#reading this series with silent hill music playing makes me want to collapse on the ground
wingsofaether · 19 days
I did finish reading t sc today. why does it have to be over already
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 5 years
Danganronpa Togami Volume 3 Part 9 (Summary)
Thanks to @enoshima-pyon @shockersalvage​ @jinjojess​ @hopeymchope​ 
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CHAPTER 14- I Don't Want To Be Like Cinderella
The city of a hundred spires. The city with fingers of rain. The hometown of medieval rock. The spells carved on the forehead of golems. The story of the headless templar. The legend of the sword hidden at the pier. The sound of the military boots that once stepped on the cobblestone. Kafka’s lifetime. The aftertaste of the Baroque dream. "Pravda vitezi". My eye of the typhoon. All now at the center of the world. [1-9]
I am back.
Shinobu goes back to Prague. There, many UN soldiers are patrolling every corner of the city. Compared to them, the number of citizens who walk outside is very small. Shinobu wants to break through the soldiers to save Byakuya, but without Borges it would be impossible.
There are only a few cars, so she thinks she would draw too much attention with the old Skoda. She decides to leave the car and hide somewhere. It shouldn’t be hard since the city is basically a big maze. She walks on the stone road while paying attention to not being spotted by the soldiers. Shinobu wishes she could go back to the time when she wasn't worrying about her existence collapsing in on itself, when the concept of “I” hadn’t died. Immersed in the sweet memories of the never-ending, a poster flying with the wind lands at her feet reading:
 “Emergency Declaration:
 1. Byakuya Togami and his accomplices have breached containment at our convoy.
 2. Assisting in the arrest of Byakuya Togami and his accomplices will grant bonus awards; if you hide or assist Byakuya Togami, or if you don’t report spotting Byakuya Togami, you will be severely punished.
 3. It is forbidden to harm or kill Byakuya Togami and his accomplices.
 4. Now that Prague has declared a strict martial law State of Emergency, the specific details are as follows:
a. It is forbidden to go out at night before the situation subsides, no exceptions.
b. Restaurants, bars, cinemas, theaters and other recreational facilities are closed without exception.
c. Those who violate the ban at night and do not immediately identify themselves will be arrested on the spot.
d. Other regulations will be published through posters, broadcasts and other channels.”
 -Orvin Elevator, Captain of the World Health Organization Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Unit
 Looking around, Shinobu sees that several posters have been hung all over the city.
She wonders why the WHO wants to keep Prague under lock and key. Was it because it was the origin of everything that has happened so far? Or...was it because they know Byakuya is somewhere within the city? She couldn’t say at this point, so she decided to move forward. She arrives at the Strahov Monastery [10], known for containing pieces like the Dodo specimen, located near the Hunger Wall [11]. Shinobu theorizes if she can pass through the courtyard of the Monastery she’ll be able to reach her destination and Byakuya. However, the problem was that it would probably be heavily guarded. Since she lacks an invisibility cloak...or any sneakiness for that matter she feels as though she’s gonna have to win by using her wisdom alone. She starts thinking but realizes her ideas aren’t going to necessarily pan out in her favor. Call the police? Working with WHO. Get a disguise? Shops are closed and the few people out here would make dressing up a waste of time.
Not to mention all potential allies she could have used are gone now. Hiroyuki Ketouin? Dead. Pennyworth and the Needle Force? Not equipped to handle this. The 78th class which came to Prague (Sakura, Celeste and Hifumi)? No word on them after they escaped arrest. It was up to her and her alone.
In the gradual expansion of despair, the observations that tend to be hopeful will bring death.
“It’s so pointless. How utterly despairing.”
However, with the knowledge of war movies and video games at her disposal, Shinobu continues onwards crawling and hiding behind things like flower beds, even thinking of watching out for security cameras even though there didn’t seem to be any around. She notes at that point that losing Borges she also may have lost the grasp of her character at that point. As a consequence of her ‘everything is a battlefield’ mentality, this results in getting herself stuck hiding behind a flower bed and unwilling to pop out unless she finds a good opportunity to do so.
