#reading a MHA fic where Shinso has them
authorafterhours · 2 months
Will with facial scars from a mask he wore either at the BSHCI or in different circumstances in an AU. If it's the former, he owns them and doesn't hesitate to use their presence to guilt trip or manipulate, especially Jack and Alana.
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tiktowafel · 1 year
Hey, I love your art style and your work on class 1B. I was just wondering if you have any recommendations for fics that are 1B centric, maybe even stories with someone like Setsuna as a main character. I love the MHA fandom, but it's sometimes hard to find those good stories with all the fan generated content, an I was hoping another 1B lover would know what's what.
thank you, and sure! i don't actually read that much fanfiction (my taste is rather narrow), but here are a few ones that i read and enjoyed! i'll put it all under the cut because my summaries ended up making this list kinda long lol
'Class 1-B' is Trending #1 in Japan - 9k words and absolutely hilarious crack oneshot with a lot of chatfic/social media elements. Tsuburaba accidentally turns one of Monoma's rants into an international meme, which results in 1-B becoming incredibly popular and the League of Villains being defeated in the dumbest way imaginable. the fic is restricted to AO3 users, since i don't have an account there i can't check if the link works but i really hope it does :'D
Adrift - long (13k words) and extremely angsty space horror oneshot with Setsuna as the main character. AU where class 1-B are a space crew and a mission goes terribly wrong, leaving Setsuna, the sole survivor, floating hopelessly in space and thinking about everything that happened. 10/10 made me feel extremely uncomfortable for the rest of the day
Mindfucker Has Closed the Chat - 9 chapter 17k words long very chaotic Monoshin chatfic (with one non-chatfic style chapter) where Monoma texts the wrong person and ends up befriending Shinso without knowing who he's talking to. the fic is tagged "attempt at humor" and i gotta say that the attempt was 100% successful, this thing is hysterical and i audibly laughed several times while reading it
Picture Perfect - i know i hardly ever talk about Kosen on this blog despite the fact that it's one of my favorite ships, but one day i'll post something about them i promise- anyway this tiny 2k word fic is pretty much what made me ship them. it's just... very good and very sweet yknow
Unlikely and Unusual - a oneshot collection made for one of those rarepair month events. it's not specifically a 1-B fic, but some of the oneshots feature 1-B characters and the ones i read are very cute :)
the one and only The Heart of a Hero - 345k words and recently updated after a long hiatus, basically a 1-B fandom legend. It has everything: drama, epic fights, romance, slice of life, character backstories, it's pretty much what BNHA would have been if it was about 1-B. A lot of things in it are inaccurate to canon because it was first written before the joint training arc even came out, but that just makes things more interesting in my opinion (dude i actually wish Reiko's quirk was like this in canon)! it's actually one of the main reasons why i got so invested in 1-B in the first place, i couldn't recommend it more!!
The author of THoaH has also written many other, shorter stories about 1-B, so their entire profile is worth checking out! my personal favorite out of these fics is I Want to Break Free, a 6k word oneshot focusing on Setsuna and her family.
and now for what is probably my personal favorite:
When Die Rolls Differ - 294k words and counting, canon divergence/butterfly effect fic where class 1-B is the class who gets attacked at the USJ instead of 1-A and becomes more involved in the main conflict of the series as a result. honestly i don't even have the words to describe it, it's so good, the character interactions and backstories, and the fights, and the humor, and the way 1-B students fit into the events that originally only featured 1-A characters, and the everything!! just!! dude!! it's amazing!! and there's so much love and thought and creativity put into it!! please check it out because this fic has my whole heart <3 it's also on a break right now, so you have time to catch up
aaand that's it for today! there are probably more fics that i like, i just can't remember them rn, so i'm planning on updating this post every time i remember a nice fic or find something new!
sorry this took so long i may have procrastination issues
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mikeellee · 1 year
Have you noticed about MHA that the characters Hori wants us to feel sorry for are written as terrible people with pretty weak reasons to feel sorry for them?
I.e Bakugou - fell into a river at 4/5 was helped out of it by Izu and somehow that inspired years of bullying and torment adding to the fact that Izu was born quirkless. There's no "abusive parents" in canon (although Mitsuki's behaviour is questionable from what we see) it's just Bakugou being an ass because he wants to be.
