#rc catalog submission
ratanslily · 24 days
And the roses will bloom again.
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Book: Astrea's broken heart. Pairings: Audrey (mc) x Cassiel. Tags: @agattthaa @rc-catalog Warnings: angst with fluff ending [i guess] , just some mentions of blood, self- loathing. Rating: T to be safe. word count: 1191 approx.
A/N: Set in a AU in which Audrey turns down Cassiel's offer to come back to Astrea, and he takes his frustrations out on his garden.
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"Couldn't keep her here.. couldn't keep her safe. What kind of a knight are you, Cassiel? why do you even try?"
Cassiel's mind is a flurry of self-loath and fury, a sword in his fist, swinging left and right in his favourite rose garden, just by the statue of Astrea. His eyes shine bright red, a snarl on his lips as he mutters poisonous words, all for himself to hear.. and suffer.
One swipe, and the front row of roses are slashed, their red petals gracing the pathway like blood drops.
"Helpless.." Another swipe, and the newest buds are ripped from their stems, forever cursed to never bloom in the sunlight.
"Useless!" Few more swipes, and the garden seems akin to a battlefield, petals sprayed everywhere, fallen roses sprawled on the ground. A garden which was once a place for Cassiel's peace, his haven, his refuge, the one sight he looked forward to coming every night…. was no more.
Just like Audrey, the one who made his heart thump with energy and vigour, his reason for waking up every day, was no longer at his home. at their home, rather. But is it really a home if she's not here?
A dilapidated desert stood in front of him, and even the usual still Astrea's statue seemed heartbroken at the sight. A lonely night greets him. The house, inhabited, feels abandoned. as if the very essence has left it forever.
A broken Cassiel sinks to his knees, dropping his sword aside, as if he's disgusted by the metal. by his hands, who destroyed the very thing he loved. by himself, for not being convincing enough to bring his Audrey back to their home.
"Come back.. to me.."
But his words are met with the radio silence of the night, only crickets to answer his plea.
He lowers his head in front of the ever calm, ever wise moon, a tear escaping his eyes. two more roll down, glinting in the moonlight. they drip the ground, wetting tje broken petals and roses, as if apologizing to each and every fragment of the barren rose garden.
Oh, only if those tears could water this broken garden, nurture it back to life.
but It cant.
"Cas.. Cassiel..?" Slow, timid steps echo in the garden. His ears perk up. Oh, it can't be, can it?
Cassiel could recognise those steps in his dream. He turns around when he feels her warm hand on his tense shoulder, and looks up at Audrey standing behind him, her face glowing in the moonlight.
She was looking down at him, her face full of sadness and concern, her usually bright and lovely eyes dimmed with despair.
She was crying, wasn't she?
Seeing her here.. in the flesh, and not in a dream, made him sober up a bit. his red flashing eyes dimmed back to normal, the tension in his body diluting little by little.
She didnt want to be back. No, Not after that incident. After what she saw scarred her, made her feel afraid of the house she called her home. of the people she deemed as her family.
her found family.
Audrey was not a stranger to a harsh childhood, but a stranger to familial bonds. she had.. herself. that's it.
but that changed, after she came here. after she met them. the four who took care of her. the four she took care of.
but that one incident.. shook her to the core. her trust was broken.
but what didn't break, was her feelings for Cassiel. that string.. that kept her bound to Astrea.
that string, which implored her to follow her gut and come back home, to her Cassiel, despite turning down his offer to join them back.
and now she's here.. in the midst of withered and slashed roses, a rarely vulnerable Cassiel on his knees, and without thinking, she joins him, her knees resting against the soft grass. Reaching out for him, she wipes his tears away with the palm of her hand, and strokes his tear stained cheeks softly.
"Audrey? what are you.. why are you.. here? You shouldn't- oh, the roses, I-"
she understands him without him saying much, and immediately wraps him up in a bone crushing, yet comforting hug.
Over the times they've bickered and bantered within the four walls, or in the same spot they're in, she had learnt on how to pick up on his behavior. on his needs. and he did, too.
