#rb it for me pwease <3
daenystheedreamer · 1 year
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ship tier list ^_^ im sooo normal. also this is not a personal attack on anyones otp do not get pissy at me pwease ^_^ rb with your versions if u want <3 link here here here here here
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ratgingi · 2 years
pwetty pwease.....?
youre my: if i remember right you might be my first Main Dialtown Mutual ..... baller
how i met you: im pretty sure you reblogged like a bunch of my art and my brain exploded with happy chemical and one day i eventually got the balls to actually follow u back <3 one of the best desicions of my life
why i follow you: ur very silly and fun and i love seein u post . also shaking hand violently in norm and randy lover solidarity
your blog is: one of the reasons i come online tbh
your url is: one of my favs idk why . but you knew what u were doin with that
your icon is: a gay little fella ❤️ on brand as hell
a random fact i know about you: 1dolar
general opinion: id bite every federal agent on the planet for u if you asked and whenever i see you spam rb frm me i cheer like im watchin a horse race and my honse is winning /vpos
a random thought i have: i think if we sat together in a field and drew and made flowercrowns together itd fix me
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mizuban · 2 years
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▹    —————     ⁘    [    MIZUBAN    ]    .    ⤚⤚⤞    .    YUMEMIRU PEN CASE .  there are three pens that ayato has never placed inside it . one of them , slim ( &. ) well-crafted , is placed on his desk . it shows signs of some wear ( &. ) tear , but it writes well , ( &. ) is used for writing petitions . the second is stored in a drawer at the bottom , its fine tip having seen much loving use in the past when ayato was practicing calligraphy . its beginner - friendly nature also saw it borrowed quite often by thoma ( &. ) ayaka back in the day . as for the third , it is stored deep within a wooden cabinet used to store antiques , sealed within a silk bag . excellent of make ( &. ) design , it was presented to him by his mother during his adulthood ceremony . ( ac . )
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aliennopossumm · 3 years
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i'm tired of wanting more
i think im finally worn
@tscampfireau 's roman my beloved
alt versions under the cut!
rbs > likes
click for better quality!
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actuallyunreal · 2 years
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this is my favourite screenshot im losin it T_T
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cloneslugs · 5 years
actually while im here i just wanna say catra sucks like. just for real she kinda really sucks & is a bad person like i wouldnt even toe the line of actually calling her evil but she is a shitty friend !!!! and is just like not a good person and thats why she shouldnt have any like “successful” romantic relationships or anything rn bc like w/ scorpia its just one sided bc again she’s shitty and like w/ adora?? that would just be a mess & also adora is. obviously moving on better than her i think  & like? before she can have anything meaningful she needs to reevaluate herself or else its like ? i’d feel bad for the other party :/ as of now i dont like the idea of scorpia edning up w/ her bc like? even tho she’s horde too she’s like a good friend and cares about catra :)  
uhh i was gonna talk about more outside of romance but i forget everything @__@ 
i just think catra is really shitty & like obvs she’s ? like a villain and antagonistic character so thats like. yeah cool but she’s like ofc not irredeemable but regardless she’s my :) :) :) just bc i will continue my streak of liking complicatedly shitty characters bc thats my brand !!!! 
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butchfalin · 6 years
im throwin it under the cut but if anyone can offer some solid art advice that would be much appreciated
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ok so im working on this right ............ and im trying to figure out the bg and idk if this is a good basis or not? the writing on the wall is supposed to be graffiti of his name but actually that might be dumb and i might switch it for like .. ratty posters slightly to the left of him ? the circle is a trash bag and the line is the end of the wall (idk if its? too unclear so) but is this Anything. idk
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owlturd-remade · 7 years
is it promo hour? someone add a picture im on mobile...  im angel and this time tomorrow ill be in las vegas with my entire family.  
1 reblog = 1 prayer
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vamplified · 3 years
Yo my name’s Rhi, Bees, or Toad. Any  of those work. They/them pwease. 20 babey!!! You might know me from my splatoon sideblog. I’m currently going to school for zoology, and I like to draw really niche content. Yeehaw!
I also often stream art and/or games! You can see if I’m actively streaming things here or on my twitch. I don’t really plan anything in advance because it’s mostly informal dicking around, im not a professional or anything. I just like 2 have fun babey
There’s going to be a lot of gore, eye stain, and potential body horror galore cus I love that shit. It’s all definitely tagged tho so make sure you have a blacklist installed if you dont wanna see it ((general tags are used, like #gore, #blood, etc)). If you need anything tagged lmk!
My main blog is @rhi-draws-things, my art blog is @bees-draws. I post cotnd/coh art here but RB all my nice stuff to my art blog!
