#re: halle r1
muirneach · 3 months
i dont know oscar otte but suddenly im a huge fan. keep up the good work brother
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res-4-cheats-i1 · 2 years
GCN Cheats - Resident Evil 4 Wiki Guide - IGN
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 In the castle, there is a glitch where you can make the Gatling Gun appear without allowing the red monk to operate it. First, progress normally and let the red monk escape. Once you return to the turret room, he will be operating the gatling gun. Immediate leave the room and return to the main hall with the merchant and save. Load the game and re-enter the turret room. You need to chase the red monk again until he returns to the turret room. When you return to the turret room, the turret will be raised, but the red monk will be standing outside of the turret ring! Without the turret on his side, finish him with ease! If you shoot the stars on the back wall, a meteor will come down and destroy all the targets that are currently up in the range. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. Log In Sign Up. Bitoriz Mendez boss battle glitch. In the boss battle with Bitoriz Mendez there are two levels bottom floor and top floor. Start off by going straight to the ladder. Climb it and go to the left. There are some boards that are blocking the way of the middle of the place you are fighting. Get behind these boards and look down, now while Mendez is in his first form he will just be walking looking up and walking at you but hes walking towards the wall. Now if you would like to finish him off quickly just shoot him with the shotgun or rifle. If you want to conserve ammo just use your pistol. Now in Mendezes second form its a bit more tricky but its possible. Make sure that Mendez is on your left of the boards and your in the right corner and if positioned right he will extend his claw and try to hit you but fail and he will continue to do this like a glitch. Same as the other way if you would like to finish him off quickly then shoot shotgun shells or rifle at him. Or to conserve ammo just finish him off with your handgun. Get your reward when your done. Contributed By: Tyler89t. Walk 1. First equip the striker shotgun, and exit the menu. Hold R1 to pick up your weapon and then press the menu button before the laser on the gun is shown. Now you are in the menu because of pressing the menu button you can equip another gun. Now when you exit the menu, Leon will run 1. This glitch will stop working after opening doors when the black screen comes up, climbing ladders and selecting the stiker again. Complete all 5 chapters to get the full report. Contributed By: FarhanMalik. Next to the Merchant, A blue door with golden gun engravements lies in wait. Go through the door and begin the Target Practice game. Select Game Type A to begin a game. During certain portions of the game, other blue doors similar to this can be found. Enter them and finsh the Target practices by fetting points or higher to get 6 bottle caps. After you get 6, talk to the merchant and end the game. If you collected 6 different caps of the same game type, you will get some pesetas. Contributed By: Xhalo. Mercenaries Mode Onlockables Beat each level of Merceneraies with a specific amount of Stars in order to unlock special features. Contributed By: ParanoiaSM. Hat trick and strike a pose This can only be done if Leon is wearing the "mafia" outfit and has the Chicago Typewriter equiped. Hold R1 to take aim and then press square. Doing so will cause Leon to remove his hat, adjust it, and then place it back on his head. Continue to do this. On the 4th time Leon will remove the hat, toss it in the air, catch it, and then stike a pose. Contributed By: PunisherBass. Heavy Ashley When you unlock the knight costume for Ashley, not only will she be too heavy to be hurt and picked up by ganados, but will even give Leon the pains. Whenever you need to catch her after jumping down, Leon will go down on a knee while catching the heavy Ashley, then hold his back in pain. Contributed By: params7. Perverted Leon When you climb up a ladder with ashley, wait until she comes up and then jump back down. You will then need to catch Ashley, instead of doing that, aim your crosshair until ashley's skirt and she'll cover it up and then she'll call you a pervert. Contributed By: AznDarkViper. How to make the Gatling Gun appear without allowing the red monk to use it How to make the Gatling Gun appear without allowing the red monk to use it In the castle, there is a glitch where you can make the Gatling Gun appear without allowing the red monk to operate it. Shooting Range Meteor In the shooting ranges, there is a back wall which looks like the castle and the surrounding area.
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undertale-rho · 5 years
Underearth: Book 3 - Chapter 7
"A-attention." a quivering voice echoed through a loud-speaker. "This is a general evacuation notice. All Hotland residence, please report to... the laboratory at the base of Mount Hot for further instructions. This message will repeat every few minutes."
They're really evacuating. How cute. Frisk thought as he walked along a bridge that stretched over a river of lava.
When he reached the other side of the river, four guards who were standing outside the entrance to the laboratory all looked at him.
