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repeatbacktome · 6 months ago
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RBTM Miku !!
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the-book-wyverns-lair · 6 months ago
🐈‍⬛ Married to the Mafia (De Salvo Family book four)
Rose Wulf
╰┈➤ Sept 14th
⚭ Mafia
⚭ Curvy, Sassy FMC
⚭ Tech Genius MMC
⚭ Office Romance
⚭ Marriage of Convenience
⚭ Touch Her & ☠️
⚭ Found Family
🐈‍⬛ As far as Brandi Richardson was concerned, ‘family’ was a four-letter word. All hers had ever done was hurt her. So when her father sent her to work for Mikey De Salvo as a mole, she accepted the better-paying job—but not the rest. Her refusal to play his game meant she would be paying the consequence of his disappointment sooner than later.
🐈‍⬛ At first, she was sure that was the explanation behind her new and highly dedicated stalker…but she was wrong.
🐈‍⬛ When her stalker stepped up his game, leaving her bleeding and beaten on her bedroom floor, Brandi realized she had little choice but to run before he came back for round two.
⚭ Mikey De Salvo was a busy man. Operating a multi-faceted security company and maintaining the digital backbone of a mafia empire was not for the weak, or the easily overwhelmed. The last thing he needed was one more distraction—even if she was as brilliant as she was beautiful. So he kept his suspicious, yet undeniably gifted employee at arm’s length and under watchful eye.
⚭ When she showed up covered in bruises, visibly terrified and planning to run, he knew he couldn’t let her.
⚭ So he made her a counter-offer. Marriage, and all the protection and power that came with the De Salvo name.
⚠️ TWs apply. For the sake of your mental health, please consult the full list on author’s website.
🐈‍⬛ Add to your TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/212395012
⚭ Start the series with book one: https://books2read.com/DeSalvo1-RbtM
#rosewulf #marriedtothemafia #desalvocrimefamily #romance #contemporaryromance #mafiaromance #mafiaromancebooks #darkromance #romanceseries #curvyfmc #morallygrey #touchheranddie #hefallsfirst #friendstolovers #darkromancereads #bookstagram #booktok #possessivebookboyfriends #preorder #comingsoon #coverreveal #romanticsuspense #foundfamily #mafia #booklover #darkromancereaders #hurtherandillhurtyou #readersofig #mafiaromancenovels @rose_wulf
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keynewssuriname · 9 months ago
RBT houdt politie verdachte aan met drugs
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Het Regio Bijstand Team Midden (RBTM) heeft, in samenwerking met een gemengd team van de politie, in de vroege ochtend van dinsdag 18 juni 2024 de 24-jarige verdachte D.J. aan de Nieuw Weergevondenweg aangehouden. De verdachte werd tijdens surveillance van het RBTM, op voornoemde weg gesignaleerd. Door zijn vreemd gedrag bij het zien van de politie werd hij door de wetsdienaren staande gehouden, waarna hij werd ondervraagd en onderworpen aan een veiligheidsfouillering. Bij die gelegenheid troffen de politieambtenaren een hoeveelheid verschillende drugssoorten op hem aan. De drugssoorten werden in beslag genomen en werd de verdachte ter voorgeleiding overgebracht naar het politiebureau Santodorp. Na overleg met het Openbaar Ministerie is de verdachte D.J. hangende het onderzoek door de politie in verzekering gesteld. Read the full article
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unicornsoft · 3 years ago
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11. Knight “Catwell Magnus, Cat Knight” #Geektober #Geektober21 #Inktober #Inktober21 #Inktoberchallenge #Catober #Cat #Knight #Ribbon #RBTM https://www.instagram.com/p/CU6oDlMMRWq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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repeatbacktome · 2 years ago
Discord Server
Hello everyone! We now have an official Discord Server! If you want to stay updated on new releases and chat with other RBTM fans, feel free to check it out!
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the-book-wyverns-lair · 6 months ago
🐈‍⬛ Married to the Mafia (De Salvo Family book four)
Rose Wulf
╰┈➤ Sept 14th
⚭ Mafia
⚭ Curvy, Sassy FMC
⚭ Tech Genius MMC
⚭ Office Romance
⚭ Marriage of Convenience
⚭ Touch Her & ☠️
⚭ Found Family
🐈‍⬛ As far as Brandi Richardson was concerned, ‘family’ was a four-letter word. All hers had ever done was hurt her. So when her father sent her to work for Mikey De Salvo as a mole, she accepted the better-paying job—but not the rest. Her refusal to play his game meant she would be paying the consequence of his disappointment sooner than later.
