#reader bribes steve and nat
rxmqnova · 9 months
Can i please request a Wanda x little sister reader.
Reader uses powers (they didn't know she had) when Steve is being extra hard on Wanda. "Stop making Sissy cry" as she turned the floor under Steve's feet to liquid. After getting the captain stuck up to the knees, reader only calms down once Wanda picks us up and cuddles us close. We refuse to release Steve though, not until Nat gets back (she tries hard not to laugh), and bribes us with the present she brought us back.
(Very brief WandaNat .... maybe)?
Anyway, thanks for reading 👍
No worries if you don't want to write this or can't.
Little protector
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Y/N: 6 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV A loud gasp escapes Y/N's lips as soon as her house made of lego falls on the ground. The little girl has been playing in her room when suddenly a red magic ball formed in her hand and flew away, hitting her lego house.
"Cool!" She grins, happy that she can be like her big sister Wanda now.
Speaking of Wanda, the older Maximoff is currently in the gym, training with Steve. Y/N knows her sister needs to know about it and the little one really wants to train with Wanda and become an Avenger just like her sister.
Y/N immediately sprints to the gym, knowing her sister is there. As soon as she steps in, she sits down on a bench, loving to watch her sister train and completely forgetting why she came to the gym in the first place.
Though suddenly Steve raises his voice at Wanda on which the little Maximoff furrows her brows, a pot forming on her face. Y/N's very protective over her big sister, so Steve not being nice to her sister is making her really angry.
Once Y/N notices a few tears escaping her big sister's eyes, that's it for her and she immediately makes her way over there, standing in front of Wanda with her arms crossed and a pout on her face.
But because Y/N is still really small compared to Steve, he doesn't even notice her which makes Y/N even more angry.
"Stop making sissy cry!" Y/N shouts, stomping her foot which makes the ground under Steve's feet turn into liquid, causing him to fall down into it.
Wanda gasps, protectively wrapping her arms around her little sister and pulling her back a little bit while Y/N just puts her hand over her mouth, trying to hold her giggles.
"What have you done, Wanda?" Steve asks irritated, trying to get back on the floor, the weird form of the liquid not really allowing it.
"Don't be mean to Wanda!" Y/N shouts with a pout, not liking the tone of Steve's voice and stomping her foot once again.
The liquid turns back into its previous form, trapping Steve completely while Wanda's just standing there completely shocked.
"What are you doing?!" Steve raises his voice, still trying to get out, but can't move at all now.
"I said-"
"No, no, no, that's enough, honey" Wanda's quick to lift her little sister up, sitting her on her hip and holding her close before she can stomp her foot once again.
"But I don't like when someone's mean to you, Wanda" Y/N pouts once again, twirling her little finger around a strand of Wanda's hair.
"Honey, that's really sweet of you, but we can't use our powers on friends, even if they're sometimes mean" Wanda explains, tucking a strand of hair behind her little sister's ear. "When did you even get those powers?"
"Just now! I was just about to tell you. Now we can train together!" Y/N grins, kicking her legs happily.
"Hello? I'm still here" Steve reminds.
"Okay, bubs. It's time to free him" Wanda orders.
Y/N looks at Steve who still seems to be really angry and just shakes her head with a giggle.
"What do you mean no, missy?" Wanda raises an eyebrow, making Y/N giggle once again.
"When I'm not being nice you always sit me on a step, so Steve has to stay here, because he wasn't nice to you" The tiny girl reasons, looking at her sister seriously.
"Seriously? Get me out of here!" Steve orders, crossing his arms over his chest and not believing his ears right now.
"No" Y/N shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest as well. "What's going on here?" Natasha asks, appearing in the gym as she just got back from the store and was about to train for a bit.
She gotta try really hard not to laugh when she sees Steve stuck up in the floor, not being able to get out.
"Ask this little monkey, it's her job" Wanda sighs.
"Oh, really? You did this, Y/N/N?" Natasha asks, a chuckle escaping her lips at the sight of mad Steve stuck in the floor.
"How about some help instead of making fun of it, Romanoff?" Steve rolls his eyes.
"Can you let him go, sweetheart?" Natasha asks softly, tucking a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear.
"No" Y/N shakes her head no, crossing her arms over her chest again.
"And why is that, missy?" Natasha raises an eyebrow playfully.
"He was very mean to Wanda. She even cried" Y/N explains seriously.
"Well, but that's not nice, is it? I think Steve is very lucky I wasn't here otherwise he'd end up much worse than just stuck in the floor" Natasha says, giving Steve a glare for making her girlfriend cry. "I don't know, Steve. Maybe we should just leave you here" She teases, making Y/N giggle.
"What?! You can't be serious right now" Steve's eyes widen, watching the three girls in disbelief.
"Just get him out already" Wanda jumps in, knowing her overprotective little sister and overprotective girlfriend would let Steve here for god knows how long.
"Alright" Natasha sighs. "I might have bought you a little something in the store, детка. So how about you let Steve out and I'll give you that little something?" Natasha offers, knowing Y/N can't say no to presents. (baby)
"Hmmm…. Okay, but can I sleep with you and Wanda today?" Y/N asks, pulling out her best puppy eyes on which Natasha lets out a chuckle.
"Alright, I think we can make an exception. What do you think, Wands?" Natasha questions, looking at Wanda who smiles and nods.
"We can, but now let Steve out, honey" Wanda stands her little sister on the ground, placing her hands on Y/N's small shoulders.
"But how?" Y/N asks, looking at Wanda with hope she'd help her while Steve's eyes widen, already thinking he'll stay there forever.
"Oh… Close your eyes, honey" Wanda tries to help, kneeling down to her little sister when Y/N does what she was told. "Okay, now you need to really concentrate. You need to think really hard about what you want to do"
Y/N does what her sister said, thinking really hard about getting Steve out of the floor and after a few minutes, the floor around Steve turns into liquid once again, so Natasha's quick to help him out.
"Good job, honey" Wanda smiles, pulling her sister in for a hug and pressing a kiss to her little cheek.
"Natty, what did you get me in the store?" Y/N asks impatiently, making Natasha and Wanda let out a small laugh.
"Alright, you cheeky little girl. Come with me" Natasha chuckles, taking Y/N's tiny hand in hers and leading her out of the gym.
Wanda follows the pair, leaving soaked Steve in the gym. One thing is sure now… everyone should know not to mess with Wanda otherwise Y/N will teach them a lesson.
Sorry for the long wait, guys! I'm pretty busy with school, but I promise I'm working on all your requests!! <33
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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Wrong Number
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x female Reader 
Summary: When Steve texted the wrong number, he started a friendship with you. Most of your talks are about your Corgi Bella, but then you find out who Steve really is 
Word Count: ~3.5k 
Warnings: body shaming for Steve (don’t worry, other people make sure to tell Steve how beautiful he is), if you don’t like garlic I’m sorry – just imagine it is something else, some swearing 
A/N: Texts in [ . ] are text messages 
[I’m just asking because Sam begged me to ask you to bring your garlic dip to the barbeque. He won’t shut up or else I wouldn’t be bothering you.] 
[I don’t know a Sam?] 
[Haha, I’ll tell him that] 
[No, seriously. I don’t know who you’re talking about.] 
[Good one, Nat. You could have just said you wouldn’t bring it.] 
[I’m not Nat... And tbh I don’t know who you are either. I think you have the wrong number 
At least I hope Sam gets the garlic dip, if it helps] 
You didn’t hear anything else from the unknown number and it had been a few days. When it was Thursday evening and you were bored and scrolled through your messages you saw the unknown number again and decided to send text. 
[I hope Sam got his garlic dip!] 
When there was no reply in the next minutes you put your phone aside and put more focus on the show running in the background. Then your phone was illuminated by an incoming text. 
[He was very sad he didn’t get it. And he did complain all the time while he was still stuffing his face with my apple pie.] 
[Wow, so I guess that dip must be very good then. Any chance I could get the recipe?] 
[I doubt it. No one has gotten it out of Nat so far] 
[What about your pie recipe?] 
[Who knows, I might share one day] 
[Well a girl can hope. I hope I didn’t bother you.] 
[No bother, I’m glad you’re distracting me from some paperwork] 
[Well then here’s something else to distract you] 
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Steve wasn’t sure if he should open the picture or not. He heard stories, but in the end his curiosity won, and he was rewarded. He looked at the cutest little dog who was sleeping on a rather big pillow. 
He couldn’t help but gush about the dog and learned that she was yours, was called Bella and a corgi. You shared stories about her and he couldn’t help but ask more and more until he noticed that he should really finish writing his report. But talking to you was fun and so he decided to go to his room and call it a night. He would get up earlier in the morning to write the report. 
He messaged you when you were taking a walk with Bella, telling you to be safe. It became a daily occurrence to talk to each other. He messaged you in the morning asking how Bella was, although he knew that she wasn’t with you. It was easier under the pretend to ask about your dog than to ask directly how you were doing. But it was always the second question he asked. 
Talking to you was just easier – it might be because he was just Steve. No Captain America, no solider, just Steve who was talking to a nice woman about her dog. And your job, your family – you had been messaging for weeks now and he still learned something new about you. 
You still tried to bribe him with pictures of Bella in exchange for the recipe for the apple pie. It wasn’t like it was a big secret recipe, but he enjoyed the banter and the pictures that came in through the day. The latest one was of the dog with her head turned to the side and a crown that almost fell from her head. 
[I saw the crown and thought it was fitting as you always call her princess, but she seems to hate it 🙁] was the caption of the pic. 
[She doesn’t need a crown to be my princess. Will you go on your walk soon?] 
[Yup, just getting ready] 
That was the last message he received. He didn’t like you being out on your own at that time of the evening. You had sent him a picture and it was dark, so he always texted with you. But this evening he didn’t receive an answer so for the first time he did something he had never done before. 
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The buzzing didn’t stop and you fished the phone out of your jacket, it showed an incoming call from Steve. It took you a second until you finally pressed the green button. 
“Hello?” you asked. You hadn’t realized that you had stopped walking until Bella nudged your leg. 
“You didn’t reply to my message, I wanted to make sure you’re okay,” you heard his voice – and the sound of it made you wonder - not for the first time - how he looked like. 
“Were you worried?”  
You didn’t expect him to answer with a clear yes. “I did, I needed to check in on my girls.” That did things to you, you weren’t able to handle yet. You played it off and talked about Bella instead, who was getting restless. 
“I guess you can keep us company, Bella just wants to keep going.” 
“Of course she is, she wants her mom home safe. She’s my good girl,” he said, and it was as if Bella heard his voice when she starred at you. Steve was on the phone with you until you told him you arrived home safely and put the phone on speaker where he talked to your dog while you took off your jacket. 
“I have to go now and play with a grumpy cat,” he told you when you were back on the phone. 
“You have a cat?” you asked astonished as he had never mentioned it before and only then did he admit that he had been at his best friend's place. You scolded him for talking to you instead. 
“As I said I was worried about you. The punk wouldn’t dare to say anything, but Alpine might bite me if I won’t give her some cuddles now. Have a good night, sweetheart.” Before you could reply anything he had ended the phone call and you could only stare at your dog on shock. 
“Well, that’s a new one.” 
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Tuesdays you helped at your local animal shelter. And that day there was a lot of talking and surprisingly many people. 
“What’s happening?” you asked Amy when you signed in.  
“A lot of people are here today because of the photo shooting. A few Avengers came by to take some pictures for a campaign to adopt more animals. Pretty good idea, but the day wasn’t as good. The photographer was a bitch. There really isn’t a better word for it. She was complaining the whole time, demanding and then she was a real bitch to Captain America. The man came here to do something good, for free might I add, and she looked him in the eye and said “I thought superheroes were supposed to be perfect. This is going to take so long to photoshop these arms with these stretchmarks all over.” 
“She didn’t,” you gasped. “What did he say?” 
“That poor man excused himself. He said he was sorry and opted to put on some more clothes. Can you imagine? What a crime!” 
“Damn, now I wish I had been here. I would have ripped her a new one, this is no way to talk to other people. And especially not someone who risks his life for us. And who in their right mind would look at him and tell him he’s ugly?” You were getting upset and you weren’t even there. Amy asked you if you could take Daisy for a walk and let that information slip that she had been the dog that had been photographed with Captain America. 
Daisy had gotten her name because of a white spot on her butt that looked like the flower and you were surprised that she hadn’t found a forever home yet as she was the sweetest dog you had ever met (but you wouldn’t say that out loud when Bella was near).   
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“I think I cheated.” Your heart stopped for a second before you remembered that he couldn’t be talking about you – as you weren’t a couple. 
“You think you cheated?” 
“Today I had – I saw a couple of puppies and I slipped and called the little girl princess and then I felt bad immediately when I noticed, and I just had to call and come clean and apologize to my princess. Of course, she’s the only one, but maybe she’ll understand if she sees her.” 
“Did you call to apologize to my dog for calling another dog princess?” you concluded. 
“I would have come over and gave her favorite treat and some cuddles if I could, so I hope this will be enough though.” There has never been a conversation about if the two of you should meet. An incoming picture distracted you though. 
And this time you were sure that your heart stopped, because there was no way! No way that this picture happened today and that you were staring at the same puppy that had been in your arms not 3 hours ago. And had been in Steve’s too. “I’ll just... I’ll put you on speaker so you can apologize to Bella. I have to use the bathroom, I think.” You put the phone on the floor, told Bella – who let out a whoof when she saw you walking away, but decided to stay near the phone and not move at all from her place. 
Your Steve was Captain America. Your Steve was Captain America. Your Steve was Captain America. You felt like a damn fool, but on the other hand – what was he supposed to say? Obviously he wouldn’t introduce himself as Captain America. And then you remembered what Amy had told you about that awful woman and you bet he had an awful day while you just let him alone with your dog on the phone.  
“I’m back, sorry for disappearing and leaving you with my dog.” 
“That’s alright, are you okay?” 
“I am! What about you?” You pressed the phone closer to your ear. 
“I’m okay too. Feel a lot better now that I’m talking to you,” he admitted, and you could hear that he really sounded more relaxed. “Okay, so I’m going to suggested something crazy here. How about we switch to a video call? You don’t have to show me yours, but you could see Bella if you want to. And me, if that’s what you want.” You must have been out of your mind to suggest that, but now that you knew who was on the other side of the phone, it just seemed fair. 
“Only if you want to, sweetheart.” 
“Let me change real quick, so I won’t be in my pj’s anymore. But I’ll put Bella on first.” You placed the phone in front of her dog bed and pushed the call button and when you could hear Steve’s voice again you quickly went to throw on a regular shirt and decided to stick with the pj pants. And you couldn’t do anything to hide the growing pimple on your face, so you wouldn’t be bothering about that either. 
When you came back and picked up the phone Bella looked confused, then lost and followed you towards the couch where you were headed. In the end Steve had a good view of your dog and a not flattering angle of you. “So guess this is me then,” you said when the other line went still and you saw the black rectangle in the corner. 
“Wow, I didn’t think you’d look like that.” You face must have shown you confusion. “It’s nothing bad, its better, but like you imagine how the other person would look like when you’re talking to them and it isn’t that at all, but you’re … beautiful. Seriously, I knew you’d be because of everything you told me, but seeing it with my own eyes. I wish I could show you myself, but today... isn’t a good day.” 
“That’s okay, I offered. You don’t have to do that, don’t feel pressured.” Bella made a noise as if she’d agree and a laugh was heard through your speakers in reply. 
Minute by minute his mood improved; you could hear it in his voice. He was telling you about the cute dog and you felt like you kept something from him when you didn’t tell him that you knew Daisy. But then you’d give away that you knew who he was and he wasn’t ready to share that. He had only told you he didn’t have a good day and that talking to you had made it better. You noticed that this was the first time he left Bella out. 
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“So what, you can gush about one corgi all the time, but when I take you to a corgi party, you’re all pouty?” Sam couldn’t believe it. Steve had been in a mood for a few days and Bucky and he thought this would cheer him up. 
“Steve, did you see the one dressed up as Captain America?” Bucky was excitingly pointing somewhere in the distance. It seemed like he was having the most fun of the three of them. Steve couldn’t tell his friends that this made him kind of sad, because it made him miss you and your dog. The talking had fizzled out and you almost had no time to call or anything. You still sent him messages when you were on your walk (He just couldn’t reply in that moment because he was on a mission) and you sent him pictures of Bella, but it felt like something was missing since you had your video call. 
But how could he tell you that he wasn’t just Steve, he was Captain America too? 
“Steve, look at that one at your feet. It’s looking up to you.” 
Steve looked down and there sat a Corgi. “Hey there,” he cooed and bend down. “Aren’t you a cute one?” The dog waggled its tail and flopped on its back, so Steve started to rub the belly. “Are you lost?” he asked when he noticed the leash hanging loosely at the dogs side. “What’s your name pr- sweetheart?” He stopped himself, but he noticed the ears standing up when he almost let the petname slip. 
Two things happened at the same time: While Steve looked at the name on the dog tag at the collar, someone shouted for Bella and the dog got back on its feet. 
“Princess?” Steve asked at the same time you asked “Steve?” and then he said your name or more like breathed it. Bella let out some noises so no one would forget about her, while you and Steve were busy staring at each other, and he had stopped petting her. 
The moment was broken by a man approaching. “Sorry, but could I take a picture of you and Oliver? I can’t believe we met the real Captain America!” Steve looked briefly at you, but you offered to take the picture. Bella refused to leave his side and so you took a picture with her at his feet, Steve with a forced smile and a dressed-up Captain America Corgi in its owner arms. 
When the man left Steve looked apologetic at you. “I didn’t want you to find out like that!” he said sheepishly. 
“Oh, I already knew,” you admitted and looked at the two people standing behind him. After a quick introduction they asked if it would be okay to pet Bella and you told them that she would be disappointed if they didn’t. 
“Have you met Winter?” you asked Bucky who gave Bella the pets she so desperately wanted. 
“Uh no? I don’t think so?” 
“You have to meet her! I just met her and her owner and they are so nice! Winter is actually named after... well I guess you’ll find out. But I bet she would love to meet you! They wanted to get something to eat so you might find them there.” 
When it was only the two (three) of you Steve apologized for not telling you sooner about his alter ego.  
“It’s not like you need to walk around, telling everyone. I get it, Steve. I’m not mad! You told me about you and your friends, what you like and don’t like. You didn’t need to tell me about your job. And it wasn’t like I told you when I found out who you were either.” 
“Why didn’t you?” he asked when you stopped so Bella could sniff at a new friend. 
“I thought you’d tell me when you’re ready. And I heard about the photo shooting at the shelter, so I thought this wasn’t the day to bring it up. And I want to tell you again,” you stopped and, with a bravery you didn’t know you had, took his hand in yours and only continues when he looked at you: “Don’t listen to that horrible woman. You’re very handsome and you’re such a beautiful person, don’t let other people tell you otherwise!” 
A blush started to appear on his face, but he didn’t let go of your hand and in the end the three of you left the park with him texting his friends they shouldn’t wait for him. Talking to each other felt easy and you didn’t even know why you hadn’t really talked in the last weeks. Maybe it was because you felt insecure after that video chat.  
But your friendship with Steve grew and now he was even accompanying you on your evening walks, which often ended with late night talks in your apartment. If Steve couldn’t come it was Bucky or Sam and one time Natasha stood in front of your door and introduced herself (That same night you also found a little note with some ingredients on it in your kitchen). Bella loved all of them and especially the one-time Bucky had a little companion with him. 
“Interested in talking a walk with us?” he asked. 
“Us?” you asked confused as you didn’t see Sam. 
“Yeah, Winter and I were about to take a walk.“ Your eyebrows rose when you spotted the three-legged dog next to his side. “Just don’t ask, okay?” You promised but you would be asking Steve as soon as he was back from this mission! Walks with Bucky were kind of different, not as much was said as it would be with the other ones, but you somehow felt that in the non-talking you said a lot to each other. 
“So, when are the two of you making it official?” he said randomly. He didn’t look at you and was instead watching Bella and Winter intensely. 
“If Steve is interested in something more than friendship, he should make it known. I thought I had made it clear that I’m interested and if he isn’t taking the next step, I’m not pushing it into something it isn’t.” 
“I guess I need to have a chat with that punk then.” Winter and Bella were exhausted from the impromptu playdate and while Bella crashed immediately when you opened the door, Bucky picked up Winter without a struggle, told you good night and made his way back out of the building. 
The next time your doorbell rang you it was Steve in civilian clothes, but still with dirt in his face and his hair unkempt. “We need to talk!” 
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You couldn’t help yourself and you had to take a picture! The sight in front of you was just too cute. “Don’t stand there and join us!” Steve’s sleepy voice suddenly said, and you should have expected that he had noticed you lurking in the doorway. You quickly walked over and laid in the arm that your boyfriend held out for you. 
“Did you like the picture you took?” he asked. 
“Love it, actually.” 
A few minutes later a notification popped up on your phone. 
[Steve Rogers posted a picture] 
This is real and even heroes aren’t perfect was the headline and it showed a picture of a shirtless Steve - stretchmarks and all - in bed with a corgi thrown over him and they looked at each other with love in their eyes.  
Steves Instagram post made the internet go mad. Theories about who that dog was, what made him post after such a long time and then something so extremely personal. And no one was prepared for the chain reaction that followed:  
Under the hashtag #HeroesAren’tPerfectEither and #AdoptDon’tShop followed pictures of the other Avengers. The Winter Soldier posted a picture of him standing in front of a dog with only three legs – and without his prosthetic arm. Many pictures more followed and the campaign, that wasn’t a campaign, was more successful than any other. More furry friends found their forever home, although Steve felt that in his case it had been Bella who had adopted him and showed him his forever home. 
Masterlist | Library Blog
Reblogs, comments, asks or just a ramble mean the world to me &lt;3
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littleseasiren · 2 years
Fight for me - Part 2
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Summary: After years in an abusive relationship, you finally get out. When the Avengers decide to raise awareness for your Battered Women's Home, you bump into Bucky Barnes, the hottest, most complicated man you've ever met. He thinks you're too good for him, but when your abusive ex reappears, Bucky knows he has to keep you safe - by any means necessary.
Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x reader
Warnings: Language
Words: ~ 2700
Series Masterlist
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When you enter the compound the following morning, you giggle as you see 6 small children running around playing with the Avengers. Catching Natasha's eyes, she stops playing with them and joins you.
"Hi Natasha, sorry for stopping by so unexpectedly." 
"No problem, honey. Nice of you to come visit again. Sorry about the munchkins, they're a group from Queens who came to meet us." You both smile at a little girl as she looks up at you and then runs away. "We should probably swap phone numbers - that way you can just call me, and I can bring you straight up."