"... you're here..." one of them said.
"So that means Undyne... She's..." another said.
They all looked solemnly to one-another, then they all drew their swords.
"Like, Undyne! We'll avenge you!"
Frisk chuckled to himself a bit.
"Four against one? Really? How's that fair?" he said.
"Who cares about 'fairness' when you've murdered so many!" the cat-Monster said.
Frisk began laughing.
"You misunderstand." he said. "I mean..." Frisk then drew the dagger. "you should have brought more soldiers."
The cat-Monster charged Frisk at this insult. When she got close, she began to bring her sword down on him. Before it hit Frisk, though, the blade was caught between two chitinous hands.
"Wha— What the hell!?!" she said when she saw the chitinous figure behind Frisk. "What is that thing!?!?!"
While she was distracted with the chitinous figure, Frisk took the opportunity to stab her in one of the spaces between the platemail.
Upon being stabbed, she screamed in pain, letting go of the sword to clutch her wound.
"LINDA!!!" the bug-Monster screamed. She, too, then charged Frisk.
Frisk put the dagger away and grabbed the sword the chitinous figure was still holding. As soon as he grabbed it, the chitinous figure let go, and disappeared once again.
As soon as the bug-Monster got close to Frisk, Frisk swung the sword at her. While the swing didn't penetrate her armor, it did send her off course, straight at the edge of the cliff. Frisk didn't even do so much as give a side-glance the moment she fell.
"LARISA!!!" the cat-Monster screamed as the bug disappeared behind the horizon of the cliff.
At that moment, the other two guards, a bunny-Monster and a lizard-Monster, ran ahead to guard the cat.
"Leave this thing to us, Linda." the bunny-Monster said.
Just then, both the bunny and lizard Monsters attacked in sync, swinging their swords the same way, letting off a wave of energy while they did so.
As the waves approached, Frisk summoned a shield to block them. Once they'd fizzled against the summoned shield, he dropped it and charged the two guards.
Once in range, the chitinous figure reappeared, catching the swinging sword of the lizard while Frisk brought his own sword over and sliced off the leg of the bunny. Frisk then brought the sword back up and sent it sailing through the bunny's throat. They then turned to dust.
Frisk turned around to face the cat-Monster, who was still on the ground, albeit slowly crawling away. As he began approaching her, the burning feeling in his chest returned.
"This Monster first." the voice said.
Frisk turned to face the lizard-Monster, who was wrestling control of the sword back from the chitinous figure. Frisk casually approached them.
"RAFIQ! LOOK OUT!!!" the cat-Monster called.
It was too late. Frisk had already pulled his sword up and stabbed the lizard-Monster in the side. Frisk then heaved the Monster, with the sword still in him, off the cliff into the lava below.
Once the lizard had fallen, Frisk turned back to face the cat, and began walking towards her. As he did so, the chitinous figure grabbed the bunny's sword, which was still on the ground, and brought it over to Frisk. Upon taking it, Frisk kicked the cat-Monster in the face, sending her sprawling onto the ground.
As Frisk walked over to her new location, the cat-Monster started coughing. In response to this, she shook off her glove and pulled her helmet off, gasping for air. After doing so, she looked over at Frisk, her eyes wide and filled with terror as this freak approached her. As she realized death was here, knocking at her door, she looked down at the wrist of the hand she'd removed the glove from, specifically at the bracelet she wore.
"I'm so sorry, Larisa..." she mumbled, tears beginning to seep from her eyes.
Frisk brought the sword up over his head, readying to bring it down right on her skull. When the sword had reached the summit of its ascend, both Human and Monster heard a familiar voice.
"LINDA!!!" something called out from Frisk's left.
They both looked. It was the bug-Monster. She was missing most of her armor, yet she'd ascended the cliff. After she'd screamed this, she sank her left hand into the ground, marring the rock. She then brought up her right hand, which carried her sword, and sank it into the ground and well.
"Larisa—" the cat began saying, tears beginning to stream down her face harder, before Frisk finally brought the sword down, concaving her skull and turning her to dust.
"NOOOO!!!" the bug-Monster screamed before charging Frisk again. Frisk simply brought the sword back up and readied it to strike the bug down.
As she ran, the chitinous figure re-appeared at her feet and tripped her, sending her unbalanced right to where Frisk stood. As soon as she'd gotten into range, Frisk stabbed her with the sword. He then twisted it and pulled it out through her side. Once he'd finished, she too turned to dust.