🐈‍⬛ At first, she was sure that was the explanation behind her new and highly dedicated stalker…but she was wrong.
🐈‍⬛ When her stalker stepped up his game, leaving her bleeding and beaten on her bedroom floor, Brandi realized she had little choice but to run before he came back for round two.
⚭ Mikey De Salvo was a busy man. Operating a multi-faceted security company and maintaining the digital backbone of a mafia empire was not for the weak, or the easily overwhelmed. The last thing he needed was one more distraction—even if she was as brilliant as she was beautiful. So he kept his suspicious, yet undeniably gifted employee at arm’s length and under watchful eye.
⚭ When she showed up covered in bruises, visibly terrified and planning to run, he knew he couldn’t let her.
⚭ So he made her a counter-offer. Marriage, and all the protection and power that came with the De Salvo name.
⚠️ TWs apply. For the sake of your mental health, please consult the full list on author’s website.
🐈‍⬛ Add to your TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/212395012
⚭ Start the series with book one: https://books2read.com/DeSalvo1-RbtM
#rosewulf #marriedtothemafia #desalvocrimefamily #romance #contemporaryromance #mafiaromance #mafiaromancebooks #darkromance #romanceseries #curvyfmc #morallygrey #touchheranddie #hefallsfirst #friendstolovers #darkromancereads #bookstagram #booktok #possessivebookboyfriends #preorder #comingsoon #coverreveal #romanticsuspense #foundfamily #mafia #booklover #darkromancereaders #hurtherandillhurtyou #readersofig #mafiaromancenovels
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keynewssuriname · 10 months ago
Aircodief in de kraag gevat
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De 42-jarige verdachte G.B. die woonachtig is in de omgeving van de Tarboedjweg in het ressort Wanica is vorige week donderdag door het Regio Bijstand Team Midden (RBTM) aangehouden. G.B. wordt ervan verdacht in de maand april 2024 een split unit airco op een adres aan de Rathaweg te hebben weggenomen. De benadeelde A.H. (43) deed van deze diefstal aangifte op het politiebureau Livorno. De aangever zei dat hij kapper van beroep is en is vanwege verhuizing van zijn kapperszaak naar een ander adres gegaan. Hij zou de split unit airco ontkoppeld hebben en in de zaak opgeborgen en op een andere geschikte dag in zijn nieuwe zaak laten installeren. Toen hij de volgende dag terug ging, zag de aangever dat de hangsloten van de galvanische deur kapot waren geslagen en dat onbekenden de split unit airco hebben weggenomen. Tijdens het onderzoek van de politie kwam het voertuig waarmee het strafbare feit aan de Rathaweg is gepleegd, in beeld. Na onderzoek werd de verdachte door medewerkers van het RBTM aangehouden en ter voorgeleiding overgebracht naar het voornoemde bureau. Na afstemming met het Openbaar Ministerie is de verdachte G.B. hangende het onderzoek door de politie in verzekering gesteld. Read the full article
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unicornsoft · 3 years ago
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14. Super Hero “Pawlander, Cat Superhero. Guardian of Pawpolis” #Geektober #Geektober21 #Inktober #Inktober21 #Inktoberchallenge #Catober #Cat #Superhero #Pawlander #Pawpolis #Ribbon #RBTM https://www.instagram.com/p/CVCOjcCs_up/?utm_medium=tumblr
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surinam-unity · 7 years ago
Drie vast voor mishandeling Gow2-medewerkster
Het Regio Bijstand Team Paramaribo (RBTM) heeft vrijdag drie mannen aangehouden die worden verdacht van brute mishandeling van een medewerkster van een Gow2-pompstation. Het zijn Kelvin B. (34), Geon O. (20) en Randy V. (31). from DWTonline.com http://ift.tt/2AvMo6a
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the-book-wyverns-lair · 7 months ago
🐈‍⬛ Married to the Mafia (De Salvo Family book four)
Rose Wulf
╰┈➤ Sept 14th
⚭ Mafia
⚭ Curvy, Sassy FMC
⚭ Tech Genius MMC
⚭ Office Romance
⚭ Marriage of Convenience
⚭ Touch Her & ☠️
⚭ Found Family
🐈‍⬛ As far as Brandi Richardson was concerned, ‘family’ was a four-letter word. All hers had ever done was hurt her. So when her father sent her to work for Mikey De Salvo as a mole, she accepted the better-paying job—but not the rest. Her refusal to play his game meant she would be paying the consequence of his disappointment sooner than later.