"I would love that, but I don't really have a cell phone anymore. I didn't want my... ex to find me with it. So, no cell for me..." You stare at the ground in front of you, not wanting to meet her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to bring up painful memories. Tell you what, I'll talk to the security guys and get you a permanent pass. That way, you can just come up, no questions asked."
"You're sweet, Nat, but I'm already bothering you guys too much. I just came to bring some cookies to say thank you for all that you Avengers do."
"You could never be a bother - don't even think that. We're friends, right? And the guys never complain when you're here. At least they pretend to be gentlemen when you're present. Add to that bribing with sweets, and that makes you our favourite person!" Nat slowly takes your hand and gives it a squeeze, and you softly squeeze back. "When Wanda comes back from her mission, we'll all have a girls' night, ok? We can throw the boys out of the living room, watch romantic comedies all evening and binge-eat whatever we want!" Her smile is so big you can't help but join in.
"That sounds amazing! Sign me up for a girl's night asap!" You two chuckle. You see Bucky leaning against a wall, watching everything from the far corner of the room. "Why does it look like Bucky is in a time-out?" You can't help but ask.
Natasha takes a deep breath before answering. "Mrs. Berg over there," she points to the adult female talking to Steve and Bruce, "has not so subtly let it be known that she doesn't approve of Bucky interacting with the children. Steve almost kicked her out since Bucky is an Avenger, too. At first, Bucky wanted to simply leave, but he eventually agreed to watch from the sidelines." Her brows pull together in concern. "You know how he is..."
"Yeah, I know, he-" You start to say but stop as you see the smallest girl in the group break away from the others and run to Bucky, wrapping her chubby arms around his shin. A look of utter confusion fills his face as he looks down at the little girl a second later. She pulls on his pant leg before taking a step back and signing something to him. 
All the adults in the room become silent as they turn to watch the interaction. "I should probably go tell him what she's saying..." Clint starts to walk towards Bucky before he halts, watching as Bucky sinks down into a crouch. Gasps fill the room as Bucky signs back to the little girl. She shrieks in amazement, her little hands flying around as she signs again. The most beautiful smile forms on Bucky's face as the two of them interact together.
"Um, Steve... are you aware that Bucky knows ASL?" Sam asks Steve softly.
"No idea, Sam." Steve watches his best friend - Hydra's most feared assassin - tickle the squealing girl, her pink hearing aid disappearing underneath her hair as she swings around and runs to Mrs. Berg then runs back to Bucky. The pink butterflies on her shoes bouncing with every step. 
When she runs back to the group leader, Mrs. Berg grabs her and pulls her close, stopping her from running to Bucky again. She signs at the woman and gestures to Bucky, but the scowl on the older woman's face is enough to keep her still but doesn't stop tears from forming in the little girl's eyes.
The smile disappears from Bucky's face instantly as he stands up to his full height, eyes becoming hard once again. 
"I asked you to avoid interacting with the children, didn't I? See what you did - you made her cry." Her words are harsh as she grabs the other children closer to her, her eyes full of disdain falling on Bucky.
Sam and Natasha start to defend Bucky instantly before Steve's loud voice fills the room. "No, ma’am. You brought the children here to meet the Avengers, and Bucky is one of us. He graciously agreed to observe out of respect for your wishes, but the little girl here? She went to him, he didn't instigate anything. And it seemed like they got on great before you pulled her back. That's why she started crying - you're keeping her from her new friend."
"You can't expect me to allow the Winter Soldier to play with the kids! He's murdered hundreds of people!" You watch as Bucky flinches, her angry words bringing back memories you know he wants to forget.
"Listen here, lady, you can just -" Sam starts before Bucky interrupts him. 
"It's fine, Sam." He looks at Steve before he continues, "Thanks for trying, Steve, but I'll get out of the way. Don't let this ruin the children's favourite day." Bucky ducks down and signs to the little girl in farewell, whatever he says, making her stop crying and smile once again. His eyes meet yours shyly as he turns around and starts walking away.
"Bucky, wait!" You call after him as you shuffle around the room to meet his waiting form. "Don't let that witch get you down - that was the cutest thing I've ever seen." You speak loudly, making sure Mrs. Berg can hear you. "I brought some cookies. You guys got any coffee around here?"
He glances back at you, the corner of his mouth moving up in an almost smile. "Sure, doll, we got coffee," he says as he walks down the corridor, you following behind him safely.
"Leave some cookies for me!" Sam shouts as the children start to giggle once again.
Bucky leads you to the kitchen, pointing at the far side of the breakfast nook for you to have a seat before filling the kettle with water and switching it on. "You're sweet, Y/N, but you don't have to babysit me. I'm used to people not wanting me around." He leans against the nook and rolls a coaster under his hand, eyes not meeting yours.
"She's an idiot, Bucky. Anyone could see that little girl pretty much thinks the world revolves around you. And you spent, what... like 2 minutes with her? I barely know you, and I like you as a friend already."
The coaster stills in Bucky's hand, the silence unexpected. His eyes shoot up, staring at you with his mouth slightly parted. Seconds before his staring becomes uncomfortable, a whistle sounds from the kettle. His lips curl up into a small smile as he stands and grabs two mugs from the top shelf. "Do you want some coffee or tea?"
"Coffee would be great, thanks." You stare at his broad back as he turns around and makes the coffee. What was that all about? Was that smile because you said you liked him as a friend? You pull out your container full of sugar cookies and place it in front of his coffee cup as he takes a seat opposite you, his back to the open door. Yet again, he has considered your needs and placed your comfort before his own. With your seat facing the door, you have a clear view of anyone who might enter the kitchen. You watch as Bucky grasps his mug with gloved hands. "Um, I don't mean to pry, but is everything ok?" He looks at you curiously before you continue. "Whenever I see you, you're wearing gloves..."
Bucky glances down at his gloved hands, then back to you, unconsciously biting his lower lip. "I-um. Guess you don't know..." Slowly, he starts to pull the gloved fingers off his left hand. "When Hydra -" Voices sound from the hallway before Sam comes rushing in, stilling Bucky’s movement.
"Are there still cookies? Please tell me Barnes didn't eat all of it!" He runs to the table and sighs in relief before grabbing two cookies and stuffing them into his mouth.
"Buck, we finally got the group out, so it's safe to leave the kitchen," Steve says as he pats Bucky's shoulder. The rest of the team enters the kitchen as Natasha takes a seat next to you. "I wasn't aware you knew ASL?" Steve asks his oldest friend.
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me, Steve. My dossier doesn't have everything in it, punk."
"Where did you pick it up?" Clint asks from the kitchen, sitting on the countertop.
"I, uh, had a mission with Hydra. It was an infiltrate and..." He stops talking, brows furrowed as his eyes become dark with sorrow. His chair scrapes the floor as he stands up suddenly, making you gasp softly. "Uh, sorry. I got to go." He says as he all but runs out of the kitchen.
"Shit, sorry, Steve. I shouldn't have asked," Clint says as he glances at Steve.
"It's alright, Clint." He smiles at you, "Nice to see you again, Y/N," before he disappears from the kitchen.
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For the next two days, your thoughts constantly drift back to Bucky. His size intimidated you, but you appreciated how aware he was around you. He had pulled Sam back before you had even noticed Sam had wanted to hug you, and that day in the kitchen, he made sure you could see if anyone entered the room. 
For such a considerate man, he kept seeing himself as a bad guy. Was he really, or did he just think that? You knew he was somehow forced to hurt people, that he didn't remember everything the past 70 years, but that was all you knew. Josh hadn't allowed you to watch TV, just a few movies he wanted to watch. When you had finally gotten away from him, you were moving from shelter to shelter until you ended up at the Battered Woman's shelter, where you are now. So there wasn't really any time to just watch TV or read about him. 
That evening, you find yourself outside the Tower again, early for the first self-defence class. The guards assure you that you can go up, even if it is too early. When you enter the gym, Bucky spots you immediately and waves quickly. You see him and Natasha moving about on the mats, talking animatedly.
"You sure this is better for them than punching?" Natasha curls her fingers and shoves her palm up toward Bucky's nose.
"Yeah, I do. Punching requires coordination and using your body weight as balance. The ladies will most likely hurt themselves more than their attacker. With this, the palm takes a lot of the impact, and the upward move gives the force behind it. Even if they just stand normally, they should still do some damage to the attacker." You slowly walk closer as Bucky gestures for you to join them with gloved hands. 
"Hi, Y/N," Natasha says as she gives your hand a gentle squeeze. "Would you mind trying a move and see if you feel comfortable?"
"Um, yeah, sure..." you say as you move closer. Bucky nods at Natasha as he steps to the side, giving you space but staying in your line of sight.
"Ok, I just want to see if you're comfortable with a move." She raises her hand, "I need you to curl your fingers at the first two knuckles, not making a fist. See?" you nod as you copy her move. "Ok, now pretend you want to hurt someone in front of you. Bring your wrist close to your chest before you quickly strike, hitting your opponent with the fleshy bottom of your palm, keeping your wrists straight." She demonstrates before you copy her once again, striking quickly into the air. "How does that feel?"
You do the move a second time before you answer, "It feels good. Like I could do a lot of damage." You smirk at her as you meet Bucky's smiling eyes.
"Ok, it's settled then," Natasha says as she looks up at Bucky. "Guess you were right, soldier." Bucky merely nods in return as he picks up his bag.
A part of you doesn't want him to leave so quickly. "Were the cookies ok?" You ask them both, eyes focusing on Bucky.
"They were amazing!" Natasha exclaims. 
"They were delicious, doll. Thanks for the treat," Bucky adds while Natasha moves to the centre of the room to speak to a lady. 
Sam jogs up close to Bucky. "Did I hear her say cookies? You got any more for us, Y/N? We all had a bite, and then suddenly they were all gone, poof!"
"I'm glad you guys enjoyed them," you giggle as you add, "I'll probably make something new this evening. I'll bring them tomorrow night."
"No pressure doll. Sam's just being an idiot. You don't have to make us anything..." Bucky adds as he elbows Sam softly before grabbing his bottled water and taking a sip.
"I enjoy baking, so it's no problem. I was actually wondering, between you and Steve, who's bigger?"
Bucky chokes on his water as Sam laughingly says, "Bucky got the bigger package if that's what you're asking."
"Shut up, Sam," Bucky growls as he closes his water before he attempts to start talking. "Doll-"
"Oh, hell," your cheeks burn as your heart rate skyrockets from humiliation. "I really didn't plan that out in my head. I just meant, between Bucky and Steve, if I have extra cookies or sweets, who should get more? Who has the bigger energy requirement?" You look at your shoes as you try to slow your racing heart before slowly looking up.
"Bucky's the biggest, meanest one here. He's the biggest in all the ways," Sam keeps laughing.
"Shut up, Sam!" Bucky elbows him, making Sam flinch. "I swear to God..."
"What, I'm helping!" Sam chuckles as he steps away from Bucky, heading to the gym door.
"I'll help you into an early grave," Bucky says to the departing figure before he meets your eyes. His cheeks are tinted pink as he runs a hand through his long hair. "Doll-"
"Barnes, are you staying for the class?" Natasha interrupts whatever he was going to say. "We're starting in three minutes." You look around and see most of the ladies from the shelter have arrived.
"Wish I could, Red," Bucky replies to Natasha before he smiles at you. "I should get going before Martha gets here. Have fun, Y/N," he states before turning around and exiting the gym.
The self-defence class is surprisingly both fun and very informative. Natasha is a great teacher, showing the group various basic moves such as palm strikes, and knees to the groin; as well as tips to distract an attacker. At the end of the class, you are tired but happy to have exercised and learned new moves.
Back at the shelter, you quickly shower and have dinner before you head to the kitchen and start making some peanut butter clusters. You're thankful that Martha allows you to bake in the kitchen at night.
You can't help smiling, thinking back on how flustered Bucky got with the conversation today. In all defence, you were a bit embarrassed as well, but it didn't stop your mind from thinking about all that was said. Just how big is Bucky...?
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Touchstarved (Avengers x Reader one shot)
..I couldn’t help myself from writing the one shot from my last headcanon. My bad. Hope you like it.
Word Count: 987
It was another regular day for you at Stark Tower. It had been less than a year since you had run into Tony while job searching and he hired you for no reason at all. You helped him, Bruce, and Peter out quite often in the lab because between the four of you, you all had a penchant for not sleeping when there was work to be done. And as all four of you rubbed off on one another, none of you slept.
Everyone at the Tower had learned pretty quickly that you weren’t exactly one for hugs or cuddling on the couch during movie night. You either curled up in a ball under a blanket, avoided the main room if it was a horror movie, or flinched away whenever one of them accidentally tried to hug you. It wasn’t that you were an abused kid, you just often recieved familial hugs that you weren’t quite comfortable with. As you had been to about 6 funerals before your 16th birthday, you ended up hugging a lot of family members you didn’t know that well, but your mom told you that it was important since everybody was hurting. You didn’t quite understand how pushing your boundaries helped everyone else not hurt, but you didn’t want another argument with your mom so you just left it. 
Since you did have a life outside working for Tony, you had other, more personal projects that sometimes just led to you typing on your laptop in the main room next to Bucky. You liked spending time with Bucky since he never tried to get as physically close to you as the others sometimes did, he also never pushed you to open up, and while you would work, he would read books that he had missed. Sometimes you would shift on the couch after a while and your foot would brush one of his thighs, causing you both to flinch back. You knew you lived with the Avengers, but sometimes it was easy to forget between Family Game Night, which was followed by a movie, and the continuous prank wars that you were left out of after you left full, upside down glasses of water in everyone’s room after they dyed your hair green. 
You may have also left one of Clint’s arrows in Tony’s suit after discovering that it was his idea. And if you bribed Steve to help and Nat to keep quiet, then who would ever know the wiser? Well, FRIDAY of course, but you threatened to reprogram her if she said anything to Tony or Clint about what really happened.
“Doll?” Bucky’s voice interrupted your train of thought. “Are you alright? It’s been about 10 minutes since you typed anything.”
“I’m okay, Bucky, I got distracted is all.”
“You look tired. When was the last time you slept, honey?” You blushed, Bucky was a very attractive man, everyone at the Tower was attractive, and in your 52- no 54 hours of being awake, his Brooklyn drawl was doing something to you that it didn’t normally. Combine that with his nicknames for you that never seem to end, you were a mess, not that you would ever admit it.
“Um, what day is it?”
“Oh, uh, I definitely slept last night then.”
“Oh stop lying to me. FRIDAY?” He asked. 
“Y/N hasn’t slept since Monday, Sergeant Barnes.” The AI chimed in helpfully.
“You haven’t slept in 3 days?”
“54 hours. And I’m fine. I have work to do.”
“If you don’t march your ass to bed right now, I will carry you there myself.”
“You’re the only one that never tries to touch me, and don’t you dare start trying now!” You turned your attention back to your laptop and started typing again with a renewed focus, although it only took about 5 minutes before all the letters in front of you started blurring together. You closed your laptop and placed your arm on top of it, before laying your head on top of your arm.
“I just need 5 minutes,” you mumbled, half asleep already.
“That’s not gonna be very comfortable, honey. Come lay on the couch, I’ll sit in the chair to finish my book.” Bucky told you softly.
“Stay.” You whispered.
“Nightmares. Stay, please.” Bucky didn’t move and you laid your head down on his lap. He threw a blanket over you, but you were already asleep where you were. He stroked his fingers through your hair softly, careful not to touch you with his metal hand.
It was easily a couple hours later before the team trickled into the room, eager to play a game until they saw you and Bucky. He had finished his book and was quietly watching TV when he noticed the others walk in. He held his metal finger in front of his face and they all knew that if they woke you up, they would never hear the end of it. Especially Tony, Peter, and Bruce, since they were often the reason you never slept.
When you finally blinked your eyes open to laughter, it was much darker outside than before. You groaned softly before realizing that you were touching someone, and they definitely had a hand sitting on the back of your head.
“Easy there, kiddo. You were out for a few hours on Frosty’s lap there.” Tony said, pausing Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
“What happened?” You asked, sitting up. 
“You hadn’t slept in 54 hours, your eyes started glazing over while looking at your screen, so when you shut it and put your head on top of your computer, I knew you were finally giving into sleep. I was gonna move, but you said something about ‘stay’ and ‘nightmares’ before you fell asleep, so I didn’t.” Bucky explained softly. 
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“That is one of the only times in 10 years I haven’t had one.”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Hi I have a request please. Steve x reader. Reader is in love with Steve and thinks Steve does't feel the same way. She is very insecure. But what she does't know is that he does. Their friends try and get them to confess to each other. Since she thinks Steve isn't interested she goes out on a date with someone else. She comes home crying after a horrible date and Steve consoles her and finally they tell each other how they feel. Please include mutual pining, smut & a bit of angst. Thank you
Big Mistake || Steve Rogers
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, angst, fluff, smut WC: 2.3k
Main Masterlist || Steve’s Masterlist
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Walking past the kitchen, you couldn’t help sticking your hand in the giant jar chock full of Tony’s twizzlers. He wasn’t one to share but you figured he wasn’t around and he couldn’t have eyes and ears everywhere, so you quickly unscrewed the lid and took one before heading to your room. 
“I saw that.” 
You froze with the red candy halfway to your lips and turned slowly, hiding it behind your back as you did so. “I don’t know what you are talking about…”
Steve's lips curled up into a smile and he looked down as he placed his hands on his hips. “You’re a terrible liar.”
“Please don’t tell Tony.” You begged as you snapped it in half and held one end out to him.
“You’re bribing me now?” He laughed with a shake of his head. “I should be offended, but I have been wanting to try one of these.”
He stepped closer to you, glancing over his shoulder before plucking the sweet from your fingers. His cologne smelled better than the candy and you had to turn away before he caught you leaning in for another inhale, not wanting to freak him out. It wasn’t his fault the attraction you held for him was one way. The burden of being perfect Captain America extended to his personal life and he didn’t seem to let himself have any form of relationships beyond professional.
“I have to go.” You muttered as you continued on your way to your room, not hearing the sigh as he turned away too.
“I can see why Tony is protective of these.”
You looked back to see him holding the last inch of the twizzler as he walked backwards and you chuckled softly. “I think they always taste better when they belong to someone else.”
You could have sworn his eyes darted to your lips but there was no way he would ever want to taste them. With a sinking feeling, you gave him a small wave before pressing your palm to the scanner and unlocking your room. 
“Was that Steve?” Nat asked, already knowing the answer from the smirk on her lips.
“Mhmm.” You nodded as you closed the door behind you and saw the outfits Nat had pulled from your closet. “They look a bit fancy for a first date.”
“Nonsense.” She scoffed and pointed to the left one. “I think this will be perfect.”
You frowned as she whispered something under her breath but all you caught was Steve’s name and you dropped heavily into your loveseat. “Please don’t.”
“What? You two are perfect for each other. I don’t even know why you are bothering to go on this date, you should ask Steve.” 
“So that I can get rejected? No thanks, friend.” 
“Which one of us is a super spy?”
“And which one of us studied human behaviour and psychology?”
Your eyebrows shot up as you learnt something new about your friend. “You did?”
“Meh, it was Red Room 101.” She shrugged it off. “I’m telling you, Cap is smitten with you.”
“If he was, and I am not saying he is because he isn’t, then why hasn’t he asked me out?” 
Her sly smile grew as she took a seat beside you and slowly crossed her legs. “Your man famously dated the founder of Shield and came out of the ice to find her turning to dust. Before that he was, well, you saw the pictures, he wasn’t exactly on anyone's calling card. He’s inexperienced with this sort of thing, do you think he really asked Peggy out or do you think she took the lead?”
You chewed on your lip as you mulled over the information before admitting with a huff that she was probably right. “Doesn’t matter anyway, I have a date to go on and it’s gonna be fun.”
She tried not to laugh at the fake smile you gave her but a small chuckle broke through anyway. “Sorry.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yeah, I’m not.” She grinned wider before getting up and heading for the door. “Keep your phone on at all times and remember there’s a can of pepper spray in your handbag too.”
“Seriously?” You rolled your eyes but opened the bag to make sure it was there just in case. You could never be too careful nowadays. 
She opened the door and started making her way down the hall to her room, waving over her shoulder. “Don’t stay out too late honey, it’s a school night.”
“Thanks, mom.”
Nat heard the quiet creak of Steve’s bedroom door before a blue eye blinked from the crack. “Sup, Rogers? Something you wanna see?”
He opened the door wider with a sigh and looked longingly at your door before you stepped out. His pupils widened as he failed to stop staring, the outfit you chose left little to the imagination and his was currently running wild. 
“Is that drool?” Nat whispered loudly and you looked up from locking your door to see them standing in the hall.
“Hey Steve.” You waved, suddenly feeling self conscious about your clothing since he seemed to be staring at it intently. 
“Uh, hi, you look.” He cleared his throat after a rough elbow from Nat, glaring down at her for a split second before looking back at you. “You look amazing. You ladies going out tonight?”
“Not quite. Our girl has a date.”
His eyes flickered away before he could stop them but then a smile grew on his face that made the knot in your stomach tighten. “That’s great, I hope you have a good time.”
“Me too.” You whispered beneath your breath before distracting yourself by looking at the watch on your wrist and not Steve. “Speaking of time, I should get going.” 
“Wait, so you actually live with the Avengers?”
The entree had just arrived and you looked up from the delicate plate of food when you caught a strange tone to his voice. “Yes, I work and live in the tower.”
“That must suck.” He scoffed. “I would hate to live with those wannabes.”
“Wannabes? They saved New York, and probably the whole damn planet.” You shot back, your hackles rising as he attacked your family.
“Woah, I didn’t mean to offend you.” He laughed. “You have to admit they have insane egos though, especially Captain America. God, he’s so self righteous. Don’t get me started on Stark.”
“I think we are done here.” You muttered as you pushed out of your seat and grabbed your jacket. 
“Don’t be so sensitive, it’s not like I was talking about you, you’re not an Avenger. Sit down.”
You continued to button up your jacket as you felt more eyes turning to the conversation at the mention of the Avengers. “Trust me, I know I am not an Avenger. They are the bravest, kindest people that I know and I don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as them. But they are my family and I am not going to sit here and listen to the ramblings of a stranger who doesn’t even know them. Good night.”
You could see the flashes of cameras and kept your head low as you wove your way to the exit, hailing down the first cab you could find to get home. You weren’t sure how it was possible but you managed to get to the tower without shedding a tear until you were alone in the elevator. The mirrored walls all reflected your anger and sadness back as the tears began to streak down your cheek, until the doors opened and you were facing the same emotions on Steve’s face. 
“C’mere.” He said softly as he pulled you out of the elevator and into his arms. “JARVIS gets alerts to anything mentioning the Avengers. I saw what happened.”
