#rdhd au
kieranducky · 4 years
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I commissioned this artwork from the wonderful and talented @ppitte​ a while ago, and am only just getting around to posting it now. It is lovely and I will forever cherish it.
I also started writing a fic for this AU back in December, which I am going to make a separate post for soon!
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kieranducky · 4 years
Alright fellers, here’s the run-down of my punk au (aka this fic)
RDHD, pronounced Road Head: John (vocals), Arthur (guitar), Javier (guitar, bass, and probably keyboard/piano too), Sean (drums) + Kieran is their roadie/driver/mom friend
John and Arthur are childhood friends, who met each other through foster care. John’s father was pretty neglectful, and Arthur was raised by his mother who died when he was young. They knew Sadie because she was around their age and lived in the same neighborhood, and she was one of the starting members of their band but left because of... Plot reasons.
Javier and Arthur are both openly out (Arthur is out as bisexual and Javier identifies as like, generally queer/fluid). Arthur is a very private person when it comes to his personal life and his relationships, and Javier is just a little bit salty because he’s open to talking about his background and identity but no one ever asks him about that stuff.
Everyone has some connection with Dutch, who owns a dive bar where the band started off performing and first picked up traction. He helped all of them out of a difficult situation in some way, so they all feel indebted to him. But he’s also like, a sleazy ex-agent/manager who’s always trying to get them to do lines with him.
And Dutch being an ex-manager: I think he got kicked out of a talent agency for being a sleazeball, and that agency is run by Colm O’Driscoll ;)
Hosea is there too, and he lives with Dutch. He genuinely looks after everyone and tries to steer them in the right direction. Whenever they’re in town he gives them tupperwares full of leftovers and baggies full of toiletries and condoms. He knows Dutch is bad news for them, but they’ve known each other for decades and he’s too deep in love to actually ditch him or directly keep people away from him. They are not in an official, established relationship, but they live together? And might as well be? 
Sean’s dad is in the music industry... Somehow, haha. He’s either another manager or some kind of musician, but he’s an absolutely chaotic, anarchist old Irish man. I think he knew Dutch through the music industry and sent Sean to stay with him so he could go to school, but Dutch directed him towards the band instead. 
Javier is more or less estranged from his family because of his sexuality, and had a really shitty time in between leaving home and being taken in by Dutch. He is definitely the most loyal to Dutch and feels like Dutch saved his life. 
Kieran is a high school dropout who was kicked out by his parents because he couldn’t get a job. Dutch got him a job, and he’s pretty alright at it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ He’s always really cared about animals and wanted to be a veterinarian, but I think he was going through some really bad mental health stuff in his late teens, which was why he wasn’t able to finish school. He definitely takes care of the guys the same way he’d take care of animals, lmao. 
Abigail, Tilly, Mary Beth, Molly, and Karen are all in a band called Girl Dad. They’re all in the same university (Charles and Lenny go there too!) and are in the same sorority or something, with Susan as their house mom (disclaimer: I know nothing about sororities). I accidentally kind of paired them all up with the guys but I... Promise it improves it. I enjoy the drama of relationship webs a lot, especially in this context which is just. Thoroughly chaotic. 
I mean shit like:
- Mary Beth being so, so in love with so many of her friends, but none of them are available to her.
- The fucking romantic tension between Javier and John; John never having paid any thought to the fact that he likes guys before that (despite on more than one occasion being caught sucking dick when he was drunk or high as hell), and Javier not wanting to force him to confront his sexuality before he’s ready.
- A very similar situation between Sean and Kieran; Sean acknowledges that he likes dudes, but has never been open about it with other people, because it “isn’t a big deal” (aka he doesn’t want his quite progressive, but still very Catholic dad finding out about it), and Kieran who is much more experienced and confident in his sexuality but doesn’t stress over relationships nearly as much as Sean does.
- John and Abigail. Yeaaah
- Javier having a thing going with Tilly but a) bi panic and b) very different goals in life that will inevitably not work out
- Arthur and Charles, but it’s the least dramatic thing on this list by a long shot
- Dutch dating Molly but absolutely taking advantage of her to get closer to her band, and her being too young and naive to care
That’s all I can really think of off the top of my head at this point.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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kieranducky · 4 years
let the reason come
Part two of the RDHD series
Content warnings: mild drug use, smut (mind the tags)
Pairings: Sean MacGuire x Kieran Duffy
Word Count: 5855
For a long moment, Kieran maintains his silence. He lifts the beer can to his lips one last time, tilting his head all the way back and desperately lapping at the dregs. He takes his time, too, and when he finally finishes, there’s little droplets of beer clinging to his patchy mustache.
Sean is still staring at him, positively beaming.
Kieran huffs. The rim of his empty can is still pressed against his bottom lip, and he glares over it at Sean.
“ Shut up .”
“Hey! I ain’t judgin’ ya. I just never heard of it, is all,” Sean puts out the joint, which has been forgotten, filling the air with pungent smoke, and rests it on the rim of his crushed up can. He inches closer, and Kieran scrunches up his shoulders.
“ Well — yer the one brought it up,” Sean says. He leans forward, and Kieran seems to be trying to make himself smaller, the closer he gets. “And you got the experience wit’ it…”
Kieran eyes Sean with a look of apprehension. His brows are furrowed, and he’s frowning, with that damn can still pressed against his mouth. “What, you want me to tell you about it?”
Sean doesn’t even hesitate. “Yeah!”
Kieran groans. He crosses his arms over his chest, still holding the can, so it ends up pressed against his bicep.
“Alright, well…”
full fic || series
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