For a second, Cassiel freezes, not knowing how to react, but eventually gives into the hug, his strong arms snaking around her back to hug her back.
And the old grump in him is back again.
"Damnit, Audrey. You're going to crush my bones like that."
"Hush. You're strong enough to take a woman's hug. besides, I wouldn't hesitate to do that if it stops you from crying."
As if to prove her point, she squeezes him tighter, attempting to push him back to the grass. but Cassiel's reflexes are faster.
He pins her to the ground instead, careful enough to lay her where there arent any thorns, but just rose buds and petals, the softness making sure her back doesnt get any scratches.
"Not so strong now, are you?"
Cassiel's smirking face graces her view when she looks up at him, the moon behind him providing a perfect background.
"Hmph. Whatever. I'll get back to you, one way or the other."
A slight pause.
"I'm not leaving you anytime soon. Can't live without disturbing your peace of mind, you know."
His eyes widen. at first, with shock, then surprise, and eventually happiness.
"So.. you're back.. for real? back to the house.. back to us.. back to me?"
She laughs, all the pain, the fear pushed aside. for him, for them. There's no past right now, just the present.
"Back to our home, yes. and Back to you, obviously. Back for you, rather."
She reaches up to cup his cheek, and Cassiel finds himself leaning into it. But a hint of regret still flashes in his eyes.
He can be hot headed, violent. but in reality, he's just a person who is hurt at his heart. he doesn't know how to handle his emotions easily. that's why the poor flowers had to take the hit.
Audrey leans in, and presses her lips to his forehead.
"You're kind of like these Roses, you know?"
"Huh- what? that's ridiculous. Don't go all Raphael on me now.."
"C'mon. you know it's true. at first glance you seem thorny.. prickly-"
"Excuse me? I'm clean shaven."
"- but you're actually soft once you look past the surface."
Audrey rolls her eyes, and pushes him away playfully, and sits up on the grass, looking around.
"Anyway. Now that I'm back, I'm going to fix this mess. Tomorrow you're going to take me to a nursery to find supplies, and we'll grow roses here again."
"You don't need to-"
Audrey stops him, placing a hand on his chest. He silences himself instantly.
"Yes, I need to."
And the roses would grace Astrea once again.
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rc-catalog · 3 months
Fanfiction and Art Submission Guideline
There are several elements the authors must include in their fic/art submissions for @rc-catalog to include the work in the masterlist and to help the readers navigate the list. Those submissions which are missing the information will not be reblogged until they are corrected (the creator will be contacted).
Fanfiction/Art MUST INCLUDE:
Characters and/or pairing [REQUIRED]
Trigger warnings [REQUIRED]
Trigger warnings are subjective, but if you think that certain topics may cause discomfort to your readers, please state them in warnings before the fic. If you are not sure whether you should use a warning, you can always contact the mods, we will try to help!
Examples of topics which should be included in trigger warnings: death, violence, sexual harassment/abuse, drug/alcohol use, racism*, sexism*, -phobia*, -erasure, suicide, mental health issues, etc.
With all of these you may state: mentioned, implied, attempted etc., for instance "racism mentioned" to make it more clear what the reader should expect.
*PLEASE NOTE: these triggers are only applicable for themes addressed in the fics. If the mods find out that the author endorses in their fic/engages in any kind of harassment, the reblog will be taken down and the author contacted/blocked.
The preferred rating system:
General [G]: Content suitable for all ages. It should be free of coarse language, violence, adult themes (even if only implied). Teen [T]: Content suitable for teens and older. It may contain moderate violence, swearing, suggestive material and adult themes such as drug/alcohol ab/use. Mature [M]: Suitable for ages 18+ and older; may contain non-explicit adult themes, violence, strong language, drug use. Trigger warnings required. Explicit [E]: Suitable for ages 18+ and older; may contain explicit adult themes, violence, excessive drug/alcohol ab/use, strong language. Trigger warnings required.