At this time, in the silent city of Prague, the sound of an engine suddenly roared. I decided to believe my instincts and rushed out of the flower bed and quickly passed through the courtyard. I hid in the bush next to me and observed the road outside the courtyard. A jeep turned over the road along the Vltava River and drove towards me. The United Nations soldiers saw the jeep and saluted. judging by that, whoever is in that car should be someone in a high position. The moment the jeep passed by the bush, I saw someone I was very familiar with in the car.
My mind was in chaos as I was watching the jeep disappear out of my vision. Under the protection of UN soldiers, my brothers are sitting side by side in the city of Prague...? The two of them always had their own differing opinions on me. It was hard to imagine that these two people would shake hands and talk, and it was impossible for Suzuhiko to lose to Kazuya. He must have come to an agreement with Kazuya. That is to say, an agreement for Kazuya to recruit Suzuhiko, he held off his own self-esteem in order to find me and Byakuya Togami. For the object that he once was so hostile and did not hide his desire for challenge, he now shook his tail. While feeling guilty about this and Kazuya, I also learned a truth from it: in order to achieve the goal, I can’t take it now. The means of choice.
The jeep disappeared, and the United Nations soldiers stopped saluting and resumed patrolling. I turned back into the garden, went the other way out, and rushed into the alley. I once again chose to believe in my own consciousness, ran for a while, and finally found the jeep parked in the corner of the alley. Since I returned to Prague, I have only seen the one jeep just now, so I think this is the same one as they were sitting in. There was no one in the car. I was going to hide in the car before they both came back, but the jeep was too narrow and there was no place for me to hide. At this time, my ears caught unsuspecting footsteps. I thanked that Prague’s roads were made from cobblestone, followed the footsteps and found the back of the person I was looking for. I did not hesitate to say "Wait!".
When he turned around, his expression was a little surprised, and it seemed that he was not surprised by me, but that I actually appeared on my own. Suzuhiko concealed that rare expression with a smile, and still made unsuspecting footsteps approaching me.
"No use, Shinobu. Is anyone else gonna come out from playing hide-and-seek, halfway through the hiding like that?" snarks Suzuhiko. 
"I don't want to hide any more."
"Well, it looks like it. Then, what's the matter?"
"Let me say something first."
"Be my companion."
Translation Notes:
[1] Prague is also called the "City of a Hundred Spires", based on a count by 19th century mathematician Bernard Bolzano; today's count is estimated by the Prague Information Service at 500.
[2] The city with fingers of rain: Prague with Fingers of Rain is a book written by  Vítězslav Nezval in 1936, showing off the many sides of life in Prague. Mixing real and surreal, Nezval evokes life's contradictoriness in a series of psalm-like poems of puzzled love and generous humanity.
[3] The hometown of medieval rock refers to the buskers of the city playing a unique genre of music to collect money.
[4] The spells carved on the forehead of golems. The most famous golem narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late 16th century rabbi of Prague, also known as the Maharal, who reportedly "created a golem out of clay from the banks of the Vltava River and brought it to life through rituals and Hebrew incantations to defend the Prague ghetto from anti-Semitic attacks" and pogroms. Depending on the version of the legend, the Jews in Prague were to be either expelled or killed under the rule of Rudolf II, the Holy Roman Emperor. 
[5] The story of the headless templar. According to legend, a headless Knight Templar rides a magnificent white horse carrying his own head. He appears on the cobbles of Liliova Street between midnight and 1:00 o’clock. His ghost is doomed to roam the city until someone is brave enough to stab the Knight through the heart with his own sword. Some claim to have seen the ghost – and some have even claimed the horse kicked them.
[6] The legend of the sword hidden at the pier is referring to the legend of Bruncvik’s sword. Bruncvik was an adventurer who came across a magic sword who would kill at just the command of the user. It is a story of tragedy with the sword ending up hidden near Charles Bridge in Prague.
[7] The sound of the military boots that once stepped on the cobblestone is referencing the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia. 
[8] The aftertaste of the Baroque dream is referring to the type of architecture used commonly throughout Prague's beautifully designed cities. 
[9] "Pravda vitezi" meaning “Truth Prevails” is the national motto of the Czech Republic.