Shinsou - in canon there's no confirmed abusive parents, there's no bullying either he's unironically quirkist to others (his fans are quick to forget he called Ojiro a monkey.) And to add to this he's now shown no qualms about puppeteering friends against each other (Machia against AFO) which is normally a villain move in stories.
Toga - no confirmed abusive parents (they could have just taken bad advice from a quirk doctor), did she have friends prior to her snapping? Whatever, she's forgot about / doesn't care for them now. Sure, she has her madness from her quirk as a explanation but she's shown to be able to hold back if she wants to - so how mad really is she? Or does she just enjoy killing?
@doodlegirl1998 Hi
I like to begin this by saying...Fans complaining Kishimoto is sexist, homophobic, or whatever aren´t the same as people rightfully complaining about some of Hori´s choices in MHA.
"Sakura could have been great" What the fuck this even means? Nothing hinders Sakura except Sakura. She is what you get. The fandom loves to cry about how she was done dirty...when in reality she got all she wanted.
Now Hori? He is a writer who steps up an amazing concept to...glorify abusers and useless characters.
Bakugou- HAD A HAPPY CHILDHOOD, IS RICH AND HAD A QUIRK. THIS ASSHOLE IS ENTITLED AND UNGRATEFUL. The people who say "Mitsuki abused him" are solely mistaken or never saw the show but read a fic. He abused Izu for no reason...and when Hori tried to explain...it makes worse. And I´ll say HERE: GUYS PLEASE STOP WITH THIS "QUIRKLESS ARE SUBHUMANS" BC IT OFFERS AN EXPLANATION FOR BK´S ABUSE ON IZU.
Shinsou- I think the bullying scene comes from a person asking or commenting "wow, please don't brainwash us" She could be joking here. But SHinso and the fandom took literally, and you see so many fics where he is abused beyond human abilities...and for what? Actually, if he was abused as the fics said...why he would want to be a hero? Yeah, this is smth the fics never answer (mind you, Hitoshi has a power and color similar to a Marvel villain Killgrave aka the purple man) like if people toss trash at him and shit like that...why he would want to protect them?
Toga- GOD, I HATE THIS "HER QUIRK BRAINWASH HER" NO, it would only take her agency. She can control herself just fine. She is just completely delulu. Actually, Toga is totally delulu. And the whole thing "her parents abused her" is not true and is also lazy. YEAH, ANOTHER PARENT WHO ABUSED THE CHILD IN THIS STORY WOW HOW ORIGINAL.
To sum up, Hori can´t write those characters at all and is always using lame excuses to "forgive" their horrible actions.
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ihatebnha · 3 years
Ok just read your himbo Shinsou and I love it!!!!!!!!! And it honestly feels pretty in character (imo, bare in mind haven't watched past S2 but have read A LOT of Shinsou fic). It makes sense he'd spend his highschool years so focused on becoming a hero to prove he isn't a villain that dating just kinda fell by the wayside! And in turn he has just become oblivious to how to handle romantic attention or what to do with his own romantic feelings.
Like I can just see his internal thought process as he watches you walking with your group of friends 'she cool. And I wanna hang out with her. But how do? Oh! That guy mentioned protein powder?!?!? I do use that, I guess that'll work.' walks up to guy and begins convo 'wow......this dude is way too into protein powder. Like unhealthy obsession. The things we do for people we lov- NO! Not love! Cause that'd be weird. I just think she's cool. And fun. And like the most perfect person ever..........fuck............I should probably say something about protein powder again before he thinks I'm stupid..........' he's not loving having to talk to gym bro all the time but like you said, it just gets him into your group enough to hang out with you sometimes so it'll work.
And it'd be funny if when he asked you out you were just like, i kinda thought we were dating anyway......ya know buying my drinks, giving me your jacket, making me walk on the opposite side of the sidewalk away from the road etc.
He'll just be like.....oh yea. That was 100% intentional. Not me not knowing how to articulate my feelings and so just doing everything but telling you how I feel! Not at all!
Also, it'd be hilarious if gym bro's girlfriend totally saw how Shinsou felt about you and would purposefully set up things and then say her and her boyfriend had to leave so you and Shinsou could hang out.
Hope you don't mind me rambling. I just really liked your writing!!!!!!!!!
(himbo!shinso piece here!) (@velvetyfleur asked to be credited for the idea of himbo shinso) 
Awww, hehe, thank you so much!!! I don’t mind your rambling at all, and in fact it makes me really happy and appreciative since i was actually afraid of it being a little... ooc.  
