#ready made salwar kameez
fabehaoutlet · 2 years
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The best casual suits for women combine modern style with a vintage edge. From chevron to zigzag patterning, these styles will keep you fresh and on-trend all summer long. There is also the added benefit of being able to wear them throughout most of the year. You can get that type of service from Fabeha Outlet with high-quality fabric at a low price. To get our services: https://fabehaoutlet.com/
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diyaonlineofficial · 2 years
Beautiful Wedding Lehenga for Brides-made
Lehenga Choli is clearly one of the most beautiful, traditional, and fashionable means of outfit that one can wear in marriage, engagement, Important family functions. With the marriage season coming up, it’s time to hold and flaunt your self with stylish Lehenga choli and other traditional attire.
Diya Online (an online store) offering a plethora of ethnic wear, especially bridals Lehenga choli, Pakistani Suits, Sari etc. also, one of the most exciting and satisfying factors is that we offer Lehenga for every event from Engagement, Mehendi to Sangeet to Marriage.
DIYA ONLINE’s Exclusive Designer Lehenga Range-
A wide range of Indian bridal lehenga choli, marriage Lehenga dresses, Shop graceful and elegant Bridal-made Lehenga choli. https://www.diyaonline.com/women/clothing/lehenga.html
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Okay I'm thinking about Seungcheol with a desi gf who sees her dressed up in the traditional salwar kameez and earrings and dupatta and all for the first time and he's even more smitten 🫡 can you imagine how good he'd look in a kurta himself
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Summary : seungcheol loves his desi girl dolling up and this new attire made made him weak? hehe
Pairing : seungcheol x fem!reader
Genre : fluff, established relationship
Warning : suggestive, kissing, cheol in black kurta(yes a warning)
Word count : 681
Aznik note : i believe this ask was send just for some giggles, squeals and shit but i couldnt stop myself hehehehhehehe🤭🤭 + english isn't my first language so excuse me
Song rec :
seungcheol who is already head over heels for his desi girl, have seen her in saree before and almost lost his shit cuz how beautiful she was looking, cheol knows indian ethnic wears as you have showed him a lot of different styles when he once pointed how good that one short top with full sleeves with a ball type bottom looks cute, making a mental note to wear it once.
Today was the day, your mother send you a white salwar kameez for you and kurta pajama for cheol.
wearing it immediately you thought to surprise cheol, walking in the bedroom you spotted cheol lazily scrolling on his phone while laying on the couch, you called his name when he answer back a hm still looking at his phone, when no reply received he looked up, there you standing in your glory while fixing your white net dupatta, his eyes staring at you in surprise and adoration, you were looking so gorgeous his heart race up, the beet color on his cheek as he look at you from head to toe, mouth agape eyes wide open trying absorb the beautiful scenery  in front of him, he was down bad for you already but sky's the limit just like cheol’s love, he is so whipped looking at you right now in your beautiful colors and style it makes him want you more and more. 
He stood up from the couch walking towards you still with his eyes on you as if you are the only thing exist, he stood in front of you, he held your arms from both side saying “you are looking so pretty jaan, literally so pretty its taking my breath away.”making you shy at his compliment, he took your right palm spinning you suddenly, making you face the mirror behind, sliding all your open hair on the left shoulder resting his face on other, he said “look there, my gorgeous girl,” he kissed your shoulder, “always so pretty” he slide a bit up from the previous place and left a lingering kiss “so cute” another kiss sliding up on your nape, the words reducing into whispers, hands wrapped around your waist  “so endearing”, sliding up more he nibbles right below your ear as he leave another kiss ,you turned around still in his strong arms, keeping your hands on his chest to push him a bit, he pout at you wanting to go for a kiss before you stop him a bit more firmly, he raised his eyebrows with the pout still there, you tell him “my mother send it for me, and she send you something to wear too, so go and change into it” handing him the bag he peek down inside taking it and going to change, some time later the bathroom door open he walked out from it, pulling up the sleeves of the black kurta, looking so fine, and fit and muscular, his buff chest and his forearms showing with the veins, now it was your turn to be breathless, he looked so hot in it, you knew it he will look hot in it but still wasnt ready for this scene in front of you, “you look so hot in it cheol” you said while keeping your palm on your mouth in surprise, “ am i?” he smirks,walking towards you “well my mother in law choose it so obviously its going to look good” he kisses your forehead and continues “should we take photos and send it to maa?”
Taking pictures after pictures while cheol keeps stealing kisses from you, cheek, lips, neck, nose, hand, no part was spared by his kisses, and he did send those kissing pictures to your mother, hehe.
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Star-Crossed | Basim x OC | Part 1
This is the first chapter of my AC Mirage fan fiction featuring my OC Nashira, an astronomer’s daughter who Basim befriends in his youth.
Basim dashed through the streets of Abbasiyah, holding a purse of coins tight against his chest. He knew swiping money from that merchant in the bazaar was a risky move, but it was a risk he was willing to take at the time.
To the merchant, this amount of money was nothing compared to the rest of his fortune, but to Basim it could buy him food for the next couple of days, maybe even a week if he was frugal enough with it.
He panted as he ducked and dodged through the crowds. He glanced behind him, seeing the guards still hot on his trail. He had hoped to lose them by now but they persisted. At this rate he would soon tire and slow down, making it easy for them to capture him. If that happened, not only would he lose the money but his hand as well.
Basim kept his eyes peeled for any place he could hide: a dark alleyway, a crate, an abandoned home, anything. He knew Baghdad like the back of his hand. One learns a lot about a city when you’re always running away from someone. Soon the courtyard of the House of Wisdom came into view with its luscious gardens and crowds of scholars providing ample places to hide. As he sharply turned a corner his eyes landed on an open window with thin curtains billowing in the breeze. Without thinking, he bolted for the opening, jumping inside.
He landed with a huff, looking behind him to see if they followed. A barrage of footsteps ran past, growing fainter with each step until Basim could barely hear them anymore.
He let out a breath “One step ahead, as usual.” Basim thought to himself as he slipped the purse into his satchel. Now that that was over, Dervis would be expecting him for work soon. He’d need to head back to Anbar before it got dark, and Basim was a long way from home. He turned on his heel to dash away for good.
Just as his heartbeat returned to normal, he felt himself collide into something with an impact strong enough to send him straight to the floor. A thud rang out in the area, and Basim quickly scurried to the nearby wall where the window was. He looked up to see what, or rather who he bumped into, feeling his heartbeat skyrocket when he spotted a girl staring wide eyed back at him.