A "Read More" page break [REQUIRED]
Please include a page break in longer posts (which is most fanfics). If you need help with adding a page break, you can follow our page break instruction post.
It is crucial that the author tags @rc-catalog to minimise the risk of the mods missing the fanwork! If your submission doesn't appear on the blog within 2 days, please contact the mods (@secret-fungi, @mikaelsrose, @adilqalbi) DMs/send an ask.
Ideally, your submission should look like this:
Title: ... Pairing: F!MC (Vicky) x Lucifer; [optionally: Mimi & Astaroth, Christopher, Sammy, Geralt] Trigger warnings: mild violence, blood mention, character death Rating: T Tag list: @rc-catalog ... :page break:
You are free to add other categories you consider important, such as word count, category, etc., but these are the requirements the submitted fic has to meet.
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rc-catalog · 2 months
New Regular Events
Hello, friends! We would like to introduce two new, regular events that rc-catalog will hold every Monday and Friday! Starting this Friday (July 26th), we will hold Flash Fic Friday -- the aim of this event is to motivate you to post short snippets of your fics/whatever you're working on currently or whatever you've been stuck on for a while. We'll reblog the post you tag us in and, hopefully, other fans will help you brainstorm or suggest their own ideas on how you could continue your work!
Despite the name, you may also submit edits, art, web weaving, moodboards!!
To participate, you must tag @rc-catalog, use the hashtag #rcfff and use a page break if your post exceeds 250 words.
The other event is Motivation Monday! We will post a short prompt to help you get your creative juices to flow. Those who decide to participate may post their fics, moodboards, web weaving posts, edits and art. The aim is to inspire and help those who are struggling with a writer's block 🥰 The first Motivation Monday will be held on July 29th.
To participate, you must tag @rc-catalog, use the hashtag #rcmonday and follow the submission guidelines.
All creations will be reblogged and stored in an appropriate masterlist.
We hope you will participate and have fun 😁
-mod vee
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rc-catalog · 2 months
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Welcome to the first Motivation Monday! The aim of this event is to encourage you to create a short piece based on one of the below-mentioned prompts to get your creative juices flowing! It's primarily targeted at fic writers, but we accept all types of fanwork.
Prompt 1:
"I didn't see that coming." Where character A catches feelings for character B when they're in a PR relationship/FWB relationship.
Prompt 2:
The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all.
To participate, remember to tag @rc-catalog, use the hashtag #rcmonday, and follow the submission guidelines!
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rc-catalog · 2 months
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Happy Motivation Monday!
Prompt 1:
I'm above holding grudges."
"Lucky for you, I'm not. Pass me the list."
Prompt 2:
I’m so sick of pretending like everything is okay.
To participate, remember to tag @rc-catalog , use the hashtag #rcmonday and follow our submission guidelines!
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rc-catalog · 3 months
Be respectful (racism, homophobia, slurs, or any type of phobia will not be tolerated while interacting with others on this blog and will result in immediate block). Treat other members with respect and report any instances of bullying/harassment to the mods by tagging @rc-catalog, @mikaelsrose, @secret-fungi, @adilqalbi, or via DM.
Constructive criticism is allowed and welcome, but please, remain respectful. Hate, bullying, and harassment aimed at the work, creator, or mods will not be tolerated. Harassment will result in a block.
Tag your works properly → for instructions, visit the submission guidelines. Proper labelling of your work will improve the mods' work greatly. The mods have the right to reject (and ask for correction) works which do not meet the guidelines.
NO AI. Works created by AI will not be included in the catalog and further actions will be taken against the creator sharing AI fanwork. The same rules apply to plagiarism.
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rc-catalog · 2 months
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Happy Motivation Monday!
Prompt 1:
"it's not you, it's me." "I know I'm not the problem. But you're a problem I'm sure I could fix."
Prompt 2:
"You're going to have to take care of yourself." "Then what would you do?"
To participate, remember to tag @rc-catalog, use the hashtag #rcmonday, and follow the submission guidelines!
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