Shinso is so smart and suave, so i feel like himbo-ness is the sorta... the complimentary (?) opposite of that, if you know what I mean (where it’s a good au but not unseeable)... as just like you say, it makes sense for him to be the type to not really pay attention to anything except his goals... 
BUT YES about his internal thought process leading up to it... it’s funny bc i definitely imagine that at first, all he cares about is you, so he’d definitely willing to do silly stuff to become your friend, even if that means talking about dumb things to boys he doesnt know. it’s like a lightbulb goes off in his head when he realizes... i use protein powder... they like protein powder... they’re friends with y/n.... Inch Resting. 
IT’S ALSO so sweet to me that you bring up the gym bro gf setting you and him up, bc i def feel like the girls would all know about your crush on him, too... like, after he joins the group, when its game night and the boys are all in the one room and the girls in the next, everyone’s talking abt him trying to fluster and tease you to admit that you like him, too. plus he’s so hot they like admiring him too LOOOL... 
(shinso over in the guys room like:  i wonder if y/n is having fun rn...)(and yea he creams them all at mario cart)
but EHNIWHEY,,, thank you SO MUCH again, legend!! it means a lot to me that you like my writing😢 
(you should def catch up with mha tho so you can see shinso is season 5!!! you can do a little craft while watching or something, but i promise it’s worth it🥰🥰)
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Ain’t Going Away [Eijiro Kirishima/Reader] [Hanahaki AU]
Hi! So, I know...I know. I wanted to wait, too, then my hand slipped and here we go. ^.^’ Sorry not sorry! 
This idea came from Crush by David Archuleta, which I listened to on repeat while wiring this fic. I even used lyrics in it. They’re italicized and bolded.
Might not make sense, might end up being cool. Either way, hope you all enjoy! 
I want to tag @elite-guard-hardygal (who gave me the encouragement needed to post this now instead of waiting) and @souskena, who voted for this idea as Kirishima X Reader and also voted for another one from This Post of Ideas. If y’all wanna see more of those ideas, please just send in an ask and tell me what you want to see. You can use the idea and say [Character] X Reader or a different F/M couple from MHA. Doesn’t have to be KiriKara, but that’s where my brain went coming up with the ideas. 
..I’ll shut up now...
Hope you all enjoy! 
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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(Ignore the words on the GIF...hehe...)
=#=#= Kirishima =#=#=#=
It all started after the attack on the USJ. Eijiro hadn’t meant to fall so deep so fast, but here he is. He’d protected Y/N when she’d gotten hurt, making sure she got the treatment she needed, staying with her and helping her through her recovery.
Ever since Y/N had fully recovered, he’d started coughing up petals, the number increasing every once in a while.
Now, the petals fall into the trash can, and he knows he’s in trouble. Twenty petals, over ten minutes of painful hacking and choking.
This girl had him puking flowers...and still he loved her. Y/N would never know, cus he was too stupid to just spill those three words.
But...but what if she said she didn’t feel the same way?
He’d be dead. So he kept doing to the study sessions Mina set up with their class to get he and Y/N closer together and Eijiro just hopes he keeps it together enough that he didn’t raise suspicion. He knows Mina manipulates him into going purely because she also gets Y/N to go. Of course, his best friend knew about his condition. She’d happened to  The last thing he wanted was for Y/N to take pity on him and try to kiss him purely to stop the disease.
So he remains silent. That is, until his phone buzzes. Y/N was calling him. His eyes go wide. He’d forgotten! They had a study date tonight!
=#=#= Y/N =#=#=
“Hey, Kiri!” I cheer. I wasn’t mad. Of course, there was still plenty of time for him to get here, so I wanted to remind him now.
“H-hey, Y/N.” Eijiro replies. I frown.
“Dude, you okay?” I ask worriedly. His voice was really gravelly, like he was sick. “If you’re sick, we can reschedule.”
“Nah, I just, uh, was singing really loud a lot while cleaning.” He replies and I’m not sure I believe him. But I lie and pretend to buy it. He was such a nice guy, but even nice guys need privacy, so I push down the instinct to push and find out the truth.
“Oh. So we’re still on for tonight?”