[10] Strahov Monastery is a Premonstratensian abbey founded in 1143 by Jindřich Zdík, Bishop John of Prague, and Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia. It is located in Strahov, Prague, Czech Republic.
[11] The Hunger Wall is a medieval defensive wall of the Lesser Town of Prague, today's Czech Republic. It was built on Petřín Hill between 1360 and 1362 by order of Charles IV. Marl from quarries on Petřín Hill was used as construction material. The purpose of the construction was to strengthen the fortifications of Prague Castle and Malá Strana against any attack from the west or south. Originally the wall was 4 to 4.5 metres high and 1.8 metres wide and was equipped with battlements and (probably) eight bastions.
To Be Continued
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ultraclops · 4 years
Semi-live Blogging: Return of the Mao Mao Episodes
Before we start, is it just me or is the animation like 10x smoother than it usually is? Also like I said with Nakey, there’s a lot more good expressions too!
Lucky Ducky Mug
Adorabat drinks from sippy cup like baby
"What, Mao Mao's ridiculous mug?" says Badgerclops, holding a cheap plastic big gulp cup he probably got from the grocery store.
How did Adorabat not notice the Lucky Ducky sticker on the Aerocycle
"Don't touch it" (Badgerclops proceeds to slam the table to move it) Ah Badgerclops, ever the contrarian
I love the way Mao says "PROFESSIONAAAL SILENCEEE"
Badgerclops trying to make his mouth disappear and failing made me scream with laughter
Are they seriously reducing Ratarang to 'the funny lil Italian guy'? C’mon guys you’re better than this
Wait why do they think Kevin is Adorabat?? They've seen Adorabat multiple times?? "But they're both blue!" You FOOL Kevin is TEAL there's a difference
Everybody gangsta til Mao Mao's ears start speaking morse code
They're doing surprisingly good silent but it's probably not gonna be that way very long.
Thank you, Lucky Ducky Mug, for catering to my niche interest in characters with neon outlines on black backgrounds.
Mao Mao thinking: Normal thoughts
Badgerclops thinking: Musical-esque singing
Adorabat thinking: Literally just heavy metal
The Sweetypies seriously think they're just playing a really intense game of charades huh,,,
(Mao jabs BC in the stomach with the fire net) HAHA GET REKT
The scene with Badgerclops trying to give Mao Mao Penny's mug is the funniest shit in the world I couldn't stop laughing...or maybe I'm just sleep-deprived
So the Sky Pirates are so similar compared to the Sheriff's Dept. that they can think perfectly in sync? That's cool
Why is Snugglemagne throwing a random tea party & why did he only invite the Sheriff's Dept.
Yep there goes the plan. Both of their plans.
Am I going crazy or did the skin on Mao Mao's mouth tear apart like it was sewn shut?! Also yay they're talking again
"It's not gonna stop charging, so I'm just gonna let it explooode..." Mood
"What about the mega laser tube made by mega Losers?" Fsfhkfh
Hey, everyone learned something new from this experience! Are the Sky Pirates gonna try that Hive Mind tactic from now on?
Awww, they fixed his mug with gold - GOD DAMN IT I KNEW THERE WAS A CATCH!!
Lonely Kid
(Sighs) ...I said (SIGHS)
"I literally can't relate to that problem at all." says Badgerclops, who joined a gang because he wanted people to like him.
Shin just dropped off Mao Mao at a summer camp and expected him to make friends? Why does this feel like the plot of Camp Camp
I'm sorry the Mao clan has a freaking PARTY AERO-BUS??
That BGM is DEFINITELY an extended version of "I Love You, Mao Mao" and I want the lyrics NOW
So Bao was literally just a stray that Mao took home?? Would make sense as to why he wasn't trained
I have a feeling the Flimborg is some sort of sacred being the townspeople worship for some reason
How in the hell did Mao tie that guy up and why didn't he bother to untie him
"And then you become frien-" "BEES. IN THE EYES."
"Everyone knows bees are our friends!" "Uh, actually, they were wasps." "Friends to no-one!" Usually I'd agree with BC, but I read an article about someone befriending a wasp and her babies so.
So the Mao clan's just known as the "Golden Cat Family Up The Hill?" Huh. I thought they’d have more recognition, especially since Shin says he went to that same summer camp at the beginning.