You had figured at least one photo or video might have surfaced, you just didn’t think it would be so quick. Snuggling closer, you wrapped your arms around his waist and tucked your head into his chest - finally able to let go of the anger you were holding onto as his presence soothed you.
“I know first dates are going to be awkward but he made a big mistake.” You mumbled into the soft cotton shirt he wore. 
“Taking you to a fancy restaurant when you would rather have a hearty home cooked meal?”
Your head tipped back with a laugh to see Steve smiling a real smile that reached his eyes. “Well, yeah that was the first of many mistakes, but the big one was talking about you.”
Steve pulled back and held your shoulders, bending his knees so he was at your height. “You don’t have to stand up for me, sweetheart, there’s always going to be someone with a criticism and that shouldn’t be on you to fix. I can only do my best and hope it's enough.”
“He was so wrong about you.” You huffed, once again angry that Dan could have such an opinion about Steve without even meeting him. “I just don’t understand how he and everyone else like him can’t love you. I love you. I mean, I love all of you. Equally.”
You pulled out of his hold as the need to run far away overwhelmed you and instead left you trapped still in your body, your heart hammering so loud you were certain he could hear it. His eyes never left yours and his enticing lips were inching closer as he stepped closer and you were sure you were going to pass out from holding your breath before they could connect.
“I love you too.” He whispered before he stole what little air remained in your lungs with the softest brush of his lips on yours. 
“Oh, thank god.” You rushed as you reached up and linked your fingers behind his head, returning the kiss you had been dreaming of for months. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked as he pulled back, his cheeks pink and his eyes dark.
“You’re a superhero Steve, you should be with someone who can help take on the world with you.” You admitted.
“Here I was thinking I should be with someone who makes me happy.” He teased as he wiped away the reminders of the tears on your cheeks. “You make me happy.”
“You make me happy too.” You said as you took his hand and started leading the way to your room. “You know that feeling when you have wanted something for so long that when you finally get it you can’t take the time to enjoy it?”
“You just have to have it?” He nodded, following you into your room. “When I got out of the ice it was a corndog.”
“I’m not talking about a corndog.” You closed the door and started to unbutton your jacket, his eyes widening as his innocent mind finally caught up. 
“Are you sure?” He asked as he pressed his palm to the growing bulge in his jeans. 
“I love you Steve, and I have wanted you for a long time.” You nodded, stepping closer and dropping your jacket to the floor before brushing his hand aside so you could feel his erection through the material. “We know each other, we trust each other, and I need you.”
His eyes were in turmoil, you could feel he wanted you too but something was holding him back. “I haven’t, uh, done this before.”
“Do you trust me?” You asked as you began to slowly lift his shirt, giving him the time to stop you but he nodded his head. “Do you want this?”
“I want you.” He clarified as he took the material from your hands and pulled it over his head. 
Steve’s scent drove you wild as you buried your face in his neck, his name floating on your every breath and all thoughts of the date long forgotten. All that surrounded you were thoughts of Steve; it was in the memories of meeting him and longing for him, it was in the promise of a future spent loving him, but most importantly, it was his presence in your arms.
You couldn’t tell where your body ended and Steve’s began, every inch of you was pressed tightly to him; your lips, your chest, your hips. Your fingers felt the ripples of his back muscles flex with every thrust and your own back arched up to meet him, his soft moans leaving your walls fluttering around him and the headboard creaking under his strong grasp.
“Steve…” You cried as your bliss began to peak and your legs tightened around his waist. “I’m…oh god.”
Steve’s teeth clenched together as he felt your orgasm clench your pussy tight around him and you caught the quiet mumblings of a curse word low in your ear before he grunted and stilled above you. His breathing was as rapid as yours and he uncurled his fingers from the dented headboard before kissing you sweetly and rolling to your side.
“Are you alright? Did I hurt you?”
“I’m more than alright, Steve.” Your cheeks hurt from the smile splitting your face and you shook as you turned to face him. “That was...”
He chuckled at your loss for words, understanding the problem as he pulled you into his side. “Yeah, it was.”
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (xvii)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader)
Warnings: cursing, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, obnoxious flirting, mention of death, kidnapping, explosives, blood and stuff
Word count: 10k
A/N: ok this chapter is very long and she is very stupid in this. just like me. thank you to @buckysboobs​ for suggesting one of the things miss villain pulls here, @em-august​​ for her beautiful artwork that i had to include in one way or another because it was so damn cute, 
If you want more nonsense, you can head on over to Harmless Mini Drabbles :))
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Previous Part  || Series Masterlist
“Alright, let’s keep this short,” Tony instructs, his fingers clenched into a fist. “Barnes, you’re covering Rogers. If you see him, you take him down on sight.”
“Copy that.”
Sam points to the right side of the floor plan. “That’s our blindspot. We need someone stationed there.”
“I’ll do it,” Nat volunteers, feet kicked back onto another chair, easy and confident. “Should be easy enough. It’s dark, they won’t see us there.”
“If you see Barton, you shoot. No favouritism.” Tony’s eyes are unforgiving- they don’t have a lot of time to prepare.
Luckily, her answer comes back smoothly. “He’s going down first.”
“Is Vision on our side?” Bucky glances up at the team huddled around the round table, hair pulled back into a low bun and away from his face to eliminate as many distractions as possible. The low hum of the air conditioner, however, he can’t escape.
“He is, but I don’t think he’s really invested.”
“Why?” Nat asks, leaning forward on her elbows, gaze strong. “Is it because Wanda’s on Steve's side?”
“Says he doesn’t want to harm anyone.”
Sam doesn’t look too happy with the revelation. “Does he understand the concept of laser tag?”
“He does, but the guy’s worried his actual laser eyes are gonna act up if he gets too excited.” Tony gives a long drawn exhale. “I don’t wanna pay for the damages to the arena again.”
The bi-annual laser tag night tended to get... intense.
Tony’s had to pay to remodel the place a few times over already; the only reason they’re not banned so far. For all the complaining he did, no one knows why he was the one who fervently kept the tradition going then.
“You can put him in the corner or something,” Sam suggests. “Like a Christmas Tree. He’s got the colours for it too.”
“Vision moves to the corner.” Tony drags the Top Hat piece from the shared Monopoly board to the corner of the chart. “Barnes, you should flirt with the guy at the front desk, get him to disable their guns for a while.”
“I did that last time.”
“And it worked like a charm,” Tony says, fingers entwined with each other as he looks at him expectantly. “Do it again.”
“No.” For the record, Bucky thought the guy was really cute. Hell, they even went out for dinner once after Clint managed to create a human-sized hole in one of the arena walls. “He’s in a relationship now.”
“Fine, then we need a new strategy.” The blueprint of the arena had a bunch of scribbles on it of possible vantage points, a few Monopoly pieces to represent team members. Bucky’s been stuck as the thimble for the last one hour and he fucking hates it.
The Tower cafeteria was more or less empty, providing them a good meeting spot for their strategic sessions. Steve’s team took up the common room like the hoarders that they were, establishing their rule over the room as early as four in the morning. It’s not like they were planning the entire day; it was pure pettiness and spite, forcing everyone else to find another place to meet.
But Steve’s team probably didn’t track down the contractor and bribe them to get the floorplan of the building. Steve’s stupid team was probably drinking tea and watching Jeopardy like the old fucks that they were.
Steve should have been the thimble.
“What about Wanda?” Sam brings up a new point. “She’s annoyingly good at this.”
“Yeah, she has the whole glowy thing going on, it’s confusing-”
There’s a loud crash from beside them- table hitting chairs, the clang of metal against tiled floors.
“Spy!” Tony whips around, fury in his eyes. “Instant disqualifica-”
Except it’s not a spy.
You kick a chair away from yourself in an attempt to detangle your body from the cafeteria furniture, stepping ungracefully over the gigantic mess you managed to create within the ten seconds you were there.
Bucky’s not even surprised.
“Fuckin’ there you are. Finally.” You huff out a breath before plastering a smile on your face. “Hey guys.”
Sam and Nat just wave, while Tony doesn’t move.
“Hey,” Bucky says. “What’re you doing here?”
“Are you busy?”
“Not really.” He takes a peek at the more or less finished battle plan, knowing that on the day, all this nonsense would be forgotten in exchange for unbridled chaos. Still, Tony pays and therefore everyone indulges him. “Why?”
“D’you wanna go do something?”
“Do what?”
“You’ll see.” The grin on your face is telling. “Wanna go?”
He does a quick survey of the table’s occupants, finding only nods of affirmation. “Give me ten.”
“Cool. See you.” Your form vanishes following a small wave.
Bucky returns back to the plan as if nothing happened, finishing off the little drawing he was making of Steve, complete with his stupid frisbee in the centre of the room.
You reappear approximately four seconds later, looking slightly embarrassed.
“I forgot to tell you where we were going."
"You can just text me," he reminds you without even giving you a glance.
"Yeah, okay, bye.” Before you take your leave this time, you turn to the others and shoot them finger guns. “Looking good, guys"
“You too, Y/N,” Nat calls out. You blow her a kiss and disappear.
Bucky taps on the blueprint. “Sam’s taking the left, I’ll cover Steve. Nat can do whatever she wants.”
“Hold on-” Tony holds up a finger, all interest in his Athenian war strategy currently lost.
“I’ll take Wanda if you handle Clint,” Nat offers and Sam agrees. “Stark?”
“Whatever.” Tony stares at where you were just a second ago. “Does anyone wanna tell me how she was able to bypass six layers of security?”
“Oh, she can teleport.” Bucky stretches his arms above his head to get rid of the soreness.
“She can what?”
He knocks over the thimble with a unique sort of annoyance before letting out a, "Yeah.”
“She can fuckin’ teleport and no one thought it’d be useful for us?” Tony asks the remaining members, all of whom don’t really have an answer. “Climate change’s still a thing, think about our carbon footprint.”
Bucky pushes himself away from the table, chair scraping against the ground. "Catch you guys later.”
Nat’s feet shift to occupy Bucky’s chair. “Everything we use runs on sustainable energy. This table is biodegradable.”
“Think about the foot, Natalia.”
Just a regular old Wednesday.
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Bucky shoves his hands further into his leather jacket, doing a brisk walk to catch up to you at the entrance of the parking lot. The whole affair is a fair distance away from actual civilization, but he knows why you’ve brought him here.
Your backpack’s pulled over your shoulder as usual, and you’re looking down at your phone until you hear his heavy footsteps approach.
“You made it.” Your eyes light up, tucking your phone into your pocket.
“I did.”
You stick your hand out for a handshake. Bucky looks at you incredulously.
He knows it’s a joke, he can’t really explain the things you did sometimes. But he notices the bracelet he gave you strung across your wrist as you jut your hand out further, it pulls an unnatural twinge of happiness from deep within his stomach.
“Fellow associate.“ He shakes the outstretched palm firmly. “I brought the motorcycle. Now, will you explain why?”
“Nothing, it’s just been a while since I’ve seen that beauty,” you coo, dropping his hand, “and the live thirst trap of you on it.”
“Coulda just asked for a picture.”
“Why would I do that when I could just have the real thing?”
“Is there a reason we’re just standing around a parking lot?” he asks, scouring the land that was filled with vehicles for as far as he could see.
“Yeah, thought it’d be fun to look at bumper stickers.” You throw a nod towards a car. “That one there says ‘Caution, this vehicle makes frequent stops at your mom’s house’.”
You look back at him with a smile playing at your lips. “The circus is in town and they built a fair around it.”
“I didn’t know your family was visiting.”
Your jaw drops. “You callin’ me a clown, Mr Barnes?”
“I’m sorry.” He stifles a laugh.
“You should be, that was mean.” Still, you gesture for him to walk with you.
“Thought you’d be used to it by now.”
“Clearly I’m not.” You huff. “Which means you should be seeing me a lot more.”
“Weekends not enough for you?”
“Never,” you drag out. “That’s for work.”
“We’ve spent time outside of that,” he points out. “Pretty sure there was no inator two weeks ago at the bowling alley.”
“Did you think I got six strikes in a row just because I’m good at bowling?”
No, he didn’t. He called you a cheater right after the first one. “I’m talkin’ about ‘taking over the tristate area’, ‘ending the world' inators.”
“Oh yeah, none of those,” you agree. “Guess we do spend time outside of work.”
“And that’s not enough either?”
“Never,” you drawl again, “because you’re totally hot.”
Bucky’s laugh is airy.
“What?” You look at him teasingly. “You are.”
The corner of his eye catches your movement. “If you told me a year ago that I’d be hanging out with you outside of work, I’d call bullshit.”
“Was it my charm that wore you down?”
“You were never the problem in the first place.”
It’s a little confusing to you. “Then what was?”
“I don’t know.” Bucky pauses. “Never thought anyone would wanna do that.”
He knows the silence is your way of giving him space; passing the ball to his court in case he wanted to talk. He can only hope he doesn’t come off as a pick-me-boy, or whatever else that specific brand of people he’s seen YouTube compilations of are.
“I don’t know,” he repeats, the phrase his crutch. “You know that day when you were trying to take the sun or whatever?”
“Harness the power of the sun.”
“That.” Bucky nods. “And you zapped me with that thing and I lost my powers for like, ten minutes?”
“Yeah,” you say slowly and more like a question, unsure of what that stupid plan from well over a year ago had to do with this.
He gives you a half-smile. “Couldn’t stop thinking about how if I don’t have them, I don’t have anything. No real reason for me to be around.”
There’s a moment of quiet as you process what he just said. He wonders if he worded it right since he didn’t really bring this up with anyone other than his therapist, and he was always so calculated with her.
“Bucky, I'm so sorry.” Your eyes soften. It’s like a blow to your gut.
“You got nothin’ to be sorry for, wasn’t your fault,” he dismisses the notion immediately, making sure to look you in the eye as he did it. “It’d been there for a while. Just realised it that day.”
“Still.” You bite your lip. “I didn't know you felt like that.”
“I don’t. Not anymore.” Bucky shrugs. “At least not as much. Therapy helps.”
“You still going twice a week?”
“For now.” He sends you a quick glance. “Have a feeling it’s gonna go down soon.”
Bucky simply nods. Things were good; had been for a while now. It’s clearer in his head now that it has been in months.
“Doc says hanging out with you helped,” he puts forth, staring straight ahead because it’s difficult to meet your eye at the moment, “a lot. I think that too.”
It’s met with a distinct lack of response that he knows isn’t a negative sign. It’s contemplative, thoughtful- he knows it well enough by now.
“I don’t know if you remember,” you begin, looking at him, “when I said that if I had one hour to live, I’d lie with my friends on grass or some shit.”
Bucky does, clear as day.
"I'm very selective about who’s invited."
"Yeah?" He raises an eyebrow.
"So the only people there is the cashier from my grocery store, the cast of Twilight, T, Jake, Alpine, every single person who's ever appeared on an MTV show, the One Direction boys and the man who once tried to sell me illegal CDs in the subway."
"Small list," he notes.
"Yeah." You nudge his shoulder. "You're there too."
He gives a short exhale in the form of a laugh, a faint smile on his face. “Good to know.”
The evening’s slipping into dark and the smell of sugary confectioneries is getting stronger. There’s a shift in the atmosphere with the bright orange lights casting a glow in the air and excited chattering in the distance. It makes his heart swell.
“I’m really proud of you, Buck.” It’s sincere, kind and said while looking him straight in the eye. His stomach does a little twist.
“Thank you,” he says softly.
You link your elbow with his, pulling him closer. His hands are still tucked deep into his pockets, keeping his arm steady enough to support yours.
“Okay, back to our regularly scheduled flirting,” you announce, tearing your eyes away from the flyer at the entrance. “Superpowers or not, I’d still pick you to take home.”
Bucky smiles widely. “To the circus?”
“You dick.” You laugh loudly. “Yes, to the circus.”
The grounds are crowded and the whole event just lifts with joy. It reminds him of summers at Coney Island, and more recently, the team’s outing to Six Flags.
“What’s the plan for this evening?”
“No plan, just vibes.”
“Bullshit.” He laughs.
“Maybe there’s one plan,” you test. “But, for now, it’s irrelevant.”
“You’re not gonna tell me, are you?”
“Nah,” you say, “unless you want me to tell you now, you can confiscate the stuff and we go back home.”
He thinks it over for a second. Pretends to, more like, just for the sake of it because you and him both know he’s in too deep now.
“Do you think they sell orange soda?”
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Unsurprisingly, any game which requires Bucky to use a gun is an instant win, regardless of how many churros he has in one hand while doing it. The record so far is three.
Every stuffed animal makes its way into the void of your backpack for safekeeping. Till now there’s a wolf, an alligator, a dog and two ducks at your behest.
However, and as much as he hates to admit it, the only thing he can’t seem to figure out is the fucking claw machine.
A good fifteen minutes has already been spent at it while Bucky tries to win a stupid cat. Not because he has any particular inclination towards it, but the fact that he grew up with siblings makes his competitive spirit jump out a little higher this time. He will get that shitty stuffed animal even if his life depends on it.
“Move it an inch,” you encourage, holding onto his churros for him, only occasionally taking a bite, “or else we’re gonna be here all night, Buck.”
“Better tell Jake not to wait up,” he mumbles, trying to calculate the trajectory of the claw’s drop and the distance between the cat and him for reasons.
“Jake’s at yoga camp or something.” You dip it into the chocolate, taking another bite. “So you should definitely come over. You can move in for three weeks, I’ll even throw out his stuff for you.”
“I got a mission,” he says distantly, eyes focused on the stuffed cat in the corner of the glass cage. “Leavin’ this Sunday.”
“When are you coming back?”
“In two weeks.”
“How do I live without you for two weeks, honey?”
“I’m sure you'll manage, darling,” he dishes right back, hearing you bark out a laugh.
Bucky only lifts his head to make sure that there’s no line forming behind him. Other than the two people that had been staring at the machine for a while waiting their turn, there seems to be no one. The other console was free, but this one clearly had the bigger and better prizes so no wonder they were hellbent on staying here. Sucks to be them, the night was still young and Bucky had an incredible amount of determination.
“Move it an inch,” you advise again through a mouth full of fried dough.
“You’ve been saying that for the last ten minutes.” His body towers over the tiny console.
“Because I’m right. Your aim’s always a little bit off.”
“My aim’s fine, this game’s rigged.” He drops the claw again, watching with extreme optimism as the claw drops onto the cat.
By the miracle of God himself, it’s lifted up by its ear, making its way to the drop-
Before it falls again.
Bucky curses loudly in an exciting mix of Russian and English.
“Move,” you announce, dusting your hands off. “Let the expert show you how it’s done.”
He sighs, taking a step back.
“I’m gonna be mad if you get this,” he says playfully, relenting.
“Yeah?” You hand him the churro. “What animal do you want?”
He scans through the available toys, finally using the churro as a pointer. “That bear.”
“I’m gonna win three, just to piss you off.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Watch me.” The mischief in your face makes a return. “If I win, what do I get?”
“A stuffed animal.”
“That’s for you. I need an incentive.”
“First win, then we’ll see.”
“Why?” You raise an eyebrow. “You got somethin’ in mind already?”
Yeah. Another churro from the food truck near the entrance. Maybe a date. Possibly another duck plushy.
“You’ll just have to see,” he replies, pointing to the machine. “Go on.”
“I love a good tale of suspense.” You crack your knuckles before inserting a coin into the machine and positioning yourself. A lot of theatrics just for a claw game that you were inevitably going to lose.
Bucky spends the few minutes before the blow to your ego looking for the next thing to do.
There was still one of those strength tester games where he’d have to hit hard enough to ring a bell, but he’s pretty sure he can’t get away with winning a game like that and not draw attention to himself. The roller coaster was an option, the actual circus too. More churros- God, they were fucking addictive.
While turning, he catches sight of the guys still waiting in line for their turn again, considering sending them an apologetic stare. They look away immediately, just as Bucky faces them.
His eyebrows knit together.
“Do they look familiar to you?” Bucky squints at the pair who were now forcing a laugh between themselves in an attempt to throw off suspicion.
“Who?” You bite your lip, edging the controller a bit to the left.
“The guys standing there, ten o’clock.” He turns back to the machine, the hair at the back of his neck standing upright. His senses automatically switch to high alert.
“You trynna distract me, Barnes?” You keep your eyes trained on the claw’s shadow. “You can try but there’s no way I’m not winning.”
“No, I’m serious.” Bucky doesn’t back down from their stare, running through a list of faces for a possible name. “They’ve been watching us for a while now.”
You finally pull your eyes away from the bear and towards the guys Bucky was holding a steadfast gaze with. They give up on their act of subtlety, instead, going eerily silent.
“You know ‘em?”
“Oh, he’s one of the guys who kidnapped me.”
“What?” Bucky watches the both of them press a phone to their ear, speaking hurriedly into it. Backup, definitely.
“Both of them are, actually,” you say on closer inspection.
No wonder they looked familiar. The last time he saw them, they were withering on the floor of the room you were locked in.
“I’m gonna go deal with them before this gets outta hand.” He was having fun, there was no reason the evening should be ruined by those assholes.
“No, don’t.” You pull him back by the sleeve of his jacket. “Whole gang’s here, by the looks of it.”
In a second you were proven right. More and more people started showing up pretty rapidly, banding together to form a group of adults dressed as the cast of The Matrix. The both of you were definitely outnumbered, but Bucky’s dealt with worse. The only issue was the crowd of bystanders that would serve as collateral damage.
Their leader, a guy Bucky doesn’t even remember, stands right at the front. His one hand finds its way into his pocket and he keeps it posed there.
“This is ridiculous.” Bucky rolls his eyes at the absurdity of the whole situation. “We’ve done this once, we can do it again.”
“We should run,” you say casually.
“Why?” He peers at you.
“They have one of those kill-rays or something.”
“They brought a kill-ray. Death-ray, whatever,” you explain. “We actually might have a very real chance of dying.”
“I’m evil but I’m not a fuckin’ piece of shit.” You don’t look at all impressed. “Death-rays are so violent, and for what?”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” he mutters.
“I’m very serious.” You look straight ahead to where one of them shouts a signal. “Look, he’s holding it up right now. If this thing works the way they want it to, and I’m not sure it does, then-”
There’s a large zap before the machine right next to you disappears, leaving a large empty space on the ground.
“My fuckin’ claw machine!” you cry out. “I was so close to winning, you assholes-”
Bucky, however, doesn’t wait for another shot. He grabs hold of your backpack and pulls you behind the remaining claw machine before breaking out into a run.
“How do you know it’s a death-ray?” Bucky shouts, hearing them yell instructions at each other; various ways to get you.
“I’ve seen those plans before-” you’re cut off with a yelp as their ray hits a large stuffed kangaroo hanging on display outside a game stall, only inches away from your face. “I don’t think it actually-”
“Over there!” You hear one of them in the distance.
