived their status as analogous to that of blacks and other racial minorities. In understanding both perspectives we understand the importance of both good behavior being equally as necessary as “bad” behavior. This is relevant for Harriet Tubman, Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton, and Ripley.
In “Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History”, Ulrich examines an essential moment in women’s lives, describing the ways in which they broke conventional behavior in order to make a place in history. The phrase points to the reasons that women’s lives have limited representation in historical narrative, and goes on to look at the type of people and events that do become public record. There are so many remarkable women throughout the world some are mothers, some are lawyers, and some are both, but history has shown that to find their place in history they must rebel against the rules and confines they are bound in. Ripley did just that. Ripley is a normal woman. She does not possess any type of super human strength. Instead she is brave, witty, and confident. Throughout the Alien movie franchise we see Ripley find her place in history on the big screen and off the big screen. Her character in the movies defied what was expected of women in action movies, and her character off screen was a beacon of hope in the midst of the evolving world around her. Ripley was a heroine for the Nostromo, for Newt, and for the neoliberal era. Ellen Ripley was not “well behaved” and because of that she found her place in history.
 Works Cited
 Cameron, James, director. Aliens. 20th Century Fox, 1986.
 Cook, Pam, and Philip Dodd. “Feminism and Aids.” Women and Film: a Sight and Sound Reader, Scarlet Press, London, 1997.
 Harrison, Kathryn. “We’Re No Angels.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Sept. 2007, www.nytimes.com/2007/09/30/books/review/harrison.html. Accessed 22 Feb. 2017.
Scott, Ridley, director. Alien. 20th Century Fox, 1979.
Tinkcom, Matthew, and Amy Villarejo. “‘You'Ve Been in My Life so Long I Can't Remember Anything Else.’” Keyframes: Popular Cinema and Cultural Studies, Routledge, London, 2001.
 Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2008.
 Word Count :1623 
0 notes
reaganseyebags · 3 years
I got a request: “A Reagan x Reader. The reader was once a past romance of her but moved away. They get forcefully hired into Incognito Inc as meeting Brett he accidentally reveals about its existence.”
Oh man this one is gonna be sad.
tw for violence, blood and manipulation
So we all know how Rand made that antiboy perfume,, well it didn’t really worked on you
You two fell in love- teen romance yknow,, knight. You two did silly things that kids in love do. (I never fucking dated anyone so idk what kids in love do sorry not sorry)
Overall it was pretty innocent
Well,, when Rand found out about this,, you were lucky you were still alive.
He really went out and beat the shit out of a 14yo kid-
“Listen here you little asshole,, I’m not letting some shithead take my daughter’s future away just cuz you wanna get some pussy. You are gonna move away and never, EVER see or contact her again,,, am I crystal clear here?!” He was holding you against the wall, your whole body was in unimaginable pain. In pure panic and fear you just nodded. It was more of the begging for dear life
You didn’t wanted to move away- you had so many memories in this city, but after Rand started assaulting your family you knew it was better to give up.
You moved few weeks after The Who incident happened, leaving your beloved Reagan behind
When Reagan got the news, god she was so sad- she just sobbed into moms chest for few hours- and still cried for few nights.
She didn’t care what the others said, she really did love you and this absolutely destroyed her-
She never really moved on, she kept your pictures and everything you ever got her to her adulthood. Sometimes she thought of with tears in her eyes.
And well,, you never moved on as well,, she was always somewhere in your mind
You were living your life like a very other normal person. You gratulated high school and collage and had a boring until one day some dudes threw a bag over your head and the last thing you know, you were lying on a cold floor in random building.
“That’s enough fellas, they had enough-“ said masculine voice
The figure took the bag off and you were blinded by the sudden light.
“Oh eh sorry, I should have done it slower. Well welcome Reader to the Cognito Inc!! My name is Brett!”
“Wha- What is happening,, god f-fuck my head-“
“I will explain everything later, now let me get some water-“
After you felt bit better Brett actually took you to look around,, so many strange people and not just people
“Ok well,, that’s cool and all but like why am I here?”
“Oh yeah well, you were chose to work for the Media Manipulation team!”
“Wait did I apply to this job?”
“Nah not really, sometimes we have to chose random strangers since we don’t have much applications” the man giggled. What the actual fuck? Are they just gonna kidnap you force you to work for them. That’s some bullshit
You two continued walking though the building as you passed a lab with the sigh that said “Reagan Ridley”
No fucking way
“Hey Brett,, does Reagan Ridley work here?”
“Yeah why? You know each other?”
“Yeah kind of…”
“Well I think she will be in her lab so you can try-“ you didn’t even let him finish the sentence- you just ran into her lab looking for her.
She was doing her paper work at her desk as she turned to face you.
“Who the fuckkkk-“ the moment she spot you she instantly knew. You could see the tears-
“It can’t be- I thought y-you were dead!” She sobbed out, running your direction.
At that point you were crying as well.
You open your arms, she quickly hugged you, squishing you so hard as she sobbed into your shoulder.
You were trying to say something but your mouth was shut, you just let her squish you, she smelled the exact same way as you remember maybe I bit more sweaty
The ending was rushed cuz I’m really tired but I hope you like it hun
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