“Absolutely. Chemistry tonight, right?” He asks. His voice seems to be a little steadier now, so I guess it wasn’t that big a deal.
“Okay. Just give me five minutes to change then I’m on my way.” I nod, blushing, then I shake myself. It wasn’t like he was coming to my house. It was just a study session. There would be other people from our class there.
“Alright. See you soon!” I hope I didn’t sound too eager as he repeats what I’d said and hangs up. I make sure all my books and notes are in the bag, then slowly walk down to the living room. Mom was waiting.
“Ready to go?” She asks. I slip on ankle boots at the door.
“I was born ready.” I retort playfully and go to grab a protein bar from the kitchen.
“Okay.” Mom says. I kiss her cheek and walk out the door. It was a twenty minute drive to the local library and I walk in happily, accustomed to the sight and smell of the building. Our classmate, Yaoyorozu, had somehow been talked into being the class tutor, as she had the highest grades. I had a strong suspicion my friend, Mina Ashido, was responsible. Mina could talk just about anyone into just about anything, and make it seem like their idea. 
Either way, it was a great boost to my grades and I was grateful Momo decided to start these sessions.
=#=#= Kirishima =#=#=
I hung up the phone tonight. Something happened for the first time, deep inside, there’s a rush...what a rush...
Eijiro couldn’t help smiling to himself. Y/N had sounded so happy he’d be there! She was always happy, but this seemed different somehow.
Cus a possibility that you would ever feel the same way is just too much, just too much...
Why, though? Why would someone as wonderful and amazing as Y/N ever notice, much less fall for, a guy that had already failed to protect her and didn’t really let himself hang around her for fear of her discovering his condition and piecing it together. So he kept his distance, telling himself it was better this way, that it was okay.
Why do I keep running from the truth? All I ever think about is you...
However, the study session was an opportunity to see Y/N and help his grades a little at the same time and Lord knows that boy needs a bit of help.
So he trudges into the library, swearing he missed a petal in his throat when he was having that huge coughing fit earlier. Y/N sees him instantly, jogging over.
“Hey, you made it!” She cheers quietly, hugging him and seeming as happy as she had on the phone. Was that...was she blushing? Eijiro ignores that. It was windy outside. That was it. Yeah…
“Of course.” He replies softly. It was killing him, the way she smiles at him like he was the only one she saw, the way that hunter green fluffy sweater with missing shoulders swishes around as she moves.
Does she know what she’s doing to him? Is she teasing him til he breaks? Or he was just being creepy and reading too much into her expression?
Got me hypnotized, so mesmerized, and I just got to know--
Either way, he cuts wandering thoughts of Y/N off and makes himself keep just a little distance between them as they walk to the group. “I so need the help!” Y/N confesses, scratching the back of her neck. “Chemistry isn’t my strong suit.”
“You’ll get it.” He assures her. He was always the one to support her, to tell her she could do it, because he meant it and it was a harmless way to show his support, right?
Do you ever think, when we’re all alone, all that we could be, where this thing cold go?
Eijiro swallows, sipping from a water bottle he usually kept on him (puking flowers made one thirsty, apparently), and sets his bag down as Momo set up problems on the board Eijiro was frankly scared to try. He was surprised when Y/N sat across from him, smiling that damning smile at him again. He blushes scarlet and dips to grab his books so he doesn’t have to let her see him blushing. When he straightens, Mina is chatting with Y/N as she grabs her books, as well. It drove Eijiro mad when Y/N flits her eyes to him every now and again, and he swears that blush is still on her cheeks. Why? It wasn’t that warm, but maybe her sweater was making her hot?
=#=#= Y/N =#=#=
Am I crazy or falling in love? Is this real or just another crush?
It was a stupid question, really. I’d never felt quite like this before. Not even in middle school with Shinso, and I drew our wedding. It was nothing more than a momentary, flitting infatuation compared to Eijiro, however. Since he’d saved me at the USJ, I can’t help feeling like he and I were becoming closer, but he never wants to stay and talk at length with me, so I have to resort to texting him as much as he’d let me.
Do you catch your breath, when I look at you? Are you holding back, like the way you do?
It didn’t matter; he never wanted to talk too deep with me when we were together, or even through texting, so I’d have to settle for pining from afar. It’s eating me up, though. I just know something’s itching to be said. 