A girl, who with one scream, could summon the guards.
With a gasp, she quickly stood up, backing away from Basim. Her golden brown eyes bore into his. She looked quite young, if he had to guess she was somewhere near his age. Judging by the brilliant blue salwar kameez and the fine silk scarf around her neck, they lived very different lives. A number of scrolls and books were scattered around her, no doubt having fallen because of their collision.
He looked around to figure where he was. In his haste to get away from the guards, he hadn’t realized he’d made his way to the library. There were rows and rows of bookshelves and desks surrounding him. It didn’t seem like anyone else was in this room except for the two of them. That was good; even if she did scream he’d have time to dash before she could point him out.
Suddenly a guard came to the window, “You, girl! Have you seen a boy running through here?” He asked her.
Basim shrank from where the guard was, hoping he wouldn’t look down and see him cowering below. Still, he instinctually positioned himself so he’d be ready to run at a moment's notice if he needed to.
The girl glanced down at Basim, “I…um…” She watched as he silently pleaded with her to not tell the guard his whereabouts, but Basim saw the uncertainty in her eyes.
This part of the library held old tomes from scholars in the past, including texts from around the known world requested by the Caliph himself. Therefore, this room in the library wasn’t open to everyone. They had to have special permission from the head Scholar, which this boy clearly didn’t have.
Still, he was just a boy. A frightened looking one at that.
“Please,” He mouthed to her, as if to beg her to keep quiet about his whereabouts.
She looked up at the guard and cleared her throat, “I saw him go that way.” She pointed in the opposite direction and the guard darted that way in an instant.
The girl craned her head out the window, making sure he was long gone. She crouched down to meet Basim’s eyes, “It’s safe to come out now.” She said just above a whisper, as if she were scared the guard could somehow hear her.
Immediately, he let out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding in. That's when eyes landed on the scattered books and scrolls along the floor, no doubt a result of his colliding with this girl. Feeling guilty, he crawled forward to gather them for her.
He cleared his throat, “Thank you…for not giving me away.” He said, looking up at her.
The girl gathered some books herself, “There is no need to thank me. I’m happy to help.”
The two of them carefully gathered the books as a silence hung over them. Every now and then
Basim would steal a glance at the girl next to him. The evening sunlight cast its golden glow on her, illuminating her soft features. Scattered across her face were a series of moles, the most prominent one just above her left eyebrow. Her dark curls billowed out of her scarf, framing her full cheeks.
She glanced his way as well and Basim quickly averted his gaze, realizing he had been staring at this girl for some time. He only hoped she could not see the redness spread across his cheeks. He shook off the feeling, choosing to instead turn his attention to the writings he held in his hands. He read the titles of some of the books as they both stood up.
He gasped when he saw a familiar name, “These are all writings by al-Khwarizmi?” he asked her.
The girl nodded, “I was just grabbing these for my father. al-Khwarizmi was his mentor. Do you know of him?” She asked.
“Know of him? I knew him,” He grinned, “When I was little I used to sneak into this very library and he would teach me mathematics and astronomy.” Basim smiled as fond memories of his time with that old man filled his mind again.
The girl's eyes widened, “Really? That's amazing!” She marveled, “What was he like?”
“Brilliant,” Basim answered, “Not very patient when I made mistakes, but he was kind nonetheless.” He looked down and realized he was still holding on to her books.
He cleared his throat, “Here.” He handed the girl her things, feeling a tingle shoot through him when his fingers touched hers.
He felt it again when she grabbed his arm, leading him out of the library and down the hall.
“You must meet my father!” She insisted, “He would love to meet another student of al-Kwarizmi.”
Basim stumbled behind her, not knowing what he got himself into, but nevertheless deciding to go along for the ride.
Moment’s later, Basim found himself gazing at the ceiling of the room he entered. The girl brought him to what looked like an observatory, judging by the dome shaped ceiling with beautifully intricate designs of celestial bodies adorning it.
All around the room were star maps and other drawings. There were telescopes, compases, and many other tools along the walls, as well as large stacks of books messily gathered in the corners. There were two desks: one was full fo papers and scrolls with various compases and writing tools scattered around it, and the other was neatly organized with an large older man sitting there.
The girl gently sat the books and scrolls on a nearby table, scurrying her way over to the bearded man near the center of the room, “Baba, Baba!” she tugged on his sleeve to get his attention, though he seemed very deep into his work.
“One moment azizati, just need to figure out this calculation…” The older man stroked his graying beard, then fiddled with a nearby counter, “This doesn’t seem right…” He muttered to himself.
Basim watched as the girl drummed her fingers on the table, patiently waiting as her father wracked his brain over the mathematical formula. She sighed, looking over his shoulder at his work. She pointed to the paper, “You forgot to carry the two here, Baba.”
The man blinked, then threw his head back in a hearty chuckle that seemed to nearly shake the walls around them, “So it seems I have! Clever girl,” He patted her on the head, “Now, what was it you wanted to tell me?”
The girl motioned in Basim’s direction, “I want you to meet someone! This is-” She paused, “Oh, how rude of me. I haven’t even asked you your name.” She said, seeming embarrassed.
Basim waved her off, “It is alright. I am Basim.” He said, slightly bowing his head towards the two.
“It is nice to meet you, Basim. I am Nashira, and this is my father Khalid ibn Mohammed, the head astronomer here at the House of Wisdom.” she said proudly.
Basim felt something brush against him, causing him to look down to see a fluffy white cat rubbing itself against his legs. The cat had big green eyes and a pendant around its neck with a moon design on it. He crouched down to pet the creature, delighting in its soft purring. He quite liked cats, as there were many stray ones roaming around the streets. However this cat was definitely a purebred unlike the ones he found in Anbar.
Nashira giggled, “And that is our cat, Halah!” She turned to her father, “Baba, Basim was a student of al-Kwarizmi. And we just happened to…run into each other in the library. Isn’t that something?”
Basim was thankful she embellished that bit of the story.
Khalid’s eyes widened with surprise, a trait Basim could already tell his daughter inherited from him, “Mashallah!” He quickly rose from his seat and made his way to the young man, wrapping his arms around him and lifting him off the ground, “Any friend of my old mentor is a friend of mine.”
Basim squirmed a bit in the hold, but smiled nonetheless “Nice to meet you too, ustadi.” He strained to say.
