#rcg writes stuff that will probably amount to nothing but i pick up the little crumbs like they will help my hunger
thatdude-noah · 1 year
something about charlie this season just feels so broken. he's been through so much and he's never getting a break to just relax, he's never getting any support.
first he has to deal with the death of his absent father. he has to confront those feelings, really understand what he lost from his dad not being around.
and then charlie's apartment is being changed. it's small, but it's meaningful. charlie's life is being changed and opened up without his permission. the toilet is too loud but frank wants to use it. the room behind charlie is too empty but frank wants to use it. charlie likes sleeping in the same bed as frank but they have another bedroom, so why would they do that?
charlie doesn't know he's forty. he's not respected by his mother, he's lied to, he doesn't get the one thing he was promised and was looking forward to. his mom, who he supported and helped, gave it to his sisters instead, his sisters who were never there and never liked him and never even cared about the legacy in the first place.
his mother, who didn't even acknowledge charlie being forty, is having a birthday party for his abuser. he has to see uncle jack again, he has to be touched by him, he has to see his mother love him and fawn over him in a way she never does with charlie.
charlie is provided no support. he's provided no love. time and time again, he's beat down and hurt. his life is falling apart around him, it has ever since he found his dad, and there's nothing he can do. things keep changing but staying the same in all the wrong ways and charlie doesn't have a second of peace to calm down and try to repair whatever broke inside of him.
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