The way he looks at me when he thinks I’m not looking, the way his eyes dart around, looking anywhere at me when I begin to get too personal, it all indicated something was wrong, but he never wanted to talk about it, so I always let it slide. No sense ruining our friendship because I couldn’t respect his boundaries. Mina wouldn’t tell me, either, insisting his home life was not the cause, and that she’d let me know if she found out anything.
I then shake myself; time to get back to the studying.
=#=#= Kirishima =#=#=
Cus I’m trying and trying to walk away, but I know this crush ain’t going away…
Eijiro sighs softly and copies the notes, and Momo’s explanation as to how she got the answer. It was hard to concentrate on chemistry when there was a different chemistry Eijiro was concerned with. The boy was sunk, and even if he tried to walk away, even if he wanted to just stop seeing her, he knew he’d eventually cave and go back to her. His life might well depend on staying with her. Mina looked between them, smiling at Eijiro, who flushes and grabs a sip of water. This wasn’t going to end well, was it?
Has it ever crossed your mind, when we’re hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends? Is there more? Is there more…
Y/N was smiling at him again as Momo wrapped up her session and they began putting books away. It was suddenly hard to breathe, and Eijiro didn’t think it was because Y/N was happy.
Shit. No, no, no! Not here. Not now!
“Are you okay?” Y/N asks. Eijiro takes another sip of water, praying it would stall the inevitable.
“Yeah. M’fine.” He lies, and is kinda proud of how his voice remains fairly calm and level. “I just, ah, I felt a cough, and drank water to stop it.” He adds, and Y/N nods, swinging her backpack up. Cute and strong...could this girl get any more perfect?
See, it’s a chance we gotta take, cus I believe we could make this into something that will last forever and ever!
Something in Eijiro snaps and his trepidation suddenly doesn’t stop him from getting closer to Y/N. “Can I just say how pretty that sweater looks on you?” He says, using what he hopes is a flirty voice. Y/N blushes and this time, Eijiro knows he made her blush. Counting that as a win, and ignoring the way his throat is slowly constricting, he smiles at Y/N.
“Aww, r-really? I- -thank you!” Y/N replies.
“Thank you.” Eijiro retorts without thinking, blushing as soon as the words were out. “Shit. I mean, um…”
“Relax, Eijiro.” Y/N giggles, and dear God his blush is getting out of hand. This girl would be the death of him.
Maybe literally. He shuts that thought down. Or not. “I gotta say, Eijiro...you look handsome in that flannel.” He blinks, heart skipping happily as he processes her words.
=#=#= Y/N =#=#=
Holy shit what’s gotten into Eijiro?! He’s always been super supportive, but...flirty is a new side of him!
I mean, I like it, but still.
“Thanks!” He then coughs a few times and instantly, I am worried.
“Eiji!” I grab his water bottle and press it into his hands. “Try some water.” He takes a sip and straightens, the effort of not coughing making his eyes water.
“Th-thanks.” He croaks. “I think...home...now.” Is all I can understand. I nod.
“Okay. Text me when you get there, okay?” I don’t notice the look he gives Mina when he turns around. I don’t notice the frenzied, panicking look in their eyes. All I know is Eijiro gives me a thumbs up and takes another sip of water as he walks to his car. I get into mine, worry gnawing at me. I sit there as the others drive away.
Suddenly, I realize that Mina is still here, too. She’s on the phone, gesturing frantically. I roll the window down and can’t help listening in on a hunch.
“--ro, this is serious! You texted me that you’d coughed up twenty petals before the session! Now you’re coughing harder than that?! So soon!? This is getting out of hand! I have to tell he- -yes, someone has to tell her, Eijiro! Y/N has the right to know what you’re doing through! She’s the damn love you’ve kept inside you, you idiot!” I am floored.
Petals? Coughing up petals? Had I heard that right? Shit! I’d heard of that! It’s a rare, deadly disease coming up in someone with an intense, unrequited love, right? They begin to puke up flowers, starting at petals, then whole flowers when the feeling increase. How could this happen! I was the cause of his suffering?! I made him cough up flowers because he couldn’t tell me how he felt?! Why not?! Did I scare him away?
Well, obviously not...considering that he was in this position because he loved me, but couldn’t get the words out... 
I start the car and drive as fast as I can, my mind racing. I just hoped I wasn’t too late.