Khalid gently set Basim down, dusting his shoulders as he let out another hearty chuckle, “I wish we could talk more, but I have a lecture to give. Please, make yourself at home here, my daughter can show you any studies you’d like to see about astronomy while you are here.”
Basim nodded, waving to the man as he left for his lecture. Nashira made her way beside him, now holding Halah herself.
She chuckled, “My Baba has never met a stranger,” She let Halah jump down from her arms, motioning for Basim to take a seat at the nearby table as she rummaged through a cabinet.
“I can tell,” He coughed out, rubbing his chest as he still felt the hug Khalid gave him. “How is it you have not met al-Kwarizmi? Seeing as your father is an astronomer and all.” He asked.
Nashira exited the cabinet, holding a plate of dates and a vase of water that she set on the table, “I was too young to come to the House of Wisdom back then. Baba hired a Nanny to take care of me while he studied under him, and once I was old enough I came here to study here under my father.”
Basim nodded as he made sense of what she was saying. Seeing as she was raised by a nanny in her childhood, he figured it was safe to assume her mother died when she was a baby. It made sense then why she got to study in the House of Wisdom if she was under her father’s care.
Basim nodded, “I see, that must have been after al-Kwarizmi passed. I was wondering why I had never seen you here before,” He graciously took the cup of water she poured for him, “I’m sure I would have remembered a girl like you.”
Nashira gave him a cheeky smile, raising an eyebrow as she did so.
Basim flushed, realizing how he sounded.
“What I mean is, there are not many young girls like yourself in the House of Wisdom.” He quickly added, hoping his last comment didn’t come off as him being fresh.
He felt himself relax when he heard her laugh, “Calm down, Basim. I am only teasing.” She sat down on the other side of the table, reaching for a date to snack on, “But you are right about that, not many scholars devote their time to teaching girls. So I count myself lucky that my father is one. It's just me and my Baba, studying the stars.”
Halah let out a meow, jumping on the table.
Nashira petted the cat, “And you too, Halah.” She gave the cat a date as well.
Basim smiled, “That sounds like quite the life.” He said, taking a sip of water and realizing how thirsty he had been. He then reached across the table to scratch Halah under the chin, smiling when she purred. Perhaps in a different life he’d be doing much the same with his father, learning the ways of an architect.
Some time passed as they enjoyed their snack together before Nashira spoke again. “Now if you don’t mind me asking, why were those guards chasing after you?” She placed her chin in her hand, waiting patiently for him to answer her.
Basim gulped. He should’ve known better than to think he’d get off completely Scott free.
“Well…you see I was…” He tried to think of any possible explanation that wouldn’t make him look bad but came up with nothing. He slumped, feeling it best to be honest, “I was caught stealing in the market.”
Nashira’s eyes widened, “Stealing? Why would you do that?”
Basim slumped even more, feeling shame set in.
Nashira’s eyes looked over Basim, taking in his appearance. His clothes were old and tethered, some of his garments looked worn beyond repair. Her eyebrows furrowed, feeling ashamed of herself for asking such a question.
“Nevermind, you do not need to answer that.” She told him.
Basim felt a bit of relief. Still, he could tell she pitied him, which didn’t make him feel much better.
He noticed the setting sun from the open window. Dervis would be expecting him soon and he’d need to leave if he wanted to get back to Anbar.
He stood up, “It is getting late, I really must get going,” He stood up from his chair, “Thank you again for helping me today, Nashira.”
She frowned, “You’re leaving already?” She asked, sounding saddened by the news.
He nodded, “I have to go home. Someone is expecting me.”
She took another glance at his clothes, “Where is home for you?” She asked carefully.
Basim bit his lip, “...Anbar.” He hesitated to say.
Anbar, the slums of Baghdad. Nashira had not learned much about her new friend, but with that in mind, certain things were starting to make sense. No one in their right mind would risk stealing unless they had too. Not when the punishment for stealing was losing a hand.
She gathered the remaining dates into a small pouch, “Please, take these with you.”
Basim shook his head, holding his hands in front of him in protest, “No, please, I do not want your pity.” He pleaded. The last thing he wanted was for this girl to feel sorry for him.
She tilted her head, “Pity? Baba always buys me too many dates. I never have anyone to share them with, so if you don’t take them they will just go to waste. You would be doing me a favor by taking them off my hands,” She smiled at him softly and shook the bag a little, hoping he would take them.
Basim felt the tension in his shoulders lessen. His eyes softened. Basim gave her a small smile as he took the bag of dates and placed them in his satchel. He felt his stomach grumble thinking about the sweet, juicy contents of the pouch. Nehal and the other children who worked for Dervis would love them as well.
He made his way toward the window, “Thank you Nashira. It was nice to meet you.” He said, meaning every word.
She watched as he jumped down onto a nearby ledge, then down to the courtyard below, “Come back and see me!” She called out to him.
He looked up at her, seeing her smiling face above, “I will!”
“You promise?” She asked.
“I promise!” He said back, waving as he did so. He was just about to turn around when he heard her call his name once more.
“And Basim! Next time, just use the front entrance.” She smirked.
He laughed, “I will try to remember that!”
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I made a salwar kameez and dupatta outfit for Kavi! 
I went shopping at the local thrift stores on Thursday and found the fabric in a back corner. The tunic and purple fabric of the pants came from a couple of cut down sarees, and the green was a pillowcase. I’m really pleased with how all of it came out. 
The fabric for the pants was a set of 9″x7″ squares, not quite long enough for ankle length legs, so I had to sew them together. Actually, I messed up the first version so badly, and had so little of the fabric, that I had to unpick every single stitch I had done, then re-cut and sew them anew. 
Now they’re done, and will be ready for Kavi when she arrives, which according to FedEx, should be Monday!!
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Here’s Carrie making sure everything fits. 
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beasiannow · 1 year
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Greetings, American friends! We are Jyoti, Neha, and Priya Sharma, three sisters from Hyderabad, India, who have opened a shop that we at first called The Sharma Sisters' Indian Apparel Boutique; however, due to a most remarkable incident has recently been renamed.
"You Are What You Wear Fine Indian Apparel.”
The reason for this is due to our having, by the hand of Lakshmi: gained assets to a new type of cloth called Nīṅkaḷ aṇivatu nīṅkaḷtāṉ or the Threads of Karma that does what no other type of textile can do.
