#re5 and the dark chronicles are the two re games i hope to play one day
gigi-does-art · 7 months
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Wanted to draw Manuela more because I love her and adore her design. So here she is! My favorite flame child <3333 Had a lot of fun with this and just messing around with the background lol.
Also a bonus tiny Manuela:
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chaoticclaire · 7 years
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Day 4: Alternate Choice - Free Day
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Okay, this is a longer and personal post…
For the Free Day I chose my favorite and/or most memorable scenes. To be honest, I could have chosen so many more, but I limited it to two per main game. Resident Evil is a big part of my life for over 20 years now - the games, characters, story, music, EVERYTHING, mean so much to me ♥
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RE ZERO: Billy playing the piano (I let Rebecca play first because I knew from RE1 that she could play… who would have thought that Billy can play so well! I really love the little song he plays) /// “Thank you, Rebecca” … this thumbs up, so cute! I can’t help it, Billy is one of my favorites ♥ Why wasn’t he referenced in Vendetta, why?! ;_;
RE1: Okay, so the first zombie scared the shit out of me but what REALLY destroyed my childhood were the dogs jumping through the window! Bye, bye innocent childhood! My parents and I also knew from that moment on that this game was something different, something new – and we just couldn’t stop playing from thereon! /// Chris and Jill holding hands in the helicopter… the moment my OTP was born!
RE2: The intro just blew me away and Claire and Leon meeting for the first time was just great! From “Don’t shoot!” to the conversation in the car, I love every second of it. And of course seeing Claire for the first time… who would have thought that THAT would influence my life so much ♥ /// Claire and Leon in the S.T.A.R.S. office. I felt so sorry for Claire that Chris wasn’t there… and the music, so sad yet beautiful :’)
RE The Umbrella Chronicles: “The Death cannot die!” HUNK barely making it out of the RPD. I really hope he gets a more fleshed-out scenario in the RE2 Remake, he’s one of the best villains! /// Wesker returns! RE hasn’t been the same since he’s gone… I miss him :’( (and, to be fair, Ada’s escape level was also nice – we finally got some answers on how she survived)
RE3: The first encounter with Nemesis… I was so scared, I didn’t even notice the option selection at first XD That guy is so iconic for a reason! /// The ending, especially the news report. Raccoon City’s fate is so sad… (love the ending song, it’s one of the best RE songs ever!)
RE Code Veronica: “Remember your promise” Chris and Claire, finally reunited and they don’t want to lose each other again :’) I love their sibling relationship, they are the best! /// “Hey, I always keep my promises” Chris, my favorite big bro ♥ ♥ ♥
RE The Darkside Chronicles: My Claire being so strong :’) I love how she is one of the more emotional characters, it makes her more human. Alyson also nailed her performance in this game ♥ /// Leon and Krauser as comrades… why did it have to go downhill from thereon :’( I like Krauser on both, the good and the bad side, but still… I’m glad their past got fleshed-out in TDC, he deserved it!
RE4: The beginning of the game. Seriously, I have played the village part so many times, it always cheers me up when I’m in a bad mood or sad. RE4 is not necessarily a good RE game in my opinion but damn, it’s one hell of a game! AND SAVE THE DOG! ALWAYS! /// Leon and Krauser – now as enemies. The knife fight was so intense. I remember my friends and I playing it over and over again because we had so much fun.
RE Revelations: Quint and Keith, I love those two dorks! RE isn’t RE without its cheesiness and that duo delivered that perfectly! I want them back, even if it’s just a BSAA behind-the-scenes cutscene :D /// Parker “dies” :’( What an emotional moment, I really liked Parker, he’s a good and honest guy! So glad he survived in the end!
RE5: My OTP reunites!!! Fighting Jill was difficult, both gameplay and emotional wise. Not shooting her but TALKING to her was well done and it really gave me the feels. I don’t care if they are just partners or a couple in RE canon, I was just glad they reunited again ♥ /// Chris in the ending, his “Yeah, it’s worth it” line always makes me smile. He’s my RE hero, I can’t help it :’)
RE Revelations 2: “That IS Wesker, Alex Wesker!” I mean, we all more or less knew it, but still,… I hope she returns, we need a constant villain again and her being a Wesker is even better. /// Claire saves the day! Claire is always amazing but that cutscene blew me away so much! She finally kicked some real ass again and although her ponytail is iconic I really love that she cut her hair. It kinda marks an end/new beginning part of her life I guess. Also, don’t you ever fuck with a Redfield and their family or friends. You. Just. Don’t.! That ending has everything a RE ending needs: a helicopter flying into the sunset, a cheesy one-liner, a rocket launcher to the face, a slow-motion bullet… THAT is RE guys, THAT is RE :D I don’t care if it has been done a thousand times before, I enjoyed the whole ending so much :D ♥ (”I HAVE THIS!”)
RE6: Chris “papa bear” Redfield and his soldiers. From being a rebellious young soldier that got kicked out of the Air Force to a leader figure with his team looking up to him – my boy has come a long way ♥ /// Sherry sharing her past with Jake. I was glad Sherry was back and her “His research killed him” line got me by surprise… so glad Claire and Leon have been there for her after Raccoon City ♥
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Like I said, I could have chosen so much more…
I kept the pictures dark for a reason and only highlighted the most important part(s) to emphasize what’s important to me :)
Thank you Resident Evil for so many good memories. I really wish I could thank the person who introduced me to the games, but he passed away before I could, unfortunately :’( I met so many friends offline and online because of the games, I started with cosplay, improved my drawing skills, etc. It’s a huge part of my life and will be forever ♥ I’m so glad I got my Made in Heaven tattoo as a tribute ♥
Also thanks a lot to everyone who read this to the end, it really means a lot to me :’) ♥  ~ChaoticClaire
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