Man those kids are jackasses
"Say hi to your mommy!" "I would if she was here..." Excuse me wHAT
Noo don't cry baby boi - tHEN BAO JUST TACKLES HIM ASFHDKDL
"Go away! I don't feel like laughing right now!"
Look. You can see the EXACT point Mao developed his adult personality
I know Mao Mao means well but that is gonna go terribly wrong.
"I AM A HERO! I WILL BE LOVED!!" Okay first of all OUCH, second of all THAT IS PAIN
This monster empty, YEET
Awww it was just a sweet little puppy-ish monster...and it was his BIRTHDAY
"Hi, Aunt Gloria!" (Pulls out pitchfork) BETRAYAL
He didn't feel bad about ruining the festival because he made a friend doing it I 💞💞💝💝💗💗
Thanks for that 'different times' comment cuz I don't want kids thinking being beat is normal.
"Just like you found me...and I'm your best friend!" Tbh I thought she was gonna say 'Me and Badgerclops' & that would make a lot more sense
Why are they fighting over who's his best friend they're obviously BOTH his best friends
I'm sorry did Badgerclops just call Adorabat a "little mutant"?? ARE THE SWEETYPIES MUTANTS??
Awww his friends love him sm...and he feels so loved too...💓💓💗💗💕💕
Try Hard
No one gives a shit about Pinky being kidnapped lol
"K for Copyright Infringement"
"You'll never be like me!" Oof a little harsh maybe?
"You've gotta learn to be your own kind of hero, in your own special way!" So THAT'S where it's from
"You just gotta...try hard." Hey, title drop!
Ngl the moment Mao Mao said "Badgerclops take the shot" I immediately thought of The Confession 3 by TomSka
"Up in a tree, little old me, about to do something...UGLY..." 7-year-old me sniping people on Halo 3 like
Why is he shooting them with gelatin tho? ...oh. Oh THAT'S why.
Tbh if I didn't have subtitles on I would've thought BC was saying "beep boop"
This badger and cat empty, YEET
Adorabat walking into the Skyship with only a walkie-talkie is giving me some sort of vibes...OH, Silent Hill! Or Tattletail
"Mao Mao would hide the body!" Very unsubtle there, wonder how it got past censors
"Ratarang, say something!" "Pasketti?" "THAT'S THE BRAT!"
Wait a sec, they can just use Badgerclops' arm to power the ship? Why didn't they try that in CapturedClops?
"Good thing my head is in here cuz I'm a-scared of heights!" Ramaraffe. Whose whole schtick is making herself taller. Is acrophobic?
"Because she's Sheriff's Department, that's how! >:3" "Also y'all tend to be pretty incompetent >X/"
Why does she keep trying to use the elevator when she can fly? Nvm she climbed up Badgerclops' arm
"Ooooh I'm also hereeee"
Why is the Omega Field just a bunch of broken glass? And why doesn't she just step around it?
"I can fly!" "She can fly!" "SHE FORGOT?!" Ooh that's why
"You're the best thing to ever happen to a bat like me." 💝💝💕💕💓💓
Wait she's talking through the walkie-talkie and her molts are there but she isn't there where is she?
Oh she was freeing the other two from the gelatin. No wonder Mao Mao almost threw up, it was bug flavored.
I hope that 'Nah' means Adorabat's realized she needs to be herself instead of her just rejecting her individuality like I think it is.
Scared Of Puppets
Oh, so this takes place after Sleeper Sofa! Praying it's a fix-it episode...
Oh no PTSD flashbacks. He's scared of them cuz one's head landed on his lap as a kid? Understandable have a nice day.
Who tf collapsed into a sobbing heap on the floor then leaps back up and insists they're fine? Mao Mao, apparently.
Hairless ape? Is that what they call humans or are they something different in general?
"TAKE ALL MY MONEY!!" What did BC want an antique puppet for if he had no idea Mao was scared of them...
Mr. Din Dandalib!
"I...(eye twitch) love him too..."
If I scared my friend and they threw up I would simply never do that again. RIP to Badgerclops but I'm different
(Badgerclops makes concrete blocks around the pothole) "Why didn't you just fill in the pothole??" "I AM TRYING MY BEST!!"