Frisk let out a sigh.
Finally. he thought as he walked over to the dusty armor of the bunny-Monster and grabbed the scabbard. As he walked towards the laboratory, Frisk attached the scabbard to his belt, and sheathed the sword.
The inside of the lab, unlike both times Frisk had first entered before, was bright.
"OH, THERE YOU ARE." Frisk heard a familiar self-centered voice say.
He looked further into the lab. Mettaton was standing near the elevator that connected to the hidden laboratory beneath the one they were both in.
"Where's Alphys?" Frisk asked.
Mettaton then chuckled to themselves a bit.
Frisk decided that he'd heard enough. He began advancing towards Mettaton, drawing his sword.
Mettaton then fled as fast as they could.
Tss, cowards. Both of them. Frisk thought as he sheathed the sword.
Frisk then crossed to the other side of the lab and exited through the door. After exiting, he began making his way through the Hotlands, slaughtering any few that remained after the evacuation notice.
Eventually, he reached the R1 elevator. Upon entering it, the burning feeling within his chest returned.
"Go to L3." the voice said.
L3 it is.
Upon arriving at the L3 elevator, Frisk exited the cabin and onto the summit platform. He then continued through, following LOV's guidance, until he arrived outside the Home Memorial Hall.
"Burn it to the ground." the voice said.
A sadistic smile spread across Frisk's face.
"Gladly." he said, bringing his hand up and focusing until a ball of fire formed. Once it formed, he threw it into the hallway. The webbing that caked the hall lit up like a bushfire. Not long after, screams could be heard escaping the hall amidst the fire.
Every now and then, a spider would appear out of the flames, on fire himself, screaming in agony. Their lives wouldn't last long outside the hall, however, as any escapees would be swiftly killed by Frisk.
After some time, the flames began to die out. When they'd finally suffocated, the purple brick beneath was scorched black, and all the webbing was gone.
Once clear, Frisk entered the hall. There were still a few tiny flames that licked the walls of the hallway and the great chasm to the left. Yet the giant spiders that inhabited the area seemed to all be dead. With his safety through the hallway secured, Frisk casually walked through, thrilled to not be under threat of being eaten alive.
Frisk entered the MTT Resort. The place was completely abandoned, all except for the Burger Emporium, which even now still housed the orange cat-Monster behind the counter. Frisk walked over to him.
"Aren't you supposed to have evacuated?" Frisk asked him.
The Monster looked confused.
"Evacuation?" he said. "You're yanking my chain, little weirdo. So what if everyone else left work? So what if nobody's buying anything? Par for the course, little weirdo. Par for the course."
"And what'd Mettaton tell you?" Frisk then asked.
The Monster looked down at the counter.
"Well, Mettaton didn't tell me I had to work today, I guess... But that's the thing! Sometimes he doesn't even call me into work until halfway into my shift! If I don't play it safe, he's going to yell at me."
"Yell at you...? That's what you're worried about...?" Frisk asked.
The Monster chuckled a bit. "Okay, maybe 'yell' is the wrong term. It's more like he has this... CD album he plays... That's entirely full of songs about how bad I am at my job."
"You know everyone else is dead, right?" Frisk asked.
The Monster looked back at the counter in silent contemplation.
"Does this mean I don't have to work today?" he asked. The Monster then broke into laughter. "That it were true, little weirdo. That it were true."
"It is true, you idiot. In fact, I'm the one killing everyone." Frisk said. He then drew the dagger. "And you're next."
The Monster simply grabbed a stool and sat down in it, sitting back into a relaxing posture.
"Sorry, little weirdo." the Monster said. "Threats don't work on me. I can't go to hell. I'm all out of vacation days."
"Oh we'll see about that."
Frisk then jumped over the counter onto the Monster, holding the dagger firmly in his hand.
Upon seeing this display of aggression, the Monster dropped his act and began screaming in absolute terror. His screams were swiftly silenced after Frisk sank the dagger into his throat.
With that last death, Frisk could feel that there were no more SOULs left in the Hotlands, and so he moved on to Helios Station.
Vengeance : Evacuate
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hottytoddynews · 8 years
It is great to be back into the swing of things with the start of our spring semester! Our campuses are always transformed and re-energized with the return of our students and faculty. It is also a new calendar year, which offers a great opportunity to take stock and reflect upon the previous year, as well as share some thoughts about all we have to look forward to in the coming months.