🐈‍⬛ At first, she was sure that was the explanation behind her new and highly dedicated stalker…but she was wrong.
🐈‍⬛ When her stalker stepped up his game, leaving her bleeding and beaten on her bedroom floor, Brandi realized she had little choice but to run before he came back for round two.
⚭ Mikey De Salvo was a busy man. Operating a multi-faceted security company and maintaining the digital backbone of a mafia empire was not for the weak, or the easily overwhelmed. The last thing he needed was one more distraction—even if she was as brilliant as she was beautiful. So he kept his suspicious, yet undeniably gifted employee at arm’s length and under watchful eye.
⚭ When she showed up covered in bruises, visibly terrified and planning to run, he knew he couldn’t let her.
⚭ So he made her a counter-offer. Marriage, and all the protection and power that came with the De Salvo name.
⚠️ TWs apply. For the sake of your mental health, please consult the full list on author’s website.
🐈‍⬛ Add to your TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/212395012
⚭ Start the series with book one: https://books2read.com/DeSalvo1-RbtM
#rosewulf #marriedtothemafia #desalvocrimefamily #romance #contemporaryromance #mafiaromance #mafiaromancebooks #darkromance #romanceseries #curvyfmc #morallygrey #touchheranddie #hefallsfirst #friendstolovers #darkromancereads #bookstagram #booktok #possessivebookboyfriends #preorder #comingsoon #coverreveal #romanticsuspense #foundfamily #mafia #booklover #darkromancereaders #hurtherandillhurtyou #readersofig #mafiaromancenovels @rose_wulf
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keynewssuriname · 10 months ago
"Don" aangehouden voor gewapende overval arts
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"Don" aangehouden voor gewapende overval arts De afdeling Kapitale Delicten heeft met assistentie van het Regio Bijstand Team Midden (RBTM) de verdachte D.S. alias “Don” (34), die in de omgeving van de Lantanastraat woont, in de avond van vrijdag 19 april 2024 op zijn woonadres aangehouden. D.... lees meer op: Read the full article
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unicornsoft · 3 years ago
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12. Stone “Cat Gargoyle” #Geektober #Geektober21 #Inktober #Inktober21 #Inktoberchallenge #Catober #Cat #Stone #Gargoyle #Ribbon #RBTM https://www.instagram.com/p/CU_xfeZMGwX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shakaslive · 7 years ago
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💥SATURDAY💥🌙Reggae by the Moon 🌙 Nov 4th 💥 Adv general admission on sale $35 GRAB YOURS NOW! at shakaslive.com PRIICE WILL INCREASE! #shakaslive #shakas #virginiabeach #visitvabeach #reggae #reggaemusic #757music #hamptonroads #757 #rbtm #reggaebythemoon #vabeach (at Shaka's Live)
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the-book-wyverns-lair · 7 months ago
🐈‍⬛ Married to the Mafia (De Salvo Family book four)
Rose Wulf
╰┈➤ Sept 14th
⚭ Mafia
⚭ Curvy, Sassy FMC
⚭ Tech Genius MMC
⚭ Office Romance
⚭ Marriage of Convenience
⚭ Touch Her & ☠️
⚭ Found Family
🐈‍⬛ As far as Brandi Richardson was concerned, ‘family’ was a four-letter word. All hers had ever done was hurt her. So when her father sent her to work for Mikey De Salvo as a mole, she accepted the better-paying job—but not the rest. Her refusal to play his game meant she would be paying the consequence of his disappointment sooner than later.
🐈‍⬛ At first, she was sure that was the explanation behind her new and highly dedicated stalker…but she was wrong.
🐈‍⬛ When her stalker stepped up his game, leaving her bleeding and beaten on her bedroom floor, Brandi realized she had little choice but to run before he came back for round two.
⚭ Mikey De Salvo was a busy man. Operating a multi-faceted security company and maintaining the digital backbone of a mafia empire was not for the weak, or the easily overwhelmed. The last thing he needed was one more distraction—even if she was as brilliant as she was beautiful. So he kept his suspicious, yet undeniably gifted employee at arm’s length and under watchful eye.
⚭ When she showed up covered in bruises, visibly terrified and planning to run, he knew he couldn’t let her.