Do what? Some would say work miracles, but why don’t you come in and see for yourself?
For our grand reopening, we are offering a chance for new customers to come in and, for one month, pick out one item of Indian stylings such as a Saree, Lehenga, Salwar Kameez, Anarkali Suit, or Kurta and wear it home for a month.
If at the end of that month, you have not come to love it, keep it for free and forget about it, we, however, are sure that not only will you come back in at the end of that month to purchase it, but you will be ready to redo your whole wardrobe and look, and we will gladly help you bahan (sister).
Above, you can see just a section of our shop and four local ladies who came in and took us up on the challenge we are now offering you.
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Here is another section of You Are What You Wear Fine Indian Apparel, and yes, those are the same ladies as in the first photo. Did we say miracle? Don’t believe it?
Come in and find out that wearing is believing. It’s your karma!
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Two months later, the You Are What You Wear has started to make changes in the local female population around the locale of the shop. “क्या” (Kya or, more or less, “what tha!”) is heard everywhere so much that the sisters are thinking about opening another shop in another town. 
Right after they help found the first Hindu temple in the town were they live, the faith having it seems grown by 234% since they started selling clothes made from their Threads of Karma.
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salwari · 2 years
Where do I buy a traditional saree online?
If you’re looking for your traditional sarees online, then you’ve come to the right place. At Salwari, we make sure that you have a huge selection of marriage wedding silk sarees to choose from. Not only are authentic and pure silk sarees available but also intricate designs and details with respect to the long-lost cultures of Indian states.
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Whether its bridal lehengas, half saree or salwar kameez in vibrant colors and daring designs– it’s all ready to be discovered at Salwari! As we all know, the silk sarees is something every woman should have in her closet; so why not make each one of them mean something special and truly unique? After all, it holds insight into our culture and art, which makes this fashion piece more meaningful.
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Salwari is the perfect destination to buy traditional sarees online! With Salwari, you can choose from a diverse selection of classical saris and lehengas to find the one that perfectly fits your style. Salwari offers nothing but the best, with luxurious kanchivaram silk sarees, soft silk sarees, rich Banarasi sarees, and much more up for grabs. Salwari also brings together exquisite Indian jewelry sets made from premium materials to match your traditional saree and give you the complete desired look. All of this packed in Salwari’s easy-to-use interface, so buying a stunning traditional wedding saree online has never been simpler! Salwari makes it easy for everyone to get their hands on the best of India’s authentic and diverse fabrics and styles — so don’t miss out on this amazing online shopping experience!
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astra-galaxie · 2 years
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Devi Pandit
Biographical information
Full Name: Devi Pandit
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Alive (incarcerated)
Age: 56 (season 3)
Birth: 1960
Race: Human
Nationality: Indian
Origin: Chhattisgarh, India
Residence: Chhattisgarh, India
Profession(s): Nurse
Kavi Pandit (father)
Mala Pandit (mother)
Nathan Pandit (son)
Oberon Douglas (son-in-law)
Avi Douglas (grandson)
Partner(s): Léon Toussaint (ex-boyfriend)
Height: 5'5" Age: 56 (season 3) Weight: 154lbs Eyes: brown Blood: O-
The mother of Nathan Pandit, Devi is a middle-aged Indian woman with rich skin, black hair pulled into a tight bun, and brown eyes behind a pair of silver-framed glasses. She wears a Salwar Kameez in shades of purple: dark purple trousers underneath a lavender tunic, a matching dark purple transparent scarf wrapped around her neck, silver bracelets on both wrists, and brown sandals.
Devi hails from Chhattisgarh, India, where her mother raised her after her parent's divorce. Mala divorced Kavi when Devi was eight because he was always busy with work. While neither knew the truth about the man's job, Kavi tried his best to be there for his family, but eventually, Mala couldn't stand him always being gone, so she filed for a divorce.
Mala got custody of Devi and limited Kavi's time to see her to the extreme. Under her mother's guidance, Devi grew to hate her father for his absence and eventually refused to speak to him. Kavi respected his daughter's wishes even if it hurt him to lose her.
After graduating high school, Devi became a nurse and found work at her local hospital in the emergency room. It was here that she met Léon Toussaint when the man brought in one of his friends who had been injured during military training.
While some might say that a hospital isn't the place to find love, that wasn't the case for Devi and Léon. Once Léon's friend had been discharged, he and Devi exchanged numbers and made plans to have a date at a local restaurant.
Devi experienced happiness like never before when she was with Léon. Even her friends and coworkers noticed that the woman was friendlier and more pleasant to be around. Léon brought out the best in Devi; to this day, he is and always will be her one true love.
But sadly, Léon's deployment in India was coming to an end faster than the couple liked. He tried to get Devi to move with him to America and even offered to move to India, but Devi refused. She wasn't ready to give up India, nor did she want Léon to leave America after he told her about his desire to reconnect with his family. She refused to get in the way of him reconnecting with his family as she secretly longed to do the same with hers.
And so, Devi and Léon broke up, and she watched his plane fly away, never to return. She regretted the decision but knew in her heart that she'd made the right choice. She buried her love for Léon and vowed never to let herself get close to anyone again, fearing that she would lose them like she lost Léon.
But two weeks after Léon left the country, Devi discovered she was pregnant.
Devi never envisioned herself as becoming a mother; she always thought children were annoying and gross. But, she couldn't bring herself to get an abortion as Léon had told her about his desire to have children and how hard it would be for him due to the damage caused by his cancer treatments. To Devi, terminating the pregnancy felt like she would terminate Léon's only chance to have a child.
So, she didn't get an abortion and gave birth to a healthy baby nine months later. But to Devi's shock, the baby was born with congenital cataracts, making them blind. The doctors said they could do nothing to remove the cataracts, but the baby could live a successful life with the proper support.
But Devi didn't know how to raise a baby, let alone a blind baby. She couldn't afford the support they would need or give them the life they deserved. So she surrendered the baby to the hospital, walking away from the last gift Léon had given her.
She never knew what became of the baby after the hospital sent them to the local orphanage. She used to walk by it every day, telling herself that one day she would visit her child. But every day, she kept on walking past the building. A few times, she thought she saw a glimpse of a child staring blindly out of a window, but whenever she got closer, the child would be gone.
She finally visited the orphanage about ten years after giving up the baby. But to her surprise, the workers told her that Kavi had taken the child a few years earlier. Devi has no idea how her father found out about his grandkid, but she hopes that her child was living a good life wherever they were.