You don’t get time to assess how far they are before Bucky points to a large grey building, “In there.”
You comply, keeping your head low and pushing your way through anyone in your way before jumping straight in.
Reflections of yourself from what seems like all sides hit you in the face, forcing you to falter in your footsteps. The House of Mirrors was probably not the best place to hide.
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me.” Bucky has the same thought as you.
“Don’t run,” you tell him, holding your hand out to feel for mirrors in front of you as you walk as fast as you can alongside him. “Sometimes they just use glass to confuse you.”
“Wasn’t plannin’ to.” His eyes search the ceilings and floors where the large mirrors were attached, looking for a tell in the way they were arranged. There was yellow tape along the glass, so maybe if they-
Bucky walks straight into you, paused in front of a mirror. You don’t budge, clearly enamoured by whatever’s captured your attention.
“Look, my face is all weird.” You grin, pointing to one of the misshapen ones. Sure enough, your reflection was stretched long and wide, the smile on your face all distorted.
“Still look great,” he comments, prodding at you to continue walking. His face didn’t look much different from yours either.
“Aw, thanks,” you coo. “You do too. Look at us, power couple.”
“Keep it moving, Y/N,” he urges, with an exasperated smile, fully intending to just get out of there and hide in a more secure location.
For a second you’re distracted enough to forget your situation. “D’you wanna take a pic-”
You’re crudely reminded of it a second later through a series of screams and incomprehensible dialogue. You hurriedly pick up the pace, using your arm in front of you as a guide, only occasionally running into a mirror with a small ‘oof’.
The exit signs were starting to increase in frequency. “Almost there-”
“Found them!” One of them yells.
Bucky’s brisk walking shifts into a jog, “We need to get out-”
Not even a second later his body comes to a grinding halt, stomach dropping.
The gang glares back at him. No one moves until their leader pushes through the members to make his way to the front. They part like the Red Sea.
“We meet again,” he snarls, low and menacing, gun held up to his chest.
“Yo,” you say.
Bucky holds a hand out in front of you. You resist the urge to give him a high-five, knowing that as funny as it’d be for you, he was in no mood to joke.
“I got this, we’re fine,” you whisper, letting your fingers rest gently on the small of his back to ground him. “I’m gonna talk to them, and then we’re gonna get out of here.”
Bucky looks at you, a crease between his eyebrows. You want nothing more than to smooth it away.
He reluctantly lets his hand fall, eyes trained on you.
The group watches you intently as you take a bold step forward. You scan through them, unfazed until your sight finally zeroes in on their leader.
“Hold on, I remember you.” You narrow your eyes. His ears perk up. “You’re Mega Dick.”
“Megedagik,” he roars, immediately resorting back to his heavy breathing from all the running they just did.
“Calm down, dude.” You roll your eyes. “You weren’t in charge the last time I saw you. Where’s Chad?”
“That’s because I rose through the ranks.” He puffs out his chest. “I duelled and fought-”
“Chad quit after the whole showdown in the warehouse,” one of the ones in the back pipes up. “S.H.I.E.L.D. roughed him up real bad.”
“Oh no,” you say empathetically. “Must have been tough, new management and all.”
“Yeah, took a while to get the band back-” the guy doesn’t continue as someone whacks him over the head rather loudly to get him to shut up.
“So, you’re like-” You turn your attention back to their leader, wiggling a finger at him “-in charge now?“
“Yes, and I’m gonna-” Megedagik takes a step towards you.
“What’s your team name?” you interrupt.
“What?” He pauses, eyebrows knitting together.
“What’s your team name? Your evil organisation name,” you clarify. “I know you weebs have one. What is it?”
“Obsidian Crew,” your oversharer from before prompts up again. Someone says his name- Nico- to get him to stop, but he soldiers on. “What’s yours?”
“Hey, what’s our team name?” You twist your head towards Bucky who just looks back at you in confusion, clearly dragged away from whatever train of thought he was following.
“We don’t have…” he trails off.
You hum. “What’s the last show you watched?”
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine.”
You spin around to face them. “Team Sex Tape, bitch!”
“No.” Bucky’s eyes nearly bug out of his head.
“Fine, Team Dumbass.”
His lips turn downward in a ‘fair enough’.
“We don’t car-”
“Is that a death ray?” You return to your conversation with the guy in charge.
“We’re not really sure what it does,” Nico says from the back. “We just found the blueprints off the internet.”
“How are you so sure it works, then?” you challenge. “What if it just sends people to Jersey?”
Horrifying, Bucky thinks. A fate worse than death.
“It might, actually-”
Megedagik just exhales deeply, eyes rolling so hard you could see the whites.
“Dude, you’re gonna get us fired,” his partner whispers furiously.
“Sorry, bro.” Nico doesn’t sound like he cares too much. Bucky knows you just found your newest talking point.
“Mr Dick, your employees don’t sound very happy,” you quip. “Is the allowance not good, or-”
Bossman charges full speed towards you with a battle cry.
Bucky damn near pushes you, forcing you to start running. Behind him, you hear a large thunk as they run straight into the mirror they were too stupid to realise was there.
“I told you we’d be fine.” You laugh as he navigates you out the exit cleverly, clearly having figured out the structure of the building like the smartass that he was.
“We are not fine, we are very not fine,” he murmurs, taking a sudden turn into the crowd forming outside the circus to try and lose them.
People either jump out of the way or are rather uncomfortably pushed aside as Bucky weaves through the audience in a desperate attempt to find a decent place to call for backup.
“What’s our plan here?” he shouts, forcing you to keep your eyes on him so he doesn’t lose sight of you.
“To run,” you call back unhelpfully, apologizing in a rush to a woman you bump shoulders with.
“After that!”
“We haven’t gotten to that part ye-” You stop dead in your tracks, dragging him back with impressive force. “Wait, wait, wait!”
He skids to a halt, eyes wide. “What?”
“Bear,” you say excitedly, pointing at the shelf over the rows of stuffed animals at the milk bottle game. “I wanna try.”
“Are you kidding me,” he hisses.
“Absolutely not.” You’re already halfway through handing the money over to the game operator who slides three balls over at you. “I got this, hold on. My chance to win this for you.”
“They’re still in pursuit.” He knows for a fact that the dumb game is rigged. He can see remnants of tape and chipped wood on the table and either way, the stall owner looks slimy enough.
“I am in pursuit-” You hold a ball with one eye closed in aim “-of this bear.”
“Just give me that.” He grabs two of the three balls off the table.
With speed, accuracy and strength that no human should possibly possess, he knocks down two of the battle pyramids clean off the shelf.
Bucky turns to you. “Throw it,” he says impatiently.
“Uh, you can have it.” You hand the last one to him. “If you miss, it’s gonna be embarrassing for both of us.”
But he doesn’t, and in between whipping around and looking for a sign of where they are, he points out the stupid bear from the line-up.
The shop owner moves much too slowly for his liking, and by the time you’ve gotten the stuffed animal of your choice, he can see them round the corner and end up a few stalls away from you.
“Coming, coming.” He agonizingly watches you zip the backpack closed, swing it across your shoulder and clear your throat before bursting into a sprint.
He struggles to pull his phone out of his pocket while he’s running, forcing him to re-evaluate whether switching from tactical clothing to jeans and t-shirts for these outings was really the best choice he could have made. At least he’d have a stun gun or something hidden away on the other thing.
“Buck,” you call loudly.
“No more games,” he shouts, looking at you in warning.
You grin.
In a quick second, you take a sharp turn and yank him into a tiny space, illuminated by a single light bulb.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he groans when you drag the curtain shut and push him down on the tiny seat.
“Would you look at that?” you gush. “We’re in a photo booth.”
Bucky’s too busy dialling Hill’s number to care about whatever shit you were up to. “Keep your volume down.”
“Sergeant Barnes-” She picks up immediately, knowing that never calls her line directly without good reason.
“Code six,” he cuts her off mid-greeting. “Case number 8475. Hill, I thought we dealt with these idiots months ago.”
There’s a flash of light from beside him and he glances over only for a second to make sure you’re okay before turning his attention to the ceiling of the booth to look for any openings.
“Where are you?”
Another bright flash of light and he can hear you laugh. His mind goes into overdrive.
“The fair downtown.” He pulls the curtain back slightly to see where the people chasing both of you were.
Bucky watches one of them run past and he pulls the curtain shut again, swiftly retreating. There’s no curtain on your side, just the wall. He's glad you’re not directly exposed to danger right now.
His gaze is in the middle of travelling from the wall to you when the third flash goes off. He frowns at the little screen in front of him.
“Get them out of there, too many civilians,” she directs. “We’ll send someone down.”
The fourth burst of light catches him by surprise while he’s looking directly at the screen, leaving him blinking furiously.
Bucky feels you nudge his side.
“Sergeant Barnes?”
“Uh, yeah.” He closes his eyes to get rid of the spots that are dancing in front of his vision.
“Get out on the east side. Take that road, stay clear of any residential areas.”
“Noted.” Bucky hangs up, shoving the phone back into his pocket. They were instructions he already knew; he just needed to let them know he might require backup.
“What’d she say?”
“You need to leave.” His voice is serious with no hint of the humour or lightness that had been there all evening.
“Like hell I’m leaving you.” You scoff. He opens his mouth to protest but you just cut him off. “Don’t even start with that self-sacrificial bullshit now, you know I’m not going to listen. What’s the actual plan?”
He rolls his eyes, mumbling a whole lot to himself before saying, “We need to lead them away from here.”
“Are we working together now?” you ask as he pulls the curtain back again. “That’s so exciting for us.”
“We are not.” The path is clear, or so he thinks. Them wearing black trench coats made them easier to spot. “This is not a mission. You’re leaving the first chance you get.”
“Fine, then the least we could do is kiss.” You peek over his body to check the coast too. “Like in the movies, right before we race off into danger.”
“The only thing we’re doing right now is running.” Bucky turns back to compose himself, planning a route out in his mind.
“Fine, we’ll talk about this later.”
Whether it was the adrenaline of the evening so far or the possibility of death looming over your heads, he takes a moment to really stop for a second.
The light bulb casts a shadow over your face and there are beads of sweat lining your skin, but he still thinks you look beautiful. His eyes run over your entire face for any sign of injury or distress. Nothing of the sort, just an excited face looking back at him questioningly.
“You ready?” he asks, voice surprisingly soft.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, partner.”
Bucky’s lips upturn in a small smile. “Let’s go.”
The pit stop proves to be useful. It’s easier to navigate when the both of you are not running around with the directional sensibility of a headless chicken.
He knows for a fact that they’re all over the place and that both of you trying to blend into the crowd is not really possible when people are leaping away from you, leaving a trail of gasps and angry complaints, but he hopes for a clear road to the parking lot.
“You know what’s a good place to hide?” you ask with a grin. “The ferris wheel.”
“No,” he says immediately, pointing to the right. You follow without a question, and the path takes you behind a row of food trucks.
“Why?” you whine. “Is it because you’re scared of being with me for too long in one of the most cliche romantic setups ever? Not like we didn’t just do that.”
“There are no exits, we’re in open air, the booth is unstable, and it moves too slowly,” he lists off, head turning to see if anyone was following you. His pace drops by the tiniest bit, just so that he always has your back covered.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you dismiss. “Murder shmurder. Just say you don’t want us to kiss and go.”
He sends you a side-eye. “Now when did I say that?”
You’re only left to gape at him as the border of the fair comes into view, a thin barbed wire fence separating the attendees from the rest of the city.
You know for a fact that he plotted this route to specifically avoid people, since no one really strays this far out, leaving it the least populated area of the entire event.
“Okay, once we get to the parking lot, you’re gonna leave,” Bucky instructs. “I’ll get them away from here unt-”
Something whizzes past his ear and hits the fence, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. You pull him back harshly, heart jumping to your mouth.
“Not so fast!” One of them yells from behind you, but you pay no heed to it.
“You okay?” you ask Bucky quietly. He nods, giving you a tight smile in reassurance before turning around slowly.
“You didn’t think we would let you get away so easily, did you?”
As if that was the plan anyway. Losers.
“You really wanna get involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. again?” Bucky questions as they surround you, leaving no room to escape unless he ploughs through them. “They let you off easy last time.”
“Easy?” Megadigik guffaws, loud and obnoxious. “They ruined our fucking lives.”
“You kidnapped me, asshole,” you call out. “In case you forgot, that’s illegal.”
He turns to face you. “You weren’t even worth it.”
You scoff, offended. “Take that back right now.”
“You will pay,” Megadigik bellows, raising the gun high.
“Fuck you,” you spit, specks of blood landing on the ground in front of you.
Nothing moves for a second.
“Why are you bleeding?” The leader looks at his comrades. “None of us have touched you yet.”
“Yeah, exactly. What the fuck?” Bucky voices out loudly. “Where is this coming from?”
“Just let me do my thing,” you insist, pulling out a napkin to dab at your mouth. It was probably the same one you got from the churro lady.
“You’ve been with me the entire evening, when’d you get hurt?” Bucky takes a step towards you.
“I’m not hurt, oh, my God,” you exclaim, throwing your hands forward. “Can’t a girl cough up some fake blood every once and a while?”
“It’s not real?” Nico, the only valid henchman ever, asks in wonder. “That’s so cool.”
You beam at him. “I know right? It’s this little switch-”
Bucky lets out a singular cough in disbelief. “You’re-”
“Yeah, yeah, annoying. I know, we get the drill.” You wave, cutting Bucky off.
“I wasn’t gonna say annoying.”
“You certainly weren’t going to say ‘love of my life’, were you?” you fire back.
“Maybe I was, how would you know?” he argues.
A green light hits the fence behind you violently.
You yelp and duck, dragging Bucky down with you. “Motherfucker.”
“Shut up, the both of you!”
“Don’t you tell him to shut up!” you exclaim. “Only I get to do that.”
“I don’t care,” Megedagik rages.
“Maybe don’t try to piss off the guy who has a death gun in his hand,” Bucky murmurs, tugging you back slightly.
“He’s pissing me off.”
“Do you have a death ray in your hand?” he presses. “Then stop trying to get us killed.”
“It’s not a death- ugh, fine” You roll your eyes. “Since you would rather take his side than mine-”
Without any warning, an explosive sound rings through the air. A thick cloud of blue smoke stings eyes that respond too slowly to it. In the middle of it are shouts of confusion and gagging.
“Run, run, run, run.” You shove at Bucky from behind. His training kicks in as he backhands a henchman out of the way before grabbing onto your hand and breaking out into a sprint.
“Where the fuck did that come from?” he yells, pulling you along as fast as he could.
You lift your hand and shake your wrist to prove your point. The little gift he gave you on Valentine’s day rattles against your skin.
“You turned the fuckin’ thing into an inator?” Fuck, it’s insane how much he likes you.
“Obviously,” you shout. “You know, maybe we should be Team Bracelet.”
“Shut up and run.” He wants to laugh.
“Bracelet Bitches.” You have no reservations about it, however. “Look, there’s a Whack-a-Mole over there, let’s-”
“Y/N.” Never mind, he takes back everything he thought a few seconds ago. He dislikes you very much.
“Bucky,” you say back mockingly. “Don’t let them distract you from the fact that we can destroy every stall here. We still have to hit the rides-”
“We are leaving.”
“But my rollercoaster,” you complain, your list of priorities very well sorted.
“Just build one.”
“What am I, eight?” You sound like the mere thought of it is silly. “And, where do you propose I build one? In my backyard?”
“Wouldn’t be the worst thing you’ve done.” Definitely wouldn’t.
Regardless of your carnival fun regrettably slipping through your fingers, you sprint towards the open parking lot, dodging in between cars and other automobiles to throw them off your trail
It takes a whole minute before you end up at his bike which he managed to park as far away as possible. It was like he knew it’d make your life harder, like the nemesis he was.
“Jesus fuck, we’re never doing that again,” you wheeze, bending over slightly.
“We gotta go.” He leans beside your body to check how far behind they were. “The longer they stay here, the more dangerous it is for everyone else.”
“They’re so irritating,” you groan. “Just leave it up to S.H.I.E.L.D., we’re out of here. Where’s your teleportation watch?”
Bucky returns his attention to you. “What?”
“Your teleportation watch,” you repeat.
“Why would I bring my fucking teleportation watch when I have my bike?” he retorts. “Where’s yours?”
You smile brightly. “Why would I bring my teleportation watch when you brought your bike?”
He doesn’t know whether he wants to kill you or kiss you.
“Also-” You lift up your hand which still had his metal fingers clasped around it. “You plannin’ on letting go? Or are we just gonna hold hands for the rest of the night?”
“Like you’d have a problem with that.” He rolls his eyes.
“I wouldn’t,” you say, “but I need both of ‘em for this next part.”
You hold up your free hand, jingling the keys to his bike.
“How did you-” His eyes widen.
“Get on,” you instruct.
“When did you get my fucking-” Bucky’s question never completes as blue dust-covered buffoons point at you from across the parking lot, yelling obscenities. Like an r-rated Smurfs.
“We’ll argue about that later,” you urge. “Get on the bike.”
“You are not driving.”
Your gasp is accusatory. “You said I could drive!”
“To your clone.”
“It’s the same thing, it counts. ” You look behind to where they were now running towards you. “And we’re in a time crunch here, so let’s go.”
They were getting awfully close. “Do you even know how to drive?”
“Fuck yes.” Your eyes gleam. “I actually got the stupid license just to prove that I could.”
“You have the license here? Right now?” His eyebrows furrow. “Why would you-”
“Get on the bike, Bucky,” you say loudly.
He can hear the sliding of a van door shut before headlights turn on in the distance. Their ride sputters to life.
Still, he’s not one to break a promise, especially to you or your clone. “If we die, it’s on you.”
“At least we die together, lover.” You press your palm to his cheek. His heart flutters annoyingly.
A ray hits the pole beside you and it instantly disintegrates. “Okay, but get on right now, we gotta go.”
“We’re so fucked,” he says under his breath, but he straddles it anyway, not before pulling the helmet down on your head and tightening the strap.
“Have some faith, dude.” You rev the engine loud enough to be heard across the city.
“We’re gonna die.”
“We’re gonna survive.” You smile deviously. “Team Dumbass always does.”
There is no goddamn natural progression with you. The bike lurches forward and into a speed so high he’s sure that there are skid marks left behind on the tar from the tires.
The bike flies out the parking lot and down the road, an insane amount of balance for something running that fast.
“Holy fucking shit,” Bucky isn’t sure you can hear him until your laugh reverberates through the wind.
He is so glad the road is deserted as the van pulls up behind you, loud and filled with irresponsible morons with too many resources.
“Slow down,” he yells, holding on for dear life.
“They’re right behind us,” you yell back, looking over your shoulder. Someone had half their body out the passenger side window with the gun pointed at you.
“Eyes on the damn road!” The way his adrenaline is pumping right now has him wondering if he’s going to go into cardiac arrest. 107 is too young to die of a heart attack.
A ray hits the road ahead of you and you swerve to avoid it. He doesn’t know where you picked the stupid trick up from, but you change the bike’s path from linear into random zig-zags, making it all the more difficult to hit you.
“Where the fuck is S.H.I.E.L.D.?”
“I don’t know.” If they were going to be fucking dramatic and erupt from the ground or something like they usually do, Bucky’s handing in his resignation the next day.
A telephone pole off the side of the road disappears with a bright green light. Even if it was death, it wasn’t good.
“We need to get rid of that stupid death ray.” Bucky looks behind him.
The amount of commotion- instructions, curses, shouts as the vehicle jumps every speedbump- there’s a lot of noise coming from that one singular van. He can see your new buddy Nico at the wheel, struggling to keep up with instructions. Clearly, he was the muscle of the group and didn’t look like really wanted to be there.
“It’s not a death gun,” you say rather uselessly.
“I don’t want to test that.”
“The guy said they didn’t know what it did.”
“How does that matter?”
“I’m telling you, that thing is-” You stop talking for a second before tugging the bike to the left again, narrowly avoiding a blast. “Okay, listen. There’s something right at the front of my bag. Grab it.”
“What?” Bucky chokes on the draft hitting him in the face. “I’m not using your evil shit.”
“Do you have another idea, James?” He can hear you roll your eyes. “Put your morality aside for a second, no one’s gonna see you.”
He groans inwardly, every decision he made that led up to this point flashing before his eyes. Ultimately pulls open the zipper, one hand struggling to reach into your bag while also keep himself on the bike. He finally grabs hold of something unfamiliar after shuffling through three hundred different stuffed toys and possibly his remaining churro.
“Did you find it?”
Bucky whips it out, immediately staring at it like something was fundamentally wrong. And he wasn’t wrong, there was something terribly underwhelming about the contraption in his hand.
“This is a fuckin’ hand mirror.”
“Yeah, that’s the one.”
“Y/N, they have a death ray and we have a mirror.” Maybe he wants to cry.
“Mighty observant of you.” You hit a speedbump and he nearly drops the stupid mirror to grab onto the bike. “Do you trust me?”
“Obviously,” he exclaims, gently veering your head to the side to narrowly miss a ray.
“Great, then when they shoot next, I’m gonna need you to make sure it reflects off the glass and right back at them,” you explain loudly, your zig zags getting noticeably less steep in preparation. “Hope you’re good at geometry, king.”
“Not half bad,” Bucky mumbles to himself. He never expected to thank his stars for the days he spent eons ago trying to impress his math teacher’s daughter, but here he is.
He shoots off a quick prayer to whoever may be listening in at that moment that you do not manage to injure yourself in the few seconds he turns around, before pivoting his body.
He calls out a quick ‘hey!’ and waits for them to shift their aim towards him, his body lifting off the seat slightly.
“Just shoot him!” His ears pick up Megadigik’s scream as the guy leaning half out the window pulls the trigger.
It’s like the ray barrels towards him in slow motion, a bright green light head straight for his chest.
In a split second, he yanks his hand up and winces. The zap hits the mirror almost blindingly, a sharp screech soon following before there’s silence. Is this how it ends?
“Nice one!” you holler.
He pries an eye open slowly, taking in the empty road behind him. He lets out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding.
“Why didn’t we do that earlier?!” He swiftly reverts back to his original position, keeping the mirror on hand just in case they came back or something.
“Because we needed all of them in one place and now was the only time,” you explain. The pace of the motorcycle gradually slows now that you were confident there was no one around.
Bucky looks at the apparatus in his hand, flipping it back and forth to assess the damage done on it before horror slowly dawns on him.
“I’m evil now.”
“This is your hero decay arc, baby.” You laugh maniacally. “You’ve joined us on the dark side.”
“Fuck no,” he mutters, shoving it back into your bag quickly.
“I’m gonna lodge a formal complaint. ‘Avenger goes rogue, uses’-”
A loud whir of mechanical wings and a beam of light shining down brightly on you forces you to look up. If an alien abduction was to ever take place in your life, it might as well be now. Things were already so goddamn weird.