As we start the new year, we have so much to be grateful for, and I want to express my deepest thanks to the entire Ole Miss family for all you do to enable the success of our university. The year 2016 was a seminal one in the life of the University of Mississippi … and for Sharon and me personally: It marked our first year as Ole Miss Rebels! It doesn’t get any better than that! As Mississippi’s flagship university, we celebrated some amazing accomplishments by our faculty, staff, students, and friends — so many accomplishments, in fact, that I would need a separate blog to list them all! Instead, I encourage you to see a snapshot of 2016 highlights at the end of this one.
So how do we go about ensuring that we capitalize on our momentum and continue this journey to achieve ever greater heights? In case you missed it, I outlined several new initiatives during my investiture address to further our upward trajectory. I’m here to tell you that I think 2017 will be as exciting and successful as 2016. Put your seat belts on — it’s going to be a fun ride!
First, we are committed over the coming years to growing our endowment from $600 million to more than $1 billion to support the development, retention, and engagement of our highly talented faculty, staff, and students. This commitment includes an athletics endowment to build a resource base to sustain competitive excellence. The University of Mississippi — stretching across our Oxford campus, Medical Center in Jackson, and regional campuses around the state — is a $2.5 billion enterprise, and we must generate slightly more than 88 percent of our operating revenue from sources other than state appropriations. We rely on state funds and tuition across all our campuses as a crucial revenue source; they fund the running of a major comprehensive educational enterprise.
We look increasingly to philanthropy to give us the competitive edge that enhances the flagship experience and sets Ole Miss apart, such as the Sally M. Barksdale Honors College, the Haley Barbour Center for Manufacturing Excellence, the Trent Lott Leadership Institute, the Croft Institute for International Studies, and the McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement. Our endowment must be a priority if we are to enhance our flagship status and academic excellence while also ensuring access and affordability.
We will also develop a Cultural Gateway — anchored by one of the gems of our Oxford campus, the Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts — to draw together and celebrate our arts and cultural programs. This space will create performance, experiential learning, and enrichment opportunities for our community and our region.
Another initiative I shared at the investiture involves our role in building healthy and vibrant communities. We will channel the talents of our entire university and partner with towns and cities around the state — one at a time — to enhance every aspect of community life. The needs in Mississippi’s communities are great, and we will collaborate with them on joint projects harnessing the full range of university expertise — from medicine and population health to policy and law, science and engineering, business and entrepreneurship, education, arts, and culture.
Finally, let me elaborate on the launch of the Flagship Constellations Initiative, which is quickly coming to fruition. Simply put, our goal with this initiative is to accelerate and inspire solutions to some of society’s grand challenges that the University of Mississippi and its partners can play a major role in addressing. We will form innovative, multidisciplinary research and creative achievement clusters — called Flagship Constellations — of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and external partners. I see the Flagship Constellations as an avenue for us to excel by attracting stellar personnel to Ole Miss to work with the incredible talent we already have in place — bringing together people and ideas in fresh and unique ways with great potential for added achievements, increased grant funding, scholarly visibility, and international prominence.
We recently held kickoff town hall meetings about the Flagship Constellations on our Medical Center and Oxford campuses, attracting more than 300 people. In keeping with the celestial analogies, I would describe the energy at these meetings as truly electric and say that our atmosphere of innovation is charged for amazing outcomes! Stay tuned. We will announce our initial Flagship Constellations later this spring. You can find information about the process and status online.
I encourage you to keep up with the exciting developments at our university. I have an open door policy and encourage your input. You can always reach me at [email protected]. Thank you for all your efforts for advancing our flagship role as a great public international research university.
Hotty Toddy!
– – Jeff
2016 Snapshot
We achieved Carnegie R1 Highest Research Activity status. UM is the only R1 institution in the state and is among the top 2.5% higher education institutions in the U.S.
We welcomed our largest-ever freshman class (3,982) with the highest-ever ACT (25.2) and GPA (3.57).
We have the largest overall enrollment (24,250) and highest retention rate in the state.
We hit an all-time new record with philanthropic giving when we topped $100 million for the 5th year in a row. 
We commemorated the naming of our newest health science school, the John D. Bower School of Population Health — the seventh school at the UM Medical Center campus and only the third of its kind in the country.
We were named one of the nation’s top schools for military programs and educational opportunities for veterans (for the fourth straight year!), by Military Advanced Education and Transition’s 2017 Guide to Colleges and Universities.