Knowing her child was living somewhere she would probably never find them, Devi moved on with her life. The only people who knew about her child were her coworkers, who stopped asking about them when Devi became hostile when they brought the subject up.
In reality, Devi was ashamed of her past decisions. While she never wanted to be a mother, she could have tried to find Léon and give him the choice of raising the baby. Instead, she took the coward's way out and hated to admit it. So, Devi started acting like she despised her child and that it was their fault for being born blind. After many years of thinking like this, Devi destroyed her love for her baby.
It wouldn't be until decades later that she would make another grave mistake. She accidentally killed Randy "Bodhi" Green when the man confronted her about abandoning her child over 30 years ago. Devi couldn't believe that her past actions were returning to haunt her, and she tried to escape her problems again. But unlike when she abandoned her baby, Bodhi wouldn't let her run.
A struggle ensued, leading to Devi shoving Bodhi away from her. But she pushed him too hard, and they were too close to the electrified train tracks. Bodhi landed on the bars and died before he even realized what was happening.
Devi couldn't believe what she had done. She fled the scene, hoping no one would find out what had happened. But she should have known she couldn't get away with murder; after an intense investigation, The Bureau arrested her for her crime, and she was sentenced to 8 years in jail.
But the hardest part about being arrested was learning that the agents were friends with the child she had abandoned 34 years ago. Now she really believed that her past was coming to get her. She confessed that she had made mistakes in the past, the greatest being that she never tried to find her child after Kavi took them away.
She was grateful Adalet told her that Nathan was doing well, and Devi hopes that maybe one day, if he is willing, they can meet and she can learn about who her son became. And perhaps she can also learn about her father and Léon.
But for now, she will serve her prison sentence for murdering an innocent man who deserved to live a good, long life.
Story Information
First appeared: Blackout Dead
If her parents hadn't divorced and she didn't grow up under her mother's negativity and bitterness, Devi would have been a much kinder person. Sadly, due to the change in Mala's personality after the divorce, Devi grew to have a negative outlook on life
The only time she wasn't such a negative person was with Léon. After he left, the negativity slowly returned
She decided to become a nurse after spending time in the hospital when her appendix burst. She was fascinated by what the nurses were doing and wanted to be like them when she grew up
She used to stay up for as long as she could, waiting for her father to come home from work. On the nights that she couldn't stay up any longer, she made her mother promise that she would get Kavi to give her a good night kiss when he returned
Sadly, unknown to Devi, most nights, Kavi never came home. Mala would lie and say that he did to spare her daughter's feelings
Kavi might have been gone a lot because of work, but Devi always loved her father, even if she didn't show it. She knew he was doing important work and saving people, so in her child's mind, he was a hero, and sometimes heroes have to make sacrifices they don't want to make
Devi just wished she wasn't a part of his sacrifices
She loves listening to jazz music; it reminds her of Léon
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad)
Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad)
Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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pyoorofficial · 7 days
Light and Breezy: Summer-Ready Pakistani Salwar Designs
When the summer heat is at its peak, comfortable yet stylish clothing becomes essential. Pyoor, a brand celebrated for its contemporary Pakistani fashion, offers the perfect solution. This blog will showcase Pyoor’s summer-ready Pakistani salwar suit designs, which combine traditional elegance with modern comfort. With Pyoor’s Pakistani salwar designs, you can stay cool and fashionable, effortlessly blending classic style with the ease you need for hot summer days.
The Essence of Summer Fashion
Summer Fabrics for Pakistani Salwar Suit Designs
Choosing the right fabrics for your Pakistani salwar suit designs is crucial for summer. Breathable and lightweight materials like cotton, lawn, and chiffon are ideal. These fabrics keep you cool and comfortable, ensuring that you can enjoy the season without any discomfort.
Color Palette for Pakistani Salwar Suit Designs
Summer fashion thrives on light and pastel shades. Soft colors like white, mint green, light blue, and pale pink are perfect for reflecting sunlight and keeping you cool. These colors not only enhance comfort but also add a refreshing look to your Pakistani salwar suit designs.
Featured Summer-Ready Salwar Designs
1. Kiyari Suit Set, by Pyoor
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The Kiyari Suit Set by Pyoor is a beautiful Pakistani salwar suit design perfect for summer. Made from soft crinkled cotton, this Eastern Wear set features intricate lace detailing on the neck of the kurta, sleeves, and salwar. The set includes a classic white cotton salwar and a refreshing green chiffon dupatta, creating a stylish and comfortable look for daily wear, brunch, or shopping trips. Embrace elegance and comfort with this exquisite Pakistani salwar design.
2. Gulabo Phool Set, by Pyoor
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The Gulabo Phool Set by Pyoor is a beautifully crafted Pakistani salwar suit design, perfect for summer. Made from pure cotton, this Eastern-fit kurta set offers a comfortable and oversized look. The digitally printed cotton kurta features elegant lace detailing on the neck and sleeves, adding a touch of sophistication. It comes with white pants that have stylish patchwork at the bottom, completing the ensemble. Ideal for those seeking comfort and style, the Gulabo Phool Set enhances your wardrobe with its breathable fabric and exquisite Pakistani salwar suit design.
3. Hasli set, by Pyoor
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The Hasli set by Pyoor is a stylish and breezy co-ord set perfect for summer. Crafted from crinkled cotton, this Pakistani salwar design offers a Middle Eastern, oversized fit with delicate lace detailing on the neck and kurta bottom. The lightweight material ensures comfort, making it an excellent choice for Pakistani salwar suit designs. Paired with a light pink chiffon dupatta, the Hasli set combines elegance with ease, providing a refreshing look ideal for warm weather. This outfit is perfect for those looking to stay cool and chic during the summer season.
Styling Tips for a Perfect Summer Look
Accessorizing: To complete your look, accessories are key. Pair your Pakistani salwar suit designs with delicate jewelry, lightweight scarves, and comfortable sandals. These accessories not only enhance your outfit but also add a personal touch to your style.
Mix and match: Mixing different pieces from Pyoor’s collection can create stylish looks. For example, pair a floral kameez with a solid-color salwar for a fresh and unique appearance each time.