“Right on fuckin’ time,” Bucky says under his breath as S.H.I.E.L.D.’s helicopter hovers overhead.
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It takes a good forty minutes of talking to S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, recounting everything that happened that evening and Bucky promising to file a complete mission report before they agree to take a proper statement from you only tomorrow after a good night’s rest.
You tell them they should check New Jersey for any sightings of a clown car. They say they’ll look into that as soon as possible. You also tell them that their director is going to be receiving a very strongly worded email and no holiday card this year. They don’t have a reply to that.
Once they finally depart, it takes another fifteen minutes of an argument with Bucky to finally convince you to switch places with him. His logic of ‘after escaping literal death rays and kidnappers today, I’m not going to let your shitty rash driving be the thing that ends the both of us’, was pretty solid.
He takes the most convoluted path to your apartment, making sure that there’s absolutely no one following you for miles. You accuse him of just wanting to drive you around like some mobster. He ignores you, predictably so. The only sound that comes from him is a small sigh when you lean your head against his back, shuffling closer.
When he finally pulls up in front of your building, it takes another several minutes of surveying your street, all neighbouring apartments and their roofs before he finally lets you dismount. He politely offers his hand for support and you take it.
“S.H.I.E.L.D's stationing an agent here tonight to keep watch,” he informs you, watching you hop off.
“You gonna let go?” you ask for the second time that evening, holding up your arm.
His metal hand latches loosely onto your little finger. The solar system bracelet is a nice contrast to your thin inator charm.
“No,” he says simply.
“Fair enough.” You fight a smile, instead choosing to lightly swing it back and forth. “So… fun evening, huh?”
Bucky looks at you dryly. “It was definitely something.”
“Good thing you brought the bike.” You wiggle your eyebrows.
“Sure was-” he starts but falters mid-sentence as another unwittingly thought crosses his mind. “Wait a minute.”
“Did you- did you have that all planned out?”
“Did I what?”
“Too many fuckin’ coincidences.” He narrows his eyes. “You knew they were coming, didn’t you?”
You gawk at him. “How are you so sure I did?”
“You didn’t even look surprised to see them. Why would you come here if you knew they were after you?”
“They’ve been threatening me for weeks, how would I know they’re showing up today?” you complain. “On a weekday too. It’s technically off hours.”
“Then why’d you have that mirror on hand?” He points to your backpack.
“Because I’m very prepared, Bucky, I’ve been carrying it around all week,” you defend yourself, although his suspicions were definitely valid.
“How’d you know what to build, huh?”
A faint smile appears and leaves your face. “Maybe someone spied on their lair and knew exactly what they were building. Maybe someone even managed to tweak their blueprint to make sure it wasn’t dangerous.”
“You did what?” he asks in utter disbelief.
“I said someone, not me.”
“We almost got killed.”
“No, we almost got sent to Jersey. I even tried telling you but we kept getting interrupted.”
Bucky wants to facepalm so hard. “What the hell was your plan?”
“Well, in the moment it was run-” You hold up your finger as you list them off- “convince you to give me the motorcycle, get rid of them. I think I got all of it.”
“Then what were you talking about at the beginning? The one plan you had?”
“To get you to let me drive,” you emphasize. “It’s why I brought the stupid license along too. For proof that I learnt how to.”
Bucky stares at you. “You’re insane.”
“Now that’s an exaggeration.” You scoff. “I was completely prepared.”
“And what if I didn’t bring the bike? Then what?”
“Then I’d deal with it.” You shrug. “What’s the worst that could happen? We end up in New Jersey.”
“So, there was no plan.”
“There was a plan.” You cross your arms over your chest. “Made it up as we went along, but definitely a plan.”
He stares at you.
“I genuinely didn’t think they’d show up today,” you swear honestly. “If I did, I wouldn't have gone to such a public place. I wouldn’t put you in mortal danger unless it was me causing it.”
“I’m getting you a security detail,” he grunts. “For the rest of your life.”
You let out a small ‘ooh’. “If you’re my bodyguard then we can have that whole illegal romance thing going.”
“I’m not going to be your bodyguard.”
“You suck.” You pull your backpack off your shoulders. “You won’t even admit you had a good time.”
“We almost died.”
“We wouldn’t. C’mon, grumps, it was fun, and look-” you fish the four-panel photograph you took at the booth out of your pocket “-a memento of the time you actively disregarded your job to save my life.”
“That’s not-” he begins but realises it’s of no use.
“Here, you can have half.” You tear it carefully down the middle and hand it to him.
He supposes it’s the better half of the strip. It’s not like he’s smiling or anything- he looks more agitated and distracted than he ever has- but you’re grinning from ear to ear in the ones he’s been handed. It’ll do.
“And hey- look at all the animals we won.” You pulled out an alligator. “D’you want one?”
“Here, have the duck.” You toss it at him. “Look at it, it’s adorable. It’s my favourite.”
Bucky catches it with one hand. It looks back at him with beady eyes. His previous experience with ducks and geese or anything alike has been less than positive, but this may just make up for it.
“You’re welcome.” You look pleased with yourself. “Does this make us partners now?”
“Absolutely not.”
“T’was worth a shot.” You pause. “I think I like you better as my enemy anyway.”
It brings a smile to his face that he tries very hard to get rid of. “Enemies don’t buy each other churros.”
“Maybe it was poisoned.”
“You ate it too.”
“So maybe we do die together tonight, lover,” you fawn. “What if that’s been my plan all along?”
“It’s a stupid plan.” He shakes his head, breathing out slightly. “You’re ridiculous.”
“You love it.”
Bucky passes the duck back and forth between his hands like a baseball. “You got any other shit planned for this week?”
“No, today was special. Last week didn’t count because we were interrupted.” You swing the backpack over your shoulder again. “You have the rest of this week off, Sergeant.”
He wonders how Agent 7 was coping after his first and last day with you. He genuinely hopes the kid’s assigned to something more lowkey, he deserves it.
"In that case,” he brings up, “can I see you this Saturday?"
"You always do, doofus."
"No," he says calmly, “I mean like a date.”
Even though the duck is tossed cleanly between his hands, his palm has never been clammier. The spike in his heartbeat is not a reaction that he anticipated and is one that he is wholly unprepared for after years of dormancy.
"Oh." You blink, taken aback. "Oh."
He rubs the back of his neck, feeling the heat travel to his face. The duck stays in his metal hand, plush under his fingers like a stress toy. If he squeezes it any harder, it’s going to explode.
"I knew it." A shit-eating grin grows on your face. "I knew you had a crush on me."
It’s not like he tried very hard to hide it. It’s barely like he tried at all.
"I don't have crushes," he says gruffly.
"Right, of course." The smile never leaves your face. "You are, in fact, too cool to have crushes on people."
Bucky simply nods. You haven't given him an answer yet and he's starting to worry. His gut twists uncomfortably.
"So-” You boldly take a step forward. He stays rooted in his spot against the bike. "Would it bother you if I did this?"
You drag a finger down his jawline slowly. He swallows thickly.
He doesn't stop you when you caress the side of his face tenderly, giving into his impulse of leaning into your touch.
Your thumb swipes across his lips. His knees nearly buckle.
“You had a bit of sugar there, sarge,” you whisper. “Must be the poisonous churros.”
You pull away your hand, turning around to leave without another word. It takes him a second to pull himself back to reality.
“Now that’s just evil," he groans. His voice betrays him, much lower than what it was a second ago.
Your head turns at the sound, giving him a small laugh. "Pick me up at 7."
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midnightsxxvi · 3 years
In Vino Veritas (Part 1)
Summary ─ Bucky never thought there’d come a day where you’d stop bothering to even ask him to come to Friday pub nights. You’d given up, but one night he shows.
Pairing ─ bestfriend!bucky  x avenger!reader
Warnings ─ fluff x angst. alcohol use and light swearing. two friends who cant figure out feelings? 
Word Count: 2800+
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gif by buckysbarnes
───※ ·❆· ※───
In Vino Veritas
Under the influence of alcohol, a person tells you the truth
───※ ·❆· ※───
“I didn’t think you’d show!” Natasha interrupted the middle of Steve’s sentence to yell at someone out of view.
Steve was not completely bothered, and just shook his head with a little grin. “Nat.”
You followed Natasha’s gaze, seeing that her reason for interrupting Steve’s riveting story of testing organic versus non organic ingredients was valid because tonight Bucky had decided to show up.
Going out on Fridays has been an event that developed naturally over the past year. It started with you and Natasha, wanting to get out of the tower more after the world had been rebuilding itself. It wasn’t long after that Sam started to join, and then Steve, making the four of you who had found routine. Sometimes Wanda would join, and Sam’s sister Sarah had come along a couple times if she was in town. Thor had come along once but then he caused quite the scene at the pub causing you all to get kicked out and have to pick a new place. That was a long story. Anyway.
Bucky had never joined. No matter how many times you all invited him, or told him how much he was missed, he always said no. Sometimes you swore he looked intrigued, but he never showed. The excuses eventually stopped and he would give a simple no thanks and you guys were giving up hope so much that you hardly bothered to ask anymore.
You’d spent too many Fridays glancing at the door, hoping he’d walk in. Sure, the two of you spent plenty of time at the compound hanging out, and rarely, oh so rarely, he’d come along shopping in the city with all of you. But the Fridays at the pub were special, and you wished that your favourite person would come to fill the empty space meant for him.
“Woah, what?” Sam whistled as Bucky sauntered over. “Buck? Is that really you?”
Steve nudged Sam’s arm, “Don’t make such a big deal.”
“Yeah, you’ll scare him away,” Nat grinned.
Sam scooted over, making room for Bucky who slid in beside him with a shy smile.
“Hey,” Bucky said quietly, raising his hand a bit in a shy attempt at a wave. “Yeah, yeah. I’m here.”
You were usually part of the banter at the table, but Bucky showing up had you quiet, gazing at him across the table in disbelief.
Nat leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest, looking at Bucky with a smirk. “Well well well, you listened for once.”
“How’d you convince him?” Sam put his arm around Bucky who only looked mildly bothered.
Bucky mirrored Nat’s crossed arms. “She promised me that she’d never ask again if I showed up just this one night. This is all you’ve got, guys. Make it count.”
“So melodramatic,” Steve chuckled, “Let me get you a drink.”
Nat shook her head, “I also bribed him. Who knew that would work?”
Bucky ignored this and looked at Steve, “I don’t need a drink. I’d still be sober anyway.”
“No, I’ve got the good shit,” Steve looked proud of himself as he brought a flask out. “Send your thanks to Thor, wherever he is.”
“I think Australia,” you mumbled, not understanding why the guy loved Australia so much.
Bucky had been kind of avoiding eye contact with everyone, clearly a little nervous over the whole ordeal, but as you finally spoke up, his eyes were right on you. You swore his smile had subtly grown, and he quickly looked away again. It was so hard to get him to open up, which was understandable, and he was so quiet, which was understandable. But sometimes you wish he’d just look at you, and let himself feel you look too. Let himself relax enough to stop looking around as if on guard, or stop glaring for once, and notice any admiring eyes.
Sam interrupted, “No no, go back, what was the bribe?”
“Simply, if he showed, then all of us would promise to never ask again,” Nat explained.
“How were you supposed to convince us of that!”
You quietly sipped your drink before telling her, “I am not agreeing to that.”
“I mean,” Bucky spoke up and you looked at him again to find him looking right back, “You haven’t asked in a while.”
“Maybe I was planning to.”
While Bucky was semi-distracted, Steve was looking around, trying to make eye contact with one of the servers to order Bucky a drink. The bartender had already noticed Bucky come in and go to the table of these regulars, so Steve gained the attention easily.
“What could I get ya, sir?”
“Get him a–”
“Steve,” Bucky hushed but Steve persevered.
“Whiskey neat, please and thank you,” Steve used his most charming voice.
Bucky didn’t stop him, and he still had a small smile on, which was a good sign.
He didn’t stop anyone from any teasing, and his smile grew as the banter changed. He didn’t stop Steve from adding the Asgardian stuff to his drink, or stop Sam from feeding him a fry or two. Even though he’d insisted he’d never come again, Bucky seemed to actually be enjoying himself.
Bucky Barnes had not felt the buzz of alcohol this strongly since the 40s.
           And it was nice, he thought.
          Now, in a comfortable environment Bucky could be chatty on his own, and he could also be quite witty when he wanted to be, especially with a smaller group. But going out to the pub, he was grateful for the push of the alcohol.
          About once a month, the pub would have a Trivia night which people could join in on from their phones, and winners of the round would get a free drink or appetizer. Of course, this happened to be tonight.
         Bucky was getting better with his phone, but he didn’t join in. Instead, he leaned over to help Sam with as many questions as he could. Unfortunately, it wasn’t much.
         “What kind of question is this?” Steve muttered, squinting at his own phone. “Nat, what’s the answer?”
         Natasha was banned from playing the game because she knew every answer. Seriously, the pub owners told her she wasn’t allowed to win prizes anymore.
         “No clue,” she told him, obviously lying.
         “What even is an HTTP!” Steve huffed. The question was what does http stand for? Poor guy knew how to work spyware but had never typed http in his life.
         Bucky looked very concentrated. “It has to be B, Sam.”
         You also had no clue what the answer was, but decided to listen to Bucky so you clicked on B.
          “No, that sounds stupid,” Sam shook his head. “I’m going with A.”
         “Mhm, okay,” Bucky shook his head.
         Who knows what Steve put in, but it wasn’t the correct one, because the answer showed up momentarily, the answer being B, as Barnes said.
“What!” Sam laughed, looking at Bucky with amusement, “Man, I’m sorry!”
“Told ya,” Bucky smirked. He started taking a sip, trying to look smug, but then his smile broke and he started giggling, “I don’t even know what this means though!”
You were giggling too and explained, “It is used in the web search bar, coming up before the www-dot. You’ve probably never noticed.”
“Never,” Steve sighs.
“You knew the acronym though? Nice!” Sam was all smiles and reached across the table to give you a fist bump.
“Admittedly no,” you blushed, “Just trusted Barnes enough.”
Bucky’s eyes lit up in a bit of surprise, and he almost looked shy about this for some reason. The confidence he gained from the alcohol quickly took over though and he raised his bottle to you, “Thank you.”
Mirroring him, you raised your glass, and the two of you took a swig of your drinks in tune.
The next question was up, and Steve rubbed his palms on his jeans, feeling the competition. He was very close to winning, but the last round messed him up.
Nat was laughing at his dramatics, “You’ve got this, Steve. Win us a round.”
         “Help me, Natasha,” he muttered under his breath, staring at the screen.
“Shit, it’s the last question,” Sam rubbed Bucky’s arm in excitement for some reason.
The question was: When was the tamagotchi released?
“Oh shit, even I don’t know this,” Nat hummed. “Good luck, Steve.”
Sam nudged Bucky, “Do you have a magic answer for this one too?”
Bucky ran his fingers along his beard, touching along his jaw nervously, “I don’t know what a tamagotchi is?”
Staring at the multiple choice, you were surprised to realize that you knew the answer. A, 1982, was too early, B, 2000, was too late, C, 2010, was straight up horrible, and so of course it had to be D, 1996.
Steve tapped an answer and set his phone down dramatically, “Has to be ‘96.”
Bucky, in a semi-serious manner, told him, “I think it’s 2000. Sam, go with 2000.”
“No,” Sam grinned. “I agree with Steve. That seems right.”
Bucky looked at you then, before you could hit the answer, and he asked, “What did you guess?”
You knew it was D, of course. And you did want to feel the satisfaction of possibly winning the round and earning your table a free appetizer, but also, Bucky’s smile was so sweet and he looked so eager over the possibility of you listening to his suggestion.
Fuck it, Steve can win us some fries instead, you grinned back at Bucky and said, “I’ll trust ya again, Barnes. 2000 it is.”
Nat eyed you suspiciously, watching as you changed your answer from D to B before hitting submit. When the correct answer flashed on the screen, she just kept glancing your way, biting her lip curiously.
“Aye!” Steve cheered, realizing that not only did he get the answer right, but he won the whole technology category! “I’m gettin nachos!”
“Oh fuck ya! Let’s go!” Sam nudged Bucky to scoot out of the booth so that they could go up to the bar and receive Steve’s award.
Steve and Sam slid out of the booth, Sam dashing to the bar and leaving them behind. Steeve looked to Bucky, “Coming?”
Even though Natasha was not being addressed, she also got out of the booth beside you, “I’m comin’. I want to get the first pick of the chips with the best cheese.”
BUcky briefly glanced at you to see you were making no moves. They’d be back in a minute. It’s not like five people needed to carry a plate of nachos together. “Uh, nah. But can you get me another drink?”
You sat up, “Oh, Steve, me too.”
“Yeah sure,” Steve gave a little thumbs up before following the other two.
The moment he had his back turned, you felt as Bucky slid into the booth right beside you, taking Nat’s place.
He clinked his nearly empty bottle against your glass, “Sorry I lead you to the wrong answer.”
“Mhm, not okay,” you said with a teasing grin, glancing over at him. His eyes were on his hands, so you allowed yourself the freedom of keeping yours on him.
Subtly, his noose scrunched, his smile slightly growing at your sarcasm.
“Also,” you continued, scooting a little closer, “A tamagotchi was this little hand-held game thing where you had a pet to take care of  every day. They were quite the thing in the late nineties or 2000s.”
Bucky’s brows suddenly furrowed slightly. “The late nineties?”
You kept your eyes on him as his tongue glided across his bottom lip, “Uh, so, you knew the trivia answer was wrong?”
Hand flying up to cover your face in shame, you groaned, “Well that’s embarrassing.”
He was back to grinning, eyes quickly darting up to look at you before going back to his hands clasped on the bottle. “Your trust in me outweighed all logic then, hey, doll?”
“Listen, I just wanted to be a supportive friend!”
“But then you lost!”
“Steve’s gettin’ us nachos anyway,” you nudged your arm against his, and to your surprise, he adjusted himself a little bit to get closer to you.
You’d never seen the blush of alcohol rosie up Bucky’s cheeks this way before. He seemed calm and happy, smiling over nothing, your shoulders brushed up against each other. You could feel the warmth through his shirt against you, and for some reason this was killing you.
The thing was, you and Bucky were close. Closer than you felt to Steve or Sam, and close enough that you shared a morning routine in the compound; you made him breakfast, he made you coffee, and you’d spend the morning together until whatever afternoon plans came along. If he was having an anxious night, you’d stay up with him, even if it was just in a comfortable silence in the living room alongside the quiet television. You worked well together on missions, looking out for each other and smoothly completing tasks as though you moved together.
You’d become best friends, somewhere along the way. Both shy and cautious after the Blip was reversed, you’d met when you both moved into the tower across the hall from each other, and you were grateful ever since.
So, despite the closeness, something about Bucky being here just made you so nervous, and you couldn’t shake it.
On Bucky’s end, the alcohol had gotten to him enough that he wasn’t nervous about being here anymore, but for some reason, he was nervous to sit by you. It took all his courage to slide into the booth, fulfilling some sort of longing to be close to you.
Unbeknownst to anyone, maybe even himself, you were both the reason he stayed away, yet the reason he came anyway.
The business and the noise was also a concern, but most of all, he was just nervous to be out with you. He’d seen you a few times coming home after a friday night, drunk and giggly, looking adorable in whatever outfit you'd especially picked out for the night. There were a couple times he’d picked you guys up, or just walked you to your door. Your blushed cheeks, your sweet laugh, and your tousled hair drove him crazy every time.
He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he actually came for the whole event,  especially if the asgardian mead was a possibility in the mix.
You and Bucky had sat closely many times, as friends do, but this was different.
It was different because the liquor was invigorating, and the night was invigorating, and this, to him, was the feeling right on the edge of what he wanted. If he wasn’t careful, if things went past the edge, he’d ruin it.
Because what Bucky wanted was you.
He wanted to feel you close to him every week on these Friday nights you loved so much. He wanted to watch you drink, humor you, warm you, and be the one who took you home and stayed.
But that was a dangerous territory he told himself he could never have. He didn’t deserve you, which he decided a long time ago.
So, tonight, being pressed up against you in the booth, feeling your warmth, knowing that he made you smile even just for a moment? This was enough. This was his edge of glory.
Your voice took him out of his trance as you softly called his name, “Buck?” Your arm pushed lightly against his for a second.
“Hm?” He sat up a bit more before taking a sip of his drink.
“I–” You were hesitating over something, your hand briefly brushing against his before you pulled away again, “I’m just really happy you came tonight. Even if you really don’t again. I’m happy you did, just once.”
He cleared his throat, “Uh, yeah. I– I, uh, I’m happy I came too.”
“Are you having some fun then?”
He could practically hear your smile and found himself looking over to meet your eyes. “I am, doll.”
You bit your lip nervously at the nickname, being the one to look away from him this time, even though it wasn’t like he hadn’t used the name before. He practically melted at the sweet expression, wishing he had the damn courage to just cup your cheek and hold your look for longer.
Just as he wanted to say more, possibly admit that he’d like to come again– for you, the little nacho trio had arrived back at the table. The plate of nachos was already a quarter eaten as it was set down, and Nat scooted into the other side of the booth, not even questioning Bucky’s move.
“Oh, here are your drinks!” Steve said as he slid the glasses down the table to both of you.”
A screen flashed on the televisions announcing that the next round of the trivia game was going to start.
Bucky nudged your phone on the table with the side of his hand, “Doin’ another?”
You weren’t quite planning to, but figured why not? “You’ll help me with answers?”
“Of course, doll.”
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hugmetightlyx · 3 years
iconic duo
pairing: platonic!Yelena Belova x fem!reader
posted on March 19th, 2022.
@midnightefflorescence asked:
Xero, sorry to bother you but I need some platonic! Yelena Belova x fem reader where they Bully/Bother the Avengers and just be an iconic duo
note from xe: you could never bother me!! can you tell that found family is my favorite trope? also, this is a little more pranky than bullyish, I hope you don't mind. I had way too much fun writing this lol, thank you so much for this request!
summary: In the world where the age of Ultron wasn't nearly as bad (meaning Piet is very alive and very well) and Wanda killed Thanos before he got the chance to hurt anybody else, Yelena and Y/n are partners in crime.aqqqqqqqqqq
word count: 0.8k
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Every family has the classic trouble maker kid that gave every other member of the family a more lighthearted version of hell.
And for the Avengers family, that trouble maker would have been doubled the moment Yelena set foot in the compound.
Natasha had thought it would be good for her sister to come and stay with the rest of the Avengers (and some honorary ones) after she had finished helping the last of the women from the red room. And it did.
Everyone else though, yikes.
