#rcbcllixvs (hana)
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@rcbcllixvs inquired: A care package is delivered to Idia's room, signed with Hana's online handle (complete with cute chibi ferret doodle). Inside there's a basket of Idia's favorite snacks (with a post-it note labelling them as "healing items~"), a cat-shaped pillow, a couple of plushies, a few charms, a figurine of one of Idia's favorite characters and a coupon with a code for the early release of Idia's favorite videogame. Everything is topped with a doodle of Idia's in-game avatar striking a victory pose, with "To overcome everyday's challenges" written on the bottom in Hana's handwriting.
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⁕| Unprompted |⁕
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What the heck is this..?? Upon first receiving the package, Idia thought it was some kind of prank. Honestly, who just sends random things to people.?? Yeah, the students in Ignihyde have mad respect for their dorm leader and his hacking skills, but Idia highly doubted any of them would bother to send him something. Did he forget his birthday again.?? Was this some anniversary of some kind.?? Idia couldn't figure out a reason to receive anything.
But upon reading Hana's gamertag on the package, Idia grinned and started opening it. It was weird that she would suddenly send him something, but hey, he wasn't about to complain. He went through the contents of the package, his grin only widening. Sweet, this was some pretty cool gear!! He still had no idea why she would bother to send him such an awesome gift, but hey, it's not like he was going to send this stuff back. There was a preorder for the video game he's been wanting to get!!
He'll send a message to Hana online to thank her later. For now, he just had to dig into some of those snacks~
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nightiingaled · 1 year
💎 (HanaMiyo)
MOODBOARDS R US | accepting
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Hana-Miyo & Their Hero Agency
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crownshattered · 9 months
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@rcbcllixvs inquired: Idia's phone beeps with a message: "Happy birthday Idia!", signed with a familiar chibi ferret sticker. Another notification pops up, saying he's received 1000 thaumarks to spend on his games, signed by the same sticker as well.
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⁕| Idia's Birthday!! (12/18/23) |⁕
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Idia was thankful for a break from the usual--agonizing--'festivities' that were customary for birthdays. As soon as he was able to, the bluenette slipped away from the crowds of people and snuck off back to his room. Finally, some peace and quiet...until he noticed his phone giving a little beep.
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That's a signature he recognized... Idia gave a slight smirk in acknowledgment as he read the text. Why can't EVERYONE just send birthday texts rather than IRL conversations.?? Whatever, he dismissed the thought and turned on his computer...only to see his phone light up again.
This time, a grin spread across his blue-tinted lips. Now that was a good gift... Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.
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nightiingaled-a · 2 years
@rcbcllixvs​ HANA & MIYO 
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      The building crackles with feedback from their speaker as it calls out into the broken, crumbling building.        { Are you sure there’s survivors? }  
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shinrci · 7 months
@rcbcllixvs said: i need to run into town to grab a few things. will you come with me? (Hana @ Kaira)
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THOUGH KAIRA HADN'T HAD ANY PLANS OF THEIR OWN TODAY, they're a bit surprised when Hana asks them to come along. For a moment, anyway. But then surprise melts away to make way for a gentle, almost imperceptible smile ( unless one knew to look close enough to spot it ). It's an offer they certainly can't deny-- spending time at her side is always a treat, of course, but Kaira finds a special sort of joy in the mundane little things. Anything with a semblance of a normal life outside of killing for a living. Not that they could easily admit to that spark of joy, or ever want to change the life they have now ( as doing so would mean losing the people they've come to value ), but it remains the simple truth.
"I would love to," comes their quiet, raspy answer. That much in itself, they hope, speaks of their delight in even the simple errands alongside Hana. Nothing of honor or duty ( the latter hasn't had a place in Kaira's feelings for her in a long, long time ). Just simple and plain comfort in even the thinnest veneer of normalcy for a pair of people who tend to have anything but.
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"Shall we get going, then?"
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kyukicho · 1 year
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@rcbcllixvs asked:
"A little birdie told me it's your birthday today~"
Hana shows up at Mikuni's shop with a tray of cupcakes and a wrapped gift, which when opened reveals a soft scarf shaped like a snake.
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The bell to the front door jingles, announcing her arrival. He'd been expecting her, really. Knowing somehow she'd figure out the date and come to wish him well. It was so very like her.
"Little birds should keep their tweeters shut." He teased. Knowing she likely found the information in some back corner of the web. But he humbly accepted the gifts, the treats did look delicious after all. "These will go great with a new tea I bought. Want to join me?"
Setting the gift down he prepared the kettle before unwrapping it at his desk. Eyes lit up, he was always one for soft warm accessories and the shape was delightful. "So cute!" He cooed wrapping it around his neck and giving the snakes head a little pat. "Jeje will be jealous. Thanks a ton."
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godofvillains-arch · 1 year
rcbcllixvs asked:
🕹️ (Hana @ Tomura)
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"I can't tell if you didn't know this game DOESN'T have friendly fire.. Or if you just shot and killed me to piss me off..."
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plaguebearing · 2 years
@rcbcllixvs said: “ it doesn't hurt. i don't know if that's a good thing. i might be numb from the pain. “ (Hana)
"Let me see.” Aiko helped Hana onto the couch, then knelt in front of her to inspect the injury. Her jeans were torn and Aiko could already tell that the wound was deep. “Oh, sweetie. Try not to look, you’re bleeding.” It was no wonder she wasn’t hurting - she was likely in shock, but that would wear off. Aiko was going to have to handle things quickly. “I need to get this cleaned up and slow the bleeding a bit, then I’ll be able to see if you need stitches. Is that okay?”