Occasion-based styling: Whether you’re going for a casual outing, a formal event, or a festive celebration, Pyoor has you covered. Choose light and airy fabrics for casual outings, designs with intricate embroidery and rich fabrics for formal events, and opt for vibrant colors and bold patterns for festive celebrations.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Genuine Experiences: Customers have enthusiastically shared their satisfaction with Pyoor’s summer collection. They highlight the perfect balance of comfort and style, noting how these designs effortlessly keep them cool and fashionable throughout the summer.
Visual Allure: Photographs of customers adorned in Pyoor’s creations beautifully showcase the versatility and sophistication of the collection. These visuals vividly demonstrate how Pyoor’s Pakistani salwar suit designs can be styled for diverse occasions, underlining their timeless appeal.
Where to buy
Online Store: Pyoor’s summer collection is available on their online store. You can browse and purchase their designs from the comfort of your home.
Special Offers: Don’t miss out on any ongoing sales or discounts on Pyoor’s summer collection. You can stay updated on their latest promotions by visiting their website and checking their social media pages.
Pyoor offers a vibrant collection of Pakistani salwar suit designs, perfect for the summer season. Embracing traditional elegance and modern comfort, each outfit is crafted to keep you stylish and cool. Whether you’re relaxing at home or attending an event, Pyoor’s range features a stunning array of colors and patterns to elevate your summer wardrobe. Explore Pyoor’s latest summer collection today and find the perfect Pakistani salwar suit to suit your style.
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fabehaoutlet · 1 year
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Ready Made Salwar Kameez - Fabeha outlet 
Looking for a classic Item of salwar kameez that looks beautiful and elegant? Then you are in the right place. Fabeha outlet mainly covers all kinds of clothing. So they have much ready-made salwar kameez for ladies. Available in various color combinations and different sizes. Please visit the website for more information.www.fabehaoutlet.com
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priyadigi22 · 2 years
Salwar Kameez has always been the staple garment when it comes to the usual attire of the female tribe. Nowadays even little boys can look popular and stylish in trendy Salwar Kameez due to new styles and shading alternatives. The Salwar Kameez style of young ladies has now definitely changed with some new Indo-Western examples and combinations. It tends to be appropriate. Even small children are said to be able to pass on these conventional clothes. Moreover, today you can also get young Salwar Kameez online.
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diyaonlineofficial · 2 years
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samkkshopping · 22 days
Explore Chic & Trendy Salwar Suits at Samyakk
“I know you’ve likely read many fashion blogs about the latest Salwar Kameez trends by now. But at Samyakk, we have some brand new collections waiting to be explored! So, let’s dive into this Blog!”
Salwar Kameez lovers, aufgepasst! (German for “attention”) Samyakk has a brand new collection of stylish Salwar suits waiting to be discovered! Find the perfect outfit for any occasion, from elegant designer pieces for weddings to fun and vibrant party wear styles. We also have comfortable and chic casual Salwar suits. Shop online at Samyakk and explore our stunning new Salwar suit collection!
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Discover Your Dream Salwar Kameez
“You don’t have to be rich to be beautiful.” — Dita Von Teese
Looking for the perfect Salwar suit? At Samyakk, we believe style shouldn’t break the bank! We offer a stunning collection of affordable Salwar suits in high-quality fabrics, perfect for any occasion.
Something for Everyone:
Traditional Delights: Explore our collection of traditional Salwar suits like Festive Salwar Kameez, featuring timeless designs and intricate craftsmanship.
Modern Marvels: Love a contemporary twist? We have a range of modern Salwar suits like Crop Top Suit, Tunics and Kurtis with trendy cuts and chic patterns.
Embroidered Elegance: Add a touch of luxury with our Salwar suits with embroidery, perfect for special events.
You’re Style, Your Way:
Fashion Forward: Feeling trendy? Discover our collection of fashionable Salwar suits that will turn heads wherever you go.
Exclusive Finds: Stand out from the crowd with our exclusive Salwar suits, designed with unique details and limited quantities.
Special Occasions Made Special:
“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.” — Rachel Zoe
Planning a wedding or a festive celebration? Find the perfect Salwar suit for special occasions at Samyakk. We offer a wide variety of styles to suit any dress code.
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Shop with Ease:
Buy Salwar suits online from the comfort of your home! Explore our website to discover the top Salwar suit designs for women. We offer a hassle-free online shopping experience with secure payment options.
Don’t Miss Out!
Get ready to elevate your wardrobe with our amazing Samyakk Salwar suit sale. Find incredible deals on Salwar suits with dupatta and Jackets, explore the latest trends in Indo Western Salwar Kameez.
Did you know? The classic Salwar Kameez has a secret weapon for comfort and movement: the side slits on the Kameez, called “chaak.” This ingenious design allows for greater flexibility and air circulation, making it perfect for hot climates.
Rocking Indo-Western Salwar Suits
Calling all Fashionista’s! Forget the struggle between tradition and trendy. The Indo-Western Salwar Suit (or Indo Western Salwar for short) is here to be your style savior.
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What is it?
Think of it as a fusion of classic elegance and modern silhouettes. An Indo-Western Salwar Suit typically comes as a 3-piece Salwar Kameez with a kurta (top), Salwar (pants), and a dupatta (scarf). But here’s the twist: the kurta could be shorter and more fitted, the Salwar could be a palazzo or straight cut pant, and the dupatta could be styled in a variety of ways.
Who can wear it?
Anyone! The beauty of the Indo-Western Salwar is its versatility. It flatters all body types, including those who prefer plus size Salwar options (we’ve got you covered with our XL size Salwar range too!).
How to Wear It:
The possibilities are endless! Here are some ideas:
Casual Chic: Pair a short kurta with a flowy palazzo for a relaxed yet stylish daytime look.
Work wear Wonder: Choose a more structured kurta with palazzo Suit and a statement dupatta for a boss-lady vibe.
Festive Fun: Opt for a heavily embroidered kurta with a straight-cut Salwar and a dupatta draped dramatically for a special occasion.
Salwar with Dupatta vs. Salwar with Chudidar:
Both options work with Indo-Western Salwar Suits. A Salwar with dupatta is the traditional pairing, offering a touch of elegance. A Salwar with Chudidar (tighter-fitting pants) adds a more modern and sleek feel.
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So, ditch the fashion dilemma and embrace the Indo-Western Salwar Suit. It’s comfortable, stylish, and perfect for any occasion. Head over to your favorite store or browse online to find your perfect match!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What are Indo-Western Salwar Suits? A: These are stylish fusions of classic Salwar Kameez designs with modern touches. They often feature shorter kurtas, trendy pants like palazzos, and unique dupatta styles.