It started when Yelena had witnessed Y/n bribe Pietro to go put a shit ton of magnets on Bucky’s arm, just to see if it would stick. And when they did, Y/n and Yelena got to watch with great joy as the silver-haired speedster ran around the compound in an attempt to get away from the super-soldier.
The second time was when the two girls had found out just how heavy of a sleeper Loki really was and they had ended up putting his hair in pigtails and then endlessly teasing him about it the entire day.
But they officially became the iconic duo that they are now when Y/n asked Bruce a shit ton of questions about the chemicals he was using to distract him while Yelena switched some of the vials.
Tony’s eyebrows took a month to grow back.
When Peter Parker was introduced to the avengers the girls immediately began treating him as one of them, giving him the nickname of “spidey boy” purely to get the satisfaction of seeing Peter having to correct them. And he did, every single time.
And although the two liked to tease the younger avengers, nothing was as good as fucking with the OG 6.
Clint was made one of the only targets whenever he was at the compound considering he had been retired and only came every few weeks to visit.
One time Yelena and Y/n stayed up until 4 in the morning carefully gluing every arrow Clint had brought with him together.
He didn’t notice until after he had gone home, there were a few angry voice mails after that.
Steve was an easy target because of his age and let’s be real the guy isn’t nearly as caught up as he probably should be and the duo takes full advantage of that.
“Hey, old man, let me help you with those groceries, wouldn’t want you to take on more than you can handle,”
“Y/n, I’m a super soldier-”
“Shhhh, Steve Rogers, let us help you, please, this cannot be good for your back”
Simple shit like that got the best reactions, especially if it was in front of people.
Steve would let out a grumbled “Sam, it wasn’t that funny,”
Meanwhile, Sam is damn near cackling on the floor while Wanda watches with a fond expression as the two girls continue to antagonize the poor old man.
Oh, you thought just because Nat is an ex-assassin and Yelena’s sister that meant she was exempt from this? Oh, baby, think again.
Steve may be the easiest to fuck with but Nat was the funniest.
She also never let any of the little stunts get her too angry because at the end of the day they were all pretty harmless and never had any malicious intent behind them.
But the two girls were well aware that Nat was also the most dangerous to fuck with so they kept those stunts pretty minimal.
That is if you think that putting post-it notes on literally every inch of her room is minimal.
To keep Nat out of her room they had told Pietro and Peter that it was her birthday, causing the boys to panic and plan a day full of activities for the woman who was like a second mother to them both.
Oh boy, the look on their faces when they found out they were accomplices to the prank.
Needless to say, the two boys were both pretty cautious when listening to Y/n and Yelena and always went to one of the older avengers to get confirmation before listening to the duo.
Of all the Avengers, Thor, Sam, and Wanda were the three that were pretty much left alone (besides that one time they put Nair in Thor's shampoo bottle).
Thor’s reactions weren’t too fun, he was always just confused by the end of it. Sam was always willing to help and not snitch when he knew of a prank as long as they left him out of the outcome. And Wanda, well, she can read minds.
Bruce was also pretty much untouched, seeing as they didn’t want to risk him hulking out.
Everyone else though. They were free rein.
At the end of the day, the little (or big) family couldn’t stand the thought of not living with those stupid little pranks, even Vision.
It was almost endearing to watch the two bond over them and the laughs from the others helped keep everything lighthearted.
Frankly, they’d all be a little concerned if they hadn’t filled the empty oat milk box with water just to see how Bucky would react to it once he poured it into his bowl.
The Avengers couldn’t imagine a world without their iconic duo.
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empyreanwritings · 3 years
stuckywandanat x reader: scare prank wars. stuckywandanat usually pair up every year with a different partner but you are the lone champion every year. You can choose who the pairs are this year but each team is trying to bribe you to join their side bc you're too damn good at scaring the life out of them.
Thirteen hours ago -
Steve and Nat sat across from you, innocent smiles on their faces as they slide the plate of bribery brownies across the table. They had a pitch for why you should their team for the prank wars. It was an elaborate, well thought out plan, and honestly if you did help, they would probably win. But the use of brownies was the best way to sell it.
You cut yourself a square and moaned at the taste hitting your tongue. "Okay, I'm in. I'll totally be on your team."
Seven hours ago -
You watched as Bucky cleaned your room while Wanda went over their prank war plan. Their plot to get you to join their team wasn't as thought out as Steve and Nat's. Their tactic to get you to join was a lot of sucking up and "pleasepleaseplease" over and over again. It was adorable how unprepared they were.
"I'll be on your team," you said once your room was spotless. "Only because I feel so bad for you."
Present day -
"Okay troops!" You stood in front of your scare actors, assessing them once more before sending them into the compound. "Both teams believe I am on their side, so I have them in perfectly vulnerable positions."
They nodded along with your review of the plans. You were going to send one text to Wanda and one text to Steve that you thought someone was following you home, and you would be late to the team meeting to take a detour. The whole time, you'd be in the basement getting ready to cut the power to the compound. Once the lights are out, you're going to send them a video of you being chased and it cutting out just as you entered the gates.
"Their fear will drive them all towards the main exits, but they're going to realize they are locked." You smirked. It was evil, but god it was going to be good. "That is when I am going to bang on the door and beg them to let me in. They're not going to see me, only hear me, so it'll give you guys the perfect time to rip the chainsaw and spill the fake blood until it runs under the door."
One of the recruits raised their hand. "Won't this terrify them?"
"Of course it will. That's the whole point."
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ladyylesbian · 3 years
communication trials
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
summary: a few months into dating something comes up that rocks the boat
warnings: ending is angst, implied cheating, gaslighting if you squint, anxiety themes, breakups
word count: 1401
a/n: honestly i’m not even going through anything but i wanted to write a little bit of angst. i might do a part two but idk for sure
you do not have permission to translate/repost my works anywhere! all mistakes are mine and mine alone.  likes, comments, and reblogs are always welcome & appreciated <3
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GIF by vanessacarlysle
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When you originally joined the team of superheroes it surprised you how much all of them goofed around. All of them except Natasha. Within one week of knowing her you had made it your personal mission to break her out of the 24/7 spy attitude she kept up. It was a seemingly impossible task until out of the blue one day she joked back. From then on what started off as fun banter during missions slowly morphed into flirting in and outside of the compound. In fact, the two of you had gotten so close you bribed Steve with his own personal weekly taco night just to switch floors with you so you could live on the same floor as Natasha.
Now you have officially been dating Nat for five months. Easily the best five months of your life. Natasha loved how you were always so communicative with her. She enjoyed not having to constantly look for clues to know how you were feeling. You loved how she would always protect you from anything as small as a prank from one of the boys or something as big as an alien. Which you both had fought more than you would have liked. But most importantly you loved looking into each other's eyes. The simple action held so much security for the both of you.
The past five months were filled with many exciting , beautiful, and adventurous dates. One of your first dates was ziplining through New York City’s skyline. It scared you half to death since you had never been quite as fearless as Nat, but you would trust her to take you anywhere. You knew she would protect you. “Come on, hurry up! I want to reach the top before sundown” the redhead jokes. You could not help but release a small chuckle at her. However it was quickly silenced as caught another glimpse at how high up you had already walked up. Just because you were an Avenger and dealt with heights and falling often doesn’t mean you like to spend your free time dealing with it. Your voice came out a little softer than you wanted when you asked, “Natty, can we stop for just a second?” With a quick stop of her feet Natasha spun around and rushed to your side. Placing her hand on your cheek she softly spoke, “detka of course.” That was the moment you knew that your feelings for the redhead was simply more than a crush.
After a few more dates and a couple months into your relationship Natasha had planned a spectacular evening for the two of you. Unfortunately the weather disagreed when a tornado was suddenly making its way through New York. She was crushed that all of her plans were falling through when she got an idea to do a movie night. Quickly running around the compound looking for blankets to make a small fort for the two of you in front of the giant screen Tony insisted on, claiming ‘how will you be sure you’ve seen everything if it’s on a tiny screen’. Throughout the set up Nat had been throwing threats at anyone who happened to walk through the living room with very serious ass kicking if they dare interrupt the upcoming date. Once the redhead was happy with everything she began her walk up to your room. Natasha had been more nervous than she wanted to admit. Your three months anniversary was coming up and she hoped that you could tell how she felt about you. Before Nat knew it she was at your door knocking. A quick opening of the door revealed you in your favorite pair of pajamas specifically requested by the woman in front of you. “Everything finished Natty?” you questioned. “All set and you can pick the first movie beautiful”.
A month passed and you and Nat were walking down the hallway towards the meeting room barely being able to hold in your excitement for your first mission with just you two. Steve had been hesitant to send you both on a mission alone believing there would be too many distractions. It had taken months of convincing and non stop bothering to get him to finally agree. By the end of the briefing both of your faces started to grow sore from smiling so much at the reality of being sent on a mission together. Just as you began to stand up from being dismissed Steve said “Oh and try to make it back early so you can come to Tony’s party on the 15th.” Immediately your eyes widen when hearing the date.
Just when Natasha thought nothing could be going better between you she noticed some of your actions changing. She first noticed it on the mission as she made a passing comment to you, “wow those guys sure are lucky to be hit by such a stellar woman”. Expecting a reply and not receiving one she quickly glanced over at you. All you were doing was looking at the ground and the four men you had taken out. The only thing on your mind was trying to figure out how to delay your arriving home from the mission. Giving your head a quick shake you continued on without even looking back at your girlfriend.
Much to your annoyance you and Natasha had finished the mission a week earlier than anticipated. As your least favorite day of the year got nearer and nearer you spent your week starting blowing off plans with Natasha for whatever reason you could think of. The redhead noticed how you would leave the compound not even fifteen minutes later every single time. She couldn’t help but feel hurt by your actions. Doubt was starting to creep into the redhead’s mind, but you always crawled back into bed with her every night. So she pushed away her instincts telling her something was wrong. You had always been so communicative with her. That was one of her favorite things about you. Why would she start to believe you would not tell her if you had an issue now.
Nat refused to let herself fall fully into that uncertainty. She knew all that would accomplish was her own spiral. And until this morning she had been successful. As she opened her eyes she saw the side of the bed which you always occupied was empty. Natasha began to rethink the events of last night trying to figure out when you could have snuck out of the bed. She could not help but think about how she should have woken up. She is a high level spy for crying out loud.
Right as Nat’s about to get out of the bed to look for you the door to the en suite opens. You had carefully tried to open the door so Natasha wouldn’t wake up. When your eyes met those green ones you couldn’t help but frown quickly putting a neutral expression back on your face. “Sorry for waking you. I’m heading out-“ The redhead interrupted and asked “Again?” Another frown made its way onto your face. “Do not be like that.” “How can I not? You have been so distant this past week. Detka what’s going on?” You take a deep breath trying to calm yourself. “Natasha drop it!”
“No. No, you’ve never been like this. You always talk to me, no matter what it is. You were the one person I never had to guess with; I always knew what was going on with you. I thought you seemed happy with me. But now? Now I have no idea what to think.” You took a step back, trying to figure your way out of the conversation you knew was about to happen. Forcing a look of disgust onto your face you spoke, “this is not a good look on you Natasha.” A pained expression took over her entire face. You had never called her by her full name. Not even before you dated. “Tell me what’s going on. Let me protect you…please.” With a grunt you started to walk towards the bedroom door when you heard Nat speak again, “are you cheating on me?” The two of you stare at each other for what feels like hours. You both recall how much comfort this action used to bring. Then you say, “I think we should break up.”
part two
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
a good week at football camp | p.p
➭ headcanon
summary: the avengers spend a week at football camp to work on team bonding
pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
words: 1.3k
warning: language, pure chaos, a lot of…football?
a/n: while i’m working on a fic that is waaay overdue, here’s a little headcanon that is also my not-so-subtle excuse to gush about football while sprinkling on some crack <3 enjoy!
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tony comes up with this brilliant idea of sending the avengers to a makeshift football camp for some much-needed team bonding
because the only time the team ever operates together is when tony kicks them out of their beds at the crack of dawn and bribes them with pancakes
steve rogers, co-dad to this dysfunctional family, is wary but very, very thrilled
he gets a whole pack of disposable cameras and immediately starts snapping pictures of everyone before the trip even begins. he does it for no apparent reason, he just likes to toe the line between life and death
there are at least five pictures of nat threatening to choke him with fuzzy socks and clint hisses at him until steve is too uncomfortable and leaves
there are also a few photos of peter and y/n wrestling over hoodies and it’s so stupidly adorable that tony sends y/n away to finish packing because he’s “too young for grandchildren”
“what makes you think you’ll be their grandpa?” “i put a roof on your head and this is the thanks i get?” “you would spoil them to the bone” “and there’s something wrong with that?”
peter lets the bickering go on for a while because he secretly loves it but tony gets pettier with every second
“fine, i don’t want it anymore. let one of the other psychos play grandpa.” “mr. stark, we didn’t even want children in the first place” “exCUSE ME—” “we’re 16?? we’re literally toddlers???”
the night before they leave, clint dreams that he forgets his arrows and that’s how bruce finds him in the kitchen at three o’clock in the morning, sharpening his arrows in dead silence
thor and loki are already waiting at the camp, and everyone has the complete and utter joy of watching thor bear hug tony while y/n fist-bumps loki
loki acts like it’s above him, but y/n swears there is a faint smile on his face before he turns away
they’ve barely set foot on the pitch before they realise, “okay. so…we’re decent at saving the world, but it does not mean we’re good at football, huh”
like, they’re technically capable of kicking around a ball, but their inability to work as a team really shines through when they’re supposed to score an actual goal…or come anywhere near it
nobody really knows how bucky ends up being main striker, but it quickly turns out to be the worst idea possible
“i swear to god, if you kick that ball into the woods ONE MORE TIME” *three seconds later the ball flies in a high arc into the woods*
sam, throwing his kit at him: “every day you wake up and choose VIOLENCE—” *peter rolls off the bench, wheezing*
they do improve though. it’s slow and painful to watch and they still get their asses kicked more than they would like, but they’re getting…somewhere
the avengers also learn that peter LOVES to run. as it turns out, he actually does it for Fun™️
when steve announces they’re doing sprint/footwork drills in mixed team groups, the avengers groan but peter is literally bouncing on the balls of his feet
the drill starts and peter is nimbly leaving them all in the dust
(this is the boy who does agility ladder exercises in his sleep)
(his calves are made of Steel™️)
it doesn’t help either that the penalty for losing a scrimmage is running laps around the absolutely MASSIVE forest
they don’t know which is worse: running while thor sings unintelligible asgardian folk songs, or having to deal with loki’s wrath over running
steve and peter are done before anyone else and they like to sit on one of the tree trunks right by the path to irritate encourage everyone
“your footwork is really improving clint!! yesterday you fell and almost knocked your teeth out!!!” “i’m going to knock YOUR teeth out if you don’t—” “oh WOW nat!!! i think you’re actually faster than clint—”
*cue clint zooming past them*
but it’s not only that! tony, who is a billionaire and sweats money, has another brilliant idea and forces the team to camp outside in the cold to bond over s’mores and bonfires. and it works!
by day three, it becomes an unspoken rule that everyone huddles around the bonfire in the evening to sulk, eat s’mores, and scheme tony’s death. he would be offended but they’re actually doing something together, so tony supports it
and they grow fond of football too! even if no one likes to admit it
sam and steve in particular are going crazy because they’re trying to out-striker each other while also trying to be more collaborative strikers to improve their offense line
bucky is in the goal now and puts in a decent amount of effort the whole time, but he decides to keep things ~interesting~ by randomly becoming an absolute nightmare in goal with no warning nor reason
this makes it extra fun for the rest of the team, to say the least
tony is in the other goal and it is genuinely the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. nat keeps kicking the ball into the upper right corner of the goal since tony can’t reach it and it’s pure evil
“someone give the poor man a ladder, it’s like watching a puppy being tortured” “f*ck you, banner” “that’s not very team-bonding of you”
peter ends up playing midfield and y/n is supposed to defend him, but they just end up poking each other. their poking war quickly turns into a “friendly” body checking competition and it is…so scary
at one point, y/n creeps up on peter like a raccoon and tackles him to the ground, and they both end up rolling around in the dirt, screaming: “SWORDS AT DAWN“
the others just stand by with no intention of breaking them apart
loki and nat get along surprisingly well?? no one really expected that friendship to happen but they’re not suicidal enough to interfere so they just watch them talk about different dagger sizes
one day, they all decide to take a day off to go to the lake
everybody is unbelievably sore but they manage to bob around in the water and bucky may or may not have fallen asleep in a donut floatie
halfway through the camp, bruce surprises them with freshly picked apples and they split them to share with each other even though they could each have a whole one :)
on the last day, steve decides to do something fun, so they have little scrimmages against each other
loki and nat insist on staying together because they’re now a Package Deal™️ and they wreak havoc on every offensive line they encounter
nat, flashing a genuine smile: “it was fun playing with you, loki! we should do this again some time“
loki, voice cracking: “fine”
bucky and tony are goalkeepers in one match and at one point, bucky tries to slam a ball all the way over to tony and he catches it perfectly and tony has honestly never felt more accomplished
sam drops back to try playing defence with thor and they’re being very vocal with each other, very communicative and efficient, but eventually it just turns into half-screaming and half-laughing
bruce tries playing winger, and he never wants to do that again
at the end, tony surprises them with a barbecue which is exciting because food
tony is a mediocre cook at best, but he’s really good when it comes to grilling, so he teaches peter the basics
on the bus ride home, loki writes all about it in his journal (something he learned from y/n) and nat sneaks a glance to see the last bullet point is simply “good week”
* * *
let me know if you like these kind of headcanons!:) stay hydrated x
⚽️ masterlist || hc masterlist
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Pairing: Wanda x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Description: Wanda meets someone who doesn’t treat her like a villain, but she doesn’t know who you really are.
Notes: I promise it’s fluff and not a trap. Also sorry about my hiatus, I’m just super unmotivated to do anything. So here’s my feeble offering to try and get back into writing.
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Wanda groaned at the sight of a man with a camera. All she wanted was to pop down to the shops, buy some paprika, but alas, even a shopping trip was gold for the paparazzi. Maybe if she hid behind an aisle he would leave. But she heard the door open behind her. Ducking quickly behind a stack of tuna cans, she scanned the rows for the precious package.
She knew she wasn’t the favourite of the public, and the guilt of what she’d done ate her alive every night, but she was sick of being blamed. All she did was try her best, but this was the kind of thanks she got.
She frowned a little when she saw the man round the corner. She steeled herself, not wanting the tears to spring to her eyes. Turning around to face him, she- There was a person talking to him. You had a shopping bag in your hand, so you must have been another customer. Dressed smartly with a blazer, but paired with jeans and sneakers, you looked friendly, but the cold look you gave the man said otherwise. You exchanged words quietly with the reporter, and he seemed to refuse you, turning back to look at her. Realising that this was the perfect stall to get out of the store, she resumed her search. Cumin, Ginger, Paprika! Quickly glancing back to see how long she had, she saw you hand the man a business card as he hurriedly shuffled away.
“Sorry about that,” you turned to her, looking genuinely apologetic.
“Why?” she asked, it coming out harsher than she meant for it to. “It wasn’t even your fault.”
You shrugged. “You don’t deserve it.”
Wanda frowned again at this. She didn’t even know you, but you helped her out, so the least she could do was be polite. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” you smiled. The two of you started to walk towards to counter. More like she did and you kind of happened to as well. “What are you cooking with the paprika?”
Sliding the bag to the cashier, she turned to face you properly. “I was making a traditional Sokovian dish.”
“I’m a big fan of trying different cuisines,” you replied, eyes sparkling with curiosity. “That sounds delicious.”
Wanda’s not really sure why you’re trying to make conversation, but you didn’t seem to have an agenda, so she indulged you with a response as the two of you walked out of the store. “It is, my mum always had the best recipe.”
“Ah well, my parents weren’t around much, so I can’t say the same,” you laughed, throwing your shopping in the back of what must have been your car.
Wanda hadn’t even realised she had walked with you to your car. That was embarrassing. “Well, it was nice to meet you, but I should be going now,” backing away as quickly as she could without making a fool of herself.
“Wait,” you called, “do you need a lift back?”
“You’re a stranger.”
“Well I know your name is Wanda,” you grinned cheekily, opening the passenger door. “And my name is Y/N. Guess we’re not strangers anymore. So, what do you say? It’s the least I could do, with that man bothering you.”
She’s not sure what compelled her to agree, but she found herself sitting in a plush leather seat as you adjusted the rear view mirror. Tapping the dashboard screen, you pulled up a map to Avengers Tower and backed out of the parking lot.
You didn’t seem to mind that she didn’t make conversation, bopping your head gently to whatever pop song was on the radio. Instead she spent the time trying to figure out who you were and why you were being so nice. “It’s rude to stare, you know?” you winked at her.
Wanda felt the heat rush to her cheeks. “Wha- No, sorry,” she mumbled. She’d done it again, made herself look dumb. You giggle, returning your eyes to the road. Trying not to stare at you this time, she observed the fancy watch adorning your wrist, and the sleek interior of the car. You must be a businesswoman of some sort, since this clearly wasn’t your average suburban car. But you were wearing jeans. Maybe a lower level employee than?
She sat there musing, until the door suddenly opened. “We’re here,” you smiled, gesturing at the grand tower that was now her home.
Why couldn’t she stop being so awkward? This was the third time. Unbuckling the seatbelt, she stumbled out, clutching the paprika to her chest. “Thanks again.”
“Anytime, Wanda.” And with a small wave, you hopped back into your car and drove off.
- - -
Heading straight to her room, Wanda abandoned her plans for paprikash. The whole interaction was quite frankly, baffling. No one was ever nice to her, except for the Avengers. But you clearly knew who she was, driving her back to the tower without an address. Tossing her jacket on her bed, she sighed. It’s not like she’d ever see you again. That’s when she noticed the card peeking out from the pocket. There was a phone number printed neatly on it, and a cursive scrawl underneath. “I am actually interested in the dish though. Could I have the name of it?”
She hadn’t exactly interacted with anyone else, so it must’ve been you. Running her thumb over the ink, she was hit with a renewed sense of energy. Grabbing the paprika, she dashed back down the stairs.
- - -
You’re spinning around in your office chair when your phone goes off. Clicking on the message, a small smile makes its way into your face.
Unknown Number: this is the dish i was talking about
Unknown Number: *image*
Unknown Number: it’s paprikash
- - -
“Hey Wanda,” Tony called, a carefully wrapped package in his arms, “this came for you.”
One look at the scarlet wrapping paper, and she knew who it was from. “Thanks Tony,” she said, grabbing it and running to her room.
Setting the package gently on her bed, she untied the ribbon and unfolded the wrapping paper. Nestled in the middle, a box of cookies.