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godofvillains-aa · 2 years
[ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket (Hana)
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     Shigaraki turns and looks at who just covered him in a blanket. “I’m not cold..” he says, despite shivering. It took him a moment who tell who it was. He’s only been out of prison for a few weeks. Laying low.. “Hana?...” Despite her not going by that name anymore, he still calls her it sometimes...
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hamadacare-xoxo · 2 years
what soft romance cliché are you?
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love at first sight
let's be real, only children believe in "love at first sight." but you're a hopeless romantic probably sitting around in coffee shops waiting to meet "the one." and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. infatuation at first sight is more accurate. you are the moment when two people lock eyes, and the whole world stills. nothing is there but you and them. and there is suddenly a strong sense of longing. you love love, don't deny it. flowers, chocolates, the whole nine yards. because of this you are loved by many. hopefully you know it too: you are loved.
tagged by: @randomeeveelutions​ Thank you for knowing that I’m into love ♡
tagging: @ofvang , @murroyilodel , @nevernotonmymxnd , @keepmovinjunior , @rcbcllixvs (Hana Shimura!) , @deprcvities​ (Lottie!)
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@rcbcllixvs inquired: ❝ hang on a second, i'm gonna record this — ❞ (Hana @ Idia)
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⁕| Prompts for Little Shits |⁕
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Idia snickered through the mic on his headset. It was always fun to go back to a low-level area on the map once you're one of the top players. Maxed out level, legendary gear... He will demolish the enemies here. It was actually pretty funny to think about. No wonder Hana wanted to record it.
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"Hehehehe~... Let me know when you're recording~" Idia replied as he went into his menu and started equipping his best gear. While yes, he enjoyed playing with Muscle Red and chatting with him, it was a completely different experience to play with Hana. Muscle Red was great to actually grind with. Hana was great to wreck shit with~
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nightiingaled · 1 year
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“ you are not your father's child. not by anything other than blood, and that’s not even on the spectrum of importance. ” - @rcbcllixvs (hana)
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It was a bad day. A day where they remembered all the horrors, a day where the horrors were too difficult to push away. But they hand Hana and she tried - oh did she try. That golden light in their darkness. "But I have his quirk," they signed, features annoyed - not at her, but at the words. "I have his rage."
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ensuists-moved · 2 years
⁉️ + Touya and/or Hana?
possible interactions ✯ accepting!!
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for touya, i could see takeshi interacting with him. i think his quirkless verse would be a really interesting one for these two because takeshi's very free-spirited and constantly rebelling against people's expectations, so this could be some common ground. it could be either be them sort of being enemies since takeshi's in gangs or even an au where takeshi's also a vigilante and they work together!! this idea could also work for hana's vigilante verse too!! also as a bonus, i know you didn't include reishi but kai has his own homeless verse and it could definitely leave room for interaction for them!!
✯ @rcbcllixvs
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nightiingaled-a · 2 years
HanaMi Headcanons.
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Relay [Miyoko] and Oracle [Hana] make up the support-rescue team known as “Suncatcher”
Miyoko began calling Hana their “sunflower” because of the writing for Hana’s name and the way Miyo calls her their sunshine. It eventually became Hana’s name sign, which they sign over their heart when they’re referring to Hana.
Their sleeping schedules don’t always line up. Particularly if Miyo has had an active day. Miyoko has a bad habit of laying in Hana’s lap and drifting to sleep, feeling comfortable with the feeling of the other’s presence and routine.
The both of them have their share of traumas that still haunt them and every now and again one of them will wake up in the middle of the night in a panic. They often end up reaching out for the other’s hand and holding it until they fall back asleep. If the other is awake enough to respond, they will always squeeze back reassuringly.
Hana is one of the first people that have managed to get Miyo to open up. Sometimes even their dads can’t get Miyo to be as open as they’re willing to be with Hana. Miyo feels comfortable enough to let themselves be vulnerable with Hana. More often than not, Miyo will tell Hana if something is bothering them or if they’re overwhelmed–if Hana hasn’t already picked up on it already. Hana is also one of the only people to who Miyo has outright admitted to being afraid of Ichiro.
extra: Miyo’s cat, Riku, is old and extremely protective of Miyo and absolutely did her best to keep Hana from being near Miyo without him. He nipped her hand once or twice until Miyo told him off. The second week though, while Hana and Miyo were napping on the couch, he just perched on top of them both and after, started vying for the attention of both of them.
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@rcbcllixvs​ said . . .” Cuckoo Finger Twirl (Hana) “ from TV Tropes Body Language
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Out the corner of his eye he catches Hana’s he can’t help but hum some in amusement at her gesture.
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“No, ma’am, I’m not trying to make your son fail, in fact I’m giving him something more in line with his capabilities for right now. By pushing him too hard, he’s actually more likely to simply give up I . . . no, ma’am.” 
He’s now sat there, listening to a mother of the first year complain that her son never tries anything too difficult and just, generally, being awful. Hana’s gesture was good tension cutter for Suoh, so he wasn’t getting too fed up. 
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kyukicho · 2 years
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@rcbcllixvs​ asked:
Hana floats up to her favorite partner-in-crime, batting her lashes.
"I'm creating some fake accounts for data gathering and messing with fools on dating sites, wanna help me?"
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Mikuni mimics in higher pitched tones to match her. Batting long blonde lashes in return as he leans in towards her. Fingers folded in front of his body like he were dancing on air.
“Do I ever? I don’t want just one catfish. I wanna bring the whole pond.”
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