2. Are Indo-Western Salwar Suits flattering for all body types? A:Absolutely! The beauty of this style lies in its versatility. Samyakk offers a wide range of sizes, including plus-size options, to ensure a perfect fit for everyone.
3. How can I style an Indo-Western Salwar Suit? A:The possibilities are endless! Pair a short kurta with flowy palazzos for a casual look, rock a structured kurta with cigarette pants for work, or choose a heavily embroidered kurta with a straight-cut Salwar and dupatta for a special occasion.
4. What’s the difference between a Salwar with Dupatta and a Salwar with Chudidar? A: Both work with Indo-Western Salwar Suits! A Salwar with Dupatta is classic and elegant, while a Salwar with Chudidar (tighter-fitting pants) adds a modern touch.
5. Where can I buy a Samyakk Salwar Kameez? A: Shop online for a convenient experience with a user-friendly website and secure payment options. Samyakk offers [90% Ready to Ship] designs for a quick turnaround, all at the [Best Price] with [100% Original Quality] and [100% Purchase Protection].
Looking for a custom fit? Visit their beautiful showroom located in Bangalore for a personalized shopping experience! Happy Shopping…
We believe that every woman deserves a Salwar Kameez that makes her feel confident and beautiful. That’s why we offer a stunning selection of [90% Ready to Ship] designs for a quick and convenient shopping experience, all at the [Best Price]. We guarantee [100% Original Quality] and [100% Purchase Protection] for your peace of mind.
Shop online and discover a world of styles, from classic silhouettes to modern trends. We offer a user-friendly website and secure payment options for a hassle-free shopping experience.
Looking for a custom fit? Do visit our beautiful showroom located in Bangalore! Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you in finding the perfect Salwar Kameez or getting one custom-made to your exact measurements.
Head over to Samyakk today and find your perfect Salwar suit!
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shivanesboutique-blog · 2 months
Discover the Comfort and Style of Cotton Salwar Materials
Everyday ethnic clothing needs to be comfortable, but compromising on style? That’s not an option, particularly for Indian women who value both comfort and taste in their daily outfits. When it comes to everyday comfort, one cannot overlook the importance of a classic must-have clothing fabric: cotton salwar materials. 
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You might be wondering why cotton? Because cotton is the best material to wear on an everyday basis. Its texture, breathable quality, and versatility make it the perfect go-to choice. 
Let's talk about the various kinds of cotton fabrics and their different characteristics. There's handloom cotton, which is simple and plain, and then there's block-printed cotton, which comes with different types of patterns. Each type of cotton goes well with different styles and what people like. 
Understanding the Different Types of Cotton Fabrics 
Cotton, known for its breathability, soft texture, and versatile quality has become an everyday essential in all Indian households. When it comes to cotton salwar materials, understanding the different types of cotton fabrics can help you choose better based on your comfort and preferences. 
Let's discuss the three main categories of cotton: lightweight, medium-weight, and medium to heavy-weight cotton fabrics. 
Lightweight Cotton Fabrics 
Perfect for warm weather and casual loungewear, lightweight cotton fabrics possess the most breathability and comfort. For cotton, fabrics like voile and lawn are popular choices, while silk cotton materials combine the softness of cotton with the classy shine of silk. 
Voile has a transparent, breezy feel that makes it ideal for creating salwars and salwar suits. This makes it a favorite summer must-have in India. Lawn fabric, known for its crisp and smooth finish, provides a glossy look while guaranteeing comfort for throughout the day. Batiste, another lightweight cotton fabric, offers a soft and gentle feel, making it a good choice for creating elegant salwar kameez sets. 
Medium Weight Cotton Fabrics 
Medium weight cotton textiles are adaptable for multiple occasions and festivities because they maintain a balance between the breathable quality and the additional weight of the fabric. This category includes textiles including twill, poplin, and chambray. 
Poplin fabric is tightly woven, so it's strong and feels smooth on the skin. It’s used for both casual and fancy salwar materials. 
Chambray looks like denim but it's lighter. It gives a laid-back but stylish vibe to salwar sets. Twill cotton, known for its diagonal rib pattern, provides structure, making it perfect for tailored salwar sets. 
Medium to Heavy-Weight Cotton Fabrics 
For cooler climates or occasions that require a more substantial fabric, medium to heavy-weight cotton fabrics are the go-to pick. Fabrics such as denim, canvas, and corduroy come under this category. 
While denim is commonly known for its rugged quality, it also offers versatility in creating chic salwars. Canvas’s durability, adds a functional feel to cotton salwar materials, perfect for adding a touch of functionality to your outfits. Corduroy, with its ribbed texture, adds a cozy element to salwars, making them ideal as winter wear. 
Shivane’s Boutique: Your Go-To for Sarees & Material Collections 
If you're in search of beautiful pure handloom silk sarees, ready-made kurtis, or fabric collections, Shivane’s Boutique is the perfect place for you. We know that shopping is not just an activity; it's an experience. That's why we are dedicated to curating only the finest sarees and materials, ensuring that every customer’s visit is nothing short of extraordinary. 
At Shivane’s Boutique, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse selection that caters to every taste and celebration. From the timeless handloom silk sarees to the exclusive material collections, our collection embodies sophistication and tradition. Whether you're dressing up for a special occasion, dressing for daily wear, or seeking the perfect gift such as tussar silk materials, our curated selection promises to fulfill your expectations. 
Shivane’s Boutique sets the standard for excellence with their commitment to customer satisfaction, in silk sarees and other clothing products.
For more: Discover the Comfort and Style of Cotton Salwar Materials
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mohifashion · 3 months
Indian Boutiques in Austin Texas, for Engagement Lehengas
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Are you in search of Engagement Lehengas, Bridesmaid Lehengas, and Bridal Dresses in Austin, Texas, USA? With a plethora of options available, it can be daunting to find the perfect dress that will make you feel regal on your special day. Look no further than these premier Indian boutiques in Austin, Texas, each offering unique selections and exceptional quality.
From fashion outlets like Taj Fashion, Bollywood Wardrobe to upscale boutiques, we've got you covered. Continue reading to explore the finest engagement lehengas available at each of these establishments and prepare to dazzle with your beauty and grace.