Eijiro liked me so much, and I never had a clue! Which is stupid, looking back. What I thought was me just reading too much into his words and expressions was real. He loved me! And I loved him! That should be all the cure he needs, right? I just have to confess to him and it’ll all be okay!
=#=#= Mrs. Kirishima =#=#=
“Hey, honey, how was- -Eijiro!” Mrs. Kirishima wasn’t usually one to fret too much over her child. But seeing him with a stream of tears and petals falling out of his mouth was enough to drive her into a panic. She sits him down and gets him a bucket for the petals. She knew by the amount of petals already in the bucket that this was a whole flower coming up, which meant he was running out of time... “Breathe, baby. Breathe. It’ll be okay…” She whispers without reassurance it’ll come true.
“It hurts!” Eijiro sobs in a moment of vulnerability. “I could barely talk to Mina on the way over here!” He croaks between coughs. All Mrs. Kirishima can do is rub her son’s back.
“Shh, son. I know. I know...” She doesn’t know what else to say.
Suddenly, a few minutes later, the door opens and in comes a young woman. She goes immediately to Eijiro and gently eases his chin up. Before Eijiro can react, she’s kissing him and Mrs. Kirishima notices tears down her eyes. Eijiro isn’t stupid and responds a moment later, winding his hands in her hair and then they have to break apart because he’s still coughing. “I came as fast as I could. Something didn’t sit right with me and I couldn’t go home, and then I noticed Mina on the phone and I overheard and- -I’m so sorry, Eijiro! I never meant to hurt you!” She sobs, looking him in the eye. Eijiro is stunned. 
“...You love me back?” He whispers, as if not daring to consider it unless this woman repeats it aloud. She nods.
“Yes! I do, I do, I do!” She hugs him. “I thought I was being crazy or reading too much into you!” She replies, sobbing a little, this time in happiness. “I was so happy to know you liked me, but also so scared I was too late. Eijiro, I love you and will always love you!”
“I love you, too. Y/N.” He breaths, leaning his forehead against hers. So, this was who Eijiro talked about to Mina. Mrs. Kirishima couldn’t help overhearing her son’s conversations when passing by and had picked up bits and pieces. This woman was important to her son, so she was important to Mrs. Kirishima, as well.
“I’ll get you more water, Eijiro.” She murmurs, grabbing his cup as Y/N moves to sit next to Eijiro.
Now that the danger was passed, those two had lots to talk about.
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chimerafeathers · 4 years
just wanted to write out a bunch of My Hero thoughts/opinions because idk anybody else who watches it (or who would want to), but i don't really want to get into deep enough into the fandom to see the #drama
so, a bunch of random shit in no particular order:
- this is more about my relationship with anime in general but.... i always feel like i need to put a disclaimer on My Anime Opinions because of the perviness and fanservice and sexualization. it’s frustrating because the “shounen” genre (and yeah i know it’s not exactly a genre. whatever) caters to my interests in so many other ways!!! big, flashy battles, cool powers and magic systems, huge emphasis on The Power of Friendship, cheesy humor, great animation, everything is all kinds of HYPE and EXCITEMENT and FUN....but since shows like this are targeted towards teenage boys and often made by horny men, there’s also Boobs and token pervert characters that serve as an excuse to show More Boobs or Fantasize About Boobs. and the women’s powers are either “look i’m a girl!!!” (there were a couple of women early on in hunter x hunter whose powers were....sewing and vacuuming?? seriously??? and then another one later on who was an older woman who chose to make herself look like a little girl as her superpower??) or “what’s a power-related excuse to make these costumes As Skimpy As Possible” (cough cough Momo and Hagakure cough cough) or even having NO excuse (what the fuck, Bubble Girl, i know it was a fan design contest thing but that never should have been accepted it makes no sense i--) and that’s. really damn tiring and annoying. mha hasn’t quite crossed the line for me yet overall -- meaning my disgust with grape trash and other gross tropes hasn’t outweighed my enjoyment of every other aspect of the story and characters, and i hope that never becomes the case. (i tried to watch 7 deadly sins on netflix and??? the main character gropes an unconscious woman in literally the first episode with no consequences???? no fucking thank you!!!!! i’m OUT)
- anyway if anybody reads this and has any show recs that hit that Good Shounen Hype vibe with good animation, fantasy/sci-fi/superpower elements, but minimal (or nonexistent??) Creep Vibes, please send them my way. i know there are a bunch of good slice-of-life or comedy or drama shows that have queer themes and sensitive storytelling but man.....if there’s no magic or dragons what’s even the POINT
- on a related note, god fucking bless every “AU - M!neta M!norou Doesn’t Exist” fic on ao3, and everyone who makes every member of class 1-a queer in some way or another, so i can get my cool powers and great characters and dramatic plots without the threat of disgust and frustration
- also i just read the School Briefs series and while there were entirely too many chapters/sections that focused on grape trash, it WAS mentioned that Tiger of the Wild Wild Pussycats is canonically a trans man (who hasn’t been killed off!), and Shinso Hitoshi became the only man at UA I respect with one line: “He’s gotta be expelled for sexual harassment one of these days, right?”