DNI if you’re an asshole. This includes if you’re: homophobic, transphobic, a nazi, antisemitic, racist, pro-cop, support incest/underage, “map”, support pewdiepie/shitty people, and all that bullshit I don’t feel like typing out. If you’re a freak get out dude you know who you are, and if you have any questions, you’re free to ask. I support pan, bi, and trans people, if you don’t, get the hell outta here!!!!
YES I have AUs. NO I don’t talk about them cus I’m scared of social judgement. We exist. If you send me asks abt anything ill love you forever
Anyway, onto some more FAQs!
Will you draw _______ for me? Maybe? It depends! Simple requests or funny asks might get doodles, but theres no guarantee I’ll do it, or what you want. If it involves OCs or something a bit more specific, commissions are almost always open!
Can I use your headcanons / draw in your style? Fuck yeah go nuts dudes!!! Also if you do I’d love to see it. I dont get pings so DM me things if you want me to see it
You drew vent art / something I might think is personal… is it OK to reblog this? Yes!!! I never post any art (or post at all) unless I want or expect it to be reblogged. All of my art, even vent art, is 100% fine to be reblogged.
Is it ok if I tag your art as me / kin / etc? Hell yeah, go ahead! The only time I don’t want you tagging something as kin is if its a commission of somebody’s OC; as that is not my call to make. Anything else I draw is ok to tag as kin <3
I sent you an ask, but you haven’t answered it :( Sorry!!! Sometimes i really don’t have the energy to answer asks in as much detail or with as much art as I’d like to, so I tend to hoard them until I feel like I can properly answer them! I will most likely get to it, though I will admit it might take a while because I get a lot of asks. I only ever delete asks if they’re really weird, repetitive, or I’ve answered one just like it recently.
My question isn’t answered here! Good thing I have an ask box! :D
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baybeeralsei · 5 years
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hewwo everyone!!!! i decided to open commissions mainly cuz i,,do not have the most money and i need to save up 4 things like college, more drawing equipment, etc etc + it’s almost christmas time and my friends/family will crucify them if i dont get them anything haha ((sweats))
ignore how all the examples r ouma im in a phase
for payment I prefer venmo cuz its easier for me to get the money but I understand that its not very professional so paypal is cool too lol
if ur interested feel free to dm me!!!! (not to my ask box pwease) 
even if ur not interested in buying them, rbing will help a ton!!!!
more info/tos under the cut!!!
if u don't wanna dm me emailing me is totally cool too ([email protected]
like I said before paypal is fine to use, but venmo is much easier for me for a variety of reasons (partially bc im a minor and its rly hard to even make an account haha)
things i wont draw:
extreme NSFW (including gore, im a minor & don’t feel comfy with that)
art thats being disrespectful/hating on someone (thats rude!! dont do that!!!)
anything considered offensive (like racism n stuff)
anything with on*sion. sorry for being super specific but like. he creeps me out. ew.
mecha type stuff (robots like kiibo and mettaton are fine!! if theyre humanoid ill probably draw them but not straight up mecha)
things i will draw!!:
original characters (please provide a clear reference!!)
mild nsfw (slight ecchi and mild gore are fine!!)
most other things lol (please hit up my ask box if u have any questions!!)
if ur commissioning me heres preeetty much what ur agreeing too:
 until im paid, i will not start a commission.
 i try not to take too long, but comms can take from about 3 days to about 2 months. please dm me if it takes any longer than that!!!
comms will be uploaded on @webzcomm cuz this is a deltarune focused blog lol
 any small mistakes can be fixed!!
 if ur not happy with it, i can redo it free of charge but there are no refunds
please use usd!!!
my do’s/dont’s are non-negotiable, however if you have any questions lmk just dont argue w/ me abt it
 ill rb this post if they close, but as of 12/8/19 theyre open!!
my ask box should be open by the time i upload this so feel free to ask any questions!!!!
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amazignphil · 6 years
raf congrats!! can i get a blogratussy
Url:  Oo nice || I love this omg! || CAN I STEAL THIS FROM YOU HOLY- || H O W DID YOU EVEN GET THAT?! ||
Blog/Posts: Ooof good shit :D || Not really my thing awww :(( || The things you rb oooff kill me || CAN I STEAL YOUR BLOG? || S E N P A I
Mobile theme: aww cute! || I love the colors! || gREAT AESTHETICS!! || I want this uwu || That is just… gimme your blog thanks v much
Desktop theme: me likey || The layout… is amazing(phil. subscribe)|| I LOVE LOVE LOVE. || Move out Dan, there’s a new guy in the graphics lane
Overall: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10
Comments: MARENA!!! AHHHHH I LOVE YOUUU. THANK YOU SM ;-; YOU’RE SO NICE ;-; literal senpai/blog goals. Bless me pwease. 
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hwanhee · 4 years
I wanna know what the last straw was for the popular wooseok blog who unfollowed me
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