Austin, the most populous city in Texas, situated in the United States, hosts a vibrant Indian community that celebrates various religious festivals. One of the most enchanting traditional ceremonies in Austin is the Indian wedding, which encompasses a rich tapestry of rituals such as Haldi, Sangeet, saat phere, and vidaai. In Texas, you can explore a diverse array of bridal lehengas, engagement lehengas, wedding guest lehengas, designer sarees, anarkali suits, sherwanis, and much more.
Here, we present the top 8 Indian Boutiques in Austin, Texas:
 Taj Fashion:
Address: 10111 Ida Grove Ln #2, Austin, TX 78717, United States
Website: http://www.tajfashion.com/
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Taj Fashion is an Indian clothing and jewelry store in Austin, Texas, USA. Taj Fashion Austin Texas was founded in 2015. Nisha, an artist at Henna Arts, is the owner of Taj Fashion. They bring exclusive Indian clothing, ethnic jewelry, handicrafts and home decorations from India to Austin. Our products are directly sourced from manufacturers. This gives us the ability to provide designer apparel like Salwar Kameez, lehenga for engagement, Anarkali, Kurta Sets, Indian Saree, Accessories and home decor items at lowest price. They also offer custom made and ready to wear Indian fashion dresses.
Beyond that, they also specialize in renting clothing. They provide very good customer service. Nestled in the heart of traditional craftsmanship, Taj Fashion stands out for its exquisite bridal wear, Wedding Lehenga, Engagement Lehengas, Sherwani and all types of jewelry. 
Marigold-Gateway To India:
Address: 2200 S Lamar Blvd Austin, TX 78704, United States
Website: https://marigoldaustin.com/
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Marigold  - Gateway to India was Opened in 2007 and is located in funky South Austin, Texas, USA. Lata Karna is the owner of Marigold  - Gateway to India. Marigold, is a unique, locally owned retail store that carries clothing for men, women, and children, as well as accessories, gifts, and home decor that are all imported from India. It was established with the intention of helping brides, bridesmaids, wedding guests look their best on the most important day of their life. From helping you choose the right color, design, and fit, the team at this store. This store in Texas ensures that you find your dream outfit for your special day.
They have special Stocked with vintage silk saris, Wedding Guest Lehengas, Engagement Lehengas, homespun cotton clothing, hand embroidered , home furnishings, beaded shoes, and myriad other items all at very affordable prices! They had great customer service while choosing the bridal and wedding guest outfits. 
Meri Jaan Boutique:
Address: 13945 US-183 Ste B3, Austin, TX 78717, United States
Website: https://merijaan27.com/ 
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Meri Jaan Boutique in Austin, Texas was founded by Meenu (Mina) Narula in 2004. It offers a wide range of clothing and accessories for women, including Indian ethnic collections, wedding Guest Lehengas, Bridesmaid Lehengas, Engagement Lehengas, bridal Lehengas and jewelry. Also they deal with Indian Bollywood inspired designer clothing for women and men with matching jewelry and accessories. 
They are specialized in Custom making Designs. Introducing the exquisite range of Indian Wedding Outfits, Bridesmaid Lehengas, Wedding Guest Lehengas, Engagement Lehengas, meticulously crafted, rooted in tradition yet infused with a contemporary touch. They also specialize in custom Bridal and Men's wear. Curbside pick up and delivery available too. They provide friendly customer service.
Mohi Fashion 
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Mohi is a curated multi-designer online marketplace offering bridal lehengas, sarees, designer wear, lehenga for woman  and men's groom wear. They source their products from renowned Indian designers like Bhasin Brothers, Label PSB, Harshitha Singhvi, Ikshitha Choudhary, House of Supriya, Vastra, Juhi Choksi, Esha Koul, Sougat Paul and so on providing a focus on reflecting the diversity of South Asian fashion. Mohi Fashion provides a 10% discount on all MRPs year-round and exclusive offers, along with video consultations for brides and customizable outfits in all sizes.
4. Banaras Indian Boutique:
Address: 1401 S I-35 Frontage Rd Suite #160, Round Rock, TX 78664, United States
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Banaras Indian Boutique was started by Ginu Aneesh in Austin, Texas, USA. A Treasure Trove of Indian Ethnic Clothing that is unmatched in Artistic Beauty and Aesthetic appeal. You can Choose from an equally luxurious collection of Engagement Lehenga, Wedding Guest Lehengas, Sherwani, Mens Wear , Indian Jewelry is the perfect Accessories to go with Your Exclusive Persona. Banaras Indian Boutique is a Your Exclusive Fashion Destination.
They provide tailoring services in store to get you the perfect fitting. They  are open 7 days a week. They specialized in Indian sarees, Engagement Lehenga Choli, Indian clothing, matching Bangles, salwar suit, kurta sets, silk saree, kids Indian clothing. Also they have  Pakistani clothing along with the Accessories.
Z Bella Couture:
Address: 2251 S Bagdad Rd Ste 201 Cedar Park, TX 78613,  United States
Website: https://www.zbellacouture.com/
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Z Bella Couture started in the year 2019 in Austin, Texas, USA. Z Bella Couture promises to bring to you the latest and one of a kind pieces. Z Bella Couture is a place where you will find only an Exclusive collection of Kurta sets, collection of cotton pants, Indian sarees, salwar suits, Indian Jewelry, and accessories. 
Z Bella Couture will be very happy to help and give the best customer service which you won't regret.  Z Bella Couture is the only Indian designer Boutique in North Austin for Women which are specialized in Engagement Lehengas, Bridal Lehengas, Indian Bridal Jewelry, Women accessories and many more.
Bollywood Wardrobe:
Address: 3808 Venezia View, Leander, TX 78641, United States
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Bollywood Wardrobe is an online store that sells Indian ethnic fashion, and was founded in Austin, Texas in December 2015 by Muskaan Bhardwaj .It houses an extensive range of bridal Lehengas, Haute couture and pret collections for men and women Indian clothing, as well as accessories, footwear, and Indian jewelry. This boutique carries the latest creations by India’s most prominent and acclaimed designers. 
They have the handpicked and the most fashion forward, trendsetting pieces from each designer’s latest collection like Bridal Lehengas, Engagement Lehengas, Pret Couture, Anarkali Sets, salwar kameez,  gowns, western dresses, pants, tunics, tops and more and selecting outfits crafted in the most luxurious fabrics with flattering silhouettes and immaculate tailoring. Bollywood Wardrobe clients enjoy personalized attention from trained fashion consultants who help select and style each outfit.
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bestbuy-blog · 3 months
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