...Illegal house plants? ...like marijua-
That was literally just that one video where a guy knocked out another guy in a mask jumping out of a trash can...
So it's a CPR class...AND a hair-styling class? How
I stg the moment Badgerclops walked in the door I knew he was carrying Mr. Din Danalin I SWEAR
"You're 10." "BUT I'M 6??" JFC Shin doesn't know his own son's age AND is partially responsible for his pupaphobia. And I called it on Mao Mao being six in the flashbacks
Can someone take the footage of the Annex exploding and add the ReviewTechUSA intro over it please
"How many Adult Learning Annexes have to be destroyed before you admit you're scared of puppets?!" is extremely funny without context
(Mao punches the wall cuz hes mad at himself for being scared) Kinkinkinkinki
How does one forget to drink milk
Oh shit the scene from the promo...
Yay he's starting to feel less scared - wait NVM it JUST STARTED TALKING??
Oh it was just a dream - er, nightmare. FIRST NIGHTMARE SEQUENCE OF THE SERIES!
"I just gotta get my socks on...wait, I wear socks, right?" Dud e you wear NOTHING BUT A BELT...
"There’s a lot of pu-" "PUBLIC DANGER"
Those puppets are alive I stg
"I'M A BIG BOI..."
Awwww she said what he told her at the beginning of the episode!
Adorabat takes after Badgerclops sometimes I swear
Oooh shit sequel hook - oh NVM it was Badgerclops voice acting - NVM Mao Mao passed out. Dang
The Perfect Couple
Watermelon time babyyy
Ah so he wanted to perfectly cut a watermelon in half, that's why he got so many?
"I need (counts on fingers) 600 more watermelons!" glad to see I'm not the only one who counts on my fingers
Why would Penny and Benny need 600 watermelons for their wedding? Also I called it on Penny & Benny being the couple
Mao Mao has to officiate the wedding? I thought priests did that
Please don’t throw up again Mao Mao
"A nondescript sack!!" Dude he just taking out the trash...
Nvm its just laundry
Oh so THAT'S what Ramaraffe thought Kevin was Adorabat
"Why don't you buy me cake and do my laundry?" Are you implying you wanna marry Mao Mao, Badgerclops 👀
I lov Mao Mao's faces in this scene he legit looks like a bishouen anime protagonist
Nvm no transformation it's just his wedding outfit
Why did they invite Orangusnake and Boss Hosstritch to the wedding tho? What about when they hid in their moving truck and used their electricity - wait Badgerclops technically did that last one, nvm
Is Mao Mao having hallucinations just gonna be a regular thing now....
Why did Mao Mao say "melons" in a Spanish accent I'm scared
"They're both terrible, so what does it matter if they get hitched or not?" They're definitely gonna change their minds now
"She lied because she wanted to protect his feelings! And he lied because he couldn't bear to hurt her!" Isn't that just the plot of The Truth Stinks?
He made Orangusnake officiate the wedding as punishment lol
Why are they,,,stepping on the watermelons?? Damn right Badgerclops I'd cry over that too
"What's, uh, your credit score like?" "850. Why, is that good?" "It's perfect..." HE WANTS TO MARRY MAO MAO NOW ASDFHKL
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lupinwritings · 5 years
Writer's challenge: write an au based on the book you are currently reading/have last read. Pick whatever ship you think fits it best. Good luck!
I LOVE this idea! Right now I’m reading Sense and Sensibility and also rereading the Percy Jackson series but I’m going to go Sense and Sensibility since I was reading it when I got this notification. Here’s some 19th century peterick.
Patrick sighed softly as he looked out the window at the countryside. Life had been terribly dull since his family had been forced to move after the death of his father. As the oldest of three children, his responsibility now was to support his mother and siblings, either through working or marrying a rich lady - but the English countryside was not filled with many opportunities in either field. He could see his younger sister, Hayley, bringing the horse in from the field for the afternoon and decided he was tired of being cooped up in the house. What he really wanted was to be back in London where he could hear music playing in the streets and could allow himself to be lost for a moment in the chaos of the city, but it was a good two days ride to London and his mother would never allow him to leave for that long.
