the-dork-urge · 7 months
Hi! Saw you taking requests and in case you write headcanons for multiple characters can I ask for Rolan, Zevlor and Halsin with g/n Tav who comes out as asexual once they start dating? And perhaps Tav is low key expecting to be rejected by their new partner after this revelation just to be met with reassurance
Coming out as asexual to Zevlor / Halsin Hi sweet anon, here is your request. I am not asexual myself, so I hope I did this hc some justice. <3 Thank you for your ask. (lmk if I am in anyway insensitive about the topic)
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Zevlor The love in his eyes whenever he spoke to you, the way he clung to every word you uttered, and the gentle softening of his frown whenever you passed by—all these moments resonated deeply, reflecting the profound connection you shared. He was your soulmate, your steadfast rock, the companion to whom you could always turn with every fiber of your being.
However, you sensed a shift in the air, an unspoken desire for your relationship to progress further. It left you feel overwhelmed, as you felt a slight pressure stirring inside of you whenever he drew near. He noticed it too, observing the slight tremble in your hands.
"It's not who I am," you told him, placing your hands on his face and pressing your forehead against his, shielding yourself from his reaction.
"I—" he cleared his throat, gently taking your hands from his face, ensuring you couldn't hide behind them, "I just need you by my side, my sweet love," he whispered, his eyes locking onto yours, "and I'll have you there in any way that you feel comfortable with." Taking your hands, he pressed them to his lips.
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You pondered his potential reaction, aware of the depth of your affection for him and his unwavering love in return.
Despite this connection, you couldn't ignore the primal urges that coursed through him, leading you to question if he could still be bound to you even without that same physical magnetism.
In the midst of these swirling thoughts, uncertainty gripped you. Would the strength of your emotional bond withstand the primal forces that seemed to guide him? Could you find unity despite your differing desires? Despite the doubts clouding your mind, one truth remained resolute: your love for him was profound.
So standing befor ehim, you mustered to courage. Your eyes misted over as you spoke, your hands slightly trembling beside your form. Searching his gaze, you found no disappointment, no fleeting sadness. Instead, his eyes remained tranquil, fixed upon you with the same sense of wonder as before. Perhaps his smile was even wider as he recognized how much you had grown to trust him.
"My star," he began, his voice steady and filled with sincerity, "my love for you transcends mere physicality. My heart will beat the same for you, and I will gladly tame the tidal waves inside of me if that means I can embrace the truth of your being." He opens his arms for you to step into. An embrace was what you needed. A reassurance. It would all be okay.
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