She grinned to herself. Wanda’s been texting you for a couple of months now, and now she could really say that you’re not strangers. She knows that you can’t cook, but you can bake. You’re a businesswoman “of sorts” you say, and that you’re a pretty busy person. But regardless, you hang out with her, chilling in the local coffee shop, going shopping, even just a stroll around the park. She also knows that this happiness she gets when she sees you is definitely not platonic.
Opening the lid, the chocolate aroma wafts into her room. Her favourite of your baked goods. There’s a note tucked into the side of the box, and she delicately pulls it out. “Be my girlfriend?” she read, the handwriting obviously yours. Wait. Be my girlfriend? She sat there dumbly for a couple of seconds before it hit her. You’re asking her to be your girlfriend. Wanda scrambled for her phone, snapping a picture to send to you.
Y/N: those cookies look delicious, who sent them?
The witch rolled eyes at your antics, but played along.
Wanda: idk, but i just got asked out
Y/N: whoaaaa, did you say yes?
Wanda: yes you dumbass
Y/N: okay, under other circumstances that would’ve hurt, but i’m too excited to care right now <3
Wanda: ...
Wanda: did you try to bribe me with cookies?
Y/N: it worked, didn’t it?
Wanda: i can’t believe i actually like you
Y/N: honestly, me too
Y/N: sorry it’s a busy day, but you wanna come over for dinner?
Wanda: sounds good <3
Y/N: i’ll come pick you up, see you then girlfriend
She didn’t want bugs in her room, so Wanda grabbed the box to put in her kitchen cupboard. Balancing a cookie in her mouth, she was about to close the lid, when a hand pinched one. Eyes immediately glowing red, she locked onto Sam as he backed away, half eaten cookie and hands up in surrender.
“Do that again and I will give you nightmares.”
The Falcon whistled lowly. “Okay. Protective over cookies. Got it.”
“There’s cookies?” Bucky asked, strolling in.
“Oh okay.”
- - -
The heroes were sprawled on the couches playing a game of UNO when Wanda came down the stairs.
“What are you doing with that hoodie?” Tony asked sharply.
Wanda furrowed her eyebrows. “This.. hoodie?” she replied, tugging on the drawstrings of the soft item of company clothing she was wearing.
“Yes! That’s my enemy’s!”
She didn’t really want to get into whatever nonsense the genius was spouting again. “My friend lent it to me.”
“You have friends?” joked Sam.
Steve gave the man a warning look. “It’s good that you’re adjusting to life here.”
“I think the important question here,” Natasha said from her spot, “is where are you going?”
“Dinner,” she replied, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. She tried to fight the silly smile that crept into her face whenever she thought about you, but she mustn’t have hid it well enough, since the red headed spy gave her a sickeningly sweet smile.
I hate you, she projected.
Nat winked back.
“Based on the way Miss Maximoff keeps anxiously glancing at the door, there is likely to be someone waiting for her,” Vision piped up. “I have searched the Internet databases, and from what I have gathered, your casual outfit means that you are going with someone you are familiar with. The sharing of clothes is usually reserved for close friends or romantic partners only.”
Of course the android had to get involved.
“Your heart rate seems to be speeding up Miss Maximoff. Are you okay?”
“Wanda Maximoff,” Tony asked slowly, “do you have a boyfriend?”
That’s when all hell broke loose.
“Who is he?”
“Is he hot?”
“Where did you meet?”
“How did you even get a boyfriend?”
“Can we meet him?”
“Okay,” she groaned. Well it was bound to happen eventually. She just wished she could’ve gotten even a few months without the teasing. “I have a girlfriend, yes she’s hot, yes I’m going to have dinner with her, and I’ll ask about meeting. I’m going to go now.” With that, she stepped into the elevator.
“Don’t think this conversation is over witchy,” called Tony, as the doors slid shut.
- - -
“Hey,” you smiled as she slid into the car. “What took you so long?”
“The Avengers found out.”
You chuckled at that. “What, did they interrogate you or something?”
“Something like that.” She paused. “They want to meet you.”
“Are you sure?”
“They’re my family, and they’ll love you as much as I do.”
“Cute,” you grinned, “but I don’t know about Tony.”
“Trust me, they’re a mess a lot of the time, but they’re good people.”
You checked through your phone. “I haven’t got anything on around lunch tomorrow. I can come by then, how does that sound?”
“So you’ll come?”
“Anything for my girlfriend.”
- - -
Her green eyes locked onto you amongst the bustle of suits in the lobby.
You adjusted the grey fabric of your pantsuit. “Hey yourself.”
“Did you wear the suit to impress me?” Wanda asked, delicately tugging on your tie.
“Actually, I’ve got a meeting with the investors later. Gotta make an impression, you know?”
“Well consider me impressed,” she whispered against your ear.
Blushing, you allowed Wanda to lead you to the elevator.
- - -
Clint wasn’t sure what to expect with you. But if Wanda liked you, you were sure to be one of the good sorts. So maybe like a cute girl she met at the cafe or something. He sure as hell wasn’t expecting the confident girl dressed in a suit to step out of the elevator.
All of them were lined up in the common room and he’s pretty sure any normal person would have been intimidated by the sheer amount of Avengers in front of them, but you stepped up to them absolutely unfazed.
“Mr Rogers,” you offered your hand to shake, “a pleasure to meet you.”
Steve was expecting to have to take the lead with introductions, but here you seemed to be handling yourself fine. “Likewise.”
“Is Mr Stark here today?” you asked him.
“He’s a bit busy at the mo-“
Clattering and a string of curses interrupted him. And of course, the man himself stepped into the room, Iron Man debris in his wake.
“Tony,” Steve scolded.
“What? Did you think I’d miss meeting the girl who stole the heart of our cold antisocial emo?”
Wanda tossed a couch pillow at him, but he brushed it off.
“Tony Stark,” he declared.
You shook his hand politely. “I know who you are Mr Stark.”
“And you are...?”
“Y/N L/N.”
The genius might have been singed from his armour, but the moment that name fell from your lips, he yanked his hand away, as if he was burned.
“L/N. As in L/N Corporations?”
“That’s me.”
Abruptly he turned to Wanda. “Do you know who this is?” he hissed. “The greatest rival to Stark Industries. I thought you were introducing your girlfriend.”
You gave him a winning smile. “I am her girlfriend Mr Stark. And you may have made me your rival, but I can assure you that you are not mine.”
Sam snorted.
“What are you doing here then? Are you here to try and steal data? You can’t...”
You paid him no mind as you winked at Sam. Spotting the metal arm, your eyes widened. “You must be Bucky, right? Princess Shuri told me she’d been working on some vibranium projects. I’d love to take a closer look some other day if you don’t mind?”
“How do you know Shuri?” Stark spluttered.
“You think that she only talks to rich boys who need her help? Sorry to burst your bubble.”
Nat couldn’t help but smirk at this.
“Oh and I’ve actually been working on some prototype Widow Bites as a bit of a free time project,” you added. “If you’re interested, your opinion on usage would really help me to refine them.”
“Of course.”
“Traitor,” Tony glared.
It’s at this point your phone began to ring. Glancing down, you offered a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry, I’ve really got to take this.” You turned to face the wall as your friendly tone turned professional.
The Avengers huddled together as your call went on.
“Is she using you for information?” Tony scowled.
Wanda scowled back. “She’s my girlfriend Stark. Not everything is about you.”
He looked as if he was going to say more, but Steve interrupted.
“Look Tony, she seemed like a perfectly lovely girl.”
“Yeah I like her,” added Sam. “She can keep your ego in check.”
“If Wanda likes her, I’m fine with it too.” Clint said.
Wanda gave him a thankful look.
A cough came awkwardly behind them.
“I really hate to cut this short everyone, but something’s come up back at the office. Investors are a pain.”
“Yeah go on back to your investors then,” spat Tony.
“Wow” you drawled, heading back to the elevator, “is the rich card the only thing you can play Stark?”
The light on the wall indicated that the cab had arrived, and you stepped inside the carriage which would take you back down, as Peter stepped out.
“Oh hey Y/N, what are you doing here?”
“I was just leaving Pete, but swing by later, alright?”
“You know it.”
“Oh and I heard you liked the hoodie I gave Wanda, Mr Stark,” you called. “I can grab you one as well, since it’s my company. But I really do gotta run now. Nice to meet you all!” The metal doors slid shut on your grinning face.
There was a silence, before Tony turned on his protégée. “How the hell are you on a first name business with her?”
“We’re friends?” Peter offered.
“She went to college with me. She was super smart and we hung out and stuff. You know, what friends usually do.”
Squirming under his mentor’s gaze, he continued. “She was too smart for college though, so she dropped out and started her company. It didn’t mean we stopped being friends though.”
“Why didn’t you tell me Underoos?”
“She figured you might overreact, especially with the web sho-“ The boy’s eyes widened, and he made a mad dash for the stairs.
But Tony grabbed his wrist. “What were you saying?”
Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair anxiously. “She helped me out with my web shooters in college, and since then, she’s been developing them with me.”
“She knows I’m Spider-Man and I work with her on my tech,” he said slowly.
The man surveyed his teammates, making deliberate eye contact with each and every one of them. “Traitors, the lot of you,” he huffed.
“I mean you gotta admit it,” laughed Sam. “She’s college age, and built an empire to rival you. Not to mention that she’s pretty, smart, has better PR and actual time management skills-“
“Okay I get it,” the genius cut him off.
“Don’t be upset,” Clint smirked, “you can’t lose if you’re not her competition.”
Tony stomped off.
“Don’t worry about him, he’ll come around,” Steve said gently, nodding at Wanda who was fiddling anxiously with her rings.
“She was cool,” added Nat. “Tony can be a pain in the ass, but he knows she’s a good person.”
Her phone buzzed in her hand.
<3: i’d say that went pretty well
Wanda: cannot believe you didn’t tell me
<3: i’m really sorry babe, please don’t hate me
Wanda: i could never
<3: just didn’t want him to stop you from fraternising with the enemy or whatever
Wanda: i’d break the rules for you any day
<3: how romantic
<3: so miss rebel, you coming over tonight?
Wanda: depends if you’re still wearing the suit
<3: anything for you ;)
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stuckybarton · 3 years
Manifestation of A Happy Ending
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SUMMARY: "Everyone deserves a happy ending, even you."
CHARACTERS: Stephen Strange x Reader;
WARNINGS: Brief Description of Child Birth.
WORDS: 2,022
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One of the few things you had learned since your past and your present had collided was the world was constantly moving. Everyone would try to move on, try to better themselves. A process the might look painful on one end, and easy for some. You had it easy. Having Stephen by your side all throughout was good, being able to find the good in the world in him, in your relationship and eventual marriage as well as the child you were carrying.
Things has been going well and you found yourself visiting the compound more on a regular basis now with Stephen constantly by your side. His sling ring a good tool to use to avoid dealing with New York traffic. Being able to reconnect with your friends had been hard at first having ghosted them for a hefty amount of time, but things had been good, especially with everyone just as excited about the baby coming in a few more months.
"Have you found out about the gender?" Nat had inquired as soon as you had arrived into the common room, your husband and Wong was dealing with a mission briefing with Steve and Tony while you waited.
"Not yet." You smiled at your friend before rubbing your growing bump. Sitting by the window with your friend, it was still weird for you to come back here, knowing everything that had happened. The way you just left and never looked back. "We still haven't decided if we're going to wait until the baby is born."
Nat smiled, asking your permission, had placed her hand against your stomach. The light thump had made the two of you jump, your baby's first kick.
"Still can't convince you to name the baby Natalie?" She teased making your burst out laughing.
"Tell that to Wanda and Thor, they're already bribing me with naming the baby after them too." You giggled remembering the multiple of times you had to deal with the two when you visit. "But I'll think about it." You assured knowing the name you had in mind would sound good with a second name added to it.
"We're not mad at you for what happened, Y/N." Nat had spoke all of a sudden, surprising you with the shift of your conversation. "We're surprised that everything happened the way that it did, but we understand why you did what you had to do."
You were left in silence, it was still something you tried your best to keep to yourself. A resentment they might have towards you because of your choice, how you turned your back on all of them when your relationship with Tony ended.
Before Nat could continue on with her words, FRIDAY had called for her to the briefing as well.
"We'll talk later, I'll find someone to keep you company for a while." Nat has said with a smile leaving you all alone to your own thoughts.
It would take a while to come to terms with your choice, but as long as you had Stephen and the baby, you had nothing more you had to worry about. Rubbing your stomach again, the thump had made you smile as you started to hum against the air, hoping to calm your restless baby.
Your eyes lingered onto the windows, the well manicured lawn and the vast land of the compound. You had remembered the time where you would sit in the middle of the grass, soaking into the sunlight after being in the confinement of your former room for days on end.
"I hope I am not intruding."
Turning your head away from the window, the sight of Loki had surprised you. For the most part, you had known about the team's hesitation towards the reformed God, and the other part of you still wary of him after the last time you've seen him in person--when he and his brother had made their way to Stephen's sanctum hoping to find you. The words that he spoke that became the push you needed to this life you now live.
"No you're not, Loki." You assured the God as he has come to approach you. "How's your stay since I've last seen you?" You inquired the man.
Unlike everyone in the team, you didn't have the same resentment towards the man--knowing from Thor what had happened to him, what he had to do to survive, you try your best not to put it against him if you could. And he is a good company to have while you do your research for your book.
"I'm afraid I've lost my library companion." He responded, a ghost of a smile resting on his face. "And I think an apology is long overdue after what I've said."
One brow rose waiting for him to continue his words.
"What I had called you in Strange's Sanctum is uncalled for and I never got the chance to apologize to you."
So he did know you were in the Sanctum. Blinking you didn't really know what to say.
"Why didn't you tell Thor or Tony?" You found yourself asking after a moment.
"What for? If you truly want to be found, you wouldn't have hidden, in such a poor excuse of curtains of all things. And I do not believe that you would be happy with Stark in the long run."
"So you're favoring Stephen over Tony?" You smiled knowing the vendetta still placed on Stephen's back for what he did to Loki all those years before.
"I have said no such thing." He brushed off finally sitting besides you on the couch. "But you're more tolerable compared to the rest of the people in this compound, so your happiness is something I'd champion for."
The biggest compliment you had received from Loki and somehow you find yourself blushing at it. You held onto the man's hand.
"I think I might just name my baby after you, Loki." You teased. "Is this your plan all along?"
"Is it working?" He smirked right back, mischief twinkling his eyes.
"You have Nat, Wanda, and your brother to fight for that right." You pointed out giggling at the antics that Loki was slowly showcasing you. A rare sight as the man chooses to keep to himself most of the time. "Want to feel the baby?" You offered looking up at the man.
"Are you sure?" The man sounded so uncertain and for a while you understood where he was coming from but knowing him, knowing he wouldn't hurt you, it doesn't sound too bad to have him feel the baby too.
Hand still holding onto his own, you placed his palm on top of your stomach. Smiling as soon as his palm rested, a sudden kick had made the two of your jump for a moment. Giving him a side glance, an amazed look that rested on his face placed you more at ease.
"They like you." You pointed out with a smile.
"A mistake they'd made before they're even born." Loki muttered pulling away.
"Loki--" You warned. "You don't contradict a pregnant woman." You warned with a pointed look now focus on him. A sheepish smile now resting on his face because of it.
Before Loki could further contradict himself, the sound of a few voices approaching had the two of you looking up and the sight of your husband and Wong coming to pick you up. But the sight of Tony and Steve also with them, the smile on your face had fallen. So much for trying to avoid the man.
"Hands off the wife, Laufeyson." Your husband warned, but you rolled your eyes and smiled towards the also much annoyed Loki.
"Loki's been keeping me company." You pointed out finally standing up and approaching your husband in the process.
"Fifty bucks he's also trying to convince you to name the baby after him."
"Keep your money to yourself, Strange." You snorted wrapping an arm around his waist. You smiled beamingly at your husband before winking knowingly at Loki and the conversation they had would only be theirs to keep from now on. "Loki's been nothing but nice to me and I'm staring to like the idea of Baby Loki."
At the grimace your husband had on you couldn't help but burst into as loud fits of laughter.  Resting your head against his chest, try as the man could, it was still hard for him to keep his emotions and his sass in check. You were fine with it, happy for his antics from time to time when he wasn't getting on your nerves.
"We'll talk about our child's life choices if you do that when we get home." He muttered cradling your head as you pull back to look at him. "Say goodbye to your friend before we go."
You smiled hugging Loki, taking the man by surprise before promising to catch up with Steve if Stephen ever stops by the compound again. But for a fraction of a second, you found your attention towards Tony, the longing look on his face as he looked at you and it scared you so much. You know you wouldn't leave Stephen, after everything you had been through, but it was just sad to see the playboy so broken--because of you.
"Bye, Tony." You finally whispered before joining your husband and Wong through the portal to bring you right home to the Sanctum.
"Benedict Vincent Strange."
The name had escaped your lips as soon as the baby was born. The past thirteen hours, Stephan had been besides himself. Everything he had learned from Med School was thrown in the trash when it comes to you. The doctors had tried their best to stay as far away from him while making sure you were well accommodated.
And everything was worth it as he now held on to his son. A blend of you and him. 
Even as the past few hours had been you sobbing to the high heavens while you pushed for the baby out while you pray for their safety. Stephen was relieved to know you and the baby were safe and healthy judging from the lungs capable of screaming up a storm from the both of you. The smile had somehow found their way onto his face.
He had watched the doctors begin to clean up his son before turning his attention back to you. Leaning back against the bed, even with the fatigue and pain still painting your face, you still had this big smile watching from the sides as the nurses swaddle your son.
"He's got your eyes." Stephen pointed out with a smirk and you were quick to roll your eyes. It was just a fun little debate the two of you had while you prepared for the baby, how such discussion span and become so meaningless as all the mattered was this very sight.
A life he never thought he would be allowed to have in his life. After everything he had done--the mistake he had made, he was still allowed to have his own happy ending in the form of you who had almost fallen face first in front of him in the cafe.
"Do you ever regret it?" Stephen asked after a moment of silence passed between the two of you. "Leaving Tony behind for someone like me?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Stephen." You smiled holding onto his hands, pulling him closer to where you laid to rest. "I've got everything I could have ever wanted in my life. A decent man that loves me more than the whole multiverse combined. I've got a child that I will give my life and soul to protect and love."
It was the truth, and the smile that lingered on his face made everything alright now. There would come a time that his life would be put on the line for the sake of the world, but it was alright. It was for you and it was for your son. His own little manifestation of a happy ending.
He would want nothing more in his life.
Stephen Strange One-Shot / Series
@secretsthathauntus @delightfulheartdream @d0ct0rstrangewife @gumgum78 @supervengerslock @inas-thing
@wandering-spiritash @emmy626 @star017 @silverrmistt @broadwaybabe18
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
In a Heartbeat  -  Seven
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Pairing: Fireman!Bucky X Reader
Summary: You’ve always been careful with your heart. With your condition, you don’t exactly have any other choice. The last time you let someone in, you paid the price. A price you don’t plan on paying again. Until Bucky comes in and shatters your carefully crafted world.
Warnings: Angst, Language, Injuries, Fluff, Fluff, FLUFF
Word Count: 4.1K
A/n: Here she is! Part seven! I’m gonna write a little epilogue but the fic can very well end here! I love this series with my whole heart and soul omg
Series Masterlist
He’s numb.
So damn numb.
Nothing even matters. His ears are ringing, the bright lights bouncing off the linoleum floors are fucking with his eyes but he doesn’t care because you’ve been in the operating room for hours and all he wants is to see you, to make sure you’re okay.
No one’s said a single thing to him about whether or not you’re okay, and it’s taking all of his self-control not to break down that door and see for himself.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder, jolting him from his thoughts and bringing him back to the loud sounds of the waiting room.
He furrows his brows at Steve, confused out of his mind until he sees Tommy in his other arm, head resting against his father's shoulder and a casted arm hanging limply at his side.
“Hey Tommy, how you feeling?” The brunet asks, his voice rough and hoarse with lack of use.
The six-year-old only whimpers softly in response, burrowing further into his father’s neck.
“He’s okay. Doctor’s got him on some painkillers. Said it was a clean break from pounding on that window.” Bucky stands up, rubbing his nephew on the back. “You’re a hero, buddy. Just like your daddy.” Tommy sniffles and nods, the sight breaking the man’s heart.
“You should head home for the night, Buck. Shower, rest, then come back in the morning.” He clenches his jaw and swallows hard, shaking his head.
“I-I can’t, Steve. What if... what if she comes out and I’m not here? Or what if...” He trails off, not even wanting to entertain the idea of the other option.
“I saw Nat on her way down here. Ask her for an update and then go home. You’ve had a long day. And when she’s out of surgery she's gonna be upset to see that you’ve exhausted yourself out here in the waiting room.” Steve has a point. Both men are still in their fire gear, having rushed to the hospital directly from the fire.
It’s after midnight now.
“I’m taking Tommy home. Take care of yourself tonight, Buck. If not for you, then for her.” He nods, eyes on the floor as the blond leaves, his son curled up against his side.
“Barnes? You’re still here?” He looks up at the sound of Natasha’s voice, desperation evident on his face as she walks over to him.
“I’ve got no update other than she’s unstable and that they’re doing everything they can. It’ll be another few hours before she’s out of surgery and even then, she’s going straight to the ICU and won’t be awake for at least a day or so.” He lets out a terribly shaky breath but nods, rubbing his eyes then pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Y-you’ll call if there are any updates, right? I’m just gonna pop home and shower and sleep for a few hours but I'll be back first thing in the morning.” She nods, taking his hand and squeezing tightly.
“I’m off for the rest of the night, so I’ll be sticking around bugging the nurses for updates whenever I can. Might even bribe an intern with good coffee, not this hospital shit.” Bucky chuckles softly, shaking his head.
“Okay.” He takes a step towards the exit then hesitates, looking back at the redhead for a. moment. “Do you think she’s gonna make it?” He asks, his voice soft and broken and nearly lost among the sea of people.
Natasha swallows hard and avoids his eyes, taking a deep breath before answering.
“The doctors are doing everything they can.” A rehearsed answer. An answer she gives to relatives to let them know that they shouldn’t expect much.
He says nothing, only gives her a firm nod, then turns and leaves the hospital.
Hot droplets of water rain down on him, washing away the stench of smoke and the physical reminder of the events of the day. But no heat and no water pressure will wash away the sorrow in his soul. The absolute unadulterated fear that grips his bones and seeps into his bloodstream. That is something that won’t be washed away by any amount of water and suds.
His movements are mechanical, scrub, rinse, dry, dress.