He silently padded down the stairs and past his mother who was reading to his youngest sister in French, the language that they’d all been forced to learn by their mother.
Once outside, he relaxed some. There was really very little to do nowadays, but at least he did not have to worry quite so much about his mother asking if he planned to join the military or write letters to any of the young ladies he’d been introduced to before they moved when he was outside.
He nodded politely to Hayley as he passed her but said nothing, instead going straight to the tack room where he retrieved a saddle pad, saddle, and bridle for his horse - well, the family horse, since they’d had to sell the others in order to help fund the expenses of upper-class life without his father’s income. Once his horse was tacked, he set off at a trot towards the hills in the distance. He likely wouldn’t be expected back until dinner and the sun was only halfway across the sky, now that he was looking he noticed that the sky seemed darker than he had been expecting. It won’t rain, he told himself and brought his eyes again towards the road. If he wasn’t paying attention, his horse could easily be spooked by a particularly bold fox or sheep that wandered the countryside, Anne wasn’t used to country life either.
It was about a half hour in when the thunder started. Anne stopped and whinnied nervously. Patrick patted her neck and pulled on the reins to make her turn back around “it’s about time we started home.” They made it about five minutes back when the rain started, his mother would surely have a fit when she found out he’d taken the riding gear out in bad weather but that would have to be a concern for later. Another round of thunder played off over the rolling hills, loud enough that Patrick swore he could feel the ground shaking right through Anne. He didn’t have time to think about that, though, because in an instant he was on the ground. It had been years since Anne had thrown him but it had also been years since she’d been out in a storm this bad. He went to sit up but as soon as he did, his ears began to ring and he felt lightheaded. He collapsed back down for - well - he didn’t know how long. It was the sound of hoofbeats that caused him to open his eyes again. It wasn’t Anne, though, instead of the familiar chestnut he saw light grey fetlocks. He wasn’t able to focus on much besides that before his headache caused him to close his eyes again. He heard a carriage door open and close and felt a hand on his collar, then his neck, and then the back of his head. “Bloody good luck you’ve got such a good horse.” Said an unfamiliar voice. Patrick opened his eyes after a moment to see a man around his age looking down at him, completely soaked from the rain which was still pouring.
“And you’re awake too, even better.” The stranger picked Patrick up and carried him to the carriage before setting him inside. Usually, Patrick would have been disgraced and offended by this but he couldn’t think of much else besides being off the ground and out of the rain. “Your horse, well I assume she’s your horse, ran right onto my property and I figured her rider couldn’t be far. Can’t have you freezing if I can help it.” He lit a pipe and Patrick appreciated the ever small warmth it brought to the carriage. “Want to tell me where I should take you?”
Patrick brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck, his entire body hurt from the cold and his headache had not subsided “thank you…” he breathed out before remembering his manners “my name is Patrick Stump, I am li-”
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Lord Stump, I heard your family had moved in not to far from here. I always intended to pay a visit but it’s been ever so busy lately. Colonel Wentz at your service, but I prefer Pete.”
Patrick shook his hand and smiled. For a colonel, he was surprisingly informal. Patrick recognized the name from his mother recounting all the wealthy families in the area. “Lovely to make your acquaintance, Colonel. I’m sure my mother is worried sick.” he leaned against the wall “you wouldn’t mind terribly taking me home?”
“Not at all, happy to be of service. Dreadful storm, what kind of gentleman would I be if I made you walk home in weather like this?” He picked up the reins with one hand and snapped them to have his horse walk.
“Thank you again.” Patrick was surprised when Pete’s only answer was to pat his leg, but he was in no place to question him. They rode back in silence, giving Patrick time to warm up, while he did, he found himself watching Pete, the way he looked out the curtains at the storm and occasionally whistled at a particularly loud crack of thunder or bright bolt of lightning. He was an interesting man, pity they hadn’t met under better circumstances. Pete insisted on taking Patrick’s arm as they hurried inside. Immediately, Patrick’s mother jumped out of the chair she had been anxiously sewing in to run and check his temperature “oh goodness, Patrick, what on Earth happened to you? Come sit, you’re burning up, oh, first we need to get you dry…” she tutted and rushed to fetch a dry cloth. Somehow, this was the most exhausting part of Patrick’s day as he found himself leaning into Pete until the other man picked him up again and carried him to the sofa.