- seriously, if shinso’s transfer gets approved i would literally rather have grape trash expelled than whoever ends up being the traitor (if it’s a hero course student. i honestly don’t really care about traitor speculation/theories).
- and yes “only man i respect” includes aizawa and every other 1-a boy who just!! lets shit happen with barely a comment!!! again, bless every fic where grape trash gets expelled early on or at the training camp because Hey, What He Does Is Fucked Up Actually and maybe someone who consistently disrespects and violates his peers’ boundaries and privacy shouldn’t be accepted as a HERO without getting some behavioral therapy first???? same kinda goes for bakugo too though, they really need to address his anger issues and beef with mido beyond “let’s force them to team up in high-stress situations even though this boy basically tried to obliterate the other one on, like, the second day of class. they’ll probably work it out!!”
- and on the subject of bakugo! i really fucking can’t ship him romantically with mido as their history and relationship stands in canon. (this is not meant to shame anybody for shipping it, i just want to articulate why it’s a notp for me personally. expressing my opinions is the point of this list.) i can see the foundations -- mido obsessed with baku, baku constantly frustrated by yet aware of mido, both of them being drawn to each other and tangled up in each other’s ideas of what it means to be a hero. but. baku made mido’s entire childhood hell. rejected and abused him for something he couldn’t control, ostracized him from all of his peers, mocked his passions, crushed his dreams, told him to jump off a roof. of course mido still clung to him--baku’s strong and smart and talented, and he was the only friend mido ever had, the only friend he had left, the “hero” he could see in his own life.
but at UA he has other friends, other heroes, people who support him and believe in him. it’s his chance to step outside of baku’s shadow and see his own self worth. and it’s baku’s chance to see how wrong he was, and outgrow his anger and prejudice!! see others as his equals instead of his inferiors! but it’s gonna take years for that to happen for both of them, and while i can see them becoming partners and friends who can finally talk to each other on the same level, and work together better than anyone because they know each other so damn well after everything they went through....i think they need to do that healing and growth separately, for the most part.
and like...okay, disclaimer, i am fully asexual and aromantic, so while i love reading shippy fics, there are some things i just cannot fucking understand or relate to. the whole “sexual tension between people who hate each other but can’t stop thinking about each other” or “arguments turn into make-out sessions” thing is just beyond me. if i hate a person i Do Not Want to be around them! at all!! so the idea that baku treats mido like that BECAUSE he’s attracted to him?? incomprehensible.
and on mido’s end, no matter how much he respects or admires baku, or even if he was endlessly infatuated with/attracted to him when they were younger, why the FUCK would he want to stay with someone who made him feel like dirt for so long, when he’s finally surrounded by people who love him fully and unapologetically? i want him to have more self-respect than that. i honestly, truly want to see baku grow and develop to the extent that he and mido can stand on the same level as equals. i want to see mido unashamed and unafraid, i want baku to apologize and mean it, i want mido to forgive him, i want baku to become the kind of hero mido always believed he could be.
but to me, that depth and complexity of relationship (while very very very good!!) is NOT the same thing as a romance, and turning it into one feels wrong when the foundations of it are just....baku tormenting mido, while mido had nothing and no one else to turn to. (his mom is great, but a parent is not the same as a friend, and she was literally the only person in his life who cared about him while baku and his cronies were beating him up and ridiculing him in front of teachers who turned a blind eye.) if they had been equal rivals from the beginning, with mido able to hold his own physically, socially, and/or emotionally instead of being left bruised and battered in the dirt every time, then sure! rivals to lovers, have at it. but for me, there’s gotta be that give-and-take.
i haven’t read shippy fic for those two and i’m sure there’s a lot of great stuff!! i’ve read platonic bk//dk-centric fic by writers who DO ship them and write mostly shippy stuff, and their take on that relationship is great and engaging and everything. but i feel like, to me, even when the growth and development of their canon-based relationship is handled really well, it’d feel wrong to me as soon as it turned romantic.