⚭ So he made her a counter-offer. Marriage, and all the protection and power that came with the De Salvo name.
⚠️ TWs apply. For the sake of your mental health, please consult the full list on author’s website.
🐈‍⬛ Add to your TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/212395012
⚭ Start the series with book one: https://books2read.com/DeSalvo1-RbtM
#rosewulf #marriedtothemafia #desalvocrimefamily #romance #contemporaryromance #mafiaromance #mafiaromancebooks #darkromance #romanceseries #curvyfmc #morallygrey #touchheranddie #hefallsfirst #friendstolovers #darkromancereads #bookstagram #booktok #possessivebookboyfriends #preorder #comingsoon #coverreveal #romanticsuspense #foundfamily #mafia #booklover #darkromancereaders #hurtherandillhurtyou #readersofig #mafiaromancenovels @rose_wulf
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the-book-wyverns-lair · 7 months ago
🐈‍⬛ Married to the Mafia (De Salvo Family book four)
Rose Wulf
╰┈➤ Sept 14th
⚭ Mafia
⚭ Curvy, Sassy FMC
⚭ Tech Genius MMC
⚭ Office Romance
⚭ Marriage of Convenience
⚭ Touch Her & ☠️
⚭ Found Family
🐈‍⬛ As far as Brandi Richardson was concerned, ‘family’ was a four-letter word. All hers had ever done was hurt her. So when her father sent her to work for Mikey De Salvo as a mole, she accepted the better-paying job—but not the rest. Her refusal to play his game meant she would be paying the consequence of his disappointment sooner than later.
🐈‍⬛ At first, she was sure that was the explanation behind her new and highly dedicated stalker…but she was wrong.
🐈‍⬛ When her stalker stepped up his game, leaving her bleeding and beaten on her bedroom floor, Brandi realized she had little choice but to run before he came back for round two.
⚭ Mikey De Salvo was a busy man. Operating a multi-faceted security company and maintaining the digital backbone of a mafia empire was not for the weak, or the easily overwhelmed. The last thing he needed was one more distraction—even if she was as brilliant as she was beautiful. So he kept his suspicious, yet undeniably gifted employee at arm’s length and under watchful eye.
⚭ When she showed up covered in bruises, visibly terrified and planning to run, he knew he couldn’t let her.
⚭ So he made her a counter-offer. Marriage, and all the protection and power that came with the De Salvo name.
⚠️ TWs apply. For the sake of your mental health, please consult the full list on author’s website.
🐈‍⬛ Add to your TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/212395012
⚭ Start the series with book one: https://books2read.com/DeSalvo1-RbtM
#rosewulf #marriedtothemafia #desalvocrimefamily #romance #contemporaryromance #mafiaromance #mafiaromancebooks #darkromance #romanceseries #curvyfmc #morallygrey #touchheranddie #hefallsfirst #friendstolovers #darkromancereads #bookstagram #booktok #possessivebookboyfriends #preorder #comingsoon #coverreveal #romanticsuspense #foundfamily #mafia #booklover #darkromancereaders #hurtherandillhurtyou #readersofig #mafiaromancenovels @rose_wulf
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the-book-wyverns-lair · 7 months ago
── ⋆⋅Assistant to the Mafia ⋅⋆ ──
by Rose Wulf
⌖ Mafia
⌖ Curvy & Strong FMC
⌖ Forbidden
⌖ Boss/Assistant
⌖ Bad Boy/Good Girl
⌖ Single Father
⌖ Touch Her & ☠️
⌖ Only Soft For His Girls
🌺 Grace Mariner, personal assistant for the CEO of DS Industries, has her life pretty well figured out. 𝘖𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦. Yet deep in her heart she knows that no amount of overtime will fill the void of loneliness waiting for her in her luxury apartment.
🌺 The problem? She’s thirty-years-old, overweight, works too much, and, oh yeah, she has a 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 on the company’s COO, Romeo De Salvo.
⌖Romeo De Salvo is more than a businessman. He’s the 𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘦 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘷𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢, and above everything, he’s a father. Letting outsiders close is not on his to-do list …𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣.
⌖So when the earthbound angel he’s been barred from pursuing calls him in the middle of the night, begging for help, he doesn’t hesitate.
⌖He may not have been allowed to bring Grace into their world of darkness, but if that world has come to her, 𝙝𝙚'𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙝𝙚𝙧.
TBR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/210784421
Start the series here:
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