Patrick’s mother returned and began drying his hair and helping him to pull off his jacket. Her attention turned to Pete after a moment “oh, where are my manners? You must be Colonel Wentz. Lady Stump. Thank you for returning my son safely.”
He nodded politely “it was my pleasure. It’s lovely to finally be introduced. I can assure you that your horse is also in safe hands, she is currently at my estate and I can return her as soon as this storm lets up.”
“I can get her tomorrow” Patrick added, feeling guilty that he’d been the one to lose her in the first place.
“Nonsense,” Pete smiled at him and then at his mother “besides, I wouldn’t mind paying our patient a visit.” As he passed, he brushed a strand of Patrick’s hair out of his eyes as casually as a wife would to her husband. Patrick felt himself blush but soon Pete was out of Patrick’s sight and saying farewell to his mother. He closed his eyes when he heard the door shut and suddenly felt how weary he was before quickly falling asleep.
Patrick awoke to Pete setting a vase of flowers next to the couch where he had fallen asleep. “Sorry,” Pete smiled “didn’t mean to wake you. I came across these on my way to see how you were doing.”
Patrick sat up wearily and picked up the vase “oh, Peter, they’re lovely…” he smiled as he ran his thumb along the stems of the wildflowers “you truly as a gentleman.”
Pete chuckled and reached over to run his fingers through Patrick’s hair “how is your head? You took quite a fall.”
Patrick blushed again at the contact “not so bad today, thank you. You’ve done so much for me already but may I ask you one more favour?”
“Would you fetch me a book to read? My mother will not because she will insist I do nothing but rest but I will get dreadfully bored once you leave.”
Pete smiled “I will do you one better,” he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small journal “I write poetry in what little free time I have. I have so many books filled now I desperately need to give some away.”
Patrick flipped through the pages admiringly. He held it back out to Pete “will you read one to me before you go?”
Pete smiled “I’ll read as many as you’d like.”
For the next few weeks, Pete visited almost every day. They took rides and walks together once Patrick was well enough and Pete always brought new poems to read to Patrick. They would find somewhere secluded and sit together, Patrick coming eventually to rest his head on Pete’s lap while he read. he never got tired of hearing Pete’s words. When he’d leave, Patrick would reread the poems to himself and smile at the memories. Patrick’s mother, of course, insisted that he ask Pete about his sisters, whom she had learned lived in London with their mother; Patrick couldn’t care less about them, though, his time with Pete was too precious to waste it on such a frivolous matter. 
One day he finally breached the topic, though. Pete had told him that he would be needed in London for the next few weeks and could have to leave first thing the next morning. Patrick held a finger to Pete’s lips when he finished another poem “I fear my mother disapproves of our time together.”
Pete kissed Patrick’s forehead “then let her disapprove.”
Patrick smiled and leaned against Pete, but it was a sad smile “it’s more than that, I will need to marry soon. My family needs the money for my sisters’ dowries.”
Pete ran his fingers through Patrick’s hair and sighed “do you wish to marry?”
Patrick shook his head “no, I wish to remain like this. To never have to worry about anything of that sort.”
Pete chuckled and held Patrick close to him “I believe we all do. Well, no, not quite. I may one day wish to marry, but never for money or obligation.”
“I will miss you dearly.”
“I will miss you too while I am away, but what if you didn’t have to marry? I can provide for you and your family if it allows you to stay with me.”
Patrick looked up at him, his mouth hanging open for a second “you would do that?”
Pete smiled “haven’t you learned by now? I’d do just about anything for you.”
Patrick grinned and kissed him quickly before burying his face into Pete’s neck “thank you.”
 I tried to be as historically accurate as I could without sacrificing the plot I wanted but historical dialogue has never been a strong point for me. Either way I really loved this prompt and it was really fun to write, I hope you like it too. If it gets to 50 notes I’ll write a sequel so please like and reblog if you enjoyed it! In the meantime send me prompts because my inbox is empty again.
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