The sleep that finds him is restless and fitful, filled with nightmares that will haunt him for nights to come. Every thought, both waking and otherwise, are occupied by you. Your face, your smile, your laugh, and the thought that he may never experience any of them again.
He's back at the hospital at six-thirty, coffee in his metal hand because his flesh one is shaking too much.
Just as he’s walking to the reception desk, he sees Natasha walking towards the waiting room. Her face is unreadable when she sees him, but he notices her take a deep breath.
“What is it?” He asks, not bothering with pleasantries.
“She’s out of surgery. She’s still unstable, hasn’t woken up yet, but she’s been out for about three hours. She probably won’t wake up until this evening.” He takes a few deep breaths then nods, a bubble of relief hugging him tenderly.
“Where is she?” Nat sighs and turns on her heel, leading him towards your room.
“James, I’m not going to sugar coat this for you. She’s not doing well. There’s still a fair chance that she won’t wake up.” She stops, looking up at him with vulnerability in her eyes, tears brimming.
“What is it?” He’s nervous, his heart feels like it’s going to explode.
“They’re saying she needs a transplant. That her heart won’t last for much longer and if she wants any hope of surviving more than a couple years, she’ll need a new heart.”
The air leaves his lungs in a whoosh, almost as if someone punched him in the gut. He stumbles back a step, coffee dropped and hands coming to the tops of his thighs as he hunches over, trying to catch his breath.
“That’s a best-case scenario. Worst case is she... well... we should’ve said our goodbyes. But she’s strong. She’ll pull through. She has to pull through.” That last part is whispered so softly that the brunet almost misses it.
“Nat,” his voice breaks, it cracks and splinters and shatters in pieces on the linoleum that he doesn’t have the energy to pick up. He can’t pick himself back up. Not if you might not wake up. He just can’t.
“Sit down, c’mon.” She helps him lean back against the wall, sliding down until he’s seated, arms draped over his knees and his head hanging heavily between them.
He can’t breathe.
A sick voice in his head screams that this is what you must’ve been feeling, this terrible tightness in your chest, this inability to draw in a single damn breath. It’s unbearable and for just a moment he realizes he wouldn’t blame you if you gave up, if you just let it take you. But he shakes that thought from his head and instead focuses on you fighting. You need to fight. If you can pull through, then they can find you a new heart and you’ll be okay.
You’re going to be okay.
You have to be okay.
Everything feels still. Dry. Bland.
If you could pin it to a colour, that colour would be beige.
Everything feels beige.
You’ve been awake for a little while now, gathering your bearings and trying to remember what happened. The last thing you remember is the fire bell... Wanda telling you not to go... and then running back into the building to find Tommy.
Your heart picks up in speed, pain flaring through your chest at the action, and an alarm starts beeping rapidly.
It takes only seconds for the door to open, nurses and doctors flooding into the room and checking the various machines around you while you grab at the front of your hospital gown uselessly, trying to alleviate the pain.
“(Y/n), I need you to take a big breath with me, okay?” A doctor says, her brown eyes focused on yours. You nod, inhaling with her for a moment then exhaling. You do this a few times and the machine gradually stops, your heart slowing as whatever they injected into your bloodstream takes effect.
Nurses slowly trickle out, leaving just you and the doctor.
“Well, you sure know how to make an entrance,” she says with a smile, looking over your chart.
“What can I say, Doc? I’ve got a flair for the dramatic.” Your voice is weak, far weaker than it should be, and that alone scares you.
She chuckles softly, smiling at your words before tucking the chart under her arm and looking at you straight on.
“You being alive right now is an absolute miracle,” she says softly, taking a step towards the bed then motioning to the chair beside it, asking wordlessly if she can take a seat.
You nod, taking a few deep breaths as you prepare to hear whatever news she has for you.
“Your heart stopped twice on the way to the hospital, and the second time we almost couldn’t get it going again. Your heart is weak, and what you endured nearly ruptured your left atrium and you had severe lacerations of your ventricles. It is most comparable to a very severe heart attack, and you’re lucky to have survived.”
She doesn’t look like she’s delivering good news. No, she should be happy if you’re lucky to have survived. That fact alone puts you on edge.
“What is it? What... what’s wrong with my heart now?” You know it can’t be good judging only by the look on her face. It’s a look you’ve seen far too many times.
“With the rate you’re going, your heart will give out completely in three or four years. And it won’t be a pleasant process. You’ll be in pain, bedridden and hospitalized because you won’t be able to move. The only alternative is a transplant.” The world around you shifts from beige to grey, the clouds dark and the room sorrowful.
Your ears start ringing, loud and painfully and it takes everything in you not to rip them right off.
“S-so that’s it then? I’m gonna die in three years if I’m lucky? I’ve only got three years left?” She sighs and looks down at her hands, “the only other option would be to put you on a waiting list for a new heart, but we cannot guarantee that you’ll get it in time, but it’s worth a shot.” You shake your head, tears falling from your eyes and splattering on the ugly blue hospital blanket.
“I don’t want a new heart! I don’t want to go through a process and get my hopes up over something that I won’t get in time.” You sniffle and shove your face in your hands, the steady beeping of the machine next to you making you want to cry even harder.
“I’ll give you some time, (Y/n).” The doctor gets up and leaves, a sad look on her face as she turns to the pair waiting anxiously outside your door.
Natasha pushes herself to her feet, her eyes wide with curiosity and desperation.
“I recommend you give her space. She’s... processing everything,” Doctor Palmer says softly, giving Natasha a sad smile before walking away to handle her other patients.
Nat exchanges looks with Bucky then slowly walks to the door.
“Just give me a minute to see how she’s doing, okay? I’ll tell her you’re out here waiting, I just wanna see if she needs anything.” He takes a deep breath but nods, understanding that Natasha would be able to tell, if only from a medical standpoint, what you need.
You keep your face in your hands, tears wetting your palms, as the door opens again.
“Beans?” Nat’s voice makes you stiffen, sniffling and wiping your eyes before peeking up at her.
Her heart shatters in her chest at the sight of you.
Skin dull, eyes heavy and sunken. She’s seen a lot of sick people before but never would she have put you in the same category as them. Now though? Now, you look the part.
“I uh... I heard the news. Bugged the nurses for updates and they finally caved.”
Your bottom lip wobbles and then a sob bubbles out of your chest.
Nat’s face falls and she slides onto the bed beside you, pulling you into a tight embrace while you sob.
“Oh beans,” she whispers, smoothing your hair away from your face.
“I don’t want a new heart!” You cry, tears soaking her shirt. She hugs you, holds you tightly while you cry out your frustrations, your sorrows.
It’s agony.
She has so many questions, so much she wants to say, but she knows better.
She holds her tongue, wanting you to be in a better headspace before she talks to you about your options. It’s too soon. The wound is too fresh.
Bucky sits impatiently outside of the room the whole time, leg bouncing and flesh fingers trembling.
Natasha comes out of your room a short while later, sniffling and wiping at her cheeks.
“What’s happening? Is she okay?” The redhead nods, taking a few deep breaths.
“I’ve seen a lot of sick people, Barnes. A lot of them. But seeing her... seeing my friend so weak and tiny...” She shakes her head, looking up at him with glossy eyes.
“I’m scared, Buck.” Bucky pulls her into a hug, his own breaths shaking.
“It's okay. It’s gonna be okay.” She sniffles again then speaks, “she’s asleep again. She should be good to see you the next time she wakes up though. I’m sure she misses you.” He squeezes his eyes shut but nods, trying to mentally prepare himself to see you in such a fragile state.
Bucky doesn’t know how to feel.
He doesn’t even want to feel.
That’s the word that sums it up the best.
Seeing you on that hospital bed, tubes attached to your face, arms, and chest, he feels absolutely helpless.
“Hey,” he murmurs, smiling gently when you look up from your book.
“Bucky... Hi.” Your voice is raspy and hoarse, and he has to take a few shaky breaths to stop from crying.
“You mind if I sit?” You shake your head, motioning to the chair beside your bed.
He takes a seat and looks at you closely, his eyes welling up with tears.
“How ya feelin, pretty girl?” You huff a breath out through your nose then shrug, trying your hardest to stay strong in front of him.
“I uh... I’ve been better, I gotta say.” He chuckles weakly then nods, sniffling and dropping his gaze for a moment.
“Nat uh... Nat told me what the doctors said. About your heart and stuff. That’s... intense.” It’s not the best word but it’s the only one he can find.
You blow a breath out through your mouth and nod.
“It’s scary,” you whisper, not looking up from your hands even when he takes them in his.
“I’m scared. I don’t want to be put on a waiting list only to not get one in time. And there are people who need a new heart more than I do. People who want one more than I do.” He furrows his brows and cocks his head to the side in confusion.
“What do you mean, you don’t want a new heart? Why wouldn’t you want one?”
You sigh heavily, “because, James. This is my heart. It’s the heart that I’ve lived with for my whole life. I don’t want a new one because this one is mine. This is the one that’s dealt with heartbreaks and betrayals. This is the one that’s gotten me through the bad days and the good. And this is the one that chose you. I don’t want a different one. I wanna keep this one. And don’t you dare tell me that my days are numbered if I keep this one because my days are numbered regardless.”
You finally look up at him, fire in your eyes as you express everything that’s been going on in your mind.
“We’re all gonna die someday, and it may not be the way we expect or the way we want, and we won’t ever be fully ready for it. But it’s gonna happen. I’d much rather know that I spent my life doing what I wanted on my terms. If my days are numbered, I'd rather enjoy them than spend them waiting for a heart I may never get. My heart’s still got a few years left in it. Careful years, yeah, but years no less.”
Tears stain his cheeks and he nods, sniffling twice then pressing a kiss to your hands.
“I’m not going to try and change your mind, Doll. The choice is completely yours and no matter what you decide to do, I’ll stay by your side through all of it, I promise. You’re my girl, my best girl, my only girl, and I want you to do what’s best for you.” You squeeze your eyes shut, having mentally prepared yourself for him to put up a fight, not for him to be so supportive of your decision.
“I love you, (Y/n). And I’m gonna cherish every fucking moment that you let me spend with you because I love you. I thought,” he pauses, pulling a hand back to scrub the tears off of his cheeks only for more to fall.
“I thought I’d lose you before getting a chance to truly tell you. But I’m not gonna waste any more time because life is a precious gift. I love you, (Y/n). So much. To the fucking ends of the Earth. I love you and I don't want a day to go by where you don’t know just how much I love you.”
You whimper, his confession making warmth spread through your body and tears rain down your cheeks.
“I-I love you too, James. With every ounce of my heart, I love you. And I don't want to let you down and I never want to hurt you.” He closes his eyes, content to bask in the weight of your words for a moment longer, a private, intimate moment.
He eventually settles his head on the bed next to your hip, and your fingers find their way into his luscious brown locks, twirling the thick strands around mindlessly.
“When are you getting discharged?” He asks, his voice muffled by the bed.
“I’m not sure yet. Doctor Palmer said she wants to keep me here for at least another week or so to monitor my heart and take me off the medication, and then maybe some more time after that depending on how weak I am.” He nods, nuzzling against you some more.
“I’m not going back to work ‘till you’re out,” he says matter-of-factly.
You only giggle, shaking your head.
“James, that’s not even plausible. You’ve got bills to pay. Besides, you’ll get tired of being here. I’m gonna spend most of my time sleeping or bugging the nurses for some real food.” He lifts his head, eyes full of vulnerability.
“I just don't wanna leave you and then...” He trails off but you understand his concern.
“I’m gonna be okay. Doctor Palmer says I’m doing okay. I’m sure Nat will continue bugging her for updates and she’ll let you know if there’s anything concerning happening. But I’m gonna be fine, I swear.” He watches you for a moment longer before nodding and pressing his head against your thigh.
A thought bubbles into your mind and you tug gently on his hair to get his attention.
“What happened to Tommy?” You ask, voice tight and filled with apprehension.
Bucky only smiles gently.
“Lil guy’s a hero. He busted that window open, that’s how we found you two. Broke his arm but he’s okay. Says he looks like me so he likes it.” A smile finds its way onto your face at the idea of Tommy looking up to his uncle so much.
“He’s already gotten everyone at the firehouse to sign it, and I’m sure when he’s back to school he’ll get everyone there to sign it too. But the lil guy’s a hero. Gonna make a good firefighter.” You nod, mind flashing back to those last few moments in the school.
“I was so scared, James. I-I couldn’t protect him and I didn’t know what to do.” He reaches up and strokes your cheek gently, shushing you softly.
“It’s okay, pretty girl. It’s okay. Everyone’s okay.” You take a few deep breaths and nod, trying to calm down before your heart rate picks up too much.
“You need to worry about yourself, and not everyone else. Focus on getting better, okay? And then, when you’re ready, I’m gonna take you out on a date and show you just how much you can enjoy life, okay?”
You nod, smiling at him.
“Miss (Y/l/n)!” Tommy runs at you full speed, nearly knocking you over when he barrels into your legs.
Bucky’s quick to steady you, opening his mouth to reprimand his nephew but you stop him, raising a hand to cut him off.
“Hey, Tommy! How’s my little superhero feeling?” He pulls back and smiles up at you.
“I got another cast so now my arm looks just like uncle Bucky’s!” You glance at the new blue cast and smile brightly.
“Look at that! And you’re a hero just like him too, huh?” He nods excitedly then digs around in his pocket for a moment.
“Here!” He hands you a sharpie then points to a blank space on his cast.
“I made sure to leave room for you to sign it!” Your face softens and you crouch down in front of him, signing your name and drawing a small picture.
“Thank you, Tommy.” He nods, glancing over his shoulder as his dad calls his name.
“C’mon Tommy! You gonna help us move or are you gonna help miss (Y/l/n) get organized?” He looks between you and his dad then runs over to the moving truck, excitedly grabbing whatever his little arms can carry then bringing them into the house.
Bucky wraps an arm around your waist and presses a soft kiss to your temple.
“You ready?” You look up at your new house, then over at him, nodding without hesitation.
The moving process is long and tedious, and after seven hours of lifting, unboxing, cleaning, and organizing, you’re about ready to call it a day.
“Pizza’s on its way, and Nat ran out to grab some beers,” Bucky says, coming up into the master bedroom. Concern immediately colours his features as he sees the way you’re sitting. You’re on the bed, hunched over with one hand on your mouth and the other on your lower abdomen.
“(Y/n)?” He asks, coming to a crouch in front of you and trying to get a look at your face.
You take a few deep breaths then nod, opening your eyes and offering him a weak smile.
“You okay?” You nod again but he seems unconvinced.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You take a deep breath and reach for his hand, squeezing it gently.
“I uh.. not really. I wanted to tell you in a better way but I guess this is as good as it’s going to get.” His heart is in his throat, absolutely terrified of what you’re going to tell him.
You’ve been going to the doctor a lot more frequently, and your energy levels have plummeted.
He knew you didn’t have time left but it hasn’t even been six months since the fire.
You pull his hand to your stomach and rest it there gently, eyes finding his as you wait for it to click.
He stares at his hand in confusion, that confusion melting away as he realizes what you’re telling him.
“Wait, are you...?”  His eyes are wide, eyebrows raised and heart pounding.
You only nod, tears welling up in your eyes as he launches up and wraps his arms around your frame.
“Oh my god. Oh my god! I’m gonna be a dad!” You giggle wetly, tears of joy falling and getting soaked up by his shirt.
“We’re gonna have a baby.” He pulls back, hands on your small baby bump.
“How far along are you?” He asks, cradling the bump delicately between his hands.
“About three months. And the doctor said that they’ve already got a birth plan ready, and different pills for me to take to calm my heart.” His glossy eyes look up at you, so full of love and adoration.
“I can’t believe it. I...” he stops, leaning in the gently kiss your lips then pulls you into another tight embrace.
“Thank you, (Y/n). Thank you.”
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fluffymcu · 3 years
Easy break
Request: Could you write one where reader is giving Bucky or Steve the silent treatment and he tickles the reader to make them talk? Please and thank you.
This is short blurb
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You were covered head to toe under the covers, ignoring Bucky all day. He had made a suggestive joke to you in front of the whole team with no shame. You were the type to get embarrassed very easily and Bucky liked to tease you about it. So when he had mercilessly flirted with you in the kitchen, making Sam, Nat, Clint and Tony make oooh noises, you slapped his arm and hurried out of the kitchen, completely embarrassed.
After a while you heard the door to your shared bedroom open and close. Heavy footsteps echoed through the room and it wasn’t long before you felt Bucky get under the covers behind you and hug your waist from behind. You stayed silent, still ignoring him.
“You still blushing?” He teased, wearing a knowing smirk. You silently bumped your elbow into his ribs making him laugh and hug you tighter. “Come ohohon, I was just messing around. No one’s mentioned anything about it since this morning, they’ve forgotten about it!” He whined playfully, gently shaking you side to side to make you say anything. You didn’t. He tried placing kisses along the back of your neck and shoulders, rubbing your belly lovingly, anything to bribe you to talk to him but you weren’t budging.
“Why won’t you talk to meeee?” He whined, rapidly poking your belly in desperation. You bit your lip trying to keep in your squeal and you squirmed around to try to get away from him. Bucky chuckled and pulled you closer to his chest, nuzzling his stubble in the crook of your neck. “Do I have to tickle you? Huh? To get you to talk?” He teased, smiling widely when he immediately heard you burst into bubbly giggles. He started to dig his fingers in the middle of your belly, making you arch your back against him and laugh even more. “Oooh, that tickles doesn’t it?? You wanna talk to me now?” You shook your head as you laughed, trying hard to control your laughter. Bucky snorted and teased your ribs suddenly, along with blowing a raspberry on your neck. 
With a loud squeal you kicked your legs out violently. “Dohohohont!!” You cried, falling into hysterics as he began to torture your hips.
“Oh, so she does speak!” He teased, moving around to where he’s straddling you. He lifted up your shirt and blew many tickly raspberries. “That’s good to hear!”
You let out loud belly laughter as you weakly pushed at his head. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go at all.
“Lehehet me GO!” You laughed, slapping at his head. Bucky say up and grabbed your wrists.
“But I thought you didn’t wanna talk to me? And I wanna spend time with you but since you won’t talk, I have to tickle you!” He shrugged, mercilessly shooting his free hand under your arms, making you scream.
“BUCKYHYHYHYYY! HAHAHAHASTAHAHAHAP!” You cried. Bucky chuckled and put all his weight on top of you, gathering you in a bear hug.
“You done with the silent treatment?” He asked, nibbling on your neck. You let out a bunch of airy giggles as you shrunk in on yourself.
“Okahahay! I’m dohohone!” You whine, smiling when his eyes met yours with a smile. “You’re lucky you’re cute.” You giggled.
“Mmm, and I’m lucky you’re ticklish.” He chuckled, squeezing your side to prove his point before capturing your lips with his.
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rosaliestark01 · 3 years
When You’re Feeling Down
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter knows just what to do to make you feel better.
A/N: for @brina-chaska
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A sudden knock on the door caused you to sigh. Every single one of the Avengers had already tried getting you out of your room except one. You don't need spidey-senses to know who was at the door this time.
"I'm coming!" You dragged your feet out of bed and shuffled to the door.
When you opened it, you weren't surprised to see Peter standing there. He always seemed to know when you're feeling down, which you couldn't tell if it was due to his spidey-senses or the fact that the two of you have been best friends for years.
"Hi, Y/N." Peter awkwardly waved a hand as you gestured for him to come in. "How are you feeling?"
"Like shit." You dragged your feet back to your bed and fell back onto your fluff of pillows. It didn't take long to get comfortable again, but Peter had other plans.
"Mr Stark said you weren't feeling well," Peter explained. He couldn't help but fiddle with the straps on his backpack as he watched a sour expression fall on your face.
"I'm fine, and you can tell that to anyone else who thinks otherwise."
"Y/N," he groaned, exasperatedly, as he walked over and sat on the edge of your bed, his backpack falling to the floor with a soft thud.
"I know," you sigh. "I know they're worried about me, but I can't help it. I feel like a mess."
Earlier, Tony had tried everything to get you out of your room and out of bed. Nat and Wanda tried convincing you to have a girl's day with them. Thor offered to let you borrow his hammer for a day, whether you could lift it or not. Steve gave you a big speech about self-care and responsibility while Sam and Bucky kept interrupting him by attempting to bribe you with Cap's shield. Clint said he had an idea before leaving, and now Peter's here.
"I know something that can help," Peter hummed. You'd heard that line countless times today, but you figured you see what Peter would do.
"Does it involve chocolate?" You joked. Peter rolled his eyes and grabbed both of your hands to make you sit up.
"Well, it would involve getting out of bed." Upon seeing your pout, he retaliated by making puppy dog eyes. "Please."
In your defence, you doubt that even Sam and Bucky could say no to that face. You changed into fresher clothes before you and Peter entered the kitchen. You weren't exactly sure what you wanted to make yet, so you grabbed as many baking ingredients as possible.
"Cookies?" asked. You were just grabbing as many baking ingredients as you could think of, but cookies sound pretty good at the moment.
"Yeah," you shrug your shoulders before getting to work. The only problem was the silence that was making you uncomfortable. Peter was too busy measuring the ingredients to notice, so you decided to break the silence."I'm going to put on some music."
"Oh, did you hear that Ned got a cat?" Peter suddenly said in a burst of excitement. He proceeded to tell you about the cat, whose name is Salem, and you couldn't help but gush at the thought that Peter suggested the name because he knew you'd appreciate it.
After a while, the cookie dough didn't look right. It was smoother and wouldn't roll into a ball as it should. Instead, it just made a mess of your hands.
"Don't worry; I know what I'm doing," Peter reassured as he evened the dough into a glass pan. "I used to have these all the time when I was a kid."
"You still are a kid."
"But- But- I'm Spider-Man," Peter whined as a cute pout made its way to his face. You refrained from laughing at how cute he looked. You just didn't feel that much like laughing today. "What are you thinking about?"
"It's nothing," you tell him as you put the pan in the oven. You set the timer for twenty-five minutes then proceeded to stand awkwardly next to the stove. It wasn't that you didn't want to talk to Peter. You just couldn't think of anything to say, and now your bed was starting to seem inviting at the moment. Before you could make an excuse to go back to your room, your playlist had other plans.
You couldn't stop yourself from cracking a smile as the next song came on. Peter's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the familiar piano tune begin to play, and you knew he was thinking the same thing. Now, who was going to break first?
"We're breaking free!"
"We're soaring!" Peter sang, using a wooden spoon as a microphone. You laughed and grabbed the whisk to use as yours.
"There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach!"
"If we're trying!"
"Yeah, we're breaking free!!!"
You and Peter continued to sing as he took your hand and spun you around. Neither of you seemed to notice the Avengers watching the two of you sing and dance around the kitchen. It was safe to say that you felt a lot better than when you woke up that morning.
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