- .....which is one of the reasons why todo//mido is my JAM. bonding over shared loneliness and trauma, respecting each other as rivals right from the beginning, the contrast of chatty and sunny mido with quiet and calm todo, hurt/comfort on both sides, navigating their relationships with the people who have hurt them so much in the past, the capacity to be gentle and tender with each other while remaining passionate and dedicated rivals, growing and healing together, that good good Pining because neither one of them believes that they deserve the other, all of it!!! now THAT i can relate to and understand and see as the basis for romance. mido changed todo’s whole damn worldview in ONE FIGHT after todo spilled his whole tragic backstory to mido in their second conversation.
even so (and again, this might be ace/aro me not relating) i kinda roll my eyes whenever a fic emphasizes how attractive they find each other right away (especially on todo’s end, when mido is consistently described as plain or unremarkable). worst offenders are when they ~just so happen~ to be EXACTLY each other’s “type.” like, alright, sure, i gUESS.
it’s just so much more interesting to me if attraction follows affection instead of the other way around? especially in the context of canon events. but whatever, love at first sight’s just not my thing. never has been. and i like the idea that even though the start of their friendship is so chaotic and rushed in some ways, it still takes them time to get to know each other and come to terms with their own feelings. (slow burn slow burn SLOW BURN)
- okay those are all my more sincere/serious opinions
- i know canon is like “stop being such a crybaby :/” but mido crying all the time is one of my favorite things about him and i hope it never goes away, at least not completely
- some fics have mido getting growth spurts and getting really tall, and it’s an anime trope that getting taller parallels character growth/maturity (like Ed growing up in FMA after being short and mad about it was one of his defining characteristics for so long) but again......i just want him to stay short....please let my boy stay a small overemotional nerd.... hori please i’m begging you
-  it’s hilarious to me that the “dabi is a todoroki” theory is present in almost every single damn fic where that character makes an appearance. personally i have no stake in the theory (wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true, wouldn’t be disappointed if it isn’t) but i feel like it’s never gonna die even after his identity is truly revealed
- apparently shinso/kami is a decently popular ship and i.....have no idea if those two have ever interacted at all?? did they talk to each other in the show or in the manga or some side story and i missed it? are they popular JUST because they parallel eraser//mic to some extent??? or is it purely a case of “those personalities would be fun together--SHIP TIME”?? idk i don’t get it but it’s funny
- back to School Briefs, there’s a neat Kendo-centric chapter during the school festival that ends up being an introspective on kendo’s relationship with her own gender and the idea of performing femininity for the beauty pageant and it kind of rules??
- there’s also an entire chapter from the pov of koda’s bunny during their first couple days in the dorms. apparently koda can’t understand animals, he can just control them by talking to them!
- in shinso’s chapter he overhears the dance squad talking about the sports festival and he hears mido talk about how useful and great shinso’s quirk will be for hero work and shinso’s like “!!! thank you???? finally???” and then resolves to get stronger and make it into the hero course before they meet again
- during the school festival when mido ran off to make eri’s candy apples, iida and todo were like “is he running into trouble again?? can he PLEASE tell us where he’s going? we would track his phone but he never brings it with him anyways!!! what are we supposed to do about him!!!!” and then they found out what he was doing and went “oh ;u;”
- School Briefs in general (minus grape trash sections) were exactly the kind of “slice of life but there are superpowers” fluffy nonsense i always crave, would recommend
- also hilarious: baby mido in fic (especially de-aging fic) is often either a) the Most Precious Sunshine Child in Existence, even villains can’t help but adore him, or b) the most obnoxious, borderline-creepy, whiny little brat in existence, No Wonder Baku Couldn’t Stand Him. i imagine the “reality” would fall somewhere in the middle and it’s always a little jarring when authors so solidly fall on one extreme or the other lmfao
- just bnha fanfic things: “is this an intentional use of All for One vs One for All or was it a typo/mistake on the author’s part??”
- that’s all i’ve got for now yall i love these characters
0 notes