We hosted Undersecretary Ted Mitchell of the U.S. Department of Education as part of their Back-To-School Bus Tour to highlight our diversity and inclusion efforts.
We held our first-ever universitywide Town Hall that resulted in over 500 ideas that will help guide us in our strategic planning, which is picking up steam this semester.
We also held a number of powerful events, such as the CEO Technology Summit and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Panel, that demonstrate our commitment to address the needs of today’s global workplace and to foster an environment of innovation and creativity.
And we celebrated a fun investiture, which formally installed me as 17th chancellor of this great flagship university.
For questions or comments, email [email protected].
The post Letter From The Chancellor: A Look Ahead, 2017 Momentum And Initiatives appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
skate 2 ps3
skate 2 ps3
Skate 2 cheats & more for PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Skate 2 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation 3 cheats we have available for Skate 2.
Check Xbox 360 cheats for this game
Genre: Sports, Skateboarding Developer: Electronic Arts Publisher: Electronic Arts ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: March 3, 2009
How To Grab Onto A Car
To grab onto a car on skate 2 (PS3 version) go to the back bumber and press R1.
Easy Way To Beat -Alien Manual Shop- Task
Start the task and ride up to the planter, get off your board (triangle) and walk onto the planter until you get to the other side. When you are about to walk off, jump back on your board (triangle). Make sure your board never touches the planter. After getting on your board, ride over to the next one and get off your board again (triangle) and walk to the gap. You will need a walking start to jump the gap (square) and walk to the edge and jump down to the ground on your board. It crucial that your board never touches the planter or you will have to redo it. Also you have to do it in one line without any stops or else it will not work. It takes some practice but have fun.
Easy Way To Beat -Can You Spell Girl- Task
If you are having trouble beating Mike and Eric in S-K-A-T-E, then when they are standing around with a star over their heads, run up the hill past the yellow boxes with gap rails on the Old Spillway to the tipped over bike rack. Drag the bike rack all the way back to the place where the game happens and position it between the other bike rack and the picnic table so none of the three things touch. Start the game and watch as they lose. In the first round, the bike rack you dragged over wont show but in the second round it will so don’t flip :).
Get 25,000 dollars by bailing 34 times.
Super Bail Version 0.2
First, you have to lean down as much as you can (L2, R2) without touching the board. Then, you do a no-comply (if you ‘re goofy x then ollie, if you’re regular square the ollie). Your skater should fling even higher than the other super bail.
Easiest Way To Beat Mike Carrol And Eric Koston
The easiest way to beat them is to grab that rail at the top of Old Spillway and drag it all the way over to and put it in between picnic table and the other rail without touching them. Now just sit back and laugh at them.
Super Trampoline Bail
First ride for two pushes, then get off your board (triangle)then get back on triangle (triangle) but do a super dog at the same time (R2+L2+O).
Mega Skatepark!
Danny Way’s skatepark is on the map. Press pause and go to challenge map and press locations and go to skate parks and click the one with mega at the end of it.
Skate Tips
While playing skate against Eric Koston and Mike Carroll, try using two hard tricks (I personally used nollie 360 flip 360 and nollie hardflip 360) when its your turn to set, do ollie tricks first then do nollies you’ll beat ’em easy.
Unlock Retro Pack
To unlock the retro pack, enter the code: 4KTLW0OZQYAENGD
Get Big Black as a Skater.
In the main menu go to extras – codes, type in letsdowork. Big Black is only available in party mode, and free skate. Try party mode go to the dam using big black, and hold in cannonball position.
To Play In 3D Mode
To play in 3D, go to the main menu-extras, then go to cheat code and type in strangeloops and there you go, you have awesome 3D (make sure you have the red and blue 3D glasses).
Old Regg’s Half Pipe
Finish all possible paths “transition, street, death races, thrasher, and the skateboard mag” completely to unlock the old Regg’s half pipe.
Unlock Dawg-Tags
You can unlock the dawg-tags by completing all of Rob Dyrdeks challenges. You also get his hang gestures.
Huge Spots
You can unlock spawn points by completing all of Danny ways challenges.
Unlock Dem Bomes
Unlock Dem Bones by completing all of the hall of meat challenges (you also unlock the hall of meat board with this).
Unlock King of the Mountain Crown
You can unlock the king of the mountain crown by beating all of the death races.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Skate 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Skate